NASHVILLE to OMAN | Swiss Airlines | KLM Lounge

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in 26 hours we will be in Oman let's go we're in a taxi were in Oman [Music] [Music] today is a super exciting day for several reasons number one this is the first video that we're filming in 2018 which means that this is starting our third year a full time travel crazy and we're going to a part of the world that we've never been to before we are gonna spend the next almost month in the Middle East so we are so excited today we go from Nashville to Chicago where we have a six-hour layover then from Chicago to Zurich and Zurich to Oman Muscat Oman we've had such a fun few weeks at home resting and catching up on videos but it feels really good to be traveling blogging again [Music] [Music] [Music] first slider 2018 if anybody's a package of funnelin a merit [Music] [Music] [Music] the Kalon mom's is pretty nice we got in for free using the priority pass which we also got for free and if you want more information about that we'll put a link to the description in the description to my ultimate guide a lot of success it's also a bit quiet in here so that's why we're whispering but since we have some time we thought we would billy win our plans for the month like we said we're super excited about exploring the middle east so once we get to home on tomorrow we're gonna be there for like a week then we're gonna take a bus to Devon we're gonna get on a boat and it's gonna take us to Bahrain and Qatar then we're going back to the by to explore the city for a few days we are so excited it's gonna be awesome and it's gonna be acht now I have about five hours to kill here in the lounge so we're gonna knock out some work and then get on the boy yeah there's a great as much [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is now 6:45 we are about to board our flight for dirt we will arrive nine hours later that was a really good round in the time with these two data sheets our home for the next ten hours but there are TVs and address said can be wears and it's so many on the spy watches are YouTube videos crazy what are the chances my pleasure welcome this white bar to our destination Zurich I do what you can comfortably hold our a330 and quietly [Music] [Music] we provide to you better charge your seal boys we made it to Zurich in its 10:45 here 3:45 the time that our body is on and we're talking we're gonna try to find a lounge and get some going I don't think either one of us left on the plane so lots of espresso here in the spy rounds and we're gonna enjoy the beat [Music] this flight is another space this is all feeling very familiar well you're on the exact same plane and we're basically about to do the exact same flight again - a couple hours a little more sleepy this time when we arrive and must get it's gonna be 11 p.m. thankfully it's like not in the morning and we're not supposed to have [Music] quick stop and you've got [Music] we just landed it is almost midnight so I think we're playing like $26 to go to hotel in taxi which is not normally our style I have no clothes the buses run at night or not we also don't have cell phone service here in Oman our cell phone plan does not cover Oman so this is interesting I feel pretty good about this so our taxi driver is really nice there were so many people at the airport for midnight I don't know where he went though he showed you a card and then walk to it I think you maybe I went to pay his parking ticket but he just told us to get in this car so now we're just sitting in a car in a parking garage he's back yeah developments my neighbor charlie now our driver seems to be a bit lost we are just sitting the cardian he's so pretty in this hotel so tired I can't appreciate door look at this closet for the record this is not a fancy hotel it was one of the cheapest I could find oh yeah there's just one meatball they just don't like it it was too close it is almost 1:00 a.m. after 30 hours of travel that maybe even went to four movies five shows one taxi ride three lounges or flight we're a mess cab we're in the milk yes I'm really really excited about exploring Muscat in the coming days but right now I'm really tired yeah maybe we'll wake up a place it talks about no breakfast isn't it [Music] wow it's a wide Wow any ideas you're not holding the camera mm anything I can though it's so lightweight yes he had give them as a great thing how do you say hello and Eric we're how do you say hello with in Arabic here I know how [Music] you
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 276,835
Rating: 4.9551888 out of 5
Keywords: travel, travel vlog, travel day, vlog, travel vloggers, daily vlog, couple vlog, travel couple, airplane vlog, aviation, united airlines, swiss airways, airport lounge, priority pass, priority pass lounge, kara and nate, muscat, oman, oman vlog, klm lounge, air france lounge
Id: bKYHZUlK7ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2018
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