Dynon Skyview in a Cherokee| HDX FULL REVIEW in flight and w/approach | BEST GLASS PANEL EVER?

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5 months ago I flew from California to Florida to replace all my steam gauges in my Piper Cherokee 6 with the Dynon Skyview HDX for Certified system. Do I miss them? Here is my full in depth review of the Dynon HDX. Hopefully you will get a good taste of what it is like to fly with it! When I was researching the various glass panel options, it was hard to get a sense of what it would really be like to actually fly with each model. I hope this helps someone with that so feel free to share it. Even though my airplane is not a homebuilt I thought this info about the HDX might be interesting to this group.

The video description on Youtube has clickable table of contents style links for specific features for future reference.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/SoCalFlyingMonkey 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome back to SoCal flying monkey it's an exciting time to be in general aviation because the FAA is easing up restrictions creating an easier path to certification for a lot of avionics avionics manufacturers are taking existing products from the experimental world bringing them into the certified market and also creating some new really cool products specifically for the certified market products like the Garmin g5s Ben e5 and dine on HDX system are intended to replace some or all of your analog steam gauges replacing the analog instruments with a digital system for me gives the added safety benefit of not having a mechanical vacuum pump and mechanical gyroscopes that eventually will fail and I also think that the the more full systems that give you a moving map and traffic and synthetic vision give you a little bit more situational awareness than the old analog steam gauges drop a comment in the YouTube comments let me know what you think do you think that the digital FS systems are more reliable and safer than the old analog steam gauges a couple months ago I had all my steam gauges in this Piper Cherokee six replaced with the Dinan HDX system today I would love to show you all the things that I really like about this HDX system and some of the things that I don't like I want to show it to you in action on a flight from Los Angeles to Santa Maria if along the way you find any of this information useful and like the video just click like consider subscribing to the channel alright let's go flying I'm here private pilot based in Los Angeles join me and my family on our aviation adventures throughout Southern California and beyond [Music] alright first let me show you here what I have actually installed in the airplane in the panel so here we have the Sky View HDX 10-inch screen under the certified STC you have to install it with the d-10 a the dine on D 10a as a backup the D 10a and the HDX are independent they each have their own digital a harvest system and they each have their own battery backup which is supposed to last for minimum of 45 minutes next to that I have the JPI EDM 900 engine monitor the HDX system does have an engine monitoring system which i think is probably really amazing but I already had this JPI unit so I decided to keep it all the sensors and probes were already installed then I've got the Aberdeen IFD IFR GPS navigator now the Sky View as a separate gps antenna has its own flight planning software but it is not certified for IFR as far as the actual GPS goes so you can use the Sky View HDX system to fly IFR but if you want to fly IFR by GPS you need a certified IFR navigator that's why I have this I have D 540 which I actually had before I got the dine on installed okay so let's talk about the screen on the die down here the screen is amazing it's so bright from their specs it's a 10.1 inch 1280 by 800 active-matrix TFT screen it is super bright they claim that it's 1,350 plus and nits which is a measurement of screen brightness now just for reference like an iPad pro at full brightness claims to have 600 nits so this screen is really bright I have no trouble viewing it in daytime the screen of the HDX 10 inch display here is fully touchscreen and there are also these 8 buttons and 2 knobs on the sides that you can use to you know go through the different menus and manipulate the controls so my plane was previously equipped with ABS B in with the Skytrax 100 through the I F Avedon IFT but I also had the dine on each ad SBN system installed because it was just so cheap to have that installed and it's another independent instance of a DSP traffic and weather and having that on the dine on display is amazing I'll show you all about that when we're flying and just here above the d-10 a is the USB port for the dine on this is a port that's used with this little USB drive to load charts and nav data now the nav data you can load into the dine on unit and you could remove the stick but charts and approach plates are kept on this USB Drive I also have the true track vision autopilot which is certified for this aircraft the Dinan has an autopilot that's currently certified for some Cessna models and for some Bonanza models some Beechcraft Bonanza but it is not currently certified for the piper pa-31 point it probably will be but I didn't want to wait so I had the true track put in and I'm super happy with it and I'll cover that in another video [Music] all right so you can see the flight instruments here it's a classic glass cockpit style PFD with the tapes that airspeed tape we have a artificial horizon attitude indicator here with the ladder pitch degrees 5 degrees 10 degrees we have altitude tape here vertical speed indicator tape we have a local barometer setting outside air temperature we have the density altitude based on the local barometer setting on out the outside air temperature that's automatically calculated and always displayed for you which is very useful at uh you know on takeoff we have an HSI here driven by a magnetometer you don't have there's no precession you don't have to reset your DG every so often we have ground speed indication and we have an HSI source selection indication over here so that's the basic flight instruments one other part of the Dinan HDX system that I did have installed is a knob control panel right here which controls the heading bugs the barometer setting and the altitude bug it's easy for me to rest my hand on my knee here and change the heading or the Brahman or the altitude right now I'm going to listen to the 8 is here and I will dial in the barometer sitting I'm never once mentioned echo one nine five zero zero when zero nine zero 441 zero sky cleared temperature 1 3 dewpoint - one for outcomes of the reserve to zero vor alpha and on ever my one two approaches and use no just roaming around my one 293 zero Pappy self-service we got the 8 us and we're gonna call Whiteman ground YP ground Cherokee 61 Bravo whiskey at County hangar for Delta Texan would that go thanks see I want to be alpha 6-3 you want Bravo with you before takeoff I'm going to use a couple of functions here the HDX system I'm going to touch the air speed indication indicator here and that changes this knob to control the bug for the airspeed I'm gonna bug my airspeed here of my rotation speed here of six you want knots but that's booked then I'm gonna use my knob panel here and I'm gonna bug my altitude of 3,000 feet which is the shelf of the Burbank class Charlie when I take off from blamin I've got a remain under the class charlie so I'm gonna put this bug there at 3,000 because the HDX is going to alert me when I'm approaching the altitude within 200 feet audibly in my headset with the HDX you can set your VX and V Y speeds so they appear on the on the airspeed tape and as we take off you'll notice that those are marked so once I take off I can hit those speeds precisely because they're pre-marked always on the on the airspeed tape why haven't our Cherokee 61 Bravo whiskey's holding shorten 1 2 and alpha 4 right downwind departure take off 1 2 right now my departure inside the 5 6 3 1 Bravo whiskey [Music] our green as our patients be [Music] and we're gonna hit the why right here [Music] keep coordinate with the ball and we're gonna make a right turn out [Music] so you can see the edge of the moving glass Charlie right here and this blue arc is where I've been across at 3,000 feet base on my current climb rate so I just want to keep that beyond nice tower jerky 61 Brava whiskey over the 5 118 looking for a westbound transition 631 Bravo whiskey then I share a transition approve a 9000 or 3 0 1 3 o'clock 0 2 5 1 3 0 1 3 at 0 2 5 whiskey so we got the approval for a very nice to transition their airspace we're climbing up to 3,000 you can see the out of below 2500 watt Bravo whiskey high while they are strictly being out of below 2500 but the arc that you saw was super useful for a stain out of airspace so knowing where you're gonna cross yeah by discretion why Bravo whiskey yeah I'll talk to SoCal gonna go up to 6500 SoCal approach jerky 6 3 1 Bravo whiskey 3,500 climb a $6,000 you can see the depiction of the terrain here the died on HDX has a really cool moving map feature and we've got 2 right here - all right which is yellow which means more within one hundred and a thousand feet of it four seven zero two one Bravo whiskey the other presentation in the sky view here on the attitude indicator is our trend pointer that shows us the banked 10 degrees 20 years 30 degrees of 45 degrees is the white arrow then the standard rate turn indicator are these blue arrows that we make a turn and we line up this yellow with the blue o means we're turning at a standard rate the amount of ink required for standard returned changes based on your speed and the Skyview automatically moves those little blue arrows so here we are 5400 we're climbing to 6500 and I've got that altitude bugged on the Sky View and I used the knob panel over here to set the bug and it will alert us with an audible alert when we get within 200 feet for 774 ident what brought whiskey to 0 for 1 Bravo whiskey I'm changing the boot the altimeter setting with the barrel knob there it goes from three zero one three two or three zero one four and again we have our density altitude right here based on the outside air temperature of 47 degrees where our density altitude is 6500 but we're actually at 6,100 feet indicated altitude departing from a mount strip or any kind of field with higher elevation it's a very useful I have the density altitude right there for performance so I just switch fuel tanks now the Titan HDX does have a few timers that you can set up for time or quantity if you have the Dinan engine monitor you can set it up to alert you based on how much fuel you've used through the fuel flow indicator at the fuel flow transducer altitude there you heard the approaching altitude call out all right we're here we're set up I bleed way out in economy because I'm going to take my time today on this flight and you can see here that this HDX gives us our true airspeed of here and our down speed so we got true speed right now 126 ground speed of 121 and it gives us the winds here we have a cross wind component knots and the winds of to 2-0 at 10 knots so it's not too windy right now now my flight plan information is being fed from the IFT 540 the the Sky View has its own internal flight plan that you can use if you didn't have an IFR navigator or a separate external navigator it's fully functional for VFR so you could you know program your flight plan in here but the sky view in the IFD 540 are linked via Eric 429 and it automatically receives the flight plan I'm going to go into the flight plan page here by touching this button and right now I'm just direct Santamaria but what I could do is on the avid I know ver here I'm going to insert I'm going to go over the San Marcos vor which is rzs so I'm going to enter that and I'm going to activate it activate rzs so automatically here boom B you saw it just updated rzs Santamaria right there and the autopilot made the turn because I'm at GPSS mode to fly over to the San Marcos vor now one of the reasons that I did that was I was looking on the map here luzina put the map of the sky view it has terrain and it's controlled here with this knob the right knob twists to control the zoom so I'm zooming out by turning left zooming in by turning right the sky view is so configurable to your own user preferences that you can even configure if the turning to the right zooms out or zooms in that's just one little example of how detailed you can get in the configuration and your user preferences of the sky view I'll get more into that a little bit later on but that's just one example now zooming out here we could see all this terrain and yellow and yellow and red now that's you know yellow terrain is I'm within one hundred to a thousand feet of it red terrain up with an odd repeat or below it and you can actually also configure those parameters as well if you prefer something different but those are sort of standard now I couldn't sue way out on this thing and because this is touchscreen I could drag it around I couldn't even see here the straight line would take me over some of the higher terrain that's why I rubber-banded around the San Marcos VR some avoid the terrain and I can just even look out my wits green here and I can see the mountains I'm gonna say say slightly to the left of them so very powerful feature right here I can see that the color-coded terrain to get back to my airplane I just tap this little crosshairs and it gets centers me back up with the dine on sky be map you can touch any area and get information about it so here we have some airspace and when I touch it I'm touching this inner ring of the class charlie and it shows me it's the Santa Barbara class Charlie service to 4,000 and if I press the little arrow here it shows me the Santa Barbara class Charlie outer ring from 1500 to 4000 so we got all our airspace here is interactive if I want to know anything about this Airport Santa Barbara I could tap it it gives me the field elevation and the traffic pattern altitude and then it goes into the air spaces again as I scroll through one more feature here that I like to use as well how far am i away from these these mountains to my right I could see here this the distance rings here just like you have inflow flight 3 nautical miles from my airplane in there so this is great for reporting where you are how far you are from something to air traffic control or in an at an uncontrolled feel and a trap field in a traffic pattern you say hey I'm 10 miles out wall you know you could know that visually which is a great estimation but also you could just scroll this here a far my flow away from Camarillo while there's 12 mile radius so it's right about on the edge of about 12 13 miles from Camarillo Airport they're super useful alright so as far as navigation goes Here I am flying to direct to the San Marcos vor and I've got my desired course up here of 269 right here and my current ground track of 267 and the HSI presentation of the Sky View is really incredible you can see here we've got the HSI with my course needle the pink needle is my IFD GPS the HSI here gives me the IFD course line the middle of it is the needle that would give me a deviation so you've got a very powerful feature here at HSN now my aft nav is tuned into the Fillmore vor here 112.5 which is filled by 112.5 and I've got the ability here when I go into the menu and my PFD tools in the sky view I can select I can have all these pointers on the HSI so my primary one right now is IFD gps then I have the IFD nap right here with this which is the the blue bearing pointer this pointer is going to give me a bearing pointed to the station so I can see here that to the station would be a bearing of zero eight nine because here's the little the blue barb okay and then I can have another another source here I've got my Garmin SL 30 nav radio bearing number two so my ferry number two which is two barbs here is going to be to the sandbar I'm tuned in to the San Marcos VR you can see I'm going right to that station I'm on the 269 radial a my bearing to this business a micro station is 269 so you can see here if you're using you could use the HSI to check multiple villas all on the same display just my IFD GPS I can have just died of DGPS over here if I want just the eye of D now I could switch my IFD GPS it's a nav mode over here and the needle will turn green it'll turn to V lock it'll turn green and I can see that and then I can tap my course so this knob now controls the course and I could set my course I can see that I'm on two two six six course into the San Marcos vor no I could go to IFT nav if I switch the back to the GPS I'll be IFD GPS here on my CDI and then again I could change my bearing pointer here to my IFD signal by SL 30 nav signal SL 30 standby if the SL 30 has also a standby have signal or I could change it to the Sky View CDI if the Sky View is a different flight plan then I have deep so lots of great options here now when I'm in my nav mode my SL 30 nav is up if I'm gone to the it identifies the vor here which is San Marcos the frequency that's getting that information from the MSL 30 it gets the frequency and then this is a virtual DME here of 17.7 it's using the GPS information to tell me my DME from that station so of seventeen and a half miles to San Marcos station and you could use that as a virtual DME so it's super handy and the font here is in pink because it's a GPS information so as I'm flying along and I'm coming across some terrain I'm going to use this virtual flight path marker the flight path marker feature of the HDX this little circle crosshairs is my flight path this is where the airplane is actually going you know based on its attitude speed GPS etc so even sometimes when you're pitched up a little bit or a pitch down you might be in a big downdraft that flight path marker is gonna be able to tell you if you're gonna you know if you're going above a certain tops of mountains or if you're going to be actually headed towards an airport icon that's over there towards it navigation feature like a landmark is very different to be have your heading beat or something and to actually be moving towards it because of the crosswinds so now you can see that I've got a crosswind coming from the right and the flight path marker is slightly off-center from the right to the left because of that crosswind so you know I'm heading two seven zero my actual ground track is two six eight so as I'm cruising along I want to get information about Santa Maria Airport now you know a good pilot has done all the homework beforehand and you read the AFD and you know the runway lengths etcetera etcetera but sometimes you have to divert it or you just want to get refreshed on that information so the HDX has an awesome awesome way of doing that if I press the info button here and then I can press type in my Airport K s xn waria and I hope this knob in and move it to the right I'm scrolling across these tabs first in the airport tab we get all this information elevation fuel types parking distance bearing aceite time and route and we've got a tower frequency and traffic pattern altitude that's just on this page right here so immediately I've got all the information now I want to know about the runway so I'm gonna come over here the runways runway tap I've got red away 1 2 & 3 0 which is 8,000 feet hard surface tells you the lights and everything I can scroll up here and look at 0 to 20 which is a 5,000 foot red line and hard surface no lights right traffic left traffic so it really gives you so much information so let's check the weather there now couple ways it doing this first I'll look at the ADSP weather and then I'm going to listen on see if I can pick up the 8's on frequency so I just push this in and scroll the left and here I've got my a DSP weather Santamaria observed 32 minutes ago VFR width is two nine zero one zero so I think I'm gonna be landing runway three zero ten miles visibility sky broken at 20,000 feet I've got your two points your altimeter is then we scroll down here and we even have the tabs we got the terminal area forecast all this forecast here and then we've got our ears winds aloft Santa Barbara ears all winds aloft so so much information right here in front of you you don't have to go to another device don't have to reach over it's all ad SBN and it's super useful now I'm gonna listen to the ATIS here so I can scroll over to the comp tab and I can scroll down to ADIS and then I can press this button here to calm this will to it my SL 30 comment its to it my comment the SL 30 I'm gonna switch the frequency on it and I'm gonna listen to it 50 miles from Sam area so we're not getting it but I've got it loaded up now and ready to go so this is great because it's while it's also touchscreen you can touch these different tabs one-way remarks I can also use this knob here to scroll through the tabs now here's the remarks basically similar information - what's in the AFD about birds about operating hours about certain jet activity and restrictions lots of information super useful this is also the place where you can select plates the subscription to the plates for the HDX are through Seattle avionics and $99 a year they were just recently offering a lifetime subscription of like 300 or 400 dollars for a lifetime of current charts and plates so here's the airport diagram we're gonna press view on the airport diagram and there it is I press this box here or get rid of the map information and we can pinch to zoom very intuitive we can scroll around it we could press back to go back to our other plates let's look at the our nav view we're gonna look at the RNAP plate we can scroll it we can close the window fallen brother looking traffic 12 o'clock three miles southeast down 7705 enough alright look at what Bravo whiskey one really cool feature here is the traffic on this on the HDX I could see here eleven hundred feet above us at eleven o'clock I've got him here on the synthetic vision he's kind of going off to the left but he's that diamond right there and there's different color Cody there's different colors that are coated for different types of traffic or to keep it all I look out here visually I've got him in sight and what brought whiskey has a traffic in sight this route this representation of the traffic is easy to see the orange track vectors I think they're either 30 second or 1 minute track vectors really easy to see as well and it stands out and it's just a great it's a great way that it displays it now the HDX also decoders that display in the map as you zoom in and out and it does it in a really smart way I find the HDX map is really really easy to read even easier to read over by IFD 540 I love the IFT 540 it's incredible but I actually prefer the representation of the map on the HDX this is really well thought out with all the colors and icons and everything Santa Barbara Cherokee six tree one Bravo whiskey like to make a start might be a bar to Stanford alright thanks all right so what you're shooting on approach we can set the minimums we can bug the minimums and the HDX will call out the minimums approaching the minimums and it will call out when you're at the minimums of the approach and we do that as we configure this knob here while pushing it in and we go to bin and push it in now we're controlling the minimums and if you could see here it shows up here minimums and the minimums for the practice approach that I'm going to do our 1600 1600 in there and our minimums are set now to change any of these other parameters I'm going to chain and set my approach speed here my final approach D I'm going to touch the indicator speed that controls the bug I like about 73 knots on my final my short final if I want to open a bug my altitude down with the altitude knob I'm going down to 4400 if you want to just fly with the PFD full screen you could configure that to by pressing display full and there we go got the full screen display of the flight instruments [Applause] once the 4.15 what brought whisky Santa Barbara approach jerky six three one bottle whiskey 5200 hotel you guys there's only three zero three three zero one eight I've got hotel and I'd love to do the GPS VFR practice approach runway three zero two samurai actually on it so look at my bubbly so we got a traffic call out here from the ATC and I see up here on the synthetic vision and I'm looking in that same spot with my eyeballs and I'm gonna change the display back to the split content map now on my descent here I should be up about four thousand four hundred at this way point and I'm descending down to four thousand four hundred I've got my bug at 4400 and my descent rate is about five hundred feet per minute and this arc shows me that I'm gonna cross this way point which is my next Waypoint here oh right there at 4400 apartment a full stop Oh Bravo whiskey we're still looking for that traffic approaching altitude now I'm approaching my altitude I heard the call out Oh after Errol I'm gonna go down to three thousand five hundred but I'll set this down at 3500 we're gonna go for it down at 3,500 now the HDX has a really cool feature where it will alert you if your barometer is wildly out of sync with the closest point where it's receiving the barometer by a BSB I think has to be a point one inches of mercury out or something destination ADA's is one to one point one five all right that clears all right now we're only three zero same area VFR practice approach six we brought with but when I land you also notice this angle of attack indicator here I had that angle of attack system installed it's part of the HDX system and it will give me besides this visual indication of the angle of attack it will give me some audible warnings and you'll hear those Oliver warnings beeping slowly and then more frequently as I approach a full stall of the wing on landing flare all right we got two point eight miles to elza's and then we go down to 2500 down to 2500 I'm making a right turn I got the airport in sight and 2500 we'll set it on the bugs we could look at the plate here you can see the plate is geo-referenced as well and it still has our arc here about how when we're going to descend what we're gonna cross only descent they'll slow down for our approach after Pam G we're down to 20 2200 approaching outdoor approaching our altitude of 2500 and we'll point two miles from the Waypoint 18.3 what brought whisky and now we're going down at 2200 Santa merits our turkey 61 Bravo whisky is on our nav GP s30v of our practice approach about 7 miles Airport roll reports episode what was approaching altitude wants us to report the final and 1.8 miles the final approach fix is 2200 that won't go down to 1780 it's gonna marry our Cherokees make sure you want Bravo whisky is crossing this episode so easier equivalent fake departing prior to arrival is a king turtle an 3:01 brought whiskey down to 1780 or Anna B after Anna B were down on 16 I go down 1/16 approaching minimum you can hear the approaching minimums minimum here we are minimums I got the airport in sight well dissemble oh that was a good VFR practice approach and I've got my airspeed bug set from my short final speed speed slight left crosswind [Music] there's a Oh a number one but whiskey intentions just taxi to Trinity parking one Bravo whiskey so I landed in Santa Maria and I want to show you a couple features that I wasn't able to show you in flight followed by some pros and cons and some final thoughts first the Sky View has a DSP in weather here's some screenshots of the display you can even animate it it works great the Sky View also has a really cool timer feature that counts up or down really useful on approaches it also shows scaled obstacles on the synthetic vision display and you can choose to display sectional charts or IFR charts instead of the map ok now for some criticisms to me the weakest link of the system is the Dinan d-10 a it's not very bright I would really hate to be stuck with just the screen and like bright sunlight conditions you can install another 7 inch or 10 inch screen but a lot of us have limited panel real estate I'm hoping dining could come out with a plug-and-play replacement for the d-10 a that has a better display so Dinan if you're listening hopefully you can make it happen the d-10 a also doesn't sync the Barrow with a HDX so you have to set the barometer settings individually with each of them and that's kind of a pain one other negative is that the redundant systems in the cockpit aren't different you don't have a vacuum system and an electrical system it's to electrical units and this might bother some people it doesn't bother me they both have battery backup and I trust them both but it might be a downside for some people overall I really love the Dinan HDX system the amount of customization is amazing so if you're the kind of person who likes to really dig in and customize everything and set up things exactly the way you like it I think you'll really love this the more that you use it and get into it you make these little discoveries and say oh wow that was super cool how they designed this thing or that you get a better understanding of how it works and all works together it's just really well thought out I think it's takeaway besides the customization the ease of use of the Sky View is really the overall value of the product I think it's just incredibly powerful and when I was researching the Sky View and comparing it to the other products like the garmin g500 g3 X now that's for certified or the Aspen 5 I looked at the total cost outlay and the feature set that I was going to by spending the money that I was going to spend and I just felt like the dine on HDX was such an incredible value it was really hard to pass up I'm really glad that I had this sky view HDX installed I've really been enjoying it it has absolutely exceeded my expectations I encourage anybody to do all the research and look into all the systems and hopefully the general aviation fleet can start installing these and make general aviation a little bit safer and even a little bit more fun I hope you enjoyed this video review I'd love to hear what you think about glass panel upgrades so drop a comment to youtube comments if you liked the video click like and please consider subscribing I'm gonna put up some links to some of the other videos I've done the last adventure video was to Sedona that was really fun and thanks for coming along for the ride [Music]
Channel: SoCal Flying Monkey
Views: 63,391
Rating: 4.9725881 out of 5
Keywords: dynon hdx, dynon skyview hdx, dynon skyview, dynon skyview ifr approach, dynon certified panel, dynon certified avionics, dynon avionics, dynon skyview hdx review, dynon ads b, glass cockpit upgrade, dynon skyview vs garmin g3x, how to fly dynon hdx, how to fly dynon skyview, skyview hdx, dynon certified, best avionics upgrades, best glass panel, dynon certified review, trutrak, dynon hdx review, dynon hdx certified, dynon hdx skyview, dynon in a cherokee
Id: Ea4HDOd2z1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 49sec (2389 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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