UK Customs Agents Bust a Drug Smuggler! | Border Patrol

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the UK Border Agency is at war with smugglers in the sandpit coming up Martin uses sharat some interrogate a suspect who's that when there's a recreational user on not the caster but anything at long discount speak English a juicy free thoughts there gets caught in the act he's going out and it just asking to borrow people falling cars if said then we evolving card I'll get you a pond and the dog sniff out a suspiciously large amount of cash I was gone by then a card on their car as a customs officer okay I can't always been able people tell me [Music] in Galax departure lounge passengers been spotted buying tobacco with other people's boarding cars and UK border officer Mike has been called in to investigate we've had a call from the Jody free shop there told us there someone has brought a large quantity of cigarettes and tobacco so what people do is they get a couple of boarding cards I'll get someone else to buy two goods for them apparently they're sitting in the pub anyone flying within the EU as a cheesy free allowance of 200 cigarettes but criminals steal boarding cards to non EU countries like Turkey and illegally purchase of cigarettes the simulation yeah but people can pass but the man realizes the game is a unlined of God's boring job are you all fine Samoa day all kinds turfy okay can I say Oh your passport please very nearly polishes when I was just my graphs we got bicep and she's got me this is there they're closed so what we're going to definitely to make sure you can apply think about this feature spider baby it's mojo in the community know that he should be Nick for a bit because you're not allowed to buy I'm going live in the area even if you're fake is each taken amigo full season Republic is they fortunately use these hello can I just run this past you please you know we've just been called up to Judy Freeland some geezer has got his mates or flying submerge them to buy in for fares and [ __ ] men he's fine on Samoa and he said maybe these knows he's done wrong but they're so expensive out there he's gotta come down really you know old friend all three of them or season report but it's an absolute offence in it as it's a fraudulent I think he'll needs to come down if you collect your bag the two passengers flying to Turkey will be allowed to death okay what you've done so far is an absolute offence switch things at the moment Syme is 1325 I'm placing you under arrest on the suspicion of being involved in the fraud you don't invasion of excise goods you do not have to say anything but it may harm the defense if you do not mention when questioned something mile a Reliant Robin anything you do say may be given in evidence do you understand that okay we're just going to go down to our customer sweet-looking likely what we're gonna do though we're just gonna take downstairs okay we may seize the goods from you we may need to ask you some more questions at the moment I can't say whether you will make your flyable on here okay it may seem harsh for a few cigarettes but the man is attempted to evade hundreds of pounds in tax that he's done it before he may be going to jail [Music] in Manchester a flight from Paris has just arrived border officers have intercepted some suspicious baggage which started its journey in South America these are the name of Lopez border offices are always on the lookout for anything suspicious and it's the nails on these bags that rang alarm bells it's just the fact that there are two similar cases with two different names which smugglers have been known to use a methods which pull the switch bag they'll have two bags one with drugs in and one just clean bad depending on whether they get stucked or not depends which one they pick up the bags go back on the carousel yes then while Martin keeps watch to see you have example [Music] this robbery [Music] the officers now need to try to communicate with the passages to find the source of the Coquette Deepak banish know what you live there may be a language barrier cigarettes with certain seems to understand cocaine heroin okay early officers decide to swap the sons belongings first the decisions about Kurt Angle were to ranked working out the codes here will be easier said than done quietly enough inside the gentleman's Bank unfortunate because they're non-english speakers without me the question to establish anything about misuse or anything so so what is a recreational user on not the Casterbridge anything at long just can't speak English in Gatwick the flight to Malta is about to depart but one passenger looks increasingly unlikely to be there in time what duty-free said is Gaius he's going out just asking to borrow people's boarding come so that you could boy to race they said then me a bolding card and they said it I'll get you a pint and that's what in us words in there and that's how most on the boats cups it does it does that's what we don't eat no cigarettes we beseech the officers away from the investigation team to find out if the man gonna be charged his flights to fifteen thirty departure time cake I was at fifteen ten obviously depending on how a Fisher we need to be about it is whether or not you missed his flight was he's committed an offense so if he misses his flight his own problem as the flags get bagged the news comes in that the man won't want to hear a fortune that they spoke to the investigation saying they don't want us to take you there and they'll question you down there okay so we'll be moving in a couple of minutes with the illegal cigarette trade rubbing over a billion pounds a year from the Treasury the man's crime is being seriously hello boss would you mind doing us a favor would you be able to contact British Airways and just say that he won't be making his flight but it's just so they don't hold the gate open and keep called in his name if he's not gonna make it all right oh I love the stuff the matter is in serious trouble with the law and his travel plans are in ruins would you like something formed as you have been arrested and that you are here think she's immortal that's it they're gonna be waiting I mean it's just that I want to scare army can I speak to her or not yes is mummy there a minute is she asleep oh it's just a fly there's a problem with the fly it's yeah I'll find a lawyer the flights been delayed tell Natalie not to lead to the airport until I find there's an engine problem or psyche late late mummy asleep that wake her up are they the man is locked up until the investigation officers arrived they later charged him with evasion of excise duty and is now awaiting sentence back in manchester there's more family forward to communicate with the family from Chile whose banks gave large heads the other day a Martin decides to play an unusual game of charades to work out if the Sun has used any drugs whilst abroad [Music] once one time soon days Boozer once yep under pressure one day so much okay okay out of earshot of his parents the Sun clears up the source of the coke hit mama Papa and Martin promises to keep the confession under wraps and knowing the summers used speeds up the search [Applause] for me dolly it also makes it easier to rule the family out a smuggler because the transmitter Bay can compensate with those the family cooperatives there's no need to involve his mother and father guys and adults I also find people more truthfully taken to one side out to the presence of their parents if I don't manage to if I finally been able to ask that question there at the tree in front of his parents I don't think he would've been as honest I asked him the question have you used cocaine he said he had once asked him how long ago he said two to three weeks and that is borne out by the presence of the traces in the areas we found thank you ideas it's coming up the dog slip out a suspiciously large amount of cash I often buy them up riding the car as a customs officer okay I can't always been able people tell me [Music] coming up the cash dog sniffs out a suspect moment under the carpet as a customs officer okay I can't always been able people tell me at Manchester Airport a flight has just arrived from Pakistan officers are on the lookout for drug smugglers and have pulled over two men for a bag search bring you back down a bomb Pakistan is a known cinammon buffer heroin an officer's conduct initial swab tests for any traces there's been a recent surge of heroin seizures coming in from Pakistan surprisingly obviously Gary is a small hit but cocaine from his passenger suitcase initial traits swaps the bats cards for any mermaids he said he hasn't used for three months boy he's a regular view sort of cocaine which will be here which he uses the cocaine because it's not very accessible in Pakistan but this time he gets an even bigger hit but heroin skip impediment is uneven explanation could take a while to get to the bottom in Galax South Terminal UK border officers are targeting a flight to Jamaica looking for money collected to grind using sniffer dog it's okay to slow your bag for me just a quick customs check Toby's job is to find large amounts of cash anything more than a thousand cube and handle Amuro hyah in Canada money review today how much roughly have with [Music] 10,000 pounds leaving the culture how many of you traveling on want some answers the dog tested tactics and currency and you said you're carrying about 10,000 pounds is that so all your money the car that you're gonna buy yeah do you know what you're gonna buy a Honda and how much you're going to spend 10 grand the man's explanation becomes them between support one kind of what you gonna do with the rest you Beverly mr. the money that's four thousand five two thousand five hundred how much you're going to spend on the car so again so slowly I'm going to change forget about that well one bone tree you are but wishing in sterling in in English money how much it is for Honda and how long would that be he'll old with the car be cars in Jamaica are very expensive to buy second-hand aren't they yeah so you're going to prepare to spend not to ten thousand each ten thousand pounds on a 2002 car as a customs officer I'm interested in as I said large amounts of currency that are leaving or entering the UK you've substantial amount of cash with you today okay that's the reason I'm taking so long with it do you have any details of a car that you might want to buy with you don't have any could you provide those sort of details can you provide details of the bank loan to me yeah I just see the money now I've searched the bags as gamma can I just see the money again please what's Hammond is in here there and the other one and the other how much have you got it together how much have you got all together yeah ten taels not together okay what I need to do is to hold on to your money if you wait there I've got to do a couple of checks okay if Paul thinks the cash has criminal connections got seven they got seven checking bags unfortunately between of all rather than traveling the 10,000 belongs to the one person it's from a consolidated loan and there's no documentation regarding the month of money apart from the envelope it's in from a bank it's gonna cost about five hundred pound a month to pay it back to buy a car in Jamaica like oh yeah they've got family over he's Jamaican no he lives here he will see in the movies over there a lot with no evidence where the ten thousand pounds came from Toby may have helped you catch intended for drugs ever done a PSA it's all gold wants to find out if the man has a criminal record with a flight now nearly ready to depart time's running out how long before the gate closes right a cat a few minutes back in Manchester officer Gary has found a high trace of heroin from a passengers clothes he's travelled back from Pakistan okay now that you see me swabbing the inside of a shoe when he's seen his shopping the shoelaces right obviously you've had them on your feet how long have you I damaged okay anybody else wear them okay well I've just swapped the insiders now when you're wearing these you're gonna sweat through your feet and you're gonna sweat through your pores and your hands right now I'm getting heroine hits and cocaine hits quite a strong heroine hits from the souls that have shoes you used to smoke heroin okay so while you've been in possession that I'm shoes you've smoked heroin before on cocaine okay when was the last time you used that amount of cocaine three months ago you clean often our registers having another solo European yeah okay the man's honesty about personal use explains the heads but officers have a duty to investigate his belongings further to ensure he's not smuggling drugs into the country happy refers to take but officers are convinced that he's not drug smuggling and he's free to go no worry divine if you for what it obviously I would you would either be so even at lease or one of him to hide some lie in Gatwick the flight to Jamaica is nearly fully boarded but the passengers still waiting to hear if will be allowed to leave with his ten thousand pounds yes so with your agreement I feel like I had me Caesar okay 12:55 for the station where the money it's not good news for the I'm not satisfied what you've told me regarding the cash okay you're telling me it's come from a bank I don't know yeah I know what you're saying but listen to me as a customs officer okay I can't always believe what people tell me otherwise I wouldn't be a good customer so see what I I can't do it here this morning I will be holding onto the money today award we seize in this patch is ten thousand pounds you're not under arrest and you want you're entitled to leave the UK and go on your holidays Jamaica today but you won't be taking the cash with you okay doesn't mean that you won't be getting the cash back at some further stage at the moment I'll need to seize it for the purposes of the further investigation okay will you be travelling on the flight today okay it's going to travel so he doesn't need to offload banks in just seconds just rushing to get the man 12:55 yellow ten grand at stake you must make sure we just do this one rekt do you want to get your flights because few minutes before the gate closes okay this is the receipt for the seized cash that means I am taking ten thousand pounds from you today but could I need a further evidence from you to tell me where the cash is originating from and what the intended purpose is for that's the reason and agencies in the cash okay this is purely this is who is Saint the church God has noted crime that's the best probably thought you just report to the vehicle they figure your passport and okay in the country but Sir listen but you want to make your flight you have to go on now the passengers of flight and it gives the cache team time to ensure the money doesn't have any legs with cash he came across as putting our funds about he was carrying the money but I'm not satisfied of what the end use of the country the cash is for and we're particularly with bringing not saying this gentleman would have been the case but drugs drugs are so much cheaper to buy quantity wise in Jamaica and you could buy a lot of drugs for ten thousand pounds I'm not sure this is this man so really involved in that but people do and obviously if we can take the cash out at the beginning and do further checks more the better the man who is carrying ten thousand pounds in cash returned to the UK students later that is money remains with a broader offices investigation you [Music]
Channel: DangerTV
Views: 3,363,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: customs, border, Customs Agents, Border Patrol, Fraud, Drugs, Smugglers, Contraband, Airports, Gatwick, Heathrow, London, UK, United Kingdom, Police, Safety, customs uk, uk customs, dangertv, danger, illegal immigrants, immigrants, smuggling, illegals, uk border force, security, locked up abroad, nothing to declare, customs border, airport patrol, documentary, border security, trafficking, border agents, border force, caught smuggling, caught, hidden, cash, abroad, custom, front line, arrested, secret
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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