Ultimate Boar Taming And Farming Guide For Valheim

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this is your one and only fire spark 81 with your daily dose of video goodness and welcome back to another informational valheim video today we're talking about farming and taming let's get to it we're going to start off talking about farming in order to do any farming at all you need the cultivator and you get that as soon as you get your first piece of bronze if you don't know how to get bronze watch my ultimate metal guide i will link the playlist of all of my belham videos down in the description go down there and check it out it will have that video in the guide so once you get bronze as soon as you get your first bronze ingot you will unlock the recipe for the cultivator it's gonna cost you five core wood and five bronze you get core wood from pine trees in the dark forest and this is what a pine tree looks like you can see it's got just really long trunk and then all the leaves are way at the top of it you can see there pine so when you knock this down it will get you normal wood and core wood once you have the cultivator then you're going to need some type of seed either tree seed or carrot seeds to get you started so if you take a look here if i activate the cultivator i have a bunch of options here so i just have it activated and then i hit the right mouse button to bring up the menu just like if i'm building and you can see i got different options one of which is to cultivate that tears up the soil like this basically creates your garden land the other thing you can do with it is replace grass so if your area is all tore up and you want to get grass back you can restore grass to cast areas or areas that you've leveled if you want to plant seeds for example carrots all you have to do is select the carrot seed and then you can plant it but there's some things to keep in mind when it comes to planting and the main thing is you can't plant things too close together or next to other stuff if you do that it will tell you that it needs more room to grow so if i grab one of my carrot seeds here and i plant down a carrot like that and then i take a look at it you can see it says it's healthy which is fantastic but if i build something next to it so for example just one of these little pillars here and then we wait a second it will then change and tell you that it says it needs more room to grow and you can see it kind of looks brown and sad now but if i just delete this then it will go back to life and be healthy again the same thing happens when you plant two things too close together so if i was to plant another carrot seed right up on top of this one and we wait a second you can see one of them now says it needs more room to grow and the other one's healthy so the new one that we planted takes over the previous one and then if i get rid of the other one this one will come back to life you can get rid of them really easily just by kicking them by the way so if you need to get rid of something just kick it and now you can see it's come back to life got to give a massive shout out on this one to one of my discord moderators bessie absolutely fantastic person helped me do this while i was working on other stuff and helped me figure this out so the size in which you can measure how close you can plant these together is just this little one by one flooring so if i place this little one by one flooring right at the corner there just like that and then i can go through and grab my seeds and i can plant one at each of these corners like so and then you have to delete this because they can't have any building pieces next to them you can see they're all healthy so you can do that same thing over and over again if you're really adamant about cramming as many of these into an area as possible these you have a little bit of time when they go like that when they go unhealthy like that before they will just die off so we can do that and there we go and then those will pop back should be in any second now should be healthy again and there we go it's healthy again so once you have this set up and you can visualize it it's really easy from this point just to kind of go through and eye it up i mean your lines won't be perfectly straight but you know you get the idea trees have the same problem so if we grab our cultivator here and we grab one of our beach saplings if you plant them too close together they will do the same thing so i'm just going to throw one down here real quick the distance on trees is much different than the distance for your plants in the garden the distance for trees is two foundations so if i grab a large foundation here and we put it right there at the corner like that it's gonna tell me that it can't grow because there's something next to it but i'm just going to show you real quick so if i grab another tree and i put it right here and then i grab another tree and i put it right here and then we get rid of this you can see now this center tree is unhappy after a few seconds like they were both brown and then the set this one went fine and the center one went brown and now this one's fine that tells us that they have to be two foundations apart so if i was going to cram as many trees as possible into one area what i would do is put down foundations like this and then i know that i can plant a tree at each of these four corners and then go back through and delete the foundations and they should all be fine after we delete this center one here so we're just gonna kick that bad boy out of existence wait a second and then the other ones that are back here should yep there we go healthy and healthy so that's the distance that's how close you can plant trees now you may be able to actually get them a little bit closer but your best rule of thumb is just using the foundations for easy measurement i try to make things as easy to follow as possible and that gives you a good visual representation of how close you can get them after you get your first carrot after you pick your first carrot up you will get the recipe that you saw there for planting carrot seeds so you will not have this until you get your first carrot when you pick your first carrot up you will have this each one of these that you plant will get you three seeds in return so you can turn one carrot into three seeds okay i think that covers everything for gardening let's move on to taming so as the game tells you rather early you can tame boars and you can also tame them rather early it's not nearly as difficult as the game it makes it seem um or some of the misinformation that's going around makes it seem so i highly recommend capturing your bore first while it's wild make sure you can take a little bit of the hits from them because you're gonna need to take a couple of hits from them and just capture them there's two things or two ways you can go about doing it first thing you need to do is see your boar at a distance don't scare the board right from the get-go kind of just spot them then keep a little bit of a distance from them now the next thing you want to do is place down a workbench so that you can build now you have two options here you can build almost a complete pen and then leave one side off of it so that you can have the board chase you into the pen and then slam down the last bit of fence and capture it that way or you can just let it attack you and quickly build around you and it at the same time however you want to go about doing it whatever is the easiest for you once you have the bore captured all you have to do is just throw food on the ground now it does make a little bit of a difference what type of food you feed them they do eat a lot of different things i've been running some tests here and if we take a look i fed this one blueberries one blueberry one blueberry got him to four percent i fed this one here a raspberry as you see here the raspberry got him to 12 [Music] i fed this one just a normal mushroom it got him to 13 and i fed this one over here a carrot and the carrot got this one to 13 and all you have to do is literally just throw it on the ground so let me show you here so we have this boar here he's mr angry boar he hasn't been tamed at all it says that he's hungry i'm just gonna grab one carrot and i'm just gonna toss it on the ground now we need to get away from him because he can't be scared if he's scared he won't eat so if we just hang back a little bit here eventually he will get not scared and this is why you want to capture them so they can't just go wandering off he needs to be relatively close by it doesn't have to be directly in his face just near the vicinity once he comes down he will eventually hone in on it there he goes i think he saw it yep he just ate it now you can see that he has little green hearts coming up from him those little green hearts indicate that he's being tamed if i get close you can see he's a cl acclimatizing and to being tamed even if he gets frightened he just won't tame while he's being frightened ideally what you want to do is just throw it down and then stay away from him so just throw the food down stay away now the other thing you can do is throw a bunch of food down at one time you don't have to just throw one i just threw one there for demonstration purposes you can just throw down like i don't know four five six whatever you can do the math with the percentages that i gave you to get them to a hundred percent just throw it down inside of his cage it'll eat when it gets hungry and then tame up these have been at these percentages that they are at here for about two days now so i'm pretty sure that they don't actually lose their their tameness i'm pretty sure that the tameness just stays there once you've started to tame them i don't think it goes down if it does go down it's many many days before it goes down i tried feeding them honey and the yellow mushrooms as well and i could not get them to eat either the yellow mushrooms or honey so apparently you cannot tame them with these however the raspberries the blueberries the normal mushrooms and carrots all seem to work so what about once they are tamed from what i can tell once they're tamed they don't untame this guy here has not been fed in days like i don't even know how many days now but a lot i tamed him and then i just left him here in his cage to hang out he does nothing he just hangs out he doesn't decay or anything like that you can see his health is still full every time i pet him just says boar loves you he's been hungry for quite some time so that leads me to believe that they don't untame and if they do untame it's a very long time so you don't necessarily have to feed your boars every day you can see here i have a bunch of bores just hanging out in this pin over here now i've been running some tests with this they do breed they do make babies i'm gonna see if we can get them to do it here on camera so i have a bunch of carrots here now i have not been able to get them to breed with the berries they just don't seem to care they'll eat it they'll be happy they'll go from hungry to to happy but they won't breed they won't make babies i have however got them to breed feeding them carrots or mushrooms so i'm just going to throw these carrots out here we'll see if they do it now i i've had them in a smaller pen until now and i just made their pan bigger and their babies have grown up so i i'm testing to see now i think you can only have so many boars in an area i don't think they'll breed if you have them in a confined area so let's see let's see if they do it here so not all of them ate they'll when they do breed they'll get close to each other and you'll see little pink hearts and then after a little bit of time you'll hear hear them squeal and then a baby will pop out so yeah they're they're happy now they've eaten but they're not breeding so i think you can only have so many boars in a small area before they will do anything so we have a couple here i'm gonna kill off do i have two those that one okay so we do have some that are hungry so oh there okay never mind they just did it did you see those pink hearts over there they they just did it so now this one after a little bit of time should pop out a baby i'm gonna wait and then we'll cut to it making the baby and right there we go so that took a little bit for that to happen and i had to kill off two before this one here was born so when they're happy the they apparently they just hang out and bounce around to each other and you'll see the little hearts constantly but even though the little hearts pop up it doesn't look like they'll make a baby until there's only so many boars in the area so i'm not sure how big the area needs to be but i had them in a smaller pin before and i could not get them to breed past five so i would kill off a couple and then leave two in the pen and they would they would breed back to five and then they would cap again so if you want to have a lot of bores you need to spread them out a good bit or have a massive pin so that they can spread out a good bit because apparently from what i can tell there seems to be a check in the game that stops a whole bunch of them just populating a small area but anyway this is piggy this oh look there we go we just got another one so this one here just had a baby so that's what they look like the little piglets and then they grow up into a bore and then you can just kill the boar and it's the same as killing a wild boar it makes no difference you will get the same chance you have a chance to get a little bit of meat and then you have a chance to get the leather scraps it works the exact same that's the only benefit is it basically allows you to sometimes farm meat and to farm the leather scraps to be honest with you i don't think it's worth the amount of food you need to sacrifice to to get them you're better off hunting deer because the deer always give you the meat while these guys seem to have a chance to give you the meat so we have another one here when i call them i just use the bow because it allows me to make sure that i'm only hitting one but you can see i take him down none of the other ones care and that time we managed to get both the scraps and the chunk of meat but you don't always though out of killing the three that i've killed i only got two meat and i managed to get leather scraps every single time if you want to move your bores the best way i found to do it is just have nothing in your hands go into a block stance and then you can just kind of push them around so once they're tame i mean they'll wander around if you don't have them in a pen and they may just wander off but you should be able to just break one of your fences and we'll try it with this guy here so if you take a look if i break this fence and then we just get behind him here you can see i can pretty easily just kind of shove him around so if you want to move them that's the best way i found to move them so far there is a way to tether to things but you have to damage them and i don't know if it's a good idea to be damaging your bores so if you get assert i don't want to spoil anything for people but there's there's a way it's a you can get a harpoon i'll tell you that i'm not going to tell you more than that but uh you can harpoon things and when you do that you're tethered to said thing so you can pull it around but it chews up your stamina this moves them but doesn't actually like use any stamina so you can see here if i just break this now and i unequip that i can slowly push him into the pin and then we can go back into our thing here and bam there you go so that's how you can move them if you want to try to move them around that's the best way i found to move them so far without hurting them all right i think that covers everything you need to know for taming and for gardening if you found this a video helpful consider hitting the subscribe button and the notification bell so you can be notified when i upload other valheim videos i don't just cover valheim i cover all kinds of different games so you never know when i'm going to be uploading guides for a game you may be playing all right that is going to wrap it up for this episode if you like what you saw considering that sub button i want to give a big thank you for patrons for making this episode possible y'all are absolutely amazing people if you'd like to join my link for patreon supporters please check out the link in the description below if you enjoyed this video please comment down below let me know what you thought if you're shy you don't like to comment just hit that thumbs up button and show your support until next time thanks for watching
Channel: FireSpark81
Views: 661,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firespark81, firespark, Valheim, Valheim guide, Valheim tips, Valheim tips and tricks, Valheim farming, Valheim farming guide, valheim carrot seed, Valheim carrot seeds, Valheim taming, Valheim taming boar, Valheim how to tame, Valheim how to tame boar, Valheim boar taming, Valheim how to plant seeds, Valheim how to plant trees
Id: zW1T3R0Z19Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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