Undercover Boss - Wok Box S4 E10 (Canadian TV series)

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this week on Undercover Boss Canada stir fried giant wok boxes fighting for survival man what reeks back here to figure out how to fix his franchise boss Blair Stephens is about to be thrown into the fire and if he can keep his cool that's disgusting at the end of the week you're Blair they'll be big changes for everyone I'm speechless I don't know what with the world economy in a fragile state top corporations must adapt to survive the bosses of some of Canada's biggest companies are about to take extreme action [Music] to stay ahead of the game they're going undercover in their own organizations walk box is about to celebrate its tenth anniversary with 48 locations they serve over a million noodle boxes Iggy co-founder Blaire Stevens started the business when he was just 20 years old I knew school wasn't for me so I decided to take a different path and I told my dad he encouraged me to get into the workforce and I wanted to pursue business he incursian and said he would support me fully my dad was an entrepreneur he didn't finish his high school and he was fairly successful in business and so a lot what I've done today is a reflection of him my dad is my mentor I had no experience in the food industry and I had these two friends we sit around and think oh how cool it would be to serve Asian food out of this box you see out of the movies one thing led to another and we opened our first store in downtown Edmonton looking back at it pretty crazy to think that here's a couple young white guys that are full fledged ahead and wanting to launch an Asian restaurant probably not the best idea of the time because I had lots to learn the first step to opening were just coming down to hard work and long hours it was hard seeing my friends out partying and there I was working 12 16-hour days but you know what can you do walk walks initially was here to be a high-energy quick-service restaurant we have a lineup of walks flames are flying serving dishes from all across the globe we wanted to be the opposite of a mom pav restaurant we didn't know what to expect when he open her doors and three days later we had a lineup down the street we knew right away that we had something special but some things are too good to be true over the next few years we were expanding at the speed of light we expanded coast-to-coast we had almost 70 stores but we had some hiccups we expanded way too quickly and we ended up having close 15 stores closing a franchise crushes our brand it's devastating expanding this quickly had an internal affect also you know they already had some disagreements among shareholders and there was some conflict within our own head office what pissed me off about the situation was you know that I lost a couple good friends over this at that point I decided to you know step away and become a silent partner there were times where I was sitting on the sidelines watching this and I didn't have a good feeling about where things were headed you know I was worried about if if wok box would even survive two years later Blair returned to finish the business he started I came back we started at the ground level we cleaned house I guess you could say I know that we lost the trust of our franchise partners and we want to get it back over the past two years every penny that we brought in we put it back into the business hello my work life it's hard to balance I'm out in Vancouver I'm in my car on the plane Harlen I have three kids and do work out a home quite often are you doing kids are going kids are coming then to make sure that my office store is shot without having three kids pulling on it it's difficult this is like what 50 we really don't have corporate offices or a big executive team hello we're on the road we meet up in strange cities Lawrence hey yeah I'm always at work and it's important that a franchisees know that you know that we're not sitting in a big corporate palace it's a busy lifestyle but we're determined to get this company back on track and where it needs to be but can the boss keep this secret some of the challenges for Blair will be that he is very direct if Fleur sees something he doesn't like it's gonna be really tough for him to bite his tongue as part of his disguise Blair's grown a beard you know I'm known for losing my cool oh I get angry I think the challenge will be finding things that he doesn't like seeing I think he'll have a hard time biting it's time it's gonna be difficult going into the situation where I can't express my true thoughts I am nervous while I'm undercover I'll be calling myself Kris wills I'm gonna tell everyone I'm a lifetime student from Victoria BC and I've never worked a day in the real world [Music] we're yellow he looks so different the hair the earrings as soon as you get back that goatee is gone guys I'm going undercover time to get bugs now is a critical time for me to go undercover we are expanding and this time I want to make sure things are done right I'm going to be traveling for five days across four provinces see you Lawrence yeah yeah I can't imagine what its gonna feel like but going undercover is a great step for walk box's future its Blair his first day on the job and a good be his last it's a two-pronged attack even really be yesterday Blair Stevens was at the top of the food chain at walk box but now he's just an average Joe pretending to be a student he's about to start his first day in a brand new job the crack of dawn gonna feel like a zombie today back to the day our stores made to all their sauces in-house which created a inconsistency so we decided to open a manufacturing facility wok box manufactures their own sauces and this facility ships three hundred thousand liters across the country each year I don't know about this I think I might get busted instantly you know everyone in the manufacturing plant has seen my face many times I hope this disguise works I don't know good morning guy millennia Chris I will have to have you take your watch and your necklace off I was worried that she's gonna sculpt me out immediately so we really didn't have too much eye contact okay what we are going to do is take our sauce I just dumped it on the table and we put them in tents and then I just fold them down like that so now you can come on to this side here and then you can start doing it we have to do oh you have a lot of cooler oh I gotcha you missed one I missed one that's why it's so important just to grab for it it's fine oh you missed you and then don't forget labels - all right okay labels ten per box wouldn't usually get breaks at lunchtime that's the only Greek we get I never really had a job before Oh what did you do with the labels look at them oh they fell on the ground oh you better get going cuz we got a time limit all right oh no oh look at you we got a long day ahead of us all you must get busy going oh yeah she's got to be 50 buckets that are just absolutely disgusting some really really sweet okay here you can wear an apron now push that through and pull down the handle so you just go how many buckets portray one basket are Detroit one bucket litter yeah because this dishwashers go slow we can't do much with it you need to figure this loss and would make our life be easier what not one thing that really pissed me off is that we have this little dishwasher to take on one bucket at a time it takes how long to do one we're gonna be here all day there we just the dishes for the day know there will be more later completely inefficient it's killing me so what we're gonna do is we're gonna look and see what we need okay we got to make 12 all right so you have any kids I do I have two kids I have an 18 year old your and a nine year old well that's quite the job yep do you have any kids yeah I have three children oh yeah three children yeah my girlfriend's working a lot hours Oh your girlfriend oh man depend on their girlfriends crash okay and that's going to Ontario and then we can take the pallet jack and you can push it into the corner over there flash push don't hit anything whoa there you go well we're on finally on break are you happy now or are you I'm exhausted Wow oh yeah it was gonna be a very hard day yeah so how did you go home being all tired and then you got to deal with the eight year old um he's not actually around right now oh he's no he's um somebody else is taking care of them right now Oh for a little bit and then on the weekends I go get him okay that's but normally I don't normally I have them but right now I've just got somebody else looking after him informed me for now yeah so I get him on the weekends and we go camping or we go fishing or we go to the park or do you know I seen all the good qualities that you have assumed you were like you really enjoy working here oh yeah I just come in and do whatever I need to do and get it done and then I trying to make it a better life for me and my son yeah so fair enough millennia she's a hard-working soul she's a true Canadian you know she has a lot of issues in her personal life but she wipes out off her face and comes to work with a smile every single day thank you for the day enjoy that it's been a long day we're up at 5 in the morning and now we're gonna hop in a car and race to the airport to catch a flight salt how am I feeling tire and getting a little grumpy this location that we're going to today that's a very busy area I used to do this back in the day you know over and over but guy haven't been behind that kitchen for years it's day two and Blair's landed in Edmonton I've never worked in a restaurant before I walk in and immediately I got tossed right into the middle of a minefield it's just chaos so I'm Alfie I'm nice too much I have a girlfriend come on let's go driving oh right of course there gets tagged elfin Jamar I think they can beat me there's no way later use in for another bring them up here leave them right here it lifts that you got double the muscles I do but you're working half as fast yesterday Blair Stephens was the head of the pack of wok box Oh missed you now he's just packing boxes so I'm really a bit confused you've been studying whole life no job so we staying with your family what yeah we say with my girlfriend's family what boy your your guy right you're supposed to provide something or my girlfriend works long hours come on man I don't know I grew up different way around right so you just go to school or school that's it yeah oh man I was jealous oh here I don't know jealous you know worried that one day she might be started she wants something or someone or somebody else yeah so against girlfriend I know because I've been here right I've been here will be three years that I before I came here I got a girlfriend before so last year I I went home for vacation to supposed to get married but I just found out the girl just cheated on me so she cheated oh yeah so that's why is that I don't like girls want AI girls but uh you can trust them right it's just that's what I'm saying I'm giving everything she wants then she screwed up that's tough oh yeah I'm sorry hear that sometimes it happens to married people right so I still can't find you what right there's gotta be some gutter fish in the sea that I know I know so what is your goal right now become permanent residence that's it's number one on the list yeah then maybe a right girl to start my own family so you're gonna work at the wok box for a while oh for sure maybe if I get a more incident card I still want to stay there they're my family right now we're here at the football game happening down the way there's Emmett's and Eskimos Gonzaga Stampeders no they both they both loads of people are parking and walking to the stadium and we know if we can get people to try our product that they'll find a location to sit down and have a full meal are you guys both from the Philippines yep same area nope nope so now you're trying to get your permanent residence does that work I need to take valium right step by step and do you want to stay in Canada yes definitely everybody's equal you can we can reach what you want you can have what you want especially to work hard for these two Filipino fellows that are trying to get in Canada as a permitted of residence there's a lot of costs involved and I couldn't imagine I have to work so hard you know for really just having a Canadian status so we're gonna have a contest on who can give the most food away or away yeah we're gonna see you can give away the most boxes in water my secret weapon well I gotta go after the females for sure the games about to start and so too is the competition we get a butter chicken attempted rice and I think of a cashew with noodles three wok box [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you whoa ASCII is okay everyone thank for and now Homer plan first go in okay let's go all right give me one sec there you go nothing Jamar I think they can beat me there's no one car give all my first there that's why nothing yeah for sure okay I'll bring you some Filipino food that's why I wondering why is it what box they serving Asian food but they don't have a Filipino food they don't have a did you make this yes how's it taystee he was fantastic thanks man this is something that I'm gonna address with head office and figure out why do you enjoy cooking then yeah when my childhood would make that passed away my mom told me Jomar start cooking because you're only one here so it's only me I'm the one who insured for the future so you're the cook in the family yep that's how I obviously you you bond with your mother yeah all the time so how old were you when your father passed away Oh HR said I must have been tough they'll be tough you need to be brave for our family right no the end of the day I had a blast with these two guys their personalities are topknot we were fortunate to have alfie and Jamar you know I wish I could duplicate them and put them in each store across the country coming up the boss goes back to basic train well this is dirty right Saul was it there excellent I appreciate it good it was still dirty and later is it too much to handle it's day three of boss Blair's undercover surveillance of his company walk box I'm already tired we didn't get to the hotel till that's all this is goatee is gross my patience is low there's a good chance the store might bring out the worst of me this location has had some problems in the past head office has been involved and I want to see if they're actually taking these recommendations and then [Music] I'm Paula nice to meet you Chris because you're gonna help me out today right thanks very good thanks for coming are you ready to go I am okay what I want to do yep you see this stack right here yes bring them up here please leave them right here it's got to be nice and straight all the way in the fifth okay you're strong right yeah somewhat good good lift that you see that space there yeah okay turn this whole fist don't the other way there you go good right you got double the muscles I do but you're working half this fast okay I'll speed it up sorry about that I arrived here didn't know what to expect Paul posed me right into the fire he started bossing me around are you done I'll give you another 30 seconds okay Paul is a manager yeah he's writing me but that's what I want to see you know that's that's what creates a good manager does this have benefit it's not gonna fit right you gotta put it sideways you're not thinking as we're going right how come this one's not working I don't know okay well neither do I so can you break that one too don't let it fall on your hand a and you can come back in when you're done please driver hey she's a little intense for myself that's cool let's run I don't want you to waste your time and go table to table have a quick look okay sure he is on my ass there's no doubt about it I gotta speed things up dirty always it doing excellent I appreciate it good they won't still dirty I'm a micromanager I watch over everything I know it's your first time it's way too slow you got to really practice speed it up turn your heat down a bit hitting your Xul's hopefully use the rags use a ricer a professor just drop them in there okay try your best not to make you question at this point when you sole new it's not really about this skill level it's about as will level 86 so it's lunches what time is it you've been here not even now you're thinking about eating lunch already are you gonna say thank you thank you have a good day all right so this is going to the nursing home this is a big catering order we've prepped for earlier okay let's go we're gonna take those outside and away we go all right are there any other stores in there tonight such a good business it would be but there's a right way and wrong way to do things right before you start focusing on the actual delivery system you've got to focus on the end product there's things that we can definitely improve on our food actually to be honest if you ask me once it's a little delivered it's not as fresh as like any food that our seems to really the quality seems to really go down I don't know exactly why that is the type of box or yeah it could be the box or there's too much sauce whatever it could be a few different things and from the standpoint of a customer the food is shrunk the food has gotten dry so where's the value for the customer a lot of the times when we express that to that office we might hear something along the lines of no one's ever complained to us or we haven't heard of any of that before even if you don't hear that from your customers the biggest way the customer can tell you that is by not calling you back for another delivery the valid boy I could see the containers kind of breaking down after time with the war product within and that's something we're gonna have to take a look at all right so you can take both of them for sure I uh work from the lock box and we have an order for you guys that this box is kind of ring up into there that's that that's the thing that's it yeah all right of course it has to rain when we do this no [Music] you know what I'm a boring guy my friend yeah I like cars I like sports what most guys like big New York Yankees fan TRAI have you been to New York before no never no ever love to go out here to place are we going watch box delivery thanks for your order Thanks okay that's it thank you so much for coming supplies are here I appreciate your life you really helped out today and anytime you want to come back I appreciate all right take care of yourself all right use your buttocks [Music] coming up it's Blair's fourth day on the job and he's losing if you were late today and later a jaw-dropping revelation he didn't work with crispy you worked with me Wow Blair Stephens has gone from being at the top of the bunch to delivering lunch wash box delivery and life on the road is taking its toll I'm in Winnipeg driving around first time no idea where I'm going where are we going this is hilarious Oh his roads are just hello hi hi Chris yes how are you not too bad how about you I'm fantastic are you ready to work it man you ready to work yes and refuel late today I love to keep the stokke what I do usually I bleach everything even my containers the floor and if I feel like me I want you to come on a cleaning day I'm a clean freak so make sure everything nicely cleaned away all right quarter to 11:00 we have to be ready the thing about manju the first thing I picked up on is is the detail of her cleaning make sure you wipe everything and you forget Olivia I thought I was doing an okay job but she corrected me three or four different times [Music] if it's not her way it's a highway get the sanitizer bottles were playing the tape okay I'm late today I make sure this is like clean you'll see your face in that I'll do it please I don't want you to burn let me I'm incident get in there sorry cowboy it's gonna boil any minute now okay I've clean many deep fryers in my lifetime but she's like be extra careful and you know it's hot well that is hot Jamie that's something you can't see the flame coming out to have no more hair on my knuckles you wanna do it no no no no I'm capable of doing it and he burned his finger Katie you are no fun destroyed while the rest of the staff opened for business Manju begins her daily food preps we prep every day we have a global cool Monday Robo cool it doesn't do the job they want us to part Julia so this is a spec at office this doesn't work we do Robo cool so Robo coupe doesn't get that spec I'll scratch my head there a little bit you know here we recommend using the roll ball give it a spec but it's impossible obtain that spec using the Robo so something we're gonna have to look at so how long does it take to make a dish I heard like they're gonna come up with a program like if you don't serve customers within seven minutes they're gonna get $7 back I brought up the question about a little ticket times we're trying to introduce a program called triple seven seven minutes if it is steady day yeah you can do it we tried to go as fast as we can I don't know how we gonna do that head office is trying to tell you to do it in seven minutes you should be wanting them to come down and show you how to possibly do it because it's easy to see how to do it you know this is some news that we maybe have to look into a little bit further hot both ends when you peel the outer layer not only I'm trying to brace well you'll be okay all together when did you move to Canada children I have one kid and I have two of my nieces living with me for your parents very dad passed away two years ago and my mom passed away when I was little do you have family back in Shanghai all my sisters IV I have full sisters back home when's the last time you all got together gosh yeah about four years ago four years ago yeah the outside girls in my family no brothers sure that was a loud room so glad you think about the singer poke a shoe so you and your sisters get along oh go see really yeah so your dad was raised you your sisters so the new one you lost him my dad was here then he passed away two years ago his anniversary was August 27 so when we were little my mom passed away right so you have to be strong because you're kind of you're on your own like you know so when my dad passed away I'm the only child here it all happened like at once it's like he had a heart attack early in the morning I have to get everything done right there's no support for me no one is here for me I'm always been a like pretty tough character like nobody can put me down even wrong even though I'm litter you know we're lucky to have Manju on our team there's no doubt about that some things that you know I took away from today that I can go back to the office and you know and discuss so thank you please thank you for coming nice to meet you so next time in your job is the hardest part about this whole experience is you know just not being myself I'm not a big fan of this mr. wills you know I got a goatee which if I can't even look myself in the mirror it disgusts me I have full of energy 24/7 you know environment but when you're suddenly an undercover situation it's mind-boggling exhausting it truly is and you know I'm I'm almost tired of beating Chris wills oh my god Blair finally loses his cool I don't know how anybody's working back there's disgusting and has a dramatic breakdown I'm just sick of wearing these earrings so far Blair has talked the talk you don't have experience why I've been stood in my entire life and walk and he's about to face his final and most challenging day on the job fortunate enough to be here in Regina Saskatchewan the only thing I know about Regina is that we have two stores and they got the Rough Riders Roly as good as our staff members so as the prairies are booming the issue that the stores are having or just finding good stuff hey how's it going Chris Chris Wells Shawn Shawn you want to come around and see what it's like yeah just what I wanted to do is squirt some oil in their art that's probably good hang it up don't you draw your chicken in first [Music] well everything was nice and dandy to initially things were going great we try to keep this counter clean of dishes until I walked on the corner and almost instantly just look cute man what reeks back here I was pulling the grease trap we need to get a new one you work back here you need a mask apparently they're quite pricey so I don't know do you just deal with him can we work out front all day yeah that's what we're doing all right yeah well what seems to be the problem is there the grease trap is plugged which is just backing up how long it's been occuring I have no idea that's disgusting I just can't believe what I seen to be quite honest hey Lars I'm sitting down at the Regina self location I walked into the back there's grease trap has exploded and I don't know how anybody's working back there's disgusting there's a couple reasons you know why this is dangerous and number one the Health Board if they walked in we could be immediately shut down yeah we just need to call somebody right away to get them down here second of all our staff are working in it you know here it's almost impossible to find good staff and then we throw them in that environment we have no hope if that's the case yeah we are customers here I'll get you take an order hey how you doing sorry it's my first day here if you just show me where the fireball combo is okay so this one asked him a colossal er seems like your receipt today all right so the Mongolian ISM the noodle boxes the great thing about Shawn is he loves to create you know what kind of an act I guess behind the counter open kitchen you're gonna get sometimes I do stuff like this I'm like Oh check this out I'm questioning some of these tactics and cooking the starting fire and span for that over top of the law yeah spank it Shawn you know I don't know what's gonna come out of his mouth next well what the hell means a little quirky but you can tell that he's carrying and hard-working you know there's let's create energy so once you go to school for like you just get a full secondary er yeah I've taken some classes making me hungry I was always trying to fit in and stuff and I just lost interest in school have a good good job Chris good job man thanks didn't screw up too much I didn't screw up too much so you haven't had a boss yet nope I'm just trying to figure out what I'm gonna do with myself okay ditto yeah you don't have your high school you try to get a couple classes tackled mmm no he's gay but who really concentrated more on the social aspect because of moving around so much when I was a kid I was born in Regina my parents got a divorce when I was seven it's my dad's like crazy alcoholic he's doing really good now though and yeah I just moved around like BC and Alberta a bunch after your parents divorced mm-hmm for the first year or so like when when my mom split up with my dad we you know she was she was working a feed like two kids right and so we didn't end up having like tons of groceries and stuff so we just like make random food items from scratch like she got like flour and she'd roll up these dough balls and just throw him in like in like a pot of hot water if she boiled that wood and we'd eat those with ketchup Oh for real yeah yeah no it's it's heartbreaking to hear some of the stories and why people have to go through since I came back to read jhana I got kinda in some trouble I was put on I was put on house arrest for like three months I kind of like got into drugs and stuff I wasn't like hooked on the drugs right it's just when I was on them I was making really dumb decisions yeah so what snapped yell out of it through all the hard times of that you know I've always had music to fall down to so music has kept me sane I kind of want to put together an album you know I can just handle it around town or I need some I need some new equipment for that my computer's not too good no no if I could have more discipline in my life than I know things would be better yeah you know I I came here today to be quite honest my friend this is really hit home I'm actually a co-founder and partner of wok mops and your story my friend is just remarkable it truly has you know I started I hated school I worked off my ass I got in wrong with I got in the wrong group there's no doubt about it I just stayed focused and I just worked really hard and that's where it's got me today no I got zero schooling don't need school you know that just need a good personality which you have that's crazy this is crazy right I'm just sick of wearing these earrings too and I actually don't have a goatee it seemed like me and Chris you know how to long calm or Blair rather buddy I didn't think I'm it's just crazy that someone would even feel that much emotion for my story you know like it makes me feel kind of special you know how can you lie to someone who's coming out opening their heart personally like I just I couldn't do it I couldn't lie anymore coming up Linnea Paul Manju Sean and Althea and Jamar are summoned to meet with the boss it was something in store for you Blair Stephens week of working in disguise is over so Linnea Paul Manju Sean and Alfie and Jamar have been called to a special meeting they're anxious to find out why you worked with a fellow named Chris last week yes how did you do my first choice Oh know it I think maybe he's a little bit cocky cocky yeah really pop you got a beard yeah earrings I just want to let you know that you didn't work with Chris you worked with me seriously Wow my name is Blaire Stevens I'm the co-founder and partner of lockbox oh my god you're Blair you don't get different yeah how you doing pretty good one of the parts of the you know my visit there's your your story really moved you you know you've been through some hard times there's no question about that right hmm you told me that you need guidance for the future you know and yeah I want to be that person to reach out if there's you know anything you need I want to be there to help you all right you also told me if there's one thing that you could do would be to play music no you know so I'm gonna do my best to kick-start that you know what I mean I feel sick yeah you know and I want to buy you a computer with you know recording software holy thank you and and once you get that organized and everything else I want to send you to a recording studio that would be awesome you know but the only thing is that you got to keep you together Yeah right for sure you could have stopped me and get your stuff together I see a future for you and I want to be there to help you know and I know this is a huge opportunity for me and like I've never had anything like this in my life before I'm not going away right so and I'm not ready to be disappointed either all right all right I won't disappoint you I can't believe that I'm like a I'm at such a loss for words the fact that Chris wants to be a part of my journey is awesome Linnea the first thing you did you started drilling me but I probably wasn't as smooth as you wanted me to be risen I cracked nobody's perfect or they come into a job the dishwasher is ridiculously small I'm gonna tell you my top priority is to get a bigger dishwasher well thank you and make your job easier yes and what maker Drive is so easy but you know that's not all that's not all you know you play an important role for the operation of our manufacturing plant but I want to reward you I want to give you a bonus Wow and and I want to give everybody that work with you a bonus as well Wow I think that would be great and I want to create a special day for you a mother and a son day I'll cover all the costs and you tell me what you want to do with your son and all expenses paid Wow I don't know what to say thank you holy smokes that makes me really proud that I came into a company and they really appreciate me for the hard work that I do right off the bat that you brought to my attention is it's the down box yeah you're readable the quality at the end of the day right right we're gonna be looking at and I you know finding insulated container making it was something else I want to do for you who is your favorite Yankee Derek Jeter Derek Jeter right you know one thing I want to do is fly you and your girlfriend out to New York watch Derek play all expenses honest absolutely it feels amazing I you don't know how excited I am I haven't had a gift like that in a while you worked me like a dog thank and there's tons of things that I learned we got to figure out a solution to those onions you know how can we have a piece of equipment that don't even cut it to spec it's true so either we have to change our spec or look for the ultimate onion cutting machine oh I'm gonna make that happen so I'm gonna get probably a little motion here because you know our chats especially you know the story that you've gone through with losing your mother a young age and you know having your father there today it's a phrase you your sisters you know I couldn't imagine what you guys went through I really couldn't and I understand that your father senator sweets is coming up so I want to fly you to Sri Lanka to visit your sisters and then I'm also gonna cover your salary while you're gone I'm so happy like it's a good lesson for my kids to work hard you know one day somebody gonna notice you he's a good guy he got a good heart well your legs are shaking good it was amazing to work with you we had a blast together right there are a couple things that I learned from you guys we don't even have a Filipino dish on our menu yeah let's get you guys's help on developing a dish for walk box thank is it so we were gonna work on that together yeah okay you know there's something else you're having issues with your immigration you're working your ass off you're saving your money you want to be a part of this country yes so I'm gonna help you with her with your guys's legal costs I'm I'm trying to get your land and immigration it's really hard to save that money but it's a big help yeah I want to be here to help you guys ain't no question about it you know you working in your work you work hard too we just may be lucky the future is much brighter I still gotta live it because you may not stop smiling [Laughter] going undercover I had no idea what to expect then of the day I truly believe that this experience is gonna make me a better boss [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Reality
Views: 979,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Undercover Boss Full Episode
Id: qoNyrEI9gQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 54sec (2694 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2014
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