Ultimate Guide to Dune (Part 6) Heretics of Dune

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1 hour and 20 minutes .... god godemperor I love you

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/GrimbeertDeDas 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Cheers, I've been waiting for this.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PantsTheFungus 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

*Patrin... Pat... Rin...

Nice video though. I hope people aren't watching these before reading... They probably are :\

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Ghola 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
most discipline is hidden discipline designed not to liberate but to limit do not ask why be cautious with how why leads inexorably to paradox how traps you in a universe of cause and effect both deny the infinite [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] heretics of doon is the fifth novel in Frank Herbert's original doomed series the book follows the machinations of the Bene Gesserit sisterhood as they encounter new powers within the old Empire the lost ones returning out of the great scattering after the death of the worm god-emperor approximately 1500 years ago the fish speakers his female military force had taken control of the god Emperor's enormous wealth of spice they had squandered that tremendous wealth in petty squabbles and foolish actions no single event significant enough to be recorded by history eventually the play lacks ooh that friend world at the edge of the Empire who had produced countless goals for the god emperor discovered a way to produce spice melange from within their axolotl tanks this pushed the fish speakers into an alliance with the xes control of Arrakis past to the priesthood who led a new religion formed from the remnants of Latos old design they worshipped the god of the desert shai elude each worm now containing a piece of the god emperor's consciousness still the Bene Gesserit remained one of the most powerful forces in the empire superior to the modern fish speaker council which had inherited the heart of the old eternities empire they were superior to chome by far and equal to the spacing guild though the guilds monopoly on space travel had long been broken by the ex Ian's who had invented technology which allowed vessels to travel without the use of a guild navigator the bene Jesuit had always seen themselves as permanent revolutionaries it was a revolution that had been dampened only in the of the tyrant later the second dampened but not diverted or stopped since the time of the god Emperor the Bene Gesserit sisterhood had purchased 12 duncan idaho golus from that's laylax ooo up until this point each one had been assassinated they suspected by the trail Axew themselves many in the sisterhood feared this gola project the Mother Superior terraza knows there are heretics among them the word heretic here referred to a private joke within the sisterhood they were supposed to follow the orders of the Mother Superior always with absolute devotion the sisters did do this except when they disagreed the most recent duncan idaho gula was sent to the planet gamoo to be trained gamoo had once been known as GD prime until the name was changed by gurney Halleck the venn a Jesuit keep on gamoo was watched over by the Reverend Mother strong you Shuang you was a heretic the older woman like some others in the sisterhood believed the goal of Project to be ultimately dangerous to the many Jesuit those in her camp of thought believed that there was a chance that by meddling what the forces set in motion by the tyrant they could make the same mistake as before losing control of a quiz that's had Iraq to meddle with the worm bound room nents of the tyrant that was dangerous in the extreme terraza does not trust wrong you with the gola she knows that Shuang you is an active opposition to the gola project and has underlying violent motives against Duncan when the gola was six his military training on gamoo begin his instruction was given over to the hands of the bashar miles tank he was in a tradies descendant born of a mini Jesuit Reverend Mother Myo Stags mother had also been a heretic giving tag secret knowledge he was not meant to possess this goal the project was extremely important to Mother Superior to Raza she had summoned miles tang out of her mint and as a man who had served the sisterhood his entire life he could not deny her except for his age 296 standard years miles Tang was the spitting image of the original Duke Leto this of course was part of the bene Jesuit design terraza intended to use him to eventually awaken the goal of past memories as hate had done in the book dune Messiah this new Duncan gola had been altered by the talaxian his reflexes and nerves modernized The Sisterhood did not deny the possibility that the play Lex who may have changed him in other ways as well still the bene Jesuit gave him the most careful prana Bindu training at all stages when Duncan is around 10 years old Reverend Mother Lucilla and in printer is sent to train him at the keep on gamoo Lucilla was obedient to terrassa her task would be to teach Duncan Idaho love in all forms Lucilla was also of a tradies descent of a particularly motherly line as a descendant of ciona she was immune to all forms of prescience she was young but had already produced three children for the sisterhood when she first speaks with Shuang yuan gamoo she consents Wang Yue is violent intent against the gola the jessica persona within her memories also can sense doom surely no one believes Tuscola can become another kwisatz haderach Lucilla objected Shuang you merely shrugged Lucilla held herself quite still thinking was it possible the gola could be transformed into a male version of a reverend mother could this Duncan Idaho learn to look inward were no Reverend mother dared on the planet Arrakis formerly known as Arrakis the priesthood has made a discovery a child of eight named Gianna broom who has power over the Great worms of desert when her village was attacked by a worm killing everyone she knew she encountered the creature discovering her strange gift rage and wild desperation begin to fill shyona mindlessly she raced down the doom torch shaytan coming up behind the worm as it turned back through the dry place where it had entered the village without a thought she dashed along beside the tale scrambled on to it and ran forward along the great ridged back at the hump behind its mount she crouched and beat her fist against the unyielding surface the worm stopped the worm had brought she honor out of the desert and to the City of King once called Arrakeen the priesthood had seen her arrival worm riding had been outlawed by the priesthood but she Anna did not use maker hooks as did the Freeman of old the worm carried her of its own volition some of the priests called she Anna the child of Shai allude some believed she should be punished for mounting Shia loom all her life she Anna had been taught to despise these priests and why shouldn't she they were the oppressive dictators of her planet for days the priests argued over the fate of shayana and finally they decided to test her normally this test would be an execution in disguise those who displeased the priesthood would be dropped into the desert a thumper would be placed and a worm summoned they would meet the judgment of God two worms came for she Anna during the test as the priest watched from doctors above her go ahead eat me that's what they want the priests overhead could not hear her words but the gesture was visible and they could see that she was talking to the two worms of God the finger pointing up at them did not bode well the worms did not move Chiana lowered her hand you killed my mother and father and all my friends she accused she took a step board and shook a fist at them the worms retreated keeping their distance if you don't want me go back where you came from she waved them away toward the desert obediently they backed farther and turned in unison chiana's power over the great worms could no longer be doubted by anyone she is brought to the temple of the priesthood where she lives like royalty for six years as the priests study her and her conversations with her father the god of the desert the high priest - it grows fond of the child and even gives up his own bedchamber to her her every whim is sated any requests no matter how difficult must be fulfilled for the Holy Child the people of Arrakis eventually begin to worship Chiana seeing her as a woman of the people all the while the binning Jesuit have had their spies keeping a close watch on Chiana they have plans for her lato ii himself had predicted the coming of this child there is a female child named Chiana brew gan raucous strong you said she can control the giant worms Lucilla concealed her alertness giant worms not shy allude not shy 10 giant worms the sand writer predicted by the tyrant had appeared at last the Mother Superior terraza has commanded Reverend mother Dario trade to go to Rakus to prepare shayana for what must come odhh raid was also an Atreides descendant strikingly similar in appearance to her cousin Lucilla old raid was more similar in age to terraza however the two of them had bonded at a young age while at the many Jesuit schools out of necessity owed raid was hidden as a child her mother had made the mistake of being recognized while breeding and owed raid was kept with a man and woman who acted as her true parents until one day The Sisterhood came for her the memory of that day still haunted Oh trade when the Reverend mother's came the foster mother had not fought the removal of her child - Reverend mothers came with a contingent of male and female Proctor's afterward Oh trade was a long time understanding the significance of that wrenching moment the woman had known in her heart that the day of parting would come only a matter of time still as the day's became years almost six standard of years the woman had dared to hope then the Reverend mother's came with their burly attendants they had merely been waiting until it was safe until they were sure no hunters knew this was a Binnie Jesuit planned a trade is sion o trade saw a great deal of money passed to the foster mother the woman threw the money on the floor but no voice was raised in objection the adults in the scene knew where the power lay calling up those compressed emotions Oh trade could still see the woman take herself to a straight back chair beside the window onto the street there to hug herself and rock back and forth back and forth not a sound from her the Reverend mother's used voice and their considerable wiles plus the smoke of drugging herbs and their overpowering presence to lure Oh trade into their waiting groundcar it will be just for a little while your real mother sent us Oh draids since the lies but curiosity compelled my real mother her last view of the woman who had been her only known female parent was of that figure at the window rocking back and forth a look of misery on her face arms wrapped around her self odhh raid was taught later by the sisterhood to remember that woman's pain it was her love for ODE raid that caused her that misery the sisterhood understood that love was one of the most dangerous forces in the universe and was best avoided thousands of years ago the lady Jessica's love for Duke Leto had led to 4000 years of subjugation under the tyrant Oh Dre decided early on that she must not love this child she Anna love would weaken her old raid possessed the Atreides wild talent terraza new prescient presence made the Mother Superior uncomfortable too of old raves 19 offspring produced for the sisterhood had been quietly put to death they had been abominations Freeborn like the tyrant and his sister Dyneema had been as mooood Eve's sister alia had been on gamoo Duncan now 15 is nearing the appropriate age for Lucilla's final imprint ation sexual imprint ation throughout his years on gamoo he had been given access to all the knowledge of the sisterhood only knowledge of the Arcana was forbidden to him when he had learned of the god Emperor he had wondered what had driven a man to do such a thing he wishes that he could have served the god emperor in his time Duncan had grown to hate the Reverend mother Shuang you he could sense her lies and manipulation he resented the sisterhood now but loved Lucilla just as the mother superior terraza had intended one day as Duncan is training at laylax suface dancer disguised as Myles tag attacks Duncan and Lucilla after defeating the face dancer the charmant at mouths tag quickly discerns that Shuang you must be involved in the attack they are no longer safe at the Bene Gesserit keep on gamoo the three of them flee into the wilderness along with the bow as longtime trusted aide part Hren a native of gamoo heart Hren leaves them to create a diversion and is killed by Swan you heart Rijn however had given miles tag directions to a secret place he had discovered many years ago as a young man an ancient har Conan no globe there they could hide from those who would seek them out for four nights tag leads them through the forest of gamoo knowing that shuang you would not expect them to walk he must do the unexpected as the Mother Superior terraza had commanded according to he impart wrens plan everything would indicate that they went through the wilderness and escaped the planet on a no ship the ancient no globe they arrived at was still functioning there was water and food miles knows that he must protect the gola he comes to the decision that he will awaken the goal as memories before Lucilla can complete the final imprint a ssin upon him this was the only way according to his mint at projections that Duncan's safety and sanity would remain intact tag knows it will be no easy thing to thwart a full Reverend Mother on Rakus the temple is attacked and she Anna is nearly killed by a hunter seeker the bene Jesuits by kupuna dies saving the now 14 year old girl the use of shigga wire during the attack indicated exeunt involvement and The Sisterhood intended to punish the guild that lilac sue and the IXY ins for their respective roles in the attack Chiana is taken into a draids care when odd raid becomes aware of the fact that the high priests men are spying she has them killed swiftly an agreement is made and it is decided that she Anna will be brought to a place removed from the mini Jesuit keep on Rakus and from the priests temple they take Gianna to a place in the city of keen the place was once a fish speaker center in the days of the god Emperor it was a comfortable building cooled by Xen machinery Oh dreidel Oudh the priest to have representatives in the building but Reverend Mother has walked the halls and the priest would not intrude were all draped not allow and she ona would meet them only as she allowed Gianna takes to O trade immediately sensing her power eager for all that she can learned from the Reverend Mother we have been a long time waiting for you o draids said we will not give those fools another opportunity to lose you the Society of the Bennets laylax is divided into two classes face dancers and the Masters no one from off world had ever reported seeing a Tleilaxu female face dancers were supposedly sterile mules submissive to their masters in this time till a lakh sue have developed a new kind of face dancer they were almost undetectable they could absorb the memories as well as the form and persona of a person they had already placed some of these new face dancers within the rinks of the IG's Ian's and the fish speakers the Tulalip Sioux were now the only secure source of spice melange for the guild now that they could produce it in their axolotl tanks for every milligram of spice harvested on Rakus the bennett laylax produced tons woth was the master of masters he had been brought back countless times since before the time of Paul Atreides the play lacks who had maintained the myth of their own incompetence and malevolence the Empire had named them dirty play lacks ooh we are the people of the yuckiest he had reminded his counselors only last night all else is frontier we have fostered the myth of our own weakness and evil practices for these millennia with only one purpose even the Benin Jesuit belief that's laylax ooh held a great belief based on Zen Sunni ism and Sufism they were extremely pious and extraordinarily xenophobic no outsider or ha winda as they called them was allowed on the planet they believed that Leto ii had not been God but the prophet of God wofe meets with an honored montre aboard a no ship descendants of till a lakh sue from the scattering have warned him that these mantra is born out of the scattering had the powers of the bene Jesuit witches and worse the orange eyed honored montre demanded total subservience of the clay lakhs ooh using concealed weapons wofe kills the MA train and she and her companions are replaced with face dancers he decides that the no ship must disappear there can be no evidence that the ship ever made it to trial acts the retribution of the matras could be great after some time inside the Harkonnen no chamber on gamoo miles tag decides that it is time to awaken the Golda's memories as the Mother Superior had commanded the young Duncan was eager to know more about his past life 8 days had gone by in the no globe Duncan reacts negatively to the Harkonnen decor of the place but does not understand why he hated everything about the place tag was attempting to keep Duncan from being alone with Lucilla which Duncan noticed Lucilla wonders if the tyrant knew through presence that they would one day need this place when they had first entered the know globe they found 21 skeletons the ones who had built this place killed by the harkonnens to preserve the secrets tag tells Duncan that he has been preparing him for the intense pain necessary to restore his memories Duncan greatly desires to gain past memories but it was a thing he also feared he had discovered that he was a goalie years ago at the Bene gestured keep on the library provided the child with the most basic details golas humans grown from a cadaver cells in play Lac su axolotl tanks axolotl tanks ass lilac su device for reproducing a living human being from the cells of a cadaver describe a goal ax he demanded innocent flesh devoid of its original memories Zi axolotl tanks Duncan had learned to read the silences the blank places in what the people of the key revealed to him revelation swept over him he knew only ten and he knew I am a golem late afternoon in the library all of the esoteric machinery around him faded into a sensory background and a ten-year-old sat silently before a scanner hugging the knowledge to himself I am a gamma tag knew that he must create mental and physical agony within Duncan as instructed by The Sisterhood he finds what he must do to be distasteful which he tells Duncan the Bene Jesuit had told him the way tags right hand shot out in a swift arc the open palm cracked against Duncan's cheek how dead you disobeyed me left hand out another rockin slapped how dare you tag experienced an initial moment of shock at the speed with which the young Duncan reacted to his attacks Ted continued to create deeper and deeper paying for Duncan each time making sure Duncan saw his face at the instant of greatest agony finally Duncan called out damn you Leto tag knew it was done Duncan's mind is flooded with new awareness he even remembers his own death on Arrakis his gaze remained on tag did I buy Paul enough time to escape answer all of his questions truthfully he escaped now came the testing moment where had that laylax who acquired the idaho cells the Sisterhood's test said they were original but suspicions remained the play lacks who had done something of their own to this Cola his memories could be a valuable clue to that thing but the harkonnens duncan said his memory from the keep meshed oh yes oh yes ha ha a fierce laugh shook him he sent a roaring victory shout at the long dead Baron Vladimir Harkonnen I paid you back baron oh I did it to you for all the ones you destroyed miles tag tells Duncan that the sisterhood has need of him Lucilla appears and sees that Duncan's memories are awakened tag knew that she had intended to imprint the Gola before the awakening of his memories she threatens miles tag saying that he better not have complicated her task of imprinting Duncan finally realizes what the imprinting is the Bene jesuit intended to use him as a breeding stud he thought he would not allow it Duncan sensed his own violent thoughts towards Lucilla in his mind's eye he could see her covered in blood in that moment he understood that the play lacks who had done something to him they had altered him in some way that silac Sioux have done something to me something that has not yet been exposed Duncan husk exactly what we feared it was Lucilla speaking from the doorway behind Tegh she advanced within two paces of Duncan I have been listening you two are very informative what have that lilac Sioux done to you she demanded Duncan spoke with a flippancy that he did not feel oh great imprint her if I knew I would tell you Lucilla knows that tag has greatly complicated her task but she was no longer uncomfortable with the invitation of someone so young Duncan was no longer a boy but a man with adult memories later she attempts to complete the process but Duncan has made a judgment about the sisterhood now he rejects her Lucilla if you touch me again without my permission I will try to kill you I will try so hard that you will very likely have to kill me she recoiled he stared into her eyes I am NOT some damn stud for you witches is that what you think we want of you nobody has said what you want of me but your actions are obvious he stood poised on the balls of his feet the unawakened thing within him stirred and sent his pulse racing Lucilla knows that he is serious Lucilla is concerned that she may not be able to complete her task given to her by the Mother Superior terraza the many Jesuit have delivered their standard messages to the guild X and the trial Axew for their roles in the attack on Rakus you will be punished Mother Superior terraza has decided to meet with the Tleilaxu master wofe aboard a guild vessel speculating terraza tells woth that he will not be able to deal with her the way he had dealt with the honored Monterrey's earlier terraza claims that the sisterhood had intercepted the missing Matra ship containing the face dancers it is a lie but he believes it he is shocked in his mind he curses her and all the Damned nabob any Jesuit witches he recognized her power Wafaa did not try to delude himself about terraza this woman was far more dangerous than any honored Marais if he killed terraza she would be replaced immediately by someone just as dangerous someone with every essential piece of information possessed by the present Mother Superior we find your new face dancers very interesting terraza said wofe grimaced involuntarily yes far more dangerous than the honoured montrezl who were not yet even blaming the Tleilaxu for the loss of an entire No [ __ ] waffle is that he could do away with terraza and the entire sisterhood sensing potential violence in him terraza makes a guess she claims that she knows about his concealed weapons and his response demonstrated the truth of her guests woth wanders again if telepathy was among the many powers of Binney Jesuit Reverend mother's she tells him that in exchange for Benny Jesu access to their axolotl tanks The Sisterhood will offer Atreides breeding mothers though she would never give them true Atreides only clothes - mimics terraza also discerns something critical from analyzing Wolf's speech patterns she realizes that that sleigh lacks ooh great belief was based in Zen Sunni ISM and Sufism she knows now that the mini Jesuit sisterhood can manipulate the trial Axew through use of the mission ara protect IVA terraza offers woth an opportunity to experience the land of His Prophet inviting him to the Beni desert keep on Rakus she will use him as bait in her scheme the significant fact is this no Benny play lacks female has ever been seen away from the protection of their core planets face dancer mules who simulate females do not count in this analysis they cannot be breeders the trail Axew sequester their females to keep them from our hands this is our primary deduction it must also be in the eggs that the tile Xing masters concealed their most essential secrets Benny Jesuit analysis archive number X 0 X T M 9 9 0 1 4 back on raucous ode raid awaits the arrival of the clay Lacs who master woth she plans to take shayana along with woth into the desert when he arrived thanks to terrazas new discovery regarding the roots of the trail Axew great belief she knew how to trap the clay lacks ooh they would go deep into the sands beyond watchful eyes and she would manipulate him by use of the mission protect IVA she would force woth to have a religious experience the chance to observe at laylax ooh master in a religious setting would be invaluable one swath arrives on Rakus he attempts to spy upon odd raid with the help of high priest toufic as they discussed the holy child she onna toufic had allowed the talaxian master to listen because he told him he would help get she on a back Oh Dre tells to except because of the attack she had sent for miles tag to reinforce rocky and planetary defenses to it believes the Benny Jesuit mean to wrestle control of the planet from him though tuek had believed that old ray didn't know about the Tleilaxu listening she in fact was aware Dre demands the secret listener woth to be invited to sit with them wofe was not supposed to bring faced answers to raucous but he brought to anyway Oh Dre did not allow them into the room Oh Dre noticed that wofe concealed weapons beneath his sleeves she detected secret motives in Wafaa and comes to the realization that woth a m-- to substitute a face dancer for high priest to it my lord - ik Oh Drake said this play lacks su intends to murder us both wofe attacks and Oh Dre breaks both of his arms in two quick motions but not before one of his darts fires killing - ik instantly wofe had never expected that there would be such speed and power in her attacks the two faced dancers burst into the room but wofe commands them to leave when Oh Dre threatens to end him rendering him unconscious she sets his broken arms she tells him that her sisters have been listening and that he was now her ally she uses what she had learned from terraza about the trial axes and Sunni beliefs and manipulates him into agreeing to an alliance making him feel as though no laylax suit plot remains hidden from the mini Jesuit sisterhood a monopoly would force the guild to buy more Ixia navigation machines she said you would have the guild in the jaws of your crusher waffle lifted his head to glare at her the movements in agony through his broken arms and he groaned despite the pain he studied Oh Dre through almost lidded eyes did The Witches really believe that was the extent of the clay lack Suitland he hardly dared hope the mini Jesuit were so misled of course that was not your basic plan Oh Dre said WAAFs eyes snapped wide open she was reading his mind I am Dishonored he said when you saved my life you saved a useless thing he sank back Oh Dre din hailed a deep breath time to use the results of the chapter house analysis she leaned close to woof and whispered in his ear the shariat needs you yet woof gasps Oh trade setback that gasp said it all analysis confirmed the Vinnie Jesuit had always used religion to manipulate and control the play lacks ooh master was no different from the rest the planet chapter house had been occupied by the mini Jesuits sisterhood for 1400 years and even then they only thought of it as a temporary planet it was a secret world but of course there was always the risk of accidental discovery terraza on chapterhouse wonders where miles tag and the gola could be she had instructed the bashar to act unpredictably but she had not expected this she has already asked the flail Axew to prepare a new gola just as a precaution in case the current one was dead terraza is conscious of the fact that the Bene Gesserit sisterhood could be swallowed up by the honored ma trace the matras had not returned out of the scattering because of curiosity but out of dreams of conquest and they had begun their conquest the meninges are keep on gamoo had been attacked Shuang you had been killed but not before she left a message to her sisters swung you left you a message and only we might read in the where marks on the furniture Yes Mother Superior and then she knew she would be attacked and had time to leave a message I saw your earlier report on the devastation of the attack it was quick and totally overpowering the attackers did not try to take captives what did she say [ __ ] the Binnie Jesuit referred to the Mott raised as such for a simple reason they believed that the Mott raised made a mockery of the sisterhood copying them yet selling themselves for power the matras did not have mastery of melange they used an inadequate substance which turned their eyes orange instead of the characteristic blue within blue which marked spice addiction these matras gain power through sexual enslavement they ate some of the many Jesuit ways but possess none of their deeper awareness and yet they dared placed themselves at the center of worship terraza clearly understood she won't use message the matras had acted the ones out of the scattering sought the vinny Jesuit elder secrets secrets lost to them during their time away from the old Empire terraza commands burrs molly who was trained by tag to go to gamoo in search of miles tag and the gola with as many resources as he needs she suspects that the Golan never left the planet back on Arrakis owed raid continues with the plan though she wonders why the gola is not yet on the planet she takes she Anna and wafted our ESPA lot the place where Latos no room had been found they go into the desert to find a worm owed raid intends to force woth into a religious experience and observe him she anna begins dancing summoning shite an odd raid looks into the distance and feels the coming of a vision a warning she realizes that she is looking at the place or the one God was divided the place where Leto the second had fallen into the Idaho River fifteen hundred years ago she wonders if the heretics of The Sisterhood had been correct what would come out of the meddling in the remnants of the tyrants work as the worm approaches owed raid resigns herself to whatever fate is to come woth is overcome with religious exultation a sibilant hiss subterranean and muted by sand it became louder with shocking swiftness there was heat in it a noticeable warming of the breeze that twisted down their rocky avenue the hissing swelled to a crescendo roar abruptly the crystal ring gaping of a gigantic mouth lifted over the dune directly above she onna Shaytan Chiana screamed not breaking the rhythm of her dance Here I am shy tan as it crested the dune the worm dipped its mouth downward toward Chiana san cascaded around her feet forcing her to stop her dance the smell of cinnamon filled the rocky defile the worm stopped above them Messenger of God wah freed he dried the perspiration on old raids exposed face and made the automatic installation of her still suit puff outward perceptibly she inhaled deeply sorting the components behind that cinnamon assault daintily like a child on unfamiliar ground the worm once more moved forward it slid across the dune crest curled itself down onto the exposed rock and presented his burning mouth slightly above and about two paces from shayana as it stopped Oh Dre became conscious of the deep furnace rumbling of the worm she could not tear her gaze away from the reflections of lamb biet orange flames within the creature it was a cave of mysterious fire Oh Dre did see that she onna commanded the worm but she could also see that it was not the girl's words that moved the creature but something else wa''f k m-- up a side ode raid his translate gaze fixed on the worm i am here he whispered ode raised silently cursed him any unwarranted noise could attract this beast on to them she knew what woof was thinking though no other till Axew had ever stood this close to a descendant of his prophet not even the rocky and priest had ever done this with her right hand Schiano made a sudden downward gesture down to a Shaytan she said the worm lowered its gaping mouth until the internal fire pit filled the rocky defile in front of them her voice little more than a whisper she ona said see how shy cannabase me mother chode raid could feel she honest control over the worm a pulse of hidden language between the child and monster it was uncanny though odd raid is annoyed by wofe she knew that never before had one of the Bene Gesserit had an opportunity to study at laylax ooh master religiously the inside she was gathering was highly valuable the three of them mounted the worm and Shaytan moves though she Anna had commanded the creature she had only been allowed to ride a worm once before the day shy elude brought her to the city of King years ago now the worm moved again of its own accord towards that place of odd raids vision members of the priesthood and the Bene Gesserit followed behind in Thopter eventually the worm did stop and when they dismounted it merely returned into the sands the weight at Cain the immortal hand of the god Emperor still moved those creatures in the sand it had come to this place of its own free will drawn back toward the place where Leto sinless stream had begun the three of them end up falling deep into a sand slope it is only then that ode rate realizes the place they had fallen into an ancient Freeman water storage basin they were in siege to bore still gars placed during the time of Paul Atreides the place where late till ii had hidden his spice horde the place had long since been cleaned out Oh Dre believes that she is the one being brought here for a purpose using her knowledge of the mission are protect Eva Jim manipulates woth into staying behind while she explores the place she gives Xian an instruction to keep an eye on him odhh raid can still since the warning from her other memories she finds several desert mummified bodies that had been stabbed to death in what looked like ritual killings she knew that the bodies could not be from the Fremen times they were from the famine times and made her fearful owed raid could still smell the residue of melange in the place and wanted to turn back but something compelled her forward she finds a word carved on the floor rfl she knows the meaning the cloud darkness at the end of the universe she realizes that the god Emperor had reached out of the past to send her a message written in ancient Checotah she finds the word here it leads her to a trapdoor inside Oh Dre discovers a great treasure of melange ninety thousand long tons it was half the year's harvest on the entire planet of Rakus geniusly hidden and left there by late to the second for her to find written on the walls in the ancient Atreides language were the words of the god Emperor a Reverend Mother will read my words something cold settled in odd raids cuts she moved to her right with the light ploughing through an empires ransom in Milan there was more to the message I bequeathed to you my fear and loneliness to you I give the certainty that the body and soul of the Bennet Jesuit will meet the same fate as all other bodies and all other souls another paragraph of the message beckoned to the right of this one she plowed through the clawing melange and stopped to read what is survival if you do not survive whole ask the Bennet laylax that what if you no longer hear the music of life memories are not enough unless they call you to noble purpose there was more of it on the narrow end wall of the long chamber ode raids stumbled through the melange and knelt to read why did your sisterhood not build the golden path you knew the necessity your failure condemned me the god Emperor two millennia of personal despair the words God Emperor were not written in Shikoku but in the language of the islami at where they conveyed an explicit second meaning to any speaker of that tongue your God and your Emperor because you made me so Oh Dre mild grimly that would drive wofe into a religious frenzy the higher he went the easier to shatter his security she did not doubt the accuracy of the tyrants accusation nor the potential in his prediction that the sisterhood could end the sense of danger had led her to this place on earring ly something more had been at work to the worms of Rakus still moved to the tyrants ancient beat he might slumber in his endless stream but monstrous life a pearl in each worm to remind it carried on as the tired had predicted what was that he had told the sisterhood in his own time she recalled his words when I am gone they must call me shite an emperor of Gehenna the wheel must her and turn along the golden path yes that was what terraza had meant but don't you see the common people of Rakus have been calling him Shaytan for more than a thousand years so terraza had known this thing without ever seeing these words she had known I see your design terrassa and I know the burden of fear you have carried all these years I can feel it every bit as deeply as you do Oh Dre knew then that this warning since would not leave until she ended or The Sisterhood vanished from existence or the peril was resolved Oh dreidel if did her light got to her feet and slog through the melange to the wide steps out of this place at the steps she recoiled more of the tyrants words had been cut into each riser trembling she read them as she moved upward to the opening my words are your past my questions are simple with whom do you ally with the self idolaters of laylax with my fish big of bureaucracy with the cosmos wandering guild with the Harkonnen blood sacrifices with a dogmatic sink of your own creation how will you meet your end as no more than a secret society o trade climate reading them a second time as she went noble purpose what a fragile thing that always was and how easily distorted but the power was there immersed in constant peril it was all spelled out on the walls and stairs of that chamber terraza knew without having it explained the tyrants meaning was clear join me as she emerged into the small room finding a narrow ledge along which she could swing herself to the door Oh Drake looked down at the treasure she had found she shook her head and wonder at terrazas wisdom so that was how the sisterhood might end terrazas design was clear all the pieces in place nothing certain wealth and power it was all the same in the end the noble design had been started and it must be completed even if that meant the death of the sisterhood what poor tools we have chosen that girl waiting back there in the deep chamber below the desert that girl and the goal of being prepared on Rakus I speak your language now old worm it has no words but I know the heart of it o draids all a tous message as a warning and an invitation The Sisterhood may end she wonders at the purpose of the vini Jesuit was survival a sufficient enough purpose owed raid knows that she must act on her own they traveled to the Benham desert sanctuary on raucous and old raid reveals secret knowledge to woth the sisterhood planned to plant the worms of Rakus on countless planets of the scattering he thought it was a lie and she had intended him to though it was true he asked for the real reason for distinction among the many Jesuit ranks and she tells him that some fear that they may birth another quiz that's had a rack o drain manages to refocus wast doubts about the sisterhood onto the people of the scattering she manipulates him into agreeing to Alliance one she knows that many in the sisterhood will not like our survival in the face of the storm that is brewing among the scattered ones she said that laylax uu survival to the farthest thing from our desires is an inn to those who preserve the great belief waaah felt a tight band release itself from his breast the unexpected the unthinkable the unbelievable was true the many Jesuit were not PO in de all the universe would get follow the benyclaire lakhs into the true faith God would not permit otherwise especially not here on the planet of the Prophet the effectiveness of the benin Jesuit mission are protect Eva had proven itself again back on gamoo miles tech has made contact with burrs Mali they have arranged a rendezvous it is snowing when they finally leave the new globe heavily armed Lucilla carried only a single lace gun with one burst the been a Jesuit believed that it diminished them to go into battle with much more than their skills now that they were outside of the know globe they could be detected by life scanners they could hear the sounds of battle in the distance the ground rumbled they could hear shouting and voices in the distance tag recognized face dancers he tells Lucilla and Duncan to run the attackers advanced on him he fired at them but they did not fire back he realized that they wanted him alive metallic suit could expend any number of face dancers to run down his lays guns charge he attempts to run but he is stunned and captured Lucilla and Duncan make it to an armored ground car VIRs molly leads them out of the car and puts a life blanket on them to hide them from detection they are led by burrs mollies men through the wilderness through a cleft and into an enclosed passage cut into the rocks thick algae grew on the ceiling and the walls of the place it was specially grown algae that disrupted life scanners the face dancer Sarita tells Lucilla that she was bred and trained to kill the matras Lucilla trades places with the face dancer to throw off the searchers she will disguise herself as an honoured ma tree Duncan is disguised as a clay Lac su and the two of them split up taking different paths when miles tag wakes he encounters three strange figures they put a device known as a T probe on his head a device from the scattering the pain it caused him was exquisite as they attempted to penetrate his mind he wonders if there is a greater pain he wonders if this is what the spice agony feels like for Reverend mothers the captors continue to increase the pain even more and then suddenly stillness miles Tegh wonders if he is dead but he is not the device takes over his flesh and he feels as though another person is sharing his body it was reading his senses trying to block his awareness it was copying him tag attempts to counter the probe using his mentat powers blocking it from copying his memories but it would have everything else tagged centered his focus on the movements of the probe he found that he could anticipate it now as if he was growing some new muscle his captors wonder why they cannot read his mind and then he forces his eyes open from his perspective the three are moving in ultra slow motion in the time of several eye blinks tank escapes from confinement killing his captors with supreme bloody ease he had predicted their every move using his mentat abilities tag determines that the agony of the probe had lifted him to some new level of ability hidden powers that had been awaiting within him had been unlocked out of necessity taking the form of this strange new kind of precedence slowly he felt himself returned to a normal sense of time he escaped to the outside he knew the place he was in the city of his eye he was free on the mini Jesuit secret planet chapter house some sisters are called in for Au draids death after what she did on Rakus the vinny Jesuit were still wary of the Atreides flaws they did not fully trust their hunger for power which was evident by their history the heretics of The Sisterhood believed that The Sisterhood was playing directly into the hands of the tile Axew who made this Duncan Goler for their own purposes they believed that they will be forced to serve the tile Axew design which would be worse than the time of the tyrant they would be vulnerable and perhaps even further considering Latos message perhaps the goal of Project had never been truly theirs from the start but instead something that was set in motion by late till the second himself late to his message in siege to war worries terraza she wonders if the sisterhood is to end now crushed by invaders from the scattering terraza decides that she must go to Rakus and she may have to do what the others want kill owed raid on gamoo tag went to appear before an honored ma Trey as the Bene jesuit bashar he knew there was danger in the place tag deduces that the place is a bank the honored ma Trey that he met was old Tech had not expected her age she tells him that if he ever sees her eyes fully orange then that means that he has offended her beyond her ability to tolerate she tells tank the many Jesuit are no match for the ma Trey's I'm sure you understand this kind of power generally Bashar she said the vintage Ezra trained you well they are quite talented but not I fear as talented as we are the old martyr a summons the Matra who is meant to mark tag tags since the danger he determines that he must use his new talents tag becomes the whirlwind he was a monstrous threat he made his way through the complex as a blurred sleep slaughtering everyone he met as blood sloshed around him doing so required minimal mental effort blood splattered him as he drove himself through the headquarters building slaughtering everyone he met as he had learned from the many Jesuit teachers the great problem of the human universe late in how you managed procreation he could hear the voice of his first teacher as he carried destruction through the building you may think of this only as sexuality but we prefer the more basic term procreation it has many facets and offshoots it has apparently unlimited energy the emotion called love is only one small aspect Tegh crushed the throat of a man standing rigidly in his path and at last found the control room for the building's defenses Tech knows that this transformation had something to do with his Atreides blood as he ran toward an alley the people he passed seemed as still as statues he examined himself and could see that his blood was black that moment of ultimate pain and crisis had forced him into a new domain of human potential the god Emperor's design he now possessed a double vision a strange prescient tag realized that he could also sense the positions of no ships and decides that he will capture one his double vision provided him with the path lucilla & bers male head to the safe place to rendezvous with duncan there they encounter a young woman and Lucilla immediately knows that something is off about her the woman named Marbella is an honored Marais she attempts to Kilmer's Molly after he tries to slap her she assumed that Lucilla is a great honored male because of her clothing and because of the ease in which Lucilla subdues her Murr Bella tells Lucilla that she has subdued Duncan and that she intends to complete the sexual enslavement of him during the process however Duncan gains access to the memories of all the other Duncan idaho's he is crushed by the memories he can see his deaths all of them he remembers the axolotl tanks the gross living female flesh the Tali laksa design the hidden thing in him awakens the secret to destroying the mantra he overwhelms marbella forcing her to lose control of her own responses marbella realizes who duncan is the MA trays were warned of a gola possessing of forbidden knowledge gifted by the Tleilaxu she wanted to kill him but she could not Lucilla had watched from another room when she comes in marbella begs her to kill Duncan but Lucilla says that Duncan will go to Rakus on raucous terraza tells odd raid that the preservation of the sisterhood is the only important thing Oh Dre tells terraza that the flail acts who give the appearance of full cooperation but something is disturbing her she wonders if there axolotl tanks are truly tanks she suggests to terraza that they could be surrogates living organisms the remnants of the clay lacks ooh females no one had ever seen ATS laylax ooh female it was monstrous Oh Dre tells the Mother Superior what she has learned of the MA trace from the trial Axew they had surpassed the sexual skills of many Jesuit in printers such as Lucilla but the honored MA trays employed their skills in a manner that is ultimately fatal to themselves and others Oh draids suggests that the change that the clay lacks ooh had made to the Duncan Idaho gola was to make him the equivalent of a male honored ma Trey that's why the honored ma Trey's attacked their keep on gamoo believing the gold was their terraza realized that they did not know what this goal of was and now that he had been reawakened he was unpredictable the sequencing of the golus education became shambles even before they escaped from the gamma keep he leapt ahead of his teachers to grass things that were only implied and he did this at an alarmingly accelerated rate who knows what he has become by now the trail Axew meddled with the forces that had produced their quizzes had a rack and led to 3,500 years of subjugation under the tyrant after meeting shyona terraza determines that she Anna will be loyal in exchange for many Jesuit teachings terraza had been intrigued by the young girl and she Anna recognized the power of the Mother Superior I am informed that you may become one of us terraza said both women could see the effect of this on the girl by now Gianna was more fully aware of a Reverend mother's accomplishments the powerful beam of truth had been focused on her she had begun to grasp at the enormous body of knowledge the sisterhood had accumulated over the millennia she had been told about selective memory transmission about the workings of other memories about the spiced agony and here before her stood the most powerful of all Reverend mother's one from whom nothing was hidden terraza and owed raid believed that one day she Anna could become a Mother Superior of extraordinary ability terraza owed raid and she ona and the bene Jesuit company along with woth and the high priest ooook who had been replaced by a face dancer after he was killed convene at dar s ballot it is a tense gathering terraza sensed a danger of violence in the meeting it appears that the false toufic had convinced himself that he is actually to it Walt is surprised by this and cannot control him never before had he seen a face dancer behave in this way it was the Binnie Jesuit plot this false - it was now a creature of the sisterhood and remembered nothing of his face dancer origins that laylax who had designed these new faced answers - well one could only imagine what was happening with the face dancers the play lacks who had implanted among the fish speakers and the Exynos wofe was greatly intimidated by terraza terraza tells woth that they will serve the Tleilaxu but they will never become axolotl tanks woth was shocked sisterhood knew even the secret of the Tleilaxu axel otto tanks Wafaa attempted to signal his face dancers to attack but terraza stops him assuring him that that's laylax who will fall if he does not agree woof growls teeth what was she doing he entertained the Matt thought that The Sisterhood had clogged his mind with some secret drug in the air they knew things denied to others he stared from terraza to oh drain and back to terraza he knew he was old with serial gola resurrections but not old in the way of the Benny Ches rate these people were old they seldom looked old but they were old old beyond anything he dared imagine wofe has no choice but to accept Oh Dre tell Fiona that the honored matras will come to Rakus they had returned from the scattering because they see the old Empire as an easy conquest at the penthouse at Darras a lot the honored ma Trace attack terraza sees the beam from the Thopter and recognizes that her own death is imminent the beam severs both of her legs but she manages to cut off the blood flow from her wounds she reminds herself that the pain was not as great as the spiced agony she thinks to herself I have one owed raid comes to terraza as she lies dying placing their foreheads together they share memories owed raid is now the Mother Superior owed raid and Shion ahead towards the no room sometime later tags stolen no ship arrives on Rakus he has arranged to meet Chiana anode raid in the desert they will arrive upon the back of a worm tag meets with Lucilla aboard the no ship and tells her that they are there to pick up owed raid Chiana and a worm he tells her that he and his people will remain to create a diversion he knew that the honored montrezl would destroy Rakus when they learned that the gola the secret to their demise was there it had been terrazas design all along the gola had been bait when o Dre boards the no ship she comes to take for quite some time now she had known that he was her father looking at him now she could see that something had been changed about him something was different he tells her to take the ship to chapter house and that the Golem must go with them too they had to change terrazas original design he was no longer just bait for the destruction of the planet they needed his talents tag tells burrs Molly that he will take over as Bashar owed raid Chiana Duncan Ebers Molly Lucilla and a single worm escaped the destruction of the planet Arrakis the honored Matsuri Marbella is held prisoner woth and his face dancers died on the planet of the prophet tag had sacrificed himself so that the others could escape the honored montrezl unleashed their obliterator weapons scorching the surface of the planet doom killing all life on the surface the planet of MU Adeeb home of the zen suni Wanderers where the god emperor had ruled from for 4000 years was gone on chapterhouse o trade adjustment in the sisterhood would not like that she was the mother superior many in the sisterhood still distrusted the Atreides their history had shown a hunger for power she knew her position may be temporary the sisterhood had tested Chiana she too was a tradies descended from ciona and immune from presence the worm they had captured was nearing metamorphosis and when the time came they would bathe it in a mixture of melange and water converting it into mini sand trout they would release them onto chapter house they would create a second do terraza had wanted the destruction of Rakus to eliminate almost all worms according to her they were an Iraq dealer force which held the universe in bondage the worms containing a pearl of Latos awareness magnified that grasp he did not predict events but instead he had created them by the time the worms returned to their larger numbers humankind would be far too numerous doing too many different things no single force could rule over all of their futures completely but this was always his design Marbella and the gola are being held inside of the notion Marbella is pregnant with Duncan's child Duncan still insists that he will not serve the sisterhood telling odd raid that he will never be a stud for them Duncan had realized some time ago that he had never fully trusted the witches not even the lady Jessica owed raid promises to help Duncan in any ways that she can when he asked why she responds by saying this because my ancestors loved you because my father loved you love you witches can't fill love she stared down at him for almost a minute the bleached hair was growing out dark at the roots and curling once more into ringlets especially at his neck she saw I feel what I feel she said and your water is ours Duncan hi-de-ho seeing the effect that these ancient Freeman words had had on Duncan Oh Dre turns and leaves the room she looks upon the worm they had captured the last pearl of Latos awareness they had freed him Gianna would be trained as a been a Jesuit sister and eventually lead the project to breed new worms on Shafter House Leto the second the god Emperor the tyrant had helped the Bene Gesserit sisterhood find their noble purpose 10,000 years since Leto began his metamorphosis from human into the sand worm of raucous and historian still argue over his motives was he driven by the desire for long life he lived more than 10 times the normal span of 300 standard years but consider the price he paid was it the lure of power he is called the tyrant for good reason but what did power bring him that a human might want was he driven to save humankind from itself we have only his words about his golden path to answer this and I cannot accept the self-serving records of darkest Pilat might there have been other gratifications which only his experiences would illuminate without better evidence the question is moot we are reduced to saying only that he did it the physical fact alone is undeniable next in this series we will cover chapter house Doon the final book in Frank Herbert's original dune saga chapter house picks up several years after the events of heretics as The Sisterhood awaits for young worms to rise out of the newly formed deserts of chapter house Duncan Idaho has visions of a mysterious man and woman who watch him from some other place consider supporting this channel on patreon if you enjoyed the video and please subscribe for more dune videos and check out the dune playlist on this channel for more videos on the lore of the book series you [Music] you
Channel: Quinn's Ideas
Views: 899,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Scattering, Duncan Idaho, Leto II, Book, New, Dune Lore, Timothee Chalamet, Lucilla, Siona, Odrade, Part 6, Rakis, Atreides, Ultimate Guide, Explained, God Emperor, Denis Villieneuve, Gammu, Heretics, Lore, Honored Matres, Dune, Miles Teg, Bene Gesserit, Dwari Odrade, Reboot, Frank Herbert, Sheeana Brugh
Id: 0_W8_r17Wl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 53sec (4373 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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