Intro to Lovecraft Live: The Great Old Ones History

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Surely learning the history of the great old ones is the worst introduction to Lovecraft possible. Fear of the unknown and all that?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YouNeedAnne 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
he appears how's it going guys it's me quinn from quentin's ideas which is the youtube channel that you're watching the stream on right now how's it going everybody please let me know how my visuals and sound are as always let me mute my phone so it doesn't play my voice hi guys how's it going so you can probably tell by the title and thumbnail of this stream what the topic is going to be and actually let me plug in my headphones if i'm going to actually have them so i can hear myself ah that's a lot better now i can actually hear myself speaking so thanks everyone for showing up and joining me i saw that quite a few of you were waiting before the stream even started in the chat house everyone's night going or morning or afternoon i know it's time zones don't mean much when you're on the internet at this point in history how's it going guys you guys ready to talk some lovecraft as i was saying everyone's saying the it looks and sounds good we're finally getting the hang of this because a lot of times like i start the strings in the beginning and like the audio is wonky uh it's not set to the right mic or whatever but it looks like everything is going good right now so yeah today today is a very very special day this is kind of a preemptive stream in a lot of ways because i'm getting ready to dive into a lot more hp lovecraft content on this channel um i've covered it a little bit before i've talked about hp lovecraft in relation to a song of ice and fire um i have like a i've i've referenced it in a bunch of my song of ice and fire theory videos um i did a podcast episode a long time ago with order of the great hand talking about just pulling out little bits of lovecraft that show up in a song of ice and fire then also a few months ago i did one of my most favorite videos ever which was the at the mountains of madness video essay which was me covering one of lovecraft's most famous and most awesome stories um but yet today today we're going to be focusing on a more specific lovecraft topic there's a lot of interest in h.p lovecraft today these days i noticed it's interesting uh just a little bit about lovecraft the guy was he was a weird dude for sure um he wrote a lot of he wrote some terrifying stories though he was never famous while he was alive um in fact he kind of like struggled his entire life he kind of lived a rough life i mean if you really get into his history i mean he definitely had some kind of definitely had some mental issues he was a little bit definitely agoraphobic uh definitely but xenophobic for sure um had issues with women he like lived in a different state from his wife so the guy had issues um [Music] and the guy had certain specific fears he feared things that weren't familiar to him right and that's obvious the more you learn about his life and that does come through in his stories like a lot of people i feel like i need to say this because a lot of people say there's a lot of hubbub from a lot of different sides about lovecraft so i just feel like i need to say this before we get started um when it comes to the work of lovecraft right he's not going on ra as i said in my last stream he's not going on racist diatribes in the stories right you don't read lovecraft stories and find like long sections about like why certain groups of people are inferior or like horrible read horrible things it's just not there right he is however a product of his time so when you read lovecraft you have to put it in context to someone that was writing stories in like the 1920s and yeah exactly someone just said edgar allan poe was also very weird yes edgar allan poe is very weird a lot of horror writers are weird in general but yeah he was a strange dude we can separate the art from the person um but also acknowledge when we are reading his work where certain prejudices and ideas might peek in because they i'm not saying that they don't ever it's important to acknowledge them when they do and that doesn't mean we have to throw away the entire canon of lovecraft um because i feel like if you're going to criticize lovecraft for certain things you have to criticize a lot we will be throwing away a lot we'll be throwing away a lot i mean i feel like people at this point for some reason want to single out lovecraft for some reason and as though he is especially bad right which which i don't agree with at all there's a lot of way worse stuff that gets celebrated and pushed a lot of way worse people that are like remembered way more fondly like no one ever talks about walt disney and all the crazy things that he thought and believed no one ever talks about that so it's like it's like why are we singling out lovecraft i feel like when it comes to this kind of outrage it's very selective and i really really and when it comes to selective outrage for me it strikes me as like kind of disingenuous you know because it's like if you're not if you're mad about that why why aren't you mad about the other great someone says ultimate guide to chapter house 2 and win um that will be my next big video after the call of cthulhu video that will be the next one so like i said this stream is preemptive we're going we're going to introduce everybody to the work of lovecraft get into the nitty-gritty uh specifically in this stream we're going to be talking about the great old ones the great old ones of lovecraftian lore all right so just before i get started completely i just wanted to say this as well i have not seen lovecraft country all right i do want to get the book i tried to order it from amazon but like if you haven't been reading if you haven't been paying attention to the news then you know that like the american postal system is kind of a mess right now so amazon is kind of a mess right now so like the book wouldn't get here until like next month if i ordered it so i'm going to have to like at some point make a trip down to barnes noble and see if i can hunt down lovecraft country because i really just don't have any real interest in watching the show before i read the book right so i gotta get the book read it and then i will watch a show and i hear it's fantastic and i have nothing against it but no spoilers for lovecraft country um but yeah let's move on and as always guys if you are enjoying the stream i know we just started but hit the like button it really helps get things circulated and going um and yeah without further ado let's talk about let's talk about the great old ones uh so where do we start with the great old ones um these are beings a lot of people like to call them gods but they're not really gods they are beings that were brought into existence eons ago we don't even really know exactly how long ago and their essential form is is is their central mode of communication is is is stopped they communicate normally through thought right so you would assume that there essential core of being is thought right so they are beings of consciousness that sometimes take form and they existed eons and eons and eons and eons before mankind ever existed possibly before earth was even fully formed most likely before earth was even fully formed um some of them might have even existed at the dawn of time in the very beginning possibly even before the creation of the universe um because these are love traps like he it's not necessarily so straightforward because lovecraft likes to deal with things that are kind of outside of time outside of normal space outside of normal existence so when i say existed before the universe take it with a grain of salt it's not really meant for you to understand and that's kind of where a little bit of terror comes from but anyways at some point the great old ones came to earth and the earth was was theirs and they ruled it and it was their dominion there are also other beings that weren't them right lesser beings and we we'll talk about that a little bit later but the old ones themselves did not die at least not any at least they didn't die in any any real way that we could that we would call death what we do know is that they were extremely subject bound to cosmic will the cosmic alignment was everything uh and that is the position of the stars the position of the planets when the stars were right they could leap and travel from world to world with ease and and go wherever they want do as they pleased but when the stars were wrong they they could not live they could not be at least not at least not be in the physical way at least not be alive to dominate in the same way all right so that's just setting up where they come from and letting you know that they got to earth so like i said they got to earth the great old ones very very very very very very early this was long before mankind was ever even dreamed of it's not specifically said how long ago of course um hello gray area how's it going thanks for joining me so it's not said exactly how long ago they got to earth but eons ago and long before humankind had and it says in lovecraft's body of work that they brought their images with them so if you look at the uh thumbnail for this live stream um that is artwork by behringer who did this book who colored and uh drew this adaptation of h.p lovecraft's the call of cthulhu and i'll just show you one of the images here so i can explain a little bit better what i mean by they brought their images with it so in the body of lovecraft's work throughout the world you find idols strange idols i hope you guys can see that pretty clearly it's a bar leaf it's a it's kind of a sculpture a statue of cthulhu throughout the world in h.p lovecraft's work they find these strange idols they're made of no stone that they that they know of it's not an earthly stone because the gods the old ones brought their images to earth with them right and at some point during their dominion of earth long long long ago the stars changed the stars shifted and the gods the old ones foresaw their doom they saw that they would soon not longer be no longer be able to live so they all went to their city raleigh and here's where it gets really really cool this is where cthulhu comes into play actually let's let's let's take a pause and let's talk about the most famous lovecraftian great old one just for a second because he is very important when it comes to what happened to the gods when the stars changed what happened to the old ones when the stars changed and they were still on earth so cthulhu is actually referred to in the call of cthulhu as the great priest right and it in fact says it is his spells that preserved the great old ones in relay um so we can assume that cthulhu was a leader of the old ones and so when the stars changed they went to relay the corp city as they called it which was this strange strange city with weird angles made of strange stone from beyond the stars if you looked at it you wouldn't be able to comprehend it right uh concave becomes convex angles shift it's not like you're you're looking into you're looking past things into other dimensions it is spaces don't make sense in this city they make sense possibly to these beings well certainly to these beings but to a human to the human mind they wouldn't make sense right so they went to the city they entombed themselves and they waited they waited and they waited and they waited while the stars changed and they couldn't live and in their great city of relay they spoke to each other in thought and as thousands and thousands and thousands of years past millions of years eons passed at some point humans developed consciousness and the gods the old ones whose form of communication is a language of pure thought they spoke to the first men in their dreams now i actually have a specific quote which i don't have pulled up for some reason so i would just like grab it from here we'll grab take a pause right there so i can grab this specific quote and talk and we'll dive a little bit deeper into what i mean by spoke to mankind in their dreams so that should be right here so this is just this is a quote from the call of cthulhu and i'll just i'll read this for you guys so at some point in the call of cthulhu we encounter a cult um they're dancing in the woods worshiping an idol uh and one and this is basically what we learned from this cult they worshipped so they said the great old ones who lived ages before there were any men and who came to the young world from out of the sky those old ones were gone now inside the earth and under the sea but their dead bodies had told their secrets in dreams to the first men who formed a cult which had never died this was that cult this was that cult and the prisoner said it had always existed and always would exist hidden in distant waste and dark places all over the world until the time came when the great priest cthulhu from under his dark house and the mighty city of relay under the waters would rise again to bring the earth again beneath his sway all right so they spoke to the first men in dreams all right and you know there's there's a lot of stuff um a lot of people believe that a lot of human ideas like sudden ideas that you have originate in dreams right that is uh like like like as though you're like pulling it from like some kind of ethereal realm well we know that in in the body of hp lovecraft this is certainly true right so the gods spoke to the first men and they inspired the formation of this cult this religion and they showed the men where their idols were they they they they guided them to the idols that they could worship before the idols that the gods brought from the stars and they gave them to them and they said bow before us and one day one day when the stars are right you can awaken us right and it says specifically that there were certain arts that would awaken the gods so it wouldn't just happen that is the purpose of the cult essentially the church of the starry wisdom yada yada yada it is to when the stars align when the stars are right they would be the ones that were ready to awaken the great old ones right and this is the way it worked for for many many eons while while humanity developed developed with this cult secretly doing their dark dark works right the gods speaking to them in their dreams influencing them teaching them but then something happened one day and we don't know why there was never given an explanation to why this happened one day the great city relay inexplicably sank beneath the waves and there's another quote that i gotta read because it's really really good it's really really good because something something essential was loss lost when the city sank hmm if i could just find it here we go here we go so relay sunk into the waves in the elder times chosen men had talked with the entombed old ones in dreams but then something had happened the great stone city relay with its monoliths and i don't even i don't know how to say that word hp lovecraft it's some kind of architectural term that i won't even bother butchering monoliths and you know obelisk and stuff like that the great stone city of relay had sunk beneath the waves and the deep waters full of the one primal mystery through which not even thought can pass had cut off the spectral intercourse so something about the ocean something about the nature of the ocean blocked the gods spectral intercourse with mankind and they could no longer communicate and let's pause and go all the way back and i gotta say thank you to xy tech for sending me the super chat thank you so much 10 super chat um super interesting so far man thank you so thank you dave uh just a dream thank you so much for your super chat as well and thank you guys so much for watching me if you're enjoying the stream so far hit the like button um and also the best way to support this channel is through the link in the description thank you so guys thank you guys so much for being here now moving on we were just and actually we just gotta i just did get a paypal from mark williams thank you so much mark williams for your 15 pay pal all right so where were we we were talking about relay sinking beneath the waves so when i was the more i think about let's just pause here before we talk about what that means and what happened after that and maybe why it happened and all that jazz definitely i want to talk about this lovecraft was definitely a huge fan of uh the work or not the work he was definitely a huge fan of atlantis miss right and actually in the call of cthulhu and i'm not gonna be able to find this right now he actually mentions a specific historical work which talks about the atlantis myth right so you have this great city relay sinking beneath the waves inexplicably and disappearing um and this this is also um kind of an idea that's repeated in the mountains of madness which i also covered not exactly a sunken city but a hidden city a hidden ancient city of great technology and great mystery mystery that kind of is forgotten and lost to time so right so he was definitely a fan of those types of ideas which i find um endlessly compelling all right so um anyway the ocean the ocean the ocean so lovecraft calls the sea the ocean a great primal mystery which even the realm of thought couldn't penetrate right not even the old ones could speak at least not to men through the ocean right but the memory the memory of them was never lost the cult members they had the sculptures they had the idols that the gods had brought with them from the stars they had the wisdom that had been passed down and gathered they had the necronomicon which had been written by the mad arab abdul what thing that which is a whole another story we're not going to talk about the necronomicon right yet i do got a copy of the necronomicon right here but we're not going to get into that just yet so the information the knowledge of the old ones was never never lost it was never never lost and the cult knew that one day one day the stars would realign and they would be there to awaken the great old ones and the old ones would continue their dominion of earth all right so i got a super chat uh looking forward to your novel thank you your team and mods for all the hard work on your channel cheers uh thank you so much for your super chat and thank you so much for watching so much so much for watching now i mentioned earlier that there are there are the great old ones um and really really the great old ones actually refers to i think a greater body of beings that are than the ones that are bound and relay on earth right but it's also it's a little bit inconsistent because we'd like to talk about lovecraft's shared universe but like i don't know if he was it's not like super meticulous like some other people shared universe like so there's there's a few discrepancies right but we can imagine that um the great old ones that are bound on earth um are not all of them there are other ones that exist in other places beyond the stars um in other dimensions and other places these are the specific ones that are bound to earth and i talked about in the beginning about there being beings that were like them but separate from them all right so let's pull up the call of cthulhu again because there's a great example of such there's two examples of such beings mentioned in the call of cthulhu uh they mention my song of ice and fire buddies will get a kick out of this one there's of course the deep ones and you can see the deep ones here and the sleeping cthulu dead dreaming in his house that relay so the deep ones they're not mortal they're not gods they're some kind of in between and then also in the call of cthulhu the other beings that are mentioned which i find really really cool are these winged bat monsters right so there's a section in the call of cthulhu when our main character is doing research about the cult and cthulhu and his origins and what this is um we learned about a time somewhere i think it was in south america there was all this ruckus there were the the the the uh local people have had called the cops and they said someone has to come and help because there's a crazy cult out in the forest somewhere and they've been kidnapping people wild screams have been heard we don't know what's going on so they go up here and what they see there's another good art here that i got to show you it's really cool and by the way this is i mentioned this book too this is behringer's hp lovecraft fully illustrated this is what they find they are dancing singing chanting in this flame circle and there's a stone pillar in the center and at the very top at the very top is a tiny tiny sculpture of cthulu now the cult kept the old ways you know it is said when the when the old ones rose you would you'd be to tell when they were coming because the earth would fall into madness where every every person would just revel in their own pleasure and violence murder and death and sex and everything would just be wild and crazy killing each other and just wild seeking of pleasure and craziness and that would be when the time the cult kept those ways but always in secret in twisted dark shadowy corners of the world so this is unique why are they doing this here why are they doing this now well you learn at some point another type of being had come up and kind of talked to the cult communed with them and it says these dark winged spirits of earth had come up from the deepest darkest forgotten caverns within the earth from from beneath forgotten seabeds and flown up to speak of dark twisted rumors of things to come so in my opinion although it's not said straight up in the call of cthulhu these bat winged creatures came to the cult to tell them that the old ones were waking up again because they knew it and they could feel it the stars were lying again um and as actually said um in the call cathedral the cult members they don't take responsibility for all the deaths they actually say that it was the winged things that did that it was the winged things that made those sacrifices um and there's also another being that's mentioned very briefly and here some kind of strange ancient entity that lived at the bottom of a lake and this is what the bat winged things worshipped and they said to look upon the thing was death now that seems different somehow from the great old ones it seems like the old ones are really really bound to the alignment of the stars and there's something else here so that's what i mean there's various entities from the winged bat things to whatever that strange entity is that lived at the bottom of the link to cthulhu um so yeah uh so where we i missed a few super chat so i gotta go back and get all of these and then we'll get to talking about some other things and then i'll check the paypal to make sure i got everything there uh so brent gordon says this is my entry to lovecraft other than cthulhu from south park thanks and i love your content quinn thank you so much for being here with me thanks everyone that's watching right now i love you guys so much i'm always down to talk about some horror horror is my favorite genre there's something about horror specifically cosmic horror that really really just i find very very intriguing and we'll get in a little bit more until like what the actual definition of cosmic horror is in a minute after i get these super chats i seem to make a note of that because cosmic horror is something that lovecraft certainly popularized but it's something that's used in a lot of other bodies of work a lot of people use cosmic horror now um and i have a few examples of that that i want to talk about as well okay so reaver 45 says i love your style quinn keep up with the good work thank you so much reaper 45 i'm glad that you guys are joining me thank you for your super chat uh 21st century afro publishing i love your name uh my brother i have been following you for years now since ice and fire days you inspired a lot of my reading habits especially fantasy and sci-fi well thank you so much for sticking with me and joining me and listening to me ramble on about different books and it's greatly appreciated um 45-ish hello uh says hi thank you says hi found you via dune and stayed for lovecraft well thank you so much lots lots and lots and lots more people have been telling me that recently that they found my channel because of dune and stayed for other things that's really really awesome because i plan on continuing to cover as i said more lovecraft because i have like all of this work i've read almost all of his stories at this point um and there's a lot there's a lot to be talked about so we're gonna continue down this lovecraft train as the channel continues and as i continue to develop and grow and diverse might diversify my channel so nate craig thank you for your super chat as well thanks for streaming on my birthday happy birthday nate making it inadvertently one of the most interesting to date i love your work so keep it up well that's that's very very flattering the fact of me streaming is making your birthday more interesting that's that's really really epic um and i think that's all the super chats i get right now we're gonna real quick check paypal and looks like we do got some more here to just look at real quick apps on phones are so annoying sometimes guys right so right after i get these last two we're going to start talking about cosmic horror and what exactly cosmic horror is and what it means so i got a paypal from james bo i can't say names guys you know what the deal is thank you so much james for your 10 paypal and thank you so much chris as well for your 10 paypal it is greatly appreciated um internet don't slow up now uh james says just discover the channel love the dune content and enjoying the stream thank you so much james uh did chris say anything chris didn't leave a message did mark say anything i didn't check before okay thank you guys so much all right moving on moving on all right cosmic horror cosmic horror let's talk about cosmic ray so cosmic horror is the horror of essentially the unknown but in the sense of the universe and you know what is waiting out there in the dark what what what's at least the dune quote what senses do we like that we cannot see a hidden world all around us you know what was here before us what will be here after us what is here right now that we can't interpret or experience and see does it care about us is it a danger to us it's the fear of not knowing right what lovecraft does very effectively is he kind of he likes to he implies he implies the mystery he implies the terror but he rarely rarely ever shows it directly in fact the call of cthulhu is what the call of cthulhu is one of the only examples where you actually see like an old one in its form take a true form and like just be there on earth it's usually just the implication of what could happen and that's ultimately where cthulhu ends at right it's when they come it will be terrible right and it's also the mystery of what do they do when they come so we talked about the cult right you might ask yourself what exactly does the colts have to gain from worshipping the old ones well exactly right uh it's kind of it's kind of twisted right it's you would imagine that certain certain they've been promised certain things they believe they can gain power and it's also mentioned that there's different divisions in the cult uh the sect of the cult that i actually just showed you from this book that appears in the call of cthulhu is actually mentioned to be a separate form of the cult there is the main part of the cult that exists somewhere i think in the middle east somewhere in the desert actually and which is the main part of the cult and that is the actual part of the quote that is in possession of the original necronomicon which was written by the mad arab um so you might ask yourself what are they having to gain from it um i don't know but i mean i imagine that they think they have something to gain but in reality the old ones the gods what is a human to them except for but a method to escape the god the gods the gods didn't whisper to the first spin in their dreams because oh we want to make friends it's not like it's not like the christian god where it's like i create a bunch of things because i want i want something to to love me it's it's the gods just want to be free to do whatever it is that they do and to revel in whatever things that they do and humans are a mere insignificant speck right when when these things return when cthulhu wakes up he is here to reshape the earth reshape the world in his image whatever that image is and the fact that we don't and the fact that the fact that we can't see clearly what that image is is terrifying and then also the idea that our dominion our quote-unquote dominion over the earth is tremendously fragile at any point something that is that is that is more ancient than anything that we can even conceive and more intelligent than anything that we can conceive and more powerful than anything that we could conceive could just come and just destroy us immediately so that that is that is i guess the gist of cosmic core the gist of cosmic core the things the idea that there's things beyond us things beyond our control that are malevolent and not even malevolent often just kind of indifference because indifference a morality is just as bad like the same way you carelessly swat a mosquito right are you you're not you're not consciously thinking let me murder this mosquito let me smack this mosquito and murder it you think oh it's kind of annoying flick that is essentially how the great old ones would see humanity oh it's kind of annoying flick um and so throughout the body of work when you have you have different characters that piece together certain pieces of information um there are old ones the existence of these beings and oftentimes their minds are broken especially if they stare directly into the abyss and this is a good point to talk about um nietzsche said if you stare into the abyss the abyss stares back at you and lovecraft took that to heart because one of the um this is a trope now but this this is something that lovecraft pretty much invented um you stare into the face of an old one you stare into the face of infinity something you can't understand or comfort him something that is beyond you and it breaks your mind the appears the abyss stares back into your soul right that happens in the mountains of madness you see uh they escape that terrible city and that thing that was there that we don't know but one character looks back and he loses his sanity right that happens in the call of cthulhu they escape the the relay in the end they they sail away one guy looks back and he loses his mind um so i mentioned in the mountains of madness too the the biblical story of lot and his wife um so everyone knows the story of sodom and gomorrah it's kind of a wild crazy story if you think about it but that's not the point um basically the cities were destroyed and god said don't look back do not look back lot's wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt um so in the same way we see that in so many lovecraft stories and it's become a trope like stephen king used it in it a bunch like you have the the one bully character that stares to the dead lights and goes crazy or uh uh bill's wife stares stares at its true form without any of the mass and she sees it just as it is and she goes crazy because it's certain like so that that's another element of cosmic horror we like to think as humans that we can know any anything we can understand anything we just if we just acquire enough knowledge if we could only have enough knowledge we could we could figure anything out but lovecraft says no no there are things that are beyond your little minds to even conceive and i i can't help that this is this is me speaking i can't help but think that that has to be true right i can't help but think and believe that there are things in our universe and in our reality that are so complex and so just beyond that our minds can't think can't comprehend it right we're conscious beings yes but we're really just like little we're little monkeys with like little squishy wet brains and the universe is a vast vast vast vast vast place infinite darkness in all directions and who knows what's out there right um so me and dave actually lml we actually just watched a doctor who episode which is like probably one of my favorite doctor episodes called midnight right and definitely some lovecraftian elements here so he's on this planet and before this planet was kind of colonized they built like a resort there or something before that no one had ever even been in the system they've just been circling around a lonely star since the dawn of time no life nothing nothing but there is something there and whatever it is it's it's it's it's unlike anything that could ever have existed so the point is you you have certain you have certain characters in the episode that reject the idea that anything could exist because they're so grounded to like the sense of what they know they're like no life is this life is this this is what life is life has these characteristics but what do we really know life could take endless forms like life could take forms beyond our conceptualization or understanding right um so that was that was i guess the key point of that one of the themes of that doctor who episode and that's also a lovecraftian idea that we don't really understand and maybe we can't even understand oh right guys so yeah that's that what are you guys saying in the chat before we get into the next section you guys enjoying the stream so far what do you guys think so far so do i got any um any of you guys new to lovecraft so i know a few of you guys said this was your intro to lovecraft but yeah let's just um ask to chat real quick how many of you guys have read the work of lovecraft before or i know i know you've heard of him you're watching the stream but have any of you like read some of the stories what are some of your favorite stories i would probably say my favorites are the call of cthulhu which is a short story um if you're going to read the call of cthulhu i would i definitely recommend this one behringer illustrated on every page brings it to life in a new way also the dunwich horror is a really good one mountains of madness is a really good one the color of the color out of space is a great short story so yeah so everyone's so something a lot of people saying they haven't read it some people saying they have currently reading it nope this is my intro says mod mary awesome someone says i finished at the mountains of madness today cool see mountains of madness is definitely an excellent one and like i said you can check out my video on that one um yeah cause like i really really like the idea of like something being hidden on earth that we haven't discovered and that was something that it's kind of an idea that you can only play with and kind of the time in which lovecraft was playing with these ideas is kind of the latest time like the 1920s because right now we've explored everything so i like the idea of like if you're going to tell these types of stories like take it back a couple hundred years when like when we hadn't explored everything um lovecraft very and smartly put that tail in it in arnica like a very remote place that we don't know we didn't know a lot about then and still kind of there's mysteries but yeah done which horror the doom that came to sarnoff someone said really really good one uh mountains of madness downwards horror i really like as well uh dream quest for unknown kada uh dream quest for unknown kadaf is an excellent lovecraft story so a lot of people don't like horror like horror um which i understand i understand but dream quest for unknown kadat is actually a pretty interesting lovecraft story and i actually have here i think a graphic novel version of dream quest so this is um a lovecraft book that i had this is drawn by colbert cool bird i hope i'm saying that right this is a graphic novel adaptation of four lovecraft stories and one of them is dream quest for unknown doc and the reason that i like this story a lot is because it's not really a horror story it's kind of like a twisted fairy tale fantasy story about this guy that goes on a quest through his streams he's looking for this golden city and oh it's such a trippy definitely some spooky parts but yeah i get the sense what i wanted to get to was the weird way the story just kind of flows like a dream is very reminiscent of well not even i can't say that's wrong context i should say i'm gonna mention neil gaiman sandman is what i'm getting to i definitely think that neil gaiman was influenced by dream quest for unknown kadath because the dreamy way that his stories flow in sandman it's just like this just the weirdness of it the mystery of it just just brilliant that's one of my favorite stories for sure the shadow over inn's mouth that's a really good one that's a really good one deep ones man the deep ones the deep ones are endlessly interesting too i know a lot of my song of ice and fire people really get into the deep ones and actually me and lml are going to do a stream on euron and the deep ones and all of that lovecraft the song about our stuff at some point it's really really cool because george r martin is someone that definitely loves definitely loves lovecraft he uses a lot of lovecraft language i was just reading that passage earlier in the stream about the first men and the gods whispering their secrets to the first men in dreams it almost sounds like that could come right out of a song of ice and fire it's pretty freaking amazing it's pretty freaking amazing uh let's see i got a super chat real quick and i'll check my paypal right after this as well and by the way guys the best way to support quinn's ideas to support this channel is through paypal because youtube super chats are a little wonky they take like huge percentages but everything is greatly appreciated dawn now people says have you read lovecraft country or seen the show premiere it peaked my interest and i like your thoughts if you have i have not read it i said in the beginning of the stream that i have not read love crowd country i'm going to read it as soon as i can i'm gonna head down to barnes noble and get my copy of it i've heard the synopsis i'm very very intrigued by lovecraft country um so basically it's about it takes place in the civil rights era and you've got like a black sci-fi nerd guy which like oh it's me and there's lovecraft stuff happening and he's like realizing it because he's like a fan of oh so that's definitely like something i i get into for sure so i'm looking forward to reading that book and then later watching the show first for sure um all right so someone says i found cthulhu playing dungeons and dragons in 1981 is that a thing you can you can cthulhu and dungeons and dragons i've never played dungeons and dragons i don't know what it's all about but that's real cool danica sent me to see you and i never left thank you for your work oh that's awesome i love danica come up a girl 19 ah she got me into dune she's awesome i love danica and real quick let me just check to make sure that i didn't miss anything on paypal because it doesn't send me a notification always refresh all right and looks like we are good all right we are going to move on so let's talk about i said i was going to talk about some people that have been influenced by lovecraft now i really enjoyed in my last stream aw dang i don't have that book over here right back i'll be right back so all right guys alrighty already already so we were talking about george r martin and how he was influenced by lovecraft but as i was saying i'm going to do a stream with lml at some point we're going to get into the nitty-gritty of all that but i want to talk about someone else that has been very influenced by the work of lovecraft that is stephen king stephen king loves lovecraft and it's of course he would the greatest stephen king is in my opinion the greatest modern horror author like period i'm sorry if you don't agree but that's my opinion so it's amazing to me and i love the fact and it's of course the greatest modern author would love you know one of the greatest uh horror authors of all time so let's talk about it because i talk about it in my last stream and a lot of people really liked it so in stephen king's book it this being which in the movies and john they always it's always a clown which the clown is one of the forms that it takes but that's not what it is this thing is a cosmic being of has i don't even know how to describe it um and even though it is defeated in the book i mean it's not it's not even clear whether it seems to me honestly that in it what happens is the children banish the form the physical form that it took on earth but it definitely still exists somewhere else and like a realm of thought or something it lives as stephen king says there's there's just a lot of hints that it's still alive anyway this thing it that the children eventually referred to as it came to earth just like a lovecraftian god from beyond right it came from beyond millions of years ago sound familiar before humanity ever got there sound familiar and it waited it waded beneath the earth and dreamed and when and when and when men finally came to earth it called them to its place and the town dairy was formed and this was a town that was shaped in this creature's image it was this it was this creature's killing pin so essentially what we have here in stephen king's work is a lovecraftian eldridge horror that is waiting and dreaming and communicating in the language of thought in the exact same way as the great old ones and love drops works too so it is essentially stephen king's lovecraft take i mean a lot of his books have those elements but this is one where it really sticks out to me and of course there's a lot of that in the dark tower series it shows up all over the place essentially i've been reading um even even something like a stephen king's 11 22 63 you can see the lovecraft influence the fear of the unknown the fear of what is waiting you know so yeah stephen king so much lovecraft influence and i absolutely love it and then also what i like what stephen king does that lovecraft didn't do and i talked about this last time is that stephen king wasn't afraid to he he knows exactly how to give away the right amount of details about the being right so there are sections in it where you're inside of this thing's head this lovecraftian entity you're inside of its head right and so obviously it's thoughts and it's the way it thinks is very very very strange and very very very very just odd and weird and it's thinking about how it had always been and what what the the thing that stands out about the monster the creature so much is it it's arrogance it thinks i have always been i cannot i cannot be hurt i've been here since the dawn of time these humans are nothing to me but it is it's also feeling emotions for the first time and it's angry it's angry it's angry because the children made it fear it so it's really interesting to see how an eldritch horror reacts to feeling fear for the first time to feeling pain for the first time it's a really interesting idea and that's the thing about a lot of people throw around the word copying like oh so and so copied this guy and did this guy and that's true sometimes but this is this is how you stephen king that's how you you're inspired by someone and then you like expand upon the idea because lovecraft would have never done that right lovecraft would have never taken you inside of the head of the creature right but stephen king did and it was still scary and i think that's for that that the stephen king will ever be a master stephen king will ever forever be a master what is the key about it's the key to my heart baby you want it somebody somebody gets it i'm just kidding all right guys just take a pause right there thanks everyone for watching we've got like 600 people watching guys so if you're enjoying the stream so far please hit the like button and um yeah and subscribe if you're not already subscribed um if you want to support me and support this channel you can send in a donation of any amount is accepted to the link in the description it's greatly appreciated and you can send me like a message and i'll read it out on the stream ask me a question whatever and yeah just thinks someone says imitation is the highest form of flattery a lot lots of times as well stephen oh someone says stephen king said that randall flagg in the stand was niall at the tap i didn't know he said that but that is like that is that's so true and that now that i think about it so randall flagg is a character the dark man he has many different names he shows up in stephen king king's work and he's always interacting with humans like sewing doing lots of awful evil stuff um nyarlathotep in lovecraft's body of work is the only one of the elder beings that can be called an old one that communes with humankind on a regular basis and even walks among them um walks among them at certain times so uh niall at the table he appears in a bunch of different stories he actually appears in the one i just mentioned which is uh the dream quest for unknown kadath in fact huh that's a good one actually um i won't spoil exactly what happens in the end of dream quest for unknown qadhaf but he appears in that one and yeah he's just kind of like a trickster he's kind of like a trickster if you wanted to make a comparison think it think of him as like the peter baelish almost of uh of lovecraft's body of work right but of course obviously peter baelish is not a god is not literally not now like that but yeah you can think of him that way another super chat thank you so much travis hammer have you read king's short story jerusalem's lot it's a prequel to salem sly and explain explains why the town is evil which attracted the vampire it was his most lovecraftian story i've never read jerusalem's lot oh my god that's something i need to get on i have a salem slot is so scary and i love it jerusalem fly is a good one for sure to read that's on my list for sure actually i've actually been on a huge stephen king kick because i've just been like re-getting into like a lot of this recent work and like really like rediscovering him again and yeah he's always loved lovecraft and it's all there okay someone says i think nobody told bayliss that exactly yeah someone says unknown is extremely difficult to read translated in spanish yeah i don't i don't i i'm not i'm not a person that speaks multiple languages so i wouldn't know but like yeah that's a thing too that's why i highly recommend this book this has let me um see which stories this one has in it specifically because when it comes to like adaptations of lovecraft's works even like graphic novel adaptations some of them are bad and i'll give you an example of a bad one which books i wish it told me which specific stores this this one has this one this one has at the mountains of madness it has dream quest for a kadath it's got it's got a few of the popular ones i can't it's not the pages are marked for some reason it's annoying but yeah check this out if uh where am i getting at yeah lovecraft likes to use weird words and it's kind of hard to read sometimes if you're not like used to it so check out this adaptation of coolberg right this is a i think this book was like 15 20 bucks on amazon or something and it's actually like a graphic novel interpretation of some of his most popular stories and there's like four or five of them in there then also i can't recommend enough um the call of cthulhu by the bearing traversion of call of cthulhu fully illustrated this this like it brings a whole new life to the story i look at it all the time this is my preferred method of like absorbing the story at this point so yeah it's full page art so it definitely helps the story like flow and like just go and make a lot more sense for those of you that might not be as familiar or adapted to reading lovecraft's uh writing style andreas gillo says some words just can't be translated yeah i imagine that is the case i imagine that is the case so it looks like i got a paypal from keith adkins thank you so much keith greatly appreciated and another paypal also from let's see let's see let's see from thomas kelly thank you so much thomas kelly for your paypal um so thanks everyone that has sent in donations it's greatly appreciated this was a nice recommended stream ecobear says thank you so much um do i have people here that are new to the channel is my stream actually getting circulated around the place um yeah so like like i was saying earlier this stream is basically it's a prelude to a lot more livecraft work that i'm going to be doing on this channel i've always been a fan of the work of lovecraft and some of you that have been watching me for years know that because i always mention him in relation to other stories um especially a song of ice and fire there's even elements of lovecraft's work in dune right the great entity right that the great enemy i mean that the honor montrez ran away from so in dune you have humans going out into deep space and then at some point they all run backwards and it's like why are you guys what are you running from and it's some kind of great entity a great enemy that they're running away from that they cannot mess this thing is so deadly whatever it is we gotta run away so yeah i'm not gonna say what that is because i have ideas about what it is but like the mystery of it is very lovecraftian the idea that there's something waiting what is out there what is out there so that's just really great so welcome welcome new guys new guys oh wait so we got a lot of new people that's super super awesome uh please subscribe please like and you know comment on the stream afterwards welcome all welcome all someone says i have been subscribed for years all right welcome all the noobs all of you are greatly appreciated um let's see oh yeah i was gonna mention yeah i said i said i forgot to do this i was gonna say there are good adaptations of lovecraft's work in graphic novel form but i gotta hate a little bit all right so the call of cthulhu a graphic novel dark tales adapted by dave shepard look dave shepard look dave shepard we need to talk what is this this is awful all right look i don't know what this is supposed to be but this is not the call of cthulhu um just uh just uh like if you if you like yeah i said i was i want to make sure don't buy this one if you see this one and you're thinking like oh let me go like read call the cthulhu in a graphic novel form it'll be cool please don't do it i don't know whose idea this was but it's like they've taken the call of cthulhu which is one of the most terrifying hp lovecraft stories and they've turned it into almost like a kid book it's like a kid book and they've added like these other plot lines and like added like different points of view and it's just really really really really not great not well done not well done in the slightest um so yeah avoid this one i'm sorry dave shepard but please don't make any more of these stop screwing around with the work of lovecraft this was not scary at all they removed anything that could have made it even slight that made it even slightly scary or edgy it's like all of the the mystery is gone and even like the way that it's even just the the art style just sucks it's not scary ugh just trash and it's like when you have a story like the call of cthulhu right and i was saying this to dave my roommate when you have a story like the call of cthulhu that has survived the test of time for so there's a reason that people still talk about that short story because it's terrifying and it's good you read it and you're immediately captivated you're immediately compelled it's it's good you don't need to change it you don't need to add an extra plots you don't need to make it yeah i'm doing i'm doing a very in-depth video on the call of cthulhu that's my next major work that i'm going to put out but basically let's talk about that one a little bit because i wanted to say this earlier because i i always say this is the one if i had to recommend any story of causal will get in immediately it's this one because everything about lovecraft that makes him famous and essential is take is in this story the idea of the waiting evil gods it takes place um the fear of the unknown is there um looking into the abyss into the abyss and going mad it's in there um just the fear of just just everything that makes lovecraft famous is here the colts mention of the necronomicon it is absolutely the essential body of work and yeah it should not be messed with and shame on dave shepard shame on dave shepard shame on you so someone says arkham asylum in batman was inspired by lovecraft that's really cool that's really really cool so i should talk about this a film that i watched that was definitely lovecraft inspired recently well not even recently like i would say like well within the last couple of years was a movie called annihilation right and it was think color out of space and actually we will talk we're gonna talk okay look remind me guys after i talk about annihilation to talk about color out of space the lovecraft adaptation all right we're going to talk about that one but first let's get into annihilation because a good movie versus the bad movie so annihilation right you have something that lands from the stars and then we don't know what it is mute tastes everything around it just we don't understand it people are going mad when they are near it it's crazy um some kind of entity is there um and it's affecting everything around it it's really really good so that's a recommendation of like a lovecraft idea that was kind of well done then we have the color out of space right and i have to say i'm sorry but a lot of my audience recommended this color out of space film to me if you don't know the color out of space is one of lovecraft's most it's one of his most famous short stories you have something falling out of the sky and you have a guy that's called to investigate it and he's found that like the people have gone mad it's like affected the plants and the animals and it's just really really scary um the movie not so much all right so i gotta let me get this super chat real quick and uh monk is most says imprisoned with pharaohs is my favorite lovecraft story and harry houdini inspired parts of it found you through angie speaks thanks oh angie is a great friend of mine but anyway i i have no idea how you can take the color out of space such a cool weird lovecraft story and make it so unbelievably not scary and just plotless it's like that's that's the thing that like you always know what the with okay if you're gonna make a movie if you're gonna take a short story the color out of space and adapt it make it like a quiet mystery that's like dark i don't need this like goofy family dynamic with like nicholas cage screaming about alpacas oh my god it was so stupid it ripped off every single horror movie that i could could think of it ripped off the thing it ripped off carrie it ripped off every horror trope imaginable and it didn't even have it didn't even have the essential parts of lovecraft's work that make him so scary right so you have you it opens up you've got like the daughter character she's like a witch or something and at some point she's like opening up like a necronomicon book for dummies or something and she's like doing some kind of incantation and like carving like a pentagram into her chest you think okay she's gonna awaken some kind of eldritch monster and it's going to take over and if this is where it gets good this is where like the movie kicks off but nothing happens literally the result of her like ritual was nothing and then you have like the mom character and the son character who get combined together and like they become like a weird thing monster and they start flapping it's that's not lovecraftian where where's where's the where's the waiting entity like where's the sense of of coming dread where's the where's the scent where's the sense okay look i think i think this is what i need to say in lovecraft's work one of the things that makes it very very very very scary is the idea that there is intelligent malevolence just waiting to pounce right and that is one thing that this movie did not have at all right it was just like confusing plotless and stupid nicholas cage screaming about a bunch of alpaca what was the point of the alpacas like what was the alpaca thing i just don't even know that was awful why did you recommend it to me it was terrible it wasn't the color out of space it was stupid i hated it i just had to get that one off my chest guys i don't know how any of you liked it it was just bad it's bad and i i think that if i didn't know what lovecraft was and i had never watched or heard any lovecraft and then i i watched the nicholas cage color out of space movie i wouldn't want to i wouldn't want to read any love crap because i if the rest of the work is that bad and that terrible then uh and then at the very best even if you like remove it being a lovecraft thing even if it wasn't a lovecraft thing the movie itself was bad the characters no depth the development did not exist totally inconsistent and then nothing made sense in the end and it was just dumb all right so that is my review of the color out of space the film i give it a like a two out of two two out of ten all right so i got another super chat thank you so much for your super chat uh pompous altmer i always wanted to get into lovecraft but i never knew where to start what would be a good book to start out with by the way i love your channel keep quinn keep up the good work well as i keep mentioning i've mentioned this a few times in the stream i absolutely think that if you are new to lovecraft and you want to start off just on one story to get you in call of cthulhu if the call of cthulhu does not hook you i don't know what will all right we're just gonna let's open it up i actually even just like the first the first part of call of cthulhu was so good uh listen this i'm just gonna read you the opening paragraph of call of cthulhu right listen to this the most merciful thing in the world i think is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents we live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity and it was not meant that we should voyage far the sciences each straining in its own direction have hitherto harmed us little but someday the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality and of and of our frightful position therein that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age so right there he's talking about there are mysteries there are secrets in the world that are so great and so unnerving that the idea of them being them being public knowledge would destroy civilization i mean you think you think that might be out there like oh there's nothing that we could find certain proof of that would destroy civilization and send humans kind yes it could right let's say if we discovered one day beyond a shadow of a doubt right just like 100 proven that there was like a giant monster like the size of 12 jupiters surrounding the earth in another dimension and it was about to eat us in like 50 years and we knew that yeah the id the thought of that being the truth would probably destroy civilization and destabilize everything so it's best that we shouldn't even know it so it's that's that's one of the ideas too it's like the idea like there's certain things that are so bad that maybe like we shouldn't even know about it and maybe that's true to a certain extent right it's like um in movies and stuff like whenever there's like an asteroid headed towards there they never tell the public right because it's like oh what are they gonna do they're just gonna like go crazy and start looting and whatever like if we knew that there was there were monsters and that at any point they could just come and take us over almost like i think people would feel like nothing mattered right i hear people person i'm an agnostic right so i've heard people of faith say to me some certain times like oh if there's no like god wouldn't you just like go around killing and murdering i mean i wouldn't but like the fact that there's people that would even suggest that is like oh that's a little weird so i i certainly think that if if people thought oh life is meaningless we're just as uh the mountains madness suggests we're just like the residue of like some old being we're not we're not special at all i think yeah certain people would find that very very very very very very very difficult to accept and once they did accept it it would break their it would break their sense of who they are break their conceptualizations of reality it's like um it's like darwinism it's like it's like uh the idea of evolution to some people is so hard to accept because it takes away like humans like to think of themselves as like the center of like the universe like the center of everything like god made us in his image we are special but lovecraft says no no no no no you are not special in fact you're you're you're the opposite of special you're totally insignificant you're like you're scum you are the residue you weren't even meant to be creative like you're the residue of like things that we created to serve us so i was like so yeah it goes that deep it goes that deep i don't even know how i got on that subject but it's just it's just oh it just goes in with love absolutely the people that live inside of rick's talking rick and morty here rick's battery has a civilization inside it that produces electricity all just to power rick stuff like the moment that they realize that that's all they are of course there's like three layers of it i guess it's kind of the same right it is the same it's the horror of realizing that like oh this is what life is we're just like tools or feeding stocks exactly exactly exactly exactly so i've got some new paypal donations thank you guys so much for continuing to send in your donations with your messages so i think i got keith adkins earlier so thank you again for that but i got another one from mark northcott thank you so much mark mark for your paypal donation and anybody can send in one of those and you can leave a message in the link in the description wait does it pop up here i don't know if it pops up or not okay so mark northcott says on paypal he says i met frank herbert in the 80s got a book signed and asked the dumb question what did you think of the movie he said too short or too long i can't remember which that's pretty freaking funny and that's a pretty accurate um interpretation of the of the doing movie for sure for sure uh thank you so much for that mark all right let's see let's see what else do we got to mention actually i did want to show you guys i absolutely wanted to show you guys another book that was influenced by lovecraft but this book in particular uses the work of lovecraft in a very very interesting way so this is a book that i read recently last year it's called monstrous and i will just find this page real quick i should have bookmarked this before the stream but like you guys know i i'm so like i'm scatterbrained but essentially this is a fantasy world created by marjorie liu and sana takeda and there's a lot there's lots of different races of beings but at some point there were the great old ones as they called them and these old ones had dominion of the earth long ago and they still exist on the earth in shades right they appear randomly it's like these these shadowy apparitions but it doesn't seem as though you can talk to them or connect with them in any way and so in monstrous you have the main character who is oh here they are these are their shades and as you can see this book is beautifully drawn you see the shades of the of the great old ones that have moved on and monstrous they are they're imprisoned in another realm of existence but in this story our main girl monstrous she's actually bound to one of these lovecraftian beings she's bound to it um and it gives her powers but it also has to feed it also must consume so she's constantly needing to consume and it's very great horror but at the same time at the same time and this is what i mean about new authors being able to come into these lovecraftian ideas and just take them to a whole new place at the same time also what stephen king is doing we're introducing these lovecraftian eligitors but she's also humanizing them the the one that's attached to our main character here is a character in and of itself and it's so brilliantly done so you can take these ideas these the idea of like uh it's it's not it's not exactly clear in the beginning there's definitely like the horror of like trying to figure out what exactly this thing is is it evil what is it but yeah once it unfolds it's very very very well done very well done so again that's another example of someone taking lovecraftian ideas doing a whole new twist on it and also lovecraft isn't the only thing inspired that that monsters has monstrous has it's got lord of the rings it's got a song of ice and fire this is let me just talk about how good this book is on top of like being lovecraft inspired this is one of the best graphic novels that i have ever read period monstrous is well god if tadia could be like even like this art can you believe this yeah so yeah check out monstrous lovecraft inspired fantasy inspired great horror great book great great characters and i did get a few super chats while i was talking about monstrous and the lovecraft influence that's there so minch man says you've inspired me to read dune i've gotten 450 pages in a week and a half thanks man that is epic i'm so glad that i have inspired you to read dune and i'm so glad that i inspire you guys to read anything you know you know the whole reason that i started this channel was because was because i would talk my friends and people i was dating i would talk their heads off about fantasy books that i loved right it started with a song of ice and fire when i really started to re-read a song of ice and fire in my 20s because i read it very young i read i think there was like four three or four books out when i first started reading a song of ice and fire when i was very young and then i picked it up again in my 20s and it like lit on fire for me in a whole new way and so i would just talk people's heads off about it so i was like i gotta start a youtube channel and start and talk people about it but then it of course as you guys can see we've evolved this channel and we're doing more things with this channel and it's doing really really great and i'm happy that you guys are here with me and enjoying it with me good versus evil no lovecraft is more bacon versus necktie uh let's let's talk about good versus evil actually let's talk about that because that is not that's actually not something that lovecraft is dealing with he's it's not about it is absolutely not about good versus evil um because can you really call them evil right this entity any more than humanity as an entity is evil right because if you think if you think of humanity as like an organism we're we're destroying the earth too this is like what do you mean like we're we're totally destroying the earth this is 130 degrees in death valley the other day like the the hottest recorded temperatures on planet earth they could since like it's in a really really long time so um yeah we're destroying the earth too so it's not about evil it's about coexistence um whatever they are um the way they exist is just just does not jive with the way beings like us exist um and we talked about what exactly the old ones are made of they're not made of matter at least not the same type of matter that we're made up of um they're made of something else um that allows for them to be able to travel through stars and then also there's a scene in the call of cthulhu where where the ship the ship actually moves through him and and it's described as it's almost like they're moving through like a gaseous cloud and it smells like an endless it smells like endless underwater graves have been opened just like the most horrible smell you could imagine as they're moving through it and they move through him and he just comes back together like nothing happens so he's not he's not made up of matter in the same sense that we are whatever he is it's not like us it's not like us all right and then also let's talk about this too because we i didn't get into this lovecraft loves to talk about dreaming gods right and he talks about their language being the language of thought and then he also talks about i said this earlier he calls cthulhu specifically the great priest and he talks about cthulhu spells being the spells that are the ones that are preserving the old ones right so it's his power his spells that are doing that so i think about dreaming what is he doing my dreaming i think cthulhu is just communing with the ethereal plane doing something else he's probably existing somewhere else in some other form while he's not on earth because i mentioned stephen king's it as well and like how i said i don't believe that the children killed it whatever it is i think they killed the physical form that it took while it was on earth and it as in the consciousness of it always would exist somewhere else but it needed a physical form it needed a physical form to exist in if it was going to live in our dimension that's the thing so it's kind of like i imagine the consciousness of these types of beings is actually being projected from some other place which is why they cannot die right so so so so when the stars realign they're not they're not they're not they're not dead they cannot move like if you look at if even if you look at the art because behringer behringer's art is really good so let me just show you that i'll show you barone's art to maybe get a better example of what i mean because we see the deep ones and cthulhu sleeping see on a girl hey sweetie yeah please she's just sleeping i'll give her some switch come here so you see here that cthulhu is sleeping sorry my dog just busted in she's like i'm tired of hanging out outside i want to come in it's dark now all right so you see cthulhu here sleeping and you get the sense like i kind of lost my train of thought we were talking about consciousness being projected from another place right and that uh these physical bodies don't really there's these physical forms like what we see this this this winged thing with the the tentacles it's not a it's not actually what he is whatever he really is is somewhere else just like the creature in stephen king's book whatever he really is it it is somewhere else and it just in order to interact with us in order to interact with us on a physical plane it needs a physical body and that's all there is to it oh girl all right she'll be quiet she was she's always going to bark one time in protest someone says you always struck me as a bird guy well there are birds in the house there's some birds in the house there's some birds in this house yeah it's our perception of it yeah that's the thing see that's true that's that's the true thing as well um perception right perception let's actually find the section here where cthulhu wakes up because he's actually described in a very very very very interesting way as far as his form and as far as what the men see when they look upon him so let's do that and get into that a little bit let's do that and get into that because it's really really cool let's see it's right around here oh yeah here we go here we go let's get into this okay okay here we go here we go so you have in call of cthulhu you have this monster being accidentally awakened by totally innocent men and so this is this is what they hear and see at experience as they stand on the city of raleigh which has risen again to the surface the one sunken city and they're staring down and into the depths to this blackness everyone listened and everyone was listening still when it lumbered slobberingly into sight and gropingly squeezed its gelatinous immensity through the black doorway into the into the tainted outside air of that poison city of madness so right guys i just want to tell you it's it with a capital i right so it's it so you want to know where stephen king got it from there you go baby he refers to cthulhu right there as it with a capital i so let's just read it again everyone listened and everyone was listening still when it lumbered slobberingly into sight and gropingly squeezed its gelatinous green immensity through the black doorway into the tainted outside air of that poison city of madness and then it goes on so this is what i'm reading here i'll get it in a second what i'm reading here is um our main character in the call of cthulhu reading or trying to interpret what a madman wrote so let's just to give you context of what i'm reading from poor joe hanson's handwriting almost gave out when he wrote this of the six men who never reached the ship he thinks two perished of pure fright so two of the men two of the men die before they even get to the ship just from looking at this thing all right give me a passage to read while you are okay yeah yeah yeah keep reading yeah start with poor johansson there you go and then continue on to the next page as well so dave's going to read a little bit of that section that i was talking about oh hello poor johansson's handwriting almost gave out when he wrote of this of the six men who never reached the ship he thinks two perished of pure fright in that accursed instant the thing cannot be described there is no language for such abysms of shrieking and immemorial lunacy such eldritch contradictions of all matter force and cosmic order a mountain walked or stumbled god what wonder that across the earth a great architect went mad and poor wilcox raved with fear that telepathic instant the thing of the idols the green sticky spawn of the stars had awakened to claim its own the stars were right again and what an age old cult had failed to do by design a banner of innocent sailors had done by accident after the gentillions of years wait no crap yeah vigintillions of years great cthulhu was loose again and ravening for delight all right that's probably good enough all right there we go thank you that was fun i enjoyed that whoop my colorful shorts yeah peep the colorful shorts baby so absolutely you can see you can see how the creature itself is described right they see it but do they really see it they see it but they're kind of like what am i looking at i don't understand what i'm looking at it's like it's like a contradiction of like i don't it's like it's there but it's not there they're seeing it but they can't comprehend it right um so yeah so let me just go back to that page and go over those words again yeah yeah oh yeah you know this would actually make a good drinking game reading random lovecraft quotes and seeing like how many stumbles yeah that vigentillion that vigentillions word is like like what yeah see see yeah here the thing cannot be described there is no language for such abysms of shrieking and in more immemorial lunacy such eldritch contradictions of matter and force right again where you think stephen king got it from so we see him as this giant winged thing with tentacles but that's just the closest thing that our minds can come to interpreting what it is that we're actually seeing there is no language to describe all of the sculptures that were carved in in of course through the years that's just an interpretation of what we thought we were seeing but whatever he really is whatever whatever even that form is we can't see but whatever he really is i imagine this is even is even beyond that but even that form to look upon it to psalm is death to look upon it to some is madness right but like what is guaranteed is that if you look upon it you're never going to stop seeing it there's no one that looks upon the face of cthulhu and the safe right even even joe hansen who ends up who who gets out unscathed is never fully free it's never fully free because he has seen it he has looked into the eye he was looking through the eyes into the face of an eldritch horror all right lies in politics um says thank you so much for super chat by the way check out the lovecraftian science wordpress blog it elaborates on the interdimensionality of cthulhu that's actually an interesting concept cool something i was thinking i think about a lot reading lovecraft's work because it's like you you assume you we see these beings in a physical form semi-physical at least but it's like that's not what they are it's definitely not what they actually are because i think i think the most i think one of the most important things they are beings of thought they communicate to thought that is their most essential form thought and consciousness so kyle crane thank you so much for your super chat thank you for doing this great stuff and thanks everyone that is that is watching and listening oh it looks like i have another super chat that i missed one more you should check out the keep by paul you should check out the keep by f paul wilson there's actually a terrible 1983 film adaptation directed by michael mann the book is great though you know i i never i am not the type of person that judges a um a book off of a movie i know as a fan of horror and as a fan of george r martin and as a fan of stephen king that movie adaptations are rarely as good as the book um it has never been adapted well um the mini series of stephen king's book it was fun for what it was but not not the book the new movies were just were worse in my opinion um we can talk about that a little bit the new it movies as a whole i feel like we're worse than the old one because it was like you had an opportunity to go into it it's 20. humanity has grown up give me some cosmic horror but they were afraid like the first movie had no gore it was it wasn't scary i don't know how you keep doing cosmic horror and not making it scary i get that it's difficult to do but it's like i mean i feel like people aren't trying they keep trying to whenever i feel like these executives say oh we're gonna do some cosmic or some love crafting style stuff they always feel like they need to water it down and they always end up removing everything that actually makes lovecraft work and that actually makes lovecraft scary and i'm just not a fan not a fan of the way it's usually handled for anyone thank you so much uh spaz spazz tickas um for your super chat for anyone who's new to lovecraft check out the hp lovecraft literary podcast that began going through every hp lovecraft store in order definitely check them out check them out for sure um and i'm just gonna check my thingamajig before it looks like i've got some paypals that i'm not seeing sarah gray thank you so much for your paypal you didn't leave a message but thank you so much and thanks everyone that has sent in donations guys it's greatly appreciated thank you i can't thank you guys enough for supporting me and supporting my youtube channel and supporting me and my endeavors and allowing me to live and talk about books it's it's a lot of fun it's a lot of fun javin says i love your videos well i love you i love you guys i love the fact that i can get up here and talk about lovecraft all right so we've been going for an hour and a half we still got a little bit more to talk about i think um did we have started something people are worshiping garth at 20 minutes past the hour on multiple streams and channels now it does it's not even 4 20 it's just like 20 minutes past the hour praise garth race praise garth i'm saying that garth might pop into existence because of all the belief in him it might cause him to actually exist which would be cool you know that's an interesting thing too speaking speaking of that you've got god so nunos again yeah so that's the thing that's that's an interesting point about belief actually because i said i said that the gods don't care about humans the lovecraftian gods right they just the humans are just they do what they do we need and i think that is true but i do think that there is something that they need from conscious beings there is something that they require from conscious beings something that feeds them right belief worship that is why that is why they spoke mysterious smoke that is why they spoke to to the first men in their dreams that is why they they created a cult and made sure the cult would never forget and kept the arts because belief in them is powerful right so we did a discussion on the last stream about the monster in stephen king's it and about like we talk about oh it eats people but does it really eat people does it need to actually eat as an eat physical flesh and if you really pay attention it no it doesn't it doesn't need to eat it it bites and takes it'll rip out a chunk of meat from someone when it's killing them but that's just because the perception that we have of monsters is that what a monster does when it takes you and drags you into his lair is is it it eats you that's that's our con conceptual conceptualization of what a monster does but it's really the conscious energy that it's feeding on the fear and the belief that it's feeding on so yeah you talk about it said um in the section that dave just read from the call of cthulhu right it mentions very briefly that no wonder at the same time that cthulhu woke up that a bunch of people had all these uneasy dreams in it and an architect went mad and a boy went into a coma and started screaming and all that junk it's because these gods are communicating they're doing something to when cthulhu woke up human felt it humankind felt it there's a reason i think specifically that it says when the gods wake up it'll be a time where humans are reveling and pain and murder and violence and all that stuff because that's what they feed on i think they need it i think they need the pain i think they need the chaos and they need the belief all right and that is that's like an essential essential point right and i i don't i that's something that as we continue this lovecraft journey and as i continue to dive more into the work of lovecraft i'm gonna look for signs of such things because the cults and the nature of their worship and the necronomicon um we don't know everything about its origins we know that it was written by the mad arab but it was divinely inspired in the same way that you know they say the bible is divinely inspired was it was divinely inspired by the great old ones in some way and so it's kind of like instructions right on how to worship them and how to awaken them there's there's things that they needed from humanity it says it says specifically that there were i said this earlier when it's when the stars were right there were arts which could reawaken them arts it doesn't say they just wake up themselves it says they were arts and what ends up happening it says what a cult well i won't spoil that but yeah arts so yeah they needed them they needed their worship they needed their belief just like the thing in stephen king's it needed the worship it needed the belief it needed the fear right so yeah the mad arab abdullah what a great name what a great name okay now where were we so how's everyone doing let me let me look at the chat again hopefully i didn't miss any chats it looks like i did i missed a super chat from adam wolford i don't hollywood i think you meant i don't think hollywood will be able to do justice if they ever at the mountain of madness they would turn it into a dumb action movie let's hope not apparently wasn't it del toro that wanted to do at the mountains of madness but he ended up not doing it because of freaking ridley scott's prometheus movie which like ah i like prometheus but it's like uh prometheus is like yeah prometheus is like it has the ideas but it doesn't go forward with him and i would have i would love to see can someone like i mean there's like 500 of you here like can you guys like go to del toro's like twitter and be like hey we still want to see your at the mountains of madness movie like forget what ridley scott was doing we want to see what you were doing because like it's the idea the whole thing about prometheus is that like earth was seeded long ago by these beings from outer space and that's what we are um but the mountains of madness is like it's that idea but it's like it's a lovecraft baby and it's scary it's a scary story um like i said i did a video about it it's about a quest to antarctica um and there's secrets discovered their dark terrible secrets yeah del toro needs to get on it del toro come on man i love me some gale guillermo del toro he is so he's he's the one i would love to see him do some lovecraftian things yeah netflix get on it you know netflix is always throwing money throwing money at freaking stranger things oh yeah oh very that that happened organically actually stranger things there's there's some lovecraft for you there's some oh oh we're gonna okay yeah let me make a note as well we're gonna talk about some more okay yeah stranger things type that and then also another netflix thing lovecraft that i'm gonna talk about that wasn't done well at all so yeah stranger things does the lovecraft thing kind of right with the upside down and guadalarawada i gotta i i don't really like stranger things that much i kind of feel like it's a little bit derivative it's not my deal um but yeah they do do the thing with like the horrors that wait in the in the upside down the monstrous things that can drive you mad and oh yeah if these things escape it'll be horrible yada yada um so stranger things does that but it's kind of like it's it's like a light version of lovecraft they they never go they never full fully go into the lovecraft um thing i agree lemming let me be stranger things was cool for one season one season they should have just done one season here's the thing people hollywood does not get it no one ever gets it just do one season do one story of something and then you don't have we don't have to see it go bad because it hurts way worse when it's like it starts off a good show and then we have to watch like four seasons of mediocre to bad tv just do one good season that's like inspired and we like and we can get behind it and stop like we don't need like five seasons of everything it's so annoying or at least i heard the original idea for stranger things was to like a different story every season which would have made way more sense but whatever yeah they do love craft stuff but it's kind of like it's like babies first lovecraft so it's never like fully going there with it but just like little hints of it but let's talk about something oh my god i got this is so funny i got into such a crazy funny argument with like some randos on facebook always right rando's on facebook when this movie was coming out because i just was so exasperated because i did not know how people were thinking that this was a good movie and i'm gonna i'm gonna tell you what movie it was you probably can guess it before as i'm describing it um i could not understand how people were thinking it was a good movie it was a netflix movie that was ripping off a bunch of lovecraft ideas but putting them inside of like this horrible generic sandra bullock action horror trophy nightmare nightmare fest right and if you've seen the movie you can probably guess what it was so it's called bird box right and it's it's it's an example of a concept that could have been interesting if it was actually in the hands of competent people i feel like the core of the idea of this film bird box was was pretty good but the actual execution of the film was just horrible was just horrible so the deal with bird box was um you've got beings that are appearing in earth and if you look at them what's the deal they make you kill yourself it's like the happening basically they make you kill yourself um because they drive you mad if you look at them and we know it's 100 that they were going on lovecraft because there's some point where a character is like drawing a bunch of what he's seeing and you see like a bunch of like lovecraft tentacle monsters and cthulhu faces or whatever but the movie itself was it's like it's like you have you have it right there focus on the cosmic horror of it all slow this down a little bit and like really get into what makes this scary something is invading the earth where if you look upon the visage of this terrible thing it drives you mad like but instead they focused on all of these completely generic horror movie tropes where it's just like a bunch of people in a house just so stupid so i hated it i hate i don't even remember exactly what happens in it i kind of blocked it out of my mind but i just remember it being oh they're doing bird box too are you kidding me please stop oh god please stop god that movie was dumb that movie was dumb and it was like the reason i get angry at these types of these types of things mostly because it's like when you have a court you have you have the core of such a great idea like that lovecraft idea of like you stare into the abyss and the abyss stares back that's not lovecraft's idea that's neat yet but that they were handling they were handling it in the way that lovecraft handles it right where it's like you're staring into the eyes of like some elders thing which is beyond your comprehension and the side of it it's so terrible whatever it is it's like i don't want to be here like wherever this thing is i don't want to be here so i'm out of here but like it's so poorly done that it's like funny right it's so it's so poorly done that it's funny and like just like according to the point of like it was just like oh i i was but like it was funny because i remember just arguing with some idiot on facebook being like how do you think this is a good movie how do you think it's a good movie and they kept being like oh you're just mad because it's like inspired not everything has to be exactly inspired by this and i'm like i'm not saying that you can take something and be inspired by it hello stephen king hello freaking monstrous and then still tell a good story and be different and unique but what they did was they took like a lovecraft idea and then just like i said put it inside of like a generic horror movie and it was bad and i hated it i hated it hated it there was a movie i watched called the endless which is about actually i don't want to spoil this one a good lovecraft movie you can watch the endless on netflix that one's really good it's about these two brothers that go back to this cult that they escaped when they were younger um and they rediscover like oh wait this cult actually was you know there's some lovecraft stuff going on that's really really cool i thought and also in uh in yuzumaki yuzumaki jungito do i have that i'm available where's my assistant he's not over here well yeah there's a manga that i really like uh uzumaki which is about the spy it's called the spiral of horror which is definitely it's definitely got a bunch of lovecraft stuff going on as well so that's really cool but like i said there's ways there's ways to adapt love draft i think it's possible adapting lovecraft is possible and it's been done it's been done um they haven't a lot of ways they haven't like adapted direct stories really all that well but the ideas the ideas have been adapted well before yes for sure um someone just mentioned the mist the mist is another lovecraftian one um another stephen king lovecraft story about all these monsters that like break out of this they escape from another dimension and they're just like out it's a really good one and everyone's like that's a really good one that you should read for sure write a screenplay quinn well i don't have i'll be right back guys one second literally two seconds not literally obviously but as i was saying as i was saying guys i have not written the screen play but what i did write as some of you guys know i did write my own graphic novel which is like shipping in december and we're so freaking excited about it tavia i've got my own lovecraftian elements and tadia you can check out tony is still available um somebody can post the link in the chat but um it's no longer available for the original price it's a little bit more expensive now i'm sorry i know but like the whole deal was when the campaign was on then we got the lower price and now the campaign is finished then um it's a little bit more expensive but yeah you can still actually order pre-order the hard covers of tadia as well as the soft covers and you know we're very very excited to get this book shipped so yeah tadia is my horror fantasy story about witches and we're very excited definitely lovecraft influenced and a lot of other things as well oh someone said the lighthouse the lighthouse is i've been tr can you guys convince my roommate dave to watch the lighthouse like dave if you're in the chat look everyone wants you to watch the lighthouse everyone just be like dave watch the lighthouse with quinn tell him say dave watch the lighthouse with quinn because it's so good so the lighthouse is it's got um i'm blanking on the names robert pattinson i think twilight guy and then also green goblin what's his name i can't think of i can't think of anybody's names the green goblin from the original spider-man um yeah him willem dafoe so they're in this lighthouse together and you've got the older guy in the foe he won't let the younger man into the lighthouse there's something there some kind of lovecraftian entity that's there he just goes he stares into it he like there well i won't spoil what happens but there's lovecraft stuff going on and then it gets really really interesting and really really confusing because it's like it's con it's it's confusing for you because it becomes confusing confusing for the characters it's like how long have they been on this lighthouse island like what it like like what's going on are we going to be rescued is something coming is it it's it's just really cool you don't know what's real you don't know it's a thriller it's a thriller it's such a thriller and it's i think the lighthouse is actually based if i'm not mistaken the lighthouse is based off an unfinished um an unfinished edgar allen poe story but then they took a bunch of lovecraft elements and put into it and there's actually a few versions of this movie guys the robert pattinson one is the one we should watch i know there's like there's been like there's been a few like trying to adapt this movie that have happened that haven't been good but the pattinson defeat one is great and i really really enjoyed it definitely some definitely a weird take um an interesting take on some lovecraft ideas for sure for sure and that's the way you got to do it right that's the way you do love craft um it's not about like adapting his stories like beat for beat it's about maintaining the spirit of the story right that's the thing without adaptations like sometimes you you just can't adapt a short story as like a movie right sometimes you just can't do that so you have to change things and add things into them the way you do that is not by making a crappy made for kid cthulhu graphic novel that can go in the trash um the way you do that is by staying true to the heart of it staying true to the heart of the horror and just adding adding in things that you know feed that you know adding things that go with that things that expand upon those ideas even take elements from this larger body of work and put them in don't take things that don't exist and add a bunch of bull crap about alpacas nicholas cage like i am convinced that in that stupid color outer space adaptation nicholas cage just wanted alpacas for some reason it was just like give us alpacas for no reason for no because it was literally like why aren't they llamas or like sheep or literally anything but freaking alpacas but whatever whatever yeah so i'm gonna put the question to you guys um since we're on the subject of lovecraft adaptations have you guys seen any adaptations of movies or tv shows that are um if not straight up adaptations of lovecraft work uh have elements of look after work that are like kind of obvious or just like it's clearly this is like influenced by lovecraft so do you guys have any examples i'm sure you guys do and there's a delay of course i gotta wait and while i'm waiting i see that we have gotten some donations from paypal thank you guys so much it's greatly appreciated let me just cover things up all right nicholas cage all right robot roberto roberto hello my dude you didn't leave a message but thank you so much for your paypal the five bucks it's greatly appreciated someone says just pulled it let me see what you guys are saying in the mountain of in the mouth of madness okay i haven't seen that adaptation the happening was one it's the happening is one that gets crapped on that's the thing the happening the happening is a better movie than bird box same night shyamalan's happening with with uh uh marky mark is a better film than bird box absolutely absolutely let me let me go uh pet my doggy a little bit she's sad i'll be right back guys hey step on the screen and say stupid stuff stupid stuff or smart stuff oh okay well that's much better how's everybody doing i'm enjoying the stream you guys learning a bit um of course you guys know me lucifer means lightbringer i have a youtube channel lucifer means lightbringer uh song advice and fire mythology and symbolism i am working on a couple of euron videos right now and of course euron is one of the key places where lovecraftian horror is channeled into a song of ice and fire so i'll have a video out to the next week you're on part one king of the apocalypse and then part two will be night's king crow's eye so if you guys again if you're a fan of those two genres or not genres but authors george martin songwriting fire and lovecraft you will enjoy the yarn videos and then like quinn was saying earlier we're gonna do a joint live stream to sort of expand on those ideas um and a lot of the stuff you said today quinn definitely had my gears turning as far as the old ones being beings of thought and we're talking about are there sort of spiritual elemental beings alive in a song of ice and fire spirits of some of the original dead figures like night's king or azor ahai or knight's queen or nissanissa are they lurking in the astral realm you know are they you know what are the gods in a song of ice and fire like we know the old gods are actually green seers so is the great other or relore some sort of entity instead of an you know just the abstract idea of a god perhaps it is some sort of ancient being or the spirit of an ancient person yeah you're totally good um and we're talking about you know will they will someone get a hold of these beings in a song of ice and fire euron is obviously a great candidate to do that since he has cthulhu like squid face and let me just scroll the chat up here so i can say hi to everyone yeah so i'm having a great time doing those year on videos and you know listening because quinn's been reading call of cthulhu like i said you guys and so listening to his uh his thoughts as he's been reading through the book has been really interesting and has definitely given me some ideas the more i think about this idea of azor ahai or knights king being alive in the weirwood net the more i like it and the more i think that we're gonna see something like that but you know you were talking about you know lovecraft stories being adapted and it just occurred to me that really it's the feeling of love past stories and i'm sure you covered this that's really the biggest influence and any time like you read the prologue of a game of thrones and that that terror and shock that they feel about the others one of the night's watch brothers who escapes comes back to winterfell and he's almost senseless to the point where he can't even describe what he's seen he's sort of just babbling incoherently his brain has been just fried by what he's seen that feeling it's so perfectly channeled in lovecraft's stories that it's it sticks with you as a writer as you know george martin or anybody else and so then you write your own stories and when you want to tap into that sense of awe before the terrifying unknown you fall back on ideas from lovecraft so his influence is pervasive no matter how many of his stuff is adapted or not but thanks for letting me sit in buddy good stuff so that was dave my roommate good friend dropping me a song of ice and fire knowledge looks like i got a couple super chats while i was gone says the idea of gods needing people to believe in them is explored in much of gaiman's work absolutely neil gaiman american gods you have not read american gods check it out you can also watch the first season of this tv show if you want um second season was not good in my opinion but yeah the book really really good definitely the idea of god's needing worship and feeding on that needing it to exist it's definitely there um and like i said i think i think gaiman was definitely inspired by dream quest for unknown kadath when he wrote uh sandman right next super chat josh blackburn says in the mouth of madness is fantastic not inspired by lovecraft but but event horizon just cause excellent excellent definitely check that out yeah that's a creepy one all right from beyond even the first ghostbusters have i seen from beyond i feel like from beyond is something that i might have seen at some point or at least heard of yeah okay okay okay okay so what was i just talking about though before i walked away we were talking we were just getting we were just getting into me dissing bird box a little bit more so we were talking about lovecraft adaptations and how much i hated the god-awful uh bird box movie on netflix that took all the lovecraft ideas and kind of crapped on them um real quick uh thank you so much carrie pid jion pidgeon i know carrie prydia carrie pridgeon thank you so much for your paypal donation of ten dollars um i've been working on a lovecraftian sci-fi novel for a couple of years it's really difficult i'm sure it is really difficult to write in that genre lovecraft was a master of it for sure for sure but anyway let's continue crappy on the the dumbberry box movie like i was saying uh another super chat thing i missed that one too the book lovecraft country by matt ruff is amazing why i'm excited for the show but all matt ruff's books are amazing i'm definitely gonna read that one that's like next on my list guys like as soon as i finished um 11 22 um 63 i'm getting on lovecraft country and then i'm gonna definitely do a review of that one for you guys on here anyway the happening the happening and happening um so someone mentioned the happening as far as like movies which are inspired by uh lovecraft's work so the happening if you don't know and m night shyamalan got a lot of crap for the happening right and i feel like can i just say this can i just say this m night shyamalan gets way too much crap for some of his movies right lady in the water is a great movie the village is a pretty good movie even like i like okay avatar not good avatar's bad whatever avatar's bad like the happening not that bad it wasn't that bad it was a little like silly but bird box is way worse and i don't get why people praise bird box but the happening is bad when the bird when bird box is like literally on the backs of the happening like that's literally the story of the happening with like a lovecraft thing thrown in so it's just like people hate on m night shyamalan way too much but whatever it's not like a great movie but it's like not as bad as people say and then like yeah so whatever the crapping the crapping they say yeah avatar was not his genre he should he shouldn't have done he shouldn't have done avatar he shouldn't have done avatar that was like uh that that that wasn't good that yeah that yeah i he it's true he took the l with avatar avatar is a bad movie avatar's a bad movie and then like village is okay and lady in the water is pretty good if you understand it lady in the water i think lady in the water suffered science is really good science is really really good science is a great movie and then so is sixth sense but lady in the water if you like i feel like it was marketed wrong it was marketed as like this horror thing when really it should have just been marketed as like an urban fairy tale which is what it is i gotta show you that one dave lady in the water oh my goodness see oh no my puppy's crying so guys we're gonna go for maybe 15 more minutes i got to put my babies to bed um it's been a great stream if you guys have any more questions about lovecraft we definitely like i said we're going to be talking about lovecraft way more on this channel i'm going to be reading lovecraft country as soon as i can so i can review it for you guys on this channel um and yeah our next major video essay is my big big call of cthulhu video project and what we're getting into with this call of cthulhu video is basically we're talking about you know the real horror of cthulhu and what he really means and what it represents and we're getting really really deep into this the layers of it relating we're relating it back to what's going on in the world right now and real world things we're talking about the the legendary bloop i'm sure some of you know about that the the big sound that came from the ocean that was really confusing several years ago and a lot of people thought it was cthulhu waking because it was in the same part of the ocean so we're going to talk about that in the video it's just going to be i'm really really proud of this video it's multifaceted and i i'm really excited about my approach to it and i think a lot of you are really going to appreciate it so yeah lots of lovecraft work coming from this channel in the future like i said check out the lovecraft playlist on my channel there's a couple videos in it already um the mountains of madness video that i did the video essay and then also the podcast episode i did with order of the green hand a couple of years ago and then also there's there's um my a song of ice and fire um uh mini video series the uh uh the ones who move the pieces uh the great game right that one is me talking about a lot of the lovecraft stuff in the song of us and fire but anyway adam wooford says the first dead space game and the lore is no doubt lovecraft but the second and third games aren't as good as the first interesting i've never played that game but i imagine that a game called dead space would have some lovecraft stuff if it was doing if it was actually doing know its thing right because that's the thing about space i mean space and lovecraft honed in on this space is scary space is a dark terrifying place we can't exist in it all right uh so we got it looks like i got a another paypal donation thank you so much jason the case of charles dexter ward is my favorite lovecraft store i love the channel congrats on today by the way thank you so much jason for your ten dollar paypal thank you guys so much everyone that has donated to this channel i'm so i'm so impressed by you guys i'm so happy that you guys are feeling me and enjoying the discussion thanks everyone that has sent in super chats and thanks thanks everyone that has donated through the paypal dot me link and by the way the paypal dot me link is the best way to get donations into this channel and i appreciate them all i couldn't more the void the void let me make sure the void is the film that i am thinking about because i think i saw that one the void that was the one oh i didn't see this one this isn't the one should i watch the void is the void good is the void good i think i was thinking about something totally different yeah should i watch the voigt brother moon someone says the of course you think i haven't seen the abyss i've seen the abyss obviously the abyss is a classic science fiction film um it's it's yeah a great movie uh bloodborne is definitely super lovecraft that's another game isn't it another game i haven't played someone says dune or riot we talked about doing a little bit we talked about um even the ways in which frank herbert pulls from some of those lovecraft feelings right we talk when he talks about the great enemy because we talk about like at some point in the demon universe humankind like flees into space and then about a thousand and a half about 1500 years later they come back running away from some thing in outer space and so the mystery of that the mystery of like something so strong that the new human empire fled it into the old empire from outer space is very very compelling and very very scary someone says the void is okay the void ain't bad the void is fun cool cool cool maybe the void is one they'll check out someone says did dune get delayed not that i know of not that i know of um but um dune is possibly delayed i mean it's it's still slated to come out in december december 18th but as far as i'm concerned i don't i don't see it in december 18th guys i don't think we're getting it i think it's going to be a next year thing can i jump in on the super chat that somebody just said sure diego diego thank you so much for your super chat i'm not sure what current currency that is but thank you so much um have you ever thought about how many mythos in history repeat certain beats and how both fantasy and sci-fi repeat those same beats do you think that in the future people will consider these stories as our own mythos of this era even though it's not religious absolutely we're both fans of joseph campbell and joseph campbell talked a lot about how you know mythology there's mythology for every culture he talked about star wars has modern mythology i actually have an essay called george rr martin is writing modern mythology and the one of the key functions of myth is that it's highly symbolic and metaphorical and attempts to speak to the core of human existence the the core questions that apply to all humans across culture and time and you know every religion and every culture has mythology and certainly the stories that that we all i mean all the stories like song of ice and fire or dune they have all the archetypal actions and characters of classic mythology and yeah so it's it's really i think about it as a chain of transmission and a tradition of symbolic storytelling that you know skilled authors are participating and it goes right back to classic mythology so great question and about like errors of history too it's like it's impossible to like see the era that you're in while you're in it right you have to like look back and be like oh that was the 2000s because if you look back at the 2000s now it's totally like an error but like when you're in it it's like oh like what is that further we get into the 90s the more it becomes obvious how freaking cool it was yeah yeah it's like can we go back let me put my word in there yeah but absolutely absolutely um yeah myths and legends and stuff evolve i don't know if future generations will see our stories as like as see them as though we believe them i think they'll have enough information probably to know that they were just stories to us but yeah it'll worship this luke skywalker guy yeah yeah we'll definitely develop oh like there was a spider-man in new york city yeah he saved them all the time not sure where metropolis is though or this wakanda place that doesn't seem to be on a map there's only batman that kept society from chaos in the late 20th century thank you so much for your super chat though diego and travis hammer thank you so much for yours um conan smoked lovecraftian monsters like it was a buffet lovecraft robert e howard and clark aston smith were pals and their works overlapped a lot cool cool cool so i think you mean conan the the barbarian i've never actually i think conan was a little before my time so i never had i never really experienced conan but yeah that's really really neat like lovecraftian monsters are are so interesting like it's a lot a lot of people use the old ones a lot it shows up in a lot of places now like from south park to a song of ice and fire to monstrous to stephen king to my own graphic novel tatia which you can pre-order right now someone can post a link in the chat um but yeah um it's all over the place and like i said lovecraft his work has stood the test of time people are talking about it today because it was good and it was scary so the thing about the man is we talked about in the beginning he was a strange man he was a xenophobe he was he was in agoraphobe he was weird with women and all that junk um but he also wrote very very very very scary stories and very very very very good stories right and if the stories he was never famous or rich while he was alive he was kind of kind of a loser his whole life never famous or rich it wasn't until after he was dead that people found his stories again and now he's a legend of horror so posthumously he influenced the entire horror genre if you are a fan of horror right now like and it's like lovecraft had something to do with it so that's why to me it becomes even more ridiculous when we start talking about let's cancel lovecraft and let's stop reading lovecraft because oh he had certain beliefs and certain this like i was saying in the beginning no one ever talks about walt disney it's very selective to come to lovecraft and be like oh he's particularly bad when there is nothing in his work in particular that's like awful he's not like talking about like white supremacy or any of that stuff it's just scary stories very very very scary stories and they've stood the test of time because they're very scary they're very good and yeah that's what i got to say about all that and also also as i said before the guy is freaking dead the guy's been dead a hundred years it it maybe it would be another thing if he was still alive or like he was a modern author but he's he's dead he died young he's been dead for a very very long time and buying the work of lovecraft reading the work of lovecraft does absolutely nothing to support him and all that does and really it just expands your like it expands your your idea of what horror is entertaining well at the beginning of the stream so for anybody joining late you addressed it uh pretty eloquently at the very top so yep so check that out guys so a couple more super chats the king in red from dark tower series feels hp lovecraft a lot of stuff from dark tower seems lovecraft because i think that's stephen king showing like i think one of his main influences and i guarantee you i've never heard him i don't know if i've ever heard stephen king specifically mention lovecraft as an influence but i'm sure if anyone's ever asked him he said it because it's very very obvious to anyone that's read the work of lovecraft a few people are piping up to say that there's a certain amount of changing his views towards the end of his life that happened i don't know about that i don't know for sure um but that might be possible all right so someone says if you want an introduction to conan the barbarian check out midnight's edge retrospective i like that channel a lot actually midnight they they did a good dune one i think as well it is a good intro to the material including um how it adapted during the years well cool thanks for letting me know about that and ben frail lumley's primal land books equals conan meets the mythos interesting thank you all for your recommendations they are greatly appreciated guys and looks like someone else just piped in on paypal so let me get that patrick gentle thank you so much uh says quinn check out die farb by director han vu it's on amazon prime all right i have amazon prime so i can definitely check that out i'm always looking for great movies to watch at night and like just wind down to them who influenced lovecraft you know that would actually be he spoke to him in his dreams no but that would actually be a cool thing to do some research on actually and maybe possibly do a video on maybe like his influences because everyone has their influences everyone is influenced by someone else there is nothing that happens in a vacuum human beings are always influencing each other constantly in ways that you don't even realize consciously most of the time so yeah everyone's influenced by someone else and let's see you guys got any more questions any more paypal hits and feel free to if you're watching this stream afterwards to like hit up the paypal thing after afterwards if you've got more questions i'll try and get them on the next stream or on twitter and also guys please follow me on twitter um can some of my mods please post my twitter in the chat i'm sorry guys with with stream yard it's really annoying because you have to constantly like re update your uh the description and i'm not sure if it's a way to uh make it default so i never have my links ready so please follow me on twitter guys i'm always like chatting about different books and different things um and subscribe of course please please please if you've been enjoying the stream so far please hit the like button i've had so much fun telling you guys about cthulhu and great old ones and the work of lovecraft it's been so great um but yeah i'm gonna see if there's any more straggler questions to get any more interesting things to be said from people i know some people were saying they wanted to take a look at some of these lovecraft editions that i have over here so i'll show you guys these so this is um this is the lovecraft complete fiction that i have so this is all of his stories let's see this one's really really nice i really really like the feel of this book i think i got this one from barnes noble so that's that one completed one there's so many different completed lovecraft bound editions like it's so hard to pick which one you want like every time i see a new one i'm like i need it um pin donated a hundred i did i we got it didn't we we got it um we we got it mod married we got that one yeah thanks so thank you so much okay so and this is the other one that i have i really really like this little blue book here this cthulhu mythos one um it feels really nice and on the back of it it says the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown and you know that's that's love trap man he was like i said he was he was afraid of things that he didn't know and right a lot of you said he started to change later on in his life i haven't looked into that but yeah that fear of the unknown shows up in his stories and that's a fear that everybody has honestly if anybody's honest most of us fear the unknown right because like you don't know so it's like we're kind of afraid of it and honestly honestly you should fear the unknown me and dave were talking about the astral plane and like if the astral plane existed like every other place in nature the astral plane wouldn't be safe so you wouldn't just go like journeying into the astral plane because there might be predators there there's predators in every part of nature so why not on the extra plane the unknown is scary sorry i thought it was one of the good parts of game of thrones when bran is wandering around in the weirwood net realm and then all of a sudden there's the army of the dead in nike oh yeah and bran doesn't know everything he doesn't realize oh they can see me and like that was pretty well done yeah the unknown the unknown is scary for a reason oh yes for sure yeah there's there's some love crafty and field vibes to more quite often i've noticed mm-hmm so also looks like i know super chat as well lions and politics kenneth grant real life act like of aleister crowley oh that's interesting claimed lovecraft was subconsciously channeling occult forces now that's scary the idea of that is scary right the idea like oh they're just horror stories but no actually this is real and he was warning us some the fifth circle whose name we can't pronounce honestly guys you're gonna love my cthulhu video because i talk about uh this phenomenon that happened in the real world this big sound that came out of the ocean in the late 90s and we didn't know what it was for a really long time so i would talk about that a little bit um you can see on the front of this one it's got all these names it says like um ancient dunwich as i thought a bunch of like quotes poison city of madness that is not dead which can eternal lie and with strange eons even death may die i really really like this little one here in his house at relay cthulhu wait's dead dreaming um yeah so i really really like this one check it out i wonder how somebody comes up with all of that sitting in the bedroom i know he was channeling some dark stuff like what's that one this one's good lonesomeness weights and dreams in the deep oh oh yeah that's one that i wanted to read to you it sounded so so um freaking gray joy that was some gray joy stuff man it's it's right before that part where he says uh lonesome this weights and still dreams in the deep that's from call of cthulhu yeah i don't know where it is it's somewhere here it's really really scary freaky line though freaky freaky line yeah yeah yeah lonesomeness streams and weights in the deep yeah i gotta find it at some point that'll be in the call of cthulhu video anyway so yeah what was i just doing what was i just getting at i feel like i was about to say something else before that anyways i think it is about time guys it is about that time that we wrap things up thanks everyone for looks like i know super chat though marvin martin um some eldritch stuff seems more supernatural and god like what is the difference then it's that's the thing when it comes to when it comes to lovecraft it's almost like there almost is no difference right it's very very very very it's blended almost you can't really fit lovecraft in with like sci-fi or like or fantasy because it's like there's beings from the stars and there is like i don't know how would you go about defining the concept of a word god like across all cultures and times basically it's some sort of being that exists outside of our dimension or outside of our understanding that's probably like the most base level definition of the word god and that's what all these beings are people worship the sun like so can you imagine like things whispering to you in your dreams and leading you to idols that look like them i mean that happens to me all the time yeah yeah so like yeah think about gods they're not they're not gods in the sense that like and the way we might traditionally see divinity they are just extremely powerful beings that are beyond this so they're worshipped yeah i was trying to say that like the word god is what we use for extra dimensional beings when they become so powerful as to defy comprehension then it's not a solid or an angel it's an actual god absolutely like the bat the wing it bat things that show up in cthulhu those might be demons cthulhu is very very clearly something else all right guys thank you guys so much for watching thanks everyone that has hit me up on paypal it's so greatly appreciated thanks everyone that has please like please like um if you're if you've enjoyed the stream please subscribe if you're not subscribed check me out on twitter one last time i just gotta say i'm so excited that my graphic novel tadia um is moving forward we raised more than 50 thought we we raised like 55 000 on indiegogo to get this book made um and you can still pre-order it right now um someone has the link in the chat please um it's my own horror book as a fan of horror and as a fan of fantasy my whole life obviously i wanted to give my own take on horror and i'm obviously on the backs of like the people that have inspired me stephen king neil gaiman lovecraft george r martin um as well as various other inspirations so you can check out my graphic novel tadia um i'm sure someone has the link in the description or you can go to my website and you can get to it from there also my website guys oh yeah that's the thing become a member at my website i'm giving away a free book of tadia every single month every single month uh members of my website and it's totally free to join in every single month a hardcover of tadia gets given away randomly to members so yeah you can totally join for free become a member and i'll be giving away free books and junk so yeah that's how it goes but uh yeah the book won't be releasing um shipping out until december with preorder it's in the pre-order phase we're getting it out we're finishing it up doing all the logistics it's really really good so yeah thanks everyone um and also um the book will be on amazon at some point and once it gets on amazon like in maybe six months maybe longer than that maybe like eight months nine months once it's on amazon it will be cheaper than it is on the indiegogo page right now because um initially the book was 15 for the paperbacks but now the prices have been raised since the campaign is over so we have to raise the prices because that's just the way the business works uh whatever it was already really cheap but thanks everyone for watching thanks everyone for sitting here with me and having the lovecraft discussion i can't wait to talk about more lovecraft stuff with you guys in the future um and the call of cthulhu video is coming for my dune fans the chapter house video is coming after that and um i appreciate you guys and i love you that is not dead which can eternal lie and with strange eons even death may die peace out
Channel: Quinn's Ideas
Views: 201,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lovecraft, Cthulhu, Intro
Id: 1cnrvYwAXj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 43sec (8563 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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