ULTIMATE Top 20 ADDONS for MSFS! | MSFS Freeware (PC)

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the ultimate top 20 freeware add-ons list for Microsoft Flight Sim covering airports aircraft and everything in between I made a video like this two years ago we're revisiting this to see where the top add-ons in Microsoft Flight SIM can be found now covering freeware add-ons on PC thank you for coming to watch this video without further delay let us get right into it okay so hello first off to just clarify what we're doing here we're going through the top 20 add-ons for Microsoft float Sim they are in no particular order I've sort of sorted them into sections like most things in life this list is subjective so if you have some other add-ons that you think are better than some of those in this list be sure to put them down below but first off let's kick it off with number 20. okay so a very simple yet very effective we've got the power cables and solar panels mod for my Microsoft Flight Sim that adds funnily enough power cables and solar panels to the areas where they exist in real life across parts of the world in Microsoft float Sim now it's not Global coverage at the moment so do bear that in mind as of now this freeware add-on covers all of Europe most of North America parts of South America parts of Africa and Australia and I do believe also Le Pan adding realistic solar panels pylons and cables to these regions across the world Based on openstreetmap data the creator has integrated a sort of algorithm that means that the system will not spawn in cables over airports not 100 guaranteed you won't see them there but it's pretty good I've used it extensively perfect for VFR flying simple but effective and that is why it's in this list moving on to a similar add-on we've got we love vf5 now I featured this on my channel extensively since it's released almost two years ago now adds VFR landmarks to Regions across the world once again it's not Global coverage although region 1 and Region 2 do cover all of Europe and most of the Americas parts of Africa and parts of the Middle East I would highly recommend it this one adds power stations pylons radar domes more unique nice landmarks such as oil stacks and telecommunication masks cranes and everything in between using Puffin vfr's AI known as Puffin AI the placement is almost always correct and while height cannot always be guaranteed to match up to real life if you've got a mast in your local area it is likely that we love VFR has integrated it into Microsoft float Sim it's a fantastic add-on apart from flight have put it out of the park here it's fantastic they've got animations as well which is great to see and that is why it is in this list I highly recommend it moving moving on to a utility pushback toolbar this is an absolute must-have and while it is number 17 in this list as I said it's not really any particular order I've just sorted them like this this is definitely a must-have for Microsoft Flight Sim it adds pre-plan pushback which is definitely the highlight of this add-on that allows you to basically go to a little map select where you want your aircraft to be pushed back to press enter and then when you go and call the pushback tug it will go to that location so it's really good if you're on that Sim and want to get it exact without having to rely on going outside or controlling the pushback tug 100 yourself it also adds the ability to go to ground services and call them through the toolbar as opposed to air traffic control and aircraft dependent it also allows you to open and close most doors it is a must-have if you fly any sort of airliner works for the Phoenix A320 and pmdd737 although do bear in mind it does have some compatibility issues with the Phoenix A320 although I haven't experienced them myself the Phoenix team are aware it's a fantastic add-on I highly recommend it moving on to number 16 in this list we've got Floyd's epic clouds this adds around 12 Cloud presets into Microsoft Flight Sim in the weather menu they're some of the best I've seen it's a nice add-on to just leave there and forget about and use when you want to all the cloud presets look stunning you get three layer clouds clouds that replicate storm weather it is marvelous highly recommended simple but effective and that's going to be a theme of this video now moving over to some scenery we've got three add-ons in this video that cover airport scenery so we'll kick off with Duxford F4 or Duxford Airfield I should say a former RAF Airfield used up until the 60s by the Royal Air Force this aerod Rome soon became one of the biggest museums in the world of course focusing on Aviation incorporating duxford's fantastic Aviation past in to the museum Imperial War Museum Duxford is a must visit for any aviators luckily even if you live on the other side of the world you can do it in Microsoft Flight Sim now with what I think is one of the best bits of freeware scenery out there but with that let us move over to some more scenery Sergio Adele Watson's airport now this isn't just one airport this developer has been consistent with making some of the best airports I've seen in Microsoft Flight SIM from up in Barrow in Alaska to Saint maritz where you should be heading if the snow falls if you get that music reference do leave in the comments I'm very impressed Sergio Del watso leaves no detail behind highly recommended and as you've seen on the screen they do all look fantastic especially when paired with Floyd's epic clouds it is a match made in heaven moving over to the final bits of scenery in this video nza airports this development team make freeware and payware airports for Microsoft float Sim you can find most if not all of their freeware airports some of which I've Linked In the description below across Australia and New Zealand their attention to detail is immaculate they use custom models so you do need to download a custom model package but trust me it is 100 worth it if you fly in the most beautiful parts of the world Australia and New Zealand you must have some NCAA airports in your collection now for the eighth add-on in this list we've got Sky Dolly a replay tool which once again I featured extensively on my channel it is by far the best freeware replay tool out there and it extends much further than just being able to record your flight and watch it back you can do some fun things like making formations so have aircraft using data from the replay tool spawn in next to you to make some fantastic formations Sky Dolly at its core is the best replay tool for free for Microsoft Flight Sim because it's so smooth like all replay tools for Microsoft Flight Sim they're never 100 perfect but this is your best bet moving on a very simple add-on but very effective no toolbar this removes the toolbar icon the little white stripe that pops up at the top of your screen whenever you move your mouse from Microsoft float Sim it doesn't impede on the performance or anything it just gets rid of it this allows you to more conveniently take screenshots and videos without that annoying white stripe getting in the way it's as simple as that a very effective add-on pop it in your folder Bob's your uncle it's gone now moving over to the 10th add-on in this list velanta valanta has been made by orbex and it is the best flight tracker out there it allows you to keep track of the flights you've flown connecting to Microsoft float Sim via Sim connect it will track your aircraft across the world and allow you to see the flights you've flown on Microsoft Flight Sim ever since you installed velanta valanta is sort of a social media for flight simulation as well you can add friends allow them to see the flights you've done compare statistics that sort of thing you're of course able to track how good your Landings were tick off countries you've gone around the world complete missions and even create parties with your friends but I could talk about it all day so let us move over to the 11th add-on in this list by far one of the best FS LTL for those of you who don't know this is an AI traffic solution you can download it via the flyby wire installer that I've linked down below it is the best AI traffic solution for Microsoft float Sim and there have been a few payware or freeware but this definitely takes top spot recently it's been fully integrated into Microsoft Flight Sim so the only thing you need to do with FS LTL is start the application then you can just head into Microsoft Flight Sims toolbar and control it from there while it is a pretty performance heavy add-on you can put some nice limits in as well that reduce the hit it has on your performance if you're willing to see slightly fewer aircraft I've used it all the time if you're like me and prefer to fly offline it is a great solution to make your skies feel a bit less lonely moving over to some aircraft now we've got the 172 enhancement or to be more precisely Cessna 172 SP Skyhawk as1000 Improvement mod made by bagaloo this is a fantastic add-on that mods a sobos Cessna 172 SP Skyhawk this mod allows you to do stuff like open the doors open the windows and use these sun visors but it also has some pretty cool features such as working titles G1000 mod being integrated by default it's also got State saving as well which means that if you press some switches and then turn off Microsoft flight 7 load back into this aircraft if you like your light Sun you'll come back to the aircraft with its lights on when you come back later in the day it doesn't just stop there from Wheel clocks to tie downs to covers to Pilot and co-pilot to passengers to Cargo configurations it's an add-on that will really add some realism to one of the workhorses of the civil aviation world and that's why it's in this list whenever working title is integrated into an aircraft it already feels so much more realistic the only thing with this add-on is that if you have got the heavy division 787x8 installed this product will not work properly with Microsoft Flight Sim there is a few incompatible mods here so make sure you read that on the website moving over to the only helicopter in this list where would we be in Microsoft float sim without the hype Performance Group Airbus h135 of course the first helicopter to be released for Microsoft Flight Sim this wonderful bit of freeware continues to see some great improvements while the hype group have released their paywear Airbus h145 the h135 still offers some great helicopter flying of course we've seen some helicopters introduced into Microsoft Flight Sim with Sim update 11 but mark my words the h135 in my opinion anyway still beats them and you can download it now via the hype Operation Center which there is a link for down below the first helicopter for Microsoft Flight Sim definitely one of the best now this is an add-on that to be fair many of you may already have in your hangar but it definitely deserves a place in this list simply put because it is awesome and continues to see some improvements despite the fact it's been released for almost over a month now airplane Heavens DC3 of course this wonderful Douglas aircraft was introduced into Microsoft Flight Sim as part of sim update 11 or the 40th anniversary update but it still sends some good fixes since then and if you want to even take it a step further on PC you can of course download the enhancement pack and then you can even go on to floating.to and download another enhancement pack to make it even better but to be perfect to be honest I think pretty much vanilla the airplane Heaven DC3 is certainly worthy of being in this list the sounds are beautiful the modeling is beautiful the cockpit is fantastically really created in Microsoft float Sim this is a must-have if you love flying vintage birds moving over to a very much more modern aircraft headwind with that A330 900 Neo now this add-on has once again featured extensively on my channel for good reason headwind have done a fantastic job with the A330 900 Neo this freeware product receives constant updates meaning they're always working on it and that is admirable enough it of course incorporates flyby wire systems and was recently updated to work properly with Sim update 11. being one of the newest Airbus aircraft in Microsoft Flight Sim it's modern it looks fantastic inside and out and a nice collection of liveries are included including the controversial Condor Stripes moving over to the final five add-ons in this list you knew it was coming it's the any simulations Airbus A310 which once again was introduced in Microsoft Flight Sim him as part of sim update 11 or the 40th anniversary update this aircraft has got to be one of my favorite in this list that of course is not really ranked in any particular order a vintage Airbus with a yoke how can you go wrong some really good system modeling admittedly it didn't have the best start it's still not 100 perfect now but once again what stands out here is that the team continued to work on it it hasn't just been released and forgotten about and when an add-on receives that sort of support it almost never fails if you like flying winter Ops across Canada get the Air Trans at Livery the only thing I would say and if you're watching this on Xbox this is more of a PC video but what I would say is that the Indie builds or any simulations a through 10 of course isn't as good on Xbox as it is on PC yet that may change when WSM support comes over but it's a highly recommended freeware aircraft for Microsoft Flight Sim now working title while was going to include working titles individual avionics improvements into this video when I was planning out this video the AAU avionics and aircraft update one was released as beta for Microsoft Flight Sim while this update will be coming out in January it gives us basically full access of the add-ons that working title are adding into Microsoft Flight Sim so I'm not just going to feature working titles individual add-ons separately because we're getting a more systematic approach and working title they go through and basically update all of the Garmin avionics from the G1000 to the g3000 g530 and T430 in Microsoft float Sim and that of course covers a wide range of aircraft from the aforementioned Cessna 172 all the way up for the Cessna Citation longitudes if you would like to see more about the AAU update check out my extensive video on it here the working title definitely deserve a place in the top 20 add-ons for Microsoft Flight Sim list not only on an individual add-on basis but that overall contribution to aircraft on Microsoft Flight Sim if you'd like to take the risk and download aau's beta you can see it for yourself if not do check out some of the working titles separate products the G1000 and the T3000 to name a few we're now down to the last three and quite unsurprisingly I don't think these have changed since when I did the video two years ago so we've got the heavy division 787 Improvement mod now this does improve a payware aircraft for Microsoft Flight Sim of course the 787 included as part of the premium Deluxe update but they are working on a standalone 787 so if you're more curious about that do check out my video on it you can see a link on the top of your screen now aside from that the heavy division 787x Improvement mods over parts of the 787 and while it has been Limited in the past by fsibo locks we're now seeing the very best of the heavy division team initially it started out as list IRS alignment being added into the 787 but we've now seen stuff like improved elnav and v-nav an overhauled mcdu an overhauled FMC and improved sounds it's a highly recommended product if you'd like to improve your Microsoft Flight Sim 787 experience moving over to the Salty 747 Improvement mods of course this improves a default aircraft the Boeing 787-8 InterContinental it's been out for a while now and you can get it through the flyby wire installer over selecting the stable or development version with constant updates once again this is an ongoing battle to improve the default 747 but blast me it has paid off once again improved elnav and V nav an overhauled FMC IRS integration improved sounds improved float model the list is really endless do go check it out it's free at the end of the day so there's really no excuse here and finally where would we be in Microsoft flow sim without the flyby wire simulations team and their A320 NX this project has been extensive the team have been working consistently and this freeware add-on for Microsoft Flight Sim has just got better and better not only is it a fantastic add-on on its own I'm sure many of you are familiar with it and if you're not have you been living under a rock it also shows what should be the future of float simulation when you get strong-willed individuals coming together and forming open source unbureaucratic development teams and they're using their passion as opposed to an endless case for money Captain Sim then you get stuff like this I don't really need to talk much about the A320 NX this does represent the very best of flow simulation overhauling the default A320 introduced with Microsoft float Sim upon release in 2020 that aircraft's pretty much now unrecognizable I don't think anyone on PC who's flown the A320 will have flown the default one for a very long time the Improvement list of the fly fly by wire A320 is almost endless every single feature of this aircraft has seen some sort of update and they're showing no sign of slowing down and for that simple reason it's why it's made number one on this list although it's not in any particular order I think I can still say after two and a half years of Microsoft floats in being out and well over two years of the flyby wire A320 being out I can safely say this is the best add-on out there in spite of all the other fantastic ones this represents something that's much bigger than less than A320 and on that note guys thank you for watching I hope you've enjoyed this top 20 add-on video what did you think have I been unfair should I have included something else or is this list pretty much perfect I know it will be somewhere in the middle thank you so much for watching guys I hope you've enjoyed if you have be sure to like comment and subscribe check out my Amazon affiliate links down below for all the stuff I used to fly film and edit you can also find my social media links down below from Instagram to Discord so if you want to alert me to something or share some great Microsoft loads of news do connect with me on there have a great one guys bye bye [Music] thank you [Music] thank you
Channel: Pilot Studd
Views: 88,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: msfs, fs2020, flightsim, 737, pmdg, msfs 737, 737 review, flight sim 737, pmdg 737, pmdg 737-700, pilot studd, msfs 737 review, bombadier, msfs freeware, msfs free addon, etihad, 787, boeing 787, trip report
Id: mvcgXdmmzuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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