U.K. to the Caribbean | REPOSITIONING CRUISE!

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we've a window we booked an inside cabin huh oh my gosh what's happening right now please explain what's happening right now okay that's it yes this morning we're in the London Airport we actually flew in last night and we stayed in a hotel in the airport called the hotel but this morning we're actually not getting on an airport we are getting on a bus just taking us to Southampton then we're getting on a boat [Music] special music devices is limited but please be come sit around the bubbles around you we have a two-hour ride to South you I just can't believe how can beat him this has been we flew in the terminal 4 last night we slept in a hotel in terminal 4 and then we got on the bus from terminal 4 and now we're heading from Southampton and the hotel gave us coffee salient [Music] [Music] what the bus driver just called me out from looking miserably called on the camera because I am so the reason we are in Southampton which is the super cute city it seems by the way it's because we are going on a cruise for 15 nights it's not just any cruise it is a repositioning cruise and for those of you who don't know a repositioning cruise is when a cruise line is moving from one region to another so it's usually pretty long waits we're fine with and there's also usually quite a few days at sea so we're going from London all the way to Barbados in the Caribbean so we're gonna be crossing the entire Atlantic on the boat which means a lot of days just like stuck on the boat and not stopping in for it but it makes the cruise a lot cheaper which is one of the main reasons that we ended up booking it we're only paying 50 if you include like tips that you have to pay we're paying a hundred and twenty dollars a night for both of us for everything accommodations travelling back to North America food which is it's not like super cheap but for a cruise it's really really cheap for it being all-inclusive we got here about an hour before we were supposed to be on the cruise the cruise port is like a mile walk from the bus station three a little exercise before you eat it buffets every day for the next 15 days [Music] Scarah bags is some guy I hope they show up on our boat [Music] Wow white Lodge [Music] this is ice my bags aren't here yet maybe they will be soon we've a window we booked an inside cabin Oh oh my gosh what's happening right now so we booked this cruise five days before it left and I was talking to the guy who is helping me booking he was like well I can either secure you an inside room like the one you paid for or you can just kind of let the ship choose and maybe if all the inside rooms fill up then maybe they'll give you a room with a window or you'll get upgraded a little bit and we did we were supposed to be stuck in the inside of the ship for the next 15 days and now we have a massive window there's a lifeboat outside of it but we have a window and their champagne this is robes and slippers this is fantastic the only issue is the the twin beds I think we can fix I think we can squeeze them yeah okay hopefully so it's give me a long time to not sleep together this is crazy as if I wasn't already so excited we have a window you get excited about the little things Oh chocolates - oh just happy we got a spot on the show Benchley a room with the window [Music] now that we're settled into our room we thought we should tell you how we ended up on a 15 to a repositioning cruise because we know it's a little random and it was not the original plan going to Italy kind of threw off our original plans we really didn't know what we are going to do but this was not companies we've been thinking about however repositioning cruises are always on our radar Nate refreshes the website we're like weekly maybe so I discovered the idea of repositioning cruises a couple years ago and ever since then I just check websites occasionally just to see if there's ever one that fits in our itinerary because we went on a cruise for one of our first vacations ever together we absolutely loved it so the idea of like spending 15 days on a cruise ship sounds really exciting to both of us we've wanted to do one ever since Nate discovered them it's just never been the right time or the right prize or the right location until now this one was so perfect for us for three reasons first repositioning cruises are pretty cheap and so this fit within our budget and we were already planning on going back to the u.s. so this cruise is gonna get us close not quite all the way paranoid like back to that side of the world and this is much more fun than flight second is we get to visit five countries take our I am well first tomorrow is no it's don't go through full 15 days let's just do the country's first to start in Portugal which we've already been to then we go I don't know the order I'm just gonna be impressed if you know the countries Portugal Grenada Antiqua st. Lucia st. Kitts there's one more because you said Portugal and we have five new ones Piraeus where we N so five Caribbean countries and these are countries that are recognized by the UN so a lot of the islands in the Caribbean aren't technically countries they're territories of other countries so this specific ruse worked out extremely well for us because by the time we get to the end we will have visited 67 countries and the third reason is my friend is getting married and we'll be back to sometime it's been this like huge discussion the past few months of whether or not we were gonna go back for this wedding because it's one of care as best friends but at the same time we were on the other side of the world and didn't really make sense to pay for plane tickets to go there and back so thankfully as soon as this cruise popped up that pretty much answered the question for us and now it's time to do that thing that all cruises do we have to take your lifejacket up to the deck well thank you stuff this is the bridge the exercise for exercise the exercise [Music] [Applause] feeling nice and safe we learned all of the instructions for something that happens and now we're about to have a sale a party [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] really [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is amazing I want everything I'm gonna lose some major working out on all this boats I can't work and there's a cheese board I don't know what to give what are you getting we are in trouble now it's pop courses they were all delicious and we had 15 more days of this I think we're gonna get off in Barbados and we little each gain at least 10 pounds of other that we get [Music] right
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 715,236
Rating: 4.9109545 out of 5
Keywords: vlog, travel vlog, kara and nate, repositioning cruise, london, england, southampton, trans-atlantic, cruise vlog, daily vlog, travel vlogger, repositioning cruise vlog, u.k. cruise, u.k.. vlog
Id: Op-J76TzxCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2017
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