BEST use for EVERY Character in Don't Starve Together

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hello friends i get asked the question all the time who's the best character who's the most beginner friendly character so today i'm gonna briefly go over every single character and don't starve together this video was originally catered for beginners but you know while i was researching this video i actually had a lot of fun because i've been playing characters that i didn't play before or i didn't play very often and i've learned new things now since i'm only briefly talking about every character i might miss a few things so if i miss anything that you think is important be sure to let me know down in the comments also check the pin to comment because i'll put any changes in there with that being said let's get started now trusty old wilson is the first character that you unlock in the original don't starve he has 150 health 150 hunger 270 and has a damage multiplier of 1.0 meaning he does normal damage wilson is basically the baseline for everyone he has no downsides but his only upside is that he grows a beard so during winter he can grow a fully magnificent beard which gives you the equivalent installation of 56 of a beefalo hat and in summer you can shave his beard to make sure that you don't overheat too easily so survivability for wilson will give him a six out of ten we would give him a five out of ten but you know he can grow a beard for winter which is quite nice utility five out of ten he's just a generic character he's not bad for any team but he's not particularly good because he doesn't provide anything same for combat overall wilson will give you the most sincere don't starve experience i feel next we have willow who has 150 health 150 hunger and 120 santy willow starts with a lighter which is basically a torch with more durability but less range so she's meant to be a pyromaniac character so she gains sanity from being near fire so if you light up light a bunch of fighters you'll gain lots of sanity she's also immune to fire damage and she's slightly more resistant to overheating in the summer but you'll still need protection in summer now her biggest perk is that she has basically a uh a mech bernie's a teddy bear that will turn into a big monstrous teddy bear once willow becomes insane and while she's insane bernie will taunt every creature that would attack willow instead would try to attack bernie including shadow creatures and when bernie is big like this he has a dps of 25 and he has 2 000 health which is an insane amount of health so he can actually taunt shadow creatures for a very long time before dying and once he dies all you need to do is repair him just one use of a sewing kit fully repairs him and then you can use him again and a downside is that willow is slightly more susceptible to freezing and clothing that provides insulation is less effective on her and she can become frozen more easily so for survivability it's kind of a tough one because on the one side bernie protects her but on the other side she will freeze easier and she has low sanity so we'll give her a six out of ten now bernie can actually provide quite a bit of utility to the team so her utility is 6 out of 10 and her combat is also 6 out of 10 since she has bernie to help her in combat when she's insane overall if you struggle with shadow creatures willow is very good because bernie will take care of them for you next we have wolf gang now wolfgang is a strong man he is very good for combat hold on there so right as i was finishing up this video clay announced there might be a wolf gang rework so um this information might be somewhat correct after the wolfgang rework but you know keep an eye on the pinned comment because things will change if his hunger is between 0 and 105 he becomes wimpy and while in this stage his health damage and hunger are all reduced and between 100 and 225 hunger he has a 1 times damage multiplier but also has a 1.5 times hunger drain and now when he is mighty he can do between 1.2 and 2 times damage he has between 200 and 300 max hp and his hunger drain is between 1.5 and 3 times on all of this scales linearly with how full his belly is meaning the multipliers are higher the higher his hunger is also when he's mighty he gets up to a 25 speed bonus and on average his dps is about 288 with a dark sword his favorite food is also cooked potato which is good because it's very easy to mass produce and it heals and he suffers 10 extra sanity drain from all sources but this doesn't really matter because he kills stuff so fast so for wolf gang here's a survivability rating of 8 out of 10 a utility rating of 6 out of 10 because he can kill stuff for your team and a combat rating for 10 out of 10 since he has the best damage in the game now of course all of these ratings assume that you can keep on top of his food consumption if you can't keep on top of his food consumption then you'll be wimpy most of the time meaning he will be very good for you so i wouldn't recommend him for beginners but now we have wendy wendy's a little girl with a dead twin sister called abigail who will talk about in a bit wendy does 0.75 times damage she has a 0.75 times sanity drain from all sources and like i said she has a dead sister called abigail and she can use abigail's flower to summon her abigail levels up between level 1 and 3. when she levels up she increases her max health level 1 is 150 health level 2 is 300 health and level 3 is 600 health abigail's damage changes depending on the time of day so if it's day time she does 15 damage if it's dust gets 25 damage and if it's nighttime or she's in the caves it's 40 damage now whenever abigail gets hit she generates an invincibility shield for a small amount of time and if a bunch of spiders hit her all at once she doesn't take all of the damage when abigail hits an enemy she vexes them which increases all of the damage they take by 10 and if abigail and wendy is attacking the same thing the wendy will do 40 more damage this effectively means that wendy does 1.155 times damage abigail also works as a light source wendy can craft a sift stern and decorate it with petals which restores 25 sanity per minute and it levels up abigail four times faster and windy can make various potions for abigail that buffs her damage to night dying damage buffs her speed and restores her hp faster and also can buff her shield the most notable thing about wendy is it's just utilizing abigail to have massive crowd control against monkeys spiders and other small mobs abigail doesn't fare too well against bosses she counts as an npc and most bosses do increased damage against npcs wendy won't receive any kind of damage bonus versus nightmare creatures since abigail can't attack nightmare creatures wendy's a very beginner friendly character since you basically have a personal bodyguard to fall back on so we're gonna give her a survivability of seven utility of eight because abigail is very handy to use for your teammates and a combat of seven out of ten because the dps with wendy with a dark sword and abigail combined is about 214 which is pretty damn good next we have the evil robot wx 78 that's going to take over the entire world wx starts with 150 hp hunger and sanity but each time he eats gears all of his stats get upgraded up to 15 times meaning his hp can go up to 400 his hunger can come up to 200 and his sanity can go up to 300. also whenever wx eats gears it restores a lot of stats those being 60 hp 7500 and 50 sani though make sure you save one gear for your fridge and if you die as wx you drop half the gears that you use to level up so if you ate 10 gears to level up if you die you will drop five gears when wx is wet or he's in the rain without rain protection he takes a small amount of damage every few seconds and now the best thing about wx is when he gets hit by lightning he becomes overcharged for four to eight minutes per lightning strike and while wx is overcharged he has a 50 movement speed increase so 1.5 times movement speed he emits light in a small radius which means he's immune to darkness death and wx is immune to freezing nwx ignores all food penalties for the food being spoiled or stale so solo wx is kind of just a little bit better wilson because you can eat gears but once you have a wicked bottom on your team who can keep you overcharged for a very long time if not indefinitely then he becomes an amazing character so these rings are assuming that your wx is always overcharged so he has a survivability rating of 7 out of 10 since he has such high stats utility 7 out of 10 simply because he can run around really fast and his combat is also 7 out of 10 since he can kite with no problems since he moved so fast and now speaking of wikibomb let's talk about wikibottom and her books so wikibomb has a very high sanity of 250 she takes less nutrition from food that is stale or spoiled but she can craft a bunch of books which have really wacky and powerful effects so we're gonna briefly talk about all of them and only wikibottom and maxwell can read these books i mean work can also read these books but it doesn't trigger the effects so firstly birds of the world will cause 20 to 30 birds to fly down from the sky in an area around the player who read the book this book can be used to make a bunch of wacky farms like feather farms krampus sack farms and stuff like that horticulture abridged when red force grows up to 10 plants which grow edible produce such as vegetables crops grown in this way won't ever grow into giants by the way applied silver culture is a book that forces all non-edible plants to grow in an area around you and it has no limit this is typically used for low plant farms with grass and twigs next we have sleepy time stories which is exactly like a pam flute it puts everything around you to sleep but it has a bigger range but also a longer casting animation on tentacles is a book that spawns up to three tentacles at a random location near the reader these tentacles can be used to cheese bosses like bee queen and dragonfly and finally the end is nigh this book summons 16 lightning bolts but as you saw before these lightning bolts would rather target wx or a lightning conductor so the best use for this book is just charging wx all these books have limited uses so you have to craft them again and they cost sanity to read although you can keep reading them even if you hit zero sanity wikibot has access to all science machine recipes without a science machine and she can make all alchemy engine recipes with just a science machine wicker bottom can't sleep so she cannot utilize tents so her survivability is 5 out of 10 because her books can't immediately save her in a pinch her utility though is a 9 out of 10 because the amount of wacky farms you can set up with brickabottom is insane and her combat is 5 out of 10 but it's worth noting that she can kind of use her tentacles in combat you can spawn tentacles and have them fight whatever you're trying to fight next we have woody woody has a permanent beard that you cannot shave this keeps you insulated in winter but also warms you up in summer woody starts with an infinite axe called lucy and woody himself would chop trees faster and more efficiently and he has a higher chance to spawn tree guards now woody's main gimmick is that he can transform into three were creatures where goose were mussin away beaver so let's talk about them the wear goose moves 1.4 times faster and can walk on water so it's good for early games scouting the wear moves has 90 damage reduction does 59.5 damage per swing but moves at 90 percent of the speed of a normal player the wear beaver chops efficiently and faster he minds and hammers as well but not as efficiently as a normal character web either cannot summon tree guards and he moves 10 faster all of these forms have night vision and all of them have their very own wear meter which slowly drains but it drains faster if you're not doing the corresponding activity for the creature so for the wear goose if you're not moving it drains faster for the wear moose if you're not fighting it drains faster and for the wear beaver if you're not working then it drains faster and all of the forms cannot pick up items or interact with the player's inventory so you can't eat food or gather items on the ground when you transform you drop all of your ward items except for your backpack and to transform you can eat two monster foods to transform into a random one or or you can craft an idol to choose which one you transform into when you transform back into woody your hunger is set to zero so for survivability he can use his forms to get out of trouble sometimes so survivability is a six utility is also a six because he can gather materials quite nicely and he can scout with the goose and his combat i'm gonna give him a five his combat isn't very good since the wear moose's dps is worse than a player with a handbag unless you animation cancel but that's kind of a lot of effort and he's not the best at anything that he does but he does do a lot of things next we have wes where's this meant to be the challenge character so he has 0.75 times damage modifier so he does less damage all the time but he can make some balloons most notably a balloon that can buff your speed by 30 percent whereas is more sexual to overheating and freezing he takes longer to recover from grogginess so like when you wake up hounds will rather chase west rather than other characters lightning strikes are more likely to hit wes over other characters also wes is a mime so he does not speak so no audible or visual warnings will appear when something's happening like a hound attack and wes takes longer to mine chop hammer but because he takes longer to mine shop and hammer his tools last longer so for survivability wes is the worst so one out of ten his utility surprisingly enough he can make a speed bonus balloon which is very good for the early game when you do have walking canes so 6 out of 10 for utility and combat is 3 out of 10 because he does 75 damage now maxwell the big bad of the constant maxwell regenerates 6.75 sanity a minute naturally without any clothing he also has slightly low hp at 75 but he can craft shadow puppets these shadow puppets are the miner chopper digger and jewelers all of which take up a certain percentage of his max santee all the workers have one hp and require their corresponding tool and nightmare fuel the duelist requires a spear and nightmare fuel the duelist damage isn't very good because it only does 40 damage and attacks once every two seconds but it regenerates 7.5 hp a second has a max hp of 75 and it does try to kite enemies but usually it dies pretty fast it's worth noting maxwell is one of the best wood gatherers in the game if he uses three choppers and one digger and maxwell can read wikibom's books so overall survivability i would give him a five out of ten but the low hp could have an impact in gameplay because it means you basically always need armor so we'll put us four out of ten for survivability his utility is nine out of ten and his combat is five out of ten assuming that you do have armor on and now we have wigfrid oh no so wickford only eats meat and the goodies such as taffy jelly beans mushy kick and goat jelly and she does 25 more damage and also takes 25 percent less damage she can craft her own battle spears which only do 42.5 damage which is not very good she can craft battle helmets which provide 80 damage reduction and almost twice the durability of football helmets while she's fighting she restores sanity and health and she gains inspiration while fighting she can create songs that have various effects which cost inspiration to activate some of these songs are passive whereas some of them you activate once for a one single effect now while wigfrid is the most popular character she's also a very bad for the game let me explain why since she can basically craft infinite helmets and she tanks with no problem and she regenerates health and sanity while fighting it basically promotes a playstyle where you tank everything and as long as you hold f you can't die and if you did this on any other character it simply wouldn't work you'd run out of armor you'd run out of hp and you would die that's why people who play wigfrid typically only play wigfrid because the playstyle you learn on wikifred does not transfer to other characters i highly wouldn't recommend playing wigfrid but i'm going to be fair and give her the ratings she deserves her survivability is 10 out of 10 she regenerates health and sanity just by fighting her utility is 7 out of 10 because she can make really good battle helmets for the team and her combat is six out of ten since she does 25 more damage webber is a spider he has 175 hunger and hp with 100 sanity he could eat monster foods without the traditional negative effects of monster food he grows a beard that you can shave for silk which also provides insulation in winter spiders are neutral towards weather and he can upgrade spider dens with silk when feeding a spider monster me it comes befriended and it also befriends three other spiders nearby mobs which are naturally aggressive to spiders are also aggressive to weber like pigs bunny men and cat coons weber can craft items to turn spiders into different kinds of spiders and he has equipment to pull spiders out of their nest and diagonal spiders and he can decorate dens with den decorating sets to make those spiders in those nests neutral towards all other characters weber's best use is just utilizing spider hordes in combat though if the boss has an air of effect attack they die pretty fast weather can also start spider wars to easy meat and silk so overall we'd pick pretty solid character but then give him sixes all across the board now we have winona the sister of charlie winona will consume hunger to craft faster which is kind of useful if you're making lots of stuff but if winona doesn't have more than 50 hunger she won't consume hunger and she crafts slower if winona is in darkness she dodges the first attack from charlie and she has her own crafting tab and in this crafting tab she can make trusty tape which is the same as one use of a sewing kit but it's also used to make all of her other things in this tab so then we have the winona's catapult this is an area of effect turret which is actually pretty good which can be used for a bunch of wacky farms and it needs to be filled by one of the two generators either winona's generator or were known as generator the generator takes knighter to fuel whereas the generator takes gems to fuel and she has a winona spotlight which aims a spotlight at the player within its range and its radius is not very big overall her utilities with her catapults is kind of nuts she can make some insane farms using her catapults and she can also use her catavols in combat against bosses we're going to give a survivability of 5 utility a 9 and combat a6 now we have wally wally's one of the most underestimated characters in the game his hunger drains 20 percent faster he can only eat crock-pot foods and he remembers what he's eaten for two days and if you eat the same thing within those two days he receives less nutrition from eating the same food he has unique cookware which cooks food 20 faster and the best thing is there's foods that only wally can make and the most notable ones are vault goat shell freud which grants the user electric damage for five minutes which gives you a massive damage bonus fish cordon bleu which i don't know if i said that right which provides wetness immunity for five minutes hot dragon chili salad which increases your temperature by 45 minutes this is enough to stop you from freezing in winter and asparagus i think decreases temperature by 45 minutes which stops you from overheating in summer the ingredients for these recipes are kind of hard to get so it's not very good in the early game but mid to late game wally is very good he can also add spices to any crock-pot dish which gives the following effects chili flakes grants the user 20 more damage honey crystals doubles your mining chopping and hammering efficiency seasoning salt increases the health value of the food that you're eating by 25 and garlic powder absorbs 33 damage after armor damage reduction so like i said in the mid to late game wally is way better than early game because in the early game you don't have all of these ingredients readily available nor can you mass produce them very easily so his survivability is a five his utility year though is a 10 out of 10 and his combat is an eight out of ten because of his vault goat shall freud now we have war talks warthogs is a monster and gains half the nutrition from all food creatures that are aggressive to weather are also aggressive towards war talks when a mob dies near wartox they drop a soul this soul can only be collected by wartox and warthogs can eat these souls for 18.75 hunger and -5 sanity or he can drop them for area of effect healing for him and his team the healing starts at 20 but can go down to 13 per player and it goes down one point every person that benefits from the heal wardrobes can use a soul to also teleport anywhere on screen like a lazy explorer and these souls are extremely easy to farm as most mobs drop one soul including like butterflies and bees and bosses drop seven to eight souls warthogs can only hold 20 souls at once otherwise he will drop half of them and then lose 2070 and souls cannot be stored anywhere except directly in warthogs's inventory but you can effectively store souls in your inventory by uh stacking a stack of bees in your inventory and then murdering them when you want souls wartops can heal very easily so his survivability is 9 out of 10. his utility is kind of good as well because he can heal his team so that's seven out of ten and his combat is a six out of ten just because he can brute force through killing stuff but just because he can heal himself and now we have wormwood wormwood is a plant and cannot heal from edible food yes you heard that correctly he can only heal from items and effects such as like jelly beans effect and spider glands and the bat bat he has a crafting tab where he can craft living logs for the cost of 20 health a bramble husk which is some armor that's 65 damage reduction and when you get hit while wearing it it does aoe damage to mobs around you for 22.6 damage and it prevents damage from bramble traps bramble traps are similar to tooth traps but with less damage and the damage is aoe and a compost wrap that can be used to heal wormwood for 8 hp and then 32 hp over 32 seconds it can also be used in farming one wood can plant seeds outside a farming turf normal turf does not store nutrients so you can't make giants if you farm that way but wormwood can also plant seeds on farming turf without the need to till the ground which just makes farming faster wormwood also gains ten sanity from planting plants and loses five sanity from digging them up wormwood can use fertilizers to bloom and heal he also blooms naturally in spring and when he's fully bloomed he has a 1.2 times speed multiplier at 1.2 times hunger drain and he automatically tends to plant it crops since he's a plant eye plants are neutral towards wormwood and wormwood is immune to hostile weeds and farming plots now initially you think it's hard to heal but you can use wartocks to heal and farm living logs easily and you can also make a bat bat relatively easily to heal as well so his survivability is a four just because healing can be tough in the early game but his utility is a seven for that easy living loss his combat i'm also going to put a four since again getting hit is kind of a hassle because then it's kind of a hassle to heal otherwise he's the best farming character in the game next we have word what is a merm and she's also a vegetarian so she cannot eat meat and she can also eat goodies like taffy and jelly beans walks 30 faster on marsh turf she can craft a merm structures one of which spawns a normal mum and another one which spawns a royal merm guard she can also build a structure so that you can erect a murm king and when there is a merm king alive it buffs all mums across the world and it buffs wurt's stats shows you goes from 150 to 250 health 200 to 250 hunger and 150 to 270. any vegetables fruits or butterflies that were eats provides 33 extra hunger to work keeping a fish in worth's inventory makes her gain 3.3 sanity per minute fish held by where will also stay alive for longer so they'll survive up to four days this is particularly good with two fish the ice cream and the scorching sunfish both of which keep your temperatures hot and cold for winter and summer and since we're as a merm pigs are aggressive to her she cannot trade with a pig king and when she holds meat or dead fish she loses 4.4 sanity per minute what is basically a vegetarian wilson until the late game building all of the merm structures is really expensive so you won't be doing it very soon you'll be doing in the mid to late game so survivability is five utilities six because her royal merm guards can obliterate bosses once you have enough of them but it requires a lot of sup and then her combat is a five next we have walter walter has quite low stats with 130 hp 110 hunger and 200 sanity he is a little boy so that explains the stats he's also allergic to bees so he takes an extra 10 damage when hit by any bee creature and that 10 extra damage ignores armor he has an unkillable pet dog with nine inventory slots called a worby that follows walter no matter what the pet dog can be transformed into a rideable dog by feeding it monster meat when the dog is transformed its speed scales off of the dog's hunger which is a max of 50 until she reverts back to a normal dog walter also has a slingshot that can fire ammo the best damage ammo being cursed rounds which is 51 damage with a chance to spawn a shallow tentacle that does more damage slow down rounds can lose the aggro of enemies and the freeze rounds are twice as effective as ice staffs his slingshot fires twice as slow as a normal like attack with a spear so by the time you can land two spear attacks you'd only be able to land one slingshot attack so two spear attacks is 68 damage whereas one slingshot is 51 damage you can see why the slingshot just isn't worth using ever unless of course you want to which is fine walter can craft a campus tent which is basically a portable tent that's improved and a huge downside of walter is he loses sanity whenever he loses health at a ratio of one to two so if he takes 10 damage he loses 20 sanity this effect can be halved with the hat that he starts with but still it's a lot of sanity loss whenever he loses health also whenever walter isn't at full health he'll constantly lose sanity up to 12 sanity per minute walter also gains no sanity from clothing items such as the tamo chanter walter ignores any sanity auras such as dusk knight or boss sanity auras walter is still affected by negative sanity auras from equipment though such as dark swords and because walter likes the woods if there's five or more trees close to him he gains sani his survivability is a four because if you take a little bit of damage he can die very easily and he has low health his utilities are six simply because he can be arranged support in the background without much risk since he's at range and will be is good for riding around and transferring statue pieces but his combat will give a four he does the same damage as wilson it's just that he'll be insane most of the time if you take damage and last but not least wanda does not have a health bar instead she has an age bar so if she gets hit for damage she takes damage from her age and 2.5 health is one age wanda starts at age 20 and if she hits age 80 she dies so effectively wanda has 150 hp wanda must use ageless watches to reduce her age an ageless watch reduces her age by 8 with a 2 minute cooldown and one that ages naturally 1 year every 40 seconds which is also 3 years every 2 minutes so one ageless watch is enough to keep you from dying one that deals more damage with shadow weapons the older she is so if she's between age 36 to 64 she does 1.2 times damage and if she's between age 65 and 79 she's 1.75 times damage wanda can also craft her own shadow weapon which is her best weapon called the alarming clock this weapon is a whip so it has increased range but also a slightly decreased attack rate wonder is one of the best damage dealers in the game when she's old with her weapon it does 142.8 damage per swing when she's old but that's not all she also has some utility she can make a teleport that which basically reverses time and it makes her jump back in where she was a few seconds ago this teleport only has a two second cooldown and it can provide invulnerability frames she also has multiple teleports that can teleport you anywhere on the map including in the caves but it requires you to set up the teleport beforehand and those teleports require mac tusks to craft so it means you can't craft them until winter and even then you can't craft a lot of them also wanda requires full sight fragments for all of her clocks so you have to go to the ruins or archives to be able to make a good amount of watches for wanda so if you couldn't already tell wanda is very much a glass cannon she does a lot of damage but she has to be very old as in very close to death for her to do that damage so this usually means you need very good armor like night armor to give yourself 95 damage reduction so her survivability i'm gonna give her a six since her ageless watch effectively gives you infinite healing except you can't do the infinite healing all at once it's over time her utility is 10 out of 10 no one else can teleport you across the map unless you use telling locator staffs and stuff and you can set up multiple of them at once and they're no cost and they just have cooldowns after the initial craft and her combat is nine out of ten she is a glass cannon so she does die for quite easily but if you're careful she won't die and she can deliver close to the best damage in the game and now before we get to our closing remarks there is quite a bit of discussion with who's better dps wolfgang or elder wander and here's the math on screen as you can see wonder does 92.7 of wolfgang's damage but this is in a perfect scenario for both of the characters so ultimately they both do very good damage and you should just play who you want damn this video took so long to make i've been working on this video for like nearly a week i hope that this video consolidated all the information on the characters and if you found it useful if you're a beginner and you want to play the game who should you choose my recommendation is either wilson wendy willow or woody these characters will teach you the right things and will give you a sincere don't starve experience whereas other characters that usually drastically change the gameplay of the game so yeah those are my recommendations wilson willow wendy and woody so yeah i hope you enjoyed the reason why i did this video is because i wanted to do this video before i did my survival guides so people knew what all the characters did and knew which one to pick whichever one they would enjoy playing the most also that's the most important thing that i forgot to say you should play the character that you have the most fun with whether or not other people think it's good or not so anyway subscribe if you haven't liked the video leave a comment and i will see you in the survival guides and maybe some more boss rushes [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jakeyosaurus
Views: 2,180,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jakeyosaurus, Jakeysaurus, completionist, PG, Family friendly, dst, don't starve together, don't starve, bosses, ruins rush, boss rush, bee queen, shadow pieces, dragonfly, enraged dragonfly, panflute, klaus, deerclops, moosegoose, malbatross, crab king, celestial champion, lunar island, ancient guardian, ancient fuelweaver, toadstool, farming, potato, guide, how to, speed run, boss rush speedrun, high level, faster, terraria, eye of terror, eye of cuthulu, twin terrors, all characters
Id: zrW4p19EFwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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