Drug Mule Caught After Full Body Scan | Customs | Real Responders

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[Music] in our ports and in our airports the uk border agency is fighting a constant battle against smugglers coming up will a full body scan in gatwick prove that one man's excuses are a little hard to swallow you just get feelings with some things on a flight from spain a couple bring back more than a suntan what's and quickfire questioning proves to be the downfall of this hapless smuggler did you book your own ticket yeah right does here all right [Music] at gatwick airport south terminal a flight from puerto plata in the dominican republic has just landed vigilant uk border agency officers with the aid of highly trained sniffer dogs are always on the lookout for drug smugglers from the caribbean and one passenger has triggered great interest the man's nervous behavior has led to him being targeted as he passes through the customs channels officer michelle has been observing his body language thank you she decides to intercept the passenger to ask him a few questions hello sir i've got your passport on you please that's great you've got your ticket as well any ticket where'd you live sir in holland so how long you here for how long are you here in england for uh right so you've been to port plata come here and from here you're going back to holland are you where when when are you going back to holland is it a flight from here or a flight from heathrow all right have you got the ticket for that michelle keeps firing questions to find out if he's telling the truth no cigarettes at all nothing like that okay you also know it's illegal to bring any controlled drugs weapons explosives etc into the country yeah and these are your bags are they did you pack your bags yourself so you know what's inside them do you the man's travel plans just don't seem right and michelle is becoming increasingly suspicious [Music] she's been out on a package holiday not staying with friends or anything went out on his own works in a factory in the netherlands he's flying on back today they're all all right the x-ray shows no concealments of drugs but a concerned michelle still isn't happy sometimes we have a problem with people bringing drugs through on their bodies okay so therefore we just want to give you a rub down of your body okay but we won't do it here we'll do it out the back okay as the man's lead away there's a feeling his story just doesn't add up he only works in a factory in holland so it's obviously not really well paid he's picked to go to porter platter which is an unusual place for someone to go he's gone on his own and he's booked it all last minute he's got all the extras you can possibly have so it makes his holiday very expensive just for seven nights to and to go on his own it's just bizarre that's all you just get feelings with some things and it's just just doesn't seem right in a dramatic turn the man is taken for a full body scan to find out if he's smuggling drugs inside his body do you want anyone else to be here no to be told you're here with us you are entitled to read that if you wish but obviously michelle is about to discover whether her instinct is correct sorry yeah if you stand like this that way yeah yeah onto travel travel later if you can breathe in as well that'll help us okay as he holds his breath the man's fate hangs in the balance [Music] his day is about to get a lot worse he's stuffed with packages of drugs okay sir what we can see on the x-ray looks like you have packages inside you time is i wait 53 hours i'm arresting you on suspicion of being involved in the importation and controlled drug you do not have to say anything but it may harm your defense if you do not mention one question something that you later rely on in court anything you do say may be given in evidence do you understand that okay sir he's got little packages which will probably be condoms full of cocaine and now literally we've got to take him down get him custardized and then he needs to concentrate on getting those packages out because he doesn't realise you know if one of those burst or leaked it could cost him his life at gatwick's north terminal a flight has just arrived from dubai a country outside the european union with widely available cheap cigarettes officers have been alerted by immigration to a man waiting at the luggage carousel he collects the last of his cases and proceeds straight through the nothing to declare customs channel officer paul stops the passenger to ask a few questions hiya look at where please hi you're traveling on your own yeah do you have any password it's just dubai you've been to it you haven't got a ticket how much does a ticket cost you did you book your own ticket when did you book it right here right how much does it cost you you didn't book it did you all right who booked it are you traveling with somebody else where do you actually live [Music] having already exposed the lie paul is wary of anything the man says do you understand what the green channel means right have you been abroad before you're still american okay when you go abroad you're allowed to bring about certain goods yeah several cigarettes for instance [Music] how much they cost you tabs are slang for cigarettes and the man's confession doesn't impress have you ever this with customers before well not really wrong that's what happened why was that sorry i took some fat across he took cat across cat is an east african stimulant which is often chewed whilst legal in the uk it's banned in america how much money did you take out with them did you pay for this we paid for these [Music] paul becomes aware that the somali who paid for the cigarettes is likely to be at the airport to pick them up what's the name of the chat you have to speak to on the phone what is the last name mohammed mohammed yeah he's uh somalian he's going to be he's out there somewhere and it's a fair chance smugglers often work in pairs and officers realize there may be a chance of locating another smuggler as well as the recipient of the cigarettes [Music] how much did you get paid for doing this 200 pounds is that all yeah why did you get a hold of it you get a holiday out of it [Music] benefit back at the airport south terminal the dutch drug smuggler who risked his life to bring packages of drugs into the uk is being taken into custody he's made aware of his rights by the custody officer and for his own safety is told to get the packages out of his system as quickly as possible basically when people have an internal concealment um to make sure we can see if they produce anything we change them into a what we call white paper suit and then we can see if there's anything happening and underneath they'll be um completely naked the man indicates he needs to go to the toilet but this is no ordinary toilet trip and this is no ordinary loom so he's gone into the special toilet facility where if he starts producing packages um they then have to be cleaned up by the officer who's gone in with him and then they'll be bagged up as well so just waiting for him to come out to see if he has actually produced anything the gentleman said he needed the toilet and while i haven't counted them at the moment it looks like he's produced around 20 packages and he's told the custody officer he's got 60 something so obviously the quicker they're out of his system best chance he's got survival the process of washing the packages is a very dirty job but someone's got to do it one of the packages works is split basically ends up with death within minutes unfortunately so that is why we try and get packages out people as quickly as we possibly can because the consequences of a first package are pretty serious with the packages washed officer paul must back them up and weigh them to find out what quantity of drugs the man was carrying definitely big packages 344 grams cocaine so far should take away a little bit for the packaging etc it's probably about 300 grams and one kilo nowadays is worth around 50 000 pounds so he's probably carrying about 50 000 pounds for drugs for them the dutchman pleaded guilty to smuggling cocaine and was sentenced to five and a half years in prison further inquiries resulted in another arrest coming up officer paul is proved right as the border agency apprehend two more cigarette smuggling accomplices [Music] coming up in bristol one man sweet talking gets him nowhere what's the name it's cannabis isn't it [Music] back in gatwick officer paul has intercepted a surprisingly candid geordie cigarette smuggler other officers attempt to track down the somali recipient of the cigarettes called muhammad they find another jordi ladd who also confesses to having smuggled cigarettes he then tells the officers where they can find the elusive muhammad [Music] we've come out looking for somalian obviously but my colleague stopped another lad who was a geordie as well he in the end he did cough to being met by muhammad so he said has just walked out to the cow hall so we've given chase and stopped the car here he's got three cases full of cigarettes it's a job well done by the officers but after seizing the illegal cigarettes mohammed the ringleader of the operation is free to go i gotta tell you i'll give you 200 pounds if you bring two suitcases to the towers back through okay it's been scared to lose my job yeah i thought as well did you not think of the consequences [Music] we got wife and kids at home how many kids we got three okay [Music] the other man from newcastle is led back inside the airport to be reunited with his friend in these circumstances what we normally do is just seize the cigarettes and suitcases from them and it stays on file so if they get stopped again then they'll get arrested and prosecuted for this offense and the next one so they're very lucky because if they'd got caught a second time with this amount of uh cigarettes you know you're looking at a jail sentence so from their point of view they're quite lucky so were you getting the fight back or would it was the other chap driving you back to newcastle [Music] with no money from the job the lads now have another problem i was relying on the money from bringing the cigarettes through to get myself back home now i've got no money off cigarettes and no normally you get my cell phone as they attempt to make the long journey up north the two lads can rue the fact that they're 40 000 cigarettes with a street value of over ten thousand pounds were intercepted rather unlucky in fact my chap was particularly like he's only traveled twice two trips abroad twice he's been called he said he's not gonna travel abroad again i don't blame him at bristol airport a flight has just landed from malaga in spain border agency officers working in immigration are alerted to a couple who've been acting suspiciously a woman dressed in black and a man in a stripy jumper head to baggage reclaim officer brandon decides to follow them to monitor their behavior [Music] we've got two targets from malaga to put them on just quick chat and check what they've got you never know brandon moves into position ready to intercept the couple as they pass through the customs channels hello they both customs just come through please you are together yeah how long have you been away yeah how long couple weeks two weeks okay how may have you traveled once you've been away oh it's strong spain just in there right you stayed in one place or yeah or around one day okay you haven't been stopped by customs before no no bags pack for yourselves everything in the cases belong to yourselves also where certain things aren't allowed to be brought into the uk drugs weapons to you the man stares intently as his suitcase is searched he then removes a mobile phone which causes suspicion he gets his phone back but seems a little agitated then a package is found which might explain why what's today well now you'll open it up because you can't see what's in there but brandon's not falling for that he opens the package to check the contents himself there's a sweet stuff it's cannabis there isn't a herbal cannabis you're not sure you said you packed the case yourself [Music] all right was it this time all right you're under arrest all right right basically you put me both understand them together okay that's a special important illegal drug control drug all right now you do have to say anything but we harm your defense if you do not mention questions something you're too late to rely on in court right anything to say maybe give me evidence do you understand with both passengers under arrest their cases continue to be searched and it doesn't take long to find a number of identical packages [Music] how much you got in total mate there's no respite for officers in gatwick as another caribbean flight arrives from jamaica suspicion was raised by a german woman who claimed to have lost the key to the padlock on her suitcase after forcing the case open officer paul discovered that the woman was carrying a significant amount of cannabis okay so if you if you just stand up for me put your hands out you put the sunglasses down she's arrested straight away and put in handcuffs before being escorted to the airport's custody suite for further questioning presently we have the 25 year old german under arrest in the custody suite so whilst she's getting her rights read to her she's waiting for a solicitor to turn up what we do is go through all the luggage this is obviously where the drugs were found initially um and interestingly she's in the top of the suitcase she or whoever put frogs in there let's put a lot of foam around the outside of the case and around the edges of the case with the suitcase stuffed to the brim it's a huge amount of cannabis for one person to be carrying or three kilo blocks of herbal cannabis [Music] very little else [Music] the cannabis is bagged up paul needs to weigh the drugs to find out the severity of the woman's crime [Music] it's 18.15 kilos the suitcase weighed 23 kilos nearly the whole suitcase was cannabis um that'd be worth between 40 and 50 000 pounds it's another excellent find by officers for the german woman it's been a highly risky gamble that hasn't paid off a lot of them are single young females and it doesn't surprise me anymore we get we've had single young females we've had old men of 70 couples traveling together you know it really especially anybody who's short of money anyone that's desperate for money will do it for a couple of thousand pounds or whatever else they've been promised the woman later pleaded guilty to smuggling cannabis and was sentenced to nine months in prison back in bristol and with four packages of herbal cannabis found in a man's suitcase the search now moves on to his wife almost immediately officer brandon finds something hidden in the clothing this time he suspects it's cannabis resin [Applause] and as with the man's case there's more than just one package the drugs have been crudely concealed in clothing with little attempt to hide what's inside [Applause] [Music] as the last block is removed from the case the couple know they've been caught red-handed [Music] there's uh six resin uh cannabis um four packages of hoover cannabis i'm not sure wait at the moment [Music] i understand we say i'm really confident right the man should perhaps be more concerned about the illegal drugs found in his suitcase than having a cigarette [Applause] but tampering with the drug seizure will only get him in more trouble as the couple are taken away for a full body surge officers are eager to find out how much they found 2.68 [Music] 2.68 kilos of herbal cannabis and 5.48 kilos of cannabis resin adds up to a hall worth over 20 000 pounds it's a huge amount of illegal drugs removed from the street it has been adopted by a higher level team if you like within the department and they usually take on the larger cases so uh so we can see but it is a substantial amount there's no getting away from that it's been an excellent day for brandon less so for the couple who'll now be detained in custody in court the bristol cannabis smugglers both pleaded guilty and are currently awaiting sentencing [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 752,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real responders, customs uk, gatwick airport, bristol airport, sniffer dog, cocaine, class a drugs, smuggling, crime, police, police uk, bag search, airports, border patrol forces, border patrol uk, uk border, crime documentary, border patrol, custom officers, sniffer dogs, class c drugs, tobacco, patrol, dover, truck, smugglers
Id: wjegMPe42sI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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