UK Border Agency Wages War Against Smugglers | Locked Up Abroad | Border Patrol

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in our forwards and in our airports the UK Border Agency battle against smugglers coming up just picked up this bag to walk through customs when I am bound flight from Madrid one passenger seems to let his nerves get the best Robin sit down because you look like you're about to fall down I don't know why I'm nervous and one ravit smuggler gets his memory shocked you ever been stopped by crisis before yeah okay obviously you should know them bond [Music] it's early and the flight has just arrived from Montego Bay Jamaica a place known to the UK Border Agency as a hotspot for the trade of illegal drugs kill him vigilant officers have been using sniffer dogs to assess luggage from the flight and they've identified a brown suitcase which they suspect contains illegal drugs in the immigration hall passengers are being observed as they come off the flight one man with a white jacket and red shirts have been seen to be acting very nervously as he waits at the luggage carousel for his suitcase he appears to be getting more and more anxious he spots the brown suitcase the suspected of containing drugs goes to pick it up but quickly leaves it on the belt as the brown suitcase comes past again the man stares at it intently and seems unsure about whether to pick it up he later leaves with someone else's red suitcase but as he passes through the customs channels he stopped to answer a few questions shake good the officer checks the luggage tag with the man's travel ticket which prompts him to change apart [Music] knowing your babies [Music] the man is escorted back to the baggage hall to look for his real suitcase but it's already been found it's the same brown suitcase he was staring at on the carousel [Music] contain drugs [Music] he's led away to a private interview room of further questioning [Music] though it's got nothing to do my fingers a female's name officers look inside the red suitcase to see who it might belong to I think he realized he just picked up a random bag he's taking the tanks off of the bag which opposes him to the other day and it just picked up this bag to walk through customs with the red suitcase on its way back to its rightful owner officers can now concentrate on the contents of the man's real pack which they strongly suspect contains illegal drugs [Music] he's led away to the airport's custody suite where the contents of a suitcase can be formally assessed a Gatwick South Terminal passengers just landed from Madrid the immigration hall officers are looking out for any signs of suspicious behavior passengers who appear nervous will be pulled over in the customs channels officers will then check to ensure they're not carrying anything illegal a Brazilian passenger from the Madrid flight has been spotted sweating profusely there's our officers take him aside for such a suitcase why see entertainment for immigration there's the usual sort of nervous didn't be the answer immigrations questions now and how long are you gonna be in the UK no I'm leaving tonight yes actually you on this trip oke you've been to lots of places yes yes buster all um I believe you stumble [Music] down ok alright so I understand from listening to in immigration that it was a business trip okay yes it is is that right yes I was with my representatives here and in Istanbul my solonian Madhuri yes meetings for some tourists - okay I don't know why I'm nervous just because it never happened to me to be so question is like as this time but you attend meetings all the time yes so you must be familiar with travelling you Celestion by people why is it proper no no reason for the man's anxiety leads the officer to doubt his story so his bags will be thoroughly searched for any illicit items officer Fitz assists by swap testing his possessions to see if he's come into contact with any drugs the swab is then taken for analysis using machine that can detect even the tiniest traces [Music] darling on the on track this time the swab test is clear but the man's nervous behavior is still alarming his suitcases x-rayed to check for unlawful concealments this first time nothing is found in his belongings officers want to check he's not hiding anything on the problem one way or another they'll find out why he's so nervous a gatwick s-- custody suite the man who's been arrested on suspicion of importing a suitcase full of illegal drugs he's being checked in for brown suitcase he tried to ditch in the baggage Hall he's taken away to be examined the whole bank together was 29 kilos now there is some stuff in there but I would think that it's probably approximately 20 kilos of cannabis here 8 blocks of what looks like herb all cannabis pull a man's case it's no wonder he was keen to avoid being caught [Music] the man is held in a cell whilst the packages of drugs of wait 60 kilos how to cut every one of this it looks like is the cannabis I mean as soon as you cut into it there's a quite strong pungent smell I mean it's actually snowed over now I had to check all of them because sometimes they have next to cocaine with cannabis a field test is done to confirm the substance definitely is herbal cannabis and the positive indication should be a a kind of like a red radish home see there we go that's that's a positive indication for with a street value of more than forty five thousand pounds it's an excellent result for the officers all the man can do now is await his fate in the airport South Terminal the man who's nervous behavior confused sweating Zoroaster suspicion is being taken from a body search okay if we just put your bags up onto the bench for me yeah yeah just put the bags there if you just want to take a seat over the far end very nervous yes okay despite his nerves the man consents to the search yeah that's great that's fine okay these shoes are removed so they can be swapped textured for any traces of drugs drugs internally no sweat and it will come out the sweat party will be in the shoe so if this tests positive and he's either used always swallowed [Music] again the swap is clear but officer Fitz has uncovered some revealing secrets yeah it did actually admit that he's actually quite nervous I saw Alex yeah I mean it was yet quite a few pills in his looks but he's little small holder so obviously there's one for sort like for near sickness and there's like these other bloke also said are these the man confesses to have recently taken viagra which may explain his nervous behavior this sort of thing has an atmosphere in before since this she's been traveling for so long so I think he's just very nervous that he's out to go for all the security appearances oh but you puff that you Sutton watch Chad okay Lisa a shoot yet my prompt want to put those back on with all the searches now completes and the reasons for the man's anxiety exposed now for insecurity next is onward journey coming up officers discover a massive haul of tobacco in the cargo area you open up the plastic there's quite a strong smell of tobacco you ever been stopped by cassis before yeah okay obviously you should know them by now shouldn't you [Music] at Gatwick Airport the UK Border Agency have a duty of care to assess all passengers and items entering the country year officers have to check thousands of tons of freight passing through the airport today officer Sarah is in the cargo holding area after being asked to Jack a large number of packages that have just come in from the Far East we've got here is a confinement that Sam originated in from Hong Kong it's marked up as clothing accessories and so we've just come over to have a closer look to see what's inside here we've got its what looks like large spools here which look like they're some kind of foam braiding if you open up the plastic there's quite a strong smell of tobacco coming out of here with suspicions aroused there's only one way to find out what's inside okay if each of the reels is filled with tobacco it will be a concealment worth many pounds per pound this consignment is March originally from Hong Kong where tobacco moves back oh it's obviously a lot cheaper than here in the UK and Duty levels are quite high and there's a huge black market in smuggling tobacco and this consignment here is about 130 boxes the reels of tobacco are taken away to be weighed officers need to work out how much they found before investigating where it come from there's three three reels here 40 kilos if you take off the cardboard and the and the string it's probably about 10 kilos of odd estimates in each Bale the unpaid Duty for 10 kilos of loose tobacco is worth 1,600 pounds okay ten kilos it is a huge amount of effort but considering the amount of money that these gangs are going to make for them it's it's obviously worth going to this effort in addition to the rest of smoking there could be additional products in this tobacco which are even worse free health and regional nicotine and tar with the whole weighing over 650 kilos the lost revenue to the tax system would have been over a hundred thousand pounds it's the biggest ever seizure of loose tobacco at Gatwick it's just a routine Bruce an examination by the guys and obviously very good work in picking this up in Gatwick South Terminal but flight has just landed from Tripoli in Libya as passengers make their way through baggage reclaim officer Helen and sniffer dog bran are checking passengers for the presence of drugs [Music] a lone female passing through customs is of great interest to Bren so she stopped for further checks by officer hazel from your background here for me almost immediately the woman's story sees unconvincing so where will you stay in England how about some Bristow you don't know do you have anybody meeting you here at Gateway who's meeting you think you just said you don't have any friends or family in England the woman story keeps changing which is giving hazel cause for concern [Music] I'm just gonna go and speak to my colleague okay if you stay here just finish me packing your bag can I have a search on these girl please when I asked her if she had friends or family in England first of all she said no and then she said that she'd called somebody here and that they were going to meet her at the airport she's got 900 pounds she's really nervous but she hasn't got a proper address coupled with the sniffer dog indication hazel is convinced there's more to the woman that makes the eye she's so nervous she's only got 900 pounds so I'm gonna get her well I'm gonna do the search of person and see if she's got anything right okay because the dog is sniffing at you he's a drug detector dog so I need to make sure that you're not carrying any drugs on you or in you okay all right myself and my colleagues are going to do a search of your person okay it has been authorized by a senior colleague all right do your bag up first of all okay if you bring your bag follow me go into the room for me just going take a seat okay could you check that there's nothing on the floor nothing's been left in here has it but I just need you to sign there to say that you're okay to be searched the officers find nothing during the search but due to the dog indication hazel decides to do one more test okay we have a machine here that x-rays you to make sure that you've not got anything inside of you okay machines just in the hall there so what take very long us all if the woman is smuggling drugs internally officers will know in a matter of minutes it's the middle of the afternoon and a flight has just come in from Moldova being outside the European Union passengers have a strict cigarette allowance of just two hundred in the baggage reclaim area officers are closely monitoring a Moldovan passenger who has a prior history for smuggling cigarettes as he heads through the green customs channel officer Fitz pulls him over for further questioning we run for today you said just never come on your own yeah travel on your own are you traveling on your own yes okay come here for a minute how long you've been away for one month and what was your purpose of your visit holiday just holiday right so you've been away on holiday right are you aware of your customs and allyce's one carton of cigarettes lead to spirits and good supper 390 pounds worth yeah and those items at all okay well I'll have a look in there it's all right so I'll have a look all right Lucas over here with the man's previous history for smuggling cigarettes Fitz knows not to take him at his word and straightaway he finds a 200 pack of cigarettes if the passengers carrying any more ill have breached his allowance a little deeper in the case Fitz stumbles across a brown chocolate box which is clearly being used to hide packs of cigarettes as the box is opened individual packs of cigarettes are found concealed within drawers the man is way over his allowance and he knows it just for yourself why are you putting me here for why have you put them in here basically you were trying to hide them on you so I know they're for yourself but you tried to hide them from me didn't you all right and we'll just ask me this question have you been stopped by customs before have you ever been stopped by customs before yeah okay it's obviously you should know them by now shouldn't you this is a seizure notice that say that I'm seizing eight hundred cigarettes from you I need your signature their full name and date lies and deceit or a challenge faced by officers every day this is a woman elector happens again might be taken further all right all of the man cigarettes are seized once again relationships provides him with a guidance leaflets about his customers allowances right we've got it oh you've got it so you know then the with all pretends dropped the man is free to go eight hundred cigarettes lighter in one of Gatwick airports x-ray Suites a woman who's flown in from Libya has been taken for a full body scan three nine zero I think you you said you don't have an address to stay at in England but you don't know where you're sleeping tonight okay right okay this is consent for x-ray examination okay the woman confirms she's happy to do the x-ray voluntarily okay what needed to do is breathe in now when it when the belt starts to move breathe out slowly okay with a suspicious and inconsistent story there's good reason to put her through the x-ray but finding nothing out of the ordinary the woman is no longer suspected of importing illegal drugs Jesus caught it back into the terminal despite now evidence for drugs her reasons for being in the UK are still doubtful so officers in immigration will investigate her story further back to immigration because I believe she's here to work whether it's out of my hands now he's done some more immigration colleagues to decide what they do with her well listen I'm gonna leave it with the immigration officers okay from a customs point of view we're happy that you don't have anything you shouldn't have okay if you just take a seat the immigration officers will be with you soon okay just sit down all right the woman was later interviewed by UK Border Agency officers working in immigration she was eventually allowed to enter the UK on her student visa [Music] the cannabis smuggler pleaded guilty to attempting to smuggle 16 kilograms into the UK is now serving 18 months in prison [Music]
Channel: DANGER TV
Views: 1,943,812
Rating: 4.7490149 out of 5
Keywords: Customs, Borders, Agents, Border Patrol, UK Border Force, Customs Agents, UK, United Kingdom, London, Heathrow, Gatwick, Drugs, Dogs, Smugglers, Smuggling, Fraud, Cash, Weapons, Contraband, Illegal, Illegal Immigrants, Immigration, nothing to declare, drug sniffing dogs, locked up abroad, documentary, airport patrol, border security, border agents, border security force, illegals, trafficking, bomb sniffing dogs, england, uk customs, illegal immigration, arrest, police, heathrow airport, front line
Id: zBLp3nckkgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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