Man Stopped At Border With Over £15,000 | UK Border Force | Real Responders

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25,000 men and women work for the UK Border Agency at home and abroad their job is to seek out the law breakers and imposters who don't have a right to be here they are the UK politics tonight uncovering deception with the Enforcement Team why are you letting people into this house and sleeping here if you don't know they are why have you got this lady's passport customs are on the money of Heathrow I don't de give you sir no I don't the ball it's my money you're not giving it to us I'm seizing this money from you there is a difference okay and getting tough on illegal working nobody illegal walking [Music] people from all over the world want to make a life for themselves in Britain but not everyone can anyone from outside the EU needs permission to live or work in the UK it's estimated that up to 1 million people are in the country without permission trying to stay under the immigration radar today in Hampshire chief immigration officer Simone Shepard is leading a team whose job it is to track down those people living and working in the country illegally we're on our way up to farm to nail bar and the owner owned to the dress about five minutes from there right allegedly houses them all so we've got another team going to the house when we go to the nail bar the team's tip-off is that it employs Vietnamese workers who are in the country illegally the nail bar is in a shopping center I can say yeah the left dance fine the officers must hit the employers house at the same time so no one has the chance to alert a friend or colleague good morning folks hey there there are two employees they'll have to prove they're allowed to work in Britain you speak English a little bit okay come and speak to me then you can come back to finish this lady's nails hopefully okay shot the owner of the nail bar is not at work he applied for asylum back in 1999 but his case is caught up in red tape until it's decided he can run a business but could face a fine if he's employing illegal workers he's not at his home address either but his girlfriend is with their young child and their new baby the team didn't even know about I looked at your case this morning before I came out and there's nothing on the home of his systems that say you've given birth to a baby okay the woman is a failed asylum seeker and has broken her bail conditions her partner the owner has a new asylum claim it's unlikely they'll be removed from the country at the moment we've got it down that you should have been reporting and you're not reporting now you must be Paul otherwise we'll come back and arrest you all right do you have a wallet or some ID on you yeah yes at the nail banger one of the workers claims to be a student at Oxford Brookes University do you live in Oxford still yeah yeah do you travel here from Oxford to work yeah yeah when you're in Vietnam yeah if checks confirm he has a student visa he'll be free to carry on working sobota stand over for me but he hasn't bargained on his colleague immediately undermining his story in house you know the address and same addresses him image in Oxford you said you lived a farmer officer Shepherd steps in to establish whether the student lives in Oxford or at the owners house round the corner in Farnborough on the train ticket offices at the nearby house don't find a rail card or any evidence of commuting from Oxford they do find plenty of the man's belongings enough to suggest he lives there also in the house as a woman who claims to be just visiting you're from Malaysia why do you got your tea any identification the lady insists she is here for a two-week holiday and says that a friend in London has her passport but the team won't take her word for it as they suspect she's another employee of the nail bar I wanna see some ID otherwise my own restaurant take her away yeah and the book and I look to remove her from UK just better now that we're gonna be searching the house from top to bottom and so I might be too late if it turns out okay at the nail bar officer O'Leary has found out the status of one of the two Vietnamese workers it appears he made a claim for asylum which was refused in 2001 and since then he's made an application to remain as a space and that was refused in 2002 and since 2002 to today's date no further contact with him so do you know what's gonna happen now you understand some English don't you I been here eight years now haven't you eight years okay you need to come to the police station yes so you're under arrest now that you me police station yeah okay yeah okay should we go the man is taken to a police station to be questioned but is later released on bail conditions while the UK Border Agency tried to get hold of his travel documents why'd you head on there okay coming up difficult questions for the student you've lied about coming in on the train you've lied about where you're living I put it to you you're after working here full time what'd you say to that and the cash team target ill-gotten gains you cannot prove to us that this money [Music] the thousands of people who arrived at Heathrow Airport every day no doubt expect to be checked by Immigration and Customs on their way into Britain what they might not know is that the UK Border Agency keeps an eye on them as they are leaving the country as well at Terminal three officers check passports to identify anyone who has stayed on in the country illegally and the cache team look out for money that shouldn't be leaving the country basically we're looking for passengers that might be carrying large amounts of money looking for large amounts of cash over a thousand pounds questioning and investigating why they're carrying and what they're doing with it and if any particular reason we find grounds for suspicion we will detain the money any passenger taking more than ten thousand euros out of the EU must declare it to customs what we're doing today is we're looking for people that were carrying money and anyone carrying a thousand pounds or more must be able to prove the money is legit out this is from your salary your savings I can't buy the team can seize cash they believe has bypassed the taxman or has been earned while working illegally in the UK and they're on the lookout for criminals trying to smuggle out their proceeds of crime the team get word that a passenger has been stopped after a routine search by security at departures he was found to be carrying a large amount of cash officers Allen's Skipworth and Mark Wright want to investigate as the man has not declared the money to customs but there's not long before his flight leaves around to the OB office with approximately 10,000 pounds so it comes from his earnings says he's taxi driver in London so just on our way to the office now to investigate hey hey do you got some money with you yeah you got some money with you okay come on I'm officers coming down here Neil just got to take you into the back office you have a chat about your money have a look okay the man a Dutch national working in Britain as a taxi driver is planning to fly with his money to Eritrea over there for me he says his cash amounts to ten thousand pounds if he wants to take it out of the EU he must prove the money is legitimately earned taxed are not connected to criminal activity understand you're carrying some money out with you to do you're carrying money yeah okay get tell me where you've got the money from is it from salary was it talking above a bank account or do you have any of your bank account details with you hey then to have no nothing at all okay what are you going to do with the money when you get to over to you predict you've got a project okay I'm what is the project I do we talk yeah I was here are you building house yeah show me the money yeah working okay if you're carrying more than a thousand pounds yeah then we have the right to challenge you and to get you to explain where the money came from and what you intend to do with the part of the month okay okay the bundles of cash are not wrapped in official bank seals with doubts over the legitimacy of the money and his story the passenger faces a nasty surprise suspicion he's got no proof of where the money came from it's not bank or a saint it's come from a bank there's no evidence if he's coming from a bank at all so what were the entities possibly detained the money project take it to court after a three month detention to further investigate your money if he can come forward in that time with documentation evidence where the money's coming from I've always going to be on these for as he said it's going to be used to build a house in Eritrea if he can supply any of that it checks out no problem until we return the money the team will have to act quickly because time which is running out okay how much is that altogether 15 okay I'm not I am Christian man m/s yeah you've got half an hour to your flight actually takes off if we if we get permission to take this money okay what would you do Lee would you still going off flight yeah would you stay you're still going okay funny I phew the officers must prefer the details of the case to a customs investigation team they decide if there is enough evidence to seize the money before the man boards his flight he claims that he's going out we're a Turia to build a house but there's no documentation or whatsoever connected with the money and he's being evasive about where he got the money from okay so in total if think about I can't it will take too long okay we got three bags to search ten minutes now and we're trying to do the paperwork my friend this is my money bank you cannot prove to us that this money belongs to you - they're not doing this authorization at the moment so now you know what up against the clock we've got now five minutes to go find out quick tell her if she can't make decision I want to speak to her boss and I'll let's go at the processor the man is clearly keen to hang on to his cash but the team get the clearance they need to seize it all okay where's the rest we're going with it then you and the rest okay give me the bag okay yeah he's hiding money again okay so we're estimating this to be fifteen thousand pounds or I'm gonna seize it from you now we're gonna take it to court before a magistrate at ten o'clock Thursday morning all right you can ask someone to go there on your behalf all right okay sport I'm going round to the air sir aircraft actually stop it stop it go inside actually travel on your mat okay but can you get out there with interview sir no I don't the ball this is my money I'm not you're not giving it to us I'm seizing this money from you I'm taking it from you yeah there is a difference okay you can't prove to me what your dad is on it by working show me documents now I don't have meeting me now all we need from you is proof of what you're saying at the moment we have no proof of how you obtained this money and that is why the money has been seized from you if you provide that proof it can be released back to you it was very surprised a lot of people don't don't realize we do this kind of work the action that we've taken is against the money it's not against the person itself because it's civil law that we act under and that's why we're now into a travel with you much too is no problem with that at all in real terms if I was going out there to carry out business with that money I'd want to stay and obtain the money back from court on Thursday and then travel out after that if that's the real reason he's gone out there then why is he gone without his money the man has since tried to claim his money back but is yet to provide sufficient proof of where it came from a final decision on the return of the cash is yet to be made the enforcement team in Farmer are allowing the remaining nail bar worker to finish with his client home office records back up his story he has a valid visa to study at Oxford Brookes University but officer Shepard wants to know why he lied about where he lives his stories are quite adding up at the moment so I want to chuck him a little bit further at the nail bar owners house officers are questioning the Malaysian woman who was claiming to be on holiday in the UK now it seems she's not just here as a guest she mean boss is the lady who is next door in a room next door place with the woman referring to the nail bar managers girlfriend as her boss the team have heard enough if you can tell it for me that I am now on base information she's given me in fact that she cannot provide me with any evidence of her identity or lawful basis to be in the United Kingdom I'm going to arrest her on suspicion of over staying in the United Kingdom could you tell her that for me please the officers need the woman's passport to confirm her status she is now claiming her boss the owner's girlfriend is keeping it for her with no one telling them a straight story all the officers can do is search until they're sure it's not in the house my colleagues are off that rectory roads at the moment Tennessee put all your bags there and your suitcases and all your things and it appears as though you're living there which is what you've told me earlier so should we start again should we start all over again yeah as the worker has already lied about where he lives officer Shepard suspects he may also be lying about his studies and she wants to know if he's working more than the 20 hours a week permitted to students how many hours are you working today to go in my question was it how much do you get paid lovely night people and have you got your pay slips on you where are they these cash in hand is it you pay tax no no I'm doing good I'm waiting a moment for your file to be pulled from Oxford Brookes University and they're going to tell me all about what it is you're doing up there okay and when the last time you went was and everything else it could be the call man hi yeah all right okay thanks mate okay no good do you know what your file says you went to Oxford Brookes this month didn't you for a meeting and I told you that you had been withdrawn from the course haven't you because you hadn't stayed in contact and you hadn't done the things you should have done so you're formally not at Oxford Brookes any longer because they have withdrawn you from the course so why did you not tell me that okay you've lied about coming in on the train you've lied about where you're living all your stuff is up at rectory Road I put it to you as you're working here full-time which is why you have not had the time to go to your college and which is why you've been thrown off the course what are you doing in the UK at this moment in time no no need you're not on this course any longer so for that reason I'm going to arrest you on suspicion of working in breach of your student conditions in the UK okay you'll come to the police station and we'll interview you further there and find out exactly what's been going on with this okay well that is what it's going to happen all right so one of my colleagues is going to give you a search really ah he's lied to me since we've got in the shop quite frankly so I'm taking on to the police station we'll interview in further about the suspected offence and and we'll go from there officers looking for proof that the Malaysian woman has stayed in the UK illegally have found her passport and they're not happy about being strung along by the owners girlfriend that's her passport yeah right so why are you letting people into this house and sleeping here if you don't know who they are why have you got this lady's pass Paul here's her passport now and it clearly shows that she entered the UK via Heathrow in June 2006 which means that she's overstayed a visa now by nearly two years so with this we'll be removing her the lady back to Malaysia the woman's passport is marked to signal that she has overstayed in the UK a week later she is put on a flight back to Malaysia the worker who came to Britain on a student visa admits in interview that he no longer studies and works more than the permitted 20 hours a week he is detained for five days before being removed back to Vietnam with the owner of the nail bar apparently unavailable he sends his girlfriend to shut up shop despite being in the UK illegally herself and even though she's misled the officers she will not be arrested today [Music] the UK Border Agency only split up families with children in exceptional circumstances instead the team will wait for the outcome of the owners asylum case if his application is refused the whole family could be sent back to Vietnam in the meantime the owner is fined ten thousand pounds for employing two illegal workers and it is a big finding it's a big fine for the very reason that you know they shouldn't be doing any sending a message out to other people who are employing illegal workers you know we are at to combat it to deal with it and hopefully will send a message out to other people doing the same thing coming up dodgy documents become unstuck at Heathrow why have you got these letters in your bags yeah because this implies that you just cut these up you just cut these out yes and stick these on the letters to change the dates and bold excuses don't wash with the enforcement you told me earlier he was working [Music] passport control and he throws Terminal three here immigration officers have only a few minutes to make sure each passenger has a genuine reason to enter the country a single element of doubt is all that's needed to detain a passenger and investigate further officer Neal Newberry has been handed a case we've got today mm-hmm is a South African national who's arrived for a four month holiday to visit a British friend he's only got about 20 pounds on him support him eyes here for the four months it's gonna rely on his sponsor to support him while he's here officer Newbury believes the passengers lack of funds suggests he's not on holiday but here to work just out of interest me if God's got on the best blame chopped liver and ever come across his first name is dazzling which actually quite a tremendous first name so I'm fantastic Coburn the best names I've ever come across in this job so just because of that I'm quite come for today we're call him dazzling all day okay deadly you want to come through for me under B M dealing with your case today okay need to do a quick bag search downstairs dazzling a sports coach has already provided letters to prove he has a course to go back to in South Africa and after that a job in the US officer Newbury wants to search his bags to see if there's anything to suggest this is not the case first there's a question he's dying to know the answer to some don't me asking it won't be nice the slightest answer for but where'd you get a name dazzling from this it's called your dazzling yeah yes yeah it's quite an interesting first one most interesting first names I've had documents and letters can be an excellent source of clues for immigration officers these will need closer inspection and they told on to just so much I could look for them little bit late when I get back to Italy I Tuesday okay gonna grab a bit some pieces and follow me upstairs kinda like if he seemed to really nice guy very open doesn't seem to be hiding anything from me yeah kinda marking as a person while dazzlings photograph and fingerprints are taken for immigration records officer Newberry looks through the documents he found in his bags among the papers are the original versions of the letters the passenger showed on arrival at passport control hmm this is interesting he's brought with him a letter from his college saying that he's um required to start studying in July 2009 not good at all which is a cure same letter but the dates have been plastered on and underneath the date of the letter is another date 8 for 2006 good standing with his employer I said the dates changed on it to make it work he's got something to go back to which is very old again no it's all of a sudden it's starting to take a turn for the worst for him for him see what else he's got yet the same for him yet another letter from just like an employer that you bought with him and here's the original with the dates taped on they're not good at all so she meets printed these out changing the dates to make to give the impression that he's got a course to go back to in South Africa for and that he's in good standing with his employer oh dear that's not good at all for him it puts a whole new spin on this entire case as I'm concerned if dazzling wants to start his holiday today he'll have to come up with a good reason why he presented fake letters in Hampshire officer Simone Shepard and her enforcement team have one more surprise visit to make before the day is over they have intelligence that a Pete's a shop in Southampton is employing illegal workers officers make sure no one uses the roof as a way of escape in the shop the manager and one employee are happy to admit they work there but there's a third man in the kitchen and the boss is quick to make excuses for him the sink he's washing his hands is full of meat so the team want to know if he's entitled to work in the youth but when did you claim asylum 2004 okay well so hopefully we can check all this out so bear with me the man is from Afghanistan and claims to be legitimately in the UK as an asylum seeker yes yes the second worker is carrying a record of his passport it confirms he is a naturalized British citizens the managers passport is in a room above the shop it has a valid visa which confirms he has indefinite leave to remain in the UK let's take you back downstairs this is not the first time the team have visited shops on this strip their presence doesn't go unnoticed and a crowd is gathering about four times and every time we come we've made an arrest in the block and I don't think the day's gonna be any different just have a seat there for us if the man with his hands in the sink is in the UK illegally his employer could face a fine of up to ten thousand pounds this might explain why the manager is sticking to his story you told me earlier he was working here witnessed him washing meat in the engine area the personals been invested he's just been seen washing up he's just washing you a hand at that one the team believed the man is a worker now checks reveal his claim for asylum was refused he should have left the country instead he has managed to keep a low profile until now unless you know someone liable to be detained and removed from the UK all your asylums finished we can now detain you to remove you from the United Kingdom the fact that you haven't also complied with your reporting restrictions renders you liable for detention under the same power what I need to do I'm gonna need to search you but we will do that through there of six there's quite a few people out there so we're trying to keep it as low-key as we can so if you will follow me through and we'll just make sure I'm grating dangerous on you okay three guys today's operation is nearly over it would seem that some members of the local community are keen to know the outcome but it's more just about I'd have curious to think of the moment than anything we have a big issue of the people a solid it takes one person start educating it what kind of things and get difficult come back through ok the raid has resulted in just one arrest that could still be bad news for the manager of the pizza shop a notice to you that you may be liable to fine your illegal workers here ok the man that was just put out in the van yeah but two officers witnessed him out in your kitchen unfortunately he's no friend but what will happen is this will go up to our people you deal with yourself what I'm saying a moment this is you don't have to let me let me finish nobody only gonna walk in here there's your coffee I put refused to sign at the bottom just so there's no misunderstanding all right all right ready that's it okay we're just going downtown the worker confirmed to be a failed asylum seeker is removed on a flight back to Afghanistan the manager of the pizza shop is served with a fine of ten thousand pounds the UK Border Agency is constantly gathering intelligence on businesses believed to be employing illegal immigrants for officer Shepard and enforcement teams around the country going after them is a full-time job at Heathrow dazzling is waiting to find out if he can enter the UK to start a four month holiday he presented fake documents to back up his claim that he intends to return to South Africa now it seems there might be more deception officer Newberry has received a call from someone inquiring about dazzling it's not the friend he says he's here to stay with but a woman who's waiting for him in arrivals he's your boyfriend doesn't your boyfriend yeah and are you an are you British M jr. yeah what was your nationality before before you get British passport Russian okay and how long have you been in the UK for five years okay okay thank you bye alright that was des lunes girlfriend now dazzlings not even mentioned this girlfriend she's Tom that they're very much in love so yeah that's not really helped him his cause much at all to be honest I think he's probably looking to stay here get a job live with his girlfriend perhaps get married because if she gets a British passport he can in applies as her fiance to stay in the UK but you know he's lying he's lied to us what from the very start it's time to get to the bottom of why dazzling is coming to Britain it would appear he has a clear conscience he knows I've taken the documents from the back who knows what's in them you must have some idea that I've found out what he's done to those documents but at the moment it's just lying down in the holding room having him 40 wins bollocks ooh it looks quite comfortable in there and it seemed really easy going under I was going to react when I am start questioning about these bits and pieces found in his bag interest and see what reactions gonna be yes I have to wake him up in there ask him some questions now that's me why have you come to the UK today so what does Ben have to support you yeah but I've had guests over to my house yeah but I couldn't support someone for four months so what wise been supporting you for such a long time in a foreign country because we're friends so you hope you have no money for yourself but you know for four months you have no money for yourself for now yeah no how do you know that young Kenya junior yes junior how did you know her oh I am a junior through been a junior your girlfriend yes she's much surprised you didn't mention your girlfriend earlier because if I was going to a foreign country and if one of the people was going to be seeing would be my girlfriend but mentioned her before probably mention anyone else what you've not mentioned that earlier no because Ben is a person responsible for me she is my girlfriend yes but Ben is a person that's responsible okay found this in your bags not in the bag so Charlie today found that which since really which novel that you gave my colleague earlier today yep and this one we shall study which you know that what you gave my colleague earlier today and underneath this one of them I think it says 8 for 2006 as opposed to Febby 2009 yeah these ones were found in your bag I've had two dates changed and these things be the hard copy of the dates our shame would be cut out and then stuck on to the letters to change the dates to make it appear but these after date letters but this is genuine this is genuine yeah with the with these yeah they taped on them they're still genuine oh yeah the person they was supposed to be writing me a letter was sick so I had to come to you okay and I already booked a ticket already so the person was sick so as a Korean right man later well why is that the dates changed on that one as well change the dates on this one other guy wasn't up there the guy wasn't there yeah so you change the dates on both him because one was sick and one wasn't there wasn't there better campaign oh yeah I'm now going to speak to chief immigration officer okay you can explain what you said when you first arrived what we found in your bags and what you've told me now yeah okay yeah it's still not looking good for you okay okay if a passenger tries to deceive immigration in an attempt to enter the UK he shouldn't be surprised what happens when he's found out chief immigration officer Matt Dyson is in no doubt sorry I'm not particularly dazzled by this I'm afraid no he's not even close is it fitting well yep it's like tonight not fighting what tomorrow afternoon you provide documents for a reason they're supposed to show that he's a good upstanding individual that's gonna go back to whatever is going to go back to but to actually produce letters which clearly a false means he's he has no credibility whatsoever refused entry to the UK today and returned back to South Africa on an expendable flight okay okay now if you range of flight back to South Africa for you there's not flight back to it tomorrow afternoon so if I get stable overnight we'll get a bed for you some people come to get something to sleep then you come back here two more afternoon for the flight okay I understand all that never dead someone so laid back because you need some sort of reaction from them at least at this point but almost no reaction whatsoever for him to just he knew the game was up and what was no point making a fuss about it dazzling is held in a detention centre overnight and put on a flight back to South Africa the next day coming up failing to declare to the customs cache team you need to be honest with me okay because at the moment I don't believe what you're saying to make times it's mine mine [Music] at Heathrow the cache team are checking passengers at the departure gates just carry on random dog sniff your baggage to go through please thank you anyone hoping to smuggle ill-gotten gains out of the EU as a last line of defense to get past helping the team to sniff out large quantities of money is the cash dog trained to recognize the scent of bundles of banknotes passengers carrying more than 10,000 euros must declare the money to customs the dog shows an interest in a bag belonging to a Thai woman travelling back to Bangkok the woman's changing story also arouses suspicion well she let me to be found so far and then she went back to pounds decision to just embarrass myself it's 15 wide okay so you're traveling back to Thailand yes have you been on here on holiday for two months and I understand from the dog handler you have some way yes okay many how much have you got maybe 15,000 pounds when you came to the UK how much money did you bring with you almost 40 40 pounds per mice yes when you came into the UK two months ago did you declare your money to customs yes to customs yes the code you have before I don't have a form any fun when you declare money to customs I not speak Romanian you did not expect okay I mean why did why did you not declare the money to customs I don't know where is the money now is in this bag can you show me what you have okay the reason you are being questioned is because you have a lot of money not a lot I'm telling you it's a lot of money it is a lot of money okay under the law in the UK if you are carrying 1000 pounds or more policing customs can ask questions yes as to why you're carrying the money that is why I am questioning okay so how much is here just about three dozen okay and where is the rest is in here and how much is here six thousand pounds yes three thousand pounds is nine yep you have more I think here okay now leave it leave it there I can't give you there we'll do it all together okay why are you sector work laughs yeah mm okay okay so this one 3000 yeah 6000 yeah the passengers reluctance to reveal where all the money is makes officer talam suspect she has something to hide where's the rest is it and you know I'm asking you is there money yes I'm going to ask you again okay I need to see all of the money yeah okay not little bits all of it is mm I can tell you take that one out and put that on top of there okay and then more money in here no more okay well you've said to me that there is no more twice now and we have found more you need to be honest with me okay because at the moment I don't believe what you're saying to me all right to understand right finally officer Talon believes he's been shown all the money and it adds up to seventeen thousand pounds now it's up to the passenger to prove the cash is hers and legitimate 90 proof that this money belongs to you so this is mine why don't you have it you have a bankbook with you today [Music] okay the concern I have I'm worried because you have a lot of money I cannot show me with documents a bank book invoices and this money okay I just asked you if you had a bank book yes Bangu this is my money okay despite repeated contradictions in her story just as the team were gearing up to seize her money the passenger remembers she is carrying her bank books and they prove the money belongs to her why did you not show me all of the money all at once why did you Johnny show me little bits because it's not nice because it's just my money but still the packets of money keep on coming this is my friend see this is what I'm saying see you next time is there any more I didn't lie to you I just think it's leaving money next time someone your thority are she you declare the money straight away Yeah right this is well make sure it's the last time what the lady should have declared her cash to customs but she's done nothing else wrong and is entitled to take her money home and to show there are no hard feelings she takes part in a little ritual to let the cash dog know it's done a good job when the dog indicates there's money in the ladies bag again the handler sounds a click of Confirmation and rewards her with play yeah it's just one of those very frustrating occasions where you you think you're about to see some money off of a passenger and there's a good reason for taking it and then all of a sudden she produces the two bank books to show that the money had come from Thailand so it's a little bit frustrating but I think we've done a good job there
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 1,069,907
Rating: 4.5908413 out of 5
Keywords: border patrol, united kingdom, border security, border, uk border force, border control, us border control, border control usa, border control show, border control quest, border control dplay, border control spain, border control stories, border control watch online, border security force, border arrest, border agency, things found at border control, things seized at border control, customs border, caught at border, air control, documentary, illegal immigrants, customs uk
Id: 2Urgvtaz0Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 51sec (2691 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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