FIRST CARIBBEAN ISLAND! | 15 Day Repositioning Cruise

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I didn't do a sound for you guys this is your skate yeah yes Kayla and use Nate you guys are my friend I don't know but you guys got to go to heaven you so pretty you so handsome we thought you guys come from I don't know you gotta be from heaven having a good day guys peace out man love your mother [Music] [Music] after five days at sea we have just pulled into the port on the Caribbean island of st. Kitts yay it's a beautiful sunny day the water is super blue and the mountains are so beautiful for stolen ship but today we're exploring the island in the best way we think you can drive you drive a little left promote we've heard it only takes two and a half hours to get around the entire island so we should be able to see a ton today and a lot of beautiful beaches [Music] that we're renting from is picking this up here at the fort and they're gonna take us to the scooters you know we have people for the whole day hey yes first time yes it has been less than 30 minutes since we got off the boat and we already have our scooter we're ready to go and we're going around the north part of the island this morning that's the like two two and a half hour drive and then this afternoon we're gonna head south there's like this little skinny part of the island it's supposed to be where all the good beaches are so we're gonna spend the afternoons at the beach well I have one afternoon I said Nunes [Music] the drive so far has been so awesome I love getting to drive through the little town we could seal the locals like out working and the water is so [Music] [Music] according to Google Maps we've already driven over halfway around this island and there are less and less people with every second it's about 11 o'clock so it's taking us about two hours to get here they told us it would take like two two and a half hours so we allotted about four percent an island because it usually takes us so long we love like just stopping off in little places the drive has been so much fun and the people here are so so nice ideal like don't want to make it all the way around I just want to keep going if we make it all the way around then we get together the beach okay and I'm hungry and I hear most of the restaurants are back on the south side of the island so we need to finish the second half so we can grab some lunch yeah there's nothing out here just we are getting to experience a local life scooter is without a doubt the best way to see st. Kitts in our three hours that we've been on we become experts [Music] we were just driving along soaking in the views and past this really nice-looking lady and she was leaving but she was waving like please stop so he slowed down and she said the Black Rock goes down that way you missed it and the Black Rock Beach is a place that we wanted to stop and we wanted to stir in our past it oh there's also one two three four buses down here other turret wow this is beautiful over here so we pulled out this cute little village cause these little and then this guy whose secret down to this Blackrock Beach everybody else is over there like overlooking it we're like down here on it all by ourselves [Music] [Music] enjoy the ride back to the cruise ship you can pick this is our friend Dean he's only taught us about the secret in a video yeah yeah well this is K tonight my friends from in the States but in England having some times I want these guys to make a baby soon I named Kate and Nate okay it's all my friend picking up Kate digging up Nate began the whole United States pick up everybody love you guys wish you guys to come here see the view enjoy it we love the guys I'll do it appreciate it Dinah's best [Music] it is about one o'clock now and we are almost to the beaches which means we are almost a food and we are starving but we just had to stop here because this overlooks the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean ocean and it doesn't even look real they tell me it's the Caribbean Sea not the Caribbean ocean [Music] [Music] this is Jeanie and Sanket on the ragam beach with my new friend yeah fire tongs flitters comfort that is good that is very good okay yes we get the foam from the sea they come in those shells yes I mean good for the best and before when you do in the jiggy jiggy what you heard the lady we had to get got printers started she do not lean a stripe so there's other places like a proverb the bgallagh beach bar I've ever take just for the record the Reagan Beach Bar the conch fritters were super good but it is very overpriced and pretty crowded and there's a lot of other beaches that we didn't see any people at we have about an hour before you have to turn the Vespa in so we're gonna go try to find on us [Music] [Music] because [Music] [Music] we are turning them the best but now because unfortunately at our time here but it's one of those fun emotions in life where you really sad that something's over but you're really excited about what's next and tomorrow we get to go to a new Caribbean island which is really exciting Oh blue number goes away [Music] [Music] halfway
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 249,969
Rating: 4.9730072 out of 5
Keywords: st. kitts, st. kitts vlog, st. kitts and nevis, travel, vlog, travel vlogger, travel couple, couple vlog, caribbean, caribbean vlog, caribbean islands, caribbean sea, daily vlog, daily travel vlog, repositioning cruise, cruise vlog, caribbean cruise, what to do in st. kitts, fun things to do in st. kitts, scooter, scooter rentals, sunny blue rentals, kara and nate
Id: MLBemfVbKl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2017
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