New Devastating Raids Coming to Valheim

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[Music] your one and only Fire spark 81 with your daily dose so video goodness and today we are taking a look at the brand new raids coming to velheim in the hilders quest update let's get to it there are three new raids coming to valheim in the hilder's request update and those three new raids are based around Hilder and the mini bosses each time you beat one of the mini bosses they will drop a chest when you turn that into Hilder to expand her inventory this activates the possibility to get one of these raids if you beat the boss and you don't turn in the chest you can pick it up you can take it home you can store it do whatever you want you will only get these raids put into rotation if you actually turn the chest into Hilder so I did some testing to find out which biomes these raids could happen in because if you're not familiar with the raid system a lot of the other raids are biome specific however these raids are not these raids can happen no matter what biome you are in the other interesting thing about these raids is they are much shorter than your average raid and they are much more difficult they will consist of at least one star enemies and a mini boss so let's break down each of these raids first off there is the one that correlates with the skeleton mini boss and of course this is a skeleton raid the text she's hot on your tail will show up on the screen when that happens you know that it is the mini boss raid the first wave that shows up will consist of the boss a rancid remains and two other random skeleton types of course like all of these they're going to be at least one star or higher the second wave that shows up will be four basic skeletons of any random type so you shouldn't see any rancid remains but you will get either melee or ranged normal skeletons that are at least one star next up we have the werewolf raid which course bonds to the werewolf mini boss you will see the text on the screen that says you get the chills that lets you know that that is the mini boss raid the first wave will consist of a cultist three normal werewolves and the mini boss the second wave on this one will consist of at least two more werewolves the next raid is the Goblin Raid and this is going to be by far the most difficult of the raids you will see the text show up on the screen they were bros man that lets you know it's the Goblin Raid the first wave that shows up will be the boss which is a two-part boss you have to defeat the Berserker and then you have to defeat the Mage that is riding on the Berserker a normal Berserker will also show up in the first wave as well as three other random goblins while the Mage is on the back of this Berserker it is going to be shielding all of these goblins and tossing Fireballs at you so it's going to be a a tough fight for sure then once you beat the first group the second wave will show up which will consist of two random goblins once again they will be at least tier one so one star or higher each of these raids will have a little bit of some ranged attack units mixed in with them even the werewolves the boss werewolf as well as the cultists have a ranged attack while it is just a cone in front of them so it is a bit short range compared to say skeleton archers they all do have a bit of range but due to the fact that none of these raids have any flying units in them they are relatively easy to deal with as you can see from the clips that I've been showing on the screen if you just build the tiniest little bit of raised surface to build your base on then you won't have any problems because they can't get to your base and at most you're gonna get a few ranged attacks onto your walls actually getting down and fighting these raids will pose a bit more of a challenge if you do the skeleton one rather early game that one can be a bit rough with all of those skeletons including the rancid remains in the first wave along with the boss which has an AOE fire attack the werewolf raid will include the boss and the cultist Werewolf which the boss will slow you down with a frozen cone attack and the cultists will be lighting you on fire and the other werewolves will be jumping on top of you that one is going to be relatively rough and as I stated before with the last raid the Goblin Raid that one is going to be the hardest of them all because you're gonna have to dodge Fireballs along with two separate Berserkers and a mix of ranged in melee goblins my advice to deal with all of these would be to use ranged attacks from the safety of your base and just run on repairs on your damaged walls after the raid is over I'm not a big fan of the raids currently because I don't feel like they have any real incentive to take a part in them in most cases in the past I've just done everything I can to avoid them except for the very early raids where you get the next because necktails are a great source of food early games so at first ichther raid that one's always nice but after that I tend to just try to avoid them as much as possible hopefully we see some change to the raids in the future something that makes them a little more rewarding to do because when this update comes out I'll just be turning them off if you do turn them off you won't have to deal with these new raids at all I do like that they added new raids into the game I just wish they were a little bit more rewarding than what they are let me know what you all think about these raids down there in the comments section that is going to wrap it up for this one if you found this video helpful or informational consider hitting the Subscribe button and notification Bell so you can be notified when I upload other home videos and if you're looking for some more valheim content you can find a link to another one of my videos on the screen right now I want to give an absolute massive shout out and thank you to all of my channel supporters for helping to keep these videos sponsor free you all are absolutely amazing people if you would like to become an official Channel supporter check out the links in the description below if you enjoyed this video please leave a comment down below let me know what you thought if you're shy you know like to comment just hit that thumbs up button and share your support until next time thanks for watching
Channel: FireSpark81
Views: 58,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firespark81, firespark, Valheim, Valheim news, valheim news and updates, valheim news 2023, Valheim hilders quest, Valheim hilidirs quest, Vahlheim, Valhiem, Valeheim, Valhime, Valhieme, Valheim Hildir's Request, Valheim Hildirs update, valheim hildors quest
Id: bn8hgezbjro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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