NeoFly 4, how to fly Qualifications

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hi everybody this is Kurt and uh today we're going to do neofly qualifications um this part of the program is about getting the licenses to fly different planes and getting the little stars to get increases in your in your pay and in your in your experience you get bonuses for the more stars you have for a particular category so before I get into that though what I want to talk about is one of the most common problems people have with neofly is they get confused about the airplane for instance if you've got an airplane with with multiple liveries um and you pick the wrong one it's not going to be happy with it so when you start the mission it'll tell you which one you need in this case it just says Pizza Sobo which is the name of the plane and Delivery for the regular red soil pits biplane and most of the other Livery names it would have more detail here um so what will happen is when you go to I've already got this this Mission selected so if I go to hanger you can see we've got it here and it gives you the plane in your hanger that you need to put your guy in this is also one of the things people get hung up on is it doesn't automatically put you into the new so add your guy to the plane and um at that point you're ready to go in but when you go to the uh to the flight screen you can see I've got the right location but the airplane's red well that's odd right because here we are in our pits well it's not the uh it's not the right pits it's got the it's the wrong Livery so neofly really does care about that and it won't let you fly it so always check to see what's going on there if you don't hear The Voice come on and welcome you to the mission or whatever uh or if you see red in the in the here that's an indicator that you've got something wrong so in this case we've got the wrong plane there's two ways you can fix this and it also it works for the location you can either go out to the main menu and go find the correct one or if you know exactly which one you're looking for and you're comfortable doing it you can just go into the um the developer menu over here on and then you can go to tools and use the aircraft selector right here if you're at the wrong airport you can use teleport window too to teleport to you I don't like to use that one because you never know really where it's going to put you at the airport and sometimes it doesn't load correctly so we know we want the pits of sobos that's this one double click that it'll load the correct plane if you don't want to stay in Dev mode you can just exit right here mode and then tell it here you uh to go back don't apply save and that'll set this back to off BevMo and stuff goes away now we're in the correct plane which gets decided is running now for some reason but that's Microsoft anyhow um and when we get back into the plane and if I pull up neofly you'll see it's turned green here it's happy with this plane so that's a quick way to fix that it's complaining that the weight's not exactly right but it won't stop you from flying the mission based on that anyhow at this point I'm going to cut over to the plane I actually used for the certification which was a little more sensible than a pits and we'll continue from there okay I've moved us over to a location to do the certification to try and get that extra star on our on our qualification one of the things that's going to happen here is and this is unusual it's because of this airport the uh normally it tells you to take off and climb to 1 000 feet she's going to tell me I'm at my altitude a little bit early and I think it's because the terrain drops away which is unusual but that is a little thing that's going to mess me up a little bit here as I start the training so don't get distracted too much by that when you do the startup you want to make sure that you have your Beacon Light on at the minimum before you start the engine she'll ding you a little bit for that now that the engine is running taxi to the runway don't exceed 25 knots while taxiing so what you can do here is put the landing lights on before you get to the runway it kind of it does two things it keeps you from forgetting to do it before you take off and it keeps her from thinking that you're taxing complied with the runway and take off uh so you see I switched that on right there and she immediately set a line with throwaway and take off because she assumes we're over there but what that does is it prevents you having to deal with the problem of taxing too fast and it also makes sure that you don't forget because if you leave the landing light off during your takeoff roll she's going to nail you for taxi too fast things to remember to do here is once you get on the runway make a note of the heading that you're at on the runway and make a note of your altitude because she's going to want you a thousand feet above the field altitude and she's going to watch you uh you're going to be referring to your original ending a lot so what I usually do is as soon as I get on the runway I set my uh my heading bug so set your heading bug to the runway heading and you'll refer to that a bit and just take off as you normally would I've set you can see in there I've set the The Climb altitude to 2700 because I was expecting her to give me 2700 since we're taking off from 17 but it didn't work out that way so that's why right after takeoff you're going to see me fighting with a few things I also turned off the live weather because it was extremely Gusty and I just didn't feel like dealing with we are now in the air remember that here at neofly we have to take care of our cargo and passengers much for the entire flight now climb to one thousand feet AGL she says don't bank or pitch too much which isn't very helpful basically keep it under 30 degrees I think she will allow you to go to 45 but there's really no reason to so normally she would have called that out when we were a thousand feet up this time it came early which all you need to do is make a note of the altitude she's got you at now and do a 180 from where you're at so in this case the runway is north south so basically I'm just going to make a turn to 183 roughly but I'm fighting with the I want to use the autopilot for this since I know that's how most people are going to do it anyway so I'm just trying to get everything settled before I start that and now I'm just using the heading bug to make the turn now climb to 3 000 feet AGL maintain the same heading so since we're already at or would normally be at a thousand feet AGL you just want to add two to wherever you're at and stay on your current heading actually I did three there for some reason but she'll catch it when we get up there anyway anyhow engage uh FLC or whatever your preferred climb method is get it going once we get to that altitude she's going to ask us to do a 360 degree turn so it's the same as the 180 you can go left or right whatever makes you happy and I just use you know once I get there and the heading this stable or the altitude is stabilized just use the heading button to make the turn so since I set the wrong altitude before she caught me off guard here so I'm taking a second to get everything settled before I start my turn she usually doesn't complain too much as long as you stay on the heading you were on until you start your turn so once I get that all settled down now go back to the departure airport aligned with the runway and do a touch and go a landing vertical speed of more than minus 400 feet per minute will not allow you to pass the qualification okay so those are the that's the the rules basically if you touch down at more than 400 feet uh per minute you're gonna fail but anything less than that is fine but you want to get it as soft as you can really try to get a greaser to get the star I ended up deciding I was way too high didn't want to try and dive bomb it and pick up a bunch of speed so I made a 360 here just to lose some altitude well done you can now apply a traffic pattern and do your final Landing every time on the touch and go I forget that I'm supposed to go around I always like land and then I'm waiting for her to tell me I did good and she doesn't I roll a thousand feet and then I realize I'm supposed to take off again which is exactly what I did there anyhow at this point um all you got to do is land safely and stick with the banking rule don't over Bank it but you don't need to fly a legit pattern or anything just land on that Runway and at that point you're done so that touch and go was the only thing that counts to the Stars this Landing doesn't matter other than that you don't crash and of course because it doesn't matter it's if you look at the log it'll always be your better Landing it's so funny you'll always you'll always touch down with about half the speed on your final touchdown just because you're not thinking about it well done now taxi to parking and shut down your engine you can just shut down on the runway if you want there's really no requirement that you actually go all the way back to parking since it's probably not your plane anyways you might as well just save your time get it stopped but I think I ended up pulling at least onto the taxiway here I floated all the way down the runway because it came in a little too fast so not really great piloting there but she doesn't care about this landing at all as long as you don't crash so important to remember it's not over until you shut the engine down so don't just drop out of the game yeah see I'm here I'm showing you 113 feet per minute on my uh on my touch and go and uh I think it was about half that on my phone yeah uh 59 feet per minute on my final Landing that's what I was telling you about it's always like that anyhow that's the whole process and that's how you get your stars uh in the qualifications for neofly so that's it for today uh thanks for watching and we'll catch you next time
Channel: KurtVW Sims and Such
Views: 2,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flight Simulator, MSFS, neofly, tutorial
Id: Nh0p9a8iVwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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