New Diet Coke Flavor Taste Test I STUFF WE TRY THAT YOU CAN'T BUY

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- Are Diet Coke's new flavors a good idea? - Let's talk about that. (playful theme music) - Good Mythical Morning. - Mmm, getting limbered up, 'cause we got a good show for you today. We're gonna be highlighting some of the weirdest gadgets from the Consumer Electronics Show, and we'll be playing the brand new, just released Street Fighter, hadoken. - Oh gosh. - But first, - Please no. - Coke just announced that they're releasing four new flavors of Diet Coke, and we can't let that happen without doing Stuff We Try That You Can't Buy: Diet Coke Edition. - Okay, so this story about the new Diet Coke flavors was trending last week, and we were about to look it up, but then the Mythical Crew was like, no, don't look like it up! They threatened our lives. - Okay, okay, we won't look it up. - Because they wanted to play a game with these new flavors. - Yeah, and although they are not yet available, we had Mythical Chef Tess, who is in the wings, create these new Diet Coke flavors, so that we can try them and then see if we can guess what the flavors that Diet Coke has decided. And also ascertain whether it's a good idea or not. - And might I say, I'm sick and cannot taste flavors. - I can hear, you can hear in his nose that it's not a viable passage of breathing. - It's not fully functioning. Something's getting blocked in there. - Are you a mouth breather today, because don't, - No, it's still going in, but something's happening that's changing the shape of the vocal situation. All I know is you have a distinct advantage, so you might win for once. - Amen to that. So we're gonna test the four official ones, and then Tess has created some other ones that, hey, well maybe we'll discover something they should also do. Whoever guesses the least amount right has to drink a punishment Diet Coke that is going to be piping hot. - I think that might be good right now. - Hot Coke. Oh you wanna lose? - Yeah. - Don't tell 'em that, 'cause then it's not gonna feel good when I win. - I'm gonna try my hardest. - [Together] Round one. - Okay we got our flavor helmet taster on. Well it's not a helmet taster, it's a helmet flavor taster. - Yeah, I haven't tasted the helmet yet. This is a new one, by the way, it has a built-in height difference, you see this little thing. - It's brilliant. - Link's always complaining about the unevenness, now you got this little thing. - Yeah, alright, so Alex, pour in the first official Diet Coke flavor. - Now? - Yeah, load it up. Alright, now I'm not hitting my value yet, are you Rhett? - I am going to now. - I got hit with a Diet Coke blast. - I am gonna be so bad at his. It just tastes like carbonation. - You're not getting anything, huh/ - I mean I can tell that there's flavor. You know what I mean, I know that it's flavored. I have no idea what it is. - Well I will say there's kind of a bite to it, kind of like what Dr. Pepper has, and like a medicine-y aftertaste. - Yeah, I can relate to that. - [Stevie] Do you want a hint? - Yeah. - [Stevie] There's something in here that technically is good for Rhett, because he has a cold right now. - Okay, I got it, I got it. - Okay, you ready? - You got it? - Yep. - Three, two, one. - Orange. - Ginger. - Orange. - [Stevie] Okay, half point Rhett, it's ginger lime. - Dang Rhett. - No taste boy in the house. - No taste boy. Ginger lime. - Yeah, I could taste the ginger. - Yeah, the ginger I could taste, and-- - Speaking to me. - I didn't like it. - [Together] Round two. - [Link] Alright Alex, down the hatch. - You're so good at this, Alex. - I'm not hitting my valve yet. Ooh, I got a little dribble. Now, ginger lime on the last one makes me realize that these flavors are not gonna be around forever. - You don't think so, ginger's in everything now, though. - I just think that it's an exciting thing, it's a good marketing ploy Diet Coke, but unless you up your game with the next three, you don't have anything that's got staying power. That's my prediction. - Oh wow, strong words. - [Link] But let me taste this one. - I got it. - It's a real gusher. - I think I can taste better now. - Are you serious, you got it immediateLy? - I mean I got a flavor. - I'm thinking fruit, it's definitely fruity. - Is it one of those combo things, like the last one? - [Stevie] It is not a combo. - I've never heard of a soft drink this flavor, but I've always wondered why it doesn't exist. So I've got a guess, I'm not too confident. - Alright. - [Stevie] Okay, three, two, one. - Blueberry? - Black cherry. - [Stevie] It's mango. - Mango? - I'm broken. - [Together] Round three. - So these flavors are not completely out of left field so far. This is things that are familiar to the millennials. - It's kind of like they're getting on the La Croix game a little bit. - Mmhmm, this next one's gonna be Pomplamoose. Go ahead, Alex. - [Link] You know what to do. - [Rhett] Look, he's doing a no-look pour. - [Link] What are you looking at Alex? - [Rhett] That's next level, that's next level. - Are you looking at something, or are you just trying to be epic? - That was pretty cool, he did a no look, but then he was interested in what he wasn't looking at. - Just because you're wearing my t-shirt doesn't mean you can all the sudden be Mr. Epic. I've been looking for that t-shirt for over a year, he walks in today with a t-shirt, I'm like. I like your t-shirt. Where'd you get it? He was like, I found it in the loft. I was like, I've been looking for it for a year. - Well you shouldn't leave your t-shirts just in the loft. - I'm so glad he found it. I'll wear it tomorrow. - Now we have a winner. This is the first one that's good. This is some nice stuff. Citrusy, pleasant, it's like Sun-freaking-kist. - It tastes like Fanta. It really tastes like Fanta. - But it can't be orange, 'cause that's too obvious, and I've already guessed it, and I don't want to be a fool. - What? I think that's a good guess, that's probably what I'm gonna guess, because it's what I was thinking, it tastes like Fanta. - No it's more than that. - Is it a combo? - [Stevie] It's not a combo, I want to give you a hint without giving it to you, it's, oh, this is really gonna mess you up, but it's not a basic fruit, it's a little twist on a basic fruit. - It's an advanced fruit? - Oh shoot, what are those little oranges called? - Oh, it's not a, okay, I got it. - [Stevie] Alright ready, three, two, one. - Tangerine. - Kumquat. - [Stevie] It's blood orange. - Blood orange, I was, - Yeah, advanced, that's advanced orange. - I was exactly right, it was orange, but I didn't want to say orange. - Yeah, we should have just said orange. - Hey, that is a good Diet Coke move Diet Coke. - [Together] Round four. - Do it, Alex. Concentrated on that one. - Nuh uh, mmm, hmmm. - Tastes a lot like the last one. - It's starting to taste like Dr. Pepper to me, which I don't like. Actually, huh, there's a little grape-ishness in it, but again, that's too obvious. Is this a combo? - [Stevie] It's not a combo, this is my least, It's the most boring of all of them. - The most boring. - Okay, I got my guess. - I got nothing, it tastes exactly like the last one. - [Stevie] Wanna try? Three, two one. - Watermelon. - Lemon? - [Stevie] It's cherry, but it's feisty cherry, like they all have like, - Oh feisty cherry, of course. - You know what, always mouthing off that cherry. - [Together] Round five. - Okay, now we're moving into uncharted territory. Tess has made some other Diet Coke flavors that they have not sanctioned. But maybe they're watching. - We sanctioned 'em, well, somebody did. - And we'll discover something. - It's anybody's game. 'Cause it's half-point to zero. Very competitive. - Do it, Alex. A little savory, well actually, still dessert-y. - I got one, I got it. - Okay. - No hints, no hints, you just got it? - We don't need any hints. - I'm going for it. - I got it, too. - [Stevie] Okay, three, two, one. - Butterscotch. - Vanilla butterscotch. - Whoa, come on, you just took mine. - Cake batter. I'm actually, my guess is cake batter. - [Stevie] It's, oh, well this is difficult, it's buttery pancakes, so I feel like you both said words that are in that. - Ha ha, butter cake, buttery pancakes. - Nobody gets a point. - Hey, let's just give ourselves a point. You got zero. - Somebody gotta get points. - You want a half point, take a half point. I get a half point, you take a half point. - No, I'll take a full point. - Nope, well I'm taking whatever you're getting, so whatever you take, I'll take it. - One point. - One point for me, and one point for you. - [Together] Round six. - Pour us. He seemed uncomfortable with that one. - Meaty. - That is ridiculous. It almost has a Vegemite sort of, - Smoky. - Approach to it. - I'm not tasting, I'm not tasting salt, I'm tasting smoke. - Like a beef broth. - Yeah, it is like, it's beefy or smoky. Like is it cigarette flavored? - Yes. Take that one - Coke getting into - for free Diet Coke. - the nicotine business. - I don't know, I'm still tasting some of the buttery pancakes. - [Stevie] Okay, I'll give you a hint. This would be most likely to be consumed on a college campus. - A college campus that's beefy and smoky, it's vape flavored. - Beef vape. - Beef vape, final answer. - College campus? Okay, got it. - [Stevie] Okay, three, two, one. - Ramen. - Hot pocket. - [Stevie] It's ramen. - Dang it. Are you taking notes Coca-Cola? - It has a brothy-ness. - That is not good, that should be your note. - [Together] Round seven. Okay, so I pulled away a little bit Link. - Let's keep it interesting, though. - Okay, last round worth two points. Anybody's game. Okay, pour us. He's hesitant about this one. He's happy about it, though. - That's a surprise. - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I know what this is. - I don't want to know what this is. But I think I do. - Oh, no, no, I know what it is, but I can't-- - I'm ready to guess. - Hold on, hey, - Let's guess now. - Slow down. - Let's guess now. - Got it. - [Stevie] Okay, three, two, one. - Pickle. - Pickle juice. - [Stevie] You're both correct. (guys cheer) - Where's Link's hot Coke? - Congratulations. Are you sure you don't want to read the hot Coke? - Read the hot Coke? I'll read it. - I don't know why I said read. - You're gonna die later. - 'Cause you got a sore throat, I want you to try it. - Serious? - Yeah, you said-- - I don't have a sore throat, I got a stuffy nose. - It'll help with that. - You want me to snort it? - It'll help with that, you know, just take my punishment. - It's kind of nice. - Is it kind of nice? - Y'all should do that too, Coke. - I highly recommend - Serve it hot. - Getting the blood orange Diet Coke based on our preliminary findings. So check 'em all out, let us know what you think, and keep watching to see us play the brand new, just released Street Fighter. Momma always said there's no free lunch, but there are good sales. And we got a clearance sale happening right now until this Sunday, with 40% off select items at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 4,981,627
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Keywords: rhett and link, gmm, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, mythical morning, gmm food, Season 13, rhett, link, mythical, rhet new diet coke flavor taste test, link new diet coke flavor taste test, new diet coke flavor, rhett link new coke taste test, rhett link taste test, gmm taste test, gmm diet coke, diet coke, new diet coke, millennial diet coke, coca-cola, new diet coke flavors, coke flavors, street fighter 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2018
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