Ultimate Guide To Dune (Part 1) The Introduction

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SeductiveNugget 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2018 🗫︎ replies
once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free but that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them [Music] [Music] dune is the greatest sci-fi series ever written the story of dune spans over the course of five thousand years in six novels titled dune dune Messiah Children of Dune God emperor of dune heretics of doom and chapter house doom in dune the all-female order of superhumans known as the Benin Jesuit have been active for thousands of years through selective breeding they carefully honed their abilities the ultimate goal of the Benin Jesuit was to produce the key SATs hadurok the super being of the universe a male many Jesuit with perfect sight of the future and the past he would be able to look where they could not and he did come though not as they expected the planet Arrakis also known as dune is the only planet in the known universe where the spice melange is found the spice is a drug that is used throughout the Imperium for various purposes mainly its geriatric properties the spice is life and can more than double the human lifespan in some special people such as the highly trained many Jesuit Reverend mother's the spice melange can awaken prescient vision sight of the future the spice also heightens awareness and is used by the guild as a means for space travel gifting them with precedents which they use to navigate the spice melange is the gasoline of the universe without it all commerce throughout the known inhabited galaxies would cease the spice melange is also highly addictive once addicted one must continue taking the spice or else they will suffer spice withdrawals which are always fatal the spice he said it's in everything here the air the soil the food the geriatric spice it's like the truth say you're drunk it's a poison she stiffened his voice lowered and he repeated a poison so subtle so insidious so irreversible it won't even kill you unless you stopped taking it we can't leave Arrakis unless we take part of Arrakis with us before the events of doing the fiefdom of Iraq is rested with the Baron Harkonnen the sworn enemy of Duke Leto Atreides of the planet Caledon but when the impure of the Imperium shadow Macrina the fourth felt threatened by the Atreides influence and potential power he devised a plan to rid himself of House Atreides he used the feud between the harkonnens and the Atreides as cover after the fiefdom of Arrakis is handed over to House Atreides which includes Leto his concubine the Binnie jesuit lady Jessica and their son Paul Atreides as well as the servants and teachers employed by them the harkonnens with the help of the Emperor sardick our soldiers staged a coup in which Paul and Jessica must escape into the deep desert and Leto is captured presumably to be killed Paul and his mother Jessica must then use their bene Jesuit training and secret knowledge to survive in the harshest conditions possible and along the way they gain the support of the Fremen people of the desert as I said before the lady Jessica is a bene Jesuit she was trained by the Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mahima when the bene Jesuit Order realized that duped link two of Caledon required a concubine they used their considerable influence to make sure the lady Jessica was chosen the Atreides bloodline contained genes that were highly important to the sisterhood Jessica's orders were to bear only daughters to the Duke Leto Jessica broke this order instead she bore a son and trained him in the many Jesuit way whilst at the same time his father the Duke was having him trained as a mint at the mint at our the human computers of the Imperium capable of incredible feats of calculation in milliseconds Paul was already the result of millennia of selective breeding at the hand of the Bene Jesuit this coupled with his training he was something more than a mini generate much more by mistake a generation too soon the many Jesuit had birthed the keyset hadurok the universe's super being he who could be in many places at once he with perfect vision but there was still uncertainty to unlock his full potential Paul would need to be tested by the truth Sayer trouble there is a place where no truth seer can see we are repelled by it terrorized it is said a man will come one day and find in the gift of the drug his inward eye he will look where we cannot in do both feminine and masculine past your kiss etcetera yes the one who can be in many places at once the key SATs had a rack many men have tried the drum so many but none has succeeded they tried and failed all of them Oh No she shook her head they tried and died deep in the desert as Paul in just more of the spice than he has ever had his initial powers awakened he knows that one day the Fremen people of the desert will look to him as a God Paul sees a jihad in his name spreading throughout the galaxy like a raging fire playing in every inhabited world the religion of MU Adeeb would spread leaving millions dead in its wake Paul knew that he was powerless to stop it the inevitability of the jihad haunts Paul throughout the series Paul and Jessica would have never survived in the desert and gone on to liberate the Fremen people and gain vengeance for House Atreides unseating the Emperor of the Imperium if not for the planning of the Binnie jesuit order the misión ara protect Eva also called the bene Jesuits black arm of superstition is a special kind of religious engineering created by the bene Jesuit to sow seeds of superstition in primitive cultures throughout the galaxies the misión ara protect Eva was used by The Sisterhood on dune centuries before House Atreides gain the fiefdom they sold legends telling that the son of AB in E jesuit woman would leave the Fuhrman people to true freedom so when Paul and Jessica arrived they fit the legends exactly they were viewed as legendary figures the Fremen people named Paul Lee son al gayab the voice from the outer world he would fulfill their ancient prophecy the Fremen people never knew just how much their myths and led were influenced by the workings of the sisterhood in the end Paul Atreides would rise to Emperor of the known Imperium marrying the princess Irulan Kirino daughter of the Emperor Shaddam the forth Jessica now a reverend mother chose to return to Caledon leaving alia the child of Duke Leto who was born in the deep desert behind alia was pre born breaking into consciousness with all the memories of her ancestors due to her mother's consumption of the truth singer drug to the Bene Jesuit such a child is an abomination alia in many ways was more unexpected than even Paul himself born of the same genetic lines alia was supposed to be Jessica's first child unremarkable but for the precious genes she carried but the sisterhood never intended for Jessica to be on Arrakis much less undergo the spice agony while pregnant the result was a child that could strike fear into the hearts of even the Reverend mother's of the Binnie Jesuit that child is an abomination the old woman said her mother deserves a punishment greater than any in history death it cannot come too quickly for that child or the one who spawned her the old woman pointed a finger at alia get out of my mind TP the emperor whispered he snapped his attention back to alia by the great mother you don't understand majesty the old woman said not telepathy she is in my mind she is like the ones before me the ones who gave me their memories she stands in my mind she could not be there but she is what others the Emperor demanded what is this nonsense the old woman straightened lowered her pointing hand I have said too much but the fact remains that this child who is not a child must be destroyed long were we warned against such a one and how to prevent such a birth but one of our own has betrayed us nopal married ear alone his concubine Johnny a freeman woman was his true love she bares Paul to children Leto the second named for Paul and aleeah's father and ghanima whose name meant spoil of war later the second would go further than even Paul would and his influence would echo to the edges of time itself the spice melange is produced by the great sand worms of Arrakis if they should die then all spice production would cease the sand worms are monstrous beings that roam in the deep desert they attack all rhythmic motions such as footsteps or the rumbling of spice harvesters the worm is now beneath the crawler kind said you are about to witness a thing few have seen flecks of dust shadow the sand around the crawler now the big machine begin to tip down to the right a gigantic sand whirlpool begin forming there to the right of the crawler it moved faster and faster sand and dust filled the air now for hundreds of meters around then they saw it a wide hole emerged from the sand sunlight flashed from glistening white spokes within it the holes diameter was at least twice the length of the crawler Paul estimated he watched as the machine slid into that opening in a billow of dust and sand the hole pulled back God's what a monster muttered a man beside Paul in the book Children of Dune Leto ii joins with the sand route the protoform of the sand worms transcending his own humanity over the course of three thousand five hundred years later morphs into the god emperor the closest thing to a deity that mankind has ever seen through the golden path Leto leads humanity to its salvation preventing trellising the mythic battle at the end of time that both he and his father foresaw Leto transformed Arrakis the Great worms died stopping spice production space travel was prohibited without the permission of the god Emperor the Imperium was at peace all spice was rationed by Leto himself Leto rule of the universe with a firmer grasp than anyone before him his powers of prescient far outshine those of his father his genetic memory allowed him to reach back and see through the eyes of his ancestors billions of lives lived in him at all times with an iron fist lay till the tyrant would teach humanity a lesson on stagnation when I set out to lead humankind along my golden path I promised them a lesson that their bones would remember I know a profound pattern which humans deny with their words even while their actions of ferment they say they seek security and quite the condition they call peace even as they speak they create the seeds of turmoil and violence if they find their quiet security they squirm in it how boring they find it look at them now look at what they do while I record these words ha I give them enduring eons of enforced tranquillity which plods on and on despite their every effort to escape into chaos believe me the memory of Latos peace shall abide with them forever they will seek their quiet security thereafter only with extreme caution and steadfast preparation when the tyranny of the worm god emperor Leto finally ended there was a great scattering under the rule of the god Emperor the people of the Imperium lived peacefully but not happily Leto had exposed a deep anxiety that existed within all of humankind a kind of restlessness deep rooted within a collected human consciousness when they were finally allowed to travel throughout the universe freely humanity spread well beyond the reaches of the Imperium into the vastness of space ensuring the survival and the diversity of the species but linked Oh had done something else to humanity he had taken over the Bene Jesuit breeding program but used it for a different purpose after generations of trying Leto created ciona only she was blocked from his vision Leto introduced a no gene into humanity and following the famine times preceding Latos death this gene was spread out through the reaches of space ensuring that never again could all of humanity be seen by prescient Leto foresaw an enemy the great enemy threatening all of humanity something that would use prescient to seek out and destroy all of humanity by breeding this no gene Leto saved humanity from this threat at his death Leto ii went back into aratus the individual sand trout of his skin separating and returning to the sands the new worms that would form from them would each have a piece of the god emperor inside they would be more intelligent and more terrible than the worms of ancient Arrakis the events of the last two novels in Frank Herbert's original doom saga take place 1,500 years after the death of the god Emperor at this point the planet Arrakis which had been terraformed by the god emperor has returned to desert the great sand worms have returned and brought with them a new flow of the spice melange a new civilization has arisen during the chaos of the famine times and the great scattering a civilization containing three dominant powers the exceeds who's no ships are capable of piloting between the stars without the use of spice melange the Bene tail acts who've learned to manufacture spice in their axolotl tanks and have created a new breed of shape-shifting face dancers and of course the ever-evolving many Jesuit sisterhood and it is also at this time a millennia and a half after the death of Leto the second that son from the scatterer began to return among them are the honored matriz a violent matriarchal order of women bred and trained for combat and the sexual control of men they seek to control the old Empire with violent force and gained many jesuit knowledge lost to them the military and sexual skills possessed by the honored montrezl seemed to indicate that they are the result of a combination of the fish speakers who were the female servants of late to the second and the Bene Jesuit who fled out into the scattering 1,500 years earlier an honored ma tree of the scattering demanded his presence a pot window of pot Windus descendants of talaxian the scattering had told him all they could about these terrible women far more terrible than the Reverend mother's of the Bene Jesuit they said and more numerous woth reminded himself the honored ma Trey's makes several attacks on the Binnie Jesuit strongholds throughout the bounds of the old Empire eventually the honored ma Trey's destroy the planet Arrakis itself killing every sand worm in distance except for the one the Binney Jesuit sisterhood escapes with in the wake of the destruction left by the honored Mott raise the bene Jesuit now led by Dario trade a descendant of Paul Atreides continues to develop her plan to defeat the Mott raise the bene Jesuit have shielded their secret planet behind a wall of no ships which are invisible to long-range detection and immune to the powers of prescience it is here that they begin to breathe the sandworms by drowning the worm they saved from Arrakis in a mixture of spice and water they forced the creature back into its protoform it becomes a mini sand trout and so the cycle begins The Sisterhood Tara forms the planet chapter house to accommodate the great worms ahead of this breeding program is she Donna a girl born on Arrakis who discovered she had the ability to control the desert worms at this point the entire tale Axew civilization has been destroyed by the matrix the only remaining survivor is sky tail who offers up secret tool Axew knowledge to the bene Jesuit in exchange for protection from the Mott raise the bene Jesuit or the first time now have the tell axis secret of goal of production which they use to produce a Gola of odd raids father the Atreides genius military leader who was killed a book earlier miles tag a golem is a kind of clone on chapter house the bene Jesuit also housed two prisoners a Duncan Idaho golem produced by the tale Axew this gola has the memories of all previous Duncan Idaho golus knowledge stretching back since the time of Leto the first and marbella a former honored matron who the bene Jesuit have taken as a novice this Duncan Idaho gola also has a kind of prescient vision in it he glimpses an older man and woman staring back at him he is confused by the vision but says nothing it is revealed in the final novel that the honored MA trays were fleeing an unknown enemy out of the scattering the enemy was powerful and had conquered the honored matras own massive Empire it is unclear whether or not this enemy is the great enemy that Leto foresaw in the in old raid stages an attack on the honored montrezl aggressively striking the planet gamoo victory seems near for the sisterhood until the honored mater a release a mysterious weapon Oh Dre Dre Liza's the trap too late and is captured in one final desperate gamble marbella the former montre who has shared memories with owed raid pilots a small craft down to the surface of gamoo announcing herself as an honored matray who in the confusion has managed to escape the Bene Jesuit with all their secrets but when she came face-to-face with the great honored montre she used the Vinnie J's rip our of voice to provoke her your fluency and lies does not hide them marbella said she swept a scornful gaze across the ones behind law known like the ones I know in other memory you are headed for extinction the problem is you take so infernally long at dodging inevitable but oh the boredom meanwhile you dare call yourself great honored montre returning her attention to love known everything about a cesspool you have no style it was too much log no attacked left foot slashing out work with blinding speed mer Bella grasp the foot as she would catch a windblown leaf and continuing the flow of it levered log no unto a threshing Club that ended with her head poked on the floor without pausing mer Bella Pyrrha wedded let foot almost decapitating the honored betray who had stood at lock nose right the right hand crushing the throat of the one who had stood at Lanos left it was all over in two heartbeats marbella kills the honored Matra leader lob no and awed by her physical prowess the remaining matras are forced to accept her as their leader mer Bella again shares memories with the dying ode raid becoming the Mother Superior of the Bene Jesuit as well joining the two groups of women but some Bening Jesuit do not accept marbella ascension Gianna who also shared memories with ode raid before leaving chapterhouse escapes into a no ship where she has brought some of the new worms which emerged from the chapterhouse desert she along with Duncan Idaho site L and miles tagging marbella realizes their plans too late and is unable to intervene in the final chapter of the doomed series it is revealed that the man and woman glimpsed in prescience by Duncan Idaho are named Daniel and Mark II the to refer to themselves as face dancers who for thousands of years had been the shape-shifting minions of the TEL Axew capable of absorbing memories and taking the form of other people they have had such a hard time accepting that face dancers can be independent of them I don't see why it's a natural consequence they gave us the power to absorb the memories and experiences of other people gather enough of those and its personas we take Marty whatever the master should have known we would gather enough of them one day to make our own decisions about our future the two hint that they observe and are familiar with various groups in the universe and for some reason are very interested in capturing and studying the passengers of Duncan's no ship the role or purpose of these two was never revealed in Frank Herbert's original six doom novels their technology seems to be almost godlike Duncan too recognizes them as face dancers and understands that the two belong to no one but themselves the final novel in Frank Herbert's doomed series ends on a cliffhanger for Herbert did not live to complete the seventh novel planned for the series several questions are left unanswered what becomes of the merging of the honored morees and the bene Jesuit what are the fates of those escaping on the notion who are these godlike characters in Chapter houses final chapter and of course what exactly chased the honoured montrezl back into the old Empire in the first place these are merely the events of the doom saga doom is a humanist a book series that is highly concerned with the cycles of governmental systems doom shows how the masses can be manipulated the religion and social engineering New Moon explores the damage that can be caused by the joining of government and religious faith most of all dune exposes the cycles of humanity and the constant structure of giving and taking that is present throughout the universe in the seven part series I will explore all six of Frank Herbert's novels in order deeply delving into the themes and the underlying meanings and guiding you through the most intelligent and well-thought-out sci-fi series ever written to learn more about the dune saga check out this video on the Binney Jesuit the matriarchs who secretly rule the galaxy [Music] there's so much of love graph in particular where well Lovecraft was all about those higher mysteries his story is just kind of [Music]
Channel: Quinn's Ideas
Views: 2,060,209
Rating: 4.8914905 out of 5
Keywords: Dune, Comicbookgirl19, DuneClub, #DuneClub, Beginners Guide, Arrakis, Bene Gesserit, God Emperor, Frank Herbert, Sandworm, Explain, Dune Explained, Chapterhouse Dune, Heretics of Dune, Science Fiction, Game of Thrones, ASOIAF Theories, IdeasofIceandFire, Epic, Guide, Children of Dune, Mini Series, Movie, David Lynch, Kyle Mclaughlin, Lady Jessica, Duke Leto, Leto II, Ghanima, Odrade, Sand Trout, Murbella, Duncan Idaho, Ghola, Bene Tleilax, Tleilaxu, Spice, Melange, Ending, go90 saga' The Dom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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