The Don't Starve Iceberg

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hello everyone i have a problem with don't starve when you start out in this game everything is super new and intimidating it pulls you in trying to figure out all the little details of the mysterious world presented to you however once you get to the stage where dying is no longer a problem the intrigue you had before is completely gone no longer do you worry about what the knight might be hiding because you feel like you've learnt it all already there's countless guides tutorials and wiki articles about the game all readily available to answer even the smallest inquiry and i'm gonna be honest here it's boring it's not the same game when you feel like you have the answer to everything so today i intend to change that i went out of my way to look for the most obscure information on don't starve i found stuff i had no idea existed an events i didn't even know happened and it was a lot of fun actually so i hope to share that with you through this chart i made from all the most well-known stuff to what i think are the most unknown feel free to skip the around this time if you think you know the basics but for everyone else let's begin the sky is where all the well-known knowledge about star resides like how every character's name starts with the letter w you have wilson willow wolfgang wendy wicks wicker wes you get the point not even max was exempt from this rule since according to the lore his real name is william carter which also happens to start with a w you know what else starts with w that's right we're hamble and was shipwrecked hamlet and shipwrecked are two dlcs for the single player version of the game both of which offer a variety of new play styles in an entirely new world i could go on about seasons bosses characters and biomes these introduced but that would probably take hours since both of these expansions are almost like a new game i recommend you play single player just to play them if you haven't already since it's one of those things you have to experience for yourself to appreciate fully charlie is the main antagonist of don't starve together she's the queen of the constant and behind all of the terrible bosses like bee queen she's also the thing that attacks you at night if you don't have a torch literally an omnipresent god and don't starve oh wait no you just got hit by charlie and now you lost a lot of sanity and now because of you there's going to be a bunch of nightmare creatures that spawn technically speaking there are seven different types of nightmare creatures there's the two regular ones that spawn frequently there's the terror claw which terrorizes you on a boat there's a wavy jones who doesn't actually attack you and instead prefers to mess with your boat there's the shadow hands which steal your fire and the nightmare introduced in shipwrecked god this game is a lot of and then there's the four bosses mr skitz mr skittish and this obscenely lawned guy yeah eat these green caps so a terror beak doesn't randomly kill you while you're watching this moving on the ruins this is the big scary end-game area of don't starve it contains a dangerous amount of ways to die ranging from more nightmare creatures to bishops sniping you across the map however this place also contains some of the best gear in the game so it's a high risk high reward kind of area on top of that if you want to beat the game you'll have to eventually travel here to be able to summon the final boss for a place that's hidden in some random corner of the caves it sure is a lot of stuff going for it the last entries on this tier are some stuff you can learn by watching the well-made gold star of animations like how abigail is dead wormwood is from the moon and wickford is just an actor and weber was eaten by a spider which somehow gave us this but you all know this don't you after all this tears fill with the most common knowledge about this game let's move on to some less common information the gorge and forge are some don't starve events which used to come around back in the day the forge was a fighting simulator in which these characters had to team up against waves and waves of ongoing enemies while the gorge was a cooking simulator it's more fun than it sounds i promise despite the positive reaction from the community the events barely made a profit due to the high expense of the servers which resulted in them only ever appearing three times the forge was playable in december of 2017 and again in 2018 while the gorge was only ever playable in june of 2018 luckily it is still possible to play these events through the use of the reforged and re-gorge the mods so if you want to experience them you can use those which i'll link in the description what's interesting about the gorge in particular is that it reveals some lore about the merms you see in the gorge you must feed this giant wormhole in the sky called the gnaw otherwise you get cursed if you get cursed the gnaw turns you into a merm it's kind of disgusting actually clay made a full-on animation for this transformation the point here is that every merm was a human at some point or at least a robot like wix it puts an interesting perspective on things because anytime you see a merm again you know that those things aren't monsters they're people disease this is probably the worst feature to have ever been added to this game and i am glad it was removed in 2020 for all those unfamiliar disease was a mechanic which would eventually rot all of your plants and make them unusable on the surface this sounds like a cool idea dst is now a complicated gardening simulator in which you must stop disease from spreading across your plants but it was nothing like that in fact everything you planted would contract disease every 50 or so days and there was no way to prevent this from happening no cures no little tricks to stop disease from appearing just pain i'm really happy it's gone so i don't have to worry about the inevitable death of grass don't starve new homes that don't starve spin-off licensed by clay but not actually developed by them that's fancy words for it's a non-canon free to play don't starve mobile game there's not much information on it since the game hasn't released yet but there is some early footage of it on youtube the basic gameplay involves new characters doing quests for the regular don't starve cast and from the looks of it that's about it sure there's a bit of survival in there as well as what seems to be some kind of main hub area but other than that it's just an endless quest simulator although i do find it kind of funny how much of a dick wilson is to the player also there's one thing i should probably mention before i move forward in june of this year a bunch of new home files were leaked which included some never-before-seen gold starved together sprites the reason i bring this up is to say that i won't be including any of these unused images in this video otherwise the entire thing would be me showing you a scrapped picture of some don't starve creature if you want to see more of these sprites i've added a link in the description to a forum post showcasing them all let's carry on wix was made by wagstaff for those who don't know who wagstaff is he is this inventor guy who appears in random parts of don't starve and this theory believes that he created wix at some point in time not only does wix's name closely match the format of one of wagstaff's other inventions but they appear to know each other from somewhere when wagstaff examines wix on the nightmare throne he says is that but it couldn't be and we can go further when wix examines wagstaff you he also tells another machine not to trust him clearly referencing wagstaff with all of this evidence it's pretty clear that the two have crossed paths at some point and it's likely that wagstaff created a wix i say likely because despite the proof there's no definitive hardcore evidence that he created wix it's just a theory a very likely theory tall birds were a failed experiment when you examine it albert as maxwell he says those were a failed experiment nothing else to say here it's kind of self-explanatory maxwell is wendy's uncle another short but important bit in wendy's animation we see her dad near the end of the video now is it just me or does this guy look suspiciously similar to maxwell like you get an image of him slap a mustache on him and bam you of wendy's father well as it turns out that's because this man is maxwell's brother jack carter in an image from the william carter puzzles we get an image of jack's letter which he sent to maxwell in this letter he mentions someone called the twins the characters are pawns metaphorically the single player don't starve game had a big chess team there's a bunch of clockworks imitating chess pieces living on turf that looks like a chessboard and the ending is simply titled checkmate the original don't starve game had only eight characters conveniently there's also eight pawns on a chessboard if we assume that maxwell is the kane and charlie the queen then we get a fully functional chess set this makes all the characters a literal pawn in maxwell's plan wagstaff is not in the constant another interesting theory the idea behind this one is that wagstaff is a hologram and not physically there in the constant if you listen closely to his voice you'll notice it gets more and more distorted when he's at low health take a listen at it for yourself [Music] it definitely sounds like a signal is getting weaker the more damaged he is another interesting detail is what happens when he sits on the nightmare throne normally no one is able to escape the nightmare throne not even maxwell and yet when you return to the throne in another playthrough wagstaff is nowhere to be found the explanation for this supports our current theory that wagstaff is not in the constant i mean it will be pretty difficult to hold something in place when that tin isn't even actually there still not convinced if we take a look at gold star together we can see that wagstaff is called a grainy transmission and flickers around like static okay yeah but the game is practically giving you the answer there he's not in the constant he's just a hologram so you know how all the characters voices are some kind of instrument well then what kind of instrument is used to make weber's voice seriously what even is this apparently someone on the forums had the same question and this is what a clay developer had to say i won't say i did drop a synth down the stairs but i won't say i didn't and to this day that is the only piece of information we have regarding weber's voice i synthesize synthesizer falling down the stairs wix's skeleton refers to the fact that you can see a full human skeleton inside wix when he is struck by lightning normally i'd say this has some kind of lore significance but it looks like it's just a visual gag since every character has weird bones in random parts of their body like why the hell do they have bones inside their hair and their dress again i do think this is just a funny visual gag added in by the developers because if that's not the case then that would mean we've been playing as flash monsters with our hair or clothes the entire time so we'll just say it's a visual gag meteos was the king of the ancient civilization that once existed in the caves beneath the surface of the don't starve world the civilization consisted of strange bug-like creatures which looked something like the statues in the ruins information on the meteos is limited to a bunch of murals from an official arg and a few quotes that appear in game but there is a story here videos is the one wielding the cane on the right while the other ruler is holding a torch according to the character quotes these depict a starving and failing civilization which becomes powerful and prosperous after discovering something from a portal the power was so strong that according to some in-game quotes the people shed their skins and transformed into what many believe are the nightmare creatures however the story doesn't end there as you can resume the king in the form of the ancient fuelweaver a lot of his quotes imply that his civilization eventually fell through the overuse of this power and he warns the survivors to not do the same mistake he did i say warn but in reality he beats you to the ground to stop you from activating the portal essentially the tale of a fallen kingdom maxwell's door is a structure that only spawns in single player which looks eerily similar to maxwell's face activating the door will lead you to adventure mode which is probably one of the hardest non-boss related things you can do in this game you're tasked with traveling through 5 different levels which are designed to be as difficult as possible there's a lot of dangerous mobs little resources and powerful clockworks guarding the exit to each level as you progress through the levels maxwell gets progressively more angry until he has had enough of you the final level involves you doing the same thing as normal but this time in permanent night time good luck beating this if you forgot to craft a miner's hat once you beat this final level you get to the gold star of ending where it turns out that maxwell was not the one in charge only a puppet by the real rulers named them war talks was initially a scrapped character for the single-player version of don't starve there's many unused characters but wartox was probably one of the more well-known ones he was so popular in fact that when clay teased the silhouette of him on the forums people instantly recognized war talks getting people excited over a seven-year-old unused character is quite the impressive feat but not as impressive as don't starve 2 what is don't starve 2 you ask well it's a pun i'm about to make unfunny by explaining it since making a multiplayer mode for don't starve has proven difficult play made an entirely new game specifically made to play multiplayer a sequel of sorts don't starve 2 together this actually goes a bit deeper when you break down the word together into to get her the title of the game turns into don't starve to get her referencing how the end goal of the game is to reach her and escape the game when i first found out about this i was shocked i didn't know that clay was shakespeare although i guess after writing thousands of wilson quotes it turns you into him the world's edge is the edge of the world originally it was just a bunch of fake waves before real water was added however even the surreal waters an end to it and eventually you'll reach this waterfall that leads to a deeper ocean something about this sight has always unnerved me and i can't explain why i guess it's just the idea that something bigger and better is out there it makes you feel small when you realize the entire map is just a tiny plateau above a massive dark ocean this feeling is made more creepy if you play shipwrecked in shipwrecked at the edge of the world is a bunch of fog obscuring the screen if you enter the fog it plops you back on the other side of the map while the character mentions feeling some intouch in them it's a very well designed way of making the player feel small for if you venture too far you realize that this inviting tropical vacation is actually a tiny speck in the void filled world of don't starve afk servers is something you might stumble upon while searching the server list there's a surprising amount of people who turn this game on just the afk for skins that you receive playing it the way the system works is that you get a gift for opening the game and then you can get another 8 per week for playing it it's understandable why people do this since don't starve has really good chances for receiving rare items it's not uncommon to see screenshots of people logging into the game only to be greeted by a character's skin there's been a rumor spreading around that it's possible to get dlc characters this way but as far as i know those rumors are false though apparently it's possible to receive skins for a character you haven't unlocked yet so there's that wes brought the crows to the constant if you examine a crow's maxwell he says i don't know how they got here implying that he did not create the birds despite creating much of the rest of the creatures so how did they get here well in the west's animation we see him piss off two crows and then accidentally run into a portal bringing the crows with him i'll let you put two and two together one theory i've heard is that one of these crows became corvus good feather the guy behind the carnival however there's no real proof for that another interesting theory about this video is how all of wes's bad look begins right after he breaks an imaginary mirror which is said to give you seven years of bad luck you did this to yourself you fool epilogue island the area you reach after beating adventure mode this place is shrouded in mystery as nothing you explore will save on your map making it difficult to explore somewhere on this island hidden in the darkness is a graveyard with the developers names on the graves there's also a small island that's only accessible with cheats there appears to be a machine which can take you out of epilogue island however using it will just return you to maxwell done [Music] overall the place feels like it's hiding something more but in reality there's not much there walter is canadian okay let's speed on this one in walter's animation we see him holding a map with the wereweaver on it the werebe vs woody and woody's canadian therefore the myth of the werebeaver must be in canada and if walter is searching for a mythical canadian creature in canada then he's probably canadian got it quick drop is a mechanic in don't starve which allows you to instantly drop items by right clicking them this feature was not always in the game though and if you wanted to drop items quickly you'd have to download a mod called quick drop the mod was eventually added into the game as a quality of life feature what's funny about this though is that you can see exactly what went down by reading these mods files there's a message in here that reads if any clay devs find themselves snooping around in this code i'm fairly certain that you can completely replicate this mod by putting three lines of code at line 163 in the player action picker component thanks love you find it kind of funny how some gold star developer was looking through some mods read this message then decided to release an update lunar mob variations this is probably the scariest part of the entire return of them update when you kill a hound on the lunar island there's a chance he will be reborn as a horror hound the horror hound functions the same as the regular hound but it just looks different the concept of the moon turning regular mobs into horror versions is so great and yet the only horror mob that exists other than the hound is the moon glass spangle goddamn pengul i wish more was done with this feature since one can only imagine what would happen if other mobs got corrupted by the moon just think about a lunar deer clubs a stronger version of the iconic boss mob that you would fight on the lunar island so much could have been done with this mechanic and yet it was abandoned the day it was added wickerbottom's eyes are intriguing to say the least as you know wickerbottom is a stat which prevents her from sleeping so what happens if you force her to sleep via pan flute nightmare fuel another cool experiment when you get hit by charlie in the dark there's actually a hidden animation for it you're going to need two players and models for this to work someone is going to have to sacrifice themselves to the knight while the other person will watch through the darkness using the moggles the results are kind of disappointing you might have expected to see charlie attacking the player but all you see are some black particles suddenly hitting the player very underwhelming another cool hidden animation is the tall bird lay egg animation i i don't want to talk about it [Music] wii games skin exclusive you might be wondering what a wii game even is and essentially it's a chinese web store similar to steam which was the main method for distributing dole starve together in china back in 2016. apparently don't starve together was the first game to launch on this platform if you happen to pre-order it here you would get two skins that were not available anywhere else not one but two skins that were only accessible from this random chinese store you might be wondering why clay even allowed such a thing to happen when you look at the data it does make a little bit more sense there is this site which i'm pretty sure is down now which used to show you a bunch of statistics about don't starve players including what country they connected from here's a graph of the countries which have the most players and don't starve obviously america is at the top now here's the same graph if we include china yeah um every other country combined doesn't even make up half of this population really makes you feel small suddenly the decision to release exclusive skins on the chinese web store makes a lot more sense now war books is similar to war talks in that he's a very popular scrapped character however the difference with warbucks is that he wasn't actually scrapped and was playable in the early beta of hamlet his stats were as follows lose less durability from ball pin hammers gain sanity equal to the amount of coins in your inventory and lose sanity when eating food that wasn't made in a crock pot yeah his upsides were barely upsides and his downside didn't make you play the game any different ultimately he was an incredibly boring character with bad stats which is why he was removed however he did have one thing that no other character to this day has a custom attack sound i remember playing the sky and feeling pure happiness when i attacked something and heard this trumpet sound it's such a small thing but makes a huge difference whenever you decide to fight something i wish the idea of a custom attack sound was transferred to other characters because it adds a lot more to the experience than you would think it's just such a good sound other than that he should stay in the files and never come back with his garbage stats webber's skull is an item in single player gold star which allows you to unlock webber as a playable character after getting the skull randomly from a spider you must put it in a grave to unlock him if you do a little bit of digging into the game files you can see some unused skulls for all the rest of the characters including the scrapped ones what's weird about this is that recently all the gold star together cast were also added to the files even though they're clearly never going to be used it brings up the question of what these were originally intended for if it isn't just some weirdo in the clay office with a tin for drawing skulls the implication of weber being resurrected from a grave shows us that he has to have died at some point judging from the fact that every other character also has skulls does this mean that every other character is canonically dead a developer confirmed that wilson dying multiple times is part of the official timeline which suggests the same is true for all other characters so next time you start sucking at this game and dying a lot don't worry about it too much because you being bad at the game and dying multiple times is canon to the story the potato cup is an old meme which is still sometimes referenced by clayton disday you can see it as an emote on their official discord server and it's even an item in the game so what is the potato cup well i'll just let the man who created it explain it for himself uh seth seth is thinking the stream has reached its pinnacle here so he's he's pulling out uh a fan favorite so uh letter w is a real big fan of this fact um and she i just started yelling at me in chat because i was drinking from a water bottle not a potato so this all stems from an interview i did a few months ago on n4g and one of the i think the last interview question in there was something along the lines of like if you were in a don't starve situation in real life like how would you survive and i can't i was like you know like first things first like shelter for food et cetera et cetera and then i told this little anecdote about camp i went to when i was i think like probably 12 or so um there's a wilderness camp and it was like an overnight camp but it was very much focused on like hiking and shot rifles and made this knife so yeah i made the sheath for it and fashioned the handle and then they gave me the blade and then the last night of that camp there's a survival night and basically what that was was a few different levels of it and i picked a level where i think i was allowed like two layers of clothing i got a tarp three feet of twine uh two raw hot dogs two raw potatoes and because i had made this knife that month this knife so things that i learned that night picking berries for dinner is extremely slow process and you're not going to get full and potatoes are really really gross when they haven't been cooked don't recommend eating an uncooked potato it's very starchy so after i ate the first potato unhappily i was like i don't really want to do that again and i am thirsty i'm not really enjoying kneeling down and sticking my face in this stream so cup complete i think it's a pretty good cup it's it's a cup it's a cup anyway it's made of potato i'm gonna put some water in it then i'm gonna drink out of it and then we're gonna stop the shenanigans yeah i think that's that will certainly put an end to it so i think this is it no one's gonna ever bring up the potato water how is it it's starchy starchy water now wanna sip uh nope nope it's fine i i'm good i'm gonna finish it though sadly seth rosen later left clay entertainment but his legacy lives on in the form of an item the only one of its kind resides in another developer's inventory waiting for its next great purpose in life long pig is another word for human meat in a very early version of don't starve together players would drop lon pick when you killed them this allows you to eat other players on the server and become a professional cannibal a long pig is still fully functional though allowing you to cook and dry it the only reason it doesn't exist in the game is because of a single line of code that disables it someone literally made a mod where all they did was enable this one line of code and now you can play with long pick on some speculate that the reason for its removal was that it was too dark for the game but i have a different theory think about it you're trying to sell a game where the aim is to survive together with your friends an item that encourages you to kill and eat your friends would go against every mechanic that encourages you to work together not really surprising that it got removed but if you really want to eat don't starve players then feel free to spawn it in or enable this mod secret mini games i'm actually surprised that most people don't know what these are if you go to the trade and click on one of the birds it will lead you to one of four secret mini games they are all basic games have a surprising amount of depth to them playing many games and sometimes doing well in them will give you a profile icon of the bird you clicked on there's no way to mass farm these icons for spools since you only ever get one clicking on the carnival bird will lead you to a maze game in this game you move around a maze and collect some tokens that's it that's all you do there's not even a way to lose in this game so feel free to take your precious time collecting all 100 tokens doing so will give you a profile icon of corvus good feather himself clicking on the bluebird will lead you to an endless memory game it plays like a regular memory game requiring you to memorize two of the same images and then clicking on them the only difference with this one is that you can go on forever if you really wanted to but the next too many games are where it's at these are the ones that will get you addicted for the next 40 years trying to get a new high score the first one looks like a bad mobile game because it is a bad mobile game but there's a twist you can use one of these five tools to enhance your gameplay the cane removes all types of the color you clicked the shovel removes an entire row gunpowder blows nine tiles up the spear removes one single tile and the seed attracts birds because yes this game has birds apparently you're supposed to scare off birds to get a high score or something but who cares about that the real game is about trying to make all the bottom rows the same color so you can feel maximum satisfaction when you clear it out but for true satisfaction you must play the egg game the concept is simple you can swipe numbers vertically and horizontally to add them up however you cannot add up numbers if the sum of both of them is over a hundred if you can create the number 100 it turns into an egg giving you a large amount of points the goal of the game is to make as much eggs as possible either before the timer finishes or you run out of space the maximum number of eggs you can possibly make is 15 which while impressive by itself is not the highest possible score you can get each time you add numbers together you gain extra points so ideally you want to delay getting your egg as much as possible the problem with this is that the stage of the timer indicates how much points you get for the egg forcing you to simultaneously play the game as slow and as quickly as possible i would tell you how to do this but i don't think i'm experienced enough to know that so instead i'll link demon rebuilds video on how to get the most amount of points achievable the nox is kind of like an ox but not in the trade-in you meet the suspicious looking guy who tells you about the knocks that pulls his wagon upon further investigation he describes it like an ox but not find the answer to the knocks we must look at the forge and its knocks help could the knox be one of the creatures in the forge probably not since none of the mobs here resemble anything close to an ox i even checked the mobs outside the forge like the beefalo or the wild boar and the horns on the helmet just didn't match one thing i've noticed though is that there is a lot of knox helms in the forge so it is possible that they were brought to extinction by the forge picks for all we know the trading guys knocks is the very last of its kind which would explain why we never see anything like it in game though i'm probably reading too deep into the lore of the guy whose sole purpose is to give you skins achievements actually refer to a number of things have you ever noticed how don't starve lacks any kind of achievement system well it turns out that that was intentional back in the first beta of gold star the developers created a very small game which had barely anything in it they wanted to see how the player would react in the environment that was crafted for them unfortunately this simple game didn't work out so well according to a clay article the players would watch the introduction and then turn to us and ask what am i supposed to do next i imagine a reaction like that is not one you want to get after spending two weeks of your life developing an alpha luckily after teaching the player a few basic mechanics they would begin experimenting on their own and start to actually have fun problem was how do you get them to this point without telling them how to play the game first the solution give them a bunch of tasks to do in an updated version the player woke up to maxwell giving them a long list of random goals like survive 5 days or find all the teleportato pieces or subscribe to this it was sort of like a tutorial for don't starve developers assume that by the time the player completed the challenges they'll be ready to start properly playing the game and have fun yeah unfortunately this had quite the unexpected result sure the players would now know exactly what to do but now they only focused at the task at hand apparently to complete the survive four days goal players just built a campfire and sat still doing nothing for 30 minutes they were so focused on trying to complete the objective that they forgot about the game they were playing once the tasks ran out they would stop playing since there was nothing left to do this experience forced the developers to make the game more open-ended which is how dole starved became what it is today it also taught them that any system similar to tasks was completely redundant as the goal the player sets themselves is infinitely more valuable than what the game tells them to do which is why there's no achievements to be found and don't starve they provide an artificial progression system to a game that doesn't want them but wait a second if this is the case then why is there achievements on the console edition well apparently sony forces all console games to have achievements even if you don't want them to protest the pointless design of achievements they added a completely pointless structure with the description a sense of accomplishment for those with nothing else to live for turning the structure 725 times you would get an achievement simply named despair eventually though it seems like they warmed up to the idea of them since they now exist in the console port of don't starve together i couldn't tell you exactly what changed their design philosophy but that's don't starve and it's history with achievements we're the world generation can refer to any worlds with really lucky spawns or ones that are just unexplainable i'm sure we've all seen a world that generates in a way that feels wrong kind of like walking around for a bit and suddenly finding that the lunar island is somehow connected to the mainland however it can get weirder than this for example in single player it is possible i'll be extremely rare to find a wormhole that leads to a small separate island from the mainland the way this was fixed was by not fixing it and instead adding a wormhole that allows you to go to the separate island it's honestly better this way since having an island that's only accessible by wormhole sounds like a great base idea however this can also be extremely annoying as shown in this forum post the player is clearly in the correct biome for finding the pig city and yet it is nowhere to be found the explanation for this is that it generated on a separate island which made the city only reachable by a wormhole the city also seems incredibly small as it tried to generate all of it on a tiny island there's only 15 buildings on here which is awful if your plan was to destroy it for resources but that's not even the strangest aspect of world generation there is a one phenomenon that is even worse than this in order to understand how it works we must first look at how early don't starve generated its biomes the biomes weren't really biomes and were closer to islands connected by long bridges this eventually got changed to what we have today however it is still possible of seeing a small bridge connecting two biomes but what would happen if the world generation took a few red caps well something like this not only does this world have the previously mentioned wormhole glitch but they also generated a very long bridge unlike the mini island i have zero explanations for why the game decided to generate a long bridge like this apparently it took the guy who got this half a day to walk to the end of it on the island he found the only vault gold herd in the entire world imagine having to cross this massive bridge anytime you wanted to kill vault goats that would be horrible there is another example of this and it's even worse in 2015 a player had found the pig king hiding at the end of an extremely long bridge the biggest problem with this was that the journey back was so long they starved to death before they could make it back just look at this insanity if we assume that it takes 6 minutes to walk from one end of the world to the other then walking this bridge would take almost 3 in-game days do i must admit something about a lawn bridge like this seems strangely appealing if you ever wanted to make a base that no one would ever reach then a world like this is the perfect way to do it it's like the perfect protection against griefers they can't grief what they can't reach the nine pearl crab king is the strongest boss in the game and that is no exaggeration the regular crapkin is one of the most hated bosses in the game due to how his mechanics work however it is possible to make him a far stronger and more annoying than ever intended for those unaware in order to summon the crab king you have to insert 9 gems you will gain different powers depending on what gems you put in for example putting in blue gems improves his freezing ability but what if i told you there was a gem that was so powerful it increased every stat by three it is pearl's pearl it's only possible to get one pearl per world but with commands you can get nine of them putting them all into the crab kid will create the most obnoxiously powerful monster in existence this guy has five times the health of misery toadstool the footage you see in the background is me struggling to kill him while in super god mode i am literally invincible and can walk on water and yet crapkin is still winning as far as i know it's basically impossible to kill this clay for a few reasons for starters his freezing range is so big that it will still hit you when using ranged weapons not only that but his freezing ability is so powerful that you will stay frozen for multiple minutes at a time he can also summon a large amount of geezers so quickly that any boats you have will get broken almost instantly you just can't win against this guy no matter what you do he always seems to have the upper hand there's a good reason you are only able to have a one pearl per world otherwise you would end up summoning satan himself this creature is an interesting mod because it is made by clay themselves in fact it's so official that it is automatically installed as a mod when you open the game it came out around the time when every single horror game made you collect 9 notes for some reason it's clearly inspired by slander since this game is nine notes a forest and a monster that doesn't like it when you look at it the difference with this creature though is that it has a story you play as bill who is on a week-long camping trip with his wife sarah in the heavily forested campground of the pillock creek after sarah goes missing searching for a missing couple in the woods the game starts and you must investigate the scream that you just heard now when you start up this game you know none of that and the only way to figure it out is by dissecting the lore given to you in the nine notes as you walk around with your character sounding like he's about to collapse at any minute you eventually find another guy who also sounds like he's about to collapse a danny miner but wait he's dead after this point this creature starts to appear in your peripherals and looking it after even more walking you reach a helicopter pad here is where you can beat the game and escape by calling the heli copter you might assume that collecting all nine notes will give you a better ending but nope they do nothing overall though this was a very cool experience made cooler by the fact that clay themselves created it maybe they'll make something like this again in the future but i think it's unlikely there's a lot of unused stuff in this game but most of it is quite boring if i were to show you this entire wiki page i'd be here for another three hours so instead i'm going to quickly run through what i think are the most interesting unused features starting off with the target dummy if you do see spawn dummy target and don't starve together you can spawn in an invincible entity which tells you how much damage stuff does for example if you hit it with a dark sword it would tell you the damage of the dark sword for something that's not supposed to be used it's surprisingly helpful for calculating exact damage numbers next one back when don't starve was a game you could play in your browser prototyping items would cost you research points you couldn't prototype stuff for free you had to do it at the cost of research points to get research points you had to convert items at the science machine and it's just about as grindy as it sounds which is why it was removed another feature that used to be in the early versions were the cave walls the walls themselves didn't do anything special but it did look cool it made you feel like you were really in a cave the current caves just fill you with a void what is this why is there a void under me isn't there supposed to be walls how do i get down here this doesn't make sense no it does make sense the shopkeeper he was this umbrella dude who was supposed to sell you stuff but this idea was scrapped because the idea of a shop didn't fit in with the world of don't starve the shopkeeper seemed interesting but he doesn't have much going for him so let's talk about the deadly feast when i say the word deadly feast what do you think of i mean it's a game called don't starve and there's a deadly feast you're probably thinking of a big scary monster similar to krampus in reality just a meaty stew that instantly kills you when you eat it yeah i'm already getting bored talking about disappointing unused features here take this dab emote is that what you want look at these other emotes which aren't in the game but can be used with commands okay no i know i'll end this section off with a high note it's the snapdragon from hamlet he is a neutral mob that has the same attacking pattern and sounds as a beefalo if you kill him he will turn into a flower implying that this creature may have grown from one however don't be fooled into thinking that this guy is merely just a flower for the snapdragon is actually the most powerful mob in the game don't believe me look what happens when he hits you he crashes your game not even the strongest of armor can protect you from this guy perhaps the snapdragon wasn't added into hamlet because clay feared what such a beast would be able to do luckily these guys are only spawnable in single player so you don't have to worry about people spawning him in and don't starve together to crash your game yet giant mobs is an interesting one and to explain it i'll have to explain how don't starve is a 3d game despite looking like it's 2d there is actually a third axis which controls how high an object is the game uses this third axis to control mobs like birds when they fly up into the sky however there used to be a bug with this which would cause some mobs to get stuck on the wrong level making them appear bigger than they actually are this was most prominent with frogs during frog rain but it would also happen to some other mobs like buzzards as you can see this buzzard looks like a giant bird when in reality he is just closer to the player's camera making him look bigger there is a few quotes from charlie that are hidden in the game files all of them have been removed since the winona rework but you can still read them on the wiki have a look when talking about maxwell you can find pride arrogance conceit this was your fault you did this you you you haven't escaped its pull make your jokes i'll be seeing you soon there's also a few quotes for winona which is canonically her sister i'm so sorry i never meant for you to come here this wasn't a part of my plan but as you're here now i suppose i'll have to make do you've changed so much how much time has passed for you i should like to speak face to face frog weber is a character mod which is made by a real clay developer frog weber is just normal webber but with an added ability using a walking cane you can jump short distances at the cost of hunger you can even use this short jump to hop over rivers the animation for the jump is so smooth that this almost feels like it's a real feature in the game though i guess that makes sense when you consider who made the mod this isn't just a one-off mod either multiple developers have made multiple different mods for this game there's even this peter guy who decided that the game was too hard so he made a dst easy mode wow imagine cheating as a developer sadly most of these mods don't work anymore largely due to the fact that they are outdated most of them were made 5 years ago the only reason i was able to play frog weber for this video was through a separate mod which fixed the bugs in the first one so i'll leave a link to that in the description if you want to play as frog weber gobbler is a missing attack animation now this one is intriguing you see despite being completely harmless to the player gobblers have a damage value of 20 and an attack speed of 3. for whatever reason the gobbler has these values assigned to him despite never being able to attack the player it implies that at some point the gobbler was intended to attack the player and also tells us that there may be a gobbler attack animation that we've never seen through mods we can visualize what this animation could have looked like since gobblers share the same model as pikmin it reuses the attack animation from the pigman i think gobblers attacking the player is an interesting concept since it adds a lot more danger to picking berry bushes than what we currently have who knows though maybe this is a sign that they're planning some kind of attack if the gobblers are going to overthrow everyone one day because the gobblers are actually them now it's time for the fun fact of this video wilson and a few other characters have a real voice in these videos which is kind of jarring considering you're always hearing this [Applause] the last fragment if you thought frog webber and this creature were cool wait till you see this this is a mod which is part of the william carter puzzles wait sorry no this mod isn't made by clayton's made by mr skitz if you try to enable the mod the game will freeze and crash this could be because the mod is over 80 years old but i think the more likely explanation is that mr skitz is [ __ ] at programming luckily there are still screenshots and a full video of the mod if you're interested in what it did basically it added a new crafting recipe to the magic tab the new recipe is a portal which when activated takes you to an island with a skull chest on it opening the chest will give you a dark sword and night suit as well as starting the shadow maxwell boss fight that's right numerous shadow maxwells will attack you with their swords and sometimes even with meteors i think this is the closest thing you will ever get to a proper fight with maxwell if you kill them all a shadow grimophone will appear which plays some morse code the cipher in it will give you another code which when entered on the clay website leads you to this video of maxwell and charlie's origin story i'll leave a link to it in the description if you want to watch it for yourself but basically a failed magic show leads to both of them getting sucked into the constant by them compromising statue have you ever thought that dole star was too difficult well apparently the mobile port of the game thought so too so they added a no sweat difficulty all this game mode does is add a statue that can revive you an infinite number of times essentially an infinite touchstone what better way is there to make don't starve easier than to remove the danger of dying however according to the wiki it's possible to be spawn camped at this statue which i find absolutely hilarious it's ironic how the tin that's meant to reduce stats in the game can actually make you die more from spawn camping now you may be under the impression that this is a mobile exclusive but that is far from true and don't starve together you can change the game mode to endless to allow people to revive at the portal an infinite number of times though at least here it comes at the cost of your max health similarly setting the game to wilderness mode will allow you to respawn after you die although your map progress will be lost this system is arguably more strong than the compromising statue since dying in wilderness mode lets you change character for free and we all know how broken character swapping can be team fortress 2 is a game but did you know that some don't starve items were added to this game in 2013. you heard that correctly if you pre-ordered don't starve before april the 23rd of 2013 you would get the ham shank and the wilson weave the wilson weave is just another hat that allows you to become wilson don't starve in team fortress 2. the hamshank on the other hand is a melee reskin which lets you hit players with a handbag as far as i know this is the only time don't starve did something like this but who knows maybe they'll do something like this in another game again in the future [Music] [Music] you know those public play servers the ones that inevitably reset when everyone dies what if you were to make one last thousands of days just get a group of dedicated people to take shifts so that someone is always on the server and you could end up with a seriously high day count in a clay server that anyone can join this is exactly what some individuals were thinking of a few years ago and so they quickly got to work on creating a long-lasting public server it's not entirely clear how many players were in this group or if they even existed in the first place but what is clear is that it worked a server by the name of clayfish was here managed to survive over a thousand days they were always playing the game and building some impressive structures while they do it on another server inspired by the clayfish one this heart was built out of mood glass pawns surrounding nine houndiest studios they would have had to kill the fuelweaver at least eight times just to get enough resources for nine turrets since new players kept joining this server to check out what was going on it eventually made it to day eight thousand if every day and don't starve is eight minutes then reaching eight thousand days would take a thousand and sixty-six consecutive hours that is 44 straight days that this clay official server managed to survive without a single griefer regenerate in the world however there was one world that got an even higher day count and you can see what it looked like in these streams which as far as i can tell is footage of the highest day count on a clay official public server the catgoon then server managed to reach day 10 000 with some of the people there surviving for thousands of days it's kind of crazy how this public server that anyone can join managed to survive far longer than most private servers unfortunately all good things must come to an end and it was inevitable that this server would also get regenerated all those thousands of days of work gone to probably something as trivial as no one being in the server as i was researching all of this i found a really bizarre story by this forum user in it he describes his encounter with a strange rock with a bow inside of it apparently this boat was vibrating like crazy while stuck inside of the rock he soul hopped onto the boat and somehow he could stand on it it's kind of weird right well it gets stranger almost 3000 days later he comes in contact with the rock again this time he sails closer to the rock with his boat as his boat gets closer to the rock suddenly it gets stuck and will not move no matter what he does he attempts to jump on the vibrating boat but this time it makes him drown he returns with another boat and tries to break it three by ramming one into the other but in his own words it didn't budge an inch any boat he tried to make around this mysterious rock also got stuck almost like it had magnetic properties this was a bermuda circle where no ship could ever return from i have no idea how something like this can exist but i guess that's what you encounter when you join a day 6000 public server smash up is something that can only be described as super smash bros don't starve drug trip this mod started development five years ago and is still not available to the public it's essentially one of the most creative mods in existence and it's something only one guy on the planet can play so what about the gameplay well there's 5 different characters to choose from wilson wicker maxwell woody and wes each of them have their own attacks that you would expect them to have in a fighting game for example woody uses his axe to attack the other survivors max will consume the shadow clone to help him fight wilson throws potions to attack the other players there's even a single player mode in which you have to fight some ai spiders to win really the only bad part about this mod is that it's not playable but luckily it might be coming out soon near the beginning of 2021 we got an update video from pickle player in which he claims that work is being done on the mod again it is actually coming soon for real i wanted to make sure that i could actually get this thing done before i continued talking about it and it is i uh we're we're right there at the finish line however it's now been eight months and not only has minecraft don't starve come out in that time but we have no new updates on the smash up mod so will the mod ever come out i'd hope that it would but only time will tell if i will be able to kill wilson at 15 percent cheeky chris is the nickname given to the forum user guy named chris after skimming through his messages he seems to be just another guy on the forums but one fateful day that would all change when chris decided to post a chat log between him and a developer the massive consequences of this action would be felt everywhere in the world the name cheeky chris was added to the world files and chris was banished into the constant where he would forever stay as a pig man that last part's not true but the rest is this guy somehow managed to be added as a pig man into the game and to this day cheeky chris is the only user from the community that was ever added as a pig name if i were to ask you what the strongest boss boston don't starve is what would you say ancient fuelweaver celestial champion maybe misery toadstool with his a hundred thousand health well according to a james bucket video all of those are wrong the real strongest boss has been under our noses the entire time maxwell told starve he has 70 000 hours on the game and 10 million held in the game not only that but he must have installed some kind of hacked client because any time you hit him he destroys your weapon and strikes you with lightning the strongest weapon in the game is the dark sword dealing a massive 68 damage per hit but because maxwell only lets you use one hit with each weapon you would need 147 059 dark swords to kill him getting that many dark swords to kill him is basically impossible and even if you could do that it's not even worth it when you kill maxwell his sprite will disappear but the ending will play out exactly the same so essentially there is zero reward for doing this and you're not even intended to do it so don't do it but what if you did do it the optimal strategy for killing maxwell don't starve legitimately is to play as a wix you see every time lightning strikes wicks it will heal him to full instead of damaging him this means that if you're patient enough you can sit there punching maxwell as wix and you will eventually kill him sure it will take you 40 straight hours of punching but you will kill maxwell twitch plays together is yet another official mod made by a developer and just like the other ones it also doesn't work anymore however this mod is quite a special one as it seemed to be bigger in scale than the other ones what the mod does is it allows the twitch chat to control random events around the streamer for example the chat would vote on frog rain and then frog grain would appear anything from making the player bigger to giving them zero sanity could happen making it a very chaotic mod it gave you two options you could choose to be a kind-hearted soul and pick options that can help the streamer or you could go full genocide mode and vote the worst options possible this mod was so great that it was given not one not two but three categories on the steam workshop all for itself there's literally three categories and all that there is in them is this one mod but since the mod doesn't work anymore there's no point in visiting any of these categories at all i think the idea of this mod is better than the mod we ended up getting you can vote for negative options but they will likely not impact the streamer at all most of the options are temporary and would revert themselves after a while for example after your sanity gets set to zero it will return you to full sanity after a few seconds making the entire event redundant similarly if chad voted to make the player bigger the change would also undo itself after a few seconds it just makes the vote feel like it achieved nothing watching some gameplay of this mod on youtube is incredibly boring you know that none of the events will impact the gameplay so you're just waiting for the streamer's reaction to a event that lasts less than 30 seconds it's honestly a shame that this mod was abandoned since it had a lot of potential but for now all we're left with is three dead categories on the steam workshop flip's spawning error is one of the weirdest bugs in this entire game there's these flop guys who spawn in a specific biome and shipwrecked all you really need to know is that they have invisible spawners in the marsh spine here's the problem with that despite the spawners once you kill all the flops no more will spawn but why is that well let's take a look at the flip spalling process the game first checks if the invisible spawner is on marsh turf makes sense so far right you need the correct turf to spawn these guys there's a second check afterwards that makes zero sense after checking that the spawner is on marsh turf the game then checks to see if the spawner is on the water what the flip spawner must simultaneously be on land and on water how the hell does that make any sense this almost doesn't feel like a bug due to how intentional this seems there's no way you accidentally called two checks that oppose each other and to this day this bug has not been fixed and it's still in the game no idea why this is so i might as well move on the glutton tournament is the first thing on this iceberg that i am not a hundred percent certain about due to the lack of information on it and also because any video showcasing the event is gone this was another official clay mod that doesn't work anymore but this time it was used at a real life event in a real life tournament that's right someone had to play gold star as optimally as possible in front of a crowd of people watching apparently in 2015 and possibly 2017 there was a contest hosted by clay which was the glutton tournament to win this tournament you and your team had to gain more calories than the other team i am not making this up you had to eat the most amount of food before the time ran out to win this went on for two rounds which i wish i could show you but unfortunately there's no footage of it anywhere online the final round was slightly different because clay had yet another mod hiding up their sleeve the pig feet tournament mode it functioned exactly the same as the previous rounds but this time you had to feed the pig king whoever fed him the most calories ended up winning the entire tournament you know this mod actually sounds like fun too bad no one made a fix to it on the workshop it's so weird how this tournament has supposedly happened is basically lost media you think there will be a reupload of it on youtube but nope there's nothing here's another one i knew very little about before researching it let me take you back to 2017 when the forge was first playable if you've ever played the forge you don't need me to tell you that it is fun there was a skill seal into this mode that wasn't just hold f to win basically if you cancel your attack animation you can get in more attacks than usual and do more damage if you ever wanted to speedrun the forge then you would have to do a lot of attack cancelling there are two main methods people use the first one is fairly simple if you can retarget your attack to another enemy it will instantly attack them meaning if you spam click between multiple enemies you can turn into a living machine gun it's pretty easy to cancel your attack animation if there's multiple enemies but what are you meant to do if there's only one the answer comes from the second admittedly harder method if you move while attacking you can cancel your attack animation while still hitting the enemy the faster you can perform this technique the more damage you deal be careful though because if you mess it up you can end up doing less damage than normal it's a higher risk high reward kind of thing but in the end it's just a little tiny you can do if you want to get better at the forge but i'm sure it won't turn into anything crazy enter the forge 2 leaderboard the people who can complete the forge in the fastest time will be put at the top of this leaderboard that's right you can now show others how much time you've wasted on this game wait wait a second why do i hear the sound of robotic oh it's all bots as it turns out if you add a leaderboard to a game with really difficult inputs people will start using scripts to automate them for a while there was a mod literally called cheating forge which attacks at an optimal pace for you i'm assuming it was removed from the workshop because of the outrage it caused though this did not interchange it people began coding their own private mods which would play the game at a perfect pace for them the entire top of the leaderboard was filled with bots and the only way to beat them was to join them there was no longer a point in trying to be good at the game when bots can do anything you can do better here's how fast i was attacking in a real game with real people here's another video i found on a chinese site and just look at this you can't tell me real players are attacking that fast ultimately clay decided to remove animation cancelling in the forge and that's where the story ends whatever your thoughts on the situation are just remember that this event happened three years ago and it doesn't really matter now on the bright side from what i can tell the reforged mod lets you attack cancel so that's nice the deer club smile is something so obscure that even the wiki hardly touches on it if you can get dear clubs to destroy six structures he will make the strangest smile known to exist this smile has absolutely no gameplay impact and you will still die for standing near him i have no idea why this small detail is in the game but i guess it's cool that it exists feel field notes are a series of blog posts from the perspective of wilson three field notes were posted on a now defunct webpage between june 25th to july the 31st in 2012. i won't bother reading them out for you but feel free to pause the video if you want to have a look at them there's no new information you can gather from these other than the fact that wilson probably invented the meat effigy i'm going to assume that these were used as a clever way to show off updates but i could be wrong [Music] uh warley eats lawn pig this theory suggests that wally's favorite dish is lola pig there's a food item which is not in the game and warly also doesn't have a favorite dish clearly this is because a lot of pig is his favorite dish this theory is not only completely stupid but also wrong if you examine lone pig pigger's warly he claims that some dishes probably shouldn't be made furthermore examining the rydlon pig gives us the quote i think i've lost my appetite warley clearly does not like lone pig never mind considers it his favorite dish it would be absurd if clay specifically gave warley positive stats for a removed item that just doesn't make any sense however this got me thinking what if one of the characters has a quote that implies they approve of this meet it sounds crazy but there is 18 different characters in the game surely one of them likes the idea of human meat so i set out on a quest to look at every character's quote for lon pig and trust me you are not going to like what i found starting off with wilson his quotes are a bit weird he seems to question where he should draw the line stay in that flash's flesh but what he says for dry the lone pig is very incriminated letting it dry makes it not come from a human right it's like he knows eating other people is bad but he tries to justify it anyway the majority of other characters don't have a quote for long pig and seem to reuse wilson's dialogue since they all use the same quote i think it will be unfair to call any of them cannibals since it's probably just placeholder text although there is four characters who have special quotes for loud pick one of them is warley who has already stated his feelings on the subject there's also winona and wurtz who really dislike the concept of human meat but the last character's thoughts on lon pig feels like a betrayal wormwood the guy who is always caring for plants and is just a cute character overall says that lon pig is belly stuff he is the only character in the game who doesn't say anything bad about lone pig and instead enjoys it that's his quote for cooked long pig what the hell wormwood maybe the reason you don't have any friends is because you ate them all the game even encourages wormwood to eat this meat normally long pig would reduce your health by 20 when consumed however because wormhole doesn't suffer health damage from eating food this means absolutely nothing to him he is the only character who could survive solely off of lone pig with no downside honestly i'm writing the script right now and like the idea of this sounds stupid but i can't shake the feeling that this was done on purpose not only is wormwood one of the few characters to even have a special quote about a removed item but his thoughts on it correlate with his downside you can't tell me that this wasn't an intentional detail hidden in the files i don't want to talk about this monster longer than i have to so let's move on willow is a witch this theory comes from a james bucket video which comes from a forum thread that compiles all of this evidence i'll leave a link to that video and set forum thread if you want to have a deeper look but here's the summary the theory states that willow is a witch due to her name relating to magic and witchcraft not only does she have the magical power of pyrokinesis but the willow tree is commonly associated with witches due to its use for various medical treatments if that's not enough for you then you should take a look at how she's presented in this official halloween image i don't know about you but there's not much things that wear this specific hat and ride a broom although you could make the argument that this is just a halloween costume and that dressing up as a witch for hallowed knights does not make you a witch however there's one thing that undeniably proves her real identity when you purchase the willow funko pop you get an item called the fiery witch's hat out of all skins that could have been chosen for her it's an actual 100 percent real not clickbait witch's hat this isn't just a game of dress-up this is who she is in the james booker video there's another claim which states that willow is japanese but i don't want to talk about it here since none of the evidence presented feels concrete enough so i'll just move on the 1906 san francisco earthquake was a real world event which killed an estimated 3 000 people despite the earthquake only lasting less than a minute it was enough to destroy 500 city blocks and cause multiple fires kind of scary how powerful this thing was but wait a second why am i talking about a real life event in this video well there's a theory that maxwell is the one responsible for this earthquake according to the lore san francisco is the city where maxwell spent his time performing on stage on april 17th of 1906 he performs his final act before being sucked into the constant this leads to the idea that the sheer power needed to pull maxwell in was enough to cause a real-life earthquake story-wise it makes sense both the date and place of maxwell's show match the time and location of the san francisco earthquake technically though it could be just a massive coincidence but luckily there's some evidence which says otherwise in the beginning of the winona rework video there's some kind of conspiracy board connecting various events from the narrative in the center of a bunch of missing posters we see a news headline written san francisco ablaze remember when i said this earthquake caused multiple fires around the city yeah this is referencing that earthquake is the developer's way of saying yes this is not a coincidence this is part of the story i like the idea of maxwell causing a real life event because it makes the story more believable the gru this is a creature that originates from a computer game made by inficom all the way back in 1980. in this game if you stay in the dark for too long you get eaten by a guru a monster which lives in the darkness the game doesn't tell you what the groove looks like it just tells you that it hides in the darkness turns a natural fear of the dark into a game mechanic don't stay in the dark for too long or a scary monster will kill you after zork became a success the grew appeared in many other inficon games which made this creature incredibly popular nowadays the crew is a homage to early pc gaming which is most likely why charlie is called gru in the code you have to remember back in early don't starve charlie wasn't even created yet darkness literally killing you was just another way to make the game more difficult the developers needed something to call this thing so you know what why not make a reference to an early pc game while you do it for the majority of people this simply became a name for the darkness in don't starve but for others it became something more for some people the guru was an ultra powerful creature that would hide in the darkness of the constant something super scary and more powerful in the player himself basically a badly written horror story like this literacy masterpiece i found i think i'll read this in another video because this one i thought i don't know how someone had the intelligence to create this peak of media anyways let's move on believe it or not there are a bunch of times when wes actually spoke words yes you heard that right the character whose entire gimmick is that he can't speak can actually be forced to say words although all of them are true exploits and bugs in this clip we see the impossible happen after failing to use a wardrobe wes says i can't change while it's on fire obviously this is just an error message put into the game for a really specific situation but it ends up looking surreal when it's used on a character who's not supposed to talk there were a few other times this happened but of course they are all patched don't worry though since this specific book seems to always reappear in one form or another so i'm sure we'll eventually see another bug that makes west speak the pellon tricks is probably the herobrine of dote starve except if we didn't know what herobrine looked like or what he did there's not much information about this guy since the threads where he originated from are completely deleted apparently a developer by the name of kevin is the one who started the smith back in 2013. from what i can gather someone at some point posted a picture of a furry rock on this thread kevin reportedly stated strange the polantrix shouldn't be in the game anymore which ended up throwing some people off the d-pad suddenly the polandtricks became this mythical-like creature who would come for you on their thousand and kill you i have no idea why people thought of sleeping aware pig was scary but then again this was the time when creepypastas were everywhere so you know what sure eventually people figured out who the pilatrix is here's the shadow wilson you may be wondering what is this shadow wilson guy well according to another adult star developer this is the poland tricks he used to appear in single player gold star above the update timer funnily enough opening up an old version of don't starve today will completely break this timer and give you a ridiculous number can't wait for the next update in negative 3 000 days i don't know how this happened but eventually the shadow wilson became a merch item that you can still purchase right now this is the same place where you can buy other strange figures like zombie us i don't know who had the idea to make these variants of regular characters but they exist now it's kind of crazy how this whole thing started off from a random one-off joke makes you think about the unintended consequences of your small actions what is wickfrid's real name if you don't know wikfit is not actually her real name but rather a stage name the name of the character she is playing in the wickford rework video we can see the name of the actor behind the wickford in a newspaper but this is so heavily crossed out that you can't tell what it says i tried to edit this and remove some of the scribbles but whatever is there is clearly not meant to be red i i just don't think her real name is miail because not only does that sound incredibly stupid but it also does not exist there's nothing you can solve here that will give you her real name so the only thing you can do is speculate so let's do some speculating if you look at the code you can see that her file name is what critter unlike the rest of the characters wickford seems to have a different name in the files is what critter her real name maybe as it turns out what critter is not a name that currently exists however rot gritter does it was one of those names that valkyries would have back in the day and i guess clay took it and stuck a w to the front of it for consistency so then is your real name what critter maybe like i said there's no official statement on what it could be so any theory you can make is going to sound flimsy at best another one says that her real name is winnie this comes from a scrapped character who looks suspiciously similar to wickford and wouldn't you know it that scrapped character's name is winnie so it's possible that wickford's name is winnie and that this is what she looks like offstage i don't know which of these theories are better but it doesn't matter i don't think clay themselves even knows what wickford's real name is and this newspaper was probably just put there to mess with us wii pizzky this is the name of a character who is found in the files of shipwrecked along with walani woodlex and warley there's nothing else known about this character other than the fact that it's most likely a reference to a similarly named character in a game called time force so is that it why is the scrapped character so deep on here well i'll tell you why this name appeared again three years later in the early access hamlet files however this time it came in the animation folder as a zip file if you extracted the zip file you would get this ah why is there a ferry in my well apparently this sprite is not official in fact this is from a sample mod character that was posted four years before this hamlet discovery this mod would help you create your own character and it even is a video tutorial on how to use it it's essentially a sample mod that anyone can use to make whatever they want so then why was this sample character in the files unfortunately no one knows as there's never been an official response to this my best guess is that some hardcore experienced programmer forgot how to make a new character so he used this community mod template mayor of pigtown is the original name for the earliest version of don't starve the initial idea was completely different to what we have now as it was intended to be a monetized free-to-play town building simulator so a mobile game but how did the game go from centering around a casual audience to one which clearly enjoys pain and suffering what other kind of person would play a game or your 10 hours of work can be deleted in an instance the answers to all of these questions lie in this gdc video made on april 1st of 2016. in this video we have a developer talking about how they created a community around an anti-social game i'm going to be focused on the early iterations of dole starve but there's a lot more discussed in this video that won't be covered here so i recommend that you watch it yourself if you have the time anyways don't starve started out as a game jam apparently clay holds their own game jam every year right before christmas as it improves the morale and gets that creative juice flowing in this small game that was created you play as link like they literally took 16 bit link and put them in there's a day and night cycle and the goal is to survive for as long as possible around a campfire kind of reminds me of something now your health and hunger was the same stat so you had to make sure that your hunger was up otherwise you would die to get food pigs would come at night and they can be killed for meat which you can eat at the campfire a very simple game but an interesting concept later he states that clay wanted to make a game by a small team of four people just to get it out as quick as possible the idea was that if you could release an early build of something on the internet people could play and tell you what they thought essentially you're going to be throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks so why not make the little game jam game into a fully fledged free-to-play game what's the worst that could happen well as it turns out a lot could happen but we'll get to that in a bit let's take a look at the vision for this mayor of pigtown game here's some concept art of it and yeah it looks nothing like don't starve the closest thing relating to don't starve here is the pigment but even they look a lot different everything just looks so bright and cheery you can tell they were trying to appeal to as much people as possible with this art style the main idea of this game was that was actually two games in one one half of it would be a big town building simulator in which you build a pig town the other half is you going on some kind of adventure run and then gathering whatever resources you can get and bring them back to the pig town so a mobile game like imagine building a science machine except it takes 9 days to build and the only way to speed it up is by playing 900 gems that's the kind of game i imagine this would turn into and i'm glad it didn't go down that path funny part is because they focused so much on the adventure runs over the pigtown it would become so developed that the paid to win town building aspect was completely abandoned this adventure mode wasn't anything like modern don't starve instead it was a bunch of linear levels that were intended to be cleared in a short amount of time this idea fell apart when people spent an hour going through these levels they were intended to be cleared in 10 to 15 minutes but because don't starve has so much little complexities that go against this method of play it didn't work and players spent much more time on these levels than expected this might not sound bad but when it took the three developers and one artist a full week to make a basic level this wouldn't work in the long term if you're expected to pump out levels all the time the game at its core was flawed so the developers were forced to go back to the drawing board what came out was closer to what we have today a randomly generated world with a bunch of biomes and by biomes i mean bridges connecting to circular islands of some type interestingly enough in this version people were having fun but there was one mechanic that polarized the players one mechanic that to this day still drives them off from playing permadeath once you die that's it the world's gone and you have to start over sure there are ways to counteract this but it's still one of the defining traits of don't starve it even seemed to have an effect on the art style this image shows the development of it it started out fairly inoffensive before a very mean wilson was drawn but there was a problem a big problem the reason the game was developed by a small team was so that they could create a free-to-play game and monetize it however the game they ended up making flew in the face of all of that what are you supposed to monetize in a game like this you can't charge for more hunger or extra life since that doesn't fit the uncompromising style the game had not to mention it would be pretty easy to farm anything that was purchasable due to how sandboxy don't starve is if you could pay to get meat then players would just create a pig farm and mass farm meat the monetization system just would not work and it was scrapped and from there the developers continued on to create a successful survival game it's kind of ironic how they set out to make the most monetizable and friendly game as possible but ended up making the opposite of that and here it is the forbidden knowledge was hidden all the way underneath everything else if you press that button in the middle of the room you will learn the truth about the world around you nothing you see after this point will be the same as the illusion will be broken ready three two one why that's weird nothing's happened yet all right yeah okay remember how i said you need to be a full sanity near the start of the video in order to understand them i'm going to need you to do the opposite if all merms are human once then what the hell is a wort wouldn't she be a child that got turned into a merm there's a whole secret backstory here and we don't know anything kind of weird how wack staff and wilson have the same haircut what if wax staff is an older version of wilson traveling back in time with the knowledge she gained from the future this would explain how he seems to know everything about anything the original idea for don't starve was a town building simulator wouldn't that mean that they have been working on hamlet this entire time wouldn't that also mean that new home was a project being worked on from the beginning this was all part of their plan to release it why the hell is this called single player if you can find another playable character here who else is in here that i don't know how can maxwell move if he's stuck on our chairs is an instrument that wouldn't that make a rack time a bunch of people stupid this whole game isn't just a part of maxwell's act the stage background looks eerily similar to that of the constant not to mention how a lot of the survivors are either actors or performers when he puts his finger on flint how is it possible that the characters are able to hold so much random crap why do all the characters even see in third person anyway how does e in ice cream make you not insane how is the surface holding itself up if there's a void underneath it the cave should be flooded if there's literal oceans of water above it how can any of this make any logical sense wait don't starve is actually a video game
Channel: OrangE
Views: 250,469
Rating: 4.9133434 out of 5
Id: 4pn9OLphlo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 28sec (6088 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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