I got her! Can these Hanya builds carry me to world 1st this?—342 days without pulling

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YouTube hello hello so I finally got haa on the warlus account one of the absolute best Harmony characters in my opinion to help us manage our skill point economy but we also got a big problem this is potentially my last chance to 36 star memory of chaos since we all know what they are planning to do as you guys saw they've already added bosses with 1.5 million HP they've added bosses that can take infinite turns and next up they'll probably add a boss that requires you to gamble in GTA 6 before you could deal damage to it right so basically it's only getting harder every patch with these new beefier soak sponges furthermore I am beginning an insane challenge soon my hardest one yet and the account build is coming out this weekend so it's going to be extremely intense I'm not sure if you guys are ready to handle the masochism on this one so make sure to subscribe if you're interested to see what it is but for now Hana is our newest Last Hope to save this account I got some interesting build cooked up for Hana and with these builds will we be able to 36 star the abyss let's find out so first off I decided to try a very fun haa build in combination with the most insane suang build you will ever see four piece Eagle suang no no I'm just kidding it's just a standard full break effect build suang but if you're interested definitely try out the four-piece eagle suang and let me know if it's good I then toss Hana the new watch maker Relic set that gives her Ally even more brick effect and with this my suang was able to reach 280% break effect it was pretty fun watching the bleed procs just deal for an absolute ton of damage however the real problem lies in ml1 even though mlc1 was fairly easy with haa I had to make her great again this time by pairing her with the Gamba Gremlin instead and by changing hana's build for mlc1 since this floor still proved to be pretty impossible but you're probably wondering what is causing so much trouble and the answer to it is this annoying ass mob here yes the araton gatekeeper this mob in my factual opinion is one of the most annoying Elite mob ever designed and this is how it absolutely made the Run miserable boom 150,000 damage you'll love to see it what the there we go there we go haa all right I'm just going to Ultimate just to play safe here hopefully it doesn't lock down QQ otherwise now it's my turn okay mister okay mister I asked for one simple thing hopefully it doesn't lock down QQ otherwise and you don't give it to me not sure why but you know this mob has six different mechanics right debuffs your team summons ads immune to toughness break imprison you advance forward what else do you want from a mob you know like an elite mob at that it's not even a boss it's just an elite Mob Of course I missed my crit oh my God it's but not only that I needed to make sure that I had cleared the first wave within 29 Cycles remaining otherwise I will not have enough Cycles to be C IA under 25 Cycles remaining since she literally has a whopping 600k HP and what's even more annoying is that they put her on the left side rather than the middle meaning that if QQ were to Target kolia for the maximum amount of damage I will never be able to kill the piggy that is spawned now hoo verse that is evil so the solution was simple there were a couple tricks that I had to pull off to make that 29 cycle cut off in the first wave a reality and what are those tricks oh you know it's coming you you know it's coming do you guys know how to pull an eagle out of the Hat well I do and this insane build is about to blow you away it's about to be as insane as making your own game then having it be pushed to thousands of people like it's a Tik Tok video and that is exactly what Castle make and play app is meant to do and thank you to Castle for sponsoring the video this app is like paint and mini games mixed together for example you can create your own game like a different version of Tetris or a 2d platformer a tower defense game Happy Bird Rog likee game and so many more you can also try a ton of different games that others like you and me have made using the app I had an amazing time trying out many different games and one of my favorites is this tetris-like game where you are given three blocks of different shapes and your goal is to get the highest score possible by filling out the columns or rows with the blocks it may seem simple at first but in the later stages the board starts to reduce the number of squares that you have forcing you to be more careful with your placements of the block my highest score possible before we losing was this do you think you can beat that score well then try this game or make your very own by downloading the castle make and playay app on IOS and Android today so yeah if it interests you it's basically like Tik Tok but for video games so enjoy just kidding just kidding of course I didn't build QQ in an eagle set no seriously that would be pretty inefficient and a big DPS loss so instead I gave haa and everyone else on the team The Eagle set with 150 speed and the freedom set our characters will be able to take four turns into Cycles basically we have a pseudo 160 speed character right as for QQ this was where I made a few changes that would drastically increase her DPS I switched a damage percent orb to an attack percent orb since we were getting a lot of damage percent from haa and also our damage is Amplified by 200% on the piggies so as you guys can see here it's better to run an attack perc orb in my situation furthermore we also get extra percent damage from past and future L cone which I am running on Hana so therefore Hana is always going to be a little ahead of QQ because of the four-piece eagle and with our team ready to go and after 176 rerolls later this was my best attempt wait unironically potentially winnable I should have waited yep let's kill here acttion advance HQ is going to Ultimate and that's going to cause the fishies to blow up blow up blow up thank you now you're going to take a ton of damage nice and we resist resist this we're good I mean it's fine ow that kind of hurts and then we should be able to kill here come on crit thank you I'm just a normal talk to be honest nice 29 cycle completed ow ow ow really come on Ultimate to cleanse because him now we ultimate QQ and this should be pretty big damn right here pretty big damn you come on now nice triple crit we're in good shape we're in such a good shape yeah let's skill here and then QQ is going to Wombo Combo here ultimate for the maximum damage perfect not good but it's okay our healer is going to cleanse us this guy should die oh Noe never mind so that was a lie I lied okay now we can Cleanse This two is false going have to Brave a big storm out here a big storm oh it didn't die dude come on that's fine that's fine whatever I don't care I cannot afford the skill otherwise I just get demolished that is actually so annoying no please don't die oh my gosh let's ultimate here and nice and now QQ should be able to KO here perfect let's kill the piggy to be safe and once we kill the pig we should be able to coia should die we got to let kolia go I cannot break kolia she dies she dies yeah she dies we're sure she dies right all I think this is it 26 Cycles no way right I let her move and then she'll kill herself no she doesn't you know it's amazing you are 100% wrong I mean nothing you said has been right no way dude this doesn't kill I don't think unless we crit vict no so close 2% are you kidding it's fine I think 25 cyles is enough okay so the goal is very simple we just let it self-destruct I'm going to go ahead and and try to deal as much damage as I can to this little pig here normal attack here with AA and then normal attack and that should allow us to get the dyno to stack up good it's now stacking up we should get some energy here I'm going to Ultimate right away so for now we just focus on this normal attack the Trotter nice so this should break wait for it to summon okay good ultimate with fire MC into an ultimate and this should kill if not I'm going to go ahead and have to nice it does so now this Dino here is going to go ahead and kill itself so we don't even need to focus it really this piggy here is going to kill itself too so we just focus the decaying Shadow and we win boom blow up nice dot goes off boom it's going to go up it's going to take damage this Piggy's going to die wait is the dino dino has Stacks right yeah that's a ton of stacks there we go and then it's going to take dot again let me make sure that it has six dots that it can take 1 2 3 4 5 6 okay so basically it's a self-destruct bot we don't even need attack we could just stack up our skill point actually it's not going to kill itself fast enough so I think I'm thinking yeah we need to help it King Shadow should die here nice cool blows up self-destruct bot completed now the question is can we finish this in three Cycles let's go ahead and skill her with AA into a Don hang ultimate and now we should start focusing the piggy here okay we're going to skill here it's going to charge up perfect I'm going to save my ultimate so he's going to summon right here sumon perfect and now we're going to break Mr shog we need to kill this here right normal attack here to ensure that the the piggy dies it dies to burn I'm 100% certain and this should break dealing massive amount of break damage nice and now we could detonate let's kill here wait for S to come up and now we could ultimate here so we detonate that's going to be big damage right here 71,000 not bad not going to lie I was expecting like 100k for some reason oh boy I hope this piggy dies to the to I really do and I think it does and then just normal attack the piggy to to kind of guarantee that it dies right and it should die come on nice nice the hand dies the other Pig dies sparck takes a ton of damage oh you that's what you like to see that's what you like to see no please live please live oh my gosh this is so nerve-wracking do I want a skill that means I don't have enough for a taunt that could be dangerous nah it yolo I'm going normal attack first break okay will I have enough no I don't I'm missing one energy dude this sucks okay that's fine we're still going to do it oh no this is bad no it's not going to be deathless but I think we still manag to finish within cycle but it's not deathless okay no no no we win we win hey yo let's go okay let's go ahead and skill here oh this is going to be close I'm just going to detonate for maximum damage here 32,000 normal attack effect res okay please die SP please die no okay please please please Don hang no D Let It Be deathless I don't want to do another run thank you thank you let's go yes oh my gosh this floor is so painful yes yes yes yes yes oh so much RNG involved in that clear oh my a dude I'm so happy we got Hana dude Hana just changes everything the ability to give QQ now no I actually like using QQ guys she actually does damage I think haa is going to be able to carry Us Now it's mlc 12 let's see what happens but zetto what about Hana in the new mlc 12 did she make a difference at all well this is where it got really interesting since Uncle Sam got promoted to mlc2 he's sitting comfortably at 1.6 million HP no you heard that right 1.6 and initially with my Servo Hana Pella and Link's team it didn't go so well Sam literally torched my entire team but not only that the DPS check was way off I wasn't anywhere close but then I had an idea the turbulence buff was extremely strong against multiple enemies so instead of using my ezero characters to try and deal damage I would Leverage The Buff to create a slaughterhouse using our favorite Gremlin QQ since the space Piggies take an extra 200% damage from basic attacks and dots and boy it was doing extremely well until we encountered Sam then it went downhill all over again because one of the key issues was that the turbulence puff really only tickled him it's a good buff for multiple enemies but the damage doesn't scale as high since I don't have Dot enablers therefore since Sam has 1.6 million HP with only one piggy per cycle even if I rotated every Pig perfectly so they could detonate each other the max damage I will get is like barely 100K per cycle right and that is if all my dots land since Sam likes to resist basically everything which is like another RNG layer on top and like I said that's nowhere close to 1.6 million HP so it just comes down to a DPS check that I don't have so sadly even with the insane haa and QQ C energy it was not enough to Three Star this floor 12 so I decided to take the L and accept the two star however you're probably wondering but what about the other mlc 12 zetto the one that you previously had a lot of issues with Did Han do anything to fix that well previously for this ml2 the obstacle to even make this clear possible is not the meme boss but the first half with the damn gatekeeper and japar and with every combination I did hyper carry Servo was what I found to work best but even with p and yukong we were still only able to get 23 to 24 Cycles at best that's nowhere close enough to the 25 that I need but this is where Hana would change everything so I decided to sub Pella out and run a double Harmony setup the odds were against my favor as always but there is an even bigger problem time was also our enemy and with only hours left and a dream 25 cyes remaining is our magic number and we do it ultimate and then that should kill off the minions after we skilled here perfect actually it's going to live a bit and then Mar should be able to freeze and get the kill here since she does have yuk Kong's buff damage should be enough perfect oh the distribution is perfect oh look how good that is good hopefully this freezes please freeze good good good good good good good oh that's so good for us yukong skill into an ultimate and then servo's ultimate should now deal some major [Music] damage oh my gosh 208 Cycles this is the first time no way right this is insane come on come on yes yes this could be it oh we're so close but our team is pretty much almost dead ow please Mercy thank you I'm probably going to Res Shield Servo here because her Shield is running out I'm going to skill with Sero here but save my ultimate we are going to need 25 Cycles here we are so close I need to finish this this cycle okay I'm going to have to break the barrier here and then skill with Servo and please live please live haa oh my god oh thank you thank you yeah I think yeah for sure I need a shield here but I'm also going to need march to hit the freeze after this otherwise it's GG's because he's going to AOE ultimate please please this is it please freeze Marge one time no no no I needed that freeze because we had yuk Kong's ultimate up I had every combo set up yukong ultimate onto the Searing Prowler and then hana's ultimate and then Servo would have been able to finish it off I'm pretty sure but I don't know it's a close one it's a tight one ah if we only landed that freeze it could have been it and now we're out of time we're out of time and so my wings were clipped trying to fly ever so close to the Sun in hindsight if that last freeze had landed I mean who knows what could have happened and so this is the peak of the warpless account 35 out of 36 stars and you're probably wondering Z what now well a New Journey will begin soon one that you definitely won't want to miss so subscribe and stay tuned for that as that will be coming out in a few days and it's going to be quite insane as for this account there is still some time left before we hit 300 standard warps but remember by the time we hit 300 warps if we are not able to clear memory of chaos 12 I will have to pull all 300 so is this the end of the journey and we're just waiting out the clock no far from it our final moment of Victory will have to wait but warpless your journey it's not a goodbye but I see you later [Music] nice [Music] take this shape of tyon R Fe it nice nice nice ex a little too missing support nice for ah
Channel: Zmm
Views: 143,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Honkai Star rail, hsr, star rail, honkai: star rail, hoyoverse, react to
Id: za7wORLIJ2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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