Trying VIRAL TikTok Products

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okay guys I'm flipping out okay I can't keep brushing this off all right I keep bottling this down scarfing it aside and I know you might think this is a loaded Croc all right but every time I see you my heart skips a beat and I can't control it all right I can't control the way you clawed my heartstrings in fact I can't stay hand that I haven't told you what I need to tell you and that is that I love I love thank you I lightsaber you I ran out of props because I'm in lesbians with you what hello everybody and welcome back to my YouTube channel or welcome to my YouTube channel I'm call me Chris and you can call me Chris and I'm sorry for the terrible puns okay I'll cut it out and today I am excited because we are going to be trying out some viral Tick Tock slash Amazon products I don't know most of these are Tick Tock but like a couple of them from Amazon I'll title it either or either way we're just gonna test out some cool that you or either should buy or probably shouldn't buy so you're welcome let's get to it oh [Music] but I do want to say I haven't been having the greatest couple days honestly so I need to really like cheer myself up so I'm gonna hit Pete in the face with a Croc make this dramatic Jay it still didn't do it for me I'm gonna try something else [Music] way out to the darkness where he could have been one with the Muppets but really he was just alone in the desert okay first product is the Danny Sue pants that make your ass look fat even when your ass is flat which hi I'm a spokesperson for 2x4 ass I'm excited to see if these work we'll see what we're working with to begin with let's do the uh before if you shall these pants probably aren't the best thing to show but you know not a lot not a lot we're working with that's okay we don't all have fat asses I try to squat once in a while but it's it's there but it's not it's not giving you know so let's see if this gives me a husband anyway I don't know this looks like I it looks like I got green this looks like a green pant I thought I got black I know you talk about it a lot but please go get your ass checked man but you know whatever very stretchy material all right let's try these on oh wait a second second I mean wait okay wait wait wait okay wait I still don't have an ass but it kind of looks like I do so see that I don't know if you can see that sorry jay anyway um I feel like it's giving me something it looks like it's got that illusion you know get it from this angle this is gonna be on Reddit it's giving me something I can't really see it in the monitor to be honest so I'm gonna trust it I feel like if anything it makes my ass look 15 better I have a 15 more of a chance to find a mate in these pants I think so that's cool and I also you know what they cinch my waist in nicely which is cool and the material is very nice it's like ribbed for my pleasure which is fun um and they're warm I would wear these like skiing you know yeah these are nice good for squatting yeah this is these are good 10 out of 10. would recommend okay next up we got the cereal cup I saw this somewhere I don't really know I can't remember but I hate soggy cereal okay don't like it and for some reason the only cereal I have right now is Rice Krispies which is the only cereal that gets soggy within 2.1 seconds I'm gonna put this to the test all right I think it'd be so fun to drink my cereal like a sippy cup like a little toddler just walking around outside also I think I've said this before I don't know how to open stuff without breaking it like I don't know how to open it flawlessly like look it's a skill I do not have and skill I don't want I think I just get impatient and I just like oh my God it is like a giant sippy cup I'm like oh I wish I'll have Fruit Loops sad sure okay so I think the destructions are disassemble and pour milk into large cups well I have cashew milk because I don't want to myself gotta shake it up all right that's that looks really weird how do how I blacked out what happened where am I am on the Matrix how does one milk a cashew is my question it's a question for another day it's a question for another day I don't I don't I don't need to know that mystery oh Art Is A Lie nothing is real and I think we pour screw in the inner cup and lid together tightly add your cereal and snap on the cap wait why so I was supposed to leave that but how do I pull over it in there that seems difficult all right you're the boss wait how does that work I guess I just oh I'm glad I didn't fill it up all the way oh did I fill it up like just right is there a line that I was supposed to go to you it didn't even say that on the destructions oh it said it said there's a max line nice that worked out real well okay well I guess I'll just drink some cashew milk oh my God that looks so bad I would know not that I would know anyway this is turning into such a bad video I gotta do this off camera oh no there's a camera here there's cameras on all angles all I got okay that's gotta be good okay we have it ready sorry let me pull this there we go okay now we take our expired Rice Krispies that haven't been opened so could they be expired I don't even understand expired expiration days I think they're a hoax [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no [Music] this camera wasn't on the entire time why do I keep doing that I shouldn't be allowed to have a YouTube channel I shouldn't be allowed this is just unprofessional okay so anyway we got expired Rice Krispies oh those taste great I don't know what the hell this box is talking about listening to the ASMR could you hear it popping there's so many people that just unsubscribed anyway this is what I don't understand you see that hole and you see this box how the hell does that work but I think a lot a lot of people have asked bigger questions like that so this is a family-friendly Channel okay maneuver this is not working I'm missing it mostly okay well there is cereal in there and all over me we're gonna try this there's cereal in there add your cereal and snap on the cap oh I was supposed to add this after that makes sense oh okay let's try this out a couple notes the ratio from milk to cereal was about 80 milk 20 cereal and I don't know about you but I prefer when I eat cereal to actually eat cereal I don't eat cereal to drink milk necessarily so I think that's a flaw in this design I don't know if the hole needs to be smaller for that or if my mouth needs to be bigger but I think I'm probably the problem and this is probably unnecessary do with that what you will next we're going to try on a dress I've been seeing this all over Tick Tock and whoever puts it on looks like I got us this looks adorable it's very stretchy also love a stretchy material it was cheap though I'm not usually a dress person fonts we'll see usually whenever I do put on a dress I feel like I look Amish there's nothing wrong with Amish people I'm just I'm not so I feel like I'm misrepresenting the community definitely not Amish I feel pretty I feel this is I didn't expect this okay also rocking the socks because all you feet fetish freaks ah today I'm sorry this is kind of a Vibe okay where are the suitors hello look at me look at this honestly I don't even need you but like actually I kind of do but this dress honestly I'm actually in love with this dress it's really nice wow I look so innocent I love that it's so deceiving that's nice this material is like really stretchy I feel like if I needed to like lay down a Haymaker I could which is good I feel like that's really important in dresses if I'm at a wedding I just never know when I need to take down a 200 pound man in bed you know what I'm saying I'm just kidding just kidding I'm just kidding next up we got something I'm really excited about and that's the banana Loca no it's not what you think you're disgusting anyway it's something where you um you penetrate a banana and then you stuff it so it's exactly what you think I guess oh my God this contraction is amazing wow look at that oh my God what in the ass wait what how the hell so the idea is you put this in the banana and then it creates a little hole a little tunnel for you to stuff it with with with peanut butter or Nutella or other liquids that you like I don't know what you like I'm not your mom that'd be weird I'm not I'm your auntie okay so I need to assemble this somehow scan code for easy follow instructions why because I'm a woman this box is sex I'll probably need to scan it to be honest cut off tip of banana where did I put my banana off to my to my lip Okay what if I just rip it off like a monkey or bite it off that's pretty Savage isn't it I'm gonna do it anyway oh Jay blur the camera okay the tip is bit off straight in the Banana by putting the cut tip end into the holder gently straighten the banana against the holder with one hand there was a lot of words that I did not understand let's make a banana Loca together pick the straightest banana you can find oh so this only works for straight bananas and not gay bananas that's homophobia for bananas foreign hand to gently push the banana down against the straightener insert core without twisting or covering the hole I feel like I'm a gynecologist use your plunger to clean the core oh I did it you'll have a perfectly cored banana ready to fill with whatever you desire how do you get the out ready to stop spoon your favorite filling shut up I'm not done I got distracted instructions unclear I can't figure it out she's putting it in the hole on the table oh I see okay shut up you stupid I'm gonna figure it out myself your voice annoys me sour you're probably a very nice woman I'm very sorry do you put the peanut butter in there what does a banana go in this situation I you know what I'm literally I can't my my brain sometimes I can't do this and I could spend the time to learn how to I don't want to this is too complicated it's making me mad I don't like it now I have a holy banana Jesus Christ help me now so you know what we're gonna do we're gonna do what you should all do at home open your peanut butter welcome to Chris's non-complicated kitchen okay you put the spoon in the peanut butter and you put it on the banana and you slam it down peel it off and you just your product I don't like it it made me look stupid I'm sure it's a great product I'm too lazy this is my favorite snacks I need some potassium today all right next up we got the comfy Tech headache relief pack cold compression headache relief hat for those of you who don't know I have severe chronic migraines and it's been really bad really bad a lot lately and nothing helps them besides like really hard drugs which I don't usually like to take so I like finding you know more natural remedies for it and cold compress always definitely takes away some of the pain so I'm excited because this actually looks like really efficient to use so I put this in the freezer for two hours because that's what I recommended and you could also heat it up which is really cool but it's not only for your head you can actually put it on like your leg your elbow your knee your neck whatever so I'm excited for this it's like a jelly material so it feels really comfy I have a little bit of I have a headache right now it's not a migraine at all but so cold and my migraines are always like behind my eyes and it goes all the way down to my neck oh my god oh I'm in heaven oh this is my new favorite thing I don't care about anything else in life oh my God I'm in love with an inanimate object oh my God it looks like I'm wearing a head condom probably but you know protection kids always wear protection like I said I do I did have a headache before I started this video this is relieving all of the pain it is so nice I really don't even want to take it off I don't want to take it off ah oh buy this oh if you get headaches if you get migraines this is so nice oh I could actually fall asleep with this sponsor me comfy Tech you honestly don't yeah I love this already I'm actually really interested to see how this like works because I saw them use it or they might have different kinds that you can use on your body I think this one's specifically for your head but I mean even for just like putting on your pillow oh that's so nice you could like fold it up and like put it under your neck and I love the fact that you can heat it up too that's so nice I'm so excited about this oh my head feels oh buy it purchase it I'll link it in the description below not no sponsored not sponsored Love This Love This 50 000 out of ten next up we have the happy homes pet and dog hair cat remover that doesn't make any sense it's a hair remover and it's supposed to be great bless Kevin's heart bless his little beautiful little heart but this sheds more than a snake on puberty yeah right fun fact now it's time for fun facts with Chris Collins snake shed their skin multiple times a year depending on the growth rate now you know I like little fun facts I think it's really important to read about random facts to pull out at a party or just to impress a potential Suitor you know hasn't worked for me thus yet but I think I think if I keep it up it'll work and also knowledge is Power Kids knowledge is power read a book oh fun you just and then he opens and I guess the hair would be in there wow how clever very clever and it's got this little Lippy thing that I guess grabs hair I don't know if I'm supposed to I'm probably not supposed to put this on Kevin for the video's sake I'm gonna put it on Kevin because I really want to go to the source of the problem also Kevin's doing so much better he's got his little cast off he's got his cone off he's doing so good okay here we have my lovely assistant Kevin how you doing today good that's great all right so I'm just gonna do this he hates when I brush him he hates it feels like it's doing nothing oh whoa what the how is it supposed to work is it supposed to roll oh it is working oh how fun I'm just doing the carpet now oh God there's so much hair just going everywhere look at almost there okay I'm just gonna I'm just gonna vacuum my floors with this thing real quick Kevin entertain them help me out you good boy good health y you're so smart let's see are you ready oh it worked look at all that wow oh that's really cool look at all your hair I mean this doesn't even cut it a little bit I I can get this off him by just pulling it off of him come here watch this I'm literally just gonna do this this doesn't hurt him by the way just two seconds but you know if you have a if you have a dog or a cat that doesn't shed astronomically like mine and you do this on like your couch or something I'm sure it would work actually really well it was very efficient and that was that was very quick you scoop it out and keep going I like this I like I think this is a good idea I'm not gonna do for me but pet owners with with hair problems buy it this is not sponsored next up we have the heatless curling set which is supposed to kill your hair heatless what the name says but since I have the haircut of a 12 year old skater boy I'm gonna get Jessica to do it instead let's do it okay so you're supposed to have Dan Pera got her to make her hair damp and uh I don't know you like put it in and wrap it around I have no idea how this works really have you used these before no I've actually only used um I take the uh the thing off my rope oh yeah oh yes that's like a tick tock Trend yeah this is a tick tock product I've done that but I think does that work well you know how my hair doesn't hold a curl but I think I also need to have like now you put like mousse and stuff in your hair yeah first what and was it damp no it wasn't so like the times that I've done it I feel like this isn't damp enough I can go I'll be back pause for intermission not using heat on your hair is very beneficial because when you heat on your hair it breaks your hair down yeah it's not good for it I do it every day love this is the place curling ribbon on top of damp hair and use your favorite Kish claw clip too bad Dollar Store clip is it even like this let's look in the electric chair I like this doesn't seem long like your hair's so long but you know what but I guess once you wrap it around it'll probably you could do the full thing that you're doing now now other people take like piece by piece and it's almost like a French braid situation where it's like it doesn't say that on the Block oh okay they're wrapping it around the whole see the picture kind of higher at top why isn't it the same the front's different than the back I feel like it'll be less annoying for you when you sleep I don't sleep anymore anyways oh yeah yeah for those of you who don't know Jessica's pregnant I'm in third trimester third trimester with restless legs little boy yeah he's kicking her from the inside which is creepy as I should I've seen his foot like the Alien come out come out Jay put in a clip of the alien that's what it looks like it's a little gross I'm not gonna lie but it's I mean it's a beautiful magical thing it's really weird like you're making like you're you're literally cooking a baby inside of you yeah I'm really excited to see his little face though yeah what is he gonna look like I think it should it'll be a cute baby yeah it'll be fine what if it's not what are you gonna send it back no I don't think that's how that works no you'll be cute I'm excited to see you as an auntie though I'm excited to see you as like having a baby around all the time now yeah I feel like I talk about how much I like hate babies and kids and so well not that I hate kids I'm just like I'm not usually good with them I like hold babies like this there's a video where I I took care of her friend's baby oh she's my friend too but but no like especially since it's like my good nephew my blood blood I feel like it'll be a little different cute oh my gosh you look like a little Anna Green Gables you look Amish you sleep with it like this allow the hair to dry or wear overnight to remove take off scrunchies loose in hair oh this is actually soft yeah that's what I mean it'll be nice to sleep it's okay okay we're gonna do a cool transition and and here's the before and here's the after I don't know if that worked but jump scare it's morning time and we look less time let's take these Out ooh okay whoa don't touch it whoa you look like you're from Bridgeton whoa oh it's still wet how is it still wet I don't know too wet probably too wet I fixed it up for people at home I think these do work really well probably but what if it's not dry in the morning just go over it with a blow dryer the bottoms well it's like a burton paintbrush this looks okay okay this is actually quite nice like like if it's if this was all done yeah and you brushed it out this is probably go let's come back a bit like it would have been promising but this is why we tested out tested it out for you okay don't make the same mistake as me I feel like you're still a good product though yeah I think so well doing heatless anything yeah because the ends were dried yeah so there's this is promising and to sleep in it I would give it like a seven out of ten okay yeah because it was like annoying on the side a little bit but I also can only sleep on my side pretty much oh me too but like it wasn't super super uncomfortable if I kind of like moved it and then fell asleep it was fine well if you have really damaged hair I think this is a good yes a good and just don't get it too wet before you do it or blow dry it if it's still wet in the morning it'd work on to the next okay you may have noticed I'm wearing a different top and if you haven't you're not very observant I'm wearing a different top because we are trying something I am actually very excited to try out I did see this on Tick Tock and then it's called the new boo nuebue I don't know to pronounce it but basically it helps the girls come together and be one and be more and be you know more voluptuous if you will you know what I'm not complaining I don't have a lot to work with I'm not complaining about it but you know what sometimes sometimes you just want to walk into the room at first is that too much to ask so anyway they come in like this little package they're completely sticky in inside and outside so I think you just you just slap them on inside here and it sticks to your shirt and here so this is the before and we're gonna see what the after looks like right now well I I don't know it made it do something I don't know if it's what I want I think it was supposed to be more in here I don't know if I put it on right I probably didn't it's very hard to work with I think there's probably a way to place it where it's probably better if you want a little help maybe this isn't the right top for it I don't know what I'm doing mate but you know it's something I give it like a like a six out of ten the placement's really hard it's weird and it's very thick and uncomfortable if anybody was to not that I would let anybody if anybody it's just like it's like a rock it's like a rock hard so it'd probably be a little bit deceiving but you know who's to say I don't know if you're just going out on a ladies night out and you just want to look good sure okay everybody I hope you enjoyed the video if you did please like the video it really helps out the channel and also subscribe subscribe if you haven't subscribed this is obviously bestest YouTube channel ever and I will see your beautiful face in the next video okay bye
Channel: Kallmekris
Views: 4,890,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WhcnB-Io5GM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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