Still Think MSFS isn't a "Real" Sim? | Real Airbus Pilot - Fenix A320 | Failure Scenario | RTX4090

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100 above inside subject checks minimum continue [Music] hello again everyone and welcome back to the channel in today's video we are heading out in the absolutely superb Phoenix Airbus A320 once again and we're going to be flying a highly realistic scenario courtesy of FSI panel for those of you who have already seen my full review of the FSI panel utility you might want to skip this one as this flight is a re-edited version of the same flight that we carried out in my full review as the flight was to my mind at least very interesting I thought though that some of you might like to see it in a separate video so for today's scenario once again we are in the Phoenix Airbus A320 we'll start the aircraft on the ground at Bremen the plan is to take the aircraft over to Frankfurt however the scenario throws up a surprise failure for us on route we'll be dealing with that along the way and ultimately the scenario here is going to lead through to a diversion to an alternate Aerodrome as you'll see in just a moment's time the weather on the ground in Bremen and indeed throughout the flight is pretty poor so that makes for some interesting conditions as always we'll be using real world charts checklists procedures and knowledge obviously with the failure thrown in we'll have a little bit of ecam handling along the way and there'll be a somewhat in-depth look at the operation of the mcdu as well obviously carrying out that diversion so we'll be starting on the runway the aircraft's going to be just shy of 61 000 kilograms we'll find ourselves on Runway 27 at Bremen the windows 270 degrees 25 gusting 30. we've been cleared for an early departure and our call sign today is windmill001 this is probably one of the most realistic one of the most comprehensive scenarios that I've run in Microsoft flight simulator to date so I do hope you enjoy it as always if you do please consider giving the video a like and subscribing to the channel okay so we now find ourselves lined up on Runway 2-7 here at Bremen as you can see the weather's not looking too flash particularly up at the departure under the runway so to catch for that just gone through to ignition start on the engine start selector and momentarily as well take the wipes on here ahead of the takeoff the aircraft is set and ready to go most of that configuration has taken place automatically by the FSI panel utility which is really nice to see we just work our way there through the before takeoff checks make sure we've covered off everything here ahead of time so the flight controls have been checked the briefing is confirmed flap setting we have config 2 across the board speeds and thrust we have v1135 vr140 v2143 that's checked on the PFD and we have a flex of 45 degrees HEC is set Eco memo we have takeoff no blue below the line the cabin crew have been advised the engine mode selector is set to ignition starts and the packs are selected on that's the before takeoff chip is complete as I say we'll take the wipes on here ahead of the takeoff and we can get the takeoff clearance now from the tower good morning windmill 711 cleared for takeoff Cliff takeoff Runway 2-7 windmills seven more month okay so we are Clips to take off the part break can come off the wind straight down the runway will stand the throttles up Let the engine stabilize and take off so we have manflex 45 SRS Runway or toothbrush blue Thruster sets it's 100 knots B1 rotates [Music] and we do have positive climb again come up [Music] there's NAB on the FMA then we go autopilot one there's AP1 go up now so we'll take the wipers off and up through 1500 feet let's leave a climb and climb we'll just wait until we see a positive acceleration or we come back on the thrust levers one two four decimal eight bye bye one two four decimal eight windmill someone one thanks so if thrust climb Auto thrust speed is checked we'll go flaps one and we can switch over to departures one two four decimal Eights just hold off on calling them to have got the aircraft clean heavy eight navigate communicates we'll focus on the most important tasks at hand first and just come out through one to go there's s speed we'll go flap zero and we can call departures departures good morning windmill seven one one passing three thousand five hundred on climb four thousand s for level one two zero windmill seven one one then we have trust climb climb out Blue flight level one two zero accelerating up to two five zero knots perhaps are attracted so we'll get the lights off and we can disarm the spoilers still coming through a little bit of weather here currently so we'll leave the ignition on in terms of the tat plus 15 degrees so no need for the engine anti-ice that's 5000 feet will go standard on both altimeters and we'll just leave the local q h there on the standby so we have standard set and cross-checked the Obstacle of checklist the landing gear is up flaps are retracted packs are on so you have to take off check is complete looks like we're now out of the worst of this weather so we'll take the ignition off um just leave the cabin crew sat down here until we've cleared our way through the weather up through seven thousand feet just making a turn out towards the North West and of course maintaining two fives there are knots here we do have a master caution so we'll cancel that coming down to the ecam we have hydraulic green Reservoir low level that is confirmed so running through the income actions PTU off coming up to the overhead we have hydraulics PTU off Green Engine one pump off again Hydraulics green end one pump is selected off Green Engine one pump low pressure of course expecting to see that now with the pump selected off and green system low pressure four or five stand by forefather instructions one two three decimal four five for the HS windmill seven one one so things do get obviously a little bit busier single crew or nearly would have one person handling the ecam one person handling the radios we'll just tune up the latest here in the standby on com two one two three four five the Thousand to go on the altitude in terms of the secondary failures for the wheel we have loss of green system normal braking however we do have anti-skids still available and Alternate braking via the yellow system the auto brake as well unavailable for the landing let's speed out Style Just leveling off at flight level one two zero or clear wheel and on the flight controls as you'd expect losing the green systems the blue and the yellow is still taking the load in terms of the flight controls and looks as well as though we've lost spoilers one and five so clearing flight control lastly for the status in terms of the landing gear extension that's going to be a gravity extension so we'll have to run through the qrh for that later on we can discuss that more later on in the video mounting distance procedure apply again we'll apply the qrh there later that will be using the FB for the landing data calculation again we do have alternate breaking off the yellow hydraulic system available with anti-skid so that's some flaps extension is going to be slow so we'll bear that in mind for the configuration during the approach and we have cat 3 single only in terms of the in-app systems screen Hydraulics spoilers one and five cat three Jewel lots of normal braking loss of auto brake no landing gear retraction no reverse on engine number one we've lost the Green Engine one pump although of course we've turned that off manually and the your damper one so we'll remove the status that is the connections complete so the scenario getting a little bit ahead of us there really we've opted to divert over towards Hanover I believe the logic behind that is that the runway at bremen's fairly short Hanover's Runway to some rights much longer that's a better option for us ordinarily though we'd want to get the weather here ahead of making any diversion decision heading zero nine zero windmill seven more one okay so we're coming to heading I'm trading of zero nine zero then we have heading zero nine zero we'll tune up the ages Hanover this is hand over information Bravo runway in use two seven right ILS approach win280 Degreaser two five knots visibility 2500 meters rain overcast 700 feet temperature one six two point eight qnh1009 transition level six zero nosing so the weather at Hanover not particularly great but certainly well above what we need for the RLS it's going to be a cat 1 RLS into Hanover as I say the scenario gets a little bit ahead of us here ordinarily would want to have assess the situation worked our way through the ecam gotten the weather at Hanover seen whether or not it's suitable before making that diversion decision anyway the plan here we're obviously going to turn out towards the east heading inbound towards Hanover we just wait until we've got a further clearance here and then we can start setting up the mcdu for the diversion somehow ahead of time here I managed to figure out which chart we need to we've already got the Hanover are less here available for Tucson right on the efb and again we'll calculate the landing performance as well on the FB later on so hand over out towards the east the code fan over Echo Delta Delta Victor we should be able to spot that on the nav display that should come onto the screen in just a moment's time anyway we've obviously got everyone sat down still here at the moment we'd leave everyone sat down we can inform the chemical as well that we're going to be making a diversion and that they can prepare the cabin for that ahead of time does Hanover Echo Delta Delta Victor often a bearing of roughly one one zero and just coming onto our heading now of zero nine zero so the aircraft just rolling level let's say we'll just wait here until we get our further clearance at which point we can set up the box so whilst we're waiting for further clearance here from our traffic we can just start briefing the charts 131 the small three three zero windmill seven more month okay one three one three three zero radar windmill someone one level one two zero heading zero nine zero when will seven one one identified descent flight level one zero zero fly direct Charlie Echo Lima and hold as published expect ils27 right descend flight level 100 strict Charlie okay Lima holders published expect the RS 27 right windmill someone one so we'll start The Descent first there's flight level 100 no need to get down into Rush here so we'll just go for a vs minus 500 feet per minute so if vs minus 500 out Blue flight level 100s 10 degrees there on the tat at the moment we'll take the engine anti-isan just an anticipation coming back down through the cloud layer temperature should be fine unless we start any sort of deceleration next we'll go direct to Charlie ekolima and that looks to be correct so we'll insert that and we have nav Charlie AKA Lima holding is published so the hold it's inbound two five seven it's going to be a right hand hold one minute leg so we can set that let's say we can now start setting up the box here or Hanover so from Charlie okay Lima new destination Echo Delta Delta Victor and we'll inserts anticipating the RS to some rights it's going to be in the Zulu approach and no star here but approaching via Charlie akalima and once again we'll hit insert enter destination data we can do that now so again just bring up the ages for Hanover this is hand over information Bravo Runway and use two seven right ILS approach win two eight zero degrees at 2-5 knots visibility 2500 meters rain overcast 700 feet temperature 1 6 2.8 qnh1009 transition level 6-0 Okay so we've got the approach information there in the mcdu we'll just put the MDA in as well mdo 369 feet [Music] that's on the Barrow as you can see tracking inbound direct towards Charlie Echo Lima and just came out from one to go for I'd send down to flight level 100. we've got about 60 miles to run here towards the hold not much more to do here ordinarily we could continue to set up for the approach there's no real Point going to the hold unless we have to but just for the sake of the video today we'll continue but now and our descent we'll take up the hold and we can brief and program the approach carry out the gravity gear extension and then fly the RLS foreign this video is sponsored by mini FCU the mini FCU developed by two real world Airbus captains aims to be an accurate 80 scale Recreation of the real world Airbus FCU providing the user with an affordable and authentic autopilot control interface for your Airbus flight simulation add-ons the mini FCU project can currently be sported over on Kickstarter discounts are available to early backers of the project as with any Kickstarter campaign there are certain risks associated with your financial support so please do familiarize yourself with both the process and the project thoroughly for making any Financial contributions I'll leave a link to the mini FCU Kickstart page down in the video description below okay so we're just approaching our top descent point about 10 miles to run there expecting further descent from air traffic shortly as I say We'll enter into the hold here and we'll get the aircraft set up ready for the approach really just for the sake the video entering the hole we could have done most of this on route as we discussed just a moment ago in terms of what we've got to get done in the hold we need to finish setting up the mcdu we've also got to calculate our Landing performance again we'll be doing that via the FB and we'll brief up the approach as well by the chart again done by the efb no auto brake available for the landing if you remember from the status page so we'll discuss that as well during the briefing I'm also got a little bit of time here as well we'll just have a quick scan through the status page just to remind ourselves so again gravity extension on the landing gear ultimate braking slats and flaps slow cat three single only let's come into the performance page when will 711 descend flight level 7-0 reduce speed at own convenience okay descent Fly level 7-0 speed dial discretion windmill 711 says fight level seven zero again no need to come down in a hurry we're going to be in the hold so we'll just go with vs minus 500 and in terms of the speed we'll go back to manage speed we'll decide right initially towards two five zero knots and as we come to the hole we should come back towards our hold speed so just to save a little bit of time here on the video we'll start getting everything set up before we come into the holds just coming down through ten thousand so we'll take the ls push buttons on Landing lights are selected on and we'll cycle the seatbelt signs 10 degrees there on the tat we'll get the engine anti-ice on again so first things first we'll brief up the approach then we'll get the box set up so it's the wireless Zulu Runway 27 right plate 11-5 the frequency is one zero eight decimal nine India hotel November whiskey my Approach course is 271 Aerodrome elevation 183 feet down to an MDA of 369 feet the missed approaches climbed straight ahead and after passing 600 feet or 0.8 DME whichever is later turning right max speed of 185 knots so we'll have to maintain config one to go around and again for the go around we're going to have the gear extended containing a 356 climbing up to an altitude of 3000 feet ultimately plummet 4000 for the missed approach in terms of the terrain no significant there you can see there's just a little bit of high terrain out towards the southwest of the field but the MSA 2 800 feet whether you've already heard the atis much the same as we saw out of Bremen quite a bit of rain in the area when will 7-1-1 descend four thousand feet qnh1009 when ready for the approach contact director 119 decimal 605 good day they sent us it four thousand swimmer nine six zero five when ready for the approach windmill send one one Okay so we've got four thousand and we'll click down to now shoot now so we'll set the q h we have q h1009 set and cross-checked we'll switch over to director 119605 and you can see just come over here Charlie okay Lima so the weather as we discussed visibility down to a couple of kilometers Cloud base I believe was 700 feet so good enough for the RS we need 550 meters in terms of the visibility operationally no water break available again slats and flaps will be slow be a gravity extension we use either reverse only reverse available on number two we'll be stopping on the runway and we'll try and get the aircraft stopped just at the high speed exit anticipating being towed Off The Runway here today that's going to make the whole operation a little bit easier so in terms of what we've got in the Box Flight Plan has been checked already it's for the rs27 right Zulu at Hanover on the radnavs we've got India hotel November whiskey 108 decimal nine the fun approach course of two six nine slight discrepancy there with the chart I think we've got different nav databases it's a three degree slope in terms of fuel we've got 4.6 tons of fuel on board the aircraft so plenty of fuel if you need to make a go around or a further diversion performance wise again we've got the data in the Box and the Barrow MDA there 369 on the progress page as well we'll just enter Hanover two seven rights so the box is set up in terms of our weights we are below the max Landing weight 59.7 tons Max the only way the Phoenix Airbus is 64.5 so we're blowing Max Landing weights weather's been checked brakes again it'll be manual braking no auto brake option available briefing is complete the approach against the RS 27 right the AIDS have been checked so in terms of calculating the landing performance we'll go to a rival Perth on the FB an academic Delta Victor Runway two seven rights we'll go with medium poor just to cover off the most conservative case scenario here we can fetch the meta data the 260 at three that's actually incorrect we're looking at two 80 at 25 16 degrees 1009 I guess the Sim has pulled the data from somewhere else some reason though that's not actually letting me enter the wind just try once more there you go so 280 25 he said 16 degrees and qh1009 running weights 59 0.5 the auto brake again no auto brake available so max manual braking we'll go with no reverses it's going to be manual Landing flaps full auto thrust on and in terms of the failure scenario here Hydraulics green system low pressure so you can see here we've got a landing distance available 2 900 meters and the factory Landing distance actually slightly above that three zero one two we've been pretty conservative there though we could actually bump things up all the way through to good if we really need to in terms of lighting performance and you can see there we've got about 2 150 meters in terms of the factor line distance so a fair bit of margin available so in terms of the landforms calculation we're all good just to expedite things slightly here we'll go immediate exit on the hold we'll activate the approach phase and we'll call director now tell him we're ready for the approach director windmill 711 ready for the approach 711 Roger cleared by ls27 right Cliff LS Runway to some right windmill someone one okay so we are clear for the ls just coming down through seven thousand feet so a little bit High currently we'll go into an open descent and we'll get things slowed up here as we come through Echo Colima just help the aircraft slightly here it's a little bit of a tricky turn otherwise we'll go direct to Charlie akalima once again so we have now Charlie okay Lima and we'll take flaps one back into the rain we'll take the ignition on once again and taking the flaps there the status page just checking we don't have any changes so landing gear gravity extension ply we'll do that just a moment's time Landing distance procedure has been applied and the rest no changes so bringing out the qrh we'll run through the Banning gear gravity extension just coming down through six thousand feet we do have open descent there I'll blew 4000 on the FMA so landing gear gravity extension there's a caution there do not apply the procedure of at least one green triangle is displayed on each landing gear will SD page not relevant to us here about to gear extension hand crank pull and turn so coming down to the back of the pedestal turn that through three rotations there's one two and three you can see that the gear is extending just went here we got three greens we've got India hotel November whiskey identified [Music] looks like the RLS is correct sensing we'll just wait until we approach to arm it up okay so we do have three Greens on the gear indication we'll take the gear lever down gear indications are checked [Music] and must caution there we're expecting to see that again doors not closed Max Speed two five zero knots fuel consumption increased and the FMS predictions unreliable it's all clear landing gear in terms of the status [Music] Max Speed two five zero knots fuel consumption increased FMS predictions unreliable trying to get doors those are the only changes we'll remove the status [Music] income action's complete we'll take laps two start bringing the speed back towards 160 knots just to help here with the turn plus 12 degrees on the OT so the engine anti ice can come off and again we've got the ignition arm we'll leave the wipers off for now just living off at four thousand we've got a restriction of four thousand we can send down to three thereafter but in this case we can arm up the approach so we've got glideslope blue cat 3 single we're expecting to see as per the ecam autopilot one and two so as we come around the corner here we should capture the Loke hopefully as well we'll capture the guide slope if not again we can descend down to three thousand feet in the meantime we can run through the approach checklist so if the approach checks The Briefing is confirmed decom status has been checked seat belts are on baroref we have q h1009 sets this guy soap star lokestar and we've got four thousand except for the missed approach contact Tower one two zero decimal one eight zero safe landing one two zero decimal 180 windmill send more one thanks so one two zero one eight we just finished off the checklist and then we'll call the tower so MDA we have a barrow of 369 sets and the engine mode selector is set through to ignition start that's the approach checks complete maintaining 160 knots for now it's about 10 miles here to run towards the runway Gear's already down car windmill 711 RS 27 rights [Music] win two eight zero degrees and two five knots Rescue Services at the runway they will approach you once parking brake is dead okay cleared land Runway two seven right we will be stopping on the runway windmill someone one so we have Glide slope Loke just coming down through 3000 feet between nine miles to run still very much in all of this nasty weather at the moment so stopping on the runway again the plan is to try and stop by the high-speed exit just to make the 12th Runway that little bit easier and once we're on the runway here anticipating that we'll have the Emergency Services come out to meet us just coming down through the cloud you can just about see where our visual with the ground but we're going to be straight back into the weather here 15 degrees now on the tat we'll keep 160 knots until around six miles in this particular case again with the slats and flaps extension being a little bit slow let's check two thousand five hundreds just coming through eight miles [Music] the altitude checks against the distance [Music] at the moment we've still got 47 knots off the nose in terms of the wind there and 25 is what respect you on the ground so we've got about another 20 knots of wind we're going to lose here through the last two thousand feet of The Descent they're down three seven miles we'll take flap three and we'll take the wipers on as well showing five miles to run we'll go manage speed and I'll take config full in terms of the landing checklist the camera crew have been advised just the spoilers to come there we've still got those for the gear and save the lights at this camera crew have an advised Auto thrust is speed Eco memo we have Landing no blue that's the landing track is complete still not visual with the runway just yet I can manage speed though doing 158 knots or thereabouts quite a high speed there that's due to the pretty strong headwind component here versus the Lesser headwind component on the ground the aircraft carrying a little bit more energy in anticipation of the loss of that headwind anyway fully configured approaching a thousand feet about five miles to run towards the runway and still not visual yet with the leading lights [Music] again we are clear for the landing we'll keep the autopilot in until we are visual with the runway actually that headwind components increase slightly there so we're going to get a pretty drastic drop off in the winds that's checked we are stable [Music] don't give me a really good right now for those leading lights again the Minima is 369 feet it's going to be pretty touch and go here as to whether or not we're visual with the runway I don't believe in the scenario the intention is for a go-around but if we're not visual carry one out certainly that's making for a very interesting scenario thus far okay just fishing with the lights 300. so disconnecting the autopilot minimum continue all that wind just falling off at the last minute there so getting a little bit low on the puppy we'll correct for that not sure why we have the Auto Land lights not relevant in this particular case [Music] and just getting a little bit caught out in the flare there as we arrest our descent rate so slightly long let's touch down [Music] they're coming from the reverses can see the high speed exit off there on our left and we'll just start braking manually down through 70 knots so canceling the reverses how much does the aircraft roll through again just towards the high speed exit and coming onto the brakes no Parkway can go on [Music] and we call the ground Services have them come up meet the aircraft they can come over and make sure everything's okay and sure enough we have the Emergency Services here to meet us towards the end of our scenario [Music] so there you go guys I do hope you enjoyed another outing in the Phoenix Airbus A320 the FSI panel training scenarios are once again great for this sort of flying great for throwing up a few unexpected scenarios along the way and as you can see they certainly make for a very realistic very authentic experience within the SIM I won't go into too much more detail there if you are interested in FSI panel I'll leave a link in the video to my full review of the product again whilst this was essentially a re-upload of the flight that I carried out during my full review doesn't seem as though many of you got a chance to see it so I do hope you enjoyed what you saw here today if you did as always please consider giving the video a like it certainly helps the channel if you've yet to do so and you'd like to see more content from the channel then please consider subscribing as well and if you would like to help support the channel further you can do so by becoming a channel member or Patron as always a very big thank you to my channel members and patrons for all of your support it is very much appreciated I do hope that all of you are having a great day wherever you are take really good care and I will see you all again soon
Channel: Into the Blue Simulations
Views: 57,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Piper, Microsoft Flight Simulator, MSFS, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, Review, Full Flight, Realism, Realistic, Real Pilot, Flight Simulation, Addon, Add on, Flight Simulator, Fenix, Airbus, A320, FSiPanel, FSi Panel, Advanced, Standard
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 56sec (2276 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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