Criminal Claims He Doesn't Know English To Enter UK | UK Border Force | Real Responders

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"They hand him over to social services for an age test".

Anyone know how an age test is conducted? Cut him open and count the rings?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 60 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Adenta- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

if he told me he was only 34 id say he was lying lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LindyWestsWetFart πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mahgenetics πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Poor dude, he’s clearly desperate and afraid of returning home. I want to squeeze the fuck out of that black head on the other dude’s nose too it looks juicy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 51 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/72616262697473 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This ain't cringe. This is just a bummer.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/saundej1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like how I live in the UK but this video isn't available in my country

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/James_Fennell πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Poor guy, hope he gets decent help and wasn’t paraded around on TV for no reason

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/omguwsa πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ya it's cringe but also the dude just wants a chance at success in a country that hasn't been fucked over by other countries.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Wulfbrir πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

That’s fucked up that they would treat a young boy like this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] 25,000 men and women work for the UK border at home and abroad their job is to seek out the law breakers and imposters who don't have a right to be here they are the UK border force tonight visa officers play spot the imposter in Lagos Nigeria the facial expression in all of them is all the same it's the end of the road for a Lithuanian Ram Raider nothing is really an excuse for committing a crime here and eastern promises are broken in a Chinese takeaway I think I don't need a painless fire [Music] Heathrow is one of the world's busiest airports terminal 2 is its oldest terminal a flight from Lagos Nigeria has just landed at the desk is officer barley root prior she's been part of the passport team at Heathrow for almost seven years okay just the one passport yeah all the passengers have passed through except for one this man says he's a security guard in London and has permission to work here but his passport has a fake document officer route priors noticed the stamp belongs to a woman we have an indefinitely stamp which is in the document this has the pages that the stamp is on has simply been taken out of somebody else he's genuine passport and and stitched into this document to get this far on a false document he will have completely avoided the British High Commission in Lagos and hoodwinked airline staff on boarding the plane come with me I'm going to go downstairs to search your bags okay did you know why we've stopped you today okay we're not happy with your documents is this your document no now it's time for a bag search with officer Roopa and her colleague office of telev aunty okay who's in this passport answer the question please this passport who does it belong to we need to search your bags and then okay one second we need to search your bags and then after we will go upstairs and we will talk about what problem you have okay first thing is where did you get the passport from Good Samaritan good Samaritans forged passports nowadays in Lagos okay this this looks like a crib sheet they say where do you work I am a security officer in oak Kent Road these are the answers that you were given us on the best because I know it's that correct isn't that what you said on the desk you did say that I work on the Old Kent Road is that correct yeah that is correct isn't it okay what else are you not telling us okay you keep saying you've got problems we've told you but come to those later okay but for us to be able to help you you have to be honest with us now okay no point in yeah no point telling us any any stories so what is your real name again so I've forgotten my name your real name yeah my name yes Benson Benson you just write on the back of this card your date of birth 17 September 1993 17 September 1993 that makes you by my calculations 15 you're 15 years old on the 17th of September okay the officers suspect that Benson has been trained in Nigeria to beat the UK immigration system he's claiming to be 15 and he doesn't appear to be 15 it's possible that he is claiming to be a minor and because it's more difficult to remove - from the United Kingdom and this is something we will be continuing to look at it's going to come place them into the holiday range okay Benson I need you to get up please are you tired sorry okay what I'm going to take you into another room where you're gonna be a bit more comfortable you can have something to eat there and have something to drink okay if you just want to come through with me Benson just follow me no you just don't want to tell me because she is Tauron dealing with you okay it will be good opportunity to know what's in the ditch I swear I swear please leave me please I swear I swear please listen look at my bike okay calm down calm down calm down millions Benson claims to have run away if he's telling the truth he's a vulnerable child in a foreign country but it could all be part of his plan to get into the UK coming up the man with two birthdays got his new collected on path which one and caught at Calais the man with an international arrest warrant you have a choice either to do this or not to do this you knew what you were doing was illegal Lagos Nigeria a city with a worldwide reputation for fraud the streets are awash with outlets for fake documents documents that are then used in attempts to obtain genuine UK visas at the British High Commission this is the front line in the battle against fraud in 2008 9000 fraudulent documents were submitted in applications for UK visas entry clearance officers are trained in sifting out the fake from the genuine people supplier boasts winning certificates and photos as family ties in Nigeria to show that they have an incentive to return here like for example these photos here the facial expression in all of them is all the same that's just been totally superimposed there when on free photos but not all fraudsters are so easily detected this man is applying for a UK visitor's visa it's his fourth attempt records show that he has two different dates of birth today office of film Morgan will ask him about his two birthdays and about some fake documents from an earlier application on his previous application he submitted for share certificates so we will raise that at interview and ascertain whether these are actually his Vivica see if he admits to them being then he will automatically fall to be refused morning who completed your visa application form just me you did your previous passport had your date of birth is the 25th of December 1972 now your present passport is decoded good or bad which one element is dis 5904 goes 95 96 now with your last application yeah you submitted the share certificates oh that was not my own it is the again that I gave to ice want me to destroy frequency during that time but the share certificates are in your name I know he's written you my name but he's not my own it's not yours yeah how come can you explain why the strip share certificates are in your name yeah the certificate that I submitted to the travel agency you know that's not what I'm saying it is time that printed all these things but I don't know they came to our shop to collect money so that's how that corner okay so what do you do for a living I'm a businessman in January 2 you are there any other documents you want me to say this is my challenge is for me to convey and okay but I just want you to know that's my I don't need to take a photocopy of that all right that's the end of the interview if you wouldn't mind waiting outside in the waiting room okay thank you very much thank you thank you I've got his West African examination counts or School Certificate which is sort of the equivalent of low levels or GCSEs in England but on this certificate it states his date of birth as the 15th of August 1976 which is the date of birth reflected in his new passport he hasn't satisfactorily explained these share certificates we know they're counterfeit so he has used deception and the previous application so I am of the opinion that this application will be refused but we could get him arrested by the local Nigerian police force mr. Yusuf your visa application has been refused your visa application has been refused on yes it's been refused okay and the reason for your refusal is that you submitted forged documents with your previous application yes okay right there's a copy for you I can't hear you sorry sorry don't you just stand a chance to our playin and all that time no because of your previous deception you've been banned for ten years before you can apply for another visa application okay the gentleman over there has your documents and passport al a gospel eise officer escorts him from the premises the man escapes with a warning their priority is arresting the large-scale fraudsters running the trade in false documents two and a half thousand miles away in London and Benson the passenger from Lagos is still adamant he is 15 years old officer reprise suspects he's been coached and is referring this case to her chief immigration officer what's interesting is is the crib notebook that we found in his bags we've got questions like you know where do you live in London his response where in London do you live and you know it's listed the address exactly where an interesting one how do you like the airport we'll get to the airport to your house I take the underground tube and it lists which ones he should be getting to get himself there but that's quite interesting for me they've obviously prepared him and they will try to prepare him I may ask him in interview and see exactly what he says just take a seat text me on that side then we have this document that is not yours do you agree with me okay this document contains an indefinite leave stamp whose stamp is this person like what do you think's wrong what is the name of that person uncle London okay why do you have a notebook and why do you have questions in there regarding what what you're doing here in the UK this came from the boy yeah where will I go yeah sir okay let me you said actually Josie I'm working in the construction sites how do you know uncle London well I'm good to go see my friend since our program I should go meet Sam so that prank just you say your fifth things are correct okay what do you do at home in Nigeria student and whether you study so whether you study stay down general grammar school when did you join this high school that was 19 1990 1990 right so you know I saved 1990 2006 2006 yeah alright so you mentioned 1990 no I said I'd 1990 if I went to school 1990 by now supposed to be a graduates right okay I want to say 2006 because I mean Jerry okay so just so to satisfy my curiosity what did you mention that 1990 day why did you mention that nine I believe that you're you're not 15 to me you look older than 15 okay how will I believe that you are 15 how will I believe that okay when you arrived Benton you lied to the immigration officer earlier you lied and said this was your passport so how can I believe you okay at the moment you don't have a visa in this document which is genuinely being issued to you so we will be refusing you and returning you to Lagos how do you feel about that Lisa okay okay Benson okay Benson Benson Benson I need you to look at me take a seat sit there and talk to me and tell me what your problem is and then I can help you why can't I send you back to Nigeria because this passport has another service okay why are you not in safe hands I lost my dad and my mom so I've tried to be really matter I'm not told me alone so I saw the money they brought from the bat-cycle let's say the Omani you took you took money from where I said I lost my dad on my mom okay after the burial ceremony so they're not the nothing was you gonna bring the money yes so after keeping Damania I went there and I collected the money what what happened both of them died on the same day Alber Elbaz Chiefs in two hours so they said they want money so then my father is no good morning so the order chief not telling you should with those people since they got our money right so dice I'd happened so they shot the two of them after brushing them towards me - they died I went to legals what will happen if you go back to Nigeria the on time kimi no these are the simple truth so so what do you want from us today I just want you to come to keep me as Yvonne's eight bones and how do you think we can do that you can't just change I guess I don't know I just big snake I help me so are you saying that you wish to claim asylum while you're here in the UK not London enough I say long if you want us to help you you need to keep telling the truth not a sore throat listen I swear okay yeah which is fine but you're telling this you're 15 years old and we don't believe you three juices okay and we need to establish that we need to find out your real age so if you help us we can help you do you understand that okay if you just want to come through you want to take your Holy Bible you can we've interviewed him and he is wanting us to help him because he has a problem back in Nigeria I've put it to him it does he wish to claim asylum he said he's not fully aware of it however he can't go back to Nigeria because he said his family members will kill him okay then so from here really we need to we need to think about getting social services involved and process in his case they don't believe he's a child of 15 they think he's in his early 30s but without proof either way they follow the rules and hand him over to social services for an age test whilst waiting for this test he was placed in a house in southeast London he has since vanished and his current whereabouts is unknown Kalli northern France in 2008 the UK Border Agency searched over a million lorries and stopped 28,000 attempts to cross the channel illegally this morning it's business as usual one two three five possibly where you from your rank you're an Afghan five of you the team has found five stowaways one from Iran and four from Afghanistan of all the nationalities caught attempting to enter the UK illegally Afghans are the most frequently encountered so this actually looks like where they've got in they've tried to put it back together with a couple of pieces of there's like shoelaces yeah that's where they pointed out to me where they've got in in Calais at three hours ago they said but searching for stowaways in the back of trucks isn't the only way to stop people from entering the UK officer John Kendall is checking passengers at passport control boarding ferries by coach and car his team have stopped a man from Lithuania believing him to be the subject of a european arrest warrant he's of interest to the Austrian police is on a european arrest warrant and appears that he was suspected of being involved in a ram raid on a jewellers in austria apparently lived in Ireland so I think we're gonna have to look into that further possibly in possibly looking to refuse admission to the UK yeah okay you just come with me if you want the Lithuanian man is wanted in Austria to face charges for RAM raiding a jewelers he's lived in Ireland for two years but claims he can't speak any English it's Saturday afternoon and there are no interpreters at Calais but officer Kendall manages to get one over the phone what was the purpose of your trip to Austria be a bicycle to devastating digital possible but the Vienna's mobile presidency on token woman as young as Bogut initiative shot in yours so you thought you were going to find a job in Austria mr. Grewal - there's not a skeleton and a gallows always a possibility cause of stress on downs when you say you'd be doing something illegally what do you mean by that mr. Gould I'm a co-sponsor what are the sales - you know of Elvis checkout proverbial one of the siwash nathan is no it's a passer called okay Pontius a which need of a guinea Apollo to assess next Nocona paganel of a garage-door given so he went to Austria with the intention of shoplifting yo Krishna was out and I'm on a bucket up a single market volatile - Nathan apostle pedicures recyclable Gary you had a choice as an adult either to do this or not to do this and you chose to do it you knew what you were doing was illegal saku-dono manly sickness so goes one else more than seguro master get on nationally at boot so you're saying that you were coerced into doing this you'd be pretty pretty minute unless you know today I'm get the passenger did I hold your passports were you in Austrian [Music] your unease reason so far really for I'm doing this is that you didn't have enough money to leave don't really think that your motives very good if your excuse for doing this was yes I knew full well that what I was doing was illegal and but I needed the money to get home don't think is really an excuse for committing a crime do you want and there's my cousin was it was cookies before he left this when you you knew you were going to be doing something illegal but you still chose to do it at that point there were no pressures on you whatsoever you could have stayed in this terenia it's not correct obviously a man has admitted taking part in the RAM raid but the offense took place in Austria not Britain as an EU citizen he is normally free to travel anywhere in Europe but if officer Kendall has grounds to believe that he poses a threat to Britain he will not be allowed entry and then he can hand him over to the French police coming up the Welsh enforcement team visits a repeat offender at a Chinese takeaway and things go from bad to worse for the Lithuanian Ram reader I'm sure you remember how many times you've been arrested by the police in 2008 UK Border Agency arrested 10,000 illegal immigrants in raids across the country enforcement teams build cases from intelligence they've gathered as well as information from the general public today the Swansea team are visiting a Chinese takeaway in Morriston one of the most populated areas of the city we are gonna visit Ming's kitchen basically provide information in to suggest that their immigration offenders work illegally at the premises the three-story building terrorists but is no visible of the year to the property so on this occasion we'll all be going through different you know swampy so well we've visited there last year and we encounter a number of people working illegally a fine was imposed on the take away unfortunately we have been to certain establishments on two or three occasions and they have learned their lessons and therefore the flames have been imposed so we'll see what happens down the next 5-10 minutes [Music] hello there immigration we've got a warrant to enter the premises okay come sit in the front come on the front hello come on sir immigration okay just tell them a colleague out to the front there please don't worry it's no problem we'll just get some identification from you and check okay how many people here - to you - no more people no more okay anybody upstairs your bit are sleeping yes want to go with this lady yes - will you come with me don't look upstairs thank you thank you don't worry no panic don't worry the owner of the restaurant says there's no one else in the building except for her baby asleep upstairs I asked the lady were through upstairs and she had an identification and she says she's got a Chinese passport which I've brought down and a British passport for a baby so we'll just checked that now to make sure it's genuine and it's got the correct these are inside and she'll be fine yep she's got a residence permit with leave - limited leave to remain she's allowed to work in the UK was granted in March last year and she's already registered the baby as a British citizen so there's no issue with a baby she came in as a spouse two years she applied for indefinitely granted it I guess I've been yes yeah not subjected control anymore the owner was married to a British national but is now divorced both she and her baby had permission to live and work in the UK but the team have suspicions about the man found in the kitchen who she claims is her new partner did he have a passport or any form of identification okay okay how long has it been in the UK how will you tell you know Jonah Oh doc got uses London about Chassagne ha before 13 years okay did he enter the country illegally yeah has he made any applications to the Home Office to stay here legally he's claimed asylum or is he is he okay and he says that his Asylum was approved approved the next day refused approve and then disapprove so he's got paperwork upstairs the man's story is unusual he says the Home Office granted him asylum but revoked it at a later date if he's found to be an illegal worker the owner will be fined up to ten thousand pounds back in Calais and officer Kendall is interviewing the Lithuanian RAM reader the officer will not invoke the european arrest warrant but will investigate the case have you ever had any problem other problems with them the police or law enforcement authorities have you have any problems since you've been living in Ireland [Music] just once maybe two I'm sure you remember how many times you've been arrested by the police we've had two problems in in Ireland in two years decent average okay so the Austrians have issued European arrest warrant for your arrest for what you were doing in Austria if the arrest warrants enforced by the French police you'll be arrested and now probably returned to Austria okay so I will don't speak to my senior officers and we need to decide if you're going to be refused admission to the United Kingdom or not and you've understood every single word I've been saying without interpreter haven't you so why did you insist on me wasting public money not really funny is it with the admission of his part in the RAM raid and two other offences whilst living in Ireland officer Kendall considers he has grounds to prevent the man from entering the UK but first he refers the case to his chief finish the interview with policy owning guest he's more or less admitted that he has committed the offence that the Austrians have accused him of so he does present a serious threat fundamental interest of society I would say of his face as he knowingly travel for me through any to wash it to commit criminal offense as a chance of reoffending contact the duty inspector and refer your findings to her and see how we go from there yep once again the cases referred upwards before a final decision is made right I have a young male of the Iranian national who presented himself at the ctrl a couple of hours ago yes I mean we believe here that you know he presents a serious threat a fundamental interest of society and by personal conduct and so we were looking to refuse him l1 thank you no problem have a good day take care bye no okay yes please we go ahead then and refuse admission and what discuss if any entry to the UK is denied later that day the man was handed over to the French police who enforced his return to the Austrian authorities in South Wales the Swansea enforcement team are in the bedroom of a Chinese man found working in a takeaway foreign nationals and asylum seekers are not allowed to work in the UK unless given permission by the Home Office he claims he was allowed to work while his asylum application was being processed okay the gentlemen shown me a letter which is received from the Home Office is obviously made an application to the Home Office and he's written to them requesting whether he can take employment while his asylum application is being considered we can use this document - it's got references on it so we can check with Home Office tone what stage his asylum application is at mr. Chu the letter is from the Home Office detailing a request for asylum in 1997 but it's unclear whether the application was successful downstairs the owner of the takeaway is also being questioned about the man's immigration status no matter how many hours he works even working for free how long has he been helping out in the kitchen if he's in Britain illegally she's breaking the law he was working in the kitchen when we came in helping how much do you pay him for helping out nothing okay so how many hours does he help out normally each day but one hour one hour each day no sometimes because I baby you have to to be yes he's respond sometimes one hour yeah have you seen any documents to say that that man can is can be in the UK and is allowed to work here ni Nationals the Home Office database will reveal whether the man is here legally or not right I'll give you the funding name is gieux that's x-ray uniform illegal infant has he submitted any other applications right so it's just an illegal entry case - ok is he reporting at all no absconder okay thank you thank you I know it's been confirmed the man is in Britain illegally since 1997 he has been missing and listed as an absconded this form is a notice of potential liability because your partner here is working here shouldn't be well we found him in the kitchen he says he's been here six months whether he's a child minder whether he's working in the kitchen makes a little difference he's not allowed to he's not allowed to work he's got no permission this will go off to our office in Manchester and they will write to you then but you you stand to be finds potentially up to ten thousand pounds for him being here sorry sir oh yeah this this no this is not this is just a notification of potential liability Manchester office will write to you now and then anything you want to try and explain you can put to Manchester okay just sign in there for me please and I'll give you a copy and I'll keep a copy then okay thanks the man caught working in the kitchen was put on bail and is reporting every week to his local police station whilst UK Border Agency get the documents they need to remove him from Britain the owner is fined five thousand pounds but she is adamant she did not employ an illegal worker I don't know what happened I know he just come down to cook some food for himself this is kitchen for business still for our life you know so I don't think so i go to employ him nothing nothing so I don't I think I don't need to pay the fine coming up the Canadian woman with unusual holiday plans what will you do whilst you in the UK we're gonna go fishing apparently and then we're gonna do heroin cocaine [Music] at Terminal 3 officer Lisa Lee has stopped a Canadian woman who has come to the UK for two weeks to visit a British man she met on the Internet she's told us that the gentlemen she was coming to see has paid for her ticket they've never met she's only got $10 in cash no real idea what she wants to do in the UK and she is on quite a lot of medication for various medical complaints that she claims to have so I need to get that checked out before I can decide whether or not she's allowed to have any Lexi Lexi can you come over I understand from my colleague you're taking certain tablets at the moment yeah okay can I please have them I need to show them to our doctor so you're on tablets for that yeah okay what else are you taking okay do you need anything at the moment any of your tablets at the moment okay if it's all right with you I'll take the medication to the doctor here so you write all when you walk then yeah you might you have to take I think it's really wrong listen let me tell you something okay we don't treat no you're not listening okay all right so let me explain to you that's wrong okay let me explain to you why that might be the case and why you might see it like that okay the reason being that any of these people are here is because we have an immigration issue with them it doesn't matter what color they are what gender they are we don't care we're interested in their immigration status and that's it all right let me do this I'll be as quick as I can okay and then I'll come back and speak to you and we'll try and get this done as quickly as we can all right I've just been in to see our port doctor just to get the lady's medication checks out there's no specific medication in what we have that's given to cancer patients specifically for melanoma and the doctor said that it's a terminal illness but that there's no problem no sir in terms of length of life it could be a year it could be five he said you know provided she's okay then she switched to be detained and no problem and we just crack on with it as we would any other any other person the first job is to contact the man she met on the Internet he's downstairs waiting to meet her can he explain how she will get by in London for two weeks on just $10 that you met online he has paid for her ticket he runs his own business he said I'm pretty well-off she's just come in to spend time with me we're gonna go around London we're gonna do lots of party and that's what I like to do so we need to speak to her really now and get her side of the story why have you come to the UK with my husband and what will you do whilst you in the UK we're gonna go fishing apparently and then we're gonna do heroin cocaine ecstasy did the touristy thing try to see the Queen and hit her with a car Ariel what could that be something to say that you didn't know the brothel oh yeah yeah no small one how how many people you're going to employ I don't think I know any one of my concerns is your health okay do you have like health care travel insurance for whilst you're here like my cancer and stuff like that mmm but you told me it was Stage four that's quite serious right beautiful yeah but they cut my spit out of my back I mean kind of like a really good tattoo do I look okay yeah yeah I see all right right there you go I'll come back when I've spoken to my chief okay my big boy told me that my god well that was the most interesting interview I've ever done that's quite amazing um I'm sure she was just trying to distract me from answering all the questions because she was quite character everything she says in terms of her reasons for visiting I mean you know Who am I to say that somebody shouldn't come and visit their internet friend you know it's more and more common these days let's go and see what my chief says he's gonna love me before making a final decision officer Lee must run it past her chief I'm pretty certain she does and I do believe I mean she said I want to go home I believe she has intention to return so something bad is you're happy too Oh imbalance I think will land up I'll go and let her know because I told her I'd let her know as soon as I knew so that she could be prepared okay there's good news and bad no no just good news you're going to be granted entry we're going to give you a stamp on your passport for a couple of weeks to come and visit Mike come on in my dear [Laughter] at last officer Li can let her passenger cross the border to meet her internet friend for the first time at the end of the day we have to be satisfied of certain things one of them is that she's going to have somebody look after all that she can look after herself while she's here money somewhere to live that was all fine that she's gonna leave the UK I'm happy it was a good job good decision let's hope she has fun i specially will watch out for her [Music]
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 2,564,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: illegal immigrants, customs uk, united kingdom, Call out, Discrimination, immigration, illegal immigration, border control, trans woman, detainees, immigration reform, us immigration, trump immigration, migration, canada immigration, trump immigration policy, immigration uk, immigration law, u.s. immigration, immigration laws, immigration scam, eu immigration uk, immigration point, legal immigration, immigration uk 2019, immigration policy, eu immigration debate
Id: Adgb_TK2WPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 13sec (2653 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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