Valheim - How To Breed Boar! EASY METHOD!

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so today guys i'm going to show you how to breed boar how to set up these pens and breed boar so you get these little things little baby piggies and eventually they will of course grow up to being adult boar and that is of course how you're going to breed them right you get the little babies they grow to adults you make more babies you guys know how to breathe things but that's what we're going to do today guys so let's jump straight into it so the first thing you want to do in order to set up the ball breeding is make a bit of a temporary fence structure so what we're going to do is make a fence here like this and then a second one just in front of that about there very good then we're going to make a fence connecting up here so we go like one here say one here like this then from this one we're gonna go another two down this way so like one here one here obviously just make sure this is all connected up around the sides there's no gaps for the ball to escape then down the middle we wanna do another two so we're going to put one like here one about here and then we're just going to connect these ones up here but we're not going to keep those up just yet because what we're going to do is go out and get a board to chase this and i'll show you guys how to do that in a second lure them into here and then get into the pen at the back here so that they follow you into the pen at that point what you'll do is place a block here like this to trap them in and you can then jump out and of course they will be trapped in the pen so you want to get the structure ready to go so that when you get them back you can trap them as quickly as possible so you need it too deep because otherwise they won't chase you deep enough to be actually trapped in here but then you trap them in there you jump out and you'll have the ball here the reason that we make two is our first ball obviously we're trapping say this one and then at this point this will of course be fenced off so it will look up if i get the right thing here like this right now at this point if we brought a second ball back and tried to get them in here we'd have to destroy a piece of the fence to open up to get the ball in but at that point the one we already have trapped is just going to run away and that's going to be a pain it's much better to have the first one trapped in here get your second one trapped in here in the same way and then you can always remove this fence and build a bigger enclosure around them i'm going to cover all of this later on in this video don't worry but that's essentially how this is going to work so now we need to go and get some board to chase us and bring them back here so finding balls will just entail running around your map until you well find them and once you do i'm going to show you what to do but before you go it's a good idea to eat a lot of food and get yourself as buffed as you can as the boars are chasing you to get back to the base you will have to take a little bit of damage i'm afraid as you're going to see when we do this later on now of course the closer you can find them to your base the better and the easier it's going to be for you to get them but to be honest it's not the case of you know having the choice of that you're just going to have to keep searching until you find them and then you might have a bit of a journey home as we're about to see one thing you can do if you're not in too much of a rush is just get your pens set up and kind of wait until you start to see a ball near your base because they will start spawning in and they will sometimes be near your base so you could wait for that to happen if you're not in too much of a rush to do this otherwise you'll have to do what i'm doing just keep venturing slightly further afield as you uh look for them okay so here is our first ball there he is and now this bit is you know gonna take a bit of time essentially what you need to do is dude come on i'm here there we go you want him to be like a little bit scared like this you want him to be chasing you at the bits where he sort of loses a bit of interest you just need to stay nearby and then every now and again he's going to come and make a bit of a charge at us so here we go charge at us we can run a bit faster and just stay near enough that he's gonna keep doing that and we're gonna have to do this until we get him back to the base which is why i said you know if you're not in a rush you may want to make sure that you're a bit closer to your base uh before you start doing this that being said as you can see here i'm covering a fair bit of ground in a reasonably short time you know it's not too difficult i mean there's our base there we're almost back um so we're going to do this until we get him back to those pens that we made earlier okay so as you near your pen what you want to do is get the uh the fence ready so then when we run in here like this uh he's gonna chase us come on cut this last little bit dude he's stuck on the fence right now uh there we go so now we can jump out uh because we had our fence ready we've built that we've jumped out he is stuck inside there which is just a bit of a temporary solution uh but there we go he's stuck in there so uh what we can do now is straight away we can give him some food now i've seen a lot of misinformation online you can give them just about any type of food you want just in saying that i do want to make the point you can't give them meat you can't give them the yellow mushrooms you can't give them honey so it's not you can give them any food you want but they will take raspberries and blueberries and you can give them carrots and things like that so there are a lot of options and also the brown mushrooms you know so there's a lot of things you can give them that was the point that i wanted to make so actually what we're going to do is start off by giving him a raspberry so what we'll do is we'll come and jump just up here like this onto the corner bit there we go uh actually i think we can do it from here i'll just let's try this so if i shift click here and select just one raspberry and then just kind of chuck it there we go that'll go onto the floor now at the moment as you can see he's like going around he's hitting the fences and stuff he's still frightened and a bit angrier so you need to come away from him a bit so he's no longer frightened and then when you go back you should find that that raspberry has been eaten okay so as we look at the ball right now you might have just seen there there's some of those little golden um heart things and he's starting to acclimatize and i believe the raspberry's gone let's have a look here he is now frightened because we're nearby but i think he's eating the raspberry uh so what we can do is go ahead and get these back and uh let's give him a few more let's see um let's give him like i don't know like five let's chuck them in there there we go so chucked a load of food in and the hearts are coming so he is eating the food right so we're gonna run away again so he's not frightened and he'll actually uh enjoy that food without us being too close and yeah this is what we need to do and keep giving him food until he becomes tame okay there we go guys so after giving him some more food you can see that tameness is one percent it does take some time and i would recommend that you try to give them different types of food and things what we're going to do now is actually give them like five mushrooms chucked in here see how they go um he's on two percent right now because he's still eating the food we've got in there so as long as we keep checking food in he'll keep uh increasing that timeless stat you see that right now it's two percent hopefully you can see that okay on screen i'll try and make it bigger if not uh but then once you get him to 100 obviously that's when uh he's tame so now what he needs his little friend going in here now i'm gonna have a little explore but as you can see the sun is starting to set one little tip i would give you if you're like new to the game you don't have like the great you know weapons and tools armor that sort of thing it might not be the best to do this of an evening because if you do have to venture far from your base trying to get the ball back whilst also fighting off mobs can be more difficult of an evening uh this is only if you're quite new to the game and you haven't geared up yet but i just thought i'd mention that just in case okay so here we come with our second ball there he is you can start coming at us again so we get the bit of fence ready get in here hopefully he can see his way in there we go do a little left click and jump out okay so there we go they're both now stuck in here now if we go look at the first one again let's see how tame is right now 14 so because these are gonna have a bit of disparity between how tame they actually are what you may want to do is keep these fences uh here in the middle of them like that for now so they stay separate um what we're going to do is go ahead and we'll just give them all of those for now um oh i missed um so you do need to be looking the right way um we're gonna go ahead and feed them uh but by keeping them separate what you can do is just ensure that you're feeding the one that actually needs to uh have the the extra tameness right and there we go you start to eat so the love hearts are coming and the sameness is happening now you're gonna need a lot of food uh in order to tame these guys right it does take a fair bit of food uh which is you know early game can be a slight issue for some people um obviously you get like all the raspberries and bushes and stuff but one thing you may want to do is set up what i've got here which is a bit of a carrot farm now i have done a full tutorial on how to find and set up a carrot farm if you guys are interested in that there will be a link down in the description so one important thing to note is you'll see here that the boar have actually broken down the fence in between they will start to attack this fence you can see here the durability of it and you'll see them attacking when you're nearby so you do want to come around and repair this to make sure they don't escape the fact that they're near each other it's not the end of the world i ideally would have kept them separate but you know it's okay so what i'm going to do is just keep doing what i need to do to breathe them which is essentially to throw in some food like this and then run away so that they're not frightened and they're not smashing down my fence um i'm so rubbish throwing and and then they'll get to be in tame at which point they will not try to smash down the fence anymore so that's the best thing guys to give them food and then get away from them so they're not smashing down your fences but if they are doing that if the fences are taking damage use your hammer like i did just there to repair them so after a while of giving your boar lots of food they would eventually become tame so now i can get in here they will not try to attack me and you see the ball is tame but hungry and this one is tame but happy so this one wants a bit of food which we're going to sort out in a second so you will need to feed your board to keep them happy but you don't need to feed them too often at this stage i mean this might change later on down as the game develops but right now they just get hungry but i don't think they die you can leave them for quite a long time uh you know hungry not that you necessarily should anyway so uh at this point you can pet them so we've got some him press e there we go boar loves you which is uh pretty awesome now at this stage what you're going to want to do is look to extend the pen out uh so the reason for that is balls will only breed when they have enough space for newborn to be sort of contained so i'm not sure exactly how this mechanic has worked out but basically in this pen it's probably too small for them to get a third so what i'm going to start off by doing is getting a load more of this fence stuff made up and what i'm going to do is just extend on this side and on this side and then we'll take down this bit of wall in the middle so i'm going to go ahead and build that and i'll show you what i mean in just a second okay so as you can see i've extended this pen out now and what i can do is go ahead and just destroy these bits here so the ball now have a bigger enclosure to run around in and what we need to do now is just leave them some food so we'll go ahead and get some food down here and we'll put some like down here as well so that's some food just throughout the pen for them um we will leave like a few other things around for them they can have and so now they're going to go ahead and eat the the food and when they're happy and ready to they will go near to each other you'll see i think some different colored love parts there we go the pink love hearts and that means that a little baby piglet should be born pretty soon so we're going to wait for that to happen and then try and show you guys that in a second all righty here we go guys then we've got a little piggy there he is a little bit smaller version of the boar of course and that is our little baby boar and the breeding is well underway um so now that they you know once they have food once they have a big enough enclosure that's what will happen so if you want to breed lots of boar either you'll need like a giant enclosure or you'll just need to make up lots of little enclosures that are far apart from each other there seems to be some sort of game mechanic that will track how many balls are in an area and not let them breed if there are too many but there is our first little piggy now at this stage if you want you can start killing them straight away uh not the babies don't do that that's just mean uh but we can kill the adults right so if i go over here and kill this dude there we go we get the same you know chance of drops and stuff that you get from killing them in the wild of course and you'll see here these boar do not care at all uh so they're not like spooked by the fact you've killed them or anything else and uh now once this one becomes an adult these two will be able to breed now baby uh you know the piggies or baby boys how you gonna think about them they're just born tame right once you've bred them by uh two tame boars that you've tamed yourself the babies will be tame so you don't need to worry about that uh just keep food in their enclosure eventually they'll grow up and be of adult you know age and then the breeding can continue so i really hope today's video helped you out guys if it did please consider liking and subscribing for much more valheim content but for this one that is about it and all i want to say now is thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time if you really like valheim why not check out my live streams on my twitch which is linked down in the description i stream let's play valham videos on a regular basis for hours on end you
Channel: Kysen
Views: 255,817
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Keywords: valheim, valheim boar farm, how to breed boar valheim, valheim tame boar, valheim capture boar, farm boar valheim, valheim boar breeding, valheim food farm, valheim food, valheim farm, valheim guide, valheim tips, valheim tips and tricks, valheim boar, valheim how to tame, valheim taming, valheim boar taming, valheim how to tame boar, valheim tutorial, kysen, valheim how to, valheim taming guide, valheim beginner guide, valheim game, valheim help, valheim quick start guide
Id: CFXigs0qVdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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