Warhammer 40K Full Movie Cinematic (2023) | 4K Action Scenes

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it is the 41st millennium for Ten Thousand Years the Imperium has dominated the Galaxy there is only War every human soul from the most Highborn Lord to the most basic conservative is dedicated to the service of the god emperor of mankind the imperium's battlefleet tsunamis from the conscripted soldiers of the Astra militarum to the elite Space Marines of the adeptus astartens keep Humanity safe from Alien threats Cosmic Horrors Beyond imagine that there is another War it is the one in which I serve our kids it's your translation our war is not one of battlefields and Fleet engagements it is waged by the dedicated agents of the Imperial Inquisition it is fought in the cities and hives of the Imperium autumn sub-levels in Hive cities like tertion fails if we say the Imperium Falls with us [Music] [Music] accept these burdens as the Imperium bleeds I accept these burdens knowing no fear I accept these burdens as an angel of the emperor [Music] I shave my form in the second skin this veil of Machining muscle and false nerves is I stand firm against the alien the mutant heretic I grant no mercy I give no doubt thank you release Imperials symbol of loyalty Unbroken reverence I receive actuation of the armor spirit I will my chapter to join my brothers [Music] in [Music] I am I am in the deepest eons of History before mankind had even emerged from primordial ooze the necron tier dominated the Galaxy but Unity receding even as the bounds of their domain expanded fearing the collapse of their civilization the leaders of the necron tier assailed the old ones seeking to rest from them the secret of eternal life the galaxy blazed with the fires of War too late the necrontia realized the impossibility of victory thus they embraced damnation the star Gods the Catan walked amongst them offering prized immortality and long-sought victory so ended the necron tour of old betrayed by the ambition of zaric the silent King they were Dragged In Chains to the fires of biotransference transmuted from fragile and radiation curved bodies to forms more suited for the ravages of War threat to flesh of mortality even of their souls the necrontir passed from history only the necrons remained now enslaved to the will of the Catan the necrons at last altered the course of the wall Cosmic battle lines buckled and at last broke beneath the tide of immortal Fury as the last of the old ones fell zaric LED what remained of his people in revolt against their Catan Masters the star gods were overthrown shattered into shards and forced to serve those they had once ruled but centuries of War had taken their toll on both the necrons and the Galaxy to preserve what remained of their empire the necrons were treated to colossal stasis tombs to sleep away Millennia while their domain healed and their Rivals passed into dust freed from the shackles of time the passing Millennium meant nothing to them 60 million years have passed and the ancient tombs are once more stirring to life the necrons forgotten by all but the eldari are returning to claim what was theirs they will abide no trespasses with the Awakening of their Therian heffrank The Unbroken the nephru dynasty arises once more undying Legion stir in the Forgotten dirt of a the reconquest of the Galaxy begun our worlds are infested scour them crew this is my hour holy emperor Lord of humanity forgive my weakness and Grant me your mercy for we have let our world die [Music] this rectify the anomaly of their continued existence look around sister where has your faith LED you it is better to die for the emperor then live for yourself all across the Imperium tens of millions of lives are lost every second life matters sister the emperor's Angels won't save this world now be quiet there's something else in the darkness between the Stars the weak and the faithless find no Deliverance foreign we are raised to believe that the god Emperor watches over us all so we are charged to cleanse the mutant the heretic the alien we must not falter we are his sword we are his Wrath even in the face of death we shall not submit [Music] suffering is our prayer faith is our armor foreign he offers us Redemption for those who prove worthy the emperor sends forth his angels our Imperium is besieged across a thousand worlds we fight for our survival those that would tear Humanity down are allegedly our forces are few our enemies many there is no respite there is no mercy [Music] and in our darkest hour a spiteful Universe awakens forgotten evils to break us foreign [Music] yet still we stand the last bulwark against the terror and while we draw breath we will fight for in this new Dark Age there is only thank you [Music] victory that is what the preachers cry from the spiers of their temples what commanders tell the soldiers in their service The indominus Crusade meets with Triumph after Triumph day by day we tear Imperium nihilus from the spoilers grip and though we are the set on all sides battle we drive back the mutant the heretic the alien as I speak these words our forces Engage The remnants of Leviathan reclaiming lost worlds atoning for old Shades a crusade to cleanse the Stars we routed the taranesa bar we broke their High Fleet soon their foulness will be but a memory that is what the preachers say relief will not save us [Music] lies will not protect us thank you but it is our hope that will damn us [Music] and the spies [Music] [Music] ah people sing of victory victory as the Galaxy buds Victory as the Imperium rots around us Victory as Humanity rages against the dying of the light [Music] and Victory [Music] company come on we can't hold it foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] have fought a secret War to defend Humanity we keep vigil in the darkness we hunt among the Shadows we pass judgment upon the mutant the traitor and the heretic he will Purge the world of the team to learn Among the Stars we are inquisitors shall fear nothing for we are what you fear laughs in faith by devotion and with purity of purpose the emperor's Will Made manifest we are the Warriors of the great nights even Hunters chaos cannot stand against us for we are the hammer the Galaxy is a flame the shadow of damnation spreads across the Stars to repel the Stars a mighty Crusade is launched the threat of chaos must be driven back thank you uncountable enemies stand in their path but the Defenders of the Imperium do not stand alone [Music] Guided by their unshakable faith in the emperor the Vanquish the storm they will be the light that breaches the darkness foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I shall keep faith [Music] in throes of Rage I shall hone my craft [Applause] in vengeance I shall have no mercy in the midst of battle I shall have no fear in the face of death I shall have no remorse it is the 41st millennium for Ten Thousand Years the Imperium has dominated the Galaxy there is only War every human soul from the most Highborn Lord to the most basic conservative is dedicated to the service of the god emperor of mankind the imperium's battlefleet tsunamis from the conscripted soldiers of the Astra militarum to the elite Space Marines of the adepticeystartens keep Humanity safe from Alien threats Cosmic Horrors Beyond imagine that there is another War it is the one in which I serve our war is not one of battlefields and Fleet engagements it is waged by the dedicated agents of the Imperial Inquisition it is fought in the cities and hives of the Imperium in the back streets and the Forgotten sub-levels in Hive cities like tertion who restore the red bean position chaos if we fail [Music] my child there is so much to tell you that I have run out of time the sacrifice I made was not enough the dark Gods still feed on our transgressions corruption obsession thank you you must face these demons [Music] goodness chasing the arch heretic and his Planet Killer towards the eye of Terror is the greatest test I have ever faced but my soul is armored in faith the Imperial Creed guides me banishing all doubt or regret the emperor stands with us and I have felt the purity of his righteousness I have witnessed his glory burn away the darkness I have seen the imperium's indomitable ferocity Unleashed upon its countless enemies I saw courage and honor displayed in the emperor's name I saw the unwavering loyalty and righteousness that he inspired no Fortress could withstand the emperor's Rock no fury could overcome his protection for as light cleanses even the darkest corruption sun does even the strongest curse his glory brings salvation to those who Embrace his ideals even the Fallen are offered a chance of redemption in the emperor's service through death sacrifice duty honor these are what the emperor requires of us foreign [Music] Admiral Spire he is Gravely injured said the sanguinary priest we cannot allow Abaddon to escape let our enemies tremble for the angels of death have come to joined the hunt we shall know no fear [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] thank you this burden is mine to bear to offer guidance where it is most needed to demand sacrifice foreign let's go [Music] Supreme matriarch of Nan GAO [Music] the storm winds Georgia of the Dragons emperor fiery Skies [Music] every tree shall shake their heavens come on chords threatened to overrun Planet Cyprus yet by order of the Imperial Commander Inquisitor hold reinforcements were kept in a higher orbit and forbidden from Landing upon the planet leaving the Knights of house warlock on their own to the film against the Rampage thrived when the Blood Ravens descended from the sky thank you a chapter Master Gabriel Angelus fight the inquisitors blockade had came to the aid of house Warlock Inquisitor was not pleased foreign [Music] yet still we stand the last bulwark against the terror and while we draw breath we will fight for in this new Dark Age there is only War
Channel: FightClipsHD
Views: 882,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game clips, game scenes, cinematic trailer, cinematic trailers, fight scenes, fight scene, gameplay, gaming, 4k, 4k fight scenes, 4k game scenes
Id: tG-Lw9DevuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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