YOU NEED TO TRY THESE: Top 8 Addons For MSFS 2020 (Free & Paid)

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are you boarding Microsoft flight simulator 2020 or just looking to add some extra realism to the Sim with your luck because over the last year I tested about 50 add-ons for it and I'm bringing you the absolute best of the best the top 8 add-ons free and paid that you can use with Microsoft flight simulator so welcome to Pilot where I share my passion for virtual Aviation with you and bringing you hardware and add-on review tutorials and Microsoft flight simulator 2020 news to you twice a week Monday or Friday we start at number eight on the list with Rex real Global airport texture it's on sale right now for 12.57 but please note that this placement and all the other placements on this list are merely based on my subjective experience and not necessarily ranks only the quality of the Anon and I recommend you think for yourself on which item would fit your flying experience the most I made this lace based on how much I use the add-on and how much of a quality of a life upgrade it is and obviously the quality of it as well so this one wrecks real Global airport textures is aiming to add a lot of things to the game including iron marks dirt grid Etc graphical upgrades to outboard taxiways signs markings and more now there's an alternative to this in the in-game store named enhanced airport Graphics by xenotech but that is a little bit more expensive at around 15 to 18 bucks depending on conversion values and that has a lot less configurations available so because of the price of it and it's not something that you would see every day and kind of notice how much it adds I would say this is a nice to have and especially because it costs money there are some better add-ons for completely free if you don't find anything exciting I think this will add some extra realism to your sim but again it's not something super special or necessarily need to have and number seven we reminded how one of the most annoying parts of flying happens in Microsoft 57 to 2020 if you're flying at night because you're not gonna see anything basically you don't know where to park and you can navigate based on that well let's be honest catchy taxi and apron lights so here comes Android 3D with his solution employ named airport light now this project at 32 000 plus light poles to the simulator and mainly improves apron and gate lighting I'll show you some before and afters on the screen I think it's quite a difference now this add-on is currently completely free with no premium options and has virtually no effect on the FPS of your game it is super easy to install you can just download it put in your community folder of your copy of the game and that's about it Android notes in the project that maybe in the future hit begin working on Better Taxi and Runway lines which honestly I would actually pay for not just as a free add-on I would actually get it if it costs money but given that this is a free project I think this is definitely a must-have one even if you don't plan to fly at night a lot the only reason why this doesn't come higher is because you're not gonna fly at night all that often or at least I don't so maybe if you do this might be number one for you on the sixth place comes real tax Evas EU or US edition the only reason why this isn't higher on the list is that not all of you will need it and it's not super cheap that said if you watch the video utility and I'll be hiding another 10 gift card code to just flight where you can buy this one or all the other listed add-ons now as we all know there are some really good and expensive airports in Microsoft flight simulator 2020 but if you want to buy at least you know 5 10 15 of them the bill will add up pretty quick so I think one of the cheapest ways to improve almost all the airport Awards in the game is to get real taxiways now you can buy only the EU or only the US version or get them in the bundle the bundle currently costs 45 bucks a bit cheaper in Euro so that comes down to about 22.5 per pound if you buy them individually they'll run you 39.99 so it's definitely a better value to go for the bundle so when should you get this package I say it's a must-have if you want to fly that same or Ivo Network since being able to see the taxiway you were ordered to go to by ATC is crucial on these networks in any other cases it's still a nice to have to add realism to most airports you'll be flying without spending thousands on custom airports I just wish it'd be a little bit cheaper but again I can imagine that this wasn't a small task to create so I think it's worth it and again especially if you're someone flying on the networks this will be definitely money well spent coming in at number five we have FS realistic Pro now this is another paid add-on again in the list later on we'll be covering a lot of really good free stuff which is obviously higher on the list but this one comes in at 29.99 that's the price point now as its name implies the addon's main purpose is to add more realism to your sim and what a surprise and it adds currently about 30 sounds and vibration effects all configurable to your aircraft and flying experience such as touchdown vibrations and sounds depending on how smooth of a landing it was that you did engine start vibrations reverse thrust turbulence speed brakes drag effects and the sound ground effect float splashing when you land in water and more it is currently in beta on VR but I found it to be working pretty well obviously this is a subjective experience only and again if you have something like the bot kicker I think this will complement that setup pretty nicely too I've seen some videos on the internet so this might be something that you really want to get so I think for the price it is a really good add-on this is again something that you would use every single day so the only reason why this is not higher on the list is because it costs still quite a lot of money as we're getting to the first half of the list and number four we're getting to more and more free projects as I promise now this one is definitely a must-have not just because it is free but because it has so much fine details to the world of Microsoft flight simulator 2020. power lines and solar Farms is a completely free add-on that you you can download and install quickly from just flight as it name implies it adds power lines between the power pylons in the game and solar Farms panel it makes a huge difference especially if you're flying VFR stuff or even in VR now the Creator added even the little white and red ball to be accurate that you'd have in the real life power lines so you can see where they are from a plane and just as with his other project called project lift there is even a collision model added here there are some noteworthy bugs but nothing super immersion breaking and I think it's all clearly detailed on his side so give it a read but download it and add it to your sim if you're ever planning to fly VFR or VR or both and even if you fly in only IFR conditions only IFR aircraft this will still improve the airports you're flying into the only reason why this is not higher on the list is because as with the others not everyone will have the need for it but since it's completely free you really should be getting power lines and solar farms and now we're coming up on the podium but before that I just wanted to let you know that we have a Discord where I'll be doing a screenshot competition for real money pricing is when we reach 500 subscribers on this channel so make sure to check out the description join the Discord again it's completely free all you have to do is submit some screenshots of you flying and you might be getting some extra money to one of the stores so you can buy some nice add-ons the next one is the most expensive add-on that I've actually listed however it is coming at a number three because it's a daily driver for me Navi graph is a monthly subscription at 11 Euros 49 a month and I couldn't find you as the pricing but it would be about 12 and a half dollars so at roughly the cost of your Netflix subscription what you'll be getting is I think a quite a good value first of all you'll be getting all the current Japan charts integrated in Microsoft flights and winter 2020 or you can get it in a desktop app or even an iPad app at the same time you can set up your whole flight plan with simbrief which is a navigraft company and import it in Navi graph you can also export your flight plan from navigraft to the flight simulator from here too which I find a great tool because I can obviously easier plan it here than inside the game other than a great planning tool you'll be getting ground charts approach blades departure procedure documents and more literally everything that the real Pilots would be using most of these charts will even show you your inseam location on them which will obviously help you navigating them even more now other features that I like include active meteor information per airport the app also shows you crosswind component on Runway so you can see which runways would suit you better if 80s or Tower controlling is not provided to you and is incredibly easy and actually very good to use in VR which is a massive help when finding con frequencies VR navigation stuff and more so again this is something that I literally use every single day that I fly and it may be an expensive one because it is a monthly subscription but if you're gonna fly I think this makes a lot of sense and I use it way more than for example my Netflix subscription which is why this is at number three we are closing in on number one so at number two it is the loved and highly recommended fill of VFR package now there are three packages to download all for completely free so regardless how and how much you fly this is something that you absolutely need to add right away to your game it adds so many landmarks features antennas Smoke Stacks cooling towers construction canes Etc it's crazy good and again did I mention that all three packages are for free the only reason why this only has the silver medal is because while I'll do fire a lot of VFR in VR and with these features on the land below navigation is way easier not all of you will be flying as much general aviation and bfr flights as I do and even if I'm flying at a place that I don't know looking out the window and seeing a factory below puffing smokes just adds so much more atmosphere to your flight and obviously your screenshots as well it does not conflict with any other mods it covers three regions for now as I'll show on screen right now so you can see which one is which and it is super easy to download so again make sure you do and again the only reason why this is not number one is because not all of you will be flying as much VFR as I do now we're getting to number one so I wanted to thank you for your continued support in the channel in just a matter of two weeks we went from zero to 120 subscribers with only two videos on this channel which is insane and if you have any recommendations for me let me know in the comments subscribe not to miss them at number one are gold medalist for today is that same now there is another Network that you can fly on called Ivo but for the purpose of this video I'll bet we could bring them into one so it's not strictly an add-on for this game but I think it's definitely a good extra that goes insanely well with it it deserves its first place simply because it is so good and it has so much more realism to your flights and so much more excitement and purpose to your flights and really only fly on one of these networks for now the point of both Ivo and that Sim is to provide real ATC Air Traffic Control by volunteers now obviously they won't always be 100 accurate but you'd be surprised on how close it actually gets from flying from a small field in a small plane just in VFR to departing from Heathrow in an airliner you could potentially have all the real world ATC position failed and in your rear with real people on the other side of it you can even simulate emergency situations diversions and more hoverboard networks come with their own regulations and batsim actually has a small entry test but nothing to be super anxious about so if you haven't tried out either definitely get on one or both and if you're afraid you'll mess it up with a real person controlling you I have started my vet Sim slash Ivo guide on the channel the first part releases on Monday and I'll be walking you through everything from the setup to your first slide and more
Channel: PYLT
Views: 108,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: msfs, msfs2020, msfs news, microsoft flight simulator 2020, microsoft flight simulator, flight simulator, flight simulation, msfs dlc, msfs addons, msfs payware, msfs free, free msfs
Id: 1JkaM_lggHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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