Coin Roll Hunting Half Dollars: WALKING LIBERTYS and BARBERS 44 SILVERS!!

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all right so finally got inside and finally got in the house we have the boxes so got our two - Walking Liberty Anders here all right here and right here go ahead and get this set up and then we'll go ahead and start opening these so we'll start by getting these away here all right so we'll go ahead and start I'm going to start right here on roll one and I'll go one through five and then two to ten we'll go this way that way we can see where exactly these walkers are and see if they have any friends with them so we'll go ahead and get this started and see what happens if there's anything crazy I'll go ahead and bring you guys back in but the meantime we'll just go ahead and get started okay so right off the bat right here so if you look you can see that one right there with that nice smooth edge that's God would be another Walker yep there it is exactly what we were looking for the date on it it's pretty toasted can't see a date on I mean it's pretty it's pretty rough looking but it's definitely a walker nonetheless and as you can see we're literally in the first roll we got under here under here so this could be an amazing roll I won't go through any of the varieties of the airs or any IFC's right now because let's just say right now we're all about the walkers and nothing else really matters at that point so I'm gonna go ahead like I said get back into it and hopefully you find some more of these babies all right no no silver on that one again like I said I'll go back through these later this afternoon see if we can find anything else but I don't know right now having a walker open and having two Enders that's that's pretty big nothing up in here all right I'll open a couple more of these live right now and then like I said if we start running into a dry spell or something we'll go ahead and kind of cut you guys out of it I don't want to bore you with every single rule opening because that would just take forever but again if I see anything I'll the loop you guys back in what kind of go from there all right now I don't I'm gonna cut the rest of this all right guys right now as you can see so I went 1 through 5 so right now I'm on roll number 6 and as we're pulling this right here another smooth end and everybody knows what that means that baby's Walking Liberty yep there it is another one right there this one the dates a lot better 1941 it's actually decent shape I mean nothing nothing perfect but an absolute beauty to add to the collection so we'll go ahead and set that in truce of the camera as soon as I as soon as I take you guys out of here I'll pull another roll with them I'll keep you guys on camera right now as we go through these sense since we found one and we're getting closer to that ender I'll go ahead and keep you guys in there it is there it is this has got to be a walker dump I don't know who decided to dump these but you can see it right there that smooth ender let's go ahead and pull another one out yep there it is 1936 now that is to date the oldest one that I have little marks on it but again it's a walker and so far we got three and we still have our two Enders so we're guaranteed to have 5 walking liberties in this and as I was saying during my intro I actually went over to one of my other banks yesterday actually and opened open a box that had for walking liberties in it oh my god I am in the middle of this conversation and we have a doe Walker a double Walker can you believe this 1944 little toasty than the other one right here we have a walker stack right now 1941 this is unbelievable like I said we have five walkers in our first eight rolls and we still have these two Enders this I mean this is I don't know if you guys can tell right now but definitely definitely got the shakes going here anyway back to my story I got a box from the bank yesterday and they actually had there was for walking liberties in that one box and so I was telling when my good buddies that also hunts coins and I told him that maybe maybe someone just dumped a whole bunch of walkers and maybe I got into it but I only found the four and now I definitely got the other half of that box the other half of that collection dumbbell you know from there so yeah so this is uh this is crazy I'm gonna go ahead and just keep the camera rolling this whole time it's gonna be I'm debating I'd hate to make a long video for you guys cuz just looking at boring coins isn't too much fun but finding the good stuff is obviously important so I'm gonna go ahead there oh my god you have got to be kidding me you can see that right there another double another double let's go ahead let's pull this up there it is 1942 another as you can kind of see by that video right here hands are shaking this is incredible let's see what the other one is my fat fingers out of the way here 43 another 43 yeah you can tell by that paper moving right there it's a little shaky over here so let's go ahead so right now we have seven walkers on the table and we still as you can see in the camera we still have our two Enders right here I mean this this is one of those hunts of a lifetime like I said I'll keep you looped in but as you can tell from the box here we've gone through what is that now 12 rolls here's the 13th and we already have the entire handful of walkers this is this is nuts but also there's a fancy one here soon yeah okay well it's also creative just the fact that there's no other silvers in here I mean it had to have been someone just something literally an entire collection of walking liberties and nothing else because you would expect you know a 40% are here they're 90 or heck even with all these old ones of Ben Franklin but it looks like someone looks like someone just collected walking liberties and then so maybe someone who got the collection didn't know what they actually had and they just want to end turned it all in but oh my this is another double can you see that another double oh okay let's see what this baby is here alright this one little dusty but it's 45 not bad not bad alright then this other one here 43 okay like I said I mean can you I mean this is just this is unbelievable before before the start and like I said that packed upon hell it's don't worry I had four of them in that last hunt and that was that wasn't that was all the walkers I've ever found and now to sit there and have a box that you know already has nine plus I still have to endure so we have eleven walking liberties in this box I had to I had to have gotten a walker dump I mean you know obviously there it is there's another one right there I can't see under this paper I'll tear all or yes see if there's another one hiding in the back there but let's go ahead and get those out of there okay so I can't remember so here's a forty one another beauty I can't remember I know I had at Lee's to Delp sets of doubles but I don't know I'd have to look down at them but I know for sure it was at least two doubles that I've had so which I don't even get doubles on regular silver let alone hold walking liberties but man this is this is incredible all right here we go here's our ender here's the bottom like you said I showed you guys in the intro there was no already check the other side for ender so if you start questioning why I haven't flipped these over that's why well let's see it's hope there's more in here okay just the end but hey definitely definitely not complaining about that ender 1945 let's see you're sorry just trying to get that close enough to the camera for you but I mean let's be honest at this point the more the merrier and that's all that matters to us but we'll go ahead and seem going like I said I'm going to keep you guys live on this the whole time but if you saw it earlier there's one sneak in here in the corner okay nothing over here let's see what's up all right there it is those out of there there were yo actually the back side of this one looks pretty decent 19:36 okay not bad at all okay oh my we're not even halfway through this box yet we're not even halfway through the box yet all right I'll shut up going because let's be honest that's why you're watching this video there's another another Walking Liberty you have got to be kidding me and this one's kind of kind of bad but another 44 um usually find usually find along the forties nothing nothing too crazy um I think that which one it was over there the one that was in the 30s that's definitely bonus one oh there it is I don't know if the camera is picking up you can see it yeah I think you can see that with a camera but right there that line that's as a walker at least a silver let's not get too yep there it is but that one that one's got some ridges on it so that's either part of this Walker dumper just a nice place 40% okay another 90 this is a Kennedy this is weird you usually usually don't get thrown off when you get a 90% Kennedy but that just means that this is part of an actual collection dump and not just Walker's so let's keep rolling there it is there's another Walker this is unbelievable guys this is unbelievable all right there it is 1945 another one baby and we still have our one ender like I said I'm keeping this in here but it's still an ender like I said I promise that this videos take in a while but you came here for walkers and that's what I'm giving ya all right no okay we're getting back down to reality or we're not getting anything which is good we all gotta be all gonna be humbled everyone so on so let's keep hunting that was a terrible terror job but it doesn't matter it does not matter all right let's see how I'm gonna get this going all right let's peel this end off get that out of there oh oh there is a devil under that end there is a dolt I'm not even you can't even see half the roll and we already have a doubler oh it's a Ben Franklin somebody somebody hit it with the old chop saw there but I don't know what that's for hey maybe silver went down 90 I'll get about 99% of silver out of there but I was being honest I'm just here for the collection there's another Locker there she is right there 43 again you usually when you find walkers you find a lot in the 40s it's just that's just the way it is I think everybody collects them so I guess except for this person whoever threw this out here oh man like I said this is the most the most I've ever found of just silver between forties 90s everything the most I've ever found in one box has only been it's only been seven seven Silver's between 40s 40s 90s Walker's Benji's literally everything the only thing I've ever seen in seven so I mean to sit there and I've only found a couple Walker's in my lifetime and has the entire thing is there's another one you can see it the camera doesn't what the lighting but you can see that band that's definitely a 90 that looks like a Kennedy that looks like a nice Kennedy 90 right there yep just like we thought Kennedy 6490 that's in that's a pretty good shape but we'll put that guy over there with his buddy oh all right oops sorry don't mess up the table here all right well keep going we still have that Walker Endor so we still have oh there's another one that's definitely a walker right there okay not definitely let's be honest here but yep based on this box safe to say like I said that's a 43 that's not not too bad at all it's a little it's a little worn down by him I mean I guess if I was that old I would be pretty worn down too but let's go ahead and keep going through this list there it is another double you have got to be kidding me another Walker double I just I wish I wish I could meet whoever dumped this in and asked them what they were doing you can't really tell that last number is a nine so maybe thirty nine can't really tell but we still have so this guy here this one's okay 42 I know they're good one look at this table right now I mean this is and like I said we still have this Walker Endor right there let's see here we got 6 12 18 19 20 we have 21 but we have 18 Walker's so put that here I mean this is I mean this is mind blowing like I said I mean you don't to find one or two walkers in a box is a huge day but to find an entire collection and it keeps going it legitimately keeps going I mean who who what oh my you have got to be kidding you've got to be you ready for this guys I don't know all right look at that it's a barber you have got to be kidding me all right guys we got to take a deep breath here this is unbelievable I have never seen honest honestly even I've never seen one of these I think I've maybe seen them in you know coin stores or stuff like that but never in a collection or a friend of Mines collection at all but 1908 decent shape I mean decent shape Oh mint mark yeah you can kind of see that down there but oh well this just will put that will put her by herself we still have see if there's any more okay well that just completely turned this from a walker dump we're getting excited over walkers to hearts racing even faster now that we have that and we got two more we have got two more smooth edges oh my god another Walker okay I'm just cut I mean you can kind of see ya the hands still shaking here the hands are shaking whoo another Benji okay yeah and I gotta say out of all these I guess yes before I found the barber I guess Benji's have always been my favorite I love I love seeing Benji's I love collecting Benji's so I'm always excited anytime you find something silver oh we see a mark in there we see a mark in there it's a triple a triple our first triple of the night oh my god it gets better it's a quad there are four in here okay okay here we go first one 43 I'm gonna go through these all right here's our stack what's under there okay it's another just gotta check it never know now 42 okay what's this one 41 okay and then let's see what this one is and it's another 41 my hands shaking I I've been getting into a couple good boxes lately so I figured I'd turn the camera on and kind of see kind of see what I could find and good time to do it okay we have we have another one right here in the middle there it is a 43:43 another one look at this guy's and can you see over here I'll bring it up to you we still have that ender over here so I'll keep this I guess I'll set it this way I just want to make sure you guys can still see this box see that see that nothing's been tampered with I mean but like I said back to my story I I decided to go ahead and film this video and I've been filming a couple of them you know just in case just in case I get a good one I mean you always want to have the camera rolling when you find some home lucky dog here see you here see if that's it see if that was the ticket yep there it is lucky dog hair that's what it's all about there we go okay a little worn down but thirty nine don't think I've gotten one of those yet there is another one in here this you can kind of see some edging on it so that looks like it might be a Benji no I was wrong it's a 46 and that's that focuses that's not in bad shape whatsoever I'm pretty pretty excited ah are lonely Barbour here starting to get taken over well shifter won't shift her down a little make sure you guys can still see that they're still got an end or we're pulling Walker's out like crazy okay anything anything okay and that one like I said for you guys who are just now kind of taking a look at it I will go back through all those coins make sure you know check various varieties all that kind of good stuff but right now this video is already a half hour long or so so and plus who cares about the other stuff everybody loves finding good thing especially walkers and we got one this one's pretty worn let's see here yep there it is Wow that's got some coloring to it a little toasty but again it's a 36 that's a good one see what else is in this one okay nothing else well yeah I mean we still have an end or keep repeating it but something that's in my head cuz that's it's another guaranteed Walker anything here nothing on that side anything over here nothing on this side alright keep going alright last 10 rolls we know we have one for sure see what else there's another one there is another one right there we got a 45 teasing shape sorry I'm not taking as much time with these guys and we've been pulling them out like crazy and so I want to make sure you guys don't have to sit here forever and watch this but man this is crazy okay no fender all right getting down to the end this is one of those hunts where you dream about every time you go into pickup box a halves you hope that it's a box like there we go that's very very worn down it's another barber you have got to be kidding me another barber I like I said I've never even seen these in person let alone be pulling them out of a corner wall I mean guys this oh man okay sorry you can probably hear at my voice this is this is unbelievable I said we'll go back okay this is a 90 percent of this is a candidate here yep another candidate 64 now there Kennedy 64 he's getting lonely we'll go ahead and put them back over here and switch these around that way we have everything lined up but oh my I mean this is this is unbelievable so let's see here we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 21 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 we have 35 coins here 35 oh it's alright here we go here's our ender here is our ender and what's what's weird is we haven't even found a 40 percent I mean did not even find a 40 that's usually all I find but - not even hey he by himself but hey we are not complaining guys we are we are happy here this is like I said the time - time to turn the camera on is what I couldn't have timed it any better this is unbelievable there we go we got a double for sure anything hiding uttered nope okay so we got a double let's see okay we got another Walker right here so we got a 42 Walker okay put him right there I'm gonna see what this one is okay so we got you can't really tell oh it's a 1917 there you go you guys can see that 1917 worn down but definitely the oldest coin I've ever gotten well other than to Barbara's here that we got but see here nothing okay nothing else on this roll all right we're down to the last four of this box we're at that point where we just don't want it to end but all good things got to come to an end everyone's wrong and it's not disappointing I'm gonna have to call oh it's a triple oh it's a triple I'm gonna have to call Wells Fargo up and just order as many boxes as I can just to see if 43 cuz as you can tell we're we're finding silver all the way through this box so obviously we didn't get the first two the last of this collection there's another 44 I mean we got we got the entire meat of this collection 44 this one's actually in pretty good shape I'm actually really happy with this one but yeah I mean to find an entire Walker don't that's cool I mean we found an entire old coin lot here I mean I always watch these videos on YouTube and always hope that I get one of these boxes in I get it I got the box okay nothing there I didn't it didn't disappoint and I am I am beyond beyond excited about this box and it's still going it is still going it's another triple another triple all right let's see what they are okay this one's a little dusty but hey it's hopefully hopefully you guys can see that I'll move the camera over a little bit hopefully that way you guys can see the rest of this okay let's pull this one out okay right there we've got another one 19:40 kind of see it 19's off but we know it's 1940 come we'll go back into here and come this last one it's another one another one this one's a 42 you see that all right whoo okay I'm going to go ahead and rearrange this a little bit I'm gonna put these two on the side and we'll put these up here so that way we can get a full recap of everything I'm sorry I just want to want to make sure I get all of these in the picture that way you guys can see it but here we are the last role of this amazing hunt so let's go ahead and let's get back into it and come on one more role in the night it's not gonna do it for us but that's alright that is that is okay I mean what you see here is definitely something that I'd never even dreamed of happening so to recap so we got our two barbers here I'm in again 1915 1908 flip these over so you see the backs of them okay so I'm just gonna go ahead and heat this on out of here so we'll go ahead and do our recap over here so we got those two we've got our two Benji's um this one not bad this little guy he not so good but still two Benji's nonetheless and you guys can still still see those over there and then we actually got three 64's I mean that's that's pretty good I mean this is I mean there are Shane in pretty good shape you know so get our part of 360 for put them up top here alright here we go so we got 6 12 18 24 30 36 37 37 walking liberties I mean this is again this is this is unbelievable I mean I don't know I don't know what else to say I'll pull pull the camera down you guys are good give you a good overview of all these before before I turn it in for the day but there it is and there's all of our lists that we've gone through I mean it's definitely definitely something for the books here so we'll go ahead and we'll call it a night and hopefully hopefully we have another box like this sometime but if not once in a lifetime thanks for checking out feel free like subscribe send me a message I mean any questions anything this is again this is unbelievable and never never thought I'd see something like that ever again so happy night like I said let me know everyone
Channel: Freedom Coins
Views: 177,501
Rating: 4.8119521 out of 5
Keywords: barberhalfdollar, barber, walkingliberty, benfranklinhalfdollar, silverhalfdollar, coinrollhunting, silverdump, walker, walking liberty, walking liberty half dollar, barber half dollar, coin roll hunting, coin roll, coins, coin, coin roll hunting halves, coin roll hunting half dollars, baber half dollars, walking liberties, silver half dollars, half dollars, coin roll hunt, half dollar hunt, barber half dollars, walking liberty half dollars, freedom coins, coin collection
Id: Ku47k9JpksA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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