Ultimate Guide to Dune (Part 4) Children of Dune

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] moi Deeb's teachings have become the playground of scholastics of the superstitious and the corrupt he taught a balanced way of life a philosophy by which a human can meet problems arising from an ever-changing universe he said mankind is still evolving in a process which will never end he said this evolution moves on change in principles which are known only to Eternity how can corrupted reasoning play with such an essence Children of Dune takes place nine years after dune Messiah in this time the Empire is ruled by Aliyah Atreides who maintains the Regency until Paul's twins Leto and Ghani macum of age Paul's twins are like no other children that have ever lived before in truth their millions of years old a perfect combination of genes and a mother's heavy consumption of spice led these children to become preborn forced into consciousness with all the memories of their ancestors although alia was pre born as the twins were she does not share their experience the twins connections to their past lives seems to be more fluid alia avoided the intricacies over her inner world and therefore did not possess the mental linkages that the twins had for example they were able to speak fluently in many ancient languages where alia would only be able to catch a word or two alia now has undergone the spice trance and as the result the unimaginable has happened the very thing the Reverend mother Gaius helen mo higham feared in book 1 that child is an abomination her mother deserves a punishment greater than any in history death it cannot come too quickly for that child or the one who spawned her when a child is pre born the weight of the ancestral memories is crushing if the child cannot form a sufficient ego a more dominant ego within the other memories would take possession of the person the meninges recall this abomination these abominations were feared and considered very dangerous by The Sisterhood anyone who was believed to be abomination was immediately killed this is why the Reverend Mother calls for a Lea's death in doomed why did you abandon alia the Nima asked I fled in terror of what I created Jessica said her voice low I gave up and my burden now is that perhaps I gave up too soon what do you mean I cannot explain yet but maybe no I'll not give you false hopes Baffler the abominable distraction has a long history in human mythology it was called many things but chiefly it was called possession that's what it seems to be you lose your way in the malignancy and it takes possession of you alia is possessed abomination her mind infected with the evil presence of her grandfather the Baron Harkonnen whose ego memory now seeks revenge against House Atreides he has poisoned alia psyche and there is seemingly no help for her the Baron is a constant shadow in a Lea's mind watching through her eyes the twins have recognized this and only pity alia they worried though that they even may one day succumb to possession in the decades since dune Messiah the planet Arrakis has changed drastically the ecological transformation has led to the point where there are now clouds and the skies of doom it even rained on occasion instead of still suits many Freeman out took pills which shift at the body's temperature and reduced water loss why should they when rain have been recorded on this planet when clouds were seen when eight Freeman had been inundated and killed by a flash flood in Ord until that event the word drowned had not existed in the language of dune but this was no longer dune this was eraqus thoughts of still gar as the planet has changed freman culture has eroded many freemen have left the sieges for the villages and cities still gar has noticed this change and he has changed as well over time he has come to realize that Paul Muad'Dib was also flesh and blood not a messiah he is now much wiser than he was in the days before Paul walked into the desert yet still he longs for what he refers to as cleaner values still gar longs for a time when he could believe without question when he didn't have to consider the fact that the jihad was killing millions because he knew that it was the will of God and God had a plan now that still gar knows the truth he has become more like Paul more like God and he cannot unsee the horror that Paul always saw hence him longing for cleaner values he longs for a simpler time when he was more naive about what was really going on Children of Dune opens at a very interesting time it is on this very day that the lady Jessica returns to Arrakis for the first time since the day she left for Caledon 20 years ago Aliyah is anxious about Jessica's return she knows of Jessica's power as a been a Jesuit Reverend Mother and she fears that her mother will recognize the signs of abomination Jessica's return also shakes the balance of power Arrakis jessica is the mother of moooo Dean and would have huge sway over the Fremen it has also been rumored that lady Jessica has returned to the Biddy Jesuit sisterhood alia is extremely bitter towards the sisterhood and her mother she blames them for the way that she is the sisterhood had only been seeking to breed a quiz at satiric the male counterpart of a fully-developed reverend mother and more a human of superior sensitivity and awareness the quiz acts had around who could be in many places simultaneously and the lady Jessica merely a pawn in that breeding program had the bad taste to fall in love with the breeding partner to who she had been assigned responsive to her beloved Dukes wishes she produced a son and said of the daughter which the sisterhood had commanded as the firstborn leaving me to be born after she became addicted to the spice and now they don't want me now they fear me with good reason alia has come to realize that the ecological transformation which now grips the planet will ultimately result in the death of all the worms spice production would end the twins have realized this as well and the creature inside alia desperately desires this when Jessica returns to Arrakis her minion Jesuit powers immediately forced her to become aware of many things she notices that many of the million or so that have gathered to witness the arrival of the mother of god are pilgrims these pilgrims have been arriving more and more in order to experience the planet of the messiah Jessica also notices that both aerilon and alia are utilizing forbidden vintages or techniques to prevent aging she refers to this as an affront many Reverend mothers could choose that course or try it the manipulation of internal chemistry was available to initiates of The Sisterhood but if one did it sooner or later all would try it there could be no concealing such an accumulation of ageless women they knew for certainty that this course would lead them to destruction short-lived humanity would turn upon them no it was unthinkable using this technique of any Jesuit could potentially live for thousands of years but the sisterhood understood that the backlash from a universe which relied on spice to extend life would be too great and ultimately lead the sisterhood to annihilation this is why Jessica is disturbed by both Irulan and aleeah's use of this technique but jessica noticed something far more terrible in alia the rumors were true horrible horrible alia had fallen into the forbidden way the evidence was there for the initiate to read abomination Jessica instantly recognizes the signs of possession in her daughter and knows from that moment on that her daughter is her enemy she wonders then if the twins too have succumbed to abomination recently on Arrakis a mysterious blind man known as the preacher has appeared he speaks blasphemy against the church and also against the government many people believe him to be Paul Atreides himself alia and the twins view this as a possibility alia wishes to have the preacher arrested for heresy he raised both arms and roared in a voice which surely had commanded warn riders silence the entire throne in the plaza went still at that battle crime the preacher pointed a thin and toward the dancers and the illusion that he actually saw them was uncanny did you not hear this man blasphemous and idolaters all of you the religion of Muad'Dib is not more demon he spurns it as he spurns you sand will cover this place sand will cover you saying this he dropped his arms put a hand on his young guy's shoulder and commanded take me from this place far away on the planet SaLuSa secundus whence Asiya Corino the younger sister of Irulan plots treachery her plot involves assassinating the twins using laser Tigers large and powerful cats who could be controlled from a distance by a transmitter due to servo stimulators implanted in their brains as Cubs lazer Tigers were a special breed brought to the planet nearly eight thousand years ago they were created through genetic manipulation of original Tigers they have huge things wide faces and enlarged paws their coats were an even colored tan perfect for blending against sand when sisyas sun Feridun is not aware of his mother's plan when cecile wishes to steal the imperial seat from House Atreides and make farad and Emperor once Jessica is alone with the twins on Arrakis she can see that gana ma is not possessed Leto however she is not sure something about him disturbs her when she is alone with him he demonstrates his power to her throughout their conversation he manipulates her for voice and eventually breaks her many Jesuit conditioning abruptly she realized that the quickened breath the pounding heart were not Laden not held at bay by herb any Jesuit control eyes widening and shocked awareness she felt her own flesh obeying other commands slowly she recovered her poise but the realization remained this uncharred had been playing her like a fine instrument throughout their interview now you know how profoundly you are conditioned by your precious spinning Jesuits he said the realization that Leto had been manipulating her through their conversation shatters Jessica's reality she is still however unsure about Leto though she observes his power Leto commands Jessica to allow herself to be abducted by aliens men Leto is aware that prescience is what destroyed his father he knows that within the spy strands lies even greater risk for himself Leto has seen three possible futures in one he must kill Jessica in order to prevent the loss of the spice monopoly in the second he would marry his sister Janina for the sake of House Atreides but the third future would permit him to live millennia and require him to undhiyo fayez father to remove Paul's godhood Aliyah and Duncan's relationship has become strained in Children of Dune since her possession she has engaged in an affair with Javeed the high priest of the quizzer at Duncan Idaho's Mint at abilities kick in whilst alia is attempting to convince him to help her kidnap Jessica he realizes that alia has succumbed to possession he points out to alia that the simpler option would be to kill the lady Jessica and he notices the signs of an alien presence when she seems clearly pleased by the suggestion though she stills the emotion quickly don't gain agrees to kidnap Jessica but insists that alia not know where he is taking her he tells her that this way she would be immune to the power of a truth singer he leaves her thing and tears fall from his metal eyes alia is found in secret the heretic preacher journeys to the planet SaLuSa secundus and meets Feridun nephew to Irulan and future leader of house Kirino the preacher promises Feridun that he will have duncan idaho as his agent Feridun finds the preacher strange and indecipherable at the halfway mark of Children of Dune aleeah's true intentions are revealed when she attempts to assassinate the lady Jessica in the open now look at her Jessica pointed at Maliha she lasts alone at night in contemplation of her own evil spice production will fall to nothing or at best a fraction of its former level and when word of that gets out will have a corner on the most priceless product in the universe alia shouted will have a corner on hell Jessica raged and alia lapsed into the most ancient shake hopes up the Atreides private language with its difficult glottal stops and clicks now you know mother did you think a granddaughter of Baron Harkonnen would not appreciate all of the lifetimes you crushed into my awareness before I was even born when I arranged against what you've done to me I had only asked myself what the Baron would have done and he answered understand me Atreides he answered me Jessica hurt the venom and the confirmation of her guests abomination alia had been overwhelmed with in possessed by that Kuwait of evil the Baron Vladimir Harkonnen the Baron himself spoke from her mouth now uncaring of what was revealed he wanted her to see his revenge wanted her to know that he could not be cast out jessica manages to escape from alia into the desert with the help of the fate Akina now that the mother of Paul Atreides has renounced alia the Freeman are now in open rebellion during these events the twins have also escaped into the desert in search of the preacher it is in the desert that they are attacked by the lazy Tigers who have been brought on the planet by wimp Cecilia Kirino with the help of Furman traders the children defeat the Tigers but not easily and it is at this point that they began the next phase in their plan they split Leto leaves going deeper into the desert to seek out the preacher Gani mom asked her own memory through a form of self-hypnosis she implants false memories of her brother's death truly believing it thus making her immune to the power of a truth singer guinea masti old for what she had to do Leto must be dead in her mind she had to make herself believe it there could be no jackaroo to in her mind no brother out there seeking a place lost in Freeman mythology from this point onward she could not think of Leto as alive she must condition herself to act out of a total belief that her brother was dead killed here by Laser Tigers not many humans could fool a truth assayer but she knew that she could do it might have to do it the motile lives she and Leto shared had taught them the way when Jessica had first returned to Arrakis captives were taken from a throng of people awaiting her when subjected to what gurney Halleck describes as the deep drugs some of the captives spoke the name Jack arute - and as they said the word they died it is assumed that they were conditioned for this reaction long before the days of House Atreides on Arrakis before Liat coins before the rule of Shaddam the forth there were certain tribes that roam the desert known as water hunters the freeman called them in to Wally water insects they would still the watcher of Freeman they caught in the desert even the water of the body thus each they lived in was called Jack arute - and it was in Jack arute - that other Freeman tribe is band together to destroy the Diwali the place was considered taboo after that and from that day forth no Freeman had gone to Jack arute to its very location was lost the remaining Diwali according to legend were cast out from Freeman's society foremost Freeman Jack arute ooh was considered a myth but Leto has begun to have prescient dreams of Jack arute - and believes he can find the preacher there from the desert Jessica sends a letter to still guard telling him that Aliyah is indeed possessed whilst waiting for a response Duncan Idaho arrives having been sent by still guard Jessica allows Duncan to abduct her she tells him that Aliyah is no longer a tradies and that he is bound to the Atreides Duncan is saddened by this but he agrees and admits that he is taking her to SaLuSa secundus on behalf of the preacher who for some reason has asked that she train Feridun in the Binnie jesuit way jessica suspects that duncan may know the true identity of the preacher so she asks if the preacher is indeed Paul but Duncan does not know truly on SaLuSa Feridun has learned of his mother winds to see his plan to kill the Atreides twins he is however unsure how to feel about it by the time Duncan and Jessica arrive of SaLuSa secundus the word of late to the second death has spread and also word that Aliyah has agreed to submit herself to the Freeman trial of possession which would determine the truth of the matter and in in Ali's death if the accusation proved valid alia agrees to this in an effort to calm the civil war which is broken out between the imperial Freeman and the desert Freeman many including Feridun do not understand the purpose of this trial of the session Jessica tells Feridun that she has come to his planet at the suggestion of The Sisterhood to oversee his education she tells him that to make this work she would need to be given free rein on SaLuSa Duncan's mint at powers kicking him and he finds himself amused by the situation he explains suggesting that they had been tricked he has realized that Feridun is expected to do away with both he and Jessica that way an open clash could occur between the Imperial House Atreides and House Kirino the mini Jesuit sisterhood could then step in an arbitrary marriage between Feridun and Camilla and at last have control over a closets had rack Jessica now understands that the sisterhood lied to her because they wanted her out of the way since she had failed them before Jessica convinces Feridun to accept her offer she tells him that she will train him as she did her son Paul many years ago later when duncan speaks to jessica he renounces House Atreides and speaks of how there are now entire groups of Freeman who curse their name at the preachers bidding he joined one of the group's Bazaar Saudis Jessica is not sure of dumpkins intentions and they both know that Feridun is having their conversation recorded she attempts to get more information out of Duncan but Duncan resists and wonders if he had finally breached the walls of her many Jesuit training I had a hoe backed away from her until he felt the door behind him he bowed once more I called you my lady and then never again my advice to Feridun will be to send you back to Wallach quietly and quickly at the earliest practical moment you are too dangerous a toy to keep around although I don't believe he thinks of you as a toy you are working for The Sisterhood not for the Atreides I wonder now if you ever worked for the Atreides you which is moved to deeply and art Lee for mere mortals to ever trust Angola considers himself a mere mortal she jibed compared to you he said leave she ordered such is my intention he slipped out the door passing the curious stare of the servant who table viously been listening it's done he thought and they can read it only one way outward Lee it would seem that duncan has abandoned house Atreides and gone over fully to house Kirino but Duncan's inner monologue would suggest otherwise though there is a warrant for the arrest of the preacher on Arrakis he appears in the square on quiz that's had a wreck day to give a sermon on the death of Leto the 2nd alia has disguised herself as a commoner and gone out into the crowd to hear she has long suspected that the preacher is in fact Paul and she fears him but no she cannot harm him with a terrifying directness the preacher reached out grabbed a Leah's arm it was done without any groping or hesitation she tried to pull away but he held her in a painful grip speaking directly into her face as those around them edged back in confusion what did Paul Atreides tell you woman he demanded how does he know I'm a woman she asked herself she wanted to sink into her inner lives asked their protection but the world within remained frightenedly silent mesmerised by this figure from their past he told you that completion equals death the preacher shouted absolute prediction is completion is death she tried to pry his fingers away she wanted to grab her knife and slash him away from her but she dared not she had never felt this daunted in all her life the preacher lifted his chin to speak over her to the crowd shouted I give you more Deeb's words he said I'm going to rub your faces in things you try to avoid I don't find it strange that all you want to believe is only that which comforts you how else do humans invent the traps which betray us into mediocrity how else do we define cowardice that's what MOA Deeb told you abruptly he released aleus arm thrust her into the crowd she would have fallen but for the press of people supporting her to exist is to stand out away from the background the preacher said you aren't thinking or really existing unless you're willing to risk even your own sanity in judgment of your existence stepping down the preacher once more took a Leah's arm no faltering or hesitation he was gentler this time though leaning close he pitched his voice for her ears alone stop trying to pull me once more into the background sister then hand on his young guide shoulder he stepped into the throne way was made for the strange pair hands reached out to touch the preacher but people reached with an awesome tenderness fearful of what they might find beneath that dusty fremen robe Illya stood alone in her shock as the throng moved out behind the preacher certainty filled her it was Paul no doubt remained it was her brother abandoned certainty that's life's deepest command that's what life's all about we probe into the unknown into the uncertain why can't you hear more deep if certainty is knowing absolutely an absolute future then that's only death disguised such a future becomes now Leto has driven a worm deep into the desert and has finally found the place he believes to be Jack arute ooh but he is concerned when he can find no trace of water he heads to the siege and is captured by a man who forces him unconscious when Leto wakes he sees Mamre father of Javeed the lover and servant of Aliyah Mamre tells him that he must complete schooling in this place and if he didn't he would die memory also tells Leto that he soon will come face to face with the man who captured him when Leto wakes again he sees the face of none other than gurney Halleck who was sent to capture him on Jessica's orders their plan is to force Leto to undergo the spice trance as Paul did and begin unlocking his vision he saw the aleutian the entire illusion process rotated half a turn and now he knew a center from which he could watch without purpose the flight of his visions of his inner lies elation flooded him it made him want to laugh but he denied himself this luxury knowing it would bar the doors of memory memories he thought I have seen your illusion you no longer invent the next moment for me you merely show me how to create new moments I'll not lock myself on the old tracks repeatedly he was forced into spiced rents and each time he came out memory and gurney were aren't sure whether or not to slay him Leto sees much in his visions and at times nearly loses sight of himself within the boundaries of time he tells mamrie and gurney that the problem with his father's rule of the Empire was that it sought to bring peace but however peace was only defined by a specific way of life which did not leave people contented he tells Kearney that he will indeed one day work with the sisterhood but they will not like it the visions caused later to grow very weak and he curses his grandmother for utilizing such a drawn-out Gulman Jabbar meanwhile aerilon and alia have been trying to convince Egon EEMA to accept Feridun proposal Dyneema is furious and wants to kill Feridun as revenge for Latos death even though he has blamed his mother for the attack Irulan even at one point attempts to use voice on ghanima of this backfires horribly why'd you and alia grow so suddenly quiet aerilon asked reverting to her previous question but casting it now in a delicate mode of voice ghanima threw back her head in laughter Irulan you try voice on me what Irulan was taken aback you teach her grandmother to suck eggs minima's said i'd what the fact that I remember the expression and you've never heard it before should give you pause Dyneema said it was an old expression of scored when you Benny Jesuit were young ghanima is done being treated like a child and angrily insists that Irulan and alia leave her presence but alia is intrigued by the Nima's anger and makes a deal with her she will marry Feridun to get the lady Jessica back but she would kill Feridun first chance she got though Irulan is against this Dyneema is insistent on SaLuSa secundus jessica has begun the slow process of training Feridun in the mini jesuit ways Feridun learns the teachings faster than Jessica expected but he is still in the very early stages during the storm Leto escapes Kearney into the desert - he takes a still suit and a still tent with him Leto heads directly into the storm and hides within the tent to wait it out however when he awakes he founds the hill pumps on his still suit have been cut and he has lost half of his water he finds a worm and rides it deeper into the desert until he comes across a band the freeman renegades he soon discerns that they are from shulock stories of shulock were often shared amongst freeman everyone considered it to be a myth a place for interesting things to happen only for the sake of a story Leto has now fully realized what has happened the original jackaroo - had indeed been renamed Fonda and had become a place for smugglers but the cast out of Jack arute - had gone to shoe luck he knows that this is where he will find the preacher he reveals to Morris that he is the son of Paul Atreides and tells him that if they kill him his people will sink into the sand but if they let him live he will lead them to greatness and uneasy alliances form between Leto and mirus you speak of leading us Mira said Fremen are led by men who have been bloodied what can you lead us in Crowley Zack later said keeping his attention on the Crouch to figure mirrors glared at him brows contracted over his indigo eyes Krell ASEC that wasn't merely a war a revolution that was the Typhoon's struggle it was a word from the furthermost Freeman legends the battle at the end of the universe Krell ASEC in the dune universe Crowley Zack is the long foretold mythic battle at the end of the universe a legend but here Leto implies that it is actually real back at fom dak Mamre reveals to gurney that he has in fact been following the orders of alia and not Jessica as he believed it was Aliyah who wished to subject Leto to the spice trance gurney ends up killing the man and escapes to find still gar knowing that alia will want him dead in Schulich the golden path begins Leto goes to the cannot where the worms and the sand trout are kept the cast out of Sherlock have been selling the worms offworld though they do not live long Leto allows one of the sand kraut to cover his end on Arrakis fremen children often played a game if a sand trout was placed in a hand it would since the water in the capillaries and covered the entire hand eventually the sad shout glove would fall off having been repelled by something in the Bloods water sand crowd can joined together locking body to body in order to become a single sac-like organism enclosing a body of water he allows the central to cover his whole body creating a sand route membrane which behaves like a living permanent still suit the sand route membrane adjusted too late his body and begin integrating changing him into something not quite human something beyond human the sand route had never before encountered a body containing so much spice later adjusted his internal enzymes and blended himself with the sand trout feeding it and feeding on it his vision provided all the knowledge he needed to do so and he followed it perfectly the sand trout was no longer sand route but something tougher and stronger and he knew that it would only grow stronger giving him godlike strength and speed he got to his feet turned to run back toward the hut as he moved he found his feet moving too fast for him to balance he plunged into the sand rolled and leapt to his feet the leap took him two metres off the sand and when he fell back trying to walk he again moved too fast stop he commanded himself he fell into the piranhas Bindu forced relaxation gathering his senses into the pool of consciousness this focused the inward ripples of the constant now through which he experienced time and he allowed the vision elation to warm the membrane worked precisely as the vision had predicted my skin is not my own the sand trout membrane would also provide Leto with unlimited spice and he could swim through the sands with lightning speed face to face Leto confronts a worm out in the deep desert he finds that it will not harm him worms will not attack sand trout the deep sand vector of its own kind he decides that he will use his powers to destroy the center's key to the ecological transformation of Arrakis this would set the transformation back decades and would allow Leto to rearrange the plan for Arrakis he knew that only the necessities of his vision mattered now only the golden path could come from this ordeal here was the great leap onto the golden path he had put on the living self-repairing still suit of a sand trout membrane a thing of unmeasurable value on Arrakis until you understood the price I am no longer human the legends about this night will grow and magnify it beyond anything recognizable by the participants but it will become truth that legend in the deep desert Leto places himself in the path of Paul's worm and the creature stops Paul's guide is tarik son of mirrors later reveals himself and insists that he and his father spend the evening together using a pseudo shield Tariq attempts to kill Paul and Leto by utilizing the maddening effect that the Holtzman effect has on the great worms nothing could stop a worm in the presence of a shield not water or the presence of Sandro Tariq had been commanded by Jack arute to to do away with both Atreides it is at this point that the separate visions of Paul and Leto come into conflict the preacher following the sound of Latos voice clambered up the dune slope and stood two paces away it was done with a swift sureness which told Leto this would be no easy contest here the vision started when Paul walked into the desert many years ago he had truly wanted to die when the baby Leto had shared sight with him Paul had had a vision he was resigned to be a tool of revenge for Jack arute to Jack arute who had been waiting for him that night as he knew they would be they wanted his visions but he gave them none even when they forced him into trance using the spiced essence he had baited alia confused and tempted her into making incorrect decisions jackaroo too used Paul as bait to trap Aliyah and now she knows that the preacher is indeed Paul Paul is prepared to die he ran from Latos vision and Leto felt the tension grow between himself and his father it was a shadow play all around them a projection of unconscious forms and Leto felt the memories of his father a form of backwards prophecy which sordid visions from the familiar reality of this moment Paul insists to Leto that he cannot control the future but Leto knew that one of them would have to act make a decision choosing a vision Leto understood however that Paul was correct attempting to take ultimate control of the universe could only lead to the ultimate defeat of you to manage such a vision required a balance of a single thin thread to play God on a tight wire with cosmic solitude on both sides Leto had committed himself down a path in which there was now no turning back from and he had accepted the consequences of that choice Paul however had made no final commitment though Paul begs him not to Leto stayed in line with his own vision he jumps meters into the air catching tarik and breaking his neck instantly then he dug the pseudo shield out of the ground and hurled it far off in the distance Paul had been defeated here Leto looked upon his father and saw a blind angry man full of despair do you really know the universe you have created here Leto heard the particular emphasis the vision which both of them knew had been sent into terrible motion here had required an act of creation at a certain point in time for that moment the entire sentient universe shared a linear view of time which possessed characteristics of orderly progression they entered this time as they might step onto a moving vehicle and they could only leave it the same way Leto had locked humanity into his vision they could not leave it paul asked Leto if he is truly prepared to commit to his fate if he is truly willing to change and live for thousands of years he wonders if Leto is ready to accept what he will be to the universe do you wish to live those thousands of years changing as you know you will change linked Hill recognized that his father was not speaking about physical changes both of them knew the physical changes later would adapt and adapt the skin which was not his own would adapt and adapt the evolutionary thrust of each part would melt into the other and a single transformation would emerge when metamorphosis came if it came a thinking creature of awesome dimensions would emerge upon the universe and that universe would worship Him no Paul was referring to the inner changes the thoughts and decisions which would inflict themselves upon the worshippers it is here that Leto first speaks of his metamorphosis the Millennia's long change that will shape his body into an inhuman form he would be worshipped and his grip upon the universe will be stronger than Paul's ever was or could have ever dreamed to be thousands of peaceful years later said that's what I'll give them donut see sack nation of course and those forms of violence which I permit it'll be a lesson which humankind will never forget I Spit on your lesson Paul said you think I have not seen a thing similar to what you choose you saw it later agreed is your vision any better than mine not one whit better worse perhaps later said then what can I do but resist you Paul demanded Paul concedes to Leto acknowledging that this is his universe now he knew that he would have no comfort this night or any other he knew that muadh e must be destroyed Paul Atreides the hero must die only the preacher could survive he would do Latos bidding Illya has now begun to show signs of possession in her physical form her flesh is beginning to change from the prolonged abomination she has grown more and more deranged Duncan Idaho now on Arrakis is at siege to boar and has been trying to convince still gar that alia is possessed but still gar is unsure of Duncan's motives Javeed aleeah's lover is also apt to bore and when Duncan seized him he is overcome with rage he murders two vide still guard is extremely angry that Duncan had defiled the siege breaking its neutrality Duncan provokes still gar insulting him in ways in which of Freeman cannot ignore you've defiled my honor still bar cried this is neutral shut up Duncan glared at the shocked naive you wear a collar still guard it was one of the three most deadly insults which could be directed at a freeman steel gars face went pale you're a servant Idaho said you sold Freeman for their water this was the second most deadly insult the one which had destroyed the original Jack arute to still guard round his teeth put a hand on his Chris knife the aide stepped back away from the body in the doorway turning his back on the naive Idaho stepped into the door taking the narrow opening beside Javed's body and speaking without turning delivered the third insult you have no immortality still Garr none of your descendants carry your blood where do you go now mint at still gar called as Idaho continued leaving the room still gars voice was as cold as wind from the poles to find Jack arute to Idaho said still not turning still guard drew his knife perhaps I can help you Idaho was at the outer lip of the passage now without stopping he said if you'd help me with your knife water thief please do it in my back that's the fitting way for one who wears the collar of a demon with two leaping strides still gar crossed the room stepping on Javed's body and caught Idaho in the outer passage one gnarled hand jerked Idaho around and to a stop still gar confronted Idaho and bared teeth and a draw knife such was his rage that still guarded not even see the curious smile on Idaho's face draw your knife Mentats come still gar roared Idaho laughed he cuffs still gar sharply left hand right in to stinging slaps to the head with an incoherent screech still guard drove his knife into Idaho's abdomen striking upward through the diaphragm into the heart idaho sagged onto the blade grinned up at still gar whose rage dissolved into sudden I see shocked to deaths for the Atreides idaho haas ii for no better reason in the first he lurched sideways collapsed to the stone floor on his face blood spread out from his wound Duncan calls still gar a slave of a demon the abomination that lives within alia says that he has killed Freeman for their water the greatest Freeman crime and implies that still gar is sterile and has no children of his own blood it is here that still gar kills Duncan only realizing afterwards that this was Duncan's intent now still gar has no option but to flee from Illya publicly alia would have to retaliate against still gar for killing her consort even though she had already planned to do away with Duncan when she realized she couldn't fully trust him realizing all this still guard takes kanima Irulan and his wives along with anyone else in the siege who wishes to go with him into the desert he knows that he is ganene is only hope for survival a Lea's grief an inner turmoil continues to grow she feels as though she is split in half two people one consumed by pain and the other perplexed by her tears in the desert there are now rumors of a desert demon cannot SAR being destroyed and the Fremen say this demon moves through the dunes at this point still gars company along with Janie ma have been travelling for months Janina notices how the shattered cannot have been affecting the land and the behavior of the freeman the desert demon is of course Leto who is now worshiped by the cast out at Schulich when he had brought gurney Halleck and the preacher there he had demonstrated his power to the men of the cast out with his bare hands Leto had breached the Schulich not hurling large stones more than 50 meters when the cast out have tried to intervene Leto had to capitate at the first to reach him using no more than a blurred sweep of his arm he hurled others back into their companions and had laughed at their weapons in a demon's voice he roared at them fire will not touch me your knives will not harm me I wear the skin of Shai allude in Arrakeen Feridun and the lady Jessica have arrived on Arrakis alia has captured still gar and his party including Dyneema by putting a tracker on a messenger Leto has brought the preacher to the city and he gives a sermon as Feridun Jessica Aliyah and still gar watch from Elias chambers when the preacher calls Aliyah blasphemy her priests descend upon him killing the preacher then a voice screeched from the mob more deep they've killed who Adeeb gods below alia quavered gods below a little late for that don't you think Jessica asked alia world noting the sudden startled reaction of Feridun as he saw the rage on her face that was Paul they killed alia screamed that was your son when they confirm it do you know what will happen Jessica is struck by this but she cannot deny aleeah's words Paul Atreides now lies dead an amount of bloody rags amongst the temple steps at that moment the thick plasteel construction that was the door to Elias chambers flew off the hinges and came hurling into the room the guards leaped out of the way to avoid it in walked Leto holding a Nima by the arm as she attempted to escape him but he shook her arm and her whole body shook with in uttering a trigger word Leto breaks Guinea's memory conditioning here is Arya the Atreides lioness we come to set you onto such enemy the Golden Path kanima absorbing the trigger words such an employee felt the locked away consciousness flow into her mind it flowed with a linear nadi the inner awareness of her mother hovering there behind it a guardian at a gate and anima knew in that instant that she had conquered the clamorous past she possessed a gate through which she could peer when she needed into that past the months of self-hypnotic suppression had built for her a safe place from which to manage her own flesh Geneva's conditioning is broken and through this Geneva has overcome the possibility of abomination she can now freely look through the memories of her past lives without fear of possession Aliyah commands her guards to seize Leto but seeing his awesome power they refused to enter the room Leto walks across the room towards Aliyah and though she tries to fight him he deals with her easily it is here that the inner lives of a Lea's mind come to the surface and her possession is there for all to see aleeah's eyes darted wildly from side to side I have conquered those inner lives later said look at Ghani she too can Dyneema interrupted Aliyah I can show you know the word was wrenched from alia her chest heaved and the voice has begin to pour from her mouth they were disconnected cursing bleeding you see why didn't you listen and again what are you doing what's happening and another voice stop make them stop Jessica covered her eyes felt farad ins hands steady her still alia raved I'll kill you hideous curses erupted from her I'll drink your blood the sound of many languages begin to pour from her all jumbled and confused the huddled guards in the outer passage made the sign of the worm then held clinched fists beside their ears she was possessed shaking his head at the sight of alia Leto walks to one of the windows and breaks the supposedly unbreakable crystal reinforced glass from its frame alia rolled to her knees lurched to her feet don't you know who I am she demanded it was her old voice the sweet and lilting voice of the youthful alia who was no more why are you all looking at me that way she turned pleading eyes to Jessica mother make them stop Jessica could only shake her head from side to side consumed by ultimate horror all of the Bene Jesuit warnings were true she looked at Leto and Gani standing side by side near alia it is then that the Baron himself speaks from Ali's mouth both Leto and ghanima recognized his voice from their own inner lives Dyneema began to hear the same voice echo in her mind but the inner gate sealed and in the Barons place she sensed her mother Shawnee standing there Leto gives alia a choice the trial of possession or the window who are you to give me a choice alia demanded and it was still the voice of the old barren demon the nema screamed let her make her own choice mother alia pleaded in her little-girl tones mother what are they doing what do they want me to do help me help yourself Leto ordered for just an instant he saw the shattered presence of his aunt in her eyes a glaring hopelessness which peered out at him and was gone but her body moved a stick let rusting walk she wavered stumbled veered from her path but returned to it nearer and nearer the open window now the voice of the old bear enraged from her lips stop it stop it I say I command you stop it feel this alia clutched her head stumbled closer to the window she had the sill against her thighs then but the voice still raged don't do this stop it I'll help you I have a plan listen to me stop it I say wait but alia pulled her hands away from her head clutched the broken casement in one jerking motion she pulled herself over the sill and was gone not even a screech came from her as she fell in one instant of awareness alia was as she once was and in that moment alia overcame her possession killing the bearing for the second time there is a thump and the crowd below can be heard screaming Jessica is overcome with grief for the daughter she abandoned for the daughter she lost long ago though humanity will not know it Leto has made a great sacrifice for them the skin which is not his own can never be shed he is no longer human and in 4000 years the complete metamorphosis of the sand crowd symbiote will destroy him the pain of his life is great because the memory of being human is richer in Leto than any other person think of all those lives cousin no you cannot imagine what that is because you have no experience of it but I know I can imagine his pain he gives more than anyone ever gave before our father walked into the desert trying to escape it alia became abomination in fear of it our grandmother has only the blurred infancy of this condition yet must use every Binnie Jesuit while to live with it which is what Reverend Mother training amounts to anyway but Leto he is all alone never to be duplicated Leto is taking over the Bene Jesuit Sisterhood's breeding program since he is no longer human he cannot continue the Atreides bloodline instead he will continue it through ghanima and Feridun he will himself marry ghanima but no one will know that Feridun is the true father of her children all Leto does now is for the golden path he will prepare humanity for krolow Zach saving them though they will call him tyrant he'll lead humans through the cult of death into the free air of exuberant life he speaks of death because that's necessary still it's a tension by which the living know they're alive when his Empire Falls oh yes it'll fall you think Crowley's ik is now but Crowley's ik is yet to come and when it comes fume ins will have renewed their memory of what it's like to be alive most of the great worms would be gone in a hundred years the guild whose navigators require such high quantities of spice would nearly perish in these famine times but they will persist once Leto returns into the sands of Arrakis so will the worms and mankind will arise from the ashes of Crowley Zek Leto renames Feridun hoc alle da which means the breaking of the habit he commands him to hand over his sardick our soldiers Leto intends to mingle them with the Fremen in the final chapter of Children of Dune Leto reveals to hawk Aladar that he is in fact possessed abomination by the Benin jasmine ition Leto had forced back most of his malevolent ego memories but he had allowed one to take root the eagle memory of a man named harem a man who had bred humans who were short-lived and prone to superstition easily led by a god king Leto believes they were a powerful people whose survival as a species became habitual Leto mentions that the reason the bene Jesuit breeding program failed was because they attempted to control evolution while overlooking their own changes over the course of that evolution he has no such illusions I refused Feridun said you refused to father and a tradies dynasty what dynasty you'll occupy the throne for thousands of years and mold your descendants in my image it will be the most intensive the most inclusive training program in all of history will be an ecosystem in miniature you see whatever system animals choose to survive by must be based on the pattern of interlocking communities interdependence working together in the common design which is the system and this system will produce the most knowledgeable rulers ever seen you put fancy words on a most distasteful who will survive Carla Zack like to ask I promise you Crowley Zack will come you're a madmen you will shatter the Empire of course I will and I am NOT a man but I'll create a new consciousness in all men I tell you that below the desert of doom there is a secret place with the greatest treasure of all time I do not lie when the last worm dies and the last melange is harvested upon our sands these deep treasures will spring up throughout our universe as the power of the spice monopoly fades and the hidden stockpiles make their mark new powers will appear throughout our realm it is time humans learned once more to live in their instincts Leto will bring peace and stagnation to humanity for thousands of years and then Krell ASEC new strange powers will arise and humans yet again will feel the tension of death Feridun insists that he will resist Leto but Leto tells him that he expects him to and that this is in fact the reason he was chosen Leto stands alone in the universe he walks in solitude carrying the weight of all mankind one of us had to accept the agony kanima said and he was always the stronger Children of Dune is the completion of the first trilogy in the doom series it is the beginning of Latos long-term plan for history Leto has made this sacrifice knowing that humanity will curse his name for it they could not possibly understand how one whose vision stretches to the end of time seize the universe Children of Dune is regarded as one of the greatest science fiction books of all time intense action and a gripping plot this novel unlike doom Messiah is a sweeping epic much like the original doom novel there are multiple parallels between Paul and Leto Children of Dune also shows the downfall of alia who succumbs to possession by the Baron Harkonnen alia had no choice in her life this makes her end all the more tragic the next book in the series god emperor of dune takes place 3,500 years later it is in my opinion the most profound novel in the series in it Leto has morphed into the worm god emperor and rules the Imperium with an iron fist continuing to shape his golden path [Music] [Music]
Channel: Quinn's Ideas
Views: 939,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ultimate Guide, Ice, Golden Path, Leto, movie, and, of, God Emperor, Fire, Lore, Jacurutu, Denis Villeneuve, Dune Lore, reboot, Frank Herbert, Children of Dune, Ideas, Ghanima, Dune, Explained, Paul Atreides
Id: mvpUqAw7ocE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 10sec (3730 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2018
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