THAILAND to MYANMAR on Air Aisa | Nate's Birthday & Shwedagon Pagoda

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you have no idea how hard it is to surprise somebody that you are literally with 24/7 dates birthday's coming up and it is so hard for you to figure out Wow get back figuring it out yes [Music] so I told think that I really wanted to Starbucks and there's a Starbucks on the ground floor of our building so I I didn't really sneak out I told him I was going to Starbucks and I got him this Aeropress because we need one probably more than anyone in the world we've been drinking powdered coffee for a week now and it was just time to buy one I'm embarrassed I paid way too much but I think it's gonna be worth it and I kind of wanted it for my birthday too so I was like he's probably gonna be really mad at me that I did you manage to give me a present I like sneaky willies bit every second of our lives that's what you got you spent too much money Becky a travel coffee breast I can make you coffee in the life it wasn't for me and it's just for you [Music] may is 20.almost a 25-ish nate is 29 years old today's to make sure you make him feel super loved on all of our social videos in the comments section below Facebook I really don't like attention have I said for the most part 29 is not a significant birthday at all but for us it kind of is because we've set this goal to go to a hundred countries by the time I turn 30 this means we have one more year to accomplish that goal and today we're actually heading to the airport to fly to our 72nd country which means that in the next year we have to visit 28 countries to hit that goal so it's crunch time and we're late for the airport and if you're like whoa 28 countries in one year that's way too many there's no way you're gonna make it we did 30 in our first year so it's totally doable we're just gonna have to get on it let's go to the airport [Music] [Music] that's it so we thought we were going to be able to take public transport all the way to the airport but it turns out we were supposed to connect to a train that apparently we missed and the next since I'm going to be here until 10 o'clock which would mean we would probably miss our flight so if we're calling an uber Chris Donna's coming together [Music] we made it but not by much my gosh did you hear the [Music] she just told us there's complimentary 15-minute shorter neck sessions so today's our first time ever flying out of the DMK airport it's the airport in Bangkok that like the budget airline spot of I didn't expect it to have a lounge and I definitely didn't expect it to have a lounge this nice we only have about 15 minutes here but that was enough time for Karen to get a massage this lounge is incredible for a budget Airport I was picturing like London Gatwick like warehouse style Airport [Music] birthday June I can't believe that just happened what a surprise it was amazing she's so sweet I need to dip her Jimmy where are you do you think you might get your money no you have to write all this up yes you do I'm gonna go tell her this is the phrase lund ever brings ashes and sushi and tons of hot food this is crazy I wish we'd gotten here so much sooner [Music] we should woken up earlier gotten here sooner I was not that down this lounge I just need to make it known that I need not only thought is for the free massage he doesn't care but I totally took his birthday [Music] to fasten insert a metal tip into the buckle and tighten the belt by putting on the buckle strap [Music] and we both slept that entire flight sorry about Jax I think we are officially in our 72nd country apparently they have uber here in Yangon it's super cheap so we're gonna take a 40-minute uber ride to our hotel for what uber says will be five dollars my Wi-Fi is the free airport web Commission it's running out like now and some stress so far neither one of us have service I'm supposed to she doesn't GSC mobilize google fine [Music] [Music] the people here are the gentlest people like everybody we've spoken to is just so nice and soft-spoken and I think you want to love me amar but it's really hot right now so we're gonna kind of wait until it cools off little this afternoon and probably take a little nap because this bed is huge and fluffy and white and it was an early morning everything shark computer blips oh it's hot all right and if we're watching coffee it's gonna looks like coffee how is it it's so good now that we have some real caffeine and s from some real coffee I think I'm more excited about Nate we're ready to go the Sun is setting it's much cooler now and we're going to see one of the most famous pagodas in all of Myanmar we passed it on the way in from the airport and it looked absolutely beautiful [Music] something cover I know it's very shows you need to weigh the load thank you very much so one of the very first things that I noticed when we showed up today is that all of the men wear these skirts which I've recently learned is called a lone Jeep I think it's how you pronounce it my shorts are too short apparently to get into the simple so I got the honor of wearing alone year-round simple you just give them 3,000 cut cut and I can't remember what the Myanmar currency is called then they loan it to you and then you get the money back it was about $10 a person to get into the temple but this place looks absolutely incredible I think it's gonna be totally worth it also when we showed up there were just like this huge line of people and they were just all sweeping I'm not sure that what that was about it was really fun to watch [Music] [Music] we give ourselves so much more time here this place is absolutely incredible definitely definitely probably definitely probably one of the most beautiful temples I've ever seen I don't know much at all about this place but one thing that I read online is that the center pagoda started as an 8 meter pagoda and now it's been built all the way up to a hundred and ten meter pagoda and there's a little umbrella thing that sits on top of it I don't know the technical name for it but apparently that umbrella is filled with all of these diamonds like huge valuable diamonds I don't service on my phone so I can't look it up and like read you the exact thing but you should Google about the diamonds on top of the temple it's pretty interesting [Music] birthday fantastic who wouldn't go to a new country experiencing new cultures get a really awesome yes spend it with their really cool wow that's [Music] that's the wrong way that only horse anyway this is the light thing people out online like a survey about how your experience with and you get a free drink when you do that this is gonna be the best year of travel we've ever had real coffee whenever we want and just for a short moment this isn't a net [Music]
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 331,864
Rating: 4.9364905 out of 5
Keywords: shwedagon pagoda, travel vlog, myanmar (country), travel video, world travel, travel vlog music, world travel vlog, world travel video, bangkok, thailand, aviation, yangon, yangon travel vlog, myanmar, myanmar travel vlog, kara and nate, dmk airport, avgeek
Id: Ya070qqAj0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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