Christian , Masterchef ( Best Moments ) II

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the final amateur cook is counting on his hometown flavors to snag him an apron yes my name's Christian cons of Worcester Massachusetts and I'm a stay-at-home dad you are invited to cook your signature dish for the judges master chef in LA I have a nine-year-old son a whole 11 month old little girl her name's Adalia and one on the way I've had some ups and downs in my life I worked in restaurants going up for a little while typical dishwasher I kind of veered off of that just being a teenager is figuring out life doing drugs kind of hit rock bottom closing around for my son gets to a point where you wake up one day realize that that wasn't the man that wanted to be I miss I was about three and a half when I turned my life around and came back got custody of them and then realized this was my passion came back to it that's lobster I had to fight through a lot of things in my life and I'm gonna fight through this competition or win it because it's gonna change my life [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys doing today good Harry good very good great fun buddy I'm from Gloucester Massachusetts oldest fishing port in the country boy are you cooking it's basically a cioppino I like to call it a shipwreck see stew for my son what's the secret behind this you start with a little onion and pepper some white wine garlic tomatoes clam juice bit of a food came from we're cooking for my son you feed this to the kids yes let's go [Music] so let's hope the shipwrecks do is not your culinary Titanic [Music] you're very nervous I've never wanted anything more in my life [Music] that is like you it's intense and it's packed full of flavor good job thank you pretty good job thank you very much delicious thank you it's very tough to pull that off thank you very much Wow the dish is more confident than you are you should sing like that dish things sure for me definitely yes that's the kind of dish that wins competitions like this one okay yeah I think that the dish speaks for itself for me I'm a yes put this on go out and intimidate them all right good job don't loose down bro I will not well done thank you very much yes so I dive in that product this is amazing absolutely spot-on [Music] [Applause] they could wind up a little cup this is my dream and it's happening okay Tracy was a good cook I don't think she has as much food knowledge as I do I think what's ridiculous hi I liked it and that's where you kind of hit a wall sometimes with some of these people I'm not telling you because I have this idea telling you this because I know this for a fact call your new little roasted corn a little bit of onion and put that underneath the scallop I'm gonna make a little sweet pea puree I certainly hope I went today I haven't won a box cowards in a while but I win everything out so it's fine I'll drink to that Christian doesn't times up I'm looking at my dish I'm thinking it looks pretty to me I would order this on the menu I made a scallop succotash with a lime honey vinaigrette and a little crispy pancetta so sear it on both sides perfectly I feel that the crunch really balances against the richness and sweetness that's inherent in the scallop but I think a little bit of salt a little bit of acid would have really made that dish come together a little more [Music] what's in the puree - a sugar a little bit of lime and I thinned it out with a little bit of olive oil great sear on the scallop you know really good color with the puree and you know an overall nice dish [Music] it's got finesse but it's got hardened soul are you back in this competition I am a force to be reckoned when I don't take this all the way to the end good job thank show no Nick it's Christians always talking a big game if Christians a badass and he should be able to cook these pork cheeks i braised them and a pressure cooker with a mirepoix couple apples some bourbon a little chili pepper and then I made an apple fennel slaw with a apple gastrique yeah I mean Adrian has just done you a huge favor because you've now this thank you and it is absolutely delicious [Music] that's a super top-notch dish you should be proud Thank You chef your job Patriot nom your your plan to eliminate Cristian backfired you nailed it buddy congratulations adrian made a grave mistake so take that Adrian it's good job really good job I'm the captain Cristiano put your ego back in your head you're gonna win this with green apples yeah what do you think about the red team I think they're gonna overcomplicate it I gotta say I think a lot of your competition around here looking at you as the guy to beat so a lack of confidence while stay at home there's not enough heat and Jennifer's obviously not smart enough to figure out to use the frialator burner and she up to caramel and it's really bizarre because every time a member of your team was coming forward an idea bang you squashed them is that just arrogance or selfishness I was in team captain so I took charge of my team I think I'm a better cook than him so it's cooking absolutely Christian oh my god dad right now I know I'm a better cook than I I'm very confident in my skills I cooked by touch and feel and instinct it takes a little bit of balls I'm gonna make it be great to souffle my way you know sometimes you win sometimes you lose today's someone's gonna go home on the back of your a lack of leadership we're here to play the game what do you want to go go superb this is it yes is my souffle okay great what's in there cheddar pinch of parmesan a little bit of chive some mustard powder some garlic powder and I remember the ramekin with parmesan okay visually it's got an impact smells good from here what's the texture we're looking for in the center it should be nice and fluffy and still have that little bit of creamy edge from the cheese and I'm just dumbfounded Christiane is the powerhouse that's not what I expected Christian you haven't made many souffles the soup could've used a little more seasoning the flavors are good but it's a little dry for my liking I think at this point the judges are bent a little bit harder than on me than other competitors because they you know know that I'm gonna be a great chef someday but Christian is the powerhouse ie the review team captains would have to be nuts not to pick Christian first what is she doing picking me first Traci this person has been with me on numerous team challenges we work extremely well together again balancing off some of my weaknesses that's Jennifer Wow Wow well first of all I've never known you to be last fake normal your first out of the box what's happening I don't know that's a stunt I wasn't picking it's simple I want zero conflict I want to be the leader of the team no no I think I think Traci made a big mistake this is what I do it's comical to me that they left me for last I'm looking over at Traci and I'm thinking pull what's going down okay the pressures on in this one if you want to be a chef this is what you're gonna be doing I need to show the judges that I have what it takes to do this as a profession thank you so the red team takes it to win is awesome it's gonna be tough to see one of them three leaves but uh hey everybody that's to leave at some point top five I'm feeling awesome five steps away from winning I'm gonna take everybody down there my Christian composition getting down to you plus four did you think you would get this far yeah I did ready I'm gonna make it to the end shop I don't know win this version of this dish yeah why I'm gonna be creating I'm gonna looking at addition putting it back together hopefully do you write and be able to recreate your dish just as well who's leaving Susie Susie is very small intellect she overthinks who's happy with a dish wow I'm feeling great my dish looks spot-on and I think I did a fantastic job one now let's do it I got everything on the plate it tastes really good I want to do anything different I tried as hard as I could to make it taste the same way I think I really captured the aesthetic of gota ramesses plate if you could put the kind of bravado and attitude that's fused from your mouth into your plate I think you might be a top contender [Music] I haven't been called up into the bottom once I think they expect great things out of me because I'm great I want to win MasterChef more than I wanted anything in my whole life the title means more to me than the $250,000 I came here to prove this to me I want the MasterChef title I'm taking the MasterChef title gets us having grown up the way I grew up and having to like fight for custody of my son and fight not do drugs I feel like I've been fighting my whole life and now I'm fighting for the title of masterchef Susie knows that I'm a strong competitor and I'm one of the best here but I am the best air wellalmost think she picked me because you know is that whatever team I'm on I'm gonna win I anticipate taking Jennifer and Adrian down but at the same time I feel like they're better chefs than Susie Susie overthinks things and she doesn't know quick enough for my liking Christian I'm Kunal Kapoor and I happen to have a leak a landscape of fine food writer from Israel first woman ever open a farmer's market in Israel so the food walking Bible right language I mean extraordinary good alcohol faint across India he's currently nominated for chef of the year in India with the judge at the MasterChef India my name is the best senator Mahal of judge on MasterChef France Shalom red team my name is Micah Lansky and I've happened to be a judge on MasterChef yes ma'am red team our fellow judges have traveled told you Thanksgiving was a bad idea Susie it's not that that question it's our execution that sucks Susie's still trying to defend Thanksgiving dinner to me and I'm not having it at that point I'm pissed at her I'm pissed at myself it was humiliating should've never listened to you Susie Christian's getting super defensive as the losers of the team challenged Christian and Susie must now face a pressure test after which one of them will be going home Susan keeps saying she wants to go head-to-head with me and she's getting her wish pumped up I'm gonna take Susie out and the pressure test and then we'll be rid of her never have I ever made a lemon meringue pie before I'm a little nervous and I want to go home but uh that's not gonna happen this is going home - why'd you carry so much baggage on your shoulders why is that is that you in general I've got a pretty tough pretty tough life so sometimes it comes up I'm gonna show you today that uh I came to win look Suzie you're gonna lose it and then there were three hey it sucks to go home but everybody's gonna have to go home and except me at some point only one person can win MasterChef yes I want this so bad top three it's like right there I'm gonna take it you are looking at the next MasterChef and Christian the single father from Massachusetts who was a strong contender from the very beginning Jennifer thinks that I lacked creativity rather don't care what Jennifer thanks coz when I take her out of the competition then she's gonna have to eat those words the judges not really liking my plating and yeah I don't really care if she don't want to give me flour just say you don't want to give me flour I can handle that but don't try and blow smoke up my ass like you need all your flour I don't really care if she doesn't want to share a flower or whatever I'll do it without it I'm excited what's going on here praise the ossobuco a little root veg medley with some yellow romesco some simple mashed potatoes salt and pepper cream butter you wouldn't put a bone-in pork chop over a bed of mash right want me to finish the plate for you if that's why you feel like you need to I'll slice it for the benefit of my other judges so they can have a nice bite when they get up here to eat Joe pulls my t-bone off there and he slices it up and puts it back on my plate I'm thanking you Joe we love that determination that spirit you produce some magic follow that dream you have the determination and focus to take you a long way thank you come here you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you've got the right to tell me that when you've won three Michelin stars get out there and get those stars I'm not for speed and experience in the kitchen Christian Christian as a captain I think max fell a little bit short he's never ran a kitchen crew before and what's up from you it was really something subpar we were very disappointed I think your honor I don't think my or dish is the worst dish here that's just dish look pretty think what you want let's go I couldn't have asked to be a team captain for a better team challenge I can't wait to just start the game and take Ben down just fine girls I like them they're a little bit more dramatic than guys and I think when it comes to being in a kitchen you can't really have a lot of drama
Channel: Tsunami
Views: 3,676,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: masterchef, christian, contestants, fun, cooking
Id: TdvIAdkJvZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 22 2018
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