Ultra Low IFR Approach: Fog, 1/4 mi visibility with SURPRISING lesson!

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liveability 1/4 300 I'm so excited to share this video with you you're about to see an IFR approach and ultra low visibility conditions and fog now a disclaimer this video is neither instruction nor an endorsement for you to attempt this legal does not always mean safe consult your instructor I brought together many different video sources to put this video together there's an outside view under the left wing there's a cockpit view there's a G 1000 instruments view I recorded my iPad screen to show the for flight synthetic vision and a GeoRef approach plate snippet all the way on the left there now with all those in mind here's some interesting things to watch for you should compare the synthetic vision to the g1000 display and see how well they resemble each other the localizer and glides look appear and when they do watch how well or poorly I tracked them during this approach so listen for when I declare I have the ground in sight when I declared lights mean that I have the approach lights in sight even though the camera might not show them right away and listen for the aircraft call out minimums so let's pick up the flight where it gets interesting where I intercept the final approach horse now for those of you who like the full raw footage please enjoy the highlights and commentary that I put together next and then you'll find the full uncut flight immediately afterwards I'm gonna start Niner Delta's hero six miles from Oz mix TURN RIGHT hitting three four zero maintain 3000 until stablished on the localizer cleared ILS runway three six approach rent three four zero three thousand so savage turn LS are only three six approach Diamond surprising standard essence here 3402 medicine approach expect vectors ILS runway three six approach runway 36 rbr more than six thousand but the rollout is 1600 demonstrate Niner Delta's here runway 36 RV now RB are now more than 6000 but the rollout is 1800 contact our one-one-niner point 3 703 good 800 others here bassant our debits are 5 600 office here at three miles for prospects 75 designer guilt fear Madison tower wind calm runway 36 our VR 6500 touched on 3,000 midpoint be thrown over on weight three six third land put land runway three six dinosaur $500 here [Applause] you I'm hundred to go [Applause] 400 to go [Applause] 300 to go [Applause] 200 to minimums [Applause] to minimums we have the ground [Applause] lights minimum minimum and runaway in sight full flaps be great down lock prop pull forward did you catch what happened if you thought I flew there approach really well and maybe you should take another look let's have another look at what happens to the glide slope and let's play it in slow motion starting from when I catch sight of the ground now I must split my attention between searching for their approach lights and maintaining this stabilized approach down to minimums and you'll see me go back and forth between scouring outside the airplane for their approach lights and looking back at the instruments so at this point I noticed I'm about to hit minimums a little early since I'm a tad low on the glide slope so in general it's not bad to be less than one dot below the center of the wide slope but in ultra little visibility conditions like this this can mean that you have no chance of seeing the approach lights before having to execute a missed approach and I would much rather be a hair too high in this kind of situation than a hair too low so I think why not just level off right here for a second until the glide slope is centered and then continue down the glide path so the problem with that idea is that this destabilizes the approach especially towards the end of the approach when the glide slope is extremely sensitive and we're close to the runway so chasing ultra sensitive needles at the end of the approach isn't easy and compounding the issue is the split focus I have now between looking outside for the approach lights and scanning the instruments so I start to level off and things seem fine at first however look how rapidly the needle starts to move as the approach begins to destabilize thankfully I was able to see the approach lights before the glide slope got too far deflected another thing worthy of mentioning here is the approach lights are on low intensity I should have requested them to be set at high intensity so that I could actually see the lights through the fog which is something that I had experienced before and it was really cool to see the lights blaring at you through the fog before you could even see the ground so everything will ended up working out alright this time but if we're not careful as pilots we can become complacent or we can reinforce bad decisions because a previous flight went the way we expected and thought it would and we don't stop to learn what we could have done better so taking a step back not everything went bad about this approach my communication with air traffic control went really well I tracked the localizer throughout the entire final approach segment when I made corrections to my flight path they were small and smooth and not large and jerky the transition from instrument flying to landing the airplane went really well I even did a final last-minute landing checklist run-through after I got the runway in sight I hope you got as much out of this as I did and it's important to debrief your flight so that you have an idea of what you did wrong what you did well what you can improve what you can learn so let's talk about our VR real quick in case you didn't know our VR stands for runway visual range there's ground-based stations that are meant to measure visibility at multiple points along the runway the controller's sure seem to be preoccupied in this flight with giving us updates on the RV air conditions simply because the visibility is so low they seem more applicable to airline pilots or part 135 operators where RV are generally governs which approaches they can and cannot attempt the minimum section dictates the lowest visibility authorized to conduct the approach but interestingly enough for part 91 GA pilots we can attempt approaches regardless of the visibility and even in zero visibility conditions but we still must follow regulations regarding the list of what we must have in sight in order to descend below the minimums and proceed to land the RV our measurements may be inaccurate and better visibility conditions might prevail or worse the visibility could render the approach to useless or even downright dangerous if you aren't proficient on missed approach procedures FAA legal counsel has determined that flight visibility does not equal ground visible this means that the only visibility measurement that essentially matters is what you see when you look out your cockpit window you're not breaking a regulation if you land in visibility conditions where the ground station reported the visibility lower than the approach plate but you must have had the identifiers visible of the runway or the runway environment or the approach lights in order to conduct your landing and safely according to regulations so you might think all this talk about RvR and regulations is nonsense and it will rarely ever apply to you as a ga pilot but and I also kind of thought that it's good to know the regulations but when will it ever really affect me in real life recently I experienced on a single flight two very applicable examples of when this comes into play first of all I was an ILS approach to the Racine Wisconsin Airport the airport was reporting a quarter mile visibility and the vertical visibility of I think it was a hundred or two hundred feet at first I expected that I would probably have to go missed but when I activated the pilot controlled lighting that I was eight miles out and I was shocked to see in the distance the approach lights come to life you know what the heck is going on I was I was just trying to figure out what how I could possibly see that when the ground station was reporting quarter mile visibility well but what was happening as I approached the airport and found out was that a thick patch of fog had placed itself right on most over most of the airport but not the approach lights to the runway so their approach and lighting we were actually quite easy but afterwards it was hard for me to taxi around because towards the the terminal part of the airport the fog was actually quite thick on my way home from Racine I found my second surprising example and I was over flying the approach corridor to Milwaukee General Mitchell Airport I overheard the airliners in a conversation with air traffic control discussing what to do about their approach and I thought it was interesting because I could look down see the runway the airliners could see the runway too and the controller was denying them a visual approach because their procedures prevented them from clearing an aircraft for a visual approach when the RvR was 1200 so due to these regulations that got in the way of them conducting their flight and what you might understand to be a safe manner so the moral of these stories is that our VR is not always accurate and you should keep that in mind whenever you're considering your options and also when you consider the possible outcomes of your flight I also can't forget to mention especially when we're talking about shooting approaches near minimums don't forget to practice mist approaches it's way more important than you think if you aren't practicing them you won't be repaired and you can easily fall behind the airplane if you get startled or preoccupied with what comes next while you weren't expecting to fly the missed approach and now you're kind of frazzled a little bit don't stall the airplane it's very easy to lose sight of your airspeed and forget about it fly the airplane first and foremost keep your priorities straight a v8 navigate communicate keep them in that order let's take a step back and remember that safety always comes first we should never let any things such as external forces cloud our judgment and lead us to make bad or unsafe decisions and with much power comes much responsibility don't be a statistic fly safe now here's the uncut version of the flight enjoy Denison Airport information Oscar one one five three you win three six zero at three visibility one-quarter fog indefinite ceiling three hundred emptor one seven two point one seven altimeter to nine nine or six remarks surface visibility 1/2 mile s runway 36 approach in use medicine clearance time a certified search turned up Sira ifr to Madison and like to do an ILS 3:6 approach i'ma start a Niner Delta C record of Medicine report is filed maintain three correction via radar factors maintain 3000 departure is 1 to 0.1 and squawk 5 3 to 6 cleared the medicine via radar vectors maintain 3000 departure 1 to 0.1 squawk bio 3 to 6 demonstrate objects interval to 0-7 starting under Delphis here the read-back is correct it's clearing up a little bit very little bit I guess our last basis report were fog on the ground top 1,600 Thank You mr. diamond star 5 600 l - Sierra add 3 - in hotel ready for departure I'm at 5 6 9 Delta P R Madison tower fly runway heading runway three-two clear for takeoff runway heading remain 3 2 3 4 checkout time to surprise your central Sierra speeds alive pretty knots 59 rotate those are the right flops up Europe [Applause] I'm an idol see return right hitting zero-niner-zero kind of departure Brens earn under zero contact departure if I just turn it off the sheriff that's the departure demet surprised extended of the serie 1800 climbing 3000 sign heading to 0 0 sr 5 6 9 Adel care medicine departure radar contact looking for some thinner your practice approaches we're gonna do an ILS 3 6 to a full stop and then we might do another but we'll probably just fall today after one I'm surprised you can end up there are only three six miles coach push now let's form a three-stage standard of the sheriff now I'm starting on adult air TURN RIGHT hitting one four zero bright one four zero Niner dose here in motion boy 46 t110 my mom makes turn right hang three four jokes how to maintain 3000 till staffs on localizer cleared ILS runway 36 approach all right three four zero the intercept 3000 till establish we're clear the ILS runway three to approach a plate 4051 let's brief the approach let's select it on here select approach Madison Iowa oops for that out SN ILS three six [Applause] bare minimum on snob is being a little troublemaker and sixty is two feet off but that'll be fine we're gonna activate that that's not evade approach alright input 10.10 and the localizer so they're gonna turn us right to go ahead cutting the south suit [Applause] part good morning challenger 796 out the charlie 2.5 for 5,000 hit the right turn zero four zero side challenger 706 alpha Charlie Madison departure radar contact turn right direct Albany climb and maintain one zero thousand right turn directly to Albany up two one zero ten thousand seven nine ticks off returning shirt is current one with zero point one approach course zero zero five it's already dialed in the this is the ILS localizer when you contact our 123 this is my 341 every day this is the ILS runway three six approach you can see us geo-referenced on that plate down there down to the minimum section got 1062 for minimums 2400 OVR with I go down to 1800 with the use of an autopilot the RV RLS reporter was about the Sarah turn i hitting one a through great one eight zero except seven surprising Senate office year [Applause] absolutely beautiful sight this morning [Applause] challenger six alpha Charlie contact Chicago Center one three three point three cargo center 133 three a good morning morning via missed approach this 27 straight ahead the Madison our radio 359 off their vor but I would expect vectors in that case the last 2700 straight ahead [Applause] our VR is varying between 2600 and beyond 6000 feet [Applause] you check comm one tower on standby com1 ground and calm to the landing checklist fuel pump Karm heat gas flows tanker undercarriage down and welded sure we'll put that full forward will give them full forward it towards the end seatbelts lights and airport lights will turn on the landing light when we're cleared to land [Applause] I'm mr. Nana delta0 the runway 36 RvR is 4,000 turn right heading two-five-zero break g50 an internal chair Delta Sara TURN RIGHT heading two niner zero right two niner zero I've entered office here I'm mr. Niner Delta zero six miles from Oz mix TURN RIGHT hitting three four zero maintain 3000 until established on the localizer cleared ILS runway three six approach rent three four zero 3000 to establish their dialects are only three six approach diamonds are passing standard of this year it'll start smooth will disengage autopilot and call it a day [Applause] autopilot 3402 - an approach expect vectors ILS runway three six approach runway 36 rbr more than 6000 but the rollout is 1601 Aceh flaps [Applause] demonstrate I know Delta's here runway 36 RV now RV are now more than 6000 but the rollout is 1800 contact our one-one-niner point 3 Tower dungeon 3 good day 10 turnovers here bassant our debits are 5 600 elfish area three miles from cosmic seven five six Niner guilt fear Madison tower wind calm runway 36 our VR 6500 touchdown 3000 midpoint ethos rollover runway 3 6 third land put land runway 3 6 time certifies designer double sheriff yeah we got the glideslope [Applause] leaving altitude another layer that's interesting the members are 1062 perched missed approach procedure is 2700 straight ahead mr. perks missed approach procedure is 2700 straight ahead I've hundred to go [Applause] 400 to go [Applause] 300 to go [Applause] 200 to minimums [Applause] to minimums we have the ground [Applause] lights minimum minimum runway in sight will flaps be green down lock front pull forward thrown under the Sira go to the South Rim nine built the fear Roger turned right on Charlie and advised once you're off the runway Brennan Charlie adviser on third Lane Dennard of this year do it don't bind us and not yet thank you Tower Nana till the Sierras clearly active on Charlie I know fear contact for all point Niner touch the ground point 900 ups here master ground demonstrate five six seven up steer clear of three six I'm Charlie Texas South Rim Dennis surface meadow serum medicine ground Texas South Korea tribe Bravo Delta crossing a three at charlie advice turning right on the brother Charlie Bravo Delta across three at charlie and I missed last part Fernando Syrah his eyes established uh Prada blow advise them establish on Bravo hundred ohms here conquest you've had no mercy position right next to 505 Roger thank you Niner Delta zero stablish on Bravo I don't see her Roger advisor stuff every day have a good day there's just no way that that was like three mm like there's no way the RvR was like 6500 there the rollout was the most good everything let's our oldish worth of three six critical area today there was just that that was really really low that was much lower than I thought it would be they made it seem like it was super easy and like super a lot of visibility but it actually was extremely low so that's a lesson learned is that sometimes you can't even trust those somewhat promising RvR values you just got to fly it and expect the work you know plan for the worst and hope for the best
Channel: Mike Cardosa
Views: 29,631
Rating: 4.9328361 out of 5
Keywords: IFR, approach, private pilot, fog, ILS, foreflight, synthetic vision, air traffic control, ATC, KMSN, MSN, DA40, Diamond airplane, instrument rating, FAA, regulations, General Aviation, Part 91, visibility, ground visibility, flight visibility
Id: eTfJFXtMSnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 43sec (2263 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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