ULTIMATE WOTLK Classic Reputation Guide

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back in the build up to tbc i did a video which was a deep dive i didn't think it was that deep into all the key reputations that you need to know recently i've been getting a lot of comments asking if i'm going to do the same for wrath of the lich king so that's what we're doing today there will be a second part of this video which will be coming in the next couple of weeks where i give you my thoughts on each class and spec and which order they should do their reputations in we will start with sons of ho dear purely because irrespective of what you play you're going to want sons to hold here for the shouldering chance i don't know why i felt the need to actually point at my shoulder but you know what i mean so starting with sons of hodir which by the way you'll have to do dailies or farm a specific item called relic of ulduar which you can buy from the auction house and repeatedly hand in to get reputation with these guys you can't wear a tabard and farm heroics so that's how you get the other reputations you get to friendly you can buy a tabard that you put on and whenever you're doing level 80 dungeons or heroic dungeons you'll gain reputation with that faction tons of hoedid doesn't work like that but once you reach honor there's some lever shoulders which are 187 eye level so it's only 13 lower than heroic dungeons with some haste and attack power on you've got the giant ring belt which is a male belt with agility stamina intellect a decent amount of attack power and some crit if you're level working and you want to be able to make the 32 slot mining bag you can get the mammoth mining bag recipe honored with these guys there's a 25 frost resist and 30 stamina head enchant called arcanum of the frosty soul and then finally you've got your four different shoulder enchants 30 attack power and 10 crit for attack power users 18 spell power and 5 mana per 5 for healers 15 dodge and 10 defense for tanks and 18 spell power and 10 crit for the caster dps there's two different types of mounts it shows two but that's purely because one is for alliance and one is for horde it's not a multi-person mount and it doesn't have vendors it's literally just a mammoth mount also at revered you can start to get 200 eye level gear which is the same as what comes from heroics so you can get leather legs with crit and spell power some plate shoulders with crit a decent amount of strength and stamina broken stalactite which is a 1.8 speed dagger with 26 agility crit hit and attack power and a one-handed axe which is nice and slow with 2.6 speed stamina crit armor pen and attack power exalted is when you get your multi-person mount so reigns of the grand ice mammoth can carry two passengers but this isn't the same as the one you buy for 16 000 gold in dalaran which can carry two passengers but it also carries vendors this is just for carrying passengers you also get the 16 critical strike rate in gem if you're a jaw crafter and if you're a tailor you get access to the pattern for the glacial bag which is the 22 slot bag recipe not recipe pattern pattern pattern and then the bigger version for your shoulder enchants so for the attack power users you now get 40 attack power and 15 crit 24 spell power and 8 mana per 5 for the healers 20 dodge and 15 defense for the tanks and 24 spell power and 15 crit for the caster dps so for alliance vanguard you'll get reputation with these when you're questing and you'll also get reputation from doing heroics and level 80 dungeons wearing no tabard so for these you get some slightly lower eye level gear which is only 166 at revered and this is more for leveling rather than worrying about an end game but going over them briefly we've got an offhand with hasten spell power we've got a very fast speed dagger with attack power agility and stamina we've got a tanking weapon with 22 dodge rating some stamina and strength we've got a healing shield with spell power decent amount of intellect and stamina a tanking shield with expertise in defense a gun with some hit rating on and a spell power one with intellect and spirit which actually the wand isn't too bad but none of these you're really going to be that bothered about the item level on them for the reputation required quite low to be fair but exalted which you are going to want if you're an engineer is the schematic for the mech engineers chopper because everyone likes riding around on a motorbike with their friend you also get the titanium plating from this if you're a blacksmith which permanently enchants a lightweight titanium plating to a shield increasing block value by 81 and reducing the duration of disarm effects by 50 finally if you're a pvp you're going to get a 30 stamina enchant on the head and 25 brazilians i say if you're a pvp even as a tank you might consider using this for horde expedition it's the same way of obtaining the reputation some of the items are slightly renamed and it's like a boner instead of a gun but they're mostly the same and schematic wise you get the meccano hog recipe which is the horde equivalent you still get your titanium plate in and you get the same head enchant for the callaway again there's quite a lot here in terms of items but most of them are not worth worrying about because they're only 166 eye level but a time you actually get the reputation with a callowac you're not going to be wanting to use any of these items really but the important things like patterns such as dragon scale ammo pouch is a 28 slot ammo pouch which requires honored with the callaway and obviously a level worker to make there's a few green gems like the parry and stamina gem or the sears gem of friendly which is intellect and spirit and remember if a jewelcraft has done their quest their first quest they get as a jewelcrafter in northrend they can craft these into perfect gems which are very close to blues at revered you can get some 187 items such as a dagger with armor pen and attack power a healing mace with haste and spell power or a pole arm with hit and attack power which could be particularly good for a druid if you haven't got anything better but all of these again are only 187 item level and will be replaced very very quickly in heroics but you can get the 28 slot level working bag and a pattern for a 32 slot herb bag for tailors but most people will be doing the kalo act to get the callaway fishing pole which gives you 30 fishing skill and allows you to breathe underwater it's not amazing but you're probably going to want to do it just so you've got an epic fishing pole you do also get a pet which is obviously going to go towards your pet achievement over in shoulders basin you've got two reputations the oracles and the frenzy heart tribe looking at the oracles first you can get a hit and stamina gem recipe to get reputation with these guys it is running dailies for either the oracles or the frenzy hut while you're doing your dailies you can get an oracle secret solution which grants you a chance to deal poison damage and increase movement speed by five percent for 30 minutes can only be used in shoulders our basin though honored there's just some food really exciting at revered there's some items they're all 187 eye levels so again you're not going to be too bothered about this reputation for the items that revered but you do get a cloth healing belt if you've got nothing better with stamina intellect spirit and spell power a leather belt with attack power and armor pen a male healing or caster dps head a hunter or enhancement shaman head with attack power crit agility stamina and intellect uh tanking shoulder with parry a dps shoulder with crit a spell power and wand which again is not too bad and you can get the crit striker man upper five gem recipe the big thing here is the mysterious egg which you can buy from them every seven days and it takes seven days to hatch and it can hatch into a range of the green proto-drake there's also a few companion pets that you can actually hatch into or aged yolk if you're really unlucky but reigns of the green proto-drake is really what you're hoping your mysterious egg hatches into finally you can get a trinket that gives you critical strike rating by 71 and it restores mana rage energy or runic power when you kill a target that grants honor or experience i've done a trinket video recently i'll put a link in the description and i spoke about this being probably the best farming trinket and they're not unique so you can use two of them so constantly just getting mana energy rage whatever you know after each kill from two trinkets pretty strong the frenzy heart is not quite as good in my opinion but you get a design for the seven spell power and six haste gem recipe for the jewelcrafters there's some random roasted mystery beast and you get the napeta leaf on nepa to leaf whatever it is increasing damage by five percent of movement speed by five percent so this is just the frenzy hearts version of what we already looked at with the oracles and the same applies with the items as well they are slightly different but they're all only 187 item level so you can get some spell power cloth gloves you can get some attack power hit leather leggings but they are only like item level 174 you can get some male spell power haste legs some tanking gloves which are actually not too bad with dodge and hit some holy paladin gloves with crit and spell power some holy paladin legs the frenzy hot like holy paladins apparently with spell power and or a thrown weapon with attack power and haste but just to reiterate we're not bothered about any of these items really we're gonna get to the factions next with the items that we're bottled about you can get the crit stamina gem design as well here and you can get a disgusting jar now the disgusting jar unfortunately doesn't ferment into a mount like the egg hatches into for the oracles but you can get frenzy heart brew which brings out the wolverine you with a 30 minute cooldown you can get some healing potions mana potions rejuve potions or some mysterious fermented liquid which is just an extremely potent alcoholic beverage so i'd say there's definitely more reason to go oracles you know because you got a chance at getting a mount going frenzy heart the trinket's not bad which we'll look at now which improves your haste by 71 and upon killing a creature you grow furious increasing your chance to critically strike for the next 10 seconds that can be quite useful and it's a lot of haste and it will be a lot of crit but personally i would prefer getting resources back after every kill so you never need to stop now ashen verdict i'm not going to talk about but i will talk about in a future video but just in case you're wondering ash and verdict is all about icc and it's just rings so we can worry about that a lot closer to the icc phase but let's start with worm rest accord so like i explained at the start of the video at friendly you'll be able to get the tabard this is the same for all of the factions we're gonna look at now and as you can see all reputation gains one in level 80 dungeons will be applied to your standing with them so with them being worm rest accord honoured you're going to get 187 items at revered you're going to get 200 items and exalted you're going to get 200 epic items as well as revered for each one of them each one of these four reputations we're about to talk about you'll get your head enchant depending on your role so honored with these you're gonna get a nice tanking cloak with defense and hit 31 strength and 64 stamina you'll be able to get a nice caster belt with hit and spell power you'll be able to get some nice paladin wrists with haste spell power and a yellow socket to be able to put 16 intellect in be able to get a nice one-handed sword with 1.5 speed ideal for the off hand if your combat with attack power and hit and for the worm rest accord you can get 25 arcane resist and 30 stamina on a head slot each of the reputations including sons of hodir and the four that we're going to talk about now all give a different school of magic plus 30 stamina for a head slot so at revere these are where the items are going to start picking up a little bit so you can get some cloth wrists with spell power and a socket these have got 31 stamina 33 intellect and 27 spirit you can get a tanking chest with 76 defense rating which is huge and 56 expertise rating this is a particularly strong tanking chest for pre-raid you can also get tanking boots with defense and hit so you can see straight away as a prop warrior or potentially a prop paladin going for revered with worm rest accord first even though it's actually where you get your healing head heading chant from can be strong because you're gonna get two items straight away and for healers you can also get a crit haste spell power weapon with 49 stamina and 26 intellect and as i was just saying the 30 spell power and 10 mana per 5 heading chant comes from here at revered and you can get a 32 slot enchanting bag if you're a tailor well you can get a pattern for it and then at exalted if you're a spell caster you're going to get haste spell power boots with 50 intellect 49 stamina and a blue socket if you want some crit attack power lever braces with 49 agility and 38 stamina you can get these exalted as well you can get some male hands with 48 intellect 57 stamina 33 mp5 which is big and 77 spell power and you can get some plate dps legs with 90 armor pen 117 stamina and 96 strength you also get reigns of the red drake which is just a typical red drake it's only 280 speed it's not a 310 speed mount and it's only for one person finally there is a parry and defense rate in gem recipe as well which comes from exalted the thing worth noting here is if you was a shaman for example a resto shaman by getting exalted with these first from this one reputation alone you could potentially use the wrists temporarily for healing even though they're cloth you could use the mace you could use the boots with haste spell power stamina and intellect of course you'll get the hands as well so you could really get like four items just from this one reputation which is not bad really even though you know they're not all perfectly itemized if we're talking about getting upgrades quick and you're going to get your head in china revered worm rest accord for a resto shaman could be particularly strong then moving on to the kirin tor you get your tabard friendly as we know they're honored with the 187 items you're going to get a haste and spell power cape which has got 46 spell power and 38 haste with 28 stamina and 29 intellect you can get a leather head with 26 mp5 and 78 spell power it's got no meta socket which is a shame but still could be a good starter you can get some crit attack power resilience male shoulders with agility stamina and intellect you can get a 1.4 speed dagger with 29 agility haste and attack power and this is where you get your fire resistance and stamina head slot enchant at revered where you start to get the better items you've got expertise attack power level legs which are particularly nice you can get a crit spell power plate waist with an extra gem socket in so when you put your belt buckle in this as well you're going to get two gem slots where you could put 16 intellect in both of them as a holy paladin you get a nice dps dagger with crit hit and 355 spell power 33 intellect and 28 stamina could be a very good starting weapon for any caster that can use a dagger really and then there's a nice druid tanking staff which has got 315 armor 117 stamina attack power and dodge this particular reputation is where the casters pick up their head enchant with 30 spell power and 20 crit rating exalted you can get some hey spell power mp5 robes these are cloth robes obviously but with the haste and the manipur 5 these could be pretty useful for a resto shaman you get a level waist with crit and spell power and a socket anyone other than your priest would be able to use this to heal with temporarily get some male boots for the hunters and enhancement shamans with agility stamina intellect 58 haste and 66 attack power and some tanking gloves with defense and dodge rating the last couple of bits one that's going to be very important early on for dual crafters you'll be able to get your 19 spell powered gem design and an important one for tailors this is where you're going to get your spell power and stamina sapphire spell thread now again this sort of reputation is good for many classes getting to revered as a feral tank could be particularly useful as a resto druid a shaman a paladin you know there's so many item options here for let's say a holy paladin because not only are you going to get a healing waste you could technically use the robes for the time being there's a few items there which you could get nice and quick moving on to knights of the even blade but friendly of course you get your tabard and dual crafters will get the agility and crit design deadly huge citrine uh honored spellcasters can get a nice hit spell power kate tanks can get a nice defense and block value pair of boots for anyone who wants to use an armor pen fist weapon you can get it it's only 187 eye level you can get the 28 slot quiver from here if you're a level worker and this particular one gives 25 nature resist and 30 stamina for the head slot now where the items actually get good you can get some cloth hands with 49 stamina 58 intellect 41 spirit and 68 spell power there's some nice spell power wrists for leather users with spirit and spell power male shoulders with agility stamina intellect crit and attack power very very nice one-handed swords specifically for frost dks because it's very slow nice and slow speeds which you're going to want in both hands in fact these are probably the best weapons you're going to get for quite a while so going for revered as a dk first definitely advisable broom blade of demonstratable power for a two hand this could be used by world hunters anyone really but it's got nice agility attack power crit and haste the 16 attack power and eight crit gem design you get from here revered all attack power based dps hunters ferals rogues reps whatever will be able to get their 50 attack power and 20 crit heading chant the 32 slot soul bag also comes from here for taylor's and then when we move on to exalted the big items keep them bigger the bigger items you've got belt of dark mending which is haste and spell power on waist with 50 intellect and 64 stamina you've got a dark heart chest guard with 88 agility 67 stamina a big amount of attack power and armor pen you've got a nice mal mp5 spell power legs and some very nice dps boots for strength users with two sockets and a huge amount of crit finally a spell power and stamina design glowing twilight opal for dual crafters you can see the strength of some of the melee based items or you know hunters attack power users here could be particularly useful because for a rep paladin for example maybe you want to use the two-handed sword you could get away with using the mouth shoulders you're gonna get some really nice dps boots you potentially in the meantime if you haven't got anything better could even use the chest dks you're definitely going to want to get the weapons the boots will probably be an upgrade compared to what you're using early on and of course anyone who uses attack power is going to want the head in charm the final one argent crusade i'll skip over the tabard bit honoured you're going to get an agility stamina armor pen and attack power cape some tanking legs with a socket 102 stamina 69 defense and 46 hit these legs for 187 are not too bad at all and of course what reputation would be a reputation without the holy paladins getting something so they've got their spell power and haste legs with an extra socket and these are actually particularly nice for a 187 eye level at revered where they pick up and get a bit better you've got a male head with 60 intellect 91 spell power and 77 crit an armor pen head with 89 strength and 87 stamina for the melee dps well the strength-based melee dps a two-handed mace with strength stamina and 77 armor pen the zombie sweeper shotgun with crit hit and attack power and it's 2.9 speed a nice spell power mp5 wand shame that it lacks on spirit or intellect but got a decent amount of stamina the expertise stamina gem recipe for the dual crafters and this of course at revered is where the tank heading charts come from with 37 stamina and 20 defense rating exalted the big items you're gonna get the boots are absolutely amazing for any based dps with 66 hit and 122 attack power 51 agility 49 stamina the chest which is very nice for hunters and enhancement shamans with 89 agility 69 stamina 68 intellect a gem socket with the socket bonus of four hit rating which is nice a nice amount of hit on it anyway with 49 and 104 attack power and then of course another holy paladin head so this is a very nice head this time it's got a meta socket though with a meta socket a blue socket spell power crit and a nice amount of intellect and stamina the first epic ring you're going to see from a reputation giving you 42 stamina 50 intellect 36 haste and 58 spell power pretty much every healer's gonna want to get this fairly quick and if you're a tailor you're absolutely gonna want to get the pattern for spell power and spirit so 50 spell power and 20 spirit from the brilliant spell fred because you're going to be selling these all day long and as you can see we've covered every reputation here except for the ashen verdict which we'll get into at a later date i hope you found it useful i hope you took some notes and you've got an idea of what you're gonna do first what reputation you're gonna focus on first i will be doing a video advising you in the very near future on what reputations to focus on first so be sure to like smash the like button even if you didn't like it just just like it anyway why not subscribe to the channel so you don't miss any future content and roll the outro there's lots of ways you can support the channel to keep me here putting out world of warcraft content and covering all future mmos consider joining the channel as a member you get access to emotes everyone will know you remember when you comment on future videos because you get a nice icon next to your name and you get access to members only videos which i'll be putting a lot of on the channel throughout the year additionally there's a patreon link in the description as well thank you for watching all the way to the end and i'll see you on the next one
Channel: Scottejaye
Views: 147,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wow, tbc, classic, wotlk, wrath, of, the, lich, king, scottejaye, scottejaye87, world, Warcraft, Blizzard, mmo, new, fresh, server, Druid, PvE, PvP, feral Druid, feral, item, raid, guide, how to, instance, dungeon, heroic, mythic, resto, metagoblin, warlock, rogue, hunter, priest, shaman, twitch, Dk, lk, ulduar, servers, 3:3:5, hard, end game, Raiding, cat, Feral, DRUID, dps, Resto, healer, change, best, items, glyphs, aoe, max, farming, beta, changes, news, big, Hunter, pet, warrior, mage, druid, class, picking, tier, list, paladin, Rep, reputation, sons, hodir
Id: 5C85OEJXhgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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