The 7 Things Smart Cruise Passengers ALWAYS Do

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Over the years, I've observed that there are  seven things that really smart cruisers do,   to maximise their chance of having a phenomenal  cruise vacation. So, I'm going to put those to   the test and show you what those seven things are,  and how I use those things that smart cruises do,   every single time they go on a cruise to make  this cruise that I'm on right now, unforgettable   and memorable. So, join me as I take you through  those seven things and how to make them work   for you too. If you're new here, welcome aboard. My name is Gary Bembridge, and my goal is to make   it much more fun and even easier to discover,  plan and enjoy unforgettable cruise vacations. The first thing that smart cruisers do once  they've decided what itinerary they want, and   what ship they want, is think about the cabin and  choosing the cabin. Why is that really important?  A lot of people say cabins are  not important, it's just somewhere   to get changed and sleep. However, let me tell  you, if you get a cabin that doesn't suit you,   it will ruin your cruise. I have thousands of  people contacting me around this issue. So,   what do smart cruisers do, and what did I do  for this particular cruise? Well, first of all,   I never ever take a guaranteed fare. Guaranteed  fare is where you choose which cabin grade   you want, so balcony, ocean view, suite,  whatever it is, and you let the cruise line   choose the cabin for you. I will always take the  choose-your-own-cabin option. Now, it's not always   necessarily more expensive. So, that's the first  thing I do, get control of choosing a cabin. Secondly, I would always choose a cabin where  I'm surrounded on all sides by other cabins,   so above me, below me, either side of me, and  ideally opposite me, I will make sure there's a   cabin. That then provides a buffer from any  noisy venues that may disrupt you. It can   potentially protect you from high traffic areas  or whatever. That is really, really important.   The third thing I then do is make sure that  I'm having a cabin with no interconnecting   door to the next room. Unless of course I need one  because I'm travelling with someone. That again,   is really important because noise and  disruptions can seep through and become   pretty disruptive. Particularly if the people  next to you have a different schedule to you. The fourth thing I do is I choose a cabin in  the centre of the ship, so middle of the ship,   and that's really important because first of  all, it means that you are equidistance from   all of the key venues and activities. So, the  restaurants might be at the back of the ship,   or you might find the front of the ships the  theatre, so you're middle wise. Also, it's really   important because it's where you're going to have  the least amount of movement. So, that's also   good, particularly if you're worried about being  seasick. The next thing I do is I always choose a   cabin that's in-between the promenade deck, where  a lot of the shops or the theatre, that kind of   stuff is, and the leader deck, which is where you  normally have things like the buffet restaurant,   the pools. So, I try and get one that's in the  middle of the ship that way as well. But that   means that you're then equidistant between where  you like to spend most of the time on the cruise. Now, I would always choose a balcony. So, on  this cruise, I've also chosen a balcony cabin,   that sort of thing, I just like that. That's a  personal preference, but I think smart cruisers,   if they can push the budget, choose a balcony.  It's great sitting out there in the mornings,   in the sunset, watching, coming  out of port, relaxing and whatever. So, once I've got my cabin locked  down and I've done that smart move,   the next thing I do is think about the money. So, the second thing that smart cruisers  do is around budgeting, whether it's   pounds, whether it's dollars, whether  it's euros. And it's really important   to understand this whole area, because looking  at the lowest fare is not the right thing to do,   as any smart cruiser knows. The lowest  fare maybe hiding a multitude of sins.   It's estimated that cruise passengers, once you're  on board, you'll spend between 50% and 100%,   or even more, of what you spent on  the fare once you get on board. So,   really important to understand what is and  isn't included as you look at the overall cost. So, for example, on this cruise that I'm on right  now, on P&O, there's very few inclusions. So,   the actual overall fare was pretty attractive.  However, it did include gratuities. However,   it didn't include drinks. It didn't include  excursions. It didn't include Wi-Fi.   It didn't include specialty dining, and didn't  include obviously things like the casino   and bingo, stuff like that. However, my previous  cruise, which I was on which was both Viking and   Saga, they included everything. And in fact, Saga  even included the transfer from home to the ship.   So, although this cruise looked  significantly cheaper than my other cruises,   once I bundled everything in and did a  comparison, the differences were not as great   as you expect. So, really, really  important, look what's included. Now, my special tip, if you are looking  for a smart thing to do, is to look for   promotions or wait to book when there's  promotions then bundle things in. So,   as I look at my cruises for next year, I think  almost every single cruise that I've booked has   a series of inclusions as part of the overall  fares promotion. So, often it's including Wi-Fi,   gratuities, drinks and then some of them even  include excursions as well. There's a myriad of   those now. So, Holland America [inaudible  00:04:59]. Celebrity has a bundled fare.   Oceania Cruises has its OLife, where you pick and  choose some of those. So, really, really important   is make sure you know what's included and not  included, and be budget wise and budget smart. Now, that's all well and good, but  if you find, for example, the drinks   are not included and you have to look at buying  drinks and you think about a drinks package,   there is a lot of smart watch outs that you  need to know about when it comes to drinks. Now,   I don't drink alcohol, so things like this free  bottle of fizzy that I got given when I came to   the cabin doesn't help me a lot. Neither do drinks  packages. However, I know that I'm the exception.   So, one of the critical things when it comes  to drinks packages is, bear in mind that cruise   lines all offer them, and they push them like  crazy. So, that for me, is always a warning sign.   If the cruise line is pushing something, it  probably means they make lots of money from it. However, take a look very carefully at drinks  packages. Now, I always used to wrestle a bit   on what's the best way of assessing a drinks  package. Now, I've actually found two phenomenal   calculators, which you can use to work out if a  drinks package makes sense. The first of these   calculators is on the site, and on  there you can go in and input how many drinks   you'll have by type per day. It'll tell you how  much you're likely to spend on that particular   cruise line, and then you can compare it with what  it will cost you for a drinks package. There's a   similar calculator on the site,  and the advantage of that one is, particularly if   you're in the UK looking at some of the UK  lines, she covers that there. The advantages   on those calculators, you can then see how much  you'll spend based on what you normally drink,   compared to the price of a drinks package. Also, when you look at a drinks package,   bear in mind there are a lot of restrictions,  and make sure you understand what they are. So,   every smart cruiser will do this. So, first of  all, for example, many of them will limit the   number of drinks you can have per day. And that  could be 12 or 15, so it's still quite a lot.   But that also includes things like coffees and  specialty teas for example. Secondly, you might   find that every single adult in your cabin has to  buy the drinks package if one person buys it. Now,   that's not true of all lines, but it's true of  many. And thirdly, a lot of them will restrict the   type of drinks you can have on the drinks package.  So, though you might be able to have 12 or 15, it   may say limit all drinks up to say $12 per drink  itself. So, some of those more exotic cocktails or   cognacs or whatever are not included. So, take  a look very carefully at those exclusions,   and be smart about those, because  you might find it doesn't make sense. So, the calculator plus the restrictions is  a smart thing to do when it comes to drinks.   If you don't drink alcohol like me, still  look at the packages and particularly the soda   and the specialty coffee ones, because some  of them don't have a requirement per day. So,   for example, on Princess, you basically  have a certain number of specialty coffees   during the course of the cruise, so it could  actually be quite beneficial. So, once you've   figured out if a drinks packages is for you,  there's one more smart thing that you should do   both with the drinks packages and other things  that you might be planning to do onboard. Figuring   out if you need a drinks package before you go  is really important. Once you've decided that,   and the other things that you might want to do  onboard, whether it's buy Wi-Fi, whether it's   specialty dining, whether it's excursions,  go onto the cruise line website, most of   them will have a cruise personalizer, and look  at the offers and the packages, because you'll   normally find that most cruise lines will give  you a discount if you book those in advance. Now, the downside with many is you might  have to actually pay for those in advance,   and on some cruise lines you can't use any  onboard credit against those. And again,   it differs by cruise line, whether you can or  can't. But you'll normally find there are deals   to be had. And what's important to remember is  it's extremely unlikely that those deals will be   better once you get onboard, because they don't  want lots of unhappy people who've been organised   and then they come onboard and see it's cheaper.  So, definitely prebook all of those things that   you think you're going to want to have. Of course,  once you get on board do check the deals that are   available, any embarkation deals, but you'll  generally find by booking those things early,   focus on excursions, focus on Wi-Fi, focus on  drinks packages, and focus on specialty dining. So, once you've got those things all sorted  and it's getting much closer to the cruise,   there is a couple of other really special things  you should do if you want to be cruise smart.   And the first of those is around when you arrive  for your cruise, which is extremely important. I   always, always, make sure that I arrive wherever  I'm going to the day before the cruise. Now,   if I'm actually just travelling locally, so  I'm just driving an hour and a half away,   I don't do that. I don't head down to the port in  advance. But I always get there the day before.   So, even if you're coming from quite far away  and it involves a lot of travel, get there the   day before. There's nothing more stressful than  starting to run late for a cruise. And of course,   there's nothing more awful than missing the  actual embarkation and departure of your ship.   So, absolutely build into your cost, build  into your budgeting, getting there a day early. That extra cost of a hotel overnight is well  worth the stress removal and the risk of missing   your cruise. Smart cruisers consistently  will always say, get that the day before.   It's just too unpredictable not to. Talking about  the area of reducing risk and reducing stress,   I guess one of the things that really came into  focus as we headed into the whole COVID shutdown,   and all the drama that ensued from  that, is we learned the importance   of actually minimising risk. And one  of the things that smart cruisers do is   focus on reducing and minimising risks.  Now, there's a couple of things to do,   some of which some people would definitely  disagree with, but I'll give you the three   that I absolutely focus on. And at least suggest  that you consider these to reduce the risk. Smart cruisers will first of all decide around  the vaccine and vaccinated cruises. Now,   I know there are different opinions around  the role of vaccines and not vaccines,   but currently where we're heading is we're seeing  a wide variety of issues around where you can go,   what you can do on ships, and how that's playing  out. So, whilst you can go in some countries,   in some places, without a vaccination, there  are much more limits on what you can do.   So, for example, you might have to pay extra  for tests. You might find in certain ports,   you can't go and explore yourself, and you might  find parts of the ship are closed off to you. So,   certainly consider whether it's worth having  a vaccine or focusing on vaccine cruises,   just because that's going to be the thing that  gives you more to do, less restrictions, and   you're going to find it much easier, particularly  if you're looking at travelling internationally. Now, I know not everyone agrees with that, but  that's certainly something at least to think   about. The second thing that's absolutely  critical, whether you agree with vaccinations   or not with vaccinations, is travel insurance.  And this is required by many cruise lines. So,   even some vaccinated cruises that are heading  out of parts of Europe, they require now   proof of travel insurance when you check in. In  some places like in the US, some cruise lines are   requiring it for unvaccinated passengers. However,  travel insurance is really, really important,   particularly in these ongoing  times where things chop and change.   Buy travel insurance when you book your  cruise. So, smart cruisers will book it   and buy it at the same time as they book their  cruise. And what's important is build into that,   cancel for any reason. So, if you have to cancel  your cruise for whatever reason, it's covered,   because you can't always get refundable deposit.  But really important to make sure that you have   medical cover, particularly related, and that  will include COVID evacuation and repatriation. So, even if you end up going on a cruise, break  a leg, or have some other problem when you're   abroad, which I have seen happen to people on  cruises, they haven't had travel insurance and   it's cost them thousands and thousands and  thousands of pounds. So, travel insurance   is the second one. The third one, which is  slightly less dramatic is, bear in mind that   cruise ships do not have a dentist and they  don't have access to dental facilities. So,   I always take with me the dental repair kit as  part of my little first aid kit, and I always   have a little first aid kit. So, smart cruisers  will always have their own little first aid kit   of the remedies that you like to have, and  have that dental repair kit, which you can   buy from a drugstore. It's helped me, it's  helped loads of passengers I've come across,   and it's a really big issue. Definitely  something that smart cruisers will do. One of the really key thing that smart  cruisers do, which might be a surprise to you,   is this one. And it's something that I didn't use  to do, but I started doing a couple of years ago,   and now I absolutely swear by, and I do have it as  one of my critical things that smart cruisers do.   And it's this one. Nowadays, and from here  onwards, smart cruisers will always use a cruise   travel agent. Now, I used to be perhaps like many  of you, I used to think I'm savvy, I'm smart,   I'm a sophisticated experienced traveller,  and I will do my own pick and mix. I'll   book my own flights, my own hotel, my cruise  direct, and bundle, and put things together.   I saw, once we headed into the  COVID situation, and in actual fact,   a couple of cruises before that, when things  went wrong, the value of having a travel agent. You have one single person that deals with  everything. It's one email, it's one call   and they can handle everything. It's  really important to understand that   cruise travel agents will, at worst, be the  same price as booking direct, so it's not like,   say if you book a hotel or stuff like that,  where often booking direct you can get it   cheaper. Travel agents will at worst, be the same  price and often will be better. They'll put other,   and bundle other things in. But certainly, all  of my cruises I do through a cruise travel agent,   of course, I still research it. I look at the  cabins. I look at the ships, I look at the   itineraries, I look at the prices, but  I put it all through a travel agent. Now, depending on the country you're in, travel  agents can also put together packages where   if one of the elements of it goes bankrupt or  something happens, they can get you out of the   rest of it without big penalties, without lots  of cost. So, a cruise travel agent, I stress   a cruise travel agent specialist is really  important. Especially if you're new to cruising,   they will know the ships, they will know the  lines. They will also help you navigate through   many of these tips that I've actually given you  right here. Now, if you want to know more smart   tips about cruising and things to do, take a look  at this video, where I put together some of my   favourite and most important mistakes and tips  that people make, and how to overcome them. So,   why don't you take a look there and you'll  discover straight up the biggest mistake   that people make and how to overcome it. So,  click on that and I'll see you over there now.
Channel: Tips For Travellers
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Keywords: cruise tips, tips for travellers, Gary Bembridge tips for travellers, Gary Bembridge, Cruise Tips For Travellers, cruise tips and tricks, first time cruise tips, tips for first time cruisers, smart cruise tips, smart cruise passengers, smart cruising tips, cruising tips for first timers
Id: foy5WPVawSI
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Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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