Valheim - The Complete Taming & Breeding Guide! (incl. Chickens)

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with the release of the misslands update you can now keep boar wolves locks and chickens as your own tamed pets in valheim once befriended you'll be able to take advantage of each of these animals unique uses and even breed them to get easy access to their drops and some of the best foods currently in the game so how do you go about getting your own tamed buddy well step one is to find one out in the wild boar can be found in the Meadows wolves in the mountains locks in the plains and chickens can be found in you guessed it eggs yeah chickens are different let's just put a pin in them for now four wolves and locks Need to Be Tamed from wild animals in order to do this you'll first want to capture one although this isn't strictly necessary for taming it will make the process a lot easier a simple pen will do the job just make sure that you leave a gap for the animal to get in when capturing bore you can use a round pole fence or wood wall but for wolves you'll want to upgrade to the more durable steak wall or stone wall if you don't aggravate the locks too much a stone wall will suffice but digging a steeply edged ditch might be the best option once you have your pen you can lure the animal in or use the Abyssal Harpoon to drag them in before quickly sealing up the pen and jumping out of there now that you've got the animal you want to tame for The Taming process to begin and progress the following three conditions must be met the animal must be within the active area can't be alerted and can't be hungry inside the active area just means that there's a player within 64 meters of it so you'll need to stay relatively nearby if you want to tame the animal fast you'll see if the animal is alerted by the red exclamation mark above its head and its status which will change to frightened animals will become alerted if they detect either the player or another creature from a rival creature faction nearby in these cases the animal will try and break out of whatever enclosure you've put it in Untamed boar will also be alerted by fire so ensure that the edge of their enclosure is at least six meters from any fire source you can tell if an animal is hungry from its status however even hungry animals are fussy and each of the three tameable creature types eat different foods so make sure that you have the correct food type ready animals that are fleeing won't eat even if they're hungry which means if you want to tame a one or two star wolf which only spawn at night and flee and despawn at dawn you'll have to start the taming process before night ends and it starts to flee it also means that unfortunately you can't tame animals from raid events as these creatures will only ever either be alerted during the raid or fleeing and unable to eat after the raid if all three of these conditions are met the animal status will change to acclimatizing and yellow Hearts will start to appear above it signifying that taming is underway taming will progress at a tick every three seconds you need 600 of these successful ticks to tame each of the three tameable creatures in the game if at some point taming is interrupted either if the animal becomes hungry or becomes alerted or maybe the player moves too far away from the animal The Taming progress will pause but once all three conditions are met again taming will resume right where it left off if you manage to tame the animal without any of these interruptions taming will progress by one percent every 18 seconds and will be a hundred percent complete in just 30 minutes one single food item will keep an animal fed for 10 minutes so it's a good idea to drop a stack of food that will last the full duration of The Taming process at least three food items per animal but go with five to be safe it's also important to keep in mind that by going to sleep all creatures will reset back to being hungry even if they've just eaten essentially wasting that bit of food once a wild animal is tamed you'll get a message pop up on the screen and little hearts will come out of the animal this newly tamed animal will join the player's faction which means that it won't attack you or any of your other tamed animals you can also now pet it and change its name with left shift and E so that when it's inevitably killed by a mob you really feel it but what about the chickens I hear you cry well rather helpfully chickens come pre-tamed straight from the egg once you've defeated the fifth boss yaglif The elusive Merchant hell door will add chicken eggs to his assortment of items for sale just one egg will set you back 1500 coins so I hope you've been saving up just make sure you buy at least two eggs if you want them to breed and produce more eggs in order to hatch your egg you need to drop it inside a shelter as indicated by the shelter icon and within range of a heat Source such as a campfire Hearth or hot tub different heat sources have different ranges but you'll be able to tell whether a particular spot is in range if you have the fire effect in the top right corner when the egg is within range of a heat Source its status will change from too cold to warm once warm the egg will take 30 minutes to hatch however if something interrupts the egg's warmth let you pick it up or the fire goes out the 30 minutes of warmth will have to restart all over again note that also if you have several eggs you want to hatch you need to drop them individually not as a stack after 30 uninterrupted minutes of warmth the egg will hatch a little check and after 50 minutes this chick will grow up into a fully tamed tent which just like other tamed animals you can also pet and change its name chickens or more accurately hens will eat barley dandelions and also a range of seeds including Beech seeds birch seeds carrot seeds turnip seeds and onion seeds so make sure you've got some to hand if you want some happy hens if you've successfully managed to get two tamed animals at the same type you can make some more much more easily through breeding for the most part breeding Works in a very similar way to how wild animals are tamed in the game but there are also a few more factors that you need to take into consideration brooding is only possible if the creature is within the active area not alerted and not hungry as it takes two to tango there will also need to be a suitable partner for that animal nearby which also needs to be tamed not hungry and not pregnant itself and lastly the number of creatures nearby must not be exceeding the limit for this animal type for boar this limit is five ball within 10 meters for wolves it's four within 10 meters for chickens it's 10 within 10 meters and in locks this limit is four within 20 meters so make sure that if you're keeping your animals in an enclosure it isn't too full for brooding to take place eggs will also count towards this limit for chickens so if you want your hens to continue laying eggs you'll need to pick up the ones that are lying around in every one of your fully grown tamed animals these five conditions will be checked every 30 seconds if during one of these checks all five of these conditions for breeding are met there is a 33 chance that that individual will gain a Love Point as indicated by the pink hearts above it these pink hearts however don't necessarily mean that that animal is pregnant as chicken boar and wolves each need three love points to become pregnant while locks will need four love points to get pregnant once an individual has a required number of Love points it will become pregnant although there currently isn't an indicator for this boar and wolf Offspring will be born after one and a half minutes as will chicken eggs but in locks it will take two and a half minutes for a baby locks to be born it's also worth mentioning that creatures in valheim are not separated into male and female forms so any and all of your tamed animals can become pregnant as long as they have the required amount of Love points if you have a one or two star bore or wolf they will pass down their Star level to The Offspring they give birth to chickens and locks don't have star levels currently but chickens will at least pass on their coloring to their offspring using the butcher knife to kill a baby boar or wolf cub will leave you with nothing but a sense of guilt Lock's Offspring will at least drop you something as will chicks occasionally but really you might as well just wait for them to grow up to get the full drops chicks bore and wolves take 50 minutes to become fully grown while locks will take double the time at 100 minutes as mentioned breeding your tamed animals gives you easy access to some great drops wolf hides to fully upgrade your wolf armor locks meat to turn into a locks meat pie and now chicken meat which is pretty good just cooked on its own but when combined with honey and Newton Puffs gives you the honey glazed chicken currently the joint's second most health-rich food in the game to give your tamed animals a quick death you can craft the butcher knife at the Forge from four tin and two wood if you don't fancy eating your new Buddies in their offspring you can take advantage of some of their unique uses as you'll know from your encounters with them in the mountains wolves are pretty fierce but once they're tamed they'll be fighting on your side your tamed wolves can be commanded to follow you by pressing e or to guard a specific area by pressing e again Unfortunately they can't follow you through portals but with a little creativity you may be able to take them on your travels anyway if any of your good boys get injured along the way just Chuck them some food and they'll start to restore their health the same also goes for any of your other tamed animals if they get injured locks can be ridden by crafting a lock saddle from 10 leather scraps 20 linen thread and 15 black metal just add the saddle to one of your hotkeys and equip it to one of your tamed locks hover over the saddle and press e to use to head forward hit W and to stop hit s to run you can hold left shift which you'll see will start to deplete your lox's stamina bar you can steer by holding the right Mouse button and moving the mouse in the direction you want to go as you ride you'll also gain XP towards the riding skill which will reduce the stamina your locks uses and allow it to run faster once you're done for the day you can remove the saddle from your locks by pressing left shift d finally chickens of course come in handy for the yummy eggs that they lay which can be used to craft a number of food recipes including the pretty mediocre cooked egg and the mushroom omelette which is currently the second most stamina rich food in the game yep these little guys produce the second most health rich and stamina-rich Foods in the game definitely seems like it's well worth having a fair few of them around if you enjoyed this video please give it a like and comment and subscribe if you want to see more missing guides coming soon perhaps you'll also enjoy this other valheim guide I made but until the next one have a great day
Channel: Embr
Views: 675,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valheim, valhiem, chickens, valhem, chicken, hen, mistlands, mistlan
Id: PUjcwi9CSpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2022
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