$100k Fraud Committed By Illegal Immigrants In UK | UK Border Force | Real Responders

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these beauties are protected by 25,000 light all the time and I don't want to let you know have you sworn off like 90 times an illegal worker is caught on camera wear t-shirt German were convicted last year serving and serving a customer when a student is given a lecture abuse room you've got documents by deception how you got them I don't know all right so stop messing about because this is ridiculous [Music] [Music] [Music] rising immigration in rural Britain has brought an increase in illegal workers in Wales enforcement teams searched the valleys for immigration offenders today officer Whitmarsh night is on route to a Chinese takeaway suspected of employing illegal am I gonna have any runners out the back dad hopefully when we get in there be some people who can actually remove out of it as two of the team enter from the front officer Whitmarsh night covers the rear Hey right trying to run their time to run if they're trained to run two men are stopped trying to escape out it turned our pleas from it out there and there are more in the kitchen along with the bus five people have found on the premises do you speak English no do you speak English no don't speak any English they say as officer Whitmarsh nine questions one of the runners using an interpreter on the phone officer Collins goes upstairs hello is anyone else over here the dog come on dad yeah downstairs while two young children have been found upstairs officer Whitmarsh Knight has found out why this man was so keen to get away he's claiming that he arrived here illegally in 2003 that he came to sunny risk for fun and he's only been here a couple of days register with the dentist what you do when you know all of it he admits entering Britain illegally he is now arrested as officers search for documents relating to the man they've just arrested they find an asylum registration card that belongs to the second man who tried to run that's immigration Nationality application registration card these cards are given to asylum seekers they store fingerprints and state if they're allowed to work abuse that he's in the system we have checked and he is a failure failed asylum seeker he's absconded working yeah like don't stairs hmm no busy by them all is appeal rights are exhausted here since discipline extreme so we're looking to take him into a police station so you can get the travel doctor notifications as well officer Nick job interviews the father of the child two children upstairs your children no one child one child is a boy or the Jennifer he finds a passport that shows he's in Britain legally via Ireland dollars Irish the Ireland has sort of different set of immigration rules and sometimes it is easier for foreign nationals to get Irish citizenship if a child is born in Ireland then it automatically qualifies for our citizenship then they're obviously allowed to stay in the UK as well cos as part of the European Union as far as I'm concerned this family is fine two out of three employees are not allowed to work but there is still one more to be interviewed officers will have to find out who she is and why she's here coming up the extraordinary case of stolen identity whose Rajendra and they do why was pay slips here and amnesia but he's forgotten where you've got your certificates from on how to get a certificate from a college you don't attend the Criminal Investigations team at Croydon I deal with serious immigration officer tina lee annette investigates cases of identity fraud just over a year ago UK Border Agency took a call from a woman in America she said that she and her brother had been victims of identity theft by a man and woman living as a married couple in Britain these two people have stolen the identities of a brother and sister they're pretending to be brother and sister for benefit claims but they're actually if not husband and wife or certainly partners today Tina's team prepared to visit the couple's home address for the first team it's a big day Tina has been working on this case for six months as a case that also involves serious benefit so I've got another paper up about in excess of 100,000 pounds that's right yeah they've been claiming benefit since 2002 it will total over a hundred thousand the real person left the UK in 1984 she went to the States get married and she's not been back since when they're looking for is suspected of stealing the identity of someone called Savitri Nadeau if she answers to this name she'll be arrested living at the same address as the woman's past the target amuses the nail rajendra need every according to home office records his real name is mark Singh but what we're looking for is evidence of who these people really are how long they've lived in the UK what documents they've got they've been here a long time they my cell phone they establish their life so we need to find out exactly what they've been doing and how oh I know sir UK Border Agency you're coming to speak to us all right yeah please what's your first name mr. Singh mark come to me do you want to have a safe place what's your name Ellen please says she is Savitri native but the team believes this name belongs to some years that you have possibly assumed your density of somebody else and that victory may who is your real identity okay and therefore arresting you on suspicion of illegal entry Tony a peculiar voltage my deception and obtaining property by deception you understand way under arrest okay well just explain that we think you've taken her identity of somebody else okay right well we can we need to talk to you about it explain who the woman is sticking to her story officers must now search for evidence to prove her real identity at the money order she's obviously sent home it's got this address with a different name on it's got the name Comeau which is similar to the name that we thought she really was that's possibly who she really is so that's quite good evidence the story begins to unravel officer Birkin finds some pay slips that may relate the pay slip here addressed to mr. Harvey Naidu so clear he's been working at the hospital using the identity of the sort of document you'd expect to find lying around the house of somebody whose is using an identity I did mr. Singh who's Rajendra and they do he lives the bomb the landowner over there so I think what you have all these talking with master and I used to come here correct you used to be here and so it used to be here so why we don't give my souls to hear them let us come here for him Wiress pi stretch it I have to say the truth dear after telling the truth let's go to Pune station I will tell it what happened yeah yeah well to be honest somehow we using that name on you yes I'm using you are okay no problem yeah we found some documents the dress to goggle Rajendra Nader and two dimension of the briefing that so he thought he saw intensity that so this gentleman has been using so I just asked him about documents and he admitted that he is using them so we think you know he's gonna be arrested for those offenses as well the man confesses he's been working at a hospital canteen for five years [Music] amongst the Hall of documents officers believe they've just found the woman's real passport this is a good find in these cases is always very hard to find out who the real person is passport says Kemeny Sukhram born 23rd of february 64 Guyanese there's no she's been there since 1995 when she was given six months entries a visitor doesn't appear to had a stay extended since then so she obviously assume need the ID with arrested or under some time after 1995 Kamini suku came to Britain on a six-month visit visa from Guyana South America she's been here 14 years using someone else's name with this stolen identity she's claimed just over a hundred thousand pounds in state benefits and even managed to become a British citizen she's kept quiet so far but with a house full of documents revealing 14 years of deception it's not long before the truth comes out finish with I've lied all the time and I don't want to let you know - yeah Tommy is working offline all the time it is a relief to let a judge know the truth and also said I wanted to to let the truth be known [Music] each year Britain welcomes 200,000 foreign students who come here to study most are genuine but some students use college documents to enter Britain even though they have no intention of studying today officer Lisa Lee has stopped a student who tells her he's coming back to Britain to continue his studies at a college in London on arrival he was very vague about what he studied didn't know very much about his subject area which is IT what's a URL what does HTTP stand for he didn't up a clue now clearly he's been studying IT for almost three years he should have a better idea of what's going on than that he appears to know little about his course and officer Lee suspects he's not been studying at all the passenger says he's a student at Churchill College in London all right do you want to just grab your hand luggage and we'll go down and get your other bag all right a bag search gives a chance to find evidence that can back up suspicions about a passenger's reasons for coming to Britain we've studied the Diploma in IT yeah but you don't know what URL is or HTTP all right you never mentioned this college to me before no you didn't we've forgotten where you've got your certificates from honey you didn't tell me about this College sir I specifically asked you in you didn't mention it officer Lee has found some college certificates from a different College to the one where he says he studies you didn't tell me you went to the College of Professional and Management Studies he did not say you said you were enrolled in October 2007 at this College this says you were studying somewhere else at the time I wrote it down so how'd you get a certificate from a college you don't attend which my University have been like that we're going back upstairs and then I'm going to interview you properly you're not going to talk to me now no if you don't want to answer my questions we can send you back to India without answering my questions okay if you don't answer we can refuse your entry failure to cooperate with an immigration officer yeah he had some documents with him some certificates from the college he's not mentioned at all to me went on arrival I specifically went through his study history in the UK and he said he studied at one place for a year and then transferred to the college he claims to be studying at now he's got a totally different diploma from a different college that we've not come across before so how did he get that officer leap owns the college where the passenger says he's currently studying it's officer Lee from immigration what was his attendance at your college really so why does he know nothing about his course then so he was attending when right from October 2007 all right then sir thank you bye-bye the current college he claims to be at is maintaining he has a very high percentage of attendance the college supports his story but officer Lee wants to know more about the certificates she found in his bag from a different college okay this college the number is no longer in operation so I will do a quick check online and see if I can get anything else for them well it still has a website okay I've just checked the department for innovation University and skills register which colleges have to be on if students are to be given their visas or extensions of stay college that you got this letter from is no longer on it if indeed he ever was so the phone numbers not working the college isn't on the register but they do still have a website but their latest news is actually from mark May 2007 so chances are it's closed down so he's attending to colleges virtually the whole time to do the same course I can't have been in two places it was the passenger appears to have been studying at two colleges at the same time someone is not telling the truth officer Lee wants to find out what he's been up to since he was given a student visa three years ago he's not a student here I can just feel it I just know from experience that he's not studying here but it's me we have to have concrete evidence that we can use to overturn his visa that's what I'm gonna get [Music] at a Chinese takeaway in South Wales two out of five workers have been arrested after trying to escape the Enforcement Team the manager who employed them has been a British citizen over 20 years your naturalizing the eighties he decides to help officer Collins question the remaining workers your employer do you have any documents to say that you can work here just saved enough you haven't got a copy what's her immigration stays clean too silent what's the outcome of that love to work so she's got a sound of Mercy she's been granted a sanity refugee status when was he granted she was granted in 1996 she made a cleaner so she claimed in 1996 but when was it granted she hasn't been granted yet then I said so you told me that she was allowed to work so you've seen documentation seems she doesn't work but you can't up she's just said she hasn't been granted although she's told her manager she's an asylum he still believes he's seen paperwork that proves she can work some asylum seekers are given permission to work by UK Border Agency you'll need to find the documents to prove this or could face a 10,000 pound file occasionally very rarely we give permission to work looking for a document to confirm that now he's the one who's been responsible for hiring us all three have you seen a passport for any of them when he's gonna pay a few documents down there so with a bit of luck there'll be something in another stuff well helpless he can't find the documents he needs a next door all that turns up is a driving licence downstairs officer Collins checks the woman's detail that's on the home of his database her immigration history is extensive and she's had three applications to stay in Britain now has application in the system for her and her child until she gets a decision she's not supposed to work and must report to the local police station no we can't find anything to say that she can work she's got a report she's gonna check in with this immigration there's no issues at all times okay so what I'm going to do is setup required I'm not gonna arrest her pulling in custody the child upstairs and everything else okay it's imperative she does though okay that way she's not getting some money because obviously she can't work here again at this point because obviously 1996 he's been there quite a long time and we can get this sorted for her better for her okay and obviously the child the manager of the takeaway has fined twenty thousand pounds for employing three illegal workers seems that right so I have to wait now the two kitchen workers who tried to escape but taken to a local police station after further questioning they were released and asked to report to the police station twice a week so far they are complying coming up the plot thickens in the case of stolen identity and yet another stolen name is found and its rise and shine in Wales hello mate Immigration Service it's got a water - under the premise if you want to get yourself up please in South London the Criminal Investigations team have arrested a couple from Guyana South America for the last 14 years they've been using stolen identities to live in Britain they have used an identity that's not theirs to claim benefits and they've received thousands of homes from the public purse they claim just over a hundred thousand pounds in benefits as brother and sister in reality they're living together as a married company searching through stacks of documents has revealed this woman's real name is Kamini Sukhram now the team want evidence to prove the identity of her pawn he was living here using a stolen name rajendran aidid whilst he was registered with the Home Office as marks Singh and just now they found a bank statement with yet another name indra moe who's in the moment who is he to you then because through the accounts in that name and your name it's a joint account Indra Kumar Mohan or Kamini Sukhram which is your real name so who is this guy he was your next boyfriend or something or what hey we just found a Guyanese bank statement which had her real name on it and the name of somebody else look into Mohan I suspected that might have been mark Singh's are the real identity but it was some ex boyfriend in mark who's Indra Mohan is a partner the couple both claimed that Indra Mohan is the woman's partner officers have found an identity card which could clear up the confusion do you know mr. Mohan no you don't know mr. Mohan strange that's a picture of mr. Mohan that was a guy on a identity card in the name of Indra Mohan which had things photo permanent with his true identity revealed a relieved Indra Mohan now wants to come clean we were like in prison in here we cannot go anywhere I can go for a holiday no vir I can't see my mom who just suffer with your son how by passing in New Yorker I can't even go to see her and some happy from going to mom happy I'm just sad enough hi Philip I was expecting this to come move it far more earlier but at this time the confessions continue now it's the turn of his partner soon as the Lund do then I got pregnant I started after 14 years in hiding this copy has finally been caught up saying the front of our sales but it's a familiar story for the investigations team identity hijacking is not uncommon it's rife really particularly for people that are desperate to stay in the UK though they'll do anything identity fraud of one sort or the other costs the taxpayer point two billion pounds of real [Music] while fingerprints and photographs are taken at Croydon police station officer Lee Annette has made another discovery about the man's real identity when we were at the address today we found an identity in the name of Ingram Mohan we made checks with the home office and it appears that this person arrived in the UK in 1990 there's allegations of domestic violence and he was either deported or removed in 1991 he wouldn't therefore be allowed to come back in that identity hence that's why he's acquired another identity of a mark singing he left Britain as Indra Mohan and came back illegally as Mark Singh he then applied to stay in the UK indefinitely using this name they've lied to everybody they knew this was coming so they'll just have to take the consequences the couple from Guyana were remanded in custody they later pleaded guilty to deception and benefit for they were each sentenced to eight months in prison [Applause] still held at immigration control is the returning student from India officer Lee wants to know why his documents show he studies in two places at once but this student can't even remember the name of the college his certificates are from take a seat you don't know the name of the college where you studied for a whole year for years these past six months sure so how long did you study at the second college was my question what subjects did you study well first year it for your eight months at the second college whose name you can't remember what subjects did you study I can't tell me where it what the name of the college was or what you studied while you were there you've forgotten well I'm asking you sir because the only way I can be sure that you've studied here is if you tell me and you can't tell me anything my memory's not so far that's not an excuse I know I why you can't remember the second one because you never went there when did you enroll at Churchill College October what year so why then do you have letters from the other college the second college saying you were also enrolled at their college at the same time the same time you say you've been studying at Churchill College yes sir no because that would give you the name of the college one of them's wrong I have a problem with the fact that you've got documentation in your bags which tells me that you were studying in two places at once you may disagree with me that's what the documents say this leads me to believe that you've been less than honest with me so far today listen this is don't tell me to listen I've got the documents you can't remember what's on there because you never went there that's why you don't know the name of the college you've got documents by deception how you got them I don't know all right so stop messing about because this is ridiculous saying you can't remember the name of somewhere you claim to have studied at for eight months it's ludicrous ludicrous you think I can sit here and wait it's fine tell me all the lecturers names tell me what exam you've sat last the title of the exam was I told you I remember right now why not because my mind is master dev told you my mind is all messed up I can't remember I need some time rubbish you've been found out you don't know the answers because you're not studying anything it's quite frustrating because I know that anyone with any credibility as a student would remember the answers to my questions you know where did you study he can't remember a whole year of his life so obviously he's got something to hide quite clearly he's trying to conceal something about his past here it may well be that he has been attending college the current college the problem I have is how can I be sure of that if he's telling me he can't remember his tutors names the modules he sat when he sat an exam or what exam he said it's just nonsense officer Lee is convinced he's not been studying but without hard evidence does little to go on she talks it over with her chief immigration officer all I have is that he has absolutely no idea you just can't remember anything about his college he can remember his journey there he can remember a bit about what he doesn't work but every time you asking any anything after dammit he's got no idea college is saying he's attending but at the moment he's not satisfying me that years but I don't know what we can do because clearly I don't think we have enough at the moment no if it went to appeal what would have was the college saying yes is that a yes he's got a these past marks where the educational provider weird well we know we know yeah if someone is a good student or not well we haven't got enough to go on no personally I think we're flogging a dead know as frustrating as it is I sure um tell him the good news you'll be thrilled [Laughter] as one of the colleges says he's studying there and there is no evidence to say otherwise officer Li has no choice but to allow him into Britain right it's your lucky day all right you wait you understand what I'm saying yeah my chief immigration officer and I have spoken about you at length all right now whilst I'm not satisfied that you're studying here at the moment I don't have enough to cancel your visa so you're being allowed to enter today all right however when your visa comes up for renewal in November you'd better hope that you can remember by then what you've been studying otherwise you're gonna have a problem all right [Music] laughing it was a bit stress but another date was quite good - happy ending but you say I'll try and remember next time unless I have an admission from him or from the college or from his employer that he has done something in breach of his visa conditions I have no choice but to grant him entry no work only sleep eat maybe some studying yeah of course all right bye [Music] it's 11 p.m. in South Wales the enforcement team is looking for illegal workers specific intelligence was that illegal workers would be that after 10 o'clock so that's why we're there this time of night this team raids a hundred and fifty takeaways every year in the search for immigration offenders tonight they're visiting a kebab shop good evening fellas immigration got warrant to come in what are you doing officers search the premises for employees even if it means waking them up hello mate Immigration Service got a warrant to enter the firm assist you want to go sofa please downstairs officer Collins begins to question a man he found in the kitchen that's not a query from Turkey where you living upstairs is he sleeping upstairs upstairs in the flat are you in oh here on a work permit are you going in your passport why have you gone ok waiting yeah one second he's got a passport stays there as well as officers search for the Turkish man's pass killed the man who's just woken up faces are grilling she replied to stay here and up here yeah Albanian have you claimed asylum right you've claimed asylum and this chap yeah he's claiming asylum application outstanding at the moment technically was at the time well there's a bit of grace period and it's accepted that it was within time even though he's out of time final one so technically this albanian al came to Britain in 2001 aged 58 where's your passport he was given permission to stay until he became an adult he sits apply mere asylum and his hatred for decision upstairs officers have found the passport they've been looking for well basically he's presented us for the Turkish Passport he's got a visit visa and visits students but the visa can clearly states no work are we cost of public funds second aim at bus alpha kilo Bravo alpha Sierra I have student visa here this man came into the country as a student for a one month English course it finished three weeks ago his visa says he's not allowed to work here because he was studying on a short-term basis they aim to be working in breach of his energy admissions I mean we will stand to be arrested [Music] so this course in st. Giles down in Eastbourne that you took a month over that's what you were supposed to coming for you were supposed to leave after that yeah so why didn't you leave after it okay I think you've been working here it's funny prove his English that's what he's been doing and oh yes if I suppose written defend this student won't admit he's been working but officers spot the kebab shop air has CCTV maybe the truth will be on their last one yeah it's a mere gentleman here I serve any customer saying he's not working here obviously the evidence there is is that he is made t-shirts gentlemen working very humid she have been observing a customer and if we play this tape back over a longer period it's going to be on there is me a lot more so you might as well come clean to us tell us we've got documented evidence there that he's actually working so he's working in breach of his conditions of his stare I am now going to arrest him for working in breach okay double-edged weapon protects them a bit of security but then it works again someone shows them working yeah with the video evidence showing he works there student from Turkey is arrested and transferred to an immigration removal Center being deported coming up a man behind the mosque better let it hang tense but will he make it into Britain [Music] at Terminal three an Australian man has been stopped at password chief dyson hands the case over to a immigration officer Brendon Bruce Australian male four months holiday single ticket three and a thousand Australian dollars which she's walk 1,500 quid 1,500 2,000 gonna stay with some friends in the UK he also applied for the use mobility scheme as a working holiday Mecca I think I think and was refused he's basically been to the consulate said I want to live and work in the UK for at least a limited period we've said no doesn't have a job to go back to doesn't have that much money okay says back to me no I can't watch that with that because tried down and do that now the passenger has been stopped because the immigration team believes he doesn't have enough money for a four month holiday that in just three weeks ago he was refused a UK work permit and I'm gonna take you downstairs now for a baggage inspection we're gonna go straight down do you have to convince officers but he's not even 21 bag a bag search may help the officer find any evidence of the man's intentions for his trip to Britain did you pack in a hurry the passenger seems nervous try to relax try to relax it getting tense officer Bruce finds a mosque which may or may not be work-related you're looking nervous this man is carrying some strange clothes but are they a concern for immigration this document might be I found a letter of sorts or a contract it says the contract between master and slave this contract is between the master and the slave this contract is made with the full legal consent of both parties the slave must learn to desire what the master wants signed by the passenger as the slave dated the 5th of June 2008 that is not an employment contract as I would see it so it's just I think a bit of interesting reading officer Bruce is content the passengers contract is not a sign of employment but he still has concerns about the passengers fun ok I'm gonna go and interview the gentleman now mr. Carr the immigration interview gives officer Bruce a chance to find out about the passengers at the end of the enemy the plankton range is bad ok the equipment you have in your bag if you're coming here for a short holiday why do you have all of that with you your act your clothing you know it is failing fetish clothing the last time and can you have a contract with your master where is your master currently will you receive any form of cash payment for using your equipment absolutely thank you what do you have to return to in Australia couple of pets obviously all my friends and family are in Australia my life is in Australia I don't believe he can afford to be here he's got 1500 pound to last including paying for at least partial rent food whatever transport he intends to do whatever things he intends to do well is here it just doesn't have the facts officer Bruce will now consult his chief immigration officer Sarah Dyson let's think about what he really needs to survive in the UK in London you know even living on beans and jacket potatoes for four months it doesn't really hang together and we know that he wanted to work here because we've got the evidence you know he applying for that visa and got only refused three weeks ago didn't know I'm recommending refused leave to enter and return him to his casual I just need to explain something to you situation as Julia current circumstances I'm not satisfied you are going to be refused entry to UK today so would you prefer to go tonight or take a prior to miles will be keen on his lack of funds makes the immigration team suspicious he's here too he's refused entry and says back to Australia on the next [Music] [Music]
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 1,231,368
Rating: 4.6108804 out of 5
Keywords: immigration, uk student immigration, uk student immigration 2019, student visa, immigration questions, international students in canada, border patrol, border security, border, border control, border crossing, us border control, border control usa, uk border force, border arrest, things seized at border control, customs border, caught at border, illegal immigrants, united kingdom, customs uk
Id: v_p1xs7AJR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 8sec (2648 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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