Immigration Officers Shut Down Wedding | UK Border Force | Real Responders

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it's possible you met your partner in October 2007 in London in 2007 how did you do that if you weren't in the country restaurant and stoke of a secret leader get the wall portion we've got a hidden bedroom and wedding girls in Glasgow a silent when a man is a steel [Music] the UK attracts a constant stream of overseas visitors many come looking for work and a better life some people try to beat the system to stay in the country longer than they should one method is to exploit the entitlements that come with marrying a British citizen today in Burma the chief immigration officer Kevin jolly and immigration officer tena Iligan are on their way to the registry office they're about to arrest a Jamaican man on his wedding who's been a novice daya since 2001 he did as for approval for the marriage but was informed at that time that he was not lawfully in the country he hasn't received a letter in a letter it's absolutely clear that he should return to Jamaica and obtain a correct visa and he hasn't done it when the man contacted the homo is seeking permission to marry he revealed himself as an illegal it's been eight years since his visa ran out now he lives with a British woman her three children and their six-month-old baby obviously his intention is to having obtained the marriage to a British citizen submit some form of application so he doesn't have to go back to Jamaica but this is unfair to all the other people who do go back to their countries do request visas do get visas pay the fee and then return lawfully although the groom is in the country illegally this relationship is genuine Home Office granted his British wife approval to marry but explained he still needed to legalize his immigration aesthetically or you would face bride that's him that's him thanks to this application team know exactly when and where to fight yet delicate with us sir if you could just come over to the vehicle with me please you've received your certificate of approval for marriage but with that us too because of approval you was given a letter stating that it wasn't a leave to remain you understand you can now be arrested under Schedule two of the Immigration Act so you do not have to say anything but it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court anything you do say may be given in evidence if you come with us now I will explain everything okay I understand it's your wedding day but we need to have a chat so if you can get in the back for me please watch your head officer jolly has to break the news to the guests they'll be new family I'm very sorry to cause this problem but unfortunately the gentleman needs to be spoken to about his immigration status the immigration no it hasn't she was obviously stunned here she is turning up expected in her friend to be married a particularly joyous occasion and it's all gone wrong you were sent a letter saying that because she was being granted the certificate doesn't automatically give you leave to remain in the UK why are you taking me I don't understand because you now under arrest under Schedule 2 which means that you could be removed from the UK they're written to me saying that they may receive my application marriage that's all you haven't made any further applications to extend your stay and because you've already overstayed it makes it harder for you to get the application now you haven't been granted any further leave so you still an over stea which means you're not legally present in the UK the Home Office grant me the permission to get married I've been through that process yeah because your fiancee is a British citizen we can't stop a British citizen choosing who she marries but what we need to do is make sure that as the groom you've got the right leave and at the moment you haven't got us that doesn't make sense to me because I send for our application yes you could have come to me dear London and untrain me when the application was sent take the certificate of approval there was a letter attached to that stating that you are liable for detention and removal and I have a copy of that on here listen nothing's set in stone at the moment let's go back and we'll have a chat okay you have to make sure your status in the UK is lawful it's your responsibility and in the end when circumstances like these occur it's your responsibility it's nobody else's fault it's yours it doesn't look good for the groom you'll have to convince officers jolly annuity made every episode in Irish otherwise instead of going home to this fiance's children it could be detained and sent back to drag [Music] coming up the Enforcement Team test a student honest five years of studies or rotations of ego and wedding I lose in blood just one what did my brother ugly yeah what I did wrong you tell me first [Music] on site in stoke-on-trent an enforcement team are getting ready to go out on a raid their targeting of business they believe is employ ok ladies and gentlemen welcome to this afternoon's job the physic will take place at a superb Chinese takeaway just down the road called whoo fook projector one that's said to be there he entered the UK some time ago has it applied for three extensions to a student visa all of which had been granted the latest one being two months ago we have no record of him ever attending a course in the UK and he and his wife are said to live at this premises good luck if the team find the man living at the takeaway here on Stoke they want to know why he's supposed to be studying at a college in London 130 miles be ready to exit vehicles ASAP the takeaway is owned by the students she has applied to stay in the UK husbands hello you are hello sir how you doing another Chinese work in the UK they start my question he journeys ok how long you been in the UK now and what's your immigration status in the UK the man and his wife had three children two of them boy stood in an area but it's news to the team the couple have not let the Home Office know about their growing stars we've just come part of our role in the aggression is to check employees about the right permissions to work have been applied for you have the employer yeah fantastic you've got a list of your employees yeah you want a pepper you want to see their pepper absolutely as a student her husband is allowed to work 20 hours a week and he must be able to prove he's going to college so you're studying in the UK yeah where do you study and what's the name of the college I just bent chest cuz I finished well he must know where you studying you must know the name of the college is studying at yes and what is it that's it distant so where were you studying before same College yeah what's the name of that College and dishonest wage and what was that address what road was young okay Oxford Oxford Road was first week Oxford Street what was opposed in London was a postcode how long did you study there for what a half years and what qualifications have you got Booya right there not at all just take a seat for us please the man appears to have little in the way of knowledge or qualifications to show but he has some papers he believes will prove that he's a genuine student look at this I'm just looking for proof that he's been stood in the moment they don't believe he's been studying got a lot of bogus students coming on lastly say they stood here in London waking all the way up here and doing no studying whatsoever even though the student can remember little about his studies he's in the clear he's provided a receipt for his tuition fees and proof that he's renting a flat near his College in London you're not going to be a big multi millionaire businessman if he were to be a fictitious Kent then he's spending an awful lot of money putting a pretty elaborate plan together so as far as we're concerned his legitimate he's here today to see his wife he's there were three children he's plan is to stay here for another 18 months on course and then attend child wears a genuine finished you take away just yet in a passageway next to the kitchen one of the officers has made an interesting discovery showing you just keep just walking past chair in front of what looks like a wall remove the chair out of the way give the wall of caution and we've got a hidden bedroom which is somebody sleeping not living in dear telly bad clothing etc quite well hidden you could quite easily walk past it and not see there's a room here makes you think that obviously the person that's in here wants to remain hidden from anybody visiting the premises next the spotlight will be on the man found working on the kitchen you'll have to prove he has the right to be angry in Birmingham the Jamaican man who's just been arrested on his wedding day as some explains his bride was granted permission to marry him but he's still needed to legitimize his status by returning to Jamaica to reapply for a visa at this moment in time as far as we're aware you are not lawfully in the country you are an oversteer it is an offence Venice you're an oversteer so you need to do this and you need to do that why Papeete you now grant me the permission and then at the same time people from there another alternative is to come and take you from your home but the situation is you may well be there with children now what happened today you have to you have to admit was the the most gentle way of taking you out of the situation why didn't you just go back to Jamaica a long time ago save yourself the money and all of this nonsense get a visa and come back with a visa but it's not really does one thing to say ok this was the reason definitely reason but thinking don't get a job and driving job and I say ok that you need to do something about the serfdom and I started to do check and I did it and luckily it was granted to me and I said well I must be looking all right nice fermented okay and all the best in the future is very compliant truly her by the way the situation's gone but it's something that's going to have to be done so it's better to do it now rather than later after two weeks in detention man is taken to Gatwick Airport it was on a flight back to Jamaica it's a far cry from the dreams he had you make all the plans can you imagine that just imagine that so we got food we got our with that music everything was being prepared and everything does fell flat so it's just a waste in every aspect that you look at that and it never have to be like that I didn't want to go back like this I don't mind going back I know going back would have been a part of the process but not like this not all attempts to use marriage as a way of staying in the UK are based on genuine relationships today a team in Glasgow are targeting a man they believe has gone one step further in his search for permanent residency officer Ian Stewart and officer Jeff hunter are planning to intercept the man moments before he gets married today we are off to visit registrar's office in Glasgow where we are going to investigate an alleged sham marriage and we've received intelligence which tells us that a gentleman is going to mari a British lady and he may not be entitled to be in the country and therefore not able to get model ourselves today's groom is a Pakistani man who came into Britain on a student visa in 2008 but his history with the UK Border Agency is not good and suggests he'll try anything to stay in the country the target has been in the UK previously claimed to be a Bangladeshi national maybe he's claiming asylum and his asylum application was refused and he was actually removed bike to Dhaka and Biko - so his own credibility isn't though the couple have no idea about the extra guests that's planning to surprise them on a big day the officers must present a secret plan is no one can actually see where we associated the master carriageway from the witnesses will be brought and will be here this is where we'll make arrests and make further inquiries and what's the party has arrived its ratings in the merit is an illness but the team have arranged with just the groom to be brought into the room where they're ready and waited oh so you like to come in here for me please yeah I'm an immigration officer from the United Kingdom Border Agency so I'm arresting you as a suspected immigration offender you do not have to say anything but anything you do see may be noted and later given in evidence for the moment sir for your safety and for mine I'm going to place handcuffs on you so I'd like to put your hands like that for me please and in front of you like this no at the moment so just to you hangs up here for me all right yes listen carefully I come to lay hands at the home of his boss it is yeah let's take a seat over here for me mr. Khurana all right so can you tell me why you're here today because I'm here to marry with my fiancee okay how long have you known your fiancee for since august 2007 and where did you first meet we met in the market town centre first time and we start dating each other why are you marrying now so why are you getting married no because I being a lady to form the last two years okay and she's very caring and we've been framed together first and then we realize there's we fell in love right and she asked me one day and he said she asked she asked you yes as a really like me you really love me I say yes I do really like you love you and I really care about you and she did as well all right mr. Khan is this a last-ditch attempt for you to stay in the United Kingdom by Martina British citizen well look to marrying a British citizen is not a crime is not an illegal right I didn't ask you that not because wasn't some listen to the question if somebody if somebody fell in love with me I fell in love with the envy cohabiting each other right is not a crime right have you paid no I did not pay any single penny you can access right now she's there all right nice to come what we're gonna do now is we're gonna take you to a vehicle which is part to the market all night you can do that later okay you just have once in other words no no just listen care for some try to explain that what other way you can use force or beat me here well please don't no need for that came to talk we're not going to kill you're not going to beat you I'm trying to explain to what's gonna happen what's not as the commentary shooters we say to snow okay so my mother my god our mother heart condition right okay you have to inform my brother at least we know first you go and tell you are amazing no you first you go interested in a mr. Khan if you do this nice and quietly then your mother won't get upset and we will tell everyone here what's happening so that's enough no problem just one word with my brother I believe not here at the police station yeah what I did wrong you tell me first Danny can you explain this immigration yeah what did I go through all the documents paperwork here just sit in the car sir just turn around head down keep your head down that's it just sitting there I'm gonna go back on am I going to speak to their wife will speak to their but all that as well and let them lure follow them and Miller circumstances but will speak most importantly with hot sauce the volunteer at the story is that she's got to give us one oh we're going to interview the lady so we'll see what happens here take a seat here man yeah the team would to know what part the bride has played in planning the wedding she back up the man's claims that they've been in a loving relationship for two years and that the proposed marriage is genuine that's secret coming up uncovering a secret life in the stokke takeaway and tall tales revealed at peak you're either lied to the Home Office so you can get your certificate or you're lying to me now they can't both be true you can't have been in Brazil and met him [Music] at the whole fook take away and stoke the Enforcement Team are questioning the kitchen if he has a passport Thank You chief immigration officer Sean Flavio uses an interpreter on the end of a phone [Music] playing sound okay an asylum seeker claims he's just here as a guest of his friends and helping out okay yeah absolutely how it appears on which he has a letter P of homeless about his asylum claim she keeps in his room secret the hidden cubbyhole Narnia fantastic thank you he claims the letter confirm so has permission to work these are yes obviously committing such acts the second letter man is this one here yeah which you've quite rightly said they will say there's no installation no you take employment back in 1998 yeah well then [ __ ] March 2008 you are not allowed to work my accent like you're not getting paired but in place of getting paired you give him food and board so it's work still work officer Flaherty checks the home office records voa's he refuses on the worker has never reported since claiming asylum in 1998 from bass players being human he is listed as an abscond uh and is not allowed to work okay mr.zhou you under arrest okay you're a failed asylum seeker yeah you have no leave to be in the United Kingdom okay so you know under arrest do you understand that no okay I'll break you down nice and simple you're under arrest you shook the work in you shot me in the country you haven't complied them aggression this offer you've rented yourself in this position they want okay you're gonna come with me it's like word outside okay I'm imposing a certiorari all right okay between yes sure late in history yard so let me do for the immigration laws you come here seeking a profession he hasn't done anything to Kanna health and sell morals so Chinese immigrants is not the problem we've got is the length of time it takes us to get a travel document for a Chinese person can be up to 12 months so it's almost in that we're not going to give great space for it for 12 months somehow we have to persuade me that he should report to us and that he can't work he has been employing an illegal worker and could face up to ten thousand you have to write to them okay let me just explain what's happened this gentleman here he's not allowed to work helping is working I'm afraid he's not allowed to help he's not allowed to work in the UK he's going to be detained now we're taking him to a police station where we'll interview him further okay man you head go to the front they were a team regularly find illegal immigrants to attend a long stay in the country by putting in baseless asylum in 2008 UK Border Agency sent 13,000 failed asylum seekers but the songs are for a reason a sounds are to offer a protection to people who genuinely need it people blow us up and then don't cooperate with us but it makes them not great at the asylum system and it's frankly it's an insult to the people actually genuinely seeking us out he hasn't played by the rules and I think you should be concerned long term I'll get a passport from that's my opinion right there is not enough room to detain all the illegal immigrants picked up in enforcement especially when it can take a year to get hold of their travel just hey darlin come bummer after being interviewed the man is released to run off the owner of the takeaways are fine for 10,000 pounds [Music] in Glassboro a team are investigating what they believe is a sham marriage they have arrested a Pakistani man who was minutes away from tying the knot with his British product he says they've been in a steady relationship two years in a very beautiful now it's the bride's turn to explain how she came to be betrothed to the man she knows as Jamie Rose how long have you known that smart August 2007 where did you meet him in a pub in a club in a restaurant and a house that's my my friend's party so I'm able to a friend and his friend from through me me all right in a car so that was the first thing you met was a car it was out in a car park or was that just in the street and what was the purpose of this meeting why why did your friend bring this man to meet you talking to me I say mr. Daly as I was getting money like benefits did he mention giving you any money at all for the purpose of possibly getting my space if you tell a truth noise or food he's gave me one in that bet how much how much money has he been given you every day every week every month yes he 20 pounds every week and what's that for let's just to help me if I don't start with stuff like for the gasoline I like in whose idea was it to get married all right did you fill in a form to get married because I've seen a form with all your details on your name your mother your father that it's owned by you so you didn't fill the form and it was filled in for you by but it was filled in when you saw it did Jamie not tell you what it was for that's why talk today and has he ever mentioned to you about getting married so that he can stay here in the United Kingdom stay in Scotland have you ever discussed that it mentioned something yeah he asked me but I never cuz he only mentioned some of it have you ever been my phone I've told them not not being married before they mentioned what Molly didn't know but never mentioned didn't get invited to me Oh tonight so if Jamie had said to you one let's go to cars go but going to get married what would you have said to him was it no have you about a daily intentional became I to Jamila's car just fainted do you believe though that he's deceiving you so that you can remain on the UK yeah find your oh I don't know what she thought she was coming to sign she's she thought she was company sign papers and she had no intentionally getting married the no ships coming to get married why else you would come to a registry office I'm not 100% certain but she's she was certainly a no mine to get money today so what kind of boots and walkers on his explanation of why he's here today the team has satisfied the man's attempt to get married today was a scam to stay in the UK and they caught him just until if he did get Mari today then ultimately here with a banana far stronger possession what's the Home Office to some many applications to remain in the UK because he would have obviously been saying that it was Anna a marriage subsisting and the health of Rajesh with any application to hip and to reject up a man is held in detention awaiting his removal back to Pakistan the team except that the bride was an innocent victim of his scam [Music] [Music] terminal 3 a Brazilian man has a right to see his British civil partner they got married the last time he was in the UK and now he wanted to spend six months with this husband officer Matt Dyson asks officer Lisa V to investigate because the passenger claims to have another important reason for his visit he's on police bail and due to appear in court he says he was arrested after visiting a sick Greek friend in a hotel who had overdosed on cocaine he says that he was not using the drug but he was arrested anyway we need to speak to the police how serious you know is the investigation into him or is it something that they would let slip in just not be that bothered about if he wasn't actually here yeah if it is quite serious is he something that we should be admitting any way to find out officer Lee needs to know more about the passengers brush we've been going let's find the police I understand there are some charges pending and I'd be grateful if someone can give me a call back as to whether or not he's required to attend a hearing on the Friday the 1st of May thanks very much Belgravia police station is busy while officer Lee waits to hear if the police want to pursue a case against the passenger her own investigation throws up serious questions about the man's immigration history he was actually arrested in the UK on a drugs charge in March 2009 according to his passport he entered the UK in April 2008 as a visitor to the UK he's only allowed to stay six months so if he entered the UK in April 2008 and was still here in March 2009 he's overstayed by almost five months officer Lee checks the passengers earlier visits to see if he's made a habit of overstaying his visa she finds the evidence she's looking for in his application to marry his civil partner and he confirms in this letter that he met him in August 2007 in a London nightclub the problem we have with is he was stamped in as a visitor in January 2006 there are no other entry or exit stamps for the UK in that period of time so he must have overstayed here because he's only supposed to stay six months he should have left the UK in the summer but he was still here a year and a half later that's it it appears the passenger has twice stayed longer in Britain than they should have okay officer Li wants to see if there's anything in his bag did you did you pack the bags yourself did anybody help you pack are you aware of the contents you know everything that's in your bag and why are you arrested why did the police arrest you here why did they arrest you my friend what the hell he's was drugged in the hotel and they called me for help to him and that was helping him as to the emergence but I was the funded hotel so I did say the hotel my friends use drugs and the hotel 3k logic game you like your Jack Daniels what do you drink it with what you have it with coke but we're going back upstairs yeah yeah officer Lee has learned a little more about the passengers adventures with the police she has also found something to suggest that he might be interview you he was carrying a lifeguard qualification ID is he doing that here because he's not supposed to he's not supposed to work my suspicion is he's working here as a lifeguard how he's doing that I don't know whether he's got some other form of ID that he presents an ID card from another country maybe it's time to find out how the passenger has beaten the system for so long mr. Toledo come out sir and to discover what he's up to this time okay so if you can just take a seat there for me so why do you have the lifeguard ID because I did the course how did you try to work for lifeguard when I finish the course button awesome no word for me okay apart from your Brazilian Passport do you have any other nationality passport or identification documents no I did it before I did it before when I coach doesn't see cuz I was made for war it was no I did it take you there I get the prison for these hormones in our house what document were you using is Italy Passport yeah how did you get that where did you get it from you okay who from I meet somebody oh and there is Suraj he say to me Oh you don't have a visa oh so I make it a passive part for you and say how much 300 pounds of meat huh okay where did you go to prison in England yeah if the passenger wants to come into the country to see his husband you'll have to convince officer Lee that his travels have been legitimate since going to prison for using a fake Italian possible [Music] at Heathrow the story given by the passenger from Brazil is not adding up both his arrest for possessing drugs and meeting his husband happened during periods he should not have been in the country officer Lee suspects he's been using a fake Italian passport to get in and out of Britain I'm gonna start from the beginning of your first time here okay how long did you say you would stay I was six monitors and I did you stay see Smurfs so when did you leave the UK that year when did you leave and when did you leave that you okay yeah July July yeah when was the next time that you entered the UK I chose eight that's that's the lie you claim in your letter that you wrote to the Home Office you met your partner in October 2007 in London which it doesn't say how did you do that if you weren't in the country would today but what you did you apply for a form should you have met him if you weren't in the country I didn't meet you Ange it wasn't you didn't meet you in 2007 that's what you told the Home Office you've either lied to the Home Office so you can get your certificate well you're lying to me now all right one of those things they can't both be true you can't have been in Brazil and met him you saying that letter you were together from October 2007 doesn't say yes why are you in the UK in 2007 yes or no yes yes yes you took it 2007 but I did you go she raised you and I come back but I don't know what you more for coming back you know because I come to Italy I really do I so tired for me series I try to remember things next question is then how did you enter the UK what passport was it now where's the entry stamp yeah why not how can you as a Brazilian national travel from Italy to the UK without getting a stamp in your passport how would they not stamp your passport because there's no more bull which is not like even I go on the boat to France they check my passport why don't both shoes lose you which port did it leave well the boats don't sail from Italy to the UK and this you went on a cruise ship so where did you sail from as soon as that kind of embrace doesn't serve that you need to start giving me some explanations so all right because at the moment your immigration history with the UK is not very good is it oh my Souza quite lots come out the interview in the sense that I had a suspicion that he may well have been using a another document of some kind they submitted to me straight away that he did use an Italian passport to try and get a national assurance know about it he won't admit to having used it to travel on but my suspicion is he has because the fact he doesn't have stamped his passports for his claimed visits to from the continent would lead me to believe he's used it he's obviously admitted he's been here for four years on and off pretty much constantly living here I think he's been working he won't admit to it but you know he's been working here he's not a genuine visitor he wants to live here he's not a genuine visitor even though officer Lee is in a no doubt about the passenger status or likely further case my opening gambit was have you or have you ever been in possession or are you entitled to any other nationality doctrine or ID or whether was the Italian passport I went to prison for a month for coaching so he's either overstayed or he the way he went to prison for a month he used it to try get in an i number and it was deemed forged which because it was to travel he says not but I don't believe that any these damn boys onwards because he's either use the document to travel which again is illegal yeah or he's overstating yeah he can't have any ID knowledge is that right well just we'll just have him as an overstay then okay yep he's a serial abuser of UK law and the immigration system till mistake twice he's apparently going on admission done a short period of time for using a false Italian passport and he's currently under investigation with the drugs challenges I don't consider that that's the sort of person I want to be letting in mr. Toledo hello I'm afraid I've got some bad news bad news is that you're going to be refused entry to the UK we're not allowing you in UK not coming into the UK and we're gonna send you back to Brazil on Sunday morning well well because you're coming here as a visitor and you've been living here as a visitor you're not allowed to do that not the first time you but now I was memory is another situation you don't have the right visa if you read your home office letter sir it quite clearly says that doesn't mean you can stay and live here you still need to sort the paperwork all right other thing have a safe journey home he's shown a blatant disregard really for immigration rules he may not understand it he may claim not to understand it but in fact the matter remains that stamp in his passport tells him he can't work here you can only stay for six months he's broken to at least two occasions he stayed longer than he should so there's the Robster yes the police do not pursue the drugs charge deciding instead it's better the passenger is kept out of range he's put on a flight back to Brazil where he'll have to hatch another plan if he wants to see [Music]
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 1,979,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sham marriage, marriage, con artist, immigration, migrant, illegal immigrant, betrayal, romance dating scam, romance scam, biggest scam in history, border force, border control
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 16sec (2656 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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