Ultimate Guide To Dune (Part 2) Book One

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My favorite channel on YouTube right now

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chubrubs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 14 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not my work, but awesome nonetheless. A book 1 summary with neat images, text and narration. Book 1 spoilers obviously.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/waterman85 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 14 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

As opposed to Exurb1as β€œshit history of dune”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ts_asum πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 14 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow this is really well done! Can't wait for the next episodes, and makes me wanna read the books again!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/El_Iconico πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 14 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can't wait until they do a video on Children of Dune and God Emperor of Dune, because I still have tons of questions

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SuperDaleCooper πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 14 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
a beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct this every sister of the bin each ezarik knows to begin your study of the life of MU Adeeb then take care that you first place him in his time born in the 57th year of the padishah Emperor Shaddam the forth and take the most special care that you locate mu Adeeb in his place the planet Arrakis do not be deceived by the fact that he was born on Caledon and lived his first 15 years there Arrakis the planet known as doom is forever his place [Music] 10,000 years before the start of doom mankind led a crusade violently expunging all thinking machines from the Imperium it was called the but Larian jihad and its chief commandment still remains within their OC Bible thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind the target of the jihad was a machine attitude as much as the machines Leto said humans had set those machines up to usurp our sense of beauty our necessary self 'dom out of which we make living judgments naturally the machines were destroyed the punishment they're after for owning or developing artificial intelligence was immediate death the fall of thinking machines would mean that humankind would have to depend on itself for all its computing needs and this is where Mentats come into play Mentats are the human computers of the Imperium their mental abilities are ultimately honed to the point where they have become superior to even the ancient thinking machines most of the Great Houses employ a mint at 4 they possess exceptional cognitive abilities of memory and perception that are the foundations for supper logical hypothesizing also meant at abilities can be greatly increased by the taking of Sappho juice the substance extracted from the roots found on the planet Equis but the consumption of this chemical leads to addiction the min tak were not the only replacement for thinking machines that developed during the turmoil following the but Larian jihad the Bene Gesserit sisterhood also came to prominence during this time as well as the spacing guild whose prescient powers granted by the spice melange makes safe and instantaneous space travel throughout the universe possible the galactic feudal empire which would arise after the butler in jihad would last for many thousands of years until the rise of the god emperor at the start of Doon the human race has scattered throughout the galaxy and populated many planets each ruled by aristocratic houses who each owe their loyalty to the imperial house Kirino Emperor Shaddam Kirino the fourth now since the imperial throne in this time the lancer ad was the group that represented all the Great Houses throughout the galaxy within the Lancer ad the High Council ruled and was overseen by the Emperor at the start of doom the emperor has grown to fear House Atreides the Duke Leto Atreides had become more and more popular within the land surrett and it was said that the talent of Latos own fighting force was beginning to rival the Emperor's own dreaded imperial sardick our soldiers the Emperor Shaddam Kirino the fourth decided that he must do away with House Atreides the feud between the Atreides and the harkonnens had been going on for centuries the emperor would use this to his advantage the planet Arrakis was currently lorded over by the genius and despicable Baron Vladimir her Conan with the help of the Baron the Emperor created a plan designed to trap and eliminate House Atreides the thief 'dom the desert planet Arrakis the source of the spice melange had been given over to the Duke Leto Atreides but the gift was poisoned and House Atreides expected as much the Duke Leto Atreides lived the majority of his life on the paradise world of Caledon in the 20 years prior to the start of doom he had ruled over the planet with his concubine the bene Jesuit Lady Jessica by his side Jessica was the result of the bene Jesuit breeding program The Sisterhood had intended to breed her with the Duke Leto and produce a daughter who could then breed with a har Conan's son this union they believed would produce their quiz at satiric the lady Jessica was provided with the most advanced been a Jesuit training available and carried the fate of the sisterhood within her genes but she betrayed them her love for Leto eventually grew so strong that Jessica disobeyed her orders to have only daughters and produced a son their first child Paul Atreides in doing this Jessica not only disobeyed direct orders from the sisterhood she betrayed a general understanding held within the sisterhood the bene Jesuit are beyond love love had nothing to do with it Reverend mothers did not act from such mundane motives love clouded reason it diverted the sisters from their duties love could be tolerated only where it caused no immediate and obvious disruptions or where it served the larger purposes of the Bene Gesserit otherwise it was to be avoided always though it remained an object of disquieting watchfulness a life without love can be devoted more intensely to the sisterhood love damnable love weakening love love leads to misery the sisterhood had planned to brief Jessica's daughter with a her Conan's son uniting the two houses and producing their long-awaited quiz etc but now they would have to adapt their plans the son Paul was raised on Caledon and trained in the bene Jesuit way when the sisterhood realized - what Jessica had done they were furious but the many Jesuit adapt and the boy was either the quizlets had Iraq or he was not accompanying House Atreides to Arrakis were several servants and teachers notably Duncan Idaho swords Master gurney Halleck war master who fear Howard mint at and master of Assassins and Willington nuit soup doctor the soup inter-school is devoted to finding cures for the many ailments that afflict mankind in the Dune universe they are widely considered to be superior to all other medical groups doctor Willington Mui graduated from the souq School in ten thousand one twelve AG through imperial conditioning the school renders its students incapable of inflicting harm once on Arrakis House Atreides takes up residence at the home previously occupied by house Harkonnen it is full of traps and although mentat do fear Howard locates and disarms most of them a hunter seeker attacks all in his room and nearly kills him Paul slipped out of been headed for the bookcase door that opened into the closet he stopped at the sound behind him turned the carved headboard of the bed was folding down onto the spot where he had been sleeping Paul froze and immobility saved his life from behind the headboard slipped a tiny hunter seeker no more than five centimetres long Paul recognized it at once a common assassination weapon that every child of royal blood learned about at an early age it was a ravening sliver of meadow guided by some nearby hand and eye it could burrow into moving flesh and shew its way up nerve channels to the nearest vital organ Paul knows that if he calls for help the device will kill whoever opens the door he manages to survive the situation by utilizing his unique skillset and ultimately destroying the device in doing so Paul also saves a life a Freeman housekeeper the shout-out Mapes as thanks she gives Paul a valuable piece of information there is a traitor in their midst though she could not say who do Plato is furious over the attempt on his 15 year old son's life Paul tells his father of the traitor in their midst and Leto admits to discussing the possibility several times before with Atreides mint at the fair Howerton when speaking with do fear later later receives another piece of information a scrap of a letter burying the barren her Conan's own seal has been discovered and it seems to identify the traitor it says H o will never suspect and when the blow falls on him from a beloved end its source alone should be enough to destroy him the note was under the Barons own seal and I have authenticated the seal your suspicion is obvious the Duke said and his voice was suddenly cold I sooner cut off my arms than hurt you Howard said my lord what if the lady Jessica Leto said and he felt the anger consuming him couldn't you ring the facts out of this Pardee unfortunately Hardy was no longer among the living when we intercepted the courier the courrier uncertain did not know what he carried I see Leto shook his head thinking what a slimy piece of business there can't be anything in it I know my woman my lord if know the Duke Bart there is a mistake here that we cannot ignore to my lord she's been with me for 16 years there have been countless opportunities for you yourself investigated the school and the woman howard spoke bitterly things have been known to escape me it's impossible I tell you the harkonnens want to destroy the Atreides line meaning Paul - they've already tried once could a woman conspire against her own son in the days before House Atreides left the planet Caledon for doom the Bene Jesuit Reverend Mother Gaius Helen mohim came to visit the lady Jessica Jessica had betrayed the sisterhood used her bene Jesuit skills to bear a son against their orders and trained him in the Bene jesuit way the sisterhood is furious with Jessica for her transgression but the boy Paul must be tested with the gum Jabar nonetheless the gham jabbar which is also known as the high-handed enemy is a meta cyanide poison needle that sits upon a thimble which is attached to a person's fingertip the many Jesuit make use of the gum Jabar when they test the humanity of certain people the device would be held against the person's neck and used as a deterrent for the person backing out of the test the test would determine whether an individual's awareness was stronger than their instincts if their awareness of the gum Jabbar's presence was strong enough it would override their instincts to withdraw from the test which involved great physical pain one does not obtain food safety freedom by instinct alone animal consciousness does not extend beyond the given moment nor into the idea that its victims may become extinct an animal destroys and does not produce animal pleasures remain close to sensation levels and avoid the perceptual the human requires a background grid through which to see his universe focused consciousness by choice this forms your grid bodily integrity follows nerve blood flow according to the deepest awareness of cell needs all things cells beings are impermanent strive for flow permanence within the test of the gum Jabbar was to determine pols potential and also to a certain extent determine how much of a danger he might be if he was weak or undisciplined he could potentially become a danger to the Bene Jesuit breeding plan and would thereafter need to be dealt with perhaps killed or subjected to additional training that likely would have resulted in him being taken from Lady Jessica and given into the care of another Binnie jesuit sister if he however proved strong enough he would be deemed useful to the breeding plan and allowed to remain under the care of lady Jessica while they calculated the best potential use for him the Reverend Mother telling Paul that the test would determine whether or not he was human is in reality an oversimplification of the truth used to justify her actions while also allowing her to maintain been in Jesuit secrets the test may on some level test humanity but the actions of a bene Jesuit are often layered and possess many implications Paul in fact ends up withstanding more pain than any female child before had withstood Paul passes the test he is human the Reverend Mother then tells Paul of the quiz ATS hadurok and of his foretold power and also of the fact that any man before who has been tested for being the quiz at cedrac had died the Reverend Mother then reveals to Paul and Jessica a terrible prophecy when you live upon Arrakis she said Carla the land is empty the moons will be your friends the Sun your enemy Paul since his mother come up beside him away from her post guarding the door she had looked at the Reverend Mother and asked do you see no hope your reverence not for the father Helen mo Humes words seemed to suggest that something terrible will befall House Atreides after its arrival on Arrakis and the Duke will not survive Leto did not truly believe that Jessica was the traitor he knew that the letter was merely a ploy by the Baron Harkonnen to wound and confuse House Atreides through fear Howard however does not trust Jessica Jessica discovers how its mistrust of her when a drunken Duncan Idaho stumbles into the Atreides castle and reveals that he too suspects Jessica the lady Jessica is shocked and confused by this revelation and attempts to convince Howard that his beliefs are illogical Jessica tries to explain that it is more logical to believe that it is the harkonnens that are making him suspicious of her but how it will not listen Jessica decides that the only way to convince Howard that she is innocent is to prove that if she wanted Leto dead she could have done so long ago I don't trust your many Jesuit motives he said you may think you can look through a man you may think you can make a man do exactly what you you poor fool through fear she raged he's scowled pushing himself back in the chair whatever rumors you've heard about our schools she said the truth is far greater if I wish to destroy the Duke or you or any other person within my reach you could not stump me and she thought why do I let pride drive such words out of me this is not the way I was trained this is not how I must shocked him Howard slipped a hand beneath his tunic where he kept a tiny projector of poison darts she wears no shield he thought is this a brag she makes I could slay her now but ah the consequences if I am wrong Jessica saw the gesture towards his pocket and said let us pray violence shall never be necessary between us a worthy prayer he agreed meanwhile the sickness spreads among us she said I must ask you again isn't it more reasonable to suppose that the harkonnens that planted this suspicion to pit the two of us against each other we appeared to return to stalemate he said she sighed thinking he's almost ready for it the Duke and I are father and mother surrogates to our people she said the position he hasn't married you Howard said she forced herself to calmness thinking a good repost that but he'll not marry anyone else she said not as long as I live and we are surrogates as I've said to break up this natural order in our affairs to disturb disrupt and confuse us which target offers itself most enticing ly to the harkonnens he sense the direction she was taking and his brows drew down in a lowering scowl the Duke she asked attractive target yes but no one with the possible exception of Paul is better guarded me I tipped them surely but they must know the many Jesuit make difficult targets and there is a better target one whose duties create necessarily a monstrous blind spot one to whom suspicion is as natural as breathing one who builds his entire life on innuendo and mystery she darted her right hand toward him you how it started to leap from his chair I have not dismissed you through fear she flared the old mint at almost fell back into the chair so quickly did his muscles betray him she smiled without mirth now you know something of the real training they give us she said how it tried to swallow in a dry throat her command had been regal preemptory uttered in a tone and manner that he found completely irresistible his body had obeyed her before he could think about it nothing could have prevented his response not logic not passion and anger nothing to do what she had done spoke of a sensitive intimate knowledge of the person thus commanded a depth control he had not dreamed possible she had used the many Jesuit power of voice on him forcing him to obey her words this however does not go as planned instead of do fear being more confident in the fact that lady Jessica is not interested in hurting Leto who fear is even more disturbed and considers Jessica even more dangerous than he had before but Jessica was not the traitor there is a traitor among slim but someone that could have never been suspected all the while House Atreides had been on Arrakis the Baron Vladimir Harkonnen had been plotting their destruction he indeed planted the letter to frame Jessica and the move suspicion even further away from the true traitor the Baron Harkonnen is a monstrosity of a man a sadistic pedophile and rapist he is grossly fat and must be held up by suspense errs despite of all this the Baron is also a genius and is recognized for his remarkable insight in knowing people this is demonstrated in the way he has developed the roles of his nephews the brutish class soon Robin and the Barons favored fade ratha and also demonstrated in the maintenance of the Barons own mint at the twisted peiter DeVries the Baron has proven throughout his time as the leader of a major house to be incredibly cruel and has earned house Harkonnen its reputation slavery murder and torture on a wide scale find no fault in the Barons mind the harkonnens and the Atreides have been feuding for generations the Baron now had the chance to destroy the house once and for all and with the Emperor backing him he did not know how he could fail and he knew that the traitor amongst the Atreides would not be detected because he had recruited the help of a man conditioned against doing harm to eliminate House Atreides Vladimir Harkonnen had taken the soup dr. yu his wife Juan a prisoner threatening her with torture and even death unless you we complied with his demands dr. ue would go down as the first instance ever of Imperial conditioning being broken youi could avoid detection from Jessica's troops sensing abilities due to the skills he had learned from his wife Juana who was trained by the Beni jezzer at school as well under the cover of night house Harkonnen launches a devastating attack on House Atreides ue disables the protective shields around the Atreides palace and House Atreides soon falls to the Emperor's old sardick our soldiers disguised as her Conan's the Emperor does not wish his hand and this to be known Leto and Jessica and Paul are sedated with drugs NUI also replaces one of the Dukes teeth with a false one that could emit a poison gas new he encourages the Duke to kill the Baron with the poison gas when he is close enough to him the Duke himself would die as well but the Baron would be no more Leto is taken prisoner by the Baron and Jessica and Paul are taken to the deep desert to die in the Sun without still suits or be consumed by the sandworms survival on Arrakis is brutal water is the most precious thing on the planet rather than spikes Frank Herbert has stated that the scarcity of water on Arrakis is meant to be an analogue for the scarcity of oil on earth the surface of the planet is almost entirely dry doomed deserts hence the planets less formal named dune the heat in the desert is sweltering and miserable without a still suit to recycle the body's water one will be dead within hours during the daytime the Fremen inhabitants of the desert even with still suits only travel at night while in the owner Thopter a flying vehicle driven by her conan henchman Paul and Jessica used their Benny Jesuit skills to get free of their bondage understanding some of the strange powers possessed by students of the sisterhood the Baron insisted that the lady Jessica be gagged the entire time he also insisted that one of the three captors be death and therefore immune to Jessica's ability of voice but the fools did not listen to the Barons words the deaf man known as Scarface was left behind Paul for the first time manages to use the Benny desert power of voice convincing the men to remove Jessica's gag and when it is done the highly skilled Jessica manipulates one man to kill the other and remove Paul's bonds as well Paul then skillfully crushes the man's heart killing him instantly this is the first man Paul has ever killed hidden within the ornithopter all and Jessica discover a bundle containing Latos ducal ring still suits food and other provisions clearly this bundle was left by the dr. Yui he is the only one that would have had access to the doctor and Leto serene Yui does this out of some sense of guilt and responsibility for his betrayal of House Atreides after the assault on House Atreides Yui finally confronts the Baron demanding to know what has become of his wife and as you he has already suspected the Baron had killed her but no matter to him he had already set a deadly trap for the Baron dr. Yui was killed then by the Barons twisted mentat Piter and would forever go down in history as a traitor the Baron then has Duke Leto brought to him he demands to know where Jessica and Paul have fled but the Duke truly does not know and would never tell the despicable Baron even if he did the Baron threatens to torture the dupe but Leto remembers the secret weapon that dr. Yui had planted on him Leto stared across the table wondering why he waited the tooth would end it all quickly still it had been good much of his life he found himself remembering an antenna kite up dangling in the show blue sky of Caledon and Paul laughing with joy at the sight of it and he remembered the sunrise here on Arrakis ha strata of the shield-wall mellowed by dust haze too bad the baron muttered he pushed himself back from the table stood up likely in his suspense errs and hesitated seeing a change come over the Duke he saw the man draw a deep breath jawline stiffen the ripple of muscle there as the duke clamped his mouth shut how he fears me the Baron thought shocked by the fear that the Baron might escape him Leto bid sharply on the capsule tooth felt it break opened his mouth and expelled the biting vapor he could taste it as it formed on his tongue the Baron grew smaller a figure seen in a tightening tunnel Leto heard a gasp beside his ear the silky voiced one peiter I got him to my turn what's wrong the rumbling voice was far away Leto sensed memories rolling in his mind the old toothless mutterings of hags the room the table the Baron the pair of terrified eyes blue within blue the eyes all compressed around him in ruined symmetry there was a man with a boot toe chin a toy man falling the toy man had a broken nose slanted to the left and offbeat metronome caught forever at the start of an upward stroke Leto heard the crash of crockery so distant a roaring in his ears his mind was a bin without end catching everything everything that had ever been ever shout every whisper every silence one thought remained to him Leto saw in formless light rays of black the day the flesh shapes and the flushed the day shapes the thought struck him with a sense of fullness he knew he could never explain silence the twisted mentat Piter is killed instantly and the rest of the men in the room die as well including the noble Duke Leto but the baron manages to escape in the nick of time and preserves his own life now lost in the desert all and Jessica must find a way to survive it is during this time however that Paul's powers truly begin to awaken Paul since the hyper alertness of his mind greeting her reactions computing on minutiae you see it now he said satellites watched the terrain below there are things in the deep desert that will not bear frequent inspection you're suggesting that the guild itself controls this planet she was so slow no he said the Freeman they are paying the guild for privacy paying in a coin that is freely available to anyone with desert power spice this is more than a second approximation answer this is the straight line computation depend on it Paul Jessica said you're not a mint at yet you can't know for sure hell I'll never be a mint act he said I am something else a freak Paul how can you say such leave me alone as Paul's abilities heighten more and more becomes clear to him for one the freeman hold much more power than initially believed the Freeman people who exist in greater numbers than anyone had ever expected are the secret power on Arrakis they are overlooked by most members of the Imperium and are considered to be primitive savages Frank Herbert based several parts of their society and culture off of real-life Arabic traditions the Fremen had come to the planet Arrakis thousands of years ago over the centuries that they have been on doomed only the fittest have survived their culture has adapted a way of life to survive and even thrive in the harsh conditions of the planet the Freeman are also known to be amazing fighters Freeman's society is organized into communities of people called C etches leading each CH is an e on the Arabic word meaning deputy or representative of authority who ascends to leadership upon defeating his predecessor in combat proving himself to be the strongest member of the tribe a notable characteristic of the freeman is their blue in blue eyes the result of spiced addiction the spice is everywhere on Arrakis all Freeman developed blue in blue eyes well before they reach adulthood now in the desert plains of Arrakis exposed to more spice than ever before Paul's awareness expands dramatically his vision is clearer than anyone before him if you are not the quiz that's hadurok Jessica said what you couldn't possibly know he said you won't believe it until you see it and he thought I'm a seed he suddenly saw how fertile was the ground into which he had fallen and with this realization the terrible purpose filled him creeping through the empty space within threatening to choke him with grief he had seen two main branchings along the way ahead in one he confronted an old evil baron and send hello grandfather the thought of that path and what lay along it sickened him the other path held long patches of gray obscurity except for peaks of violence he had seen a warrior religion there a fire spreading across the universe with the Atreides green and black banner waving at the head of fanatic legions drunk on spiced liqueur gurney Halleck and a few other of his father's min a pitiful few were among them all marked by the hawk symbol from the shrine of his father's skull I can't go that way he muttered that's what the old witches of your school really want I don't understand you Paul his mother said he remained silent thinking like the seed he was thinking with the race consciousness he had first experienced as terrible purpose he found that he no longer could hate the Bene Jesuit or the Emperor or even the harkonnens they were all caught up in the need of their race to renew its scattered inheritance to cross and mingle and infuse their bloodlines in a great new pooling of gene and the race knew only one sure way for this the ancient way the tried and certain way that rolled over everything in its path jihad surely I cannot choose that way he thought but he saw again in his mind's eye the shrine of his father's skull and the violence with the green and black banner waving in its midst Jessica cleared her throat worried by his silence then the Fremen will give us sanctuary he looked up staring across the green lighted tent at the inbred patrician in lines of her face yes he said that's one of the ways he nodded yes they'll call me Maddy the one who points the way yes that's what they'll call me and he closed his eyes thinking now my father I can mourn you and he felt the tears coursing down his cheeks book one of the first novel ends here with the revelations that the Baron Harkonnen is actually the maternal grandfather of paul the lady Jessica's own father though this information is not known to her or the Baron and also that they will find sanctuary amongst the desert people the Fremen Paul also senses a terrible purpose a great jihad of violence that will spread a religious war in his name after managing to survive in the desert for a while on their own Paul and Jessica eventually do encounter the Fremen the naive of this tribe still GAR after viewing the fighting prowess of Jessica her weirding way the special martial arts of the many Jesuit he agrees to allow Jessica and Paul to enter the tribe on the neck addition that they will teach them the weirding way Jessica must play a very delicate game using her knowledge of the Sisterhood's mission ara protect Eva she will manipulate the Freeman people in order to preserve House Atreides the superstitions maintained by the Freeman detailed the coming of a prescient son of AB in each s rate who would leave them to freedom this figure is referred to as the least son alga even Freeman myth and this is the son that will become the Mahdi the Arabic word meaning the guided one of the Freeman and lead them to freedom long have the Freeman people been spat upon and oppressed by the Imperium and a myth such as this was highly appealing to them thus from the moment Paul and Jessica arrived on Arrakis the freeman had believed that their prophecies were being fulfilled the fact that the Mahdi legend specifically had been planted on doom indicates to Jessica that conditions on doom are truly horrible the MIDI legend she knew was reserved for only the harshest environments where a mini Jesuit would need the maximum advantage over surrounding influences over the course of the next two years Paul would amass more and more power respect and influence amongst the Freeman people he has established himself as a prophet a powerful religious leader to the Fremen his skills in combat are now legendary amongst the Freeman for he has trained a squad of death commandos called the fader King the most loyal and deadly soldiers on all of Arrakis at this point the Emperor Shaddam along with the Baron are Conan and the rest of the Imperium assumed that Paul and Jessica are dead during this time Paul has taken the Freeman woman Shawnee daughter of late kinds as concubine they have a son together named Leto for Paul's father Jessica has become saya Deena of the Fremen a rogue Reverend Mother due to the misiΓ³n era protect Eva many French cultures such as the Freeman have produced so-called wild Reverend mothers who possess many of the skills of the many Jesuit Reverend mothers but without official training Jessica encounters one of them during the spiced agony she absorbs the dying Reverend mother's consciousness and unblocks her own genetic memory by converting the deadly truths they're drugged the water of life but the cost was greater than she understood Jessica since before the Harkonnen attack had been carrying the daughter of Duke Leto Atreides and when Jessica underwent the spice agony unblocking her genetic memory aleeah's genetic memory is unlocked as well and in that instant she becomes a reverend mother to alia is her mother and her grandmother and her grandfather the full maternal genetic bloodline in one mind the many Jesuit consider a child such as this to be abomination you should have told us you were pregnant Jessica found the voice that talked with in the mutual awareness why this changes both of you only mother what have we done Jessica sensed a force to shift in the mutual awareness saw another mote presence within the inward eye the other mote darted wildly here they're circling it radiated pure terror you'll have to be strong the old Reverend mother's image prescient said be thankful it is a daughter you carry this would have killed a male fetus alia you see was pre born the shock and trauma that this brought unto the unborn child was catastrophic what happens when a person does not have the time to establish their own personality the weight of the egos stretching back through the genetic history becomes unbearable eventually the ego memories of the person's ancestors could assert themselves and eventually govern the person's behavior possession alyas strangeness is frightening to the Fremen she is a child but not a child they do not understand her there is yet misunderstanding because of Aaliyah's strangeness the women are fearful because a child little more than an infant talks of things that only adults should know they do not understand the change in the womb that made aliyah different paul's concerned that he will be the instigator of a jihad or holy war led by the Fremen under his banner is perhaps one of the most important motifs in dune he worries that the religious war will spread across the galaxy as House Atreides and the Fremen kill everyone in their path Paul thinks that the reason for this religious war is that it will invigorate the human gene pool which has been stagnant during the last ten thousand years into the but Larian jihad Paul deeply desires to free himself from these possible futures he spends the rest of the book considering his options in every situation attempting to predict each outcome and trying to take the course that will prevent such bloody violence the jihad is the embodiment of Paul's sense of terrible purpose a cursed fate that he feels he must resist during the time with the Freeman Paul encounters the now dead Lee at Khan's Imperial Planet ologists who was an all but name one of the Fremen Paul learns of the Fremen plans to terraform the planet doom into an Eden full of life guided by kinds after kinds is murdered by the harkonnens it is Paul who begins to replace him as the spiritual and military leader of the Fremen the final test in Paul becoming a freeman is for him to mount a sand worm the worm riding ritual is a coming-of-age ritual among the Fremen people and in that moment his vision is blocked he has not seen this moment in his prescience and therefore he does not know the outcome it came from the southeast a distant hissing ass and whisper presently he saw the faraway outline of the creatures track against the dawn light and realized he had never before seen a maker this large never heard of one this size it appeared to be more than half a league long and the rise of the sand wave at its cresting head was like the approach of a mountain this is nothing I have seen my vision or in life Paul cautioned himself he hurried across the path of the thing to take his stand caught up entirely by the rushing needs of the moment Paul of course survives this test and mounts his first worm but the young men of the tribe are not contended they clearly see Paul as the strongest member of the tribe and wonder why he has not called out still GAR yet who has grown close to both the idea of replacement or recycling is important to the Fremen water is scarce on Arrakis so the Fremen used the water from the dead corpses to replenish their wells even in light of this Paul has no wish to kill still Garn later the Fremen discover a spice smuggling operation taking place in their territory Paul realizes that the operation is being led by none other than gurney Halleck former master of arms two House Atreides he survived the Harkonnen raid Paul reveals himself to gurney who confirms to Paul that he is still his Duke and he remains loyal to him after leading gurney and his smuggler men into a Freeman cavern several of the so-called smugglers reveal themselves to be sardick our soldiers in disguise they attack but the Fremen kill all but a few of them aw allow a few to escape so that they can report back to house Harkonnen of the fighting power of the freeman the Baron Harkonnen in the time since the raid on House Atreides has regained the fiefdom of Arrakis he has manipulated aging mint at the fair Howard into serving him the Baron who resides on GD Prime has placed his cruel nephew the Beast Rabanne in charge of the people on the planet dune fade ratha who the baron intends to precede him has grown impatient and wants the Baron dead in one instance while raping a slave boy the Baron is almost killed by a poison needle that was implanted into the boy's thigh the Baron knows that fade is to blame he quickly realizes who fades spies are within his guard he orders them to be killed immediately the Baron confronts fade ratha and chastises him for the attempt on his life he tells the teenager that one day not too far in the future he will step down and allow a drought that to succeed him the Baron also assigns through fear to watch over fame from this point on for now fay decides not to make another attempt on the Barons life eventually the freeman attempt to force paul to call out still gar but he refuses instead all accepts his role as mu Adeeb the prophetic leader he uses this road to differentiate himself from still gars more secular position the freeman accept this and also accept paul's other role as duke of Arrakis paul has also learned that the Baron Harkonnen has cut off robin in supplies and reinforcements it will then be easy for the Fremen people to take control of Arrakis from the harkonnens and they are ready to fight they are willing to die for their liberation gurney Halleck upon seeing the lady jessica quickly attacks her still under the belief that she was the traitor to house a tradies he threatens to kill her while he holds a knife to her throat Paul however convinces gurney that Jessica was not the traitor but that it was instead the dr. Yui who betrayed House Atreides gurney becomes overwhelmed with shame and asked to be killed but Paul refuses in Earth's history messianic figures are typically passive Jesus for example though much violence has occurred in his name since his death what works of sci-fi and fantasy are different in them the Savior or the one will often lead his people to triumph by violent means Aragorn daenerys targaryen Paul is destined to fill the most common role in fantasy and science fiction the Savior who will lead his adopted people to victory over their enemies by using violence and Paul remains aware of the significance of his power and the jihad that may be a consequence of that power what Paul was not the quiz ATS had iraq yet he had realized something during Gurney's attempt on his mother's life he had not foreseen it in any vision his body had slowly acquired a certain spice tolerance that made prescient visions fewer and fewer dimmer and dimmer the solution of erred obvious to him I will drown the maker we will see now whether I am the quiz ATS had a rap who can survive the test that the Reverend mother's have survived Paul decides to take the deadly water of life the truth seer drug which no male has ever survived and it came to pass in the third year of the desert war that Paul Muad'Dib lay alone in the cave of burns beneath the key SWA hangings of an inner cell and he lay as one dead caught up in the revelation of the water of life his being translated beyond the boundaries of time by the poison that gives life thus was the prophecy made that the Leeson alga might be both dead and alive after three weeks in a coma Paul emerges as the quiz asshat Iraq he looks into space and sees that the Emperor and the harkonnens have amassed a huge are ma de to invade the planet to regain the control that Rabanne has lost some time later the CH were alia and late till the second reside is attacked and the sardick our soldiers kill lake tow and take alia prisoner alia is then brought to the capital city of Arrakis Arrakeen by the Emperor Shaddam himself it is here that the story comes to its climax my dear baron the emperor said become acquainted with the sister of MU Adeeb the system the Baron shifted his attention to the Emperor I do not understand I too sometimes err on the side of caution the Emperor said it has been reported to me that you're unhappy today poll or regions exhibit evidence of human activity but that's impossible the Baron protested the worms there's San clear to the these people seem to be able to avoid the worms the Emperor send the child sat down on the dais beside that the mangled her feet over the edge kicking them there was such an air of sureness in the way she appraised her surroundings the baron stared at the kicking feet the way they moved the black road the wing of sandals beneath the fabric unfortunately the emperor said i only sit in five troop carriers with a light attack force to pick up prisoners for questioning we barely got away with three prisoners and one carrier mind you baron mice our dakar were almost overwhelmed by a force composed mostly of women children and old men this child here was in command of one of the attacking groups you see your majesty the Baron said you see how they are I allowed myself to be captured the child said I did not want to face my brother and have to tell him that his son had been killed only a handful of our men got away the Emperor said got away you hear that we'd had them - the child said except for the flames my Sardar car used the attitudinal jets on their carriers as flame throwers the Emperor said a move of desperation and the only thing that got them away with their three prisoners mark that my dear baron sardick are forced to retreat in confusion from women and children and old men we must attack them in force the baron rasp we must destroy every last vestige of silence the emperor roared he pushed himself forward on his throne do not abuse my intelligence any longer you stand there in your foolish innocence and majesty the truth Sayre said he waved her to silence you say you don't know about the activity we found nor the fighting qualities of these superb people the Emperor lifted himself half off his throne what do you take me for the Baron took two backward steps thinking it was Rabanne he has done this to me Rabanne has and this fake dispute with do Plato the Emperor purred sinking back into his throne how beautifully you maneuvered it Majesty the Baron pleaded what are you silence the old Binni Jesuit put a hand on the Emperor's shoulder leaned close to whisper in his ear the child seated on the Dia's stopped kicking her feet and said make him afraid some more Shaddam I shouldn't enjoy this but I find the pleasure impossible to suppress quiet child the Emperor said a lean forward put a hand on her head stared at the Baron is it possible Baron could you be as simple-minded as my truth Sayer suggests do you not recognise this child daughter of your ally Duke Leto my father was never his ally the child said my father is dead and this old Harkonnen beast has never seen me before the Baron was reduced to stupefied glaring when he found his voice it was only to rasp Who I am alia daughter of the Duke Leto and the lady Jessica sister of Duke Paul Muad'Dib the child said she pushed herself off the Dia's dropped to the floor of the onion chamber my brother has promised to have your head atop this battle standard and I think he shall be hush child and the Emperor said and he sank back into his throne hand to chin studying the Baron I do not take the Emperor's orders alia said she turned looked up at the old Reverend mother she knows the Emperor glanced up at his truth Sayer what does she mean this child is an abomination you babble old woman Illya said you don't know how it was yet you rattle on like a purr blind fool Illya closed her eyes took a deep breath and held it the old Reverend Mother groaned and staggered alia opened her eyes that is how it was she said a cosmic accident and you played your part in it the Reverend mother held out both hands palms pushed the air toward alia what is happening here the Emperor demanded child can you truly project your thoughts into the mind of another that is not how it is at all alia said unless I am born as you I cannot think as you kill her the old woman muttered and clutched the back of the throne for support kill her the sunken old eyes glared at alia silence the Emperor said and he studied oddly a child can you communicate with your brother my brother knows I'm here alia sending can you tell him to surrender as the price of your life alia smiled up at him with clear innocence I shall not do that she said the Baron stumbled forward to stand beside alia Majesty he pleaded I knew nothing of interrupt me once more baron the emperor said and you will lose the powers of interruption forever he kept his attention focused on alia studying her through slitted lids you will not a can you read my mind what I'll do if you disobey me I've already said I cannot read minds she said but one does not need to let the thief to read your intentions the emperor scowled child your cause is hopeless I have but to rally my forces and reduce this planet too it is not that simple Alya sin she looked at the two guilds Minh asked them it's not wise to go against my desires the Emperor said you should not deny me the least thing my brother comes now a listen even an emperor may tremble before mu a deed for he has the strength of a righteousness and heaven smiles upon him the Emperor surged to his feet this play has gone far enough I will take your brother and this planet and grind into the moon crumbled and shook around them there came a sudden cascade of sand behind the throne where the hutment was coupled to the Emperor's ship the abrupt flickering tightening of skin pressure told of a wide-area shield being activated I told you Ilia said my brother comes it is at this moment under cover of a giant sandstorm Paul and his army of Freeman warriors attacked the capital city riding on the backs of dozens of giants and worms they destroy the shield wall in the chaos alia kills the Baron Harkonnen and escapes the Emperor I'm sorry grandfather alia said you've met the Atreides gum Jabbar she got to her feet dropped a dark needle from her hand unlike Duke Leto Atreides the Baron Harkonnen never saw the potential of the Freeman he viewed them as savages and that was the death of him alia then goes to seek out and slit the throats of any wound in Harkonnen and sardick our soldiers as freeman tradition dictates upon witnessing the calming onslaught the Emperor Shaddam and the Reverend mother Gaius realize that they have but one weapon left to them treachery the Fremen quickly defeat the Emperor sardick are and Paul takes his place at the Arrakeen governor's mansion which was the home of House Atreides when they first arrived on the planet doom Paul has one of the captives sardick our soldiers relay a message to shadow Paul wishes to discuss the Emperor surrender at this point however Paul can still see the jihad which worries him the Emperor and his entourage arrived at the mansion the emperor has instructed to fear to kill Paul using a poison needle but do fear refuses he dies in Paul's arms due to a poison that the Baron had administered to him in secret the Emperor then threatens to order the ships of the Lance Iraq who hovered above the planet to attack the Fremen but Paul orders the spacing yield to force the Lance Arad ships to leave the guild obeys he who controls the spice and that was now Pohl Atreides the Emperor was powerless Paul sees the Reverend Mother as well Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohan Paul said it has been a long time since Caledon hasn't it she looked past him at his mother said well Jessica I see that your son is indeed the one for that you can be forgiven even the abomination of your daughter all stilled a cold and piercing Engler and said you have never had the right or cause to forgive my mother anything the old woman locked eyes with him try your tricks on me old witch Paul said where is your gum Jabar try looking into that place where you dare not look you'll find me there staring out at you the old woman dropped her gaze have you nothing to say Paul demanded I welcome you to the ranks of humans she muttered don't besmirch that poll raised his voice observe her comrades this a mini Jesuit Reverend Mother patient in a patient cause she could wait with her sisters nineteen generations for the proper combination of genes and environment to produce the one person their schemes required observe her she knows that the nineteen generations have produced that person here I stand but I will never do her bidding Jessica the old woman screamed silence him silence him yourself Jessica said Paul glared at the old woman for your part in this I could gladly have you strangled he said you couldn't prevent it he snapped as she stiffened in rage but I think it better punishment that you live out your years never able to touch me or bend me to a single thing your scheming desires Jessica what have you done the old woman demanded I'll give you only one thing Paul said you saw part of what the race means but how poorly you saw it you think to control breeding and intermix a select few according to your master plan how little you understand of what you mustn't speak of these things the old woman hissed silence Paul roared the word seemed to take substance as it twisted through the air between them under Paul's control the old woman reeled back into the arms of those behind her face blank with shock at the power with which he had seized her psyche Jessica she whispered Jessica I remember your gum Jabar all said you remember mine I can kill you with a word the freeman around the ball glanced knowingly at each did the legend not say and his word shall carry death eternal to those who stand against righteousness it is here that fade ratha har conan comes forth it all had been born a girl as the sisterhood intended he would have likely married fade Ralpha but instead they cannot coexist fade challenges called to a duel fade cheats but still Falls to Paul Muad'Dib nonetheless the emperor's last hope is that Fidan ring also a product of the Bene jesuit breeding plan who was almost a quiz etcetera himself would slay Paul but Finn ring refuses feeling a special connection with Paul the emperor is out of options Paul ascends the throne and is allowed to marry the Emperor's daughter the princess Irulan he ensures taani that the marriage is strictly political and that he will remain loyal to her book 1 in the doom saga ends here with Paul's ascension to emperor of the Imperium as Paul does not know how he intends to avert the religious jihad we also do not know how he plans to bring peace the novel presents only one allusion to Paul's future plans they sense that I must take the throne but they cannot know I do it to prevent the jihad as emperor of the Imperium all would be the most powerful person in the universe Paul hopes to use this power to prevent the deaths of millions of each chapter header in doom includes a quote by the princess Irulan many about Paul by the end we do not know whether these quotations are in praise of a great religious leader who brought a time of peace or in praise of a person who brought a deadly war we still do not know whether the Fremen will become soldiers of war or guardians of peace the ending is left ambiguous the action in doom reaches its peak toward the final pages and the novel ends suddenly and anticlimactically many avenues remain unexplored Paul rising to ruler of the Imperium and the Freeman regaining control of Arrakis is a complete reversal of the status from the novel's opening at the beginning of dune shadow and the barren dominated the Atreides and the Freeman the power structure of Arrakis has changed since Paul was on Caledon Paul is not only now Duke of Arrakis but he is also the new emperor of the universe the Freeman will soon turn their planet into the garden paradise that kind spoke of and they have long desired once this change occurs however we wonder how the Freeman's culture will change because of it doom is possibly the most influential sci-fi novel of all time it combines sci-fi and fantasy with the multi-layered interactions of important social issues concerning human social interaction religion and genetic development dune is widely considered to be far ahead of its time in pointing out the importance of preserving the ecology of a planet the conservation of resources and by addressing the complexities of religion doom explored a topic that surprisingly was rarely addressed in science fiction prior dooms portrayal of the downfall of the Galactic Empire has been compared to Edward Gibbons decline and fall of the Roman Empire Lorenzo de Tomaso outlined similarities between the two works highlighting the excesses of Emperor Shaddam and the Baron Harkonnen the Emperor loses his effectiveness as a ruler from excess of ceremony and pompous de Tomaso points out that the Baron is similarly materially indulgent corrupt and sexually decadent Gibbons decline and fall blames the fall of Rome on the rise of Christianity complacency weakened the soldiers of Rome and left it open to attack similarly the Emperor's sardick our fighters are no match for the Fremen of Arrakis because of their own overconfidence and the Freeman's capacity for self-sacrifice the Freeman put the community before themselves in every instance while the world outside wallows in luxury at the expense of others Doom has before been criticized for presenting a sexist portrayal of women this couldn't be further from the truth Paul's approach to power required his upbringing under the female-oriented many Jesuit without his mother's training he would have never become the quizzes hadurok though the sisterhood claims that they only exist to serve they secretly operate as a long dominating shadow government behind all of the Great Houses and their marriages or divisions the doom universe only appear to be patriarch who at first glitz throughout the novel as Paul becomes more and more powerful more alien to the reader Jessica remains human mentoring Paul at crucial moments Frank Herbert did six years of research before he began writing dune he spent a year and a half writing the first novel he conceived of a long novel what became a trilogy was initially one book about the messianic convulsions and periodically overtake mankind demagogues fanatics con game artists the innocent and the not so innocent bystanders all were to have a part in this drummer this grows from my theory that superheroes are disastrous for humankind even if we find a real hero whatever or whoever that may be eventually fallible mortals take over the power structure that always comes into being around such a leader Frank Herbert doom Genesis Frank Herbert understood that during difficult times people become perfectly willing to give over their agency all decision-making capacity to any leader who can quote wrap himself in the myth fabric of society Hitler Churchill Franklin Roosevelt and Stalin are among the examples Frank Herbert names Frank Herbert points out that although these figures often have larger-than-life appearances each possesses human faults this is a major theme of the doom saga never give your critical faculties away to people in power regardless of how admirable these people may seem to be the novel dune understands that power attracts the corruptible people who want power for the sake of it frank herbert's suggests that a certain proportion of such people are imbalanced or perhaps even insane Frank Herbert believed that humanity must continue to evolve or it would die I now believe that evolution or D evolution never in short of death that no society has ever achieved an absolute pinnacle that all humans are not created equal in fact I believe attempts to create some abstract equalization create amorous of injustice 'as that rebound on the equalizers equal justice and equal opportunity our ideals we should seek but we should recognize that humans administer the ideals and that humans do not have equal ability this quote may be off-putting to some but all it is saying is that yes some humans are smarter than others some have greater physical prowess regardless of this we should embrace these differences while still providing equal justice and protection under the law and not pretend that all humans are the same in the next part of this series we will explore the second novel in Frank Herbert's original doom series doom Messiah which details the consequences of Paul's ascension to ruler of the universe or more doom check out the videos in the doom playlist on my channel [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Quinn's Ideas
Views: 1,628,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paul Atreides, Blade Runner 2049, comicbookgirl19, notes, remake, Sandworms, history, new movie, David Lynch, and, Fire, Spice, Ultimate Guide, the Baron Harkonnen, Alia, Syfy miniseries, summary, Denis Villeneuve, Bene Gesserit, Dune, Tleilaxu, the arrival, Ice, Children of Dune, spice melange, explained, Lore, of, Frank Herbert, Duneclub, Dune Lore, Ideas
Id: 5ga4PYMKwQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 27sec (4407 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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