Uncle Roger ROAST Salt Bae (ft. Guga)

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Uncle Roger want to learn how to feed aunties with this technique [Music] this feature is sponsored by this plate they make beautiful handcrafted metal poster each poster is high quality design printed on metal signed by hand by their master of production and printed in the EU see Uncle Roger gonna put this one in my kitchen they show you every type of spice Uncle Roger also got this plate for two of my favorite movies Kung Fu Hustle and In the Mood for Love they really have designed for everything even minion so cute Asian people we all love minion because it's yellow like us mounting this Plate's so easy no neat drill just use this unique magnet mounting system and there you go so simple and if you're sick of One Design you can easily switch it out for a new one expected delivery time only four to five business days so if you have one you need to decorate right now just get this plate niece and nephew the whole purpose of having wall is so you can hang out on them don't be poor people and have blank wall High yeah use Uncle Roger discount Link in description below discount apply on checkout automatically so go click link now and get some display today Uncle Roger in Miami with Uncle Google the number one Salt Bay hater in the world for you why you hate Salt Bay so much ah let's just say me and him we don't get along very much because not only his prices are extreme but I also have something to say about when he's cooking his food and he's serving the people there's a lot of the hair just fall off and go directly to the food do you like that what cut is that that's a born in ribeye okay also known as a tomahawk The Chopping look pretty good yeah The Chopping good but what that tapping for no idea is that Morse code for small thick energy [Laughter] you see he used to be a butcher before so he butches really well ah the finger technique look at that but notice he's not using any gloves and I don't know about that relax you're in the US you got a lot of hate that the signature move you saw a bunch of hair falling off Uncle Roger yeah delicious Salt Bay hair he's just salting his elbow every day saute elbow saltier than the whole ocean I agree so this is a short rib and he's removing it very easily the bones this is not hard to do you might look impressive but it's not a big deal all you got to do is put it in the oven and let it overcook and the bun will slice right out but niece and nephew this is a good technique to master the pull out method do you do this a lot Uncle Google you have children I have three actually no so you're not very good at this I need more practice Yeah just leave it in too long that's the problem when you're in Miami always do pull out method child support very expensive oh my God but as you can see his bone is nice and clean does your bone come out nice and clean no no it gets stuck in there [Music] sorry children Uncle Roger trying to run family friendly chat this video is going to be good just having a blast with encourager that's how it's going to be review people you hate is the most fun thing I think saute like your Jamie Oliver what is this cut this is a porterhouse some of them are porterhouse which is with a bigger filet mignon and if the filet mignon is smaller then is a T-bone steak what are you trying to do I have no idea this makes no sense is he playing dominoes with the steak I think so oh oh boy here we go it's like YouTube tutorial for in sales what is this I didn't know Johnny Depp cook steak now I know right hi uh Hey Siri show me the loneliest person in the world hi yeah if you use stick to play Domino you need more friend oh no why what he wearing v-neck vest sunglasses he like combination of Topshop mannequin and Stevie Wonder when what is that on the butt of the Lamb what is that yeah I don't know some kind of vegetable foreign way to chop the animal yes he's doing it correctly to open it up it's basically just deboning the leg I mean he's a good butcher I gotta give him up here's he is removing the silver scan proper technique is just being fancy throwing [ __ ] at cameraman it's just being fancy do you ever do that to your camera guy nephew Leon camera pen to him pen to him have you ever thrown [ __ ] at him never did I ever no exactly he's paying you to say that so right now he's just trying to debone it Uncle Roger think I see this before oh yeah the Jeffrey Thomas show that's not a show I like to watch and I'm completely against it why are you against it because you only kill gay people is that why the show 2K for Uncle Google give me straight Show Top Gun give me Top Gun Top Gun memory take your movie that was a nice movie though yeah there are no gay people in there why you like it I have nothing against gay people on garage why she why he got Rachel of himself boxing and he even he can't even keep you know encourage your funny story I used to be a martial artist really yes for many years and I even had martial arts studio that was not impressive what you fight who you fight diabetes is it I'm fighting that now that was a good one that was a good one that was a good one that's what happens when you try to do a video together when car Roger you get roasted everybody he needs more flexibility he needs to be real fastest on his arms but it is what it is as long as you're exercising is a good thing what are you doing tenderizing his steak that's probably what it is do you do that also no you know it's a myth that a lot of people says that uh the wagy cows get massaged in Japan oh so it's a myth a myth it don't really happen it doesn't really happen it's not really true what only some very small small farmers do it but no longer anymore I think the small farmer do it not because they want the steak to taste better they do it because they're lonely and they can't touch their wife so they touch the car the salt base of egg fire rice at his restaurant I don't think so he serves wedge salad which which salad yeah and he charges forty dollars for it what is wedge salad it's basically an iceberg lettuce he cut it in four pieces put a little bit of ranch on top together with bacon and give it to you and charge you 40 bucks 40 bucks Uncle Roger never see someone so lonely he do fall play with his meat is he called Salt Bay because he dried all the woman up laughs but motion quite smooth yeah he knows how to cut meat but why he keep tapping the bot is that necessary not at all just littering yeah he's just littering you see that yeah and that was a little bit of meat there that was just a throwaway I don't like throwing any meat away you need to treat your meat with respect exactly no spanking the meat you don't spank your meat not my food meat the other meat I don't know oh my God that was so bad we're keeping that editor we're putting that in don't do that delete this that's terrible cool guy showing his true color yeah my wife's gonna kill me though [Music] that is not the only meat he's feeding her [Music] of course I think you're right what you're gonna do if Salt Bay feed your wife like this what are you gonna do and there will no longer be a Salt Bay in town this is what gold digger look like niece and nephew if you get woman to stop Bay restaurant and she enjoyed the experience just leave her it's not gonna turn out well oh no what he doing this time so this is a meat start he's trying to sell out the bone of the T-bone ah I hope he saw his arm hair off oh boy see how that that's a tip why did he go to kiss it what's this humping motion I don't know it's just also emotionless yeah Uncle Roger have seen Isis hostage video with more happiness than this so he's jumping up the tenderloin right here which is the tenderest uh part of the cow as you know doing now and this is hot butter clarified butter I actually tried this experiment it did not turn out good encourager is too much butter too much butter is not that great so he's just doing this to show off exactly why are you kissing the meat so he's just putting clarified butter right on top and notice that it's still completely raw oh gotta cook the meat man completely wrong I can still hear the cow moving the cow still enjoying the massage the happy ending you know happy ending oh yes very much so you ever have one don't tell your wife we're not going to tell your wife no comment happy ending the best only guy can get happy ending you know why why if a masseuse tried to give women happy ending it gonna take too long for them to finish they have to emotionally connect with the masseuse they have to know their fear and dream and Hope they have to see them like a friend first take too long like a couple tunnel that's a fact and garages that's a factor they're actually quite impressive you know yeah quite impressive not bad oh charcoal there you go finally you use something right nice I think you should cook food like salt Bay one thing you should try to recreate sope I've done quite a few of his Cooks no you need to cook like him also oh like sunglasses oh sunglasses oh man I think throw [ __ ] a camera man oh boy let me know if you guys want to see that and then you I would invite you to eat it if we get 500 000 likes on this video Uncle cook Are Gonna Act Like Salt Bay oh boy nephew Leon get Uncle Google some nice tight v-neck and also sunglasses like this okay okay yeah next video next video instead how you yeah he's doing it right to see about the gloves I told you here in the U.S he has to wear gloves ah okay [Music] she likes it [Music] that's a lot of salt [Music] Uncle Roger want to learn how to feed aunties with this technique Uncle Google I'm gonna feed you like how soft they feed the hot aunties [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] thank you foreign [Applause] [Music] thank you for watching hey Siri show me the loneliest person in the world hey Siri we're not talking to you shut up shut up remind me of my ex-wife keep jumping into my conversation you see you're always listening they're always listening you ever get so lonely you turn your Siri into female voice you feel like a woman there in your pocket yeah yeah that's how it feels in the background oh you can see it oh scared okay my favorite [ __ ] nice cat okay to stay there cat okay yeah okay okay but you think I'm Asian I eat your cat is it no Uncle Roger come on okay relax no cat fried rice cat fried rice we don't eat cat we eat bad now hahaha really have you ever tried I want to take two-year holiday just go eat one pet what does it taste like tastes like your steak your chili gem stick oh my God then that's not good I feel like I got something on my nose because I laughed so hard like even mocos came out no all right lift your tongue out get sexy get sexy [Music] oh thank you for watching foreign [Music]
Channel: mrnigelng
Views: 8,384,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nigel ng, uncle roger, nigel ng comedy
Id: 1ATrcsnXKhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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