Valheim! Base Building Live Stream!

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hello hello hello hello to uh haley who might be the only person here right now if you're here have a little uh just give me a little shout out and chat um yes a youtube stream today uh i just want to try something a bit different streaming at a different time and on a different platform just to see how this goes so it's morning for me so it's gonna be um probably a bit of a chilled stream right um gonna be uh still waking up i have got my coffee though so oh wait hang on just realize i need to mute this okay sorry for that the the double thing there i was just keeping an eye on the stream because it's been a while since i've done a youtube stream exclusively so i think i've got everything set up right but uh we shall see about that um so yeah today i was like i need to do a lot of work on my base and um oops that's not part of that work on the base um so if you're gonna do it on youtube and just kind of see what happens there now i don't know if i should have this screen loaded up or uh percentage i should have this screen loaded up that might be better let's keep this one loaded up and see what happens with that i think i can see chat and everything from here okay so um what i was thinking is uh we have the base on a couple different levels if we take this area out here if we dig out we can get a lot of stone from it and also there was a big like hole in it anyway because we had a treasure chest here uh you know one of those boat things that you have to dig up so after digging that up i was like well i'd have to either fill it all back in or i'd have to like just do what i'm doing now and i kind of like this idea having the base on different levels and down this end i think would be good to have a storage room so i would like to get that set up uh sooner rather than later we need to repair our stuff actually oh we can't need a roof uh and a portal room as well so that will stand us a good step for the future our little house here is functional but it is still quite small so we might want to change that as well and uh work on that no idea like how long i'm going to be streaming for today or whatever we're just going to kind of go with it and see what happens um but if anybody is here for the first time let me know in chat say hello if you're here and you normally watch me on twitch like kaylee then let me know and chat as well and uh should be good to see what everybody's up to what time is it for you haley i know that you normally watch my evening ones um so uh you just seem to be here whenever i stream just whatever time of day you're just you're good um but i guess let's see it'd probably be evening for you right i'm pretty sure uh which i think is a better time potentially but for some reason i seem to get more viewers overall when i stream in my evening rather than my morning so essentially like my morning is evening for like america and very early morning in europe so i guess that's the thing i miss out on europe when i stream at this time for the most part because a lot of them are in bed which you know given that it's like 2 3 a.m fair enough yeah 9 p.m for you so this is probably a better time i don't know i'm guessing i'm thinking you know kids are asleep uh me personally if i'm gonna watch streams which i unfortunately don't get to do much of these days um but you know that's because i'm streaming myself which i enjoy so it's not really a complaint but yeah like i would rather do it in the evening i think although sometimes through the day it can be nice if i'm grinding out a big project i'll just kind of you know have that on in the background um so i'm not sure entirely what level this needs to be let me see here's the little vein thing so let's take this through here usually stream at about 10 a.m for yeah that would make sense because uh yeah it's like a 12-hour difference to what i normally stream just about okay so we've got water here which is a bit of an issue we don't want water running through our basement to sort of figure that one out hello there omanai elemental i've been looking for a replacement medieval building game for your youtube channel and sub for my minecraft videos awesome well thank you for that um i would definitely highly recommend checking this game out then if you're looking for something as a replacement for a medieval building game this is um not just a building game you know there's more to it than that with the exploring and the bosses and combat and stuff but uh it's it's a really fun game and it's still on beta so you're able to get in early uh particularly if your youtube channel if you're making videos then i would say definitely uh you know it's worth checking out it's done extraordinarily well for me so far on my channel at least uh hello phantom evil hello vitamin d as well nice to see you here over from uh you know usually you're on my twitch and uh yes this morning it's 10 a.m for me um i've been up for about an hour so so i might be uh might be a bit sleepy might be even more newbie than normal at some points obviously normally i do stream on twitch and i wanted to uh you know stream on twitch and youtube simultaneously but that's against twitch's terms of service so i figured i'd try this out and just see what happens and see how many people we get here today watching what sort of interaction we get all that sort of stuff um you know it's kind of what you do as a content creator right you just constantly trying things out and if something does well you'll do more of it and if it doesn't do well then uh you might have a rethink i basically just had this project i wanted to be working on just getting a lot of stuff done around my base and i figured you know as we're here why not just um make a bit of a stream about it and test it out at the same time so that's that's why i'm here um what i'm actually doing right now is i'm trying to dig out this this area here and uh have my base area on two different levels so we're gonna try and get all this stuff flattened up now medieval engineers oh okay yep fair enough um in terms of like what this game is about i would say potentially some of the videos on my channel are going to be better giving you like a more of an overview as i'm just working on my base today and i'm you're not going to see much uh at least in the early part of the stream you won't see much about like the exploration the combat um even building we're just gonna be digging out a lot of stuff to start us off and stuff uh so yeah that might be better for you but if you have any questions about the game um far away i'm still quite new to it myself but i'll do my best and we'll see so yeah in terms of leveling land phantom this is essentially what we're doing so there's sort of two parts to it the first part is like the rough part what i'm doing here so when it comes to this line you'll see that we've kind of got like a bit of an area here so our base was all on this sort of level but it's a bit hilly over there uh so what i'm doing is i'm taking down to this level going all the way through here so the way that we do that is we get it down to the level that you see here like this then we can get our hoe out and set to level the ground and then smooth things out right and then that's when once it's all level like that we can build on and stuff the first part of that is about doing this a little bit of a faff but it does give us some rocks and rocks are actually something we do need in the game um the rocks have been the way i've been able to build this wall around so it's been useful for that and stuff um yeah all good uh on me actually i can't i was gonna quit on me for sure but we already have an army in the community so that's confusing um so omni i'll call your money if that's all right um but yeah the um some of my videos might be more helpful is like what the game is about um and actually what we should do is bring our car over here so we'll go back and we'll repair our stuff i mean my stamina would be better to jump up this hill there we go um so we'll pair our stuff we'll bring the cart over there because that's going to be pretty useful actually as we're carrying a lot of rocks obviously they get quite heavy so let's see um put all this heavy stuff in here and then we'll wheel the car over to i guess just just here somewhere i won't put it down in the pit just yet alrighty and we should continue so um let's see i guess we'll just take out this big bit right here um so yeah i don't know i figured leveling getting those resources from leveling and having the base on two different levels might be a good thing all round you get those resources but you also have the base on two levels which aesthetically could look kind of cool potentially um i don't know we'll see i'm hoping this isn't going to be like horrible hopefully it does actually work out i'm sure it'll be fine oh happy valentine's day by the way guys it is valentine's day here in australia um obviously it's the morning for me so for many of you it is oh my goodness look who's here the mad duck um i'll come back to valentine's day mad duck hello welcome so um some of you may know i've been um i've hired a ghost producer to be making up these spotify songs and uh obviously gonna be using those in streams and stuff and making a playlist that basically applies for any streamer content creator to use completely free of charge and mad duck is the person making all those songs so far guys so shout out to him um it's been awesome working with you so far mad duck and i've been very happy with the music and i know there's several people here haley in fact who's in chat right now she used the stratosphere sunset song in one of her videos um and uh she's been enjoying those as well so yeah thanks for coming along bud how are you going today you just killed the second most five minutes ago it was pretty intense uh used fire pit pillars and fire arrows yeah that's a good shout i did the second boss on my twitch stream last night and i'm gonna be making a video soon as well there is sort of a cheat way you can fight him so i'm gonna highlight that in the video and also i found um legit ways of fighting him as well that's obviously a bit more difficult but is certainly doable um there we go gg mad duck indeed all right so this flattening of land is going to be a little bit tricky around here let's just try with this little bit we've got here to see how we flatten it so we'd have to like take it down here i think it's i think it's actually okay i think we need to give one more hit to these little bumps and then that's going to be okay um yeah yeah so i'm going to make a video um probably not today i don't know yet uh it depends how my day goes but probably tomorrow on the cheat way of fighting that second boss and also the legit way of fighting him so people have got options um yeah i i have to like try the cheap way out a bit but i've discovered one and i think it's gonna work quite well so we shall see so let's see if i get all this like down to here if there's bumps we just need to like hit away at them i guess and then when we're leveling the ground hopefully it'll all come out in the wash so to speak let's try leveling a bit of the ground here now if we're leveling this like we level this area here does it get rid of the water so it's like not exactly it's still a bit damp so we'd have to like raise the ground here and then level from there i guess right it's gonna be quite bumpy around here but i think we might just about be able to get away with it beanie's your valentine yes oh that was it so yeah valentine's day here in australia now it is the 14th so happy valentine's day to you all and uh much love from from here down under yeah that's pretty flat and then yeah this is gonna work you can see like along here this is actually very flat now so we'll just need to do a little bit of leveling a little bit of raising as well in certain places and then re-leveling and that's gonna be about right okay cool so we just need to keep doing the bulk of the earth work here and uh then we'll have this um i am getting proper thirsty that's pretty cute haley they can sort of be each other's little valentine um all right so this bit i need to keep this level for the little structure we've got above our gate forever alone oh it could be worse you could be in a relationship all right let's hack away let's just come around here and go through this oh well there's there's worse things to being alone mad duck hey it gives you more time to work on the songs [Laughter] a little bit little bit of a selfish uh thought all right so this is where we have the treasure chest i think around here so this is like a little bit too low we'll raise that stuff up in a minute um and then yeah as i say hopefully we can get into like a storage area and stuff um but yeah and the portal rooms things like that just kind of want to set up a better infrastructure hey uh yeah better infrastructure for for my base moving forwards with like the storage and the portal rooms all that sort of stuff 2 am oh my goodness yeah no worries omni thank you for stopping by for a bit anyway and if you do end up you know making this game best of luck with that and hope you enjoy i'm sure you will this game has taken a lot of people by storm i'm noticing in my comments and stuff a lot of people saying that they are uh they're just getting addicted to it and uh one guy said he was playing for like 10 hours and it felt like two which i can totally understand is a really really good game um i'm so glad i found it i discovered this game completely by accident uh i was looking for a different game saw this and i thought oh it looks alright maybe i'll try it you know and then uh here we are now coming on for a hundred thousand views from this game in the last week uh and yeah i'd be lying if i said i wasn't pretty pleased about that obviously guys and uh yeah it's uh also just super fun to play so that's obviously the best combination right if i can get a game that's super fun um and it's also doing good views then that's that's the home run hit right there borrow my girlfriend it's always the way everyone who's in a relationship isn't that bothered about it and everyone who's not wants to be in one right we're human we just always want what we don't have or what we feel that we can't have right oh my coffee's gonna get cold i've got the aircon pump in here right now so potentially going to go cold all righty um so what i need to do really is when i'm leveling this ground is trying to level it from here so i know roughly what level i need to get it to otherwise it's going to get a bit confusing once we get lost in there thanks omni thank you very much have a good sleep i suppose off the bed now fair enough so interestingly uh the viewership we have right now is about what i've been getting on twitch when i've been doing these streams um so that's that's good uh this is a different time of day as well so i don't know if i was streaming on twitch right now whether i'd be getting more or less than when i stream evenings i guess it can depend on the game and just a few different variables you know when other streamers are doing this game and that sort of thing but um thanks to everyone who's here right now supporting me with this it would be nice if i could build up the uh the stream side of this game because i have been doing as i said i'm really happy with the way the videos are going so that's awesome but if i could have the stream side of it as well that would be very very cool what okay i think i missed something out there um all right let's see where we're at here so yeah this is about the level that's a little bit high like in that little bump there we just have to raise this up again it's like sometimes you're going to go down too low like i've done there when we've hit water sometimes it's going to go a bit too high just so it is what it is but um yeah it's quite a big area with flattening so i really hope this works out and it's worth it coming in i'm sure it'll have some sort of use in our base if nothing else we're gonna be quite protected when we're down here because stuff's not gonna be able to get us very easily at all not that it can anyway with those walls and stuff but yeah just just a thought okay let's put this back in here yeah i gotta say uh i'm not minding being single at the moment because uh i would i would be a terrible boyfriend at the moment with the amount of time i'm spending just doing this sort of stuff my girlfriend would be very neglected at the moment um the thing is when opportunities like this arise you know uh for someone that wants to be able to move to going full time with gaming and stuff you get an opportunity like this you just have to like give it your all and go for it and uh yeah girls don't always understand that so yeah that's why i'm single because youtube was more important to me but um hey you know once i've made it then i can then i can worry about finding a girl right okay this is about flat it's turning night time so we'll go and sleep as much as anything actually makes it more difficult when it's dark to see if it's flat or not in the little area plus my guy's a bit sleepy he's been mining all day me a little snooze here we go you dream of a river running up hill of green shoots turning downward into the earth had a dream about that last night actually yeah that's what i'm dreaming about every night rivers running upwards feels pretty normal okay let's repair our pick before we go back for a nice morning mine imagine the life of a viking you've been mining all day imagine how much you'd be aching and stuff from that and then you go and sleep and you get up it's still dark out right the morning fog has not yet dispersed back to mining just go for it the inner crab squeaks money is nice money is nice it's not everything though um if i could just do this full time and just have enough to pay my bills that's fine i'm not like i don't need a lamborghini you know i don't need uh to live in a mansion or any of that sort of stuff i would just like to be able to do this hello brazil magavit uh that's awesome brazil is somewhere i would absolutely love to visit um i would love to do the carnival uh just it looks just like such a unique event on earth i've never seen anything else like it i'd also just love to go experience the culture you know the brazilian food drink music um and just you know go see the the classics right your rios and uh sao paulo's and stuff like that um you know i'm a big football fan as well so uh they have a great football culture in brazil of course so yes it's south america in general i'd really like to visit i've actually i've traveled a lot i've been to over 50 different countries but i haven't done much of south america i've done mexico and that's it so i would really like to change that oh you found the vendor to say i'm so excited to find the uh the vendor lamborghinis are ugly but if you want to give me one that's fine and i'll just sell it and buy something sexier um like a house if someone gave me a loving eat i think i'll exchange that in for a house you know lamborghini's they're they're not like awful or anything but you can't live in them um i can't see what i'm doing so i'm just going to take down the bulk works here that i know is good and when it's a bit more light and we can see these levels a bit more clearly i'll i'll check that out um so you will see you bought oh you've got a fishing pole fishing something i really want to get into actually and the what is that the diverger circlip it acts like a miner's cat oh yes i've seen that actually oh i'm so excited to find the vendor maybe we'll do some exploring later on in today's stream actually and see if we can find i've got myself the longboat um i'd like to find one of those islands that's actually the kraken and you know harvest some of his tentacles uh and then make the harpoon and then with a harpoon we could uh wrangle ourselves a couple of sea monsters when we're traveling further afield so so much to do so a little time russia i have a fair bit of time i might have plans this afternoon but other than that i'm pretty uh pretty good talking to which just uh quick little text here guys talk about yourselves oops all right i'm back did you miss me didn't even get a chair stream that time did you a lot of people here on youtube probably wondering what a chair stream is well guys stick around long enough you'll find out it is exciting as haley will definitely attest to you ran out of xeon oh coin so what is c on coin for the other round yeah how much were those items phantom because i've got about 500 coins i don't know what that will buy me i'm guessing you can sell him like rubies and stuff as well right i'm just assuming that's how that works love to just vibe out in a land boat that'd be cool i've seen those people who sort of live on a houseboat and most of the time it's just docked up somewhere and they they live there but they can go off if they want to that's an interesting just the idea of living on a boat in general would be quite interesting i don't know if i would like it or not you know i think for someone like me who wants to make gaming content living on a boat like i don't want to knock it but i'm not sure what the internet capabilities are like i live in australia so the internet here is uh you know we're hoping to upgrade next year to dial up it's it's basically that bad and it's so frustrating so often so to live on a houseboat i don't know i i could see like the fun of it but then practical wise from you know what i do spend a lot of my time on not sure that would work so well probably maybe i don't know uh the weight belt is so worth it yes that's the one so you can carry loads of extra items right i really want to get that 920 coins okay how much like does it vary or is it always the same like how much can you sell things like rubies um to the the vendor for because let's say i haven't found one yet so i'm still still i'm still a vendor noob all right i'm a happy vendor new yeah i've got a lot of the amber um orbs and that sort of stuff as well silver necks next i don't think i have any of that just yet i haven't got anything silver yet i'm guessing silver's like i'll need to mine that once i've upgraded my mining and found some mines a bit further afield from my base and stuff right i'm assuming that's how that's going to work figure that out anyway when we come come to it um oh we need to repair this i love that you just like when you run out you never really realize he just punches the tree or punches the cliff or whatever he's got some some like knuckles of steel this dude all right let's finish making this stuff up it takes up to 450 away and ruby's like 20 each oh that's not very much um so 450 is awesome so it's basically increasing your inventory uh by 50 so that's yeah that's really good actually um but 20 for ruby's that's a lot of rubies before we're looking at a weight belt is there like uh a good way of getting a lot of coin in this game that i don't know about yet i mean say i'm still quite new to it but um we've completed the second boss that's that's where i'm at right now so uh for people playing this game you've got an idea of where i'm sort of at uh you dug the next out of old graves i don't think i found an old graveyard either do you know where i find one of those this is this is like i'm getting educated on this game while streaming this game this is awesome i do appreciate it guys um there's a lot of people here who um are much further into the game than me the thing is when you're like doing what i'm doing making a lot of content a lot of tutorials and stuff obviously i love doing it's not a complaint or anything but it does mean it slows you down a bit in terms of like playing through the game because uh you know you spend more time having to do stuff oh wow we're at stones already um so you see this is starting to get flat though from where we started right there we go um yeah we're getting there uh 350 bites 10 50 for the fishing pole that's not too bad oh 350 for the fishing ball right okay troll caves and barrel chambers okay thanks josh appreciate that i have done a few of the barrel chambers and stuff um i just i don't know maybe i've got unlucky i found a fair few certainly causing them um i feel like i've been doing okay for coins as well because i'm on like 500 coins and i've explored i think three burial chambers so a lot of those coins have come from chess when i'm out exploring you know just from the abandoned settlements you find uh killing trolls as well i've killed a few trolls and got some coins that way and i think that's the main ways i've been doing it um so yeah i've been reasonably lucky in that regard i feel but um troll caves by the way is there a good way to fight those because normally with a troll i'll range fight him you know just bow from from distance and they're pretty simple to kill but in the troll cave you're so up close i mean i don't know how you're really supposed to um let's take down this big mouth and then we can see what we're doing yeah i don't know how in the troll cave you're actually gonna like you know kill him i mean i i get if you had like really buffy army army armor and weapons and stuff that would work but i don't because i'm i'm still new so any tips on troll caves would be awesome uh guys a lot of you here are a lot more advanced to me in this game so any tips you have for me are very welcome and then i can steal them and pass them on to my viewers in my tutorials and stuff which you know is uh uh you know it's all right stephen's stealing's okay in that in that regard right it's it's sharing information as pablo picasso said good artists create great artists steal so i think we should all remember that at this point it seems quite pertinent at this juncture all right i actually we've got through this like a little bit quicker than i thought so this isn't too bad the leveling is going to take some time but we'll be okay fire arrows um i play a three so one kite's the troll and we bow him from the entrance yeah okay yeah so that's that's i can see how when there's three of you that would work with one it's gonna be a bit more difficult but um yeah i'll try it out at some point okay so basically we're trying to get it to like this level if we flatten it all to this level that would be nice so i'm gonna raise a few bits here but there's still some bits to take down like this here is still a bit of a mound we need to take down so let me get on with that a second and yeah then we'll um start maybe uh doing some building over here as well sharing information heavy craft sharing sharing information well you know it's um i don't know it's it's public domain once you told me here on uh on the youtubes so it's technically you know it's not illegal the fbi will not be showing up here mostly because i live in australia where the fbi do not have jurisdiction but also because i'm a good boy you know i have no reason for them to be here um yeah i mean i always like credit people for their work and stuff but like if someone in a stream says oh hey you can do this i don't always like you don't remember who that was or mentioned that i suppose i don't know i think you guys know what i'm saying right like i feel like i'm making the sound a lot worse than it is it's like really not that bad all right um that's still a bit of a mound i guess actually if we start flattening from over here we'll start to see stuff like whether or not it is so let's get our hoe out make our hoe do the work um so let's see let's go for let's go for the raise to the ground here because this is yeah oh we need to work mention it by okay can we craft one really have wood on us i really thought we did all right should be some in here though um there we go workbench all right let's just put that i think that's about the right level so as we don't need to move that's a good place for it let me start raising some of this stuff up here where there's water it's obviously definitely too low um i should get all this light up here very good oh there's a bit there as well um all right stones now all right you guys get me i always do this i talk myself into a hole and i make it sound so much worse and i'm like it's really not as bad as i'm making it sound for myself here um just shoot myself in the foot all the time but it's all right so this bit looks a bit bumpy let's get this like all raised up to like here i guess this level and then let's start leveling from here just see how this looks he's running out of stamina good time for super coffee okay so if we come through here how is this looking pretty level yeah um and then if i try and take down this bit seems to be working pretty good all right guys this should work then i think just level this the whole way through and then raise those little bits that are like over here so we stand just on the edge of our workbench here we can hopefully get all of these little bits it's gonna be a close one no all right let's now level this that's yeah that's not gonna work all right let's move our workbench we'll make another one or something um just leveling where the water is actually work if i level here is this gonna get rid of oh it does oh okay we don't need to move the workbench then that's pretty handy pretty nifty all right so we're gonna have a flat i mean as flat as you get in valhamus my stamina needs to come back here nothing beats that first coffee today hey guys any other coffee lovers out there i really feel like i'm i'm still in bed until that first coffee is finished at that point i'm i'm just about awake at that point you know my coffee addiction is real but hey i like it i was so so late to coffee i didn't start drinking until i was like 23 24 something like that which was um longer ago than i care to think about actually i'm gonna be 30 this year guys can you believe that i know i look really good for 30 though so you guys are probably like what we thought you were 21 guys and 30. get out of here but it's true it's true but thank you for the uh the kindness that i've assumed that you were uh giving me right there so i get through the day guys all right everyone's got a thing all right so this is now um oh a bit of lag but yeah this is now nice and flat for us to build on as i said we kept this area here just because we want access to get up here um to our gate area here we can look out yonder you can't handle decaf without insomnia oh my goodness psychosomatic uh coffee issues there by the sounds of things okay so um now i just want to think about how we're actually going to get up and down from here so i think if we could let's see if we can make a bit of a hill rather than you know just like stairs that would be quite nice just level this off a bit because then we could like just walk with our car and stuff for example right so that'd be pretty good so actually what i'm thinking is this could be the way down look at this you come down here oh let's let's power them pave them whatever this down here like this there we go right so this will be the way down actually that needs to be leveled a bit and then pay them on on top of it there we go why does it bring that back out when i do that let's just level you then so now if we were to grab a cart for example this would be the way down this is exciting guys what is crouching no stop crouching dude here we go so you can easily come down here and do whatever he needs to do i actually think um let's get rid of this a second this bit here could probably be leveled a bit right is that on level yeah um very good all right it's just a little bit bumpy there i felt the wheel just catch a little bit of a little bit of a bump yeah no that's that's pretty awesome we got this nice little flat area now we can run up and down here all right stream let's have a little vote let's have a little poll all right can i even i think i can do a poll somehow i'll show you how to do it anybody know how to do a poll here on the youtubes i thought there's a way of doing it let me see uh options no uh sign into chat what i understand wait if i you know it might be someone on the stream thing if i come on here options can we do something here okay let's just do a polar chat you can just type in whatever you want the answer to be um do you want uh me to do some exploring or some building now if we do building just a heads up i might have to do a bit of resource gathering first depending on what we're building um but those are the options and in the meantime i'm just gonna have a little look at uh anything i might need to take with me or move around or whatever but yeah just check it in chat explore or build the choice is yours and i'm gonna use this opportunity to just quickly respond to a text i'll be back with you very soon only twitch lets you poll ah there you go well twitch has some advantages but i have to say i'm pretty happy right now with uh how many people we've got in this stream so um thank you all for being here on the youtube stream um this is the first time i've done a stream exclusively on youtube in around about a year i'd say so um yeah it's pretty awesome i thought we just will have a little bit of a path here look guys going around this way so uh this is like the path that comes down into this bit comes up to our gate and then we'll have path going off that way as well all right building all right lovely jubbly let's do some building them so storage room is actually something i think i'd really like to have first off so um a storage room slash work area is what it will eventually be um so i'm gonna move like smeltery and stuff i think you can yeah take down the smeltery the kiln all that sort of stuff have like all of these decorations around also uh on the building we need like i haven't built a cauldron yet um we haven't built and adds uh yeah is that hey whatever uh anvils forge coolers there's so much like stuff here so we need a whole construction area as well as storage um so first thing to do really is we're going to need some wood and we're going to need some floor and we've got a workbench down there so that should be okay so let's see how we go um yeah well that whole thing has been a bit crazy but you know what mad duck this is why me and you are working on this right bud this is why i wanted to get this happening because uh of the way that can be sometimes the content creators obviously i've experienced that firsthand it ain't nice and so i want to change that oh all right so we might just do some tree chopping uh well i say might i mean we are going to need to because uh we've got 22 wood left how the heck oh because i built this giant wall around yep that'll do it all right one thing i want to do then is just come out the gates here we'll sleep before we go because it's almost time to sleep we've got the path area here so what i want to do is just make a bit of like a path area here right for our cart to sort of follow along just a rough path like this doesn't need to be anything too sexy at this stage um and let's go up towards that like forest there because oh actually one thing i need to do guys stream chat you can remind me of this uh because my memory is it's not even like a sieve it's it's just it's just non-existent basically um but yeah um i need to like kill birds along the way right so you guys can remind me that right so when we get to like this is in the way let's get rid of that i'm trying to just build up towards that forest there i've probably gone in maybe like i could have done better than this but you know um 90 of your customers are from twitch interesting yeah i can i can see that um a lot of twitch streamers since the uh the whole copyright strikes thing have been you know seriously tightened up as many of you will know uh a lot of twitch streamers have been very careful now and they're looking to look at getting music other ways which is why i think once we have this playlist that i'm making with uh with mad duck um you know of music that any streamer can use anytime completely free it's gonna just be really well received i hope at least you know it's gonna be a good service for people hopefully that's that's the goal there um all right so if we get it to about here this is probably enough see i'm noticing this big stone circle thing here guys so people have played a bit more should i be digging this up i feel like maybe this will be something pretty nice in there what do we think some of you probably know the answer to that but um just from learning about the treasure chest i was like hmm maybe this is also something let's pick up the branch because that's in our way and let's see like this is in our way so at least now we'll just have a bit of a path to follow and we can come and chop down some of these trees around here and that'll be good all right we'll try that out in a second so let's go have a little snooze and then we'll come do some wood cutting in the morning look at this lovely little path we got here now guys beautiful oh that's how that looks at night as well i haven't really seen that yet it's actually looking pretty good i would say pretty happy with that dig inside them all right should we do that in a second then let's let's sleep then we'll go dig that out see what's going on there and then uh then do some some tree chopping to get the materials for the building um let's have a little sleep and i'll catch up on on chat here uh see it's a whole um calamity and he had a very convenient thing um i only had about six months experience with all when i started wow that's pretty interesting roughly 60 experience with uh notation software well that's also you seem to have learnt it pretty quickly which is pretty good it's awesome learning new things right day 88 so i have no idea how slow i might be progressing in terms of like should i have you know killed more bosses by now or not i don't know all righty let's see let's grab our little cart it's time to uh to head out for the day guys so we'll open this up and what should probably get into the habit doing as well okay apparently both open as i say this better work after all this right so when i hold on can we just close the gate behind us oh actually knocks the car all right a better way of doing that um so let's test out our new path yay for the path well that's good i'm glad you don't have any uh regrets mad dude i'm glad that's working out for you um so we're on our this is essentially our freeway right now this is the the highway as it's the only road here it's the main road right this is as good as it gets that i gotta say boy that is easier than running through the rough terrain with the car which is what i've been doing previously and now it just sits there nice and happy on its path okay we've got to dig this up apparently guys so let's do that let's check it out um i guess we'll just start here dig down a bit and then dig around what am i gonna find here actually maybe i don't wanna know maybe i should do i don't know how much i'm gonna need to dig up so we'll just keep digging around here and just see what we find um i'm guessing i'm going to find like a treasure chest or something is that right if you see stones i not like that like a giant ship dig them yeah no i so i've done that i knew about that one but then i saw this these like giant stones here um yeah because the ship ones are a bit smaller than these big ones um and i was like i just asked in chat or like asked the stream i was like do i need to sort of dig these out and apparently i do apparently i might find some things so let's see the very least we're going to get rock which is actually sort of useful at the moment so hey we'll take it uh i need to remember to activate my elder abilities soon as well because that is advanced tree chopping right so that'll be kind of useful this could just be a troll you guys she ended me to dig up my area here making my own little makeshift quarry i wonder how deep we can go in the game that's a that'd be fun to test out okay i haven't found anything yet who was it who said i should dig this out is this is this a troll i guess we'll find out together all right i'm just going to maintain that i'm actually just doing this for the stone guys um whereas over there we're almost around the circle maybe the uh the middle bit will harvest some or yield some better you know results in terms of a bit of treasure or something exciting okay go through the middle now i'm starting to get a bad feeling about this hmm what do you think guys have i been trolled it's it's it's starting to feel that way you should have this like big crater now outside my base i've dug down to water so i'm guessing i don't need to go any deeper than than that right unless somebody mistook this for a ship i mean this is definitely a ring of stones right this this is not like a random structure that's why i thought there could be something in here as there are for those ship-shaped structures when you dig those out and find stuff 99 mining wait what does that mean what is happening um oh josh you're watching from the uk that's awesome i'm english myself but i live in australia now uh whereabouts in england or in the uk i should say are you from and uh i hope you're going okay i know you guys are on quite a serious lockdown there at the moment must be tough so best of luck with that buddy i hope that's uh all right i think i've been trolled i don't think there's anything here who told me to do this all right i'm i'm gonna leave i think i've been trolled there's nothing here how sad um but we did get some stone from it let's keep on the positives here all right let's um let's chop some trees just we'll activate our ability um oh if we use the right tool that's definitely a pro tip right there so yeah we just want loads of trees for um for building so let's chop a load down try and make a note of where they roll off to um oh don't kill me oh okay um well there's one in our pit so that's good it was useful for that near to staffordshire aha uh fir trees i don't think we can chop this down oh we can okay i think i've never chopped down a fur tree before so we might be about to get some new stuff here why don't you take damage when the tree hits you if i have to take damage surely you should come on in way too hello all right i want to see if we get some new recipes when we uh chop this fur tree down maybe i have i don't know how many vowels have i put into valheim oh boy i don't know a lot is is there a way i can find out on twitch exactly how much um where you use your tools or willy nilly um so would you fur trees just give you wood do they no special wood like because most of the other trees do man okay um come on dude um anyway how many hours i've put in valhalla if i had to guess i would say about 20 maybe a bit more so far i don't know it's hard to it's hard to to guess that maybe i can find out if i look on my twitch i might better get those stats uh more accurately anyway let's keep chopping down i would yeah third lockdown that's pretty crazy obviously um being born in england growing up there and stuff got a lot of family and stuff there so i've been talking to them about it um yes it's crazy times do you follow the uh the football josh and if so who's your team i'll see if i'll let you uh stay in the stream or not um all right probably getting pretty full here just put some stuff away oh no wrong one so used to the minecraft keys for that we got some feathers oh yes feathers right let's get our bow at the ready then so oh do we have arrows yeah we've got a few any birds around here um you're down oh you're on 13 so far well i've been streaming it i've been making a lot of content on it and this is what i spend my time doing so like uh you know you're from birmingham oh my goodness from birmingham is that annoying i feel like every time someone says they're from birmingham someone tries to do a birmingham accent because it's kind of a fun one to try i probably just butchered it as well but um i don't know it's just one of those accents kind of fun to try like it's like it's so such a different accent like anywhere else in the uk well maybe not the uk in england because like in ireland scotland those are pretty distinct accents as well right um what about here beech tree yeah just chop it all down why not i don't know how this elder ability is actually helping me by the way like it's supposed to mean i chop down trees faster or something i'm not really noticing that hey josh captain of the stream now my friend that is uh that was the right answer your dad's side were almost yeah an army united found myself um pretty dedicated over here watching the games getting up at like silly times i lived in melbourne for four months where the time difference is sort of even worse for that so i'd be getting up at like 4 or 5 a.m to go watch them and i was working in a call center at the time so i'd go and watch united play and then just head straight into work after being up since like sometimes two three in the morning having a few babies with the game and straight into work after i was not overly motivated when i worked at the call center to be honest um there was one of those things oh something just happened but i don't know what uh well i think someone just subscribed michael lyon just subscribed i think to my youtube thank you for that michael i think that's what that noise was uh as i say i don't often do youtube um streams so oh and johnny has subscribed oh wait loads of subscribers are about to come through oh boy um my apologies for this guys this might get annoying uh i might have to turn it off actually um i really appreciate the subscribers though guys thank you but they all come through at one time and like um yeah i thought i'd turn them off we shall see my family are all from uh devon and cornwall shad um scouse is worse hey i didn't say it was bad i said it was fun accent i don't think it's a bad accent i think it's a fun one to uh to have a go at um are these are these sub noises are you hearing them are they getting annoying to try and turn them off or should i just leave it let me know um basically it's just from people that have um subscribed to my youtube they're all coming through at one time but there could be how many are there let me see if i can see oh my god yeah there could be like 50 coming through they will come through at one time for some reason no clue why that is um let's just pop that to our cart a second and see how much is left uh where are we at here yeah we actually run out of space here anyway so let's put this stuff all back in and let's go take the cart back here we go you don't hear them oh if you guys aren't hearing them then it's just me i guess that's fine oh maybe that's what i've done i thought i'd turn them off perhaps i've just turned them off like the sound or the thing off for you guys i don't know hey wow um thank you so much cage kitty for a super chat that's my first super chat like in over a year i think so um because i mainly because i haven't been streaming on twitch to be fair like i'm not you know trying to say i i don't know but anyway thank you so much keith for that donation i really do appreciate that um it's very awesome of you to be so kind and um yeah look if you guys do a super chat feel free to you know i don't know if i can do something for you guys if you want to ask me something or if you you know whatever like i'll try and help you guys out valheim speedrun yeah i've actually been thinking about that um i thought it'd be really fun to do a speed run for the first boss so spawn in a new world and time how long it takes me to kill the first boss and kind of see uh you know how we go from there now i don't think i'm going to be particularly good at it but it might be just fun to get that started off and then other people might do it as well so yeah i was i was thinking about that it's a decent idea um thank you for that thought as well all ideas and things are always appreciated guys um i'm still getting these sub noises this is like you know crazy all right so now we can actually start building i suppose uh just as well do that and then we'll go get more resources as and when we need them so just grab out a bit of wood here and storage room is the first thing i want to build so we'll have to start with the interior i would say um and let's just think about how we want to do this so we're going to need this floor um so what we're going to have here is a storage and a work area so really if the cart comes down like from here if this is me our way down it might be nice to have it like around here somewhere right so let's give ourselves a bit of space and then start but the edge of it could be like here somewhere i think that'd be good okay so do like three there he was wondering if i'd do one oh a speed run yeah no i think it could be fun um so let's see one two three four one two uh three and four oh wait we need to be stood in here you know i should just move the um crafty bench a bit closer right you know i can't even see that right now let's um let's level this ground here get this dirt off my uh my lovely floor what how am i dude look go away thank you there we go there it is all right now we can build this there okay so that's one two three four five one two three four it doesn't actually necessarily need to be um a square so then what i want to do is get these placed so you know what i'm just gonna bite the bullet here and make another craft dimension we can actually do this uh a bit more easily uh norway's josh thanks for stopping by bud appreciate that and uh hopefully i'll see you again in another stream in the future all right let's have a more let's have more facing that way that's fine and place you like about like there okay so now we can have like a lot of storage this so i'm just thinking as well i like to label them so what we could do is on the crafting that's around the building if we had this here in between each one then what i could do is place this i need that like on top just there then another chest here like dead in line but on top of there is that is that is that the right orientation about about there i would say and then with the hammer we just take out that right and then the chest stack but see that's not quite in line getting them in line is the tricky bit so let's see if we can do this uh the other thing is if we just made proper shelves for them we could have them on top but i think it would look nice to do it this way so let's see um so what we should do actually is make the floor leave it in place and then we can check that the chest is in the right place and if not we can move that um i've made a portal yet link me previous homes yeah i did make a portal yeah i've got one going on get that coffee out of the way as soon as it's actually cold now all right let's see uh this just might be difficult to line up i think that's probably as close as we can get there so let's see if this works or not if not i'll rethink it because if it's like crazy difficult to build it's sort of no point doing it that way either all right so i'm not liking that very much uh what i'm thinking then is let's go back to these polls here so if i had like let's see let's go back to the floor here a second and actually we can probably get a way of doing it like a bit smaller here these bits then we want to level this ground again um like level that but i mean valid placement shell talking about there we go just want to clear this off a little bit okay uh so now if we go back to building uh let's get this one in like next to this but that goes there nicely why would it go nicely here hold shift i guess to do it so like there okay then can we put floor in between this potentially that's like not very even though i don't know so if we do this um does the chest still open first of all the animation is getting annoying all right let me just um i didn't realize you guys were even seeing that i thought it was just all gone let me log into streamlets a second and see if i can change that i apologize what am i talking about um obs stream thing um uh what is it called streamlabs and we got there we go yeah apologies for that guys i think because there's gonna be tons coming through if i don't turn this off so just bear with me a second try and get this turned off um it's annoying me a bit as well to be fair let me just see if i go into the settings here whether i can change i'm pretty sure there's a way of changing it anybody know i might be able to like change that like on the on the alerts i suppose notifications maybe all right let me see all right i'm going to log into streamlabs i'm pretty sure i can do it through there somewhere i'll just check this out okay so right now i'm on youtube right so alert box um let's see subscribers i want that off basically so now if i save that all right that that still came through oh so many things oh wait actually wait if i go to my let's here what if i just turn them off there all right i think i might have done it guys apologies for that hopefully it's done um you guys can let me know whether or not it is but i think it is all right so that's what we're doing so yeah i'm just gonna play around with some storage room designs here trying to get something that looks good so then that would go like up there i don't hate it actually now we can maybe destroy that but it seems to look better now like that because it's now sort of in line right then we have like too high storage going through there we could potentially even go one higher although i won't actually because these things like i'll just show you what i mean but when you go and build on top it just doesn't look right um what if we built one of these on top does that look better not really nah i reckon we'll just do it too high all right there we go so that's how we do it so what we need to do now is just place down the chest let's make sure they're in the right spot try and get them nicely lined up each time as well so that will go like there and then we're gonna need to keep switching between the different ones i guess and then like shift to place it in the right area and it's turning night time so that's actually not good for us because it makes it more difficult to see what we're doing but that looks about right to me okay so that's gonna be the kind of way we're gonna do it let's go into sleep so we can get it back to daytime pretty soon all right apologies for that guys yeah i thought it turned off but i guess not um but there we go um oh alrighty let's see where we at here so it's gonna be pretty dark for a little bit now i don't know if i could maybe go get some more resources or just try and build in the dark for a little bit until it gets brighter i suppose let's see about that start marking this stuff out you know what we can do actually um is like build the stuff that we know we're going to want to have so like for example if i build this along here and then this is going to be the way we're doing this one on the end i actually can't really see what i'm doing with that so i'll come back to that later um but like the ones that i snap on like this oh wait that's all in the wrong blooming orientation it's annoying that it does that so just draw this now up the wood yeah so like the wood was running but i want to keep it running the same way right keep it nice and uh level look a little bit better and then i'm thinking we could have like a room here okay so now we need to actually level this out a bit so we can see when we're building if we need to level more land or not right so that's one of the useful things we can change that that is still the right way very good so now what i'm thinking is like a two gap and then here we could repeat the design we have here with these chests so we've got a bit of space in between them i think that's pretty good and uh the good news is like with this sort of design is you can extend it out in the future because we can extend it this way we could potentially put like a second row on top in the future or something as well but yeah i reckon that's gonna be a way to do that okay cool let's go back to making up these chests then so we want the that bit facing that way keep it all exactly the same and we want to place you about there with some poles next to you here so place that about like there yep very good just repeat the process and now we need some more wood so actually we should bring our cart down here much we got at the moment uh but lots to be going on with so yeah as we're gonna be continuing to build for a while we'll bring it all down this way it's gonna be nice to have a bit of a better base going on um oh wow so bumpy down here all right yeah i'll feel pretty good having the better base and just being organized for as we're progressing through the game just find uh you know it'll make it will make things a bit easier as we go through all right so then you're gonna go like there trying to get this right without being too crazy pedantic about it but um too much minecraft guys in minecraft everything just blocks up and looks so nice like so perfectly stacked it's hard to like forget that and see we got like furniture stuff we can have now like we can have like tables and chairs and stuff and banners so it might be really nice as well in our base to have like some of that stuff i was thinking but i digress so this is going to be a big improvement on storage that's for sure we have a lot more storage than we had before have you used minecraft create mod yet i don't think so i'm just thinking that it doesn't ring a bell no um that's a good mod is it what what's that model about that can go there then i can go like there is that all looking correct yeah just be a fair bit of storage in here we have like it's one two three four five six seven this will be eight let's say that's nine so it'll be 18 chests on this side so that'll be 36 by the time we've done the other side that's quite a lot of chess compared to what we have right now we can really organize this nicely then so that's cool so now i want this floor now how do we do this floor on this side is it sort of runs like this sort of that's okay it looks a bit different because it's running the other way i kind of like that it's just like a little border to the build if you know what i mean so have it like that and we want to have no we want to have this one like in here just like that there we go looking all right um let's get this floor down here so to get these on top what we need to do is just place this like is that the right level and then can i can i do it with just one is the question i think i can for that so do the oh i'm missing the wood all right um let's see oh wait do you have any more normal wood no all right well what i can do for a second is just like take down this for example it's not really doing much for us we get the wood back from that i just want to try this once we're gonna get some more wood in a second but yeah so let's see about there um take that down a second yeah it looks about right it's not quite perfect though i'm just trying to find a good system how we can do so look at that you can stand in the chest and it might be that it's just like these are too close together so i don't know if it's even doable let's just see if we can get that a bit lower maybe if we placed it like how can we there we go like there i don't know if this is gonna work right now let's see no it doesn't recognize it's on the floor okay just trying some different things out here to see what our options are i mean stacking this chest like this is quite nice so i think it's worth just you know figuring out a little bit so if we can get that nice and low down there now we should actually be right yeah okay let's try this so now this should be the right sort of y level at least um uh but that's now only letting us do it in a certain spot but it's gonna be like too far forwards i think so this is probably where i need to be a bit less spedentic and just go like yeah that's looking all right it's about in the right place what i like about this as well is what we can do i think is um let's see a second have we got we've got some coal there some wood on us so i should now be able to like uh let me see place signs right so oh please tell me i can play signs so we place them up there and place them there what might be an idea then is to start looking at i'll make this look better in a minute but just if i was to do it this way place a sign up on there to say what's in them now i want to do something like um let me just zoom right in so i can see what i'm doing this sign which side has got the text on it this side okay so let's put you like that for a second and one test um yeah i want to like so we could do like one um rock to um i don't know wood and then if we get this right with yeah we can do that okay i'm just if we if we can just like i might have to be a bit like play around with this off-camera stuff but see if we do that so then we can have what's on top and what's on bottom so that'll actually look pretty cool okay cool let's um take stuff down because that's that was just the test it's not actually how it's gonna look so that looks rubbish um all right guys i'm gonna give you a quick chair stream because i'm getting pretty freezing i put my aircon on this morning and uh yeah it's pretty cold now so i'll be back in just a second ah it ah yes all right i'm back the chair stream is over uh for now at least it's actually freezing in this room i'm going to level cold now um alrighty so where are we at here oh we need more wood didn't we but this is essentially the design i think it's looking pretty okay uh so what do we got in here right now got a lot of stuff that we can kind of um let's see we can make another chest up let's just put that there for now and um just load ourselves up so we're carrying way too much but doesn't matter because we're not going anywhere with it just gonna go into here put it all back in oh that's full um okay so actually that stuff needs to go in other places wait what i'm still carrying too much with that okay it's this copper stuff it's just a heavy okay let's go just want to like empty out my car a little bit so like um oh wait so in here we'll put all of you um yep it's fine for now and then put this stuff back where it lives at the moment you see how messy my storage is in here this is why i wanted to change all this around just don't know where anything is oh my gosh i keep doing this and you in there alrighty let's repair our tools and go chop down some more wood repair all this stuff and repair the stuff and we've got food on us do we we do indeed oh my goodness come on okay off to work guys off to woodcut um there are some goblins around here so we'll you know just shut this oh no don't want to push that off into the river hey get my cart alone dude um okay now i need to get like in here and let's do this do i not use copper armor no at the moment i've just got troll armor i was actually waiting i'm sort of rushing iron now that i've completed the second boss we can get iron so i'm gonna i'm gonna rush getting all iron armor and stuff um pretty soon so that was the that was the plan there okay um so we can leave this here and go off and do some tree chopping so let's do it chopping trees for a real and our elder abilities apparently ready so i'll do it i didn't seem to do much last time but whatever we'll give it a go could get ourselves uh some more trees that to be fair did it in like two i think that was less time than the first one all right here we go let's chop down you as well then should get a lot of wood out of this oh okay all right um we've got actually quite a lot of logs to be chopping down now getting the wood out of so let's do that um oh no this one's like drowned so i don't think there's any way we can get this log now maybe if i come around the other side wait how i'm gonna drown but i better go back sure i might just leave that one we'll worry about it later there's another um a couple of gradings here as well hey dudes need to get some stamina back then i'll kill you the gray dwarfs i should say not graylings man my stamina is always so low in this game that was a bad hit nevermind all right there we go let me chop my wood guys um so you don't need that anymore we get a bit of the uh fine wood and stuff out of this as well all right some more logs up here to chop down um including this one actually oh birds feathers haha see any birds guys let me know do need more feathers to make up more arrows with i know if there's a way to eventually farm feathers in this game or not if you just have to keep killing birds that's going to be quite tedious actually i guess some arrows don't need feathers so there's that but um yeah we have to see how we do that as we progress through come on stamina heal up a little bit um all right we're still good for what we're carrying after this trip i think we might only need to do one more after in order to get ourselves enough wood to actually complete the build project as i said close to the car let's go and pull this stuff away oh my goodness there we go um and in fact let's chop down some of these trees here why not as they're quite near our base so figure like obviously the nearest your base the more like you are to build there or use it in future so it's good to clear the area of it as you can see i've been doing here um some of these little trees here i've left but get rid of them once they're a bit bigger so i'm assuming these trees will grow right these small ones here you just wait and i'm assuming they eventually become big ones i'm not 100 that happens that way but it just would sort of make sense can maybe kill some boar as well get more ball breeding happening ball reading you know it's reasonably useful but it's not like overly essential so i haven't worried too much about it but i just do have a lot of ball there waiting now so i don't know maybe i should just kill them oh hey guys dude ready stick around the back of me there's a lot of these around today i know that we're near a black forest but even so it seems more than usual all right so we'll grab all this stuff i suppose sure we'll need it at some point feathers are good um you begin you've been using two worlds and it made mining flyby not a terrible idea yeah fair enough a bit of a cheat not in like a bad way but yeah a bit of like a valheim life hack right there okay let's chop some more trees log right here ready to go take out some of this yeah so i was watching a um valheim video yesterday and i knew this game was like complex but i had no idea just how complex it gets later on into the game like some of the mobs and biomes and things are insane so i'm both excited and terrified at like progressing through this game dude oh god so come on boy there we go um yeah so there's like there's so much to this game it's it's so surprising i can't believe this game is less than a gigabyte like how do they even do that i'm actually gonna grab the stones because we do kind of need oh there's a bird oh he's gone already damn it see like if you wait until they land you've got a chance hitting them when they're in the sky i think it's gonna be pretty tough with the level of bow that we have at the moment as well i don't know okay where are you falling there you go oh hey dudes um there we go looks like it's turned night time so we've made it's our last tree take our car home see what we can build with what we've got here today and uh once it's on that building come out do another trip again uh you know when we need to when we need those resources again we've got a bit of wood shouldn't be too bad uh let's pick up this wooden stuff up here is that stone yeah pick up some stones all right uh where's my car at it's just up here somewhere right take this home now yeah we've got a little bit of stuff there some things to be getting on with certainly so uh back along this uh the highway here that i made earlier there's a bore on the road it cause a car crash or i guess a cart crash right thank you boar um yeah so this is this is just heaven compared to what i was doing before i was getting my car stuck everywhere on the bushes and stuff and kept it almost breaking it those bad times there's wood here as well don't mind if i do all right we're home i wish you didn't have to be looking at the car like when you're carrying it why do you have to look back at it just to like tell it you want to stop using it you know i don't know i sleep no worries haley that's absolutely fine thanks for stopping by and uh have a great sleep i'll see you uh next time i see you you're trying to watch too much and spoil yourself on it what do you mean by that um afro swaggins which are talking about um all right so we want to get the cart down here to continue making up our uh our new storage area starting to take a little bit of shape and then i think this is the way to do it right start by building the inside and then we can build like the outside of it um around whatever design we want to go for that seems to make sense to me so talking to which uh let's see if we can get some more of this in place so we need like these little floors here to um to place just getting them in the right places just a little bit tricky i think that'll about do it no not a bed although we might move our bed at some point in this place so okay where are you what the heck is happening there so that's where i can get it apparently i need oh there we go i was just in the wrong place i guess so like there yeah again oh no um again this is where i don't want to be too silly about worrying exactly where things are going because in this game i just think it's like you just can't really do that was about um i think i'm worrying enough you know for it to look reasonably uniform but i don't be worrying so much that it's just like you know getting silly let's just put that one about there get chest up on top about there back a little bit and destroy that yep i think this is fine i think it's uniform enough for the way this game works uh you wasn't trying to watch too much content support some of the mobs and stuff oh yeah fair enough no that's i understand that sometimes it's nice to see things for the first time in game other times i guess it's good to see things oh yeah that's what i want stairs there yeah other times it can be useful i guess to see like um how to do certain things just depends but yeah i do get that and uh there's so much going on this game as well it's like there's a lot to learn so i think having content is useful for some things just to teach you some of the the basics and and how to enjoy the game a bit better and then once you know that it can be fun to discover some things on your own as well all right so put that about there that one in there and destroy so this storage i'm trying to future proof a little bit as well and have enough storage room here to like keep us going you know through the game for quite some time i think we're achieving that by doing this weird weather here lately it's australian summer so you're expecting really hot and dry all the time today is a bit gloomy a little bit gray outside but there we go it's still boiling hot so you get the you get the heat without the sun it's the worst all right oh did a little minecraft right click to place there i'm still i still do that quite a lot i'm just so used to the minecrafts let's see i think i can get this if i can just place it so that's sticking out too much if i do it like that so all right you know what we need to replace the floor i think there faster wood cutting not worth it i guess it depends i mean i i haven't noticed it being that much faster that's my only issue with it like it is quicker i suppose but um doesn't feel like it's quicker by much sorry just trying to get that there we go right on there see if this is gonna let me place a chest where i want it now yeah it is okay good um yeah so i know what you mean it's not ideal um the second boss isn't too crazy difficult to kill though i suppose so yeah i don't know it just kind of depends that's about there and place you in there and there we go sweet so one side of the chests are done so what i think i want to do now is try to figure out exactly how i want to do this next bit so crosses no that's not going to look good um there's wooden beams potentially might not beams like that these beams could be good what if i were to do like a thing like this and then a thing like this on a sort of front of them can i do that like how would i do this like about sort of want it maybe if we get a smaller one just to start us off here so like there then this is coming along here along here on here this is where i think we could have the signage for what's in each chest yeah there we go that could look all right and let's just get rid of this stuff the sun's right in our eyes there but i think that's um your woodcutting skill was 77 wow what is mine mine's going to be very high at all uh woodcutting 31 77 my goodness that is some you've done a lot of wood cutting my friend so now we can uh pretty sure we can put the signs oh we need some coal to get the sign placed but i just want to test it signing where i want it to make sure it's in the right sort of area i believe we have some coal here yeah there we go let's test you out so yep sign can go like up in there and another one next to it and stuff so just that will just tell us what's in each sort of section so it hangs over a bit on the edges but i don't think that's too much of an issue what i'm thinking is that once we get our walls built so like let's see we want to snap here i guess it's like the edge there and the edge there and then put like there'll be like another wall up here it's going to be at least too high i would say all right wood okay how about some wood in here um so then you'd go there you'd go there okay so maybe at this stage what we could do is grab one of these beams here can we put it like that i want it's just been like that but then so it's like not sticking out sort of thing okay maybe again i'm worrying too much we can have it like that so it's just stacked i think on this side it is going to do what i want it to though let's see so if you place that one there that one next to it snapped on there snap you up to that one you up to that one so on that one sort of no it's still not touching there's always the same on both ends i think they'll look okay it'd be a nice wall around the back of it and stuff as well i reckon that's that's gonna be all right yeah we got a bit of a sword room going on there guys um so then the next sort of side of it what we want to do is have you dead in line with you so that'll just be our marker on there get ourselves a chest and again yep facing that way um and about there i suppose right so it's just back from the thing perfect and um let's get ourselves another pole on the other side just as we did on the other thing so when you're in here like you'll be able to see what's being stored in here right yep should be okay and then what's being stored in here and you'll have all that i think that's gonna be enough space between them be a reasonably compact storage room hmm just wondering if i want to go back one further you know what let's do it let's make it a bit nicer a bit more shmancy i think it will just be a little bit better so let's get uh see the floor again uh like this all right i'm gonna snap you on to there onto there grab our hoe here to level this ground and then make the rest of it yeah it's just a little bit compact in there doing it the other way i think just having it this little bit extra is going to be nice to see you there you there then sort of there no not there you just snap is that it and then let's see we need to flatten this land sort of dust off the old uh floor here there we go now we can place you in there it's all buried come on man go away all right uh so that yeah there we go so just give us that little bit of extra space right so now if we try and build this again so that one needs to snap to there grab a chest here and the chest just goes back a bit like about there and another one of these put in sort of there so now you can see this side yeah it's a little bit easier just to see it all and then see this side and also we can have a central door this way as well so we have like one two this will be the door one two if that makes sense to you guys doing this pretty good way of doing it actually yeah this would be quite a nice storage haul and then just thinking what might actually be nice is if we make an area in here on this side because i mean this is a lot of storage hello tango yes i am from the uk i'm english but i've lived in australia for quite some time now uh one two let me just measure this so we got one two three four five so on the third so one two on the third that is the center right so yeah it must be there two that way and two that way what i'm thinking we could do is just have a little cut out here where we come through like this let's get that placed um let's just level this ground in order to place that let's level this here a little bit because what i'm thinking would be nice with all the storage here is if you could then come through to an area here where you've got all your crafting stuff set up um so i think that would be that'll be good thanks afro i appreciate that buddy um certainly starting to take a bit of shape we're gonna keep working on it but um yeah so then you've got like all your storage here but your storage is connected up to your workbenches and your fords and stuff like that that'll be out here in a separate little area that could be nice in fact maybe what we'll do instead of doing it that way is we'll make the this the entrance here so let's grab like a door so the door would have to go about there and then out here we'll have a courtyard under cover that's gonna be a nice way of doing actually and in this courtyard that's undercover we'll have like some furnaces and kilns that will bring down here workbenches forges and all the other stuff so let's see how this is gonna work in regards to placing the uh the furniture of the chest and stuff in here uh we need some more wood okay if i watch the the show can't play we'll take it away um i don't think so no i i don't think i've seen that one so like yeah i live in australia even though i am english uh you know i grew up in england lived there till i was like 18 and then moved over here so i've been over here for like yeah 11 years now but um i still go back and stuff every now and again you know just to see like family and stuff but yeah i've been here for quite a while now see i think this is a nice way of doing this um because we're gonna have plenty of storage space here anyway so then that will go there and then this is where it will need to stop let's just make sure we're getting that in the right place like there okay and then uh yeah so this is and then will pick up again like on the other side like here-ish so what i need to do is i guess like get this one level so it's on that corner there and start making it from this side just to make sure it's going to fit in and i might actually put a door in here as well because when the cart comes down sometimes we'll just want to leave the car coming through the door do storage quickly and then a door out there so we can have a double like two doors that'll be that'll be a nice way of doing that so see we'll put you um about the airish and then we need you about there that is the right way isn't it yeah okay so that's out of that there put this one in here and we get one more and i believe um if we have any more wood and yeah we actually need more wood all right back to wood shopping um but yeah you can see how this is starting to take shape right i think this is the storage room will look pretty okay when it's done let's head back up this way so one thing i might do actually is uh let's just leave our cart here a second just quickly go and harvest the honey farms because uh we'll uh we're gonna need a lot of honey someone recently let me know in one of my videos uh they commented to say that honey is also going to be used for potions later on and it's actually quite important so it's good to like stock up on a lot of it so we'll do that obviously it's the good food resource still as well um you saw my little boar farm there as well i need to sort that out at some point but for now i'd rather just go and get all this stuff sorted so i think the best thing to do with the car is bring out like here then go back and shut the gates it doesn't really take that long just so that no none of these dudes here are going to be attacking our stuff before we go oh actually we need to whoa what the heck i was out of um stamina okay let's ch let's do yeah we actually need to repair our things a little bit as well do that before we go chopping more trees down take care of that all right repair all this and that's repair all this stuff as well over here as it's so quick and easy have some food in case we do run into any trouble while we're out now it's gonna be nighttime soon but we'll um we'll get a bit of this stunt come on there we go how do you do second boss again there's a couple ways you can do it um one i highly recommend ranged attacks so take a bow and you know fight it um some people said you can hide behind the stone pillars where it spawns and i tried that out on a live stream last night and died pretty quickly actually so i don't know i mean it's some people say you can do it that way so maybe you want to try that i don't know like if i was doing it wrong or something um what i found in the end was the best way was to just fight him from a range and as soon as he does his special attack at you just run and where he's attacking then he won't hit you um if he does the the summoning of the roots again just run to a new area and you should be okay oh wow look at that cut down the tree and killed the cradle that was epic oh there's a stump in the way um yeah the other thing you can do is next to some more of them so many here when i'm trying to chop these trees there's probably a better place i can go to chop trees actually um yeah i'm wondering if there's like a better area for this tree cutting yeah another thing you can do is take a pickaxe with you before you summon them in dig a little hole down next to the platform and you can kind of like get into that hole and i believe when you're underneath him like that he can't attack you i would definitely um like i don't know just try that out with a bit of caution i haven't practiced that myself yet so i'm not 100 but i have seen other people do it so there's that sort of way you could try it as well and obviously just the usual stuff make sure you've eaten activate your right through ability um and maybe just um i had a portal near mine so that when i died i could get like some stuff together before i went back and get back there pretty quickly but i definitely found the the ranged attacks were the best uh where are you going to put the signs for each box so what i'm going to do is i'm going to have one sign per two boxes on the beam going across we're gonna head back to the base in a second so i'll show you what i mean but um i tested it out a second ago and it looks okay and um should be fine because like a lot of them like if we've got like stone for example that will have two boxes to itself anyway um or we might have one that's like sort of say rare materials and again like would just be rare materials spread throughout those two boxes but at least i know they are or like trophies there's another one picking up a lot of them um all our blooming woods falling in the water here you're beating by uh how do i pillars um oh you meant finding them on the map um so like if you go to um open up like it should say the elder on the map and then that's how you know where to go um i definitely saw that so like down here like yeah the elder and then you know where you're heading um yeah so that pillars thing i think almost done it wrong so a few people have said that's like the best way to do it and i it wasn't really working that well for me but i don't know maybe i was doing something wrong like i say all right so night time so we're going to need to head back in a bit we didn't get tons of wood today but we'll head back maybe we'll just head back leave the car and then come back when we next need it because we're not encumbered right now so we'll leave the cart where it is just head back on ourselves have a sleep and i'll show you the thing i was saying about the signs as well for the storage and we'll have a look at that oh yeah birds i still haven't shot a bird down i really uh could use some more feathers for extra arrows and things hmm oh well so we'll have a snooze then we'll have a look at the signs and make up some more of that storage room oh i've got to dry off got wet from uh going into going into the uh the river after my wood because it kept falling in there for reasons best known to itself i had the same dream again though guys river running uphill green shoots turning downwards into the earth having this repeating nightmare here in valheim it seems okay day 91 so um here we go let's see so with the signs like i can put signs up here like this right and just get them in between so then that one sign there will be for these two boxes sign there for those two and so on and so forth and then that will yeah let me know um if i have two different items you can just put like do loads of spaces i tested this out earlier um and it will like have like a line here saying like rocks and then a line underneath same wood so there's there's ways you can do it we should be fine have you done the all night challenge in the black woods yet dwarfs and trolls just keep coming i've done it stay out of stay out in the wood all night try to make it to a morning i haven't but uh no that sounds fun i'll give that a go at some point um there's a few different challenges and things i've been thinking of actually that i would like to try out uh okay so that needs to be that way around it's a little bit hard to see let's um zoom in a bit before we do this let's see it's a little bit easier as it's so dark here apologies for that but there's not much i can really do about it just gotta wait until it turns day time and then that will go there so we miss like two rows of chests on this side but i mean we're still going to have like tons so no worries mad up thanks for sticking around for so long and uh thanks again for uh yeah another shout out to mad duck for making all of the uh the non-copyright music that i'm making at the moment uh for streamers and things uh mad duck's obviously the one making that sort of ghost producing that at the moment for me but a big shout out to him for that it's been awesome so far i'll have another five songs on spotify very soon and we'll be up to six then and in total we are gonna of course have eventually uh 50 51 actually so uh yeah pretty should be uh quite a lot of um quite quite a decent selection of hopefully uh some pretty good music hopefully you guys will you know will agree let's put on there get rid of that yeah this is this is taking uh taking shape it's just getting this floor in the right bit it's just a little bit tedious sometimes but it's got to be done for the chest to get in the right place so there there we go yeah yeah it's looking all right um so now i'll just repeat over here hey 53 wheels it says pog put that that one in there and we just keep repeating the process what use does a tanker actually have oh it's an item stand huh so what does that do you can actually just put items in that i want to try that out later what am i doing here um that one hey kraken yeah i thought i'd give it a try and i have to say it's been pretty good like it's this stream has been doing better uh than my valheim streams have been doing on um twitch recently hey aphros wagons thank you so much for the five dollar super chat there i really appreciate that um it's uh very kind of you guys to support me when i'm doing this um so thank you so much afro and thanks for being the stream so long you've been here for ages now i appreciate that as well um hope you have been having a good time here i'm certainly enjoying this game probably a little bit too much actually at the moment it's uh it's just such an awesome game um but hey that's that's not a bad thing right hopefully i think that's about as good as we're gonna get that there there we go guys storage room infrastructure is looking okay now just to sort of complete the process a little bit here so what we need is some of this stuff i think i prefer youtube to twitch by a lot so you support this okay awesome uh just out of interest what is it you prefer about streams here on on youtube as opposed to on twitch oh that's right this is how we did this so we've placed these first as some temporary blocks then we got this here and we're gonna try and get this light to stick out about the same amount and that's looking pretty good to me i would say yep that's definitely for this game that is definitely close enough you guys both prefer this hey okay that's interesting so um yeah let me know like why that is oh actually this is a point um so actually we're gonna need to do this a bit differently um or are we oops okay let's destroy everything um let's see let's try this again let's place that about that what i'm thinking is maybe um what the heck my outer wood dang how did i end up out of wood okay whatever um dang really okay we're gonna have to um go and do some more wood chopping all right let's repair things and go do some of that yeah i don't know twitch has always just been thought of as more of a streaming platform than youtube i suppose um but yeah i'm open to streaming on here more often for sure oh there's a troll awesome um do i have arrows on me i got a few what two trucks oh my god okay um okay this hasn't happened before i just realized what's actually going on here okay let's get up oh my god so this is why we built the defense wow um oh my god what oh no uh this is super bad because he's gonna destroy my base oh no um okay geez really okay i didn't know this could happen i guess our base isn't as strong as it could be we need to maybe do a bit more this is awful um oh no no no i need to eat as well don't destroy my things your horrible troll all right let's see let's eat some food here um where the other troll but oh no he's destroying my whole gate really oh um so i have to rebuild it oh oh wow um okay interesting um apparently that can happen i had no clue uh that the rage would start getting that tough that quick carrying too much now okay let's see can i just um oh what do i need here i need to make a workbench okay let's put that there for now so we can do this um okay that was very unexpected um let's see can we get the the gates going here as well the gate there gate there he's taking down everything um how sad so i have to rebuild all this at some stage i suppose um that was pretty epic uh thank you the hdfs sorry i completely lost chat there for a bit while i was fighting this trolls um cracker says i use youtube far more so i get notifications on your stock which was twitch uh fair enough okay um i did get trolled by trolls by actual trolls i'm just gonna use that wood we picked up there to just try and work on this a little bit though um and then i'll fix that whole area up in the future so what i'm thinking if we do this there's a oh we can't even get under there so that's definitely not an option um oh we could try and be a bit sexy about this um potentially is that gonna okay no that's what happens when i try to be sexy um it's a shame that's not gonna work it's just not gonna quite look right when the way it connects there um okay what else could we do here then we could uh we're just gonna have to like in that case i'm gonna try and do this a bit differently then i'm gonna start this one from like here let's uh get this up in here again and maybe start this one here so do it like this no not like that let's do it like that can we get it a bit more that way there we go and then we'll just have to see what combination of this is going to work that'll work do the same on the other side here yeah that's going to be the way to do this i reckon so again we need you here is a little temporary block then we have one that's like pretty close to the edge there right there we go get rid of that get the longer one there and then another shorter one right is that how this one was you can do a one meter vertical right at the door and have it just a little bit higher true we could do that potentially um i don't think there's anything wrong with having it like this though where it's like freestanding for each one and this little gap where the door is i'm just wondering whether we want to like have sort of something like this in in here i don't know perhaps we'll worry about that when we come to actually doing that bit so what i want to do is put a door in here so we can get in and out of that nice and easily and start snapping the stuff around the outside dude what the heck there we go pick up that wood there i feel like this door so it's set back a bit let's destroy it and try and make it again see if we can get a bit more in line with here there we go that's a bit better isn't it more in line with the outside all right so we perhaps need even better defenses than i uh realized in this game wait that's not gonna work what i want to do is have you like there and then just have you there thank you now this side at the moment i don't think he's gonna need a door i think it's just uh yeah just like that we'll snap all this stuff around and then we'll put a roof on this thing actually no we don't need to be too high i'm just realizing because of the way the roof is gonna work it's gonna go higher anyway there's no point wasting all that extra wood when we're you know we don't exactly have tons of wood at the moment so we'll just as well be uh be a bit more frugal there but bit thrifty and um what do you mean a valid placement oh you're kidding the chest anyway right um some of these chests are too far back apparently is that what it is all right let's see how much of this wall can we build let's do it from this way and see how far we get or is it just that it wasn't level maybe that's it let me see if that's the thing it should be level but i don't know if that was it or if the chests are in the way see i don't think because normally it doesn't say about yeah that was just it wasn't level all right cool so it's gonna be like a flat storage room for now i don't think there's anything uh wrong with that um so we'll do the roof like this because that's going to look a bit better right so then we need to build that there and we'll need to build that in there not like that though the other way around like that and then one of those and then one of those actually is that that's the dead middle isn't it so this bit is going to need to be like a cross let's get rid of that a second this can need to be like one of these cross things isn't it like that and then some more of these going down the other way with a half wall here why is that not snapping on properly uh yep okay uh and then just one more of these here that should snap onto both why is that not let's just try this again do that like that that like that get rid of you so that's now snapped on correctly there right so if i do the cross now can we get to snap to like both it doesn't want to snap to both what the heck is this wall a bit further back or something sure let's just take down i'm taking down this stuff here a second did me take this one down so let's just change that a sec so i need to go back in like there all right so with this let's see the wall there let's get the door snapped to there properly not there try this once again maybe it's the size of your land or fort um troll you've never seen two trolls wow really what did i do to deserve two trolls then so mean yeah i wonder how it's actually calculated in terms of how they do that all right let's just try this a second see if it is going to connect up nicely for us this time yeah there we go beautiful all right snap you onto there snap you not you you on to there all right so that'll be our our roof okay uh it's just gonna do the same around the other side here i'll figure out what i'm doing with that door in a sec um so this side let's see we need these again so uh let's be a nice little storage hut once it's done actually pretty happy with how this is coming along um let me do the same over here i guess get these done while we're still on them let's see it's a snap user there you to there then we need a couple of you um what am i doing here there we go i think that's about correct find out in a second when we try this cross thing if it snaps onto both we're good perfection then that one there to fill in the gap aha uh thanks so much kraken i really appreciate that i'm i'm so new to building on here so i don't really know what i'm doing yet i'm just kind of going with the flow but it's definitely fun doing the building on here um trying to figure all the stuff out it's uh i think part of the fact of that is because it's so new to me it makes it kind of fun troll thing is after beating the elder okay wow okay so that's useful to know then you're gonna get worse things happening as soon as you've beat the older uh if we jump up here and then up here it might be a better way of doing this building here uh oh my hammer's broken bad timing okay where's my nearest workbench it's brilliant there should be one down there somewhere but don't mind fix that stuff hey jordan how you going thanks for uh popping along to the stream okay so let's make some more uh roof here where are we at yep more of this stuff and then we'll look at getting some like torches and stuff in here and uh as far as like the organization of the storage room goes i will do that solo i don't think uh oh no um maybe that's gonna be like super interesting to watch or anything let's see um plus i don't really know exactly where i want things to go just yet so i'll figure that out later oh what's happened here um we need to have like a bit of a connection going on here i think there we go there's a little hole in the corner yeah that that'll do um oh it's random zero hey random zero tricking me with your different name there oh that's right we still need to do some more wood cutting and the trolls came and just absolutely demolished our base okay well this is why uh i need this setup a bit better as well get some arrows and stuff always at the ready got a couple of good bows couple of like a lot of good arrows so anytime trolls come for us we're like prepared and ready to to get them um just to activate our abilities no downside oh interesting thank you jj zigan um triangle walls though do i even have triangle walls at this stage i don't know if i have that i'm not too worried about those little holes there at the moment though to be fair um i might change it at some some point we'll see let's grab a little this here all right go on be kind beats tree and don't fall off into the water again so it did kind of fall the wrong way as long as we can get it i'm happy oh uh you're loving the valham series even though you're not currently playing it well thank you very much for that i'm glad you're enjoying it um i'm certainly loving it and loving playing it and making the content stuff it's been super fun so far um so yeah i'll i'll be keeping this going for sure hello uh who's that there cyad gaming hello hello welcome along to the stream um we're sort of starting to exhaust this forest area a little bit so maybe we could um find a new area to go to we might actually have enough wood now to just finish the base off so i'll go i'll build the rest of the base then i'll put all this stuff away as well because we've got loads of random junk on us and then uh if we need to do some more wood cutting we'll go a different way something i want to do at some point as well is make a second gate so we can get like two ways in and out of the base yeah bronzer is pretty good um it's not like a huge difference like i've really noticed between that and the flint's beer to be honest but it is good i'm just i'm looking forward to getting to iron that's what i'm trying to get into uh pretty soon i just wanted to have some better infrastructure so i wanted like this all set up a little bit better things that i can craft and things i can do here and then also um like a nice portal room and stuff like that just just like the infrastructure i think i'm gonna need as we're going through the game um there we go and then we can put stuff down here and then we'll have some roof on top of this as well which i'll show you guys in a second so this hole won't won't be here because that looks uh rubbish obviously so we can use i guess this one's probably the best one to use put that one there just to sort of cap this off and one oh no oh i'm so close to finishing um but this is how the storage room is going to look so you better come in here we'll have a lot of storage on both sides then we'll be able to come out here and out here we're going to have a crafting area for our forge and stuff like that we need some lights in here i want to tie this area up so still plenty to do but that's the general gist um so if you do like another bridge over this side really um what's all this stuff coins hey that was from when i killed the troll let's go put all these away um just as well troll trophies as well see how messy my storage is right now this is why i want to change this all around um troll trophies in there troll armor i think we've got like up in here at the minute yep that'll do that all right let's just go get some more wood we don't need too much until we're like ready let's see fine um wait in this chest there's not any wood that we need just oh wait what what we had all this wood all this time i didn't even know you serious oh boy what a pleb oh well at least it means we can finish this now so done all right so these couple bits here and here do i have any coal on me i do have a little bit we're going to need a lot more coal as well but what we can do is uh think about how we're going to light this up so um let's see what do we want here we want building i suppose no where's the torches here they are only resin okay so let's go grab some of that but it'll be quite nice to have that and have that room lit up so any time of uh day or night we can easily see our storage and good stuff we have a ton of resin as well so that's not gonna be an issue oh not through the pool so let's see we should be able to build these things up now it's so dark here you know actually maybe um we should start by building them on the outside so what what am i missing now oh i need a forge nearby and i need copper for a stunts so maybe we'll just do some standing with torches for now then let's put like one here and one here so we see our way in and then yeah just because i don't have tons of copper i need to do a bit of a mining trip really before we start using it so frivolously uh what is that as well an item stand so there's two different types of height and stand okay all right so these here let's see we could have one like here and one here around this door um and then maybe just like in line so that one comes up to about here but we'll put it like there i suppose and that one will put like there i think it looks okay for now just to be lighting up this area right it's not too bad um i'm wondering if we want to have a little fireplace here as well because that would provide light as well what the heck why is this not these are burning just fine this one isn't what the heck um i sort of think it might be because they're too much underneath there and they need a bit more room to burn let me just try that and see if my theory is correct so sort of on here but like out of it see if that does it take down that looks like that was actually it okay interesting and then i guess like there so that's kind of space so yeah if we wanted to make up a campfire what are we missing here five stones should have that somewhere there we go which might be nice to do the whole fireplace thing here so if you do that go back to the building and do that so it'll be a nice little semi-hidden fireplace um right let's let's go and sleep and then we'll finish this off in the morning but i just think that could be a nice way of doing it yeah i know what you mean about that kraken it sort of annoys me a bit as well there's a few things in this game that are a little bit annoying um but they are as you say like they add to the realism of it and i get that that's what they're trying to do because with everything in this game i feel like they've really tried to think about realism the best they can without making the game just completely tedious um so yeah it'd be nice if there was a way of like and maybe there is later on in the game a way of like doing this where that wasn't an issue you know where like um you could set up so that it didn't do that basically all right let's see so i want you there i want you there and you like there and then let's go ahead and grab another one of these was that that was the wrong one it was that flatter one like that okay uh and then we want some view right so we want to have you like how do i do this on the corner ideally snap to the corner snap underneath snap to the corner snap underneath so this will vent all the smoke of course um and maybe let's go like another half or here so just vent it from the top there i think that's gonna look okay it's like a little chimney yeah so this could be our little chimney area then coming out the back there what do you think guys does that look okay let's just check that the smoke's not filling this room no you've got a fire in here now we've got these things here i think that's looking pretty cool reasonably happy with that like it could be nice um you have a attic with all your portals that's pretty cool i like that idea um i was gonna do a separate portal room i thought but i don't know so then when we're in this room i think this is actually starting to look pretty decent right uh tips video you can put a campfire on log beams on the ground true yes i think somebody was it you saw or some because somebody did mention something like that in one of my videos oh that's right we need to finish off this bit as well um so if we were to do wall that doesn't look great i think a nicer way to do this then is going to be to have like a beam back here a bit potentially but let's see if we were to just have like like a beam maybe we could even have it up to there and then get this under here and then another one like sort of in there maybe maybe that's not needed hmm what if we did it like this it's not quite going to look right i don't think is it i'm just trying to think of like a nice way of tidying this up around the corner it's not terrible just wonder um we just need like something in between these two that one's sort of like too big well actually another thing we could do though is do another one of these in the middle right there i think that looks so actually yeah let's try that out so we'll do um one of these coming back from like there one right on there and one sort of in between right there so then yeah i think that looks okay guys would you reckon just like that let there be light indeed yeah it's nice and lit up in here oh my fire went out that seems like it went out really quickly why is that going out let's see is it that it needs more space there for the air potentially has it just gone out again yeah okay so let's have a look what if i do it like this i've got the white ear here half all there half all there that actually looks kind of cool i think yeah i don't mind that um that should keep it lit keep it dry yeah and what does that look like from the inside you can't even see it so actually yeah that's fine all right cool now just wonder something here whether we have certain cause a bit of a centerpiece like up there so we could have like maybe a banner we need six level scraps just for a banner that's the only problem levers something i don't know leather scraps is fine actually let's do let's do that it's only two fine wood um it just might make it look a bit nicer as well so do i have fine wood in here and uh let's put uh some of this stuff back in um so when you find wood we need six lever which we've got yeah no this could be cool so where's my lever it's six of you okay so yeah we can make that now all right cool i like the um this one here i think the red and white stripe one you can also do black banners or uh blue banners but i think red and white is quite nice for our base colors so that's what i think i was going to go for hopefully you guys agree these might just be nice to have oh i want my fire's gone out again okay i guess that didn't work well actually before i do wait what it came back home hmm was that just because i was away from it i don't see any reason why it shouldn't work so i think we should let's do this so let's hang that i want that right up on the top there nice and central there we go hopefully that doesn't catch on fire what do you think though it's like a little centerpiece the room is that cool it's not too bad right it just ties the room in quite nicely um let's see what else could we look at here don't know if there's any furniture in here that we just want to have probably not but um maybe some little benches down the middle or a bench you could sit on by the fire or something shame they're only small ones what about some chairs by the fire that could be cool right right this fire keeps going out so we just look at that um but yes we have like a bit of a bit of decoration in the room you know why not uh should make things look a bit nicer some stalls here as well um let's just put a little stool in there so that's gonna be a nice little centerpiece why does fire just keep going out and off anybody know why it's doing that uh that banner's in the wrong spot it's semi-behind where we want it to be so let's just take that back down try this again did i not pick up my stuff did i really lose the fine wood from that hmm i guess i did all right uh dude that took a lot of fine wood as well so to make that it's too fine wood didn't i have like nine on me oh the fine wood would have been used for the other stuff as well all right we might have some in our um cart i'll go check and if not we'll just quickly cut some down it won't take too long to do i'm gonna shut that with the amount of raids that we're getting recently see how we can get around this grab some water a second okay so we need just a little bit of fine wood and that will be enough i hope i don't get trolled as well geez that was awful last time they're pretty um this is like a decent amount of time in between the raids normally so we should be right for a bit main thing is they didn't touch my dragon statues so you know happy about that like i was wondering if i'm sort of gearing up or like trying to protect my base a bit too much at this stage but um i would say now definitely not um oh we wasted six lever scraps as well i'm just thinking i think this does need to go in here it just needs to be a bit we'll hang up there maybe instead just so it's just just needs to be a bit more in front of where it was okay whatever we're farming ball we can get the um the leather scraps it's not the end of the world well i'd say that that new building there is a big improvement on this one in terms of uh it's looking a lot better and stuff this was my first attempt at building on this game i was just basically trying to you know have some stuff uh to protect myself uh sorry to be able to sleep i should say on like day one and stuff so i reckon that's definitely looking better is it glitches happening to you all day if i tend to go out for a while um or like go out um for a second trying to sleep interesting i think then it's not anything wrong with how i've placed it it's just like you say it's a bit of a glitch or something let's just bring it a little bit in front of where we had it before so that was like too far back so about there there we go that's reasonably nice now with this underneath right yeah all right cool and then eventually as well i want to have some like deer uh rugs and stuff in here but like we don't have loads of deer hard right now so it'd be a bit of a waste of the limited resources we do have um i am pretty happy with that pretty happy with that room guys that's pretty much how that's going to look i would say and uh now we want to make a bit of a work area up here thanks afro i appreciate that glad you're glad you like that what i want to do now is look at building some of the stuff we're going to use to unlock recipes with right so um not missing this crafting right so like for example we can make an ads uh we can make uh not the forge already got anvils stuff like that and it's gonna just uh open up some new recipes for us so when it does that some of the new recipes might be things we want to build down here um yeah it was looking a bit brown in there before the banner and stuff so i think changing that was a good idea um so let's have a look here let's start with um the adds uh workbench improvement we need three bronze for that ten fine wood now we need some fine wood then did i have any down here i don't think i did delight so we wanted to go get some fine wood uh what does that look like yes we don't have any of that stuff right now all right so let's start by doing that then um we're gonna get some of that fine wood um so fine wood we need oak or birch trees for that um hey you the axe actually does like more damage than my bronze sword like just as well stick to that so there's a lot of trees over here i just don't know if there's any of the ones that we want just have a bit of an explore getting that second entrance to the base is actually going to be quite useful if we can do that kind of soon because yeah there's i think there's like a lot of trees and stuff around this side we've been chopping down here we go we've got some birch in here we can chop quite a few birch trees around here actually so that'll do us um yeah once we've made those upgrades then we can see if there's like some different types of materials and things we can build and then plan out our base a bit better because i want to get like all my workbenches and stuff in that one area just outside the new storage room it's gonna be super efficient then to build stuff we can have our storage right there and then we can get through and do the um you know the crafting of whatever crafting and if we need to get more resources it's not an issue and all that good stuff hey there we go oh boy there we go we're up to 25 wood already oh don't punch trees this isn't minecraft let's uh let's use our wonderful axe on this um i'm probably gonna need a lot of this actually because i'm thinking we'll probably need it for some of the other recipes as well i hope i'm gonna be able to make up enough bronze as well so when i get back let's get that stuff smelling first thing then we use the bronzer we've got and see about the other stuff as we go through hey so the two hit kill with the axe just about every time i think sometimes they're like a three hit with my bronze sword so that's a little bit weird oh well it is what it is all right what we're doing here so we've got we can take maybe one more tree chop down before we need to stop worrying about being too full in our inventory there it goes it's going to roll again there we go oh bird only accidentally killed a bird that would have been useful we still need those feathers i'm streaming for a couple hours and still haven't managed to kill any birds i haven't really seen many to be honest and also just haven't been thinking actually been doing all the other stuff um all right let's yeah let's just head back with that see how much we can make up see what we unlock here it's always fun unlocking new recipes and things seeing what else we can build especially when we're doing a bit of a base building uh stream obviously that's pretty useful but i'll fight him with a sword that's one okay actually did do more damage i'm just being dumb i guess we're gonna have to fix this up at some point as well where the trolls came destroyed all that and have some sort of better system of fighting them next time all right so we've got the wood on us um we've got one bronze here we're gonna need to get a lot of this stuff made up so let's um no i want that let's see what we want to do is get like all the charcoal being made up okay and then whatever call we've got at the moment let's check in there and let's chuck as much of this as we can in in there as well what i do oh did i just hang on yep that's silly okay okay so we're getting a little bit of stuff happening um in the meantime let's start making this stuff up as well so that is two copper one tin there oh we we're running low on tin as well okay we just have to keep smelling up a load of this stuff then basically hmm what i'd really like to unlock is like some stone flooring i know you can do like a stone floor kind of thing if we could do that outside here have the stone floor with like this on top and this one on top of that stone floor like all of our workbenches and stuff that would just be epic that would actually look so cool um all right what do we got going on here see all this in here pull this in here alrighty can we make any bronze right now so we don't have any bronze left on us at all all right we can craft up one bronze and if that's going to be enough for us to do all that much um didn't i'm not much so so we need three for an answer um for the anvils we only need two and just 10 copper for the forged cooler which is a forge improvement okay forge improvement workbench improvement is the odds i think that's what we should look at first then maybe improve the workbench first yeah kraken you know if you put it all in your furnace before you go to sleep of an evening then it'll um it'll do it while you sleep like instantly so that's one thing you can do for that um let's just like speed things up a little bit let's grab this extra coal here getting through coal pretty quickly here uh see we can add some more wood in here as well keep this happening yeah so then you can overnight while you're asleep you can like instantly get a load of it all smell it up ready to go so now i'm just waiting on a tin actually um once you've got tin we'll have enough copper to like make up the next bit awesome just got to keep filling all these materials in basically until we've got all of that done i had so much tin so i just was focusing on copper and now i've got too much copper i wish it was nighttime fill up the kiln go to sleep um let's keep uh putting some tin in this when we can getting that happening as well apparently there's a faster smell sir but i'm not far enough in the game yeah i i was sort of hoping there would be i mean i'm pretty new to the game as well so i'm not worrying about being able to do that just yet but i was quietly like hoping that that would happen later on in the game so it makes sense right as you progress through you can do things quicker and that's that would be that would make sense do you know what i've been wanting to take this blooming thing down for ages let's just do that get all this wood back what an ugly horrible thing this is just destroy it take the lot down so glad to see the back of this let's keep that there finally it's fallen and we got all this wood back as well that's much much better use of our time having the wood than having that rubbish and uh now we're going to be like filled up here oops let's grab this stuff let's see if we make another bronze yet not quite yeah we need tin now let's just put this stuff back here for a second um oops no you as well fill this back up then we can come pick up a load of this put it in here right was that everything oh no one pillar standing so glad to just get rid of that that's rubbish what's in here nothing ah let's get rid of you as well then this building is going to come down at some point it's uh it's going to be surplus to requirements pretty soon and it's a bit ugly so yeah it's gonna be good to get rid of that some stage oh my god i i've gotta stop doing this uh no coal i want because i wanna keep putting coal in here grabbing all this good stuff um right let's grab out our tin let's do that let's make sure we've got a little wood on us as well so we can fill up this right and then let's go and sleep and uh oh and when when we wake up that'll all be done that will give us a big boost and we can get on some stuff okay here we go collection time pick up all this wonderful stuff here grab out all this here carrying too much for a second what i can't make bronze did i get anything out of that oh i must be too low on the coal i think that's what that was okay well there you go there's all the coal let's make a little more coal as well while this is happening 25 alrighty here we go now we're getting some tin so we've got our copper there we got a tin i think now we can make up another bronze so we got one bronze in there we got one there does that mean we can actually make something new now what was the answer um that was the first thing right so we actually want three so just just need one more obviously for that which now we've got the tin coming out should be pretty soon and uh what's in there how much is in here 8 out of 10. no it's kraken um yep uh no worries i'll i mean this this stream has done pretty well for me so um probably better than on twitch i think more people are just searching for this game on youtube at the moment so i will look to uh to keep that happening um we can make the ads uh let's see wait can we oh 10 fine wood well i do have that somewhere perhaps it's been put in here uh yeah there we go okay i'm carrying too much okay it's almost exciting all right let's see what can we put back all of this there we go now we can make up the ads which looks like this and for now i'll just put it i don't know somewhere like um really okay you know what let's level all this ground around here anyway because it's just a pain uh let's try that again well i thought that was the issue does it just need to be sort of near a workbench is that it like it seems quite fussy where it wants to go here ready okay um we'll put you there for now why not so um my workbench should now have more recipes i think right uh or you can make a tank it up for example uh is that really did we don't get anything else wait what if i use this now is there more stuff here somewhere do we get anything out of that what the heck i'm i'm confused as to what the point of that was like hold on a sec so we just built this here it says it's a workbench improvement is it the forge that it actually improves it improves no what am i missing here guys i don't know what's happening there um yeah smelter doesn't need a lot of coal certainly does all right how are we uh how are we doing here so we've got a little bit of this let's see how much bronze we can make up here yeah i'm not i'm not really sure what the ads thing just did for us ads lets you upgrade uh troll stuff to level four oh okay well fair enough i suppose uh anvils we can make now as well let's make up one of these and place that down is this needing to be nearby as well is it okay well um we'll just put that there for now so with that done uh new station that we've got forged level two now okay so that will allow us to upgrade things okay fair enough um and let's see what else do we want to build up forge cooler potentially 10 copper for that it's not too bad um we got the charcoal kiln and smell obviously already uh for the most part it's looking good i tell it would be good actually it'd be a better cooking setup down here as well in this new base that would be quite useful for us um okay we're not getting any of the extra recipes like i was hoping so oh well but yeah at least it'll allow us to upgrade things and make better things and whatever like there is used to it it's just you know not what i was hoping i suppose all right let's put all this back here a second um guys i'm going to leave you with a quick chair stream because i've already got to pee i will be back in just a moment i'm still experiencing the same hello apologies for that i had to um i had to pee and i had to get some food as well haven't eaten yet today and it's like half past 12 like noon um okay so let's see my notions of doing a better floor don't look they're gonna happen which is a bit sad i know there is a way of doing stone floor but at the moment i guess we're gonna have to stick with the um the wooden floor hmm yeah i guess i guess i'll stick with that and we'll just have to change it later on okay what is in this chest here quite a lot actually well well well trying to think how we want to actually do this hmm i'm thinking like we have like an area here outdoors where we have like the kiln and the workbenches and all that sort of stuff um we're gonna need these built like undercover and stuff as well of course so what i think we want is like actually these might be nice for this these log poles or is that a bit too high though it's high but it might actually be nice let me see where they've gone um these log poles would like this would be like taller than that if we do this hmm whereas if we do that it's about the same height actually one thing we could do is do it more like this is that gonna be a nice way of doing it so i'm just trying to think about how i want to actually do this right now um for like sorting this stuff out so like maybe let's get some flooring in here so like the floor if we go like have a gap of about two i would say let's level this down to here dude what is okay well why won't you uh level from here okay it's just doing it so weirdly all right there we go sort of what the heck is happening here i'm just trying to like clear this off it's worked before i'm not sure why she isn't doing it now um what the heck was all right maybe we should build more floor uh anyway so if we have like a little bit of a gap there whether we can come through and then we'll have like the little workbench areas like over here somewhere missing requirement of stone oh no i'm not trying to raise i'm trying to level okay i'm not sure what this is doing this is burying my path even more i'm trying to like level it to what the heck okay we're that's sort of starting to work i guess anyway uh so then yeah we'd have the workbenches in here somewhere so if we build a workbench it would be should fit quite nicely on one like that and then we just need to have some of these poles and things around it okay let's see how we can get this looking good so take out the wood we got here um so i want to be kind of nearby so you come out the door here yeah that's that's definitely near enough i would say all right so that's on that thing there uh let's get some more floor down here as well let's see get the same orientations we had before is that coming up now so trying to find buried treasure here just trying to see my path all right you know what maybe we need to place more floor around here so it sort of realizes what we're doing because right now it's just seeming a little bit dumb okay i guess like that uh so then let's play some more not floor all these poles here and actually i wonder if we were to do like this if we build it sort of like that and then get another one of these here this oops this could potentially be a nice way to do it try and get that level there although it's probably about to just do it like that so place these along here with these things actually we can just do one at each end right like that and then get the roof here so that would go like along here like that and then we'll have the walls around here oops not that one um there and we'll have a wall like on this side and a wall on this side oh that's why we were doing it that way actually um all right let's get some more wood out here wait is that just normal wood that's caught okay all my normal wards up in this other chest then so i know we do have a lot of it just pull the coal in there and let's see what do we want here i guess like a load of copper would be good for now okay and then put back whatever we didn't use oops no put back early all this stuff then this random little chest here we've got some of this stuff oops can't carry that much okay so what i'm thinking is if we do this would have to be like that if we do like that or we can just try that might look okay you know what actually i'm just thinking i'm not sure even needs these all right so now for crafting we could have a workbench in here like this just thinking there's a lot of stuff that needs to go near the workbench isn't there what if we did a workbench like this could we get some of the stuff around it let's go check this out a second so like um for example that there i think we'll pick that up and that up and some of the stuff we'll need to move we'll do that later um okay let's just see what we can make here so for example um like a chopping rack we could have that in the corner here next to the workbench the tanning rack what are we missing for turnaround five deer hide oh did i not get that back that's frustrating because we don't oh wait there it is isn't it yeah we can make it out okay i guess it's still on the floor we probably um had our inventory full so the tanning rack we could put like in this corner here a bit bring it out a little bit so you can kind of see it um what if we had it that's already gonna look any good okay in that case what i'm gonna do is be a bit pedantic and i'm actually gonna swap it round the reason being is i think the tanning rack's gonna look better with that being more on the side you can access there and the chopping rack grabbing that wood we can have it any way around so that can just go like this so we can kind of access it still it looks okay right for the workbench area see if all this was stoned through here this would look pretty cool um then we could do another area for like the forge and all the stuff around that the forge might need a bit of a big area though um that's the only thing at least this way we've got like all of our storage will be through here so we can get all of our storage easily come outside we've got the workbench right there to work with and then we'll have a forge area over here um but we also want the ovens like the kiln all that stuff so i'm thinking about how we're going to fill that in as well the other thing would be if the forge was like back here but then i think i do want a way of like once i come into my base just coming straight into here when i want to do that so let's see about the forge all right forge is gonna need oh about the cauldron as well that's gonna need to go somewhere um is there like there's a cauldron and a fermenter as well we could make up have that stuff sort of together that might be good i wonder with the forge then whether we so like is that 4g so it would look like this if we had this like in a bit of a corner placement maybe we could have a lot of stuff going on around it we still need to be undercover that's the only thing just thinking out loud about how we're going to do this guys trying to plan this a little bit right so let's just um start building and we have to just edit as we go i think otherwise you're just gonna be here worrying about it all day and not making much progress so take the forge down from there should give us just about everything we need um apart from we're now carrying too much so let's put you away and then pick up that well i'm still carrying too much okay let's go over to this chest if we can make it just about make it go on oh yeah and put some of this stuff back um she might need some of it so whatever we'll keep some alrighty so the forge actually just start with the floor so this one had three floor right so what i want to do then is leave a gap and now i'm not going to place my next bit floor see if we can do this it seems really tricky for some reason so then one two well this had three right one two three so let's see one two you need to just keep leveling this a bit to try and see what i'm doing here uh yes that so that would be under there somewhere three i see i don't like why can't i just level this i want to dig down a bit here so i can see what i'm doing frustrating okay uh let's get this placed in here i guess try and when we make a bigger area of it it seems easier to get this to work but i don't know it seems a bit weird the way it's happening oh what's that what did i just break that there uh ah okay so now i don't know where the edge of this is okay um this is one there that one's already in we're not gonna do the next one unless we try just digging it out with like a a pickaxe but it shouldn't really need to come to that like i'm starting to dig up these little bits here but like i don't know all right we need to sleep anyway so let's go do that right scrabble this stuff oh see we're gonna be encumbered all right um what can we lose here actually got a lot of wood let's just put all the wood away in here for a second keep it all together and the stone as well a fair bit of copper on us there so let's put all the copper back in here uh let's get some tin smelting overnight and get all this coal here so we need some of the wood back smell that up okay uh load up oh my goodness load up all the tin we can in there smell it was waiting on coal we got a bit of coal there so let's get that happening there's one about to smelt here there we go fill that one up and get some sleep oh stop the fire sleep oh alrighty well we should wake up to lots of goodies in the morning all right let's hit back out here pick up all of this good stuff um and actually uh coal is like the only thing we're shooting this at the moment i think from having a lot more smell it up so let's get that happening while we're around here playing and some more tin in there okay good so what's going on here let's see first of all no no no no cancel i don't know didn't want to craft a club i guess there's nothing we can do about that now so stupid all right um oh that's right we're trying to get this blooming thing on earth the bit weren't we which doesn't seem to want to play ball with us oh it's so frustrating also can't really see what i'm doing here i wonder if we can make um just make one of these so we see a bit better around here here we go wait can we not just i don't know all right let's um start building some infrastructure here so all i want to do is get one of these built snapped to about there so there's a gap in between for us to walk through uh and then so we got like i want you to snap to you so one two three four five okay there we go and then we'll do one of these here we can do that there we go all right so our forge is gonna be a much bigger work area as you guys can see but i think that's gonna look a lot nicer that way all right is this actually working are you starting to flatten some of this not really i'm not really feeling it not sure why all right so now we can build some more of this stuff so that one there that one there now just for the aesthetics this one might need something in the middle actually i got an idea let's do this a bit better um so we got that one there one two three yep and then yeah now this is gonna be much nicer one two [Music] three and we still got the gap there to come through there oh yeah no i like the i like the thought of this so i haven't done much with corner roofs yet either so this is gonna be exciting we can actually try something new out and hopefully this will look good and we can oh here's the triangle roof chime so yeah just like that guys oh i'm liking this oh we're at wood yeah this would be so much nicer oh so that's gonna be awesome it would just look a bit better as well to have the different things there all right cool let's go grab some of the wood that we need here um there we go oh carrying too much um what do i not need uh just put the coal away is put that's the normal water rights we don't need that so much too much of that carrying i say eventually i'm gonna change this around and have it as like a stone flooring out here so like for the work bench area and stuff that's what that's going to be but i think for now that's looking pretty good all right we can actually get rid of this silly little pole thing now we are going to have lighting out here but um yeah not there all right so forge we don't even need four coal and four stone okay so we've got stone there but now we're carrying too much let's get rid of some of that uh and we need to go grab some coal so this should be something here no i should put something back in this chest oh four there we go just the amount we needed how about that so now i want to make a forge out six copper right six copper we're getting there all right so look um so now i want just six of you carrying too much really okay what can we get rid of uh we're gonna need some of that but half back should be fine alrighty now can we play self watch yes okay so that forge i think could go in the corner there and then we can have all the nice things around it potentially what because what do we need just thinking is that like the best place for i think i think it's me okay we'll put it there let's try it out as i said a lot of trial and error that's what it's all about right um now some chests around here would be a decent idea as well let's see if we put um just like maybe one in each corner for different things we might be using regularly here i know our storage room is literally just here but um you know just for items for on the go could be quite useful okay and actually what we can do then as well just for now is use these to just put some of this stuff in that we're using just keep getting full up all righty uh so let's go get some of the stuff that we need for the forge area then i mean it's just take down like anything that's left here right so like um missing oh wait do you need the forge in order to take that down are you serious uh well we're gonna have to just do it because we need it uh we should when we take this down get all the stuff back right so it shouldn't be an issue so now when i go up here i should be able to make the forge so i gotta take down all the stations before i take down the forge basically so give me a forge put it in there then we can take this down apparently all right take you down take you down do we make any more i think we already took them all down right the other ones take you down as well try and pick all this up yep not caring too much all right cool now we can come and sort of just move them over to here so there we go there's the forge put that one just in there um this thing right here um where do we want that to go actually wasn't that that was for this wasn't it yeah okay so how is this gonna work now it needs to be pretty nearby by the looks of it unless you place it just right in front no i know what we'll do with that one got an idea guys oh actually no because that needs to be on the cover never mind um what if we place it right on the back would that work so that would actually work we could just place it there because it just unlocks recipes so it doesn't matter where it is it'll look okay being there i think uh okay what else can we make up here um anvils place a nice little anvil in here um and i think that's actually all we got around doing at this stage wasn't it okay so now we can look to also improve the floor in here which uh i should have a lot of wood in here too no not that to do some of this so get the wood beams facing the same way okay so make sure this is snapping into place and then we'll try and get rid of all this dirt that's in the way in a second as well let's see how's that looking let's get rid of anything here starting to maybe maybe this is as good as it's gonna get ready doesn't seem to want to show this wooden floor which means dirty area which maybe is okay maybe that fits because it's like a work area um can kind of convince myself for that one um yeah i think this is looking right though guys you know nice little work area out here right so one thing we could do as well is look to get some lights and stuff happening once we've got more copper and that over here the other thing as well we are going to want a bit of an area for our kilns and things so let's see um let's take this down because that's just not in the right place so where could they go maybe like through here we could have an area for them that seems like a decent idea so let's go and see about taking these down we better get this stuff back yeah say five certainly cause i hope so um put all of you back in there actually we're gonna need a lot of stone aren't we let's see if i take you down am i gonna be encumbered can i carry all this stuff other side can just about um just wondering if this is gonna look better if we were to do the wall in by one so it'd be there it just it's a bit of a bigger walkway then for um coming through here because it's if we're going to go through here to have an area for stuff i want it to be a bit more open because this area is actually going to be used for stuff and i don't think it's going to take away from what we're doing here so let's see can we there we go pick you up yeah so now that's a little bit more in the corner that's fine this anvil we're going to move we can get looking better than that uh where is it here anvil oh wait um pick up the bronze then make up the anvil put it like there pick up that would stop there we go so yeah forge their anvil there we'll have some more stuff here later but then this is going to just open this up a bit which will make it look a bit nicer i think in terms of building yeah okay let's just see how this goes um so let's see we want to build up the charcoal kiln for example so i don't know exactly where this stuff is going to go also the smelter right so how do we want to do this if you come through here maybe that one right in front of you like there and the charcoal kiln like here could be good potentially so they're both nice and close to each other that way as well like that right so then you've got like this little area here i think that's okay um now if we go ahead and to build more wooden floor in here let's get the beams running the same way but if we build this just through here and start to level this ground a bit could be nice okay let's see i'm gonna need to try to level you a bit i don't know why you don't want me to but we'll see what we can do okay so that's going to go there there and then we need to level again say having a dirty area for the work area not exactly a bad thing all right kind of looks better i suppose okay and see if we can get this final couple in here so like there there one like there and that's probably about it now we'll try and level it again so yeah whoa what dang let's just level all this trying to uncover some of that wooden path it's not really having much of it but there we go so it's kind of like dirty right now and then eventually that'll be my stone area and let's see they're making up a chest here like would be a decent idea so again i know we've got storage inside but just for stuff that we're gonna be using there or using in conjunction with this so that that looks a bit dumb um let's see level this area here and then see if we can build the chest like oh we need wood which is up in here um okay so yeah i think we've got a reasonably nice little settlement coming along here now you know all right so that's where we put stuff in actually so perhaps we don't want a chest just there maybe we can just put one right there then as much as anything they provide an aesthetic as well so they're like you know it looks it looks something like it all right let's have a look at this now overall um i think it's starting to look pretty good you know you come down here you've got your uh your storage room in here quite happy with how this has turned out starting to look you know pretty decent um then you can come out through here you've got the workbench area the forge area we can make some extra things up for this forge in a sec and then you've got these things as well um so now what i want to do is to start transferring some of the stuff over so actually going to go get my car and bring that back to the base so let's just open this and we're just going to come straight back so i'll leave it open for a second and also start lighting up areas of the base as well so that of an evening we can still see what we're doing and use everything as normal all that sort of stuff shouldn't be too much of an issue hey bud let's do it all right thank you our cart should be just up here i believe yep from when we're using it before so much in here yeah no not really oh geez all right did not mean to do that all right let's take this home and the repair works will start soon as well on this whole thing up here that the blooming trolls took down at least i know what to expect for next time now i suppose come on there we go so here we go we got a little path here we can bring this down actually before we do that i need to load it up from here we'll be getting rid of this whole area soon so let's just put like pretty much everything in here right now especially the heavy stuff but yeah just about everything can go in there um anything else in you no okay so we'll take all that down later i'm not going to need this area anymore of course and probably eventually we'll move like our bed and stuff as well so here we go bring this down here hopefully make up the last few bits and bobs so um we are going to need a favorite of copper i believe so let's see what i want to make it crafting wise we want to make a forge cooler so we need 25 fine wood for that do we have that might even be in here nope uh what okay there's only one other place it could be or we might need to go chop in some more down oh there we go some fine wood in fact let's just can we take all this uh no we're encumbered quite badly let's put back like everything oh we can't even take the fine wood you know what okay just have to bite the bullet essentially this is what the car is for so i mean it makes sense right oh yeah here we go this will get it working um so over here at least then we'll have all of our stuff in one place as well before we're doing this building stuff it is you know somewhat helpful um alrighty so try this again all right so we need the copper and the fine wood and there's probably other stuff as well was there um this is the forge cooler so it needs to be near the forge i suppose but it cannot be actually that would look quite good just here so we'll move that chest i reckon just like out there again it's a little bit of decoration so that's cool um what else could we potentially make here we could just make a fermenter actually i'll make one of those in a second um oh we don't have this cauldron yet either do we could put that there but i don't know if i want that as a walkway through maybe the cauldron just like out here might be okay for now let's see oh wait oh i'm missing 10 tin i don't know that we have that oh we do all right cool oh that's not tenting there we go okay so here we go so let's place that one yeah just there i think it's fine and look at that loads more recipes new crafting station as well the cauldron and new recipes and all kinds of things here so that's pretty good shut this door a second it's in the way um so now we can make up other things so we've got um a cauldron apparently we can make up uh i didn't see that though let's see was that like in here maybe cauldron no okay it might be in the forge hey madge how you going um forge level three now as well i said we could make a cauldron i thought or wait that is a cauldron so oh i don't know i don't know what happened there uh let's see what are we trying to make here what haven't we made yet so we've made the cauldron we've made that that that that's anvils we made forged course it's just the fermenter left oh the phone is pretty big oh that's gonna look great there look with the barrel nearby all right so we need five bronze 30 fine wood so i think we have the bronze um but we don't have the fine wood so we're going to go and get some of that in the morning here we'll go and sleep first but yeah we'll do that in the morning that'll be good to have you like to hook a ball to the car and have it tethered to you be good if you get like uh donkeys and get the donkey to take the cart around for you you know that wouldn't seem without like the realms of realism that valheim is trying to keep right donkeys carrying the carts around i can see that potentially being something that would work i think anyway never mind that what we need is fine wood now i think in certain areas i can actually jump this fence so let's wait maybe i'm being silly maybe i've got no chance i thought if i could get up onto there maybe now all right nevermind uh we just need to go get some of that fine wood i need some birch trees and things like that to do that hmm just over here there's some trees actually ready for us that aren't even gonna require too much what type of log was this this is like it could have been oak um this must have been the damage done by the trolls actually by the looks of it oh hey bird oh bit of lag there all right you're dead see how much fine would have got 19 i think we need 30 didn't we for the uh the forge cooler no the fermenter sorry 25 so one more tree should do it like i'll come and do loads of wood chopping and stuff like that like offcam probably you know i mean we might do in the stream sometime but like for today's stream i think i just want to keep going with the crafting area that we're making i'm pretty happy with the progress we've made in today's stream i've said it's looking a lot better now my base than it was before today's stream started you should have done a picture actually like a before and after that'd been cool never mind next time all right we have enough wood we can head home and build this and then uh after that we just want to get some uh lights around the area as well if we have the resources for that which i think we might do just kind of depends all right uh what was i trying to do so i want to make up one of these so i need five bronze 10 resin okay let's see how we go here so um no we need just five of you and ten of you yep here we go now we can make it oh what all five bronze ah okay so we're gonna be able to make this if we can get some more tin fermenting um are we out tin oh dang well that's a shame we need more tin hmm how much more do we need so five bronze it's ten copper five tin are we really want in short oh actually let's repair this car what oh i'm just no there and then repair um we have 14 there i've got a sneaking suspicion there might be some tin hiding in my storage room in my base that's empty now right hmm so let's just check around here see if we can find anything sometimes i leave stuff in weird places briefly um looks like we're out a lot though if so i'll just quickly run to the black forest bar and get one tin in fact um where's our pickaxe do we have it on us yeah there we go let's wield that and just go through here it's a pretty quicker way of doing it i would say you decide to make your storage shed a bit big for the sole reason of using carts as your storage instead of chests that's pretty cool idea actually yeah um not a not a terrible thought at all here we go we've got some tin right here i knew this wouldn't take too long i just gotta smelt this up now when we get back there we go one tin short um i need to do a bit of a tin copper mining session at some point as well oh no i forgot that we can't do that um well okay in that case we're just gonna have to leave that and yeah it's annoying as it is we have to go and run to the black forest near our base if we can't teleport with it uh okay so i know there's a black forest buying we're just gonna run up there see what we can do okay in the meantime let's see we can eat some food as well for the journey black fire spotting just here we set up quite a new one which was something that at the time i didn't really think too much about because i was new to the game and stuff you know i wasn't really sure what i was doing or anything i just like the look of the area to set up for my base actually now retrospectively really useful idea to have done um so yeah it accidentally worked out really well which was nice all right so i want to be able to build out of these things that's when it's really going to start being cool and that's when uh that'll be so fun alrighty some tin some tins from dean i see it's normally near the water right so we need to look around for is that some right there it is indeed all right timmy oh we already got three uh we just will do this once it's almost done anyway there we go so we got like 17 orders from that little trip alrighty not too bad so yeah there's one of the uses about living quite near to the uh black forest as i say not something i actually plan but hey we'll take it take any luck we can get should probably make a bit of a road going up to there as well eventually i'll try and have a bit of a road network i think if it's going to be necessary we'll have to just kind of see how we go as we progress through all right drawbridge would be cool nope not for you mate so let's see what we need now is um so there's all of our tin one coal really all right well we got some wood that we can get in here so let's start with that make up a little coal um oh ah okay actually then i need to place this better than i did i didn't really think about that orientation-wise so um what am i looking for here this one here so it comes out of there you put it in on the sides yep that makes sense let's just see if we can get it like that there would be good um oh don't forget we've got that other thing that i want to place here maybe we need to place that other thing somewhere else i don't know we'll see having these two close together is pretty good um so now we can come in here for this come around here for this okay we only need one of this tin to smelt before we can actually make what we want to make let me just whole little area here make up the fermenter see where we want to put it it's going to move slightly compared to where i was thinking because we've now changed the rotation of this but i think that's okay stuff's looking pretty good so what uh you need to have a lit fire under the cooking station interesting all right we'll move that later on then we'll put that out the way i didn't know you needed to do that still learning a lot about this game all right so there's all the tin we need for the bronze that we need i believe oh wait but i need the copper on me as well um there we go so now we can make the bronze times five craft that one up and with that we can make this yeah this right here so that barrel is sort of in the way now i'm just thinking maybe this barrel should be moved let's try that let's move uh you wait what tell me i'll get my copper back yeah i do okay carrying too much but we're only going over here there sort of needs to be something here anyway because there's nothing here at the moment so that going in there is probably a good little thing and then this one here is gonna have a bit more space to just be here so it rounds this off nicely as well let all of these things here next to each other right yeah so you can add uh things to the fermenter we'll have to play around with that at some point but that's gonna be pretty cool so like in here maybe it's like where we could put um all of the um coal right still coal in there for example and like items to be smelted and stuff i reckon that could be pretty useful so let's come back have a look at this so this is like how the finished product is looking right now for our i'm actually pretty happy with this gotta say let's um let's finish this off what i want to do to finish it off is move this cart and let's just put it um just like here for now or something right so it's just like not in the way yep pretty cool uh and then i want to take well actually let's let's make up the what do i need for the fireplace five stone so let's see one two or five of you oh i already have one but whatever um so it needs to be a bit far underneath right so to do this um i'm guessing this will protect it from the rain as well so we could put that like pretty close but just back a little bit and then get rid of the cauldron for a second and then craft it back by putting it above there there we go so now you can use the cauldron put stuff in it make up all this different soup and jam and stuff like that which is way better food as well so that's gonna stand us in good stead so now this is how it's sort of looking and i gotta say guys i am pretty happy with that i'd say it's a pretty good stream you look at like before this was all like at this level we've dug this entire thing out today and actually made this little area here of our storage and our crafting i'm super happy with that and that's a three hour stream which i think guys is where i'm gonna leave it for today um so thanks to everybody who's been here today obviously normally i stream on twitch but if i keep getting support like this on youtube then i'll look to maybe do a bit more uh streaming on youtube with you guys um you know and it's been fun having a bit of a better like chat and that sort of stuff going on um so yeah thank you so much for watching um i look forward to seeing you guys in the next one uh but for this one that is gonna be about it so as always thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Kysen
Views: 24,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valheim, valheim live stream, valheim gameplay, valheim game, valheim walkthrough, valheim review, valheim part 1, valheim playthrough, lets play, lets play valheim, valheim lets play, valheim survival, valheim guide, viking survival game, survival game, valheim 2021, valheim tutorial, valheim ep 1, valheim gameplay 2021, valheim gameplay pc, kysen, valheim live, valheim day 1, valheim day one, how to, valheim how to, how to valheim, crafting valheim, valheim house, bed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 20sec (11540 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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