Ultimate Try Not To CRINGE

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hi Jeremy I know you're new to the school and I know it's hard to make friends so I just thought maybe we could be friends I might not like other girls my like anime what you like ooh girls okay I'll be right back hey everybody and welcome back to my YouTube channel welcome to my YouTube channel I just wanted to tell you I really like your hands they look like they're really good at pressing buttons not like that like I'm embarrassed I'm call me Chris and you can call me Chris and I probably had half of my subscribers unsubscribed from that intro hope you enjoyed it not meant to offend anybody I'm actually really into anime and video games and all that [ __ ] so don't be offended by anything I say I'm just having fun but yes we are gonna be watching cringy tick tocks because who doesn't like watching those let's try not to cringe together let's get to it foreign [Music] [Applause] those are fake like can you taxidermy can you taxidermy a bug I'm sorry we're starting out with me I can't I can't continue that's full cringe 100 cringe I I don't know what else to say send help to her house please Good Vibes sadik poo oh my God I just imagine this guy walking around the store and me being next to him and joining him to be honest I guess I'm cringe does that make me cringe am I the problem oh [Music] is she she's looks like she's maybe in her 80s and he looks like he's probably in his early 20s I think there's probably a 50-year age Gap and he's from Canada zoom in on the phone oh dear God what are you doing I mean love is love I guess is she your sugar mama or she a sugar baby you know what they look happy that's all that matters if it was the other way around we wouldn't even be we would she's Jesus Christ one second sorry I need to reboot with Coke got Cola good oh my God is this position they're in looks like the person against the wall is about to get frisked by somebody but the police officer like went through their legs and like came up on the other side like yeah what's up I'm okay with like a little PDA like hand around you holding hands that kind of thing like even kissing in public I feel weird about but you know what whatever floats your boat I guess just like keep your pants off that's all I say do whatever you want in public just keep your pants off but yeah they're a cute couple you know Valentine's Day is coming up I know something that you could get your significant other and that is the sponsor of today's video which is Anna Louisa Anna Louisa is a jewelry brand that I have personally fallen in love with I have actually been a fan of Anna Louisa jewelry before they even approached me so partnering with them was a no-brainer Anna Louisa offers high quality yet accessible jewelry Staples with their designs starting at only 39 I personally have over 15 pieces from them and you will never see me not wearing them in fact you've probably seen me wearing them in a lot of past videos and the quality has held up like it's it's still perfect and I rarely take them off and I love the Unique Designs I have dainty pieces and then I have chunkier more statement pieces I love having the variety and I am also in Canada so I love that they offer international shipping and if you're in the US it is free shipping and free returns so if you want to get your Valentine's some beautiful jewelry or if you're like me and you're gonna be your own Valentine this Valentine's Day treat yourself and buy one get one fifty percent off by clicking the link in the description box down below and if you missed the Valentine's Day sale that's all right you can still get 20 off with my code call me Chris 20. thank you again to Anna Louisa for sponsoring this video and let's get back to it what am I looking at right now this Adam's apple is so aggressively out ew don't touch her what a smile everything about that may be so uncomfortable I just wanted to look through the screen and go stop touching your junk on the internet would you do that if your if your mother was looking and if you would that's nasty that's a bit you know I'm gonna recreate it let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm eating dinner oh wait um [Music] mouth noises I hate it it's uh blah blah blah mesophobia me and my mom talked about it in my mom Reveal video we both have it so severely like I want to clock you in the face I don't care if it's your toddler next to me at a red robins okay I wanna knock your toddler out I don't know why I'm talking about punching kids in the face I should probably take this out of the video we're gonna leave it in the video it'll be fine oh [Music] I'm drooling they sit so pretty wow that's not cringe at all that was beautiful that was the most most beautiful thing I've ever seen ah you look like the first of July because I'm Canadian and that's Canada day it makes me want a hamburger really bad because it's two buns get it I don't what oops got what you're attracted to let's see what it is what is it mustaches oh my God what's wrong with mustaches in the Muppet I like mustaches and mullets kind of have a really weird thing for mustaches and millets if you got a mustache and a mullet you're my type not gonna lie and if you look like you haven't showered in like a week and you wear flannels even better that's for the men for the women you can have a mustache animal too I don't really care [Music] nunchucks I want nunchucks I probably shouldn't have nunchucks oh oh this is good oh that was like really attractive is it supposed to be crunchy oh okay ew what the guys in the comments does that make you cringe makes me cringe and I don't even have a winner Jake does that make you cringe it did that's what I thought Jay could you do something to make the audience cringe right now never do that again [Music] oh my God bro what is this ew what was that wink at the end I gotta remake this one this one [Music] oh my God ew that worked she knows what she's was she what get it together you're making a video God damn it you did this to yourself my guy oh yeah you thought wrong you thought wrong one of the reasons why people hate cosplayers so much [Music] dude I've come across this chick's lives before and I actually have stuck around for only like a couple minutes but she literally she sits there and she's like an NPC she's like are you uncomfortable because I am oh freaking fracking frog No don't touch it oh my God your nails are so long bro how do you do any okay good it's out oh God if she has water in her mouth does it just leak out the sides like a broken faucet just like leaking like oh God could she breathe out of her mouth if she was like just like with two breath holes why am I talking like this that freaks me out I don't like when people play with like piercings and stuff I don't like it or like anything with the eyeball I just invert into myself like a dog's walking down to the street Pretty Woman okay oh did you just text me they are a pretty woman I'm happy they're happy to be honest I wish I had a crown like that you're a queen just like you I see you look at you you deserve a crown here you go I'll give you one oh I got taped shocking there you go it looks so good on you really brings out the color of your beautiful eyes it's nice so today for lunch I got a salad a lunch video when a student walks in oh I listen to people chew you a little early for class today who is she talking to what the bell's about to ring what why is she feeling talking to a student seriously it's about to ring how much time do I have this is so crunchy stop eating I hate it it's disgusting the way she's eating shoe with your mouth closed or jump off a bridge but like don't actually jump off a bridge okay don't do that but if you do chew with your mouth open I might clock you in the face all right let's ride a bit better everything changed oh my God that's me look at the dog's face who am I to judge this is how my career started like this this is how I started who am I to say I am the queen I'm probably on somebody's cringe react I just know it that's okay remember your ponytail phase [Music] I had a booty my face was like three years in high school when my hair was actually like long like down to here I hated it and I just wore it up all the time little did I know it she just chop it off to feel confident yeah not because of a manic episode and because of me having a court to life crisis no not at all they're onions oh oh I need someone stole my onions where are they at this I need them that was a cute joke that was he meant well also side note not related to anything where'd you find those onions asking for a friend there's no way there's a furry at the dog park oh hi no way oh my God I am a dog how does that work dude you are afraid to do whatever you want that's all I can say about that this is a choice and you made it that's all I got do without what you will how do people do makeup like this it's so crazy she literally looks like a doll her eyes are so big and blue she looks so cute I don't think it's cringe I think it's really cute I think she worked really hard on that makeup and she looked really cute she looks adorable should I try to do like ooh girl makeup or whatever this e girl not e girl I don't know what kind of makeup this is I'll look it up should I try to do that for a video maybe like drunk like my drunk drag video which you should go watch if you haven't watched it if this video gets to a hundred thousand likes I'll do this ew wait I need to understand what's going on with this okay so he's drinking out of the cup and she's drinking out of his mouth [Music] oh my God oh my eyelids hurt by watching that why would the why would you do that why would you stick your nails in your eyeballs I hope you get pink eye for putting me and my audience through that say it say what you already know pulls me a daddy let me know that you're wait I can't breathe that fast and you know I can't read that fast I gotta go back to school I'm not going back if only my teachers Could See Me Now you know they would be so proud you sit next to the girl who swear she can sing hey what are you what are you oh I'm just practicing dude why is this always a person or like one of like the choir kids or the drama kids they're just always busting onto songs don't get me wrong they always sound good you say any line you'll be like oh my gosh it's like that made of titanium and you just hear them in the back like I am titanium oh whoops did you guys hear that I can't sing what you think I'm good cops are here screams it's gone that was a test next one is going into you sir like what's going into me I'm sorry oh dear God who makes this and it's like yeah [ __ ] are gonna love that I'm gonna remake this one too one sec [Music] I'm okay everybody thank you so much for watching my video if you liked it I really appreciate you liking the video and also subscribe if you haven't subscribed because this is obviously the bestest YouTube channel ever I'm gonna go jump off a bridge right now but you shouldn't I'm really sorry for that I'll see your beautiful face in the next video thank you again to Anna Louisa for sponsoring today's video and don't forget to click the link in the description box below to buy one get one 50 off for yourself or for your significant other or for your best friend Eva thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Kallmekris
Views: 3,333,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I-AGiR50KqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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