Epistemology Part 1 | Prophet Uebert Angel

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that which we have handled which we have seen with our mouths anus this in the window truth we have not followed cunningly device to farmers suis were eyewitnesses of the same we're walking back but we have seen the Lord our eyes have seen the Lord I don't know about you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] somebody we see can just be you'd like that man this is the good news we preach a good being this world with Buford and joy provoking a reaction [Applause] and always worth hearing [Music] what you see people say knowledge is power not wisdom is power they say knowledge is power so this the study of knowledge is called epistemology 10t oh never say epistemology it is a structure and a branch in philosophy which deals with the study of knowledge Ephesians chapter number three and I will read from verse number fourteen are you here I will read from verse number fourteen verse number fourteen for this close are you here was this for this cause I bow my knees and to the father of the Lord Jesus Christ of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened mighty by his spirit in the inner man yeah Paulo Garcia so you sometimes you get a wit like this and I get 10 Don in my spirit see when the wind is becomes something for you you get turned on in your spirit see somebody are one of our passes in the in the in our refresher courses that we do every Saturday with with the pastor's with the main passes what what what you said was a prophet you say we don't need to do nothing the word in us will do it so but we are reading the word studying the word is a job I said it is a job to you because we have not understood that they the word is food to the spirit I've never had somebody on during a Brian meat and Blackie I'm working here this week you just enjoy it that's it when you understand the word is food your spirit the same way you consume food solid food for your body that's the same way the spirit consumes the word so some of your spirits are malnourished that's why when you were sleeping like this you like sleeping like this you feel you feel somebody somebody's if you feel that I don't know what they call it will you will you have like a pillow would be on top of your nose and you can't really move your head and you know you are suffocating and nothing if I ever felt that do you know what will be happening there is because your spirit is malnourished so your spirit knows I'm in danger your flesh is in danger but your flesh is too heavy so it's asleep it's too heavy and your spirit II knows exactly if we remain in this position we are dead too much flesh so your flesh will be up here your spirit will be up here because you eat morning evening afternoon midnight uh-huh snacks everything you just take everything Yoona said so so your spirit now is only given some cold sandwich you just wake up as a god father thank you thank you for waking me up Alleluia to wake you know one guy got lazy about prayer and he just decided this God is hearing the same prayer so you wrote the prayer and put it there and put it the emprah day every morning you wake up as a God read hey that's my god that's after you die God you know your routine this is exactly what I wanted to say and in the evening go to see your Priya you understand because you feel like I'm praying I'm just praying I'm just free because you haven't got any yet tressilian level let's start that thing it's the 1440 for this cause I bow my knees unto the father of our Lord Jesus Christ you see sometimes listen to what the scriptures are saying when your spirit is listening it knows exactly where the meetings some people wait until the face is red for them to think what is it saying some people hate being read him like whoa for this calls I bow my knees unto the father of our Lord Jesus Christ of whom the whole family in heaven and have his named that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with mighty in the inner man are you here are you here that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith that ye being rooted and grounded in love shall be legen house you may be able to comprehend calles Russia may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth the length the depth and their hides and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge that you may be filled with all fullness of God see the word the word foreign is there it means to have a full Lord of God I know I'm talking to myself now you see the Bible says so you can be fully loaded with God when we talk about fully loaded in this way in the Greek it is actually to have no space left in the truck you are loading send in a truck you get to a point where it can enter anymore now you are fully loaded no space left it's no longer breathing as they say now says do you want to have the fullness of God he says then to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge that he might be filled with all fullness of God sit down and say epistemology part 1 the stud of knowledge ah this is only for those that did not skip school how men did not skip school here yeah see your neighbor is this the end is like this laddoo kazooie dinner hi are you here somebody the reason why other men of God have power and others do not it's not because God did not anoint people but it's because of the knowledge they have of the word how deep they have gone with the word we dealt with wisdom but now we are dealing with knowledge there is a big difference between knowledge and wisdom are you hearing and if you knew here and you just waiting for you be ranger to begin to prophesy I have no idea this is it we are prophesying to you now Clara duty Neha scholarship Empire Gazoo V in regular Tom Bragg Allah has lead our laser on Takara lai Osaka he dose a gallon oh ha Briana's mm-hmm if we shall listen to this even those that are in the seventh row and even the eighth and the ninth even houses shall be easy for you you shall listen you shall I have houses that you did not build sit down that's what I just said in tongues and I'm shocked that the group that we are given it did not even receive it said Palin who's gay and early this is the church we studied by the by the direction of the Holy Ghost these guys are arguing which one is the spelling for every small ownership hallelujah now are you here so is this one what's this it says and to know and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge let me repeat it in the way it should be saying and we have knowledge of the love of Christ which passeth knowledge when you understand it that way you realize there is a confusion because how can I have knowledge to know the knowledge the way know there is Guinness Co and the wit knowledge is gnosis so the scriptures are saying and to gain Oscar the love of Christ which is beyond gnosis the weight gain Oscar is another type of knowledge it is the knowledge of Revelation so the Bible is telling us there is a certain level of knowledge and the words that says passes knowledge that's the way the gnosis organizes which is when we get the word for science they didn't get it I wish maybe these guys can get it what the scripture is saying is the revelation of God is beyond science no scientist can catch you when you have that knowledge we are bigger than any doctor you can find when you have the kind of knowledge of Christ you are beyond the knowledge of Christ they give no scope Christ which surpasses gnosis that's why they can understand was it not last week here we're dealing with people who had no sense of smell some born with no sense of smell no sense of test and I touched the amount I touch their nose and immediately they are testing chocolate for the first time like ah there is no doctor involved it is Guinness Co brothers and sisters oh you didn't hear me I'm going somewhere [Applause] it is a certain level of Revelation I got a sudden revelation I got a hold off that passeth knowledge is in other sisters he said to send up set up you system yes guys just the sister what she not did she did not say she has cancer and what happened she came here we just touched there and the power of what he did and went back to hospital no more cancer why do not the love of Christ which passeth nurses goes beyond science there is a sudden revelation that when you catch that revelation science is nothing I know you're not getting it now are you I speak to somebody here to know what the Guinness Kosciuszko of Christ which passeth de gnosis that's my what when you have that what happens that you may have the full load of Christ so how are you today fully loaded with Christ this is how your anti fully loaded with Christ that's how are you are fine fine ah how are you fully loaded ah no half off no agent person known angel brother no 1895 six fully are you fully loaded fully loaded with Christ that's why when we walk we walk with a spring in our step you understand nothing happens do you wanna say why we got Guinness go we we we have Guinness Co the love of Christ we did not screw the love of Christ Baraka so here which is beyond gnosis then are getting me there is a certain level of knowledge that the mean speaks revelation imagine somebody wants wants to fire you from work and all you got it's you know Scott I have revelation that this is my company you are trying to fire me for I know you didn't hear me now oh you didn't hear me so you have even even your money does not agree with what you are seeing your bank account cannot see it but by revelation you have seen your boss walk and said this is my Waker no you didn't hear you didn't hear that you didn't hear that you didn't hear that your boss say bring me bring me that cup bring me that cup of tea you got there knowing next week it will be you to know the love of Christ to the no schoo to have a revelation that goes beyond knowledge but what knowledge science things you can naturally as simple you can check any subject in science science is obtained by experimentation all right classified by demonstration you are experimenting on things now it says the love of Christ you don't need to experiment it's a revelation you got it you got it oh my god I wish I had people here so it's talk about revelation revelation 1 Corinthians 8 1 Corinthians 8 Bellona suki maharaja who CA ando baragas oh gosh TECA gülen aha Seeta aunty Mahalo gays blessed be his holy name both now and forever more darling forevermore ah to just have a revelation a revelation of Christ that goes beyond science the doctor tells you you have cancer you look at them you say Oh but Kenda doesn't have me oh you didn't hear that oh you didn't hear that you have got diabetes you might say that but diabetes don't have me oh you didn't hear what I'm saying now Wow imagine the scientist is standing there telling you say but I have Dinescu says what is that since it's another type of knowledge that is better than your science it's a revelation see these are not things we say so that you get excited by some kind of words we give you no this is not something I got excited with last week this is the revelation I live by this is the Gospel according to prophet angel ah Paul says my gospel Paul you say Paul wait a minute e are you not bossing the know this is my gospel my mind gospel means good news this is my good news that's what it means you know what you say this is my gospel people again is he saying the Bible this is getting too much gospel simply means good news if I come to you and say I've got good news for you you now have a car you say my good news that's the same thing with the gospel the gospel means this is the revelation I live by I didn't sit down in my house or like oh my god Jesus I want to teach them this one I tested this are you getting enough I said I tested this I got revelation so revelation is like having a whole package brought to you by Christ boom but it didn't build what we call a loogie so my [Music] Romans 3:28 Watson since therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law or the deeds of the flesh we conclude you say how many preachers tell people stop doing this and stop going to the pub stop doing this stop doing this stop doing this the Bible says therefore we conclude we look this your mind when you say I log is on my that my bank account is 1 million that bank account has 1 million it doesn't have 1 million in 1 pound no it is 1 million that's it that's lucky so mice it's no longer I am generalizing you've seen the figures and you're presenting the figures as is so it's as we conclude after this conclusion there is nothing else that's why every scientific study is never conclusive because it's human knowledge it's gnosis are you hearing this no scientific study ever has a conclusion that's why they are called theory of theory of even when they are working they are still called theory of theory of relativity if you start further you understand that's why exactly we are able to have all these satellite navigators because of theory of relativity how the rain sign but it's still coded theory why because it may change they continuously challenge that theory in the scientific world because it's never in tact they say the earth was flat still today which do we have scientist maintaining the same thing I think you thought it was like it's funny right we still we have scientists maintaining the same thing that is right then something is fear ago now the scientific world is changed you say is now over why is that because it's never conclusive but when when Paul says therefore we conclude we log is oh my after having calculated everything putting the data in the computer and we pressed equals 2 and the answer came there's no more argument two plus two is four don't research after we put four it's a fact divide listen the doctor will give me what he says and what he thinks in what he knows by gnosis but I have a divine fact to override their medical fact the financial advisor will tell you you have 100 pounds and if you continue on this direction you will be broke and I have biblical financial data that I vlogged is a man that having zero pounds doesn't mean I can't be a million in the next minute I have that it's a fact 1 Corinthians chapter number 8 and I've said from verse number 1 how many are getting this epistemology say epistemology part 1 the study of knowledge epistemic is the word knowledge are you hearing a hearing Bala gujia for taking our Ischia whole RC Cola deal accountably anta - GA toes now as touching things offered unto idols we know what do we do we know that we have knowledge but knowledge puffeth up but charity edifieth now when you see they in verse number one the way you see them are you here as no is the word ADA ADA this is knowledge of awareness knowledge of awareness when Guinness Quay has been given to you as a revelation right are you here oh how I wish you would understand what I'm about to say so that you can see they're different when when the package has been delivered to you now you know I have a package it's already done but now that package is a certain level of you need to be aware of it how it works watch this now this is knowledge of awareness when knowledge has become part of your knowings they need a new yeah all right all right all right when I know this is part of my knowings you see see you know where you are sitting right now say I'm sitting do you know what what you have used a you have used a door now is touching offered while testings over trailers we know we are way you cannot be convinced you're not sitting day this does not require revelation ah ah it doesn't require any study you think you think I need revelation to norm rich oh oh no not this this is now in me now it has become part of my knowings when knowledge has become part of your knowing that if they say what do you know you say number one number two number three number four number five number this number five I'm rich number six I'm prosperous number seven I'm healed it has become part of your your knowings you no longer to start need to study about it Guinot school is a revelation oh are you away sit down our biggest problem with Christianity is people who dilly-dally from one thing to the other that's what the Bible says so that you cannot be tossed to and fro by all men of doctrine do you know what the scriptures are trying to say say so that you can have a dough and our fairness you capture its substance by revelation and you make it part of your knowing so by Dinescu you get revelation but by a door you made that revelation part of your knowings so again Oscar deals with revelation when you deal with a doe you no longer need revelation because you have taken revelation and made it part of your knowings so imagine the thing that is still revelation right now but it's not yet part of your knowings can you say you are convinced can you say you are convinced that God prospers can you say you can say I saw it in the scriptures but is it personal to you if it is personal then you should be reached by now do you think honestly honestly do you think somebody needs to come and convince me I'm Beverly angels aspect somebody needs to convince me that you bit Junior is your son no nobody needs to convince me why I'm perfectly an adult I am our way I don't need revelation I don't need to sit down and try to figure out the young man if it's my son I don't need that I have perfect knowledge it's complete but it's not complete because I'm trying to find out it's solidly part of the things I know you can argue with me on that one you can add your own other things but not on this one on this one it's set hello somebody hello somebody I remember when with my son end and I'm getting in the Trump Towers they and when they said they're talking about 120 million US four hundred million I tip don't I deserve like I'm rich the figures that way in that meeting and I began to calculate where do I come from how did I get here is there anybody in our generation in my family that did this then I realize it's not coming from my family I now have a Guinness Co that surpasses gnosis and from the arguing with these forms arguing with them like no no I'm not doing that I'm doing it this way I'm not doing any way try to push us into a corner yeah like no I'm not doing that sitting nicely like this why I put prosperity as one of my noise I couldn't be pushed cause I had already taken it to be my own thing it was now part of my non information my findings it was now my my part of the things I knew my knowings when you not deep down in your noah that then known is now known I don't know if I'm talking to somebody now when you just know you just know you just know you just know deep down see this leg it I know it's mine you can't hold you say where you going with my leg I'm like ah wash your hand ladies same this is my hint imagine someone coming to tell you it's not yours why are you talking are you hearing what I'm saying are you hearing they came to Jesus and as I do Jesus you you make yourself bigger than our father Abraham he said before Abraham was I am in fact Abraham was glad to see me what do you mean you met he said I met Abraham said and he was glad imagine M prime was years and he is older than Jesus and Jesus said oh we met and he was so glad when he met him when did Abraham meet Jesus well weigh Merrill give the deck number one number two remember the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah when God came with a bottle of gasoline on his way like this on his way like this to bend Sodom and Gomorrah he was he was busy he came him Jesus and the Holy Ghost they were three moving like this with bottles of gasoline going to Sodom and Gomorrah when they got there were about to go Jesus said wait wait a minute guys we will be in trouble let's pass by Abraham's place and explain to him what we are about to do the general why ever ahem made what a doe he had made to some of his findings his knowings that the EVAs is oh yeah so God said I can't bend Sodom and Gomorrah before I tell the guy and Men called Moses remember Moses Moses was eight eight years Moses I was not deemed his strength was not abetted the guy was too going like this one at 18 do you understand what I'm talking about that one day God came to him and said I know you have made it part of your Adel your knowings that you won't die the girls all day to the extent that God arrived and said a son go and to Mount Nebo and to mount abarim and Moses said to do what good God said and died imagine the guy had to be reminded to check out he had midlife part of his knowings ah I know I'm talking to myself I need to go home now I need to go back so when you make like cut of your knowings I will not die but live you know when you preach that visit I will not die but live I know what you'll be saying I'm not that but live it's just like he is scripture but you know you die but imagine when Moses headed that he has brought immortality as the Bible says in the New Testament he has brought immortality that means you die when you want okay let me try this once you die when you like let me try my people here you check out when you are ah what am I saying now you check out when you like it'll be L in the morning after 90 years you are now 94 you like a guys next week I'm living this a way a spit we have it now sit down sit down sit down sit up are you hearing what I'm talking about what's this faith faith guy Charles Capps Charles Capps go to a service and he met his people is that next Sunday I will not be here I said well in the service we're going say I'm going on a genuine if I come back they said what do you mean say I'm now going to heaven service just few days before save is it cody's people's I'm I'm Sunday remember I'm not coming he went to bed following morning they woke him up he was gone do you know how Herod died he was tending like that and wyms ate him up the death of a fool you've gotta have your knowings settled in your spirit my knowings my aid oh I remember taking alright let me give you my house issue I took part of our church I think the whole church rather for in Manchester and we had one street like this coordinate and oh my church just as I was ministering like this God said these people have not even participated with their non I said what said all these people know there is a dense cat Street and that discus Street is for rich people footballers and all that they go there and buy and I asked my church you have you ever been to disc it they all laughed no no as if it was funny no did I not checked some of our people here some of our leaders went to Harrods we got it like this with my wife ladies who got in like this we realize the people who are with us we are alone we looked and the guys are standing by the door ladies when Vic was happening are we allowed in there ah who prevents you from getting into a job they had not made it part of the award there are no ins they still need a revelation for stupid things like that am I talking to you now because of time because of time oh my golly Tod acara Velikovsky Vivian they no umbrella Gagarin Agha mm so Hader is a knowledge that has become part of your knowings are you getting it now Hado is what no knowing that is become part of your knowings do you know this oh yeah here we go and you can no longer if anybody can use it you know revelation somebody can argue guinness KO it can be a complete package it's a revelation to you but someone can bring their own complete package and argue but on your knowings you're like i look we're not gonna argue with this okay I'm not arguing with you I don't want to hear nothing this argument is over if you ever got into that level this argument is over done I've given you the facts and you don't want them so it's over I remember yesterday we had I had one of the people that that that that I've got a certain business in Lincoln they came to my house and they are Rastafarian so they were like I had my a what you do have seen some of the videos you know I don't want to talk when you come for business all you talk to me about anything you know if you talk about Jesus respect him you know so the guys like know Jesus and Haile Selassie I like the same I said you you might even need to get out of my house now because for you to think haile selassie is the same as Jesus what is it what did he do nothing zero except it go to the toilet come back what did he do CSEC his son he's a prophet just like Jesus said Jesus wasn't a prophet so Jesus was a prophet I said where are you getting this do you have facts no he still lacked revelation but his for me jesus said has become part of my knowings you know what Jesus said he said I know the father but you Guinness call him not oh yeah he said he said he said he said I aid of the father but you my disciples did not score him not do you know what he meant there he said as for me he goddess become part of my knowings but you you even haven't gotten the revelation that is said for me I went beyond revelation I'm now on a do you still need Guinness Co so some of you Christians used to FG Moscow just the revelation of it but the revelation is not become part of your knowings we have to convince you over and over again if I pray here you see give me give me a bottle of oil anointing oil come here you see this here this is useless are you getting it the power is with me this is not the power this is the conch weight of my power a conductor of the anointing are you flowing with me now this is the one they've contact of the anointing a similar level of understanding should be got into this does it work yes is a conductor just like we have got electric electric wires going there but the electric wires are not the electricity they transmit electricity are you so before you know it I said how do you know about Jesus say I read it from the Bible I said so the Bible should be telling you what Jesus is he said yes I said okay here is what Jesus is saying how do people say that I am and the disciple said one of the prophets and Jesus kept quiet I said but who do you say that I am and Peter said thou art the Christ and Jesus said you have heard from God the one who sent the Prophet he said are you mad Jesus himself never considered himself to be a prophet never not one day that question was asked and fixed in the Bible and Jesus said a flesh and blood has not taught this unto you but my father which is in heaven are you getting it now are you flowing or you've gone home 1 Corinthians chapter number 8 verse number 1 where you where la to cooperate and Aguila who scared eh so it is now as touching things offered unto idols we aid though we have made this knowledge part of our knowings is it getting it is it getting it what is what is a de part of your no wings no wings that the things you know no more arguments you don't need revelation for it what's your name look right do you need a revelation it's no aid oh it has become part of your knowing your look if somebody stands there and say look you blade why would you turn around you know your name you a doe it has become part of your knowings imagine if you answer to money like that where somebody says cash blood hello [Applause] there is no more difference between you and cash money healing weather is a sin in level of knowings para de legally ante Attitude Era camerado entrada infra Havasu gear so it says now as setting things over and riders we a dough that we all have knowledge we are heavy gnosis or nurses in other words as touching things offered to idols we have our knowledge that has become part of our no ends that we all have a certain level of knowledge that is needs to be found out so we have already gathered certain levels some science by observation we know a little bit so we are also a dough that even though you sign this thing you know by the way we have lived on earth we have touched some of your signs but you have not touched some of our Guinness car I wish I had people right now now as touching things over unto idols we adore that we have what gnosis we also have gnosis so don't be too happy you scientists saying you know better you don't have our aid oh but we also have part of your science Denison's but science will make you puffed up it makes you prideful that means the people with a dough have no pride because I don't have to be have pride because my information my knowings is not out of finding out his follow its it came to me because revelation Guinness Co out of that revelation I build my knowings and since now this is my knowing I didn't get it by trying to find out it's a revelatory thing is God will puts it there so I do not have pride I don't have pride that I'm a prophet because I didn't make myself one I remember in grade two at the age of seven I was able to know things I just I just knew I just you'd arrive here and I just knew who you were I just I could just tell there was no need for anything I could just tell are you getting what I'm trying to say how could what I hear X what 24 verse number 22 are you here that's when Paul was tried before Felix and look at what the Bible says let's read it together when Felix had these things having more perfect knowledge having what more perfect knowledge the way there is a dough being our way having had made this thing part of his knowings Felix are you hearing me now are you hearing me having made these things what part of his knowings he de fed them and said when lishus the chief captain shall come down i will know the uttermost of your meta the word know there all right is diagnosed go it is part of the the gnosis and also conozco but in a kernel kind of way where this is where we get the wedded diagnosis so you're saying I am aware of the ways Christian smooth for when phillips-head things having more perfect knowledge of the Christians he had made Christianity part of his knowings he was not a Christian but making it part of his knowings so he was away but he needed to find out things by investigation to come up with a conclusion a conclusive point of view to what was happening so it then comes to daya Janos Co which is the word diagnosis where it is used in the in the in the Bible all right so he needed to listen to every side to come up with what he needed to come up with go to Ephesians Ephesians Ephesians chapter number one Ephesians halel and goose here today karamatsu Ephesians Ephesians chapter number one and I'll read from verse number number 15 are you flowing are you flowing Malygos Ida Cumbre Ella gay and husky I didn't are you flowing 15 wherefore I also after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and love and to All Saints cease not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers you know sometimes when you read stuff like this it changes you your mind just changes imagine the prayer he prays to the church he's praying for you wherefore I also after I heard are you getting it of your faith in the Lord and love and to All Saints since not to give things for you making mention of you in my prayers that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory ala Gallagher may give unto you the spirit of Sofia and revelation in the epignosis this is the kind of knowledge that makes you a master in life I know I knew this is there wrong half of the church it makes you a mess a life do you understand do you understand why the whole world is of almost 3 billion Christians and less than 70 popular pastors I'm not talking about popular in your village or in your country I'm talking about you leave South Africa you leave Zimbabwe you appear in Washington DC today and a stadium is full that kind of impact is what I'm talking about I'm talking about you can stand in New York and shout you mean rangering so I know him that's what I'm talking about we made the calculations here with the team here I think we were struggling to get to 35 preachers three billion Christians 35 this is your issue epignosis the lack of the big noses in pastors and Christians that lack of applause is is what is happening right now in the church look at what it says that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory may given to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the epignosis of him in the word the epignosis epignosis is the real thing that's the real McCoy this is when the participator is participating with the norm they're not getting email in in epistemology in a pestle mala G the stead of knowledge you have three kinds of knowledge that our chief a doe de NOS CO and epignosis epignosis makes you a master I will say it makes you a master you gain mastery of your arts whatever you do you gain mastery over you you understand when the nun is now in participation with the Noah when the no one knows deep down in there and Noah that they known is now operating with you are no longer putting a mercedes-benz they know you are inside brother operating the thing you you you understand you in the sense you understand this is it on Guinness Co you have revelation on a doe you are away a meaningful mission has been made part of your knowings own epignosis you have gotten a hold of the thing you are now touching it you're operating it prep press 1 press to press they are look at it that's it brother that's it so you know you know in position confession it's faith at a junior level possession is faith at a senior level are you getting are you flowing up some participation of the newer with the object of the norm it is a kind of Koinonia Koinonia you know a communion between the thing that is known and the one who knows it revelation you know a toe you are away but when it comes a big gnosis now you no longer say I'm rich I'm rich I'm rich I'm rich in the name of Jesus people know you get it you know when you walk right people can tell you know you know prosperity looks like it's a race of people you know you can actually tell that's ok and you can tell somebody can wear the best suit that they can but all night long marinate themselves come out they walk like this even try to copy like oh you tried you tried you you can turn it right but hey something but they tried I've ever seen the Queen of England listen she can wait an overall the skin alone tells you seems like she's getting different water from the one you are getting she's not participating with your money see the King James Version every time you buy it she gets a cut you didn't know that yes King James they own it that's a great grandfather so every time you buy that's a copy right and that's the best-selling book on earth and their families the translator and the editors and she's sitting there knowing exactly what you're talking about people with money easy you know they don't even need to wear a selling watch or anything they'll be like okay what kind of watch is that no they can win no more stuff and just sit among you ladies that if you don't have Revelation Guinness Co you will never know that they you passed by them like that even bump into them like then later on I remember I was on a flight to to UK from Africa and now I had this Haiti back home and have a head of hate backup hate Beca is this beautiful lady who raises the dead and that day she's in on the jet and I mean they're the whole profit is in Emirates and I said they're of course fiscal us so I said in their first class with my wife there and I was tired because I just ministered and I just went to the oh yeah got on the plane after ministry and it was so I just like I need to rest you get a point I just thought I needed to rest and one is some I'm sitting there this lady comes to the front and gets her jacket you know removes a jacket and put it there when I saw their jacket immediately boom it came to my spirit the person with this jacket can be used by God and it's being used by God I said to my wife do you see this jacket do you see this jacket that they are putting their this lady God said she's so unwanted and we began to discuss with my wife we never even went further because when I got in because I was tired I should confess because some of you are too super spiritual you will never understand my testimony this is the time where this this transformice they just come out and the whole prophet wanted to sit transformers so I'm thinking I need to watch transformers an interest and I see this jacket and I comment that but I'm thinking transformers so we begin to discuss with my wife like Oh sometimes these white people don't even know that they are cold and is she's so powerful but she has no idea that she's cause she's so powerful right now but she doesn't even know this maybe she doesn't even know and with communities see you see I we can even tell they are renting on a jacket certainly we don't even know who it is we are sitting the end when we will live in Africa my wife had connected with the end they called each other and stuff like that and we said we need to meet this lady so that she can tell us all the things that are happening in your ministry what she's doing and stuff like that we were sitting there and I tried to play with the plane is now flying say okay now the TV system is on and I've transformed us to end that universal thing I'm like let's see what happens with this thing the whole system on the plane for entertainment broke down we're talking more everything it might be good wanting us to talk to this lady and we are looking around you just like we realize we don't we don't know nobody on the own in the first class you know you don't see all the cysts but like I don't know them I went to this guy's can you fix this piece I need to see transform us and gots a jacket I said this jacket is too bothering me but transformers I got so angry I got so angry I slipped we are landing with landed and the lady comes to pick a gigantic hey seven hours of being angry a Transformers not playing and the person I told god I needed to meet that's the a Beca day and when we got to - to Dubai and we're out there and she said wow you are the one oh then she knew us and stuff like that and we started talking and she said you know what let me show you photos boom boom photos she's in the forest with a dead child for three days dead real stuff dead she took the child from the funeral took a into the forest to sleep the praying third day smelling third day fourth day resurrected now watch this I'm thinking wait a minute you could have told me more stories if I had not transformers do you understand I did not take that as part of my knowings the revelation came this is the lady then think are you getting it now so the God of all oh Jesus Christ of glory may given to you the spirit of wisdom so fear in the epignosis so epignosis is automatic listen it's automatic otherwise it will not be given to you so that the Lord may give you that means it's a prayer giving automatic epignosis epignosis is full knowledge you're now operating with the thing are you are you flowing we have gone home are you flowing are you flowing Telugu Bray castles with a handlebar leg at the zoo so if you if you if you understand what Ephesians three was saying that time it's a sin to not the love of Christ - no - what - no - Guinness co2 have a revelation so you can't put the love of God in a test tube this is why scientists can tell God exists because the Bible says they give no score the revelation that is beyond science and you can only know him they are not getting it in fact let's go to our 1 Corinthians 1 Corinthians 2 1 Corinthians 2 1 Corinthians 2 1 Corinthians - Marla zoo zendo courante Akaka Guiche are you there verse number 12 now we have received not the spirit of the world either now we have spirit not the spirit of now have received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit which is of God that we might not that we may definitely but we might that tells you is not for everyone it is there for everyone but some might take advantage of it that we might know we might able because remember it is to begin Oscar fest a revelation the Ruda and a gagas we might know the things that are freely given to us by God so we know we can only for the things that are freely given we need a dough we need to put it in our knowing it's freely given healing is freely given it's in our annoyance so I put that as my noise salvation freely given it's part of my knowing which things also we speak which things which ones the ones we adore and the ones we speak so a doe force you to speak not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth but which the Holy Ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things to spiritual it means to use spiritual vocabulary for spiritual things I want to I want to talk to God about my house no you say I want to pray there is a language of the spirit a vocabulary of the spirit you don't just talk nonsense when you read the Bible it alters the way you speak you say when I profess I say that says the Lord I don't need to say this but it's a kind of King James language that is loaded in my spirit because I I read the King James I say in the realm of the Spirit you ask me I don't know why I say it why because it's a language of the Spirit I don't have to learn it Hado Faust it now Isis verse number fourteen is what you're waiting for the natural man the scientists receives not these things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto Him Nayda kanigan osco them neither can he get it by revelation because revelation is for us that's why they can't agree with us so scientists are are saying there's no good yeah they need to get a revelation they need conozco we knew there is a god best on you know Scott there was a revelation Imperator spirit they don't have that you know what the Bible says if you want to prove God what do you do says tithe and prove me here with if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there will not be a room - for God is a rewarder how does the sign for God is reward is the reward of them that Heath is present he exists so you want him to know you exist don't don't don't don't put a test you put it tight in there what was this you will see try me so yes we have seen that the world has got this and there is a space there is this we calculate this process by revelation because they are spiritually discerned but he that is spiritual judges all things yet he himself is an a cleaner interrogated by nobody that means no matter how they sign this tries to see us they only see stupidity when we talk about God because they can't interrogate a spiritual person because we are based on Guinness Co not on gnosis are you flowing with me how is somebody here who know beyond reasonable doubt that God is this number crosses now we have received not the spirit all right of the world but the spirit of which is of God that we may know no I'm hearing that we may what no no 1 John 3:14 late again so so sorry gonna horse take in Osaka lie Melissa key I Iike borrow Toki no hostility I know miss kita that is the lavash a verse number of Satan rhythm Marvel not my brethren if the world hates you are you seeing it we know we ain't no we don't need revelation on this one this is living in the revelation this one you don't cut a lambo know you para Lambo know I said this one you don't cut a Lambo know you peril Ambani cattle Umberto means to seizes it by force when I hear a scripture flying from here I catch it I am reached I catch that I am prosperous I catch it but parolin bono is when revelation and UF become one brothers and sisters are you here brothers and sisters this is real brothers I said this is real this is real this is real this is real but what you need to do with Revelation is to cut a lambo knew it and cattle amano means to scissors it by military mighty to grab is it by force to force it into you then para Lambo no it means I no longer need to force it me me me me and the knowledge me aha me me me me me me me my conozco and my knowledge my aid oh you understand my aid oh my knowings and my epignosis my epignosis now is like one with me for exact knowledge the participator is participating with the non then Noah knows the non and knows out to northern on and operate with a norm [Applause] I'm fully loaded with God and on that bombshell we end today [Music] you come here I want to make you a millionaire in the Balkan day in the Balkan come here Lazo zucchero Elodie Ando Zuzu say so guys okay pal Rhonda gasps Allah yes yes God is about to shift you to another level I receive my leg is that so - ah practically like these shoes just so saying the Spirit of the Lord is leading you to another level yes sir and this issue of money don't worry about it anymore yes I'm coming to you paradizoo brother I saw it's like a letter or email wait and a lot Minister to me this is about to take place and this thing that is about a Czech place will shock the world I mean because your issue was thinking is gonna be you sitting and just doing like this and then something happens but I saw a new computer being done come listen Ashley you like a new computer but it was gonna be used for people for countries there are countries that are we're talking about countries there's an Asian brother another Asian brother in there Cindy you have your child you every choice or no yes okay good you don't know each other right no but your Asians you should know each other yeah professor is a lie okay is this a joke smile so the Lord is putting you to another level and of money yes sir and you shall see a big change happening and I speak now based on my knowing [Music] this is no longer the noscope I got a revelation of who you were but then your revelation good dip and become my knowings now I have a dough you see when you get your house and you see a letter through the door or you order something some Papa Papa BAM I'm ordering this and I'm ordering that and the receipt comes boom boom boom boom yeah here you go you if you are away you ever think that you bought your way it's no longer anything but then when they bring the full package completeness of it it's dena scope and revelation but that revelation does not lead leads you into a lead or not the other way around so you have a completeness of information by revelation but then you become our web by revelation you become part of your knowings so you move from your house with a notepad that says you have a thing in your place we did not find you at your house but you have a package what package now you go to the location and they give you the TV now you are right you are away it's a complete thing you know you know now that we have a team but you haven't tested it yet then you what you notice the TV you have opening its a TV blah blah ah that's a TV then you get to your house you put it out there and you plug it in and you start seeing the pictures now the participator is participating with the nun now that's a biggie gnosis for exact knowledge you are now operating with the thing you know you know it's different to say how we have a mess it is been that we have a lambo I have a twenty bedroom house it's another thing than to actually live there will you come out like that say I'm good so I saw in the remoter spirit and the letter is written go and choose China yes I would like to import from China before I accessories mobilizes stern here it's in there because I saw computers I saw Computer Engineering Computer Engineering I did you did computer engineering okay beside this China thing you are talking about it will pass I'm telling you now it'll succeed and your name shall be in newspapers everywhere they shall talk about I saw fire flowing from him to you and that means there is a connection with money a connection with finances and that's connection with finances you it will shock you but it's not in London the Lord says so I'm gonna be in London this is outside of London I see am outside of London the Lord minister to me it will bury you will be rich outside not here Gazoo in fact just for you to know that I know what I'm talking about where's your wife while she's feeding the child all right when God gave you that child there is something that happened it wasn't supposed to be the time that the child was born and the Lord said he is gonna be a sign yes because I went into the Old Testament and began to see a friend of David Jonathan Jonathan yes that's his name yes and the Lord has already said this child is a prophet yes yes yes wai-wait prophesy because of time because of time wait wait because of time I decree in the clay as for you two people you shall count money until you grow blister like a chocolate is made come to you - in the name of Jesus the one the one the brother from China there is something about a wife where's your wife Oh matter is something God is about to touch you there are many things that were even going wrong when it comes to health yes the enemy was trying to do a whole lot of things yes it was gonna cause even diabetes even to go all this way but God is mighty in battle Jehovah Kamala is his name marzo cuvee su su SE suniye Sunan Sunita okay I decree in the clan let every thing that was missing be found in the name of Jesus I make I receive [Music] [Applause] rafasa in the mighty name of Jesus you in you you shall see the glory of God and those who used to look down upon you or begin to look up to you a lot of people that say you will not amount to anything yeah but that would I destroy it driver even s even as the children of Israel passed by the waters and above the Bible says they were baptized unto Moses this rep by reason of that scripture you are baptized into a prophetic you are baptized into finances you are baptized into health you are baptized into increase you are baptized into plenty in Jesus mighty you will see the Spirit of the Lord will push you to another level amen something will change hey man and I don't care what they done yes I believe that's the same thing following everyone yes the same thing simply what I'm saying is the same thing if we taught you your wife about a dream a 200 yes yes I took my wife I took my wife as I see myself in the old house it hold - my father died my father still alive and what I stay alive I did a lot to bury in that compound I beauty in Nigeria way in Nigeria proposal that's why we need that I refuse to bury him there everybody was fighting me bury him guys they know there's some people that killed your father after you yes I know I know let me repeat this let me rephrase people that killed your father yes we're trying to kill you into now we serve a God that swallows what's one of the elephants yeah I said we serve a God that swallows what swallows the elephant and you are in there and sometimes you don't even know why you are back at the house you'll be sitting like this sometimes you just move around in the house you wonder why you are doing this there is no assignment no way around the way the guy at the gym entered his wife and the dream is being reviewed here yes and I was not sleeping next to him when he was dreaming his his own dream I give you that I give you this you can even lose this it doesn't matter no one would touch [Music] [Applause] [Music] the lamas grando gallo deus creaminess a table goddess aha what is this how come I'm just seeing girls only this one if she's not careful she end up in jail that's why I killed sir okay out of all these ones another one is Lizzy all right out of all these ones this one okay this this is this your first time here yes sir it's my first time mama don't worry about your kids I prayed about them and your prayers will be answered concerning your kids all right and listen to me there's one thing this will never forget you they will never forget you because seems as if there was a better but the better is very very silent this looks like somebody's trying to compete for love of these same people you understand when somebody makes a mistake and then they try to to fix it by showing some love to the kids yet they messed up their mother yeah you getting it don't worry more I know you believe me so much but watch this don't cry no more it's gonna be fixed you have done everything you travel to this country travel to this country try to root this country but limited sorry there points where you get your point and you call it a bus stop it is a bus so because that's where you get your fine now that's where you actually get off the bus to relax all right life has not been good to you yeah a lot of tears and a lot of crying in fact at one time you were very big priori a very big priori some people isn't used to call you their spiritual mother then it happened you give birth and you people were searching for one for a child a baby boy how many daughters do you have five cars five daughters no boy nothing so keep on searching keep on searching and on to the men's a day you're not giving me a boy yeah and then piled up with some accusations that from no way all right I don't want to embarrass the men so I want to mention his name all right for good reasons I'm by no means saying I'm supporting what he did all right right now I'm fully in support of you okay but nobody should leave their wife just because they don't have they don't give birth to a baby boy the sex comes from the white man only the intelligence comes from the woman yeah check the sign the probability of the woman influencing intelligent is officer 80% yeah she say yeah he's clever like his father you understand so it's actually scientifically proven all right so don't worry about it can I get please this seize the day mine Angeles it's okay you all right it's all right okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] No so this is your first time this is your first time too hey so how you do know each other your first time first time people who told who to come we invited woo when did you get born again when did you get born again two years ago three years ago all right now where did you get your wife my wife she's from where she where do you she's at Birmingham we live where did you write your wife Jesus over are we made it India and where is she now she's at Walsall town Birmingham you see something come here it's great don't tell people right we're just two of us and we are not being hit right now excited to come here what do you live I'm the daughter of a stroller did you leave the buses it is a very simple thing anyway don't worry about it geez new listen this thing about Christianity it's not just one by you talking okay people like this these ones are what heads your wife is a what head touch definitely yeah she's fighting every day she doesn't understand nothing about this Jesus Christ absolutely right you have tried I am definitely getting born-again she's like enough for two years you've been born again and a girl your love doesn't want to be born again you believe in miracles go home rejoice big lead for the devil so just go home hug your wife kiss a listen to the message he saying tell you Jesus loves you I might not know how to love you better but jesus loves you watch what will take place your wife will be standing with you like that do you hear what I say I said this very a your wife you and your wife will be sitting side by side line in this pleasure [Applause] [Music] this is your first time two months two months ago who told you about us you you how long have you been here two months ago so you told each other let's go so relaxed mama don't cry alright don't cry every little thing it's gonna be alright [Applause] come don't worry don't cry okay I got a feeling alright you talk to this woman do you talk to this woman why don't you talk to her when last do you speak to a just answer the question don't give me a revelation a month doesn't she have a phone she got the phone alright okay and this is your what this is your what this is my senior sister senior sister alright emitter is something that takes place here are you here Valon go Zuzu la guerra dr. Agatha soo soo isn't of course I see a name here alright so I will not prophesy her name the name is written this is not a four one nine prophet you see a name like yeah it has gotten into your blood now here blood has gotten into your blood because it's like there is a weakness even even breathing is weakness breathing weakness it's like it's no longer she's no longer breathing well it's like hardship in breathing it just gets filled up quickly this is cancerous yeah huh yes true the first time when a sickness starts it was a briefing their hearts and after that is become cancer cancel I don't know why did you bring it here she's back oh no no why don't you bring it okay wait I bring yeah it's because I believe in the Prophet man so I want you to be able to call this woman all right we call this woman right go ahead a bag they call this woman and act like you're not in church and you say do you believe prophet angel all right if she says I believe then we do something if she says I don't I can't help it you don't try to make her believe and as you're going there as you're going there with as you're going there go Google as you're going there you have a friend called Alice huh yes it's just problem with a marriage now it's like gone ah she believes some of her acai already in the name of Jesus hallelujah is the same in every language I decree and declare that you'll be tied from the top of your head to the soles of your feet in the name of Jesus not because of your goodness not because of my goodness but because of the power of God in the name of Jesus grass over you in the name of Jesus here in Jesus name here in the name of Jesus [Music] our sister here has always wanted to be in real estate all right but it never quite happened now on their special Exodus night in Peterborough this year the turn of the year you prophesied to her you said this is your grid yeah Wow I'm giving you the whole 12 months Wow and this is a great year for property Wow profit she didn't wait around she took the word on the 3rd of January she made a deal for a property so you say do you know what is happening right now she made proper to one of Ian knowings it was no longer a revelation I gave it it became one of the things that she knew this year this year this year some of you are still trying to figure out when he really be your knowing I decree and declare someone I decree and Aglaia to someone in the name of Jesus yes so profit that was in January now that it was going on a little bit before the deal was going to be completed but there contacted her again just last month and said oh by the way we made a mistake with the pricing it should have been fifty thousand pounds more but because we've already made a deal we're giving you at the the reduced price may you receive a 50,000 pound miracle I said may you receive a 50,000 pound miracle something is taking place so profit she got the 50,000 pound miracle she's now got a keys right there and this is an investment property this is so she can make money oh so this is an investment this is not to live this assessment would be boy in their sense congratulations landlord [Applause] [Music] yes earlier on in the week our sister had a big problem okay she couldn't breathe it was like the chest was was getting crushed and precious she couldn't breathe they formed that ambulance and there's the photograph right there soon as the ambulance but they're a prophet they said that this is either a collapsed lung or it's it's a heart attack Wow she was so scared that got to the hospital prophet they said we are gonna start doing tested on you but you need to take everything off there's one thing she refused to take off prophet and it's the wristband she said I will not take off this wristband so professor listen there are some people will stick to the revelation just they just stick to it I'm not doing this you can tell me what you want what did I preach about it when you say to the doctor you can say whatever you want to say but there is a limit because I I know this is part of my knowings Carla Rosie she said that this wristband which is the same as the wristband that you were just given out is that as a conduit of the anointing as the only representation of the power and God inside you prophet she said I'm not removing this wristband now prophet she laid in bed the tests were done she was in the hospital bed she waited she waited she waited she kept playing with the wristband trick playing with it and praying midnight the doctor came in said the test results are in there's nothing wrong with you you can go home [Applause] [Music] oh dear sister her daughter is in Accra Ghana all right and she formed her mother and said mother I'm having a big problem my leg is swollen for no reason right now on this photograph you can see the leg is almost double the size of the left leg the right leg is almost double the size of the left leg she was in pain it was Russian it was swollen she could hardly walk she said I don't know what happened it just came from normal the mother said okay and she did you go the doctor yes I went to the doctor and she had been given by the doctor an army of tablets and medications and then what I said no this is not right I got a spirit embassy in Ilford London this is this is not right this medications not right she brought the photograph into the church on the Sunday profit and held him up and he prophetically located her you laid your hand upon the photo prayed for it and said it's well with your daughter's illness she called the daughters straight after the service and said listen the man of God prophet Angeles just prayed over your picture what's going on with your leg the daughter looked down at the leg the leg was 100% normal [Applause] she didn't even realize she didn't know until she loved that to this now you can see on the photograph they're 100% healed from that photo to this one just love the service look there lady didn't even know prophet she didn't notice that it was healed until she looked down she said oh she was shocked listen the Bible says and suddenly the Holy Ghost suddenly the Holy Ghost on your money suddenly the Holy Ghost on your disease suddenly the Holy Ghost that's the move of the Spirit thank you [Music] Suffolk recently from a very bad heart attack mm-hmm so much so profit that it not only hospitalized him but after the heart attack he was having constant chest pains problems in his chest breathing and taken so much medication that it was a problem it was affecting his whole life so he decided the only way that I can fix this is if I go to the healing Institute the spirit embassy healing Institute so he attended the healing Institute prophet of the final day of the healing Institute the Sunday prophetess BP angel laid hands upon his chest and said it is done Wow he then went for a jeweler tests all of the tests are to do with the heart and he's just received a letter last week to see you don't need any more medication there's no more problem we don't need to make any more appointments with you it is well is he [Applause] [Music] our sister here had an issue with their daughter and the school that her daughter has been a little bit naughty and troublesome in the school as kids do but this school now went to the social services and said it's them it's the mother's fault they went to the social services and the social services put three agents upon our sister here and social workers Wow observing monitoring reporting three of them yeah three different ones up to the point where she said my only option here is God my only option here is spirit embassy Ilford with profitable engines the only option this she brought sign into the church sin time for favor hmm it's the time for favor yes sir oh it's the time for favor by a reason of your inscription may you receive that one let's go prophet you perfectly located her you gave her a bottle of anointing oil the conduit for the power and you said with your daughter it's well it's okay you'll gather a 20 for a miracle within 24 hours prophet she took the oil she took the word she had a meeting the following day with the social social workers and the school the teachers they said to her the kiss has dropped but but the teachers said no no no no you can't drop the case we're we're not we're not happy this needs to continue and they over wrote the teachers and said no we are dropping the case [Music] yes it been like this that's it and you don't mind I want I want to aspect all about this you can intercept today right can I get a water this is just a conference drink it now so you went to the hospital now what is what are they saying but they can't fix it should give me so many medication why not easy and I thought lately I didn't do it go away near the toilet all right somebody would take you there prophet he's just been to the bathroom is smiling prophet because now everything is working well now everything is working well 2014 prophet it wasn't working well he had issues of blood a lot of different things happening since you just prayed for him he went to the bathroom everything is well prophet come on somebody if Jesus praise Jesus i [Applause] prophesy finances to that brother Dabo for your trouble where is the brother I say Doug go for your trouble for every trouble you suffered with we're doing this may you receive john-boy in your finances increase in your finances businesses may they come out of you in Jesus might name Hubert angel Ministerial Association [Music] for mentorship teaching an impartation for those in ministry or those who have a calling register at www.a ma co for the good news church call the number on the screen for more information thank you our partners and friends for making it possible to bring this message to you those wishing to partner with Hubert angel please visit www.un.org/webcast [Music] your miracle TV networking the world with the good news
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 85,278
Rating: 4.8742857 out of 5
Keywords: uebert angel, bebe angel, beverly angel, the goodnews church, prophecy, prophetic, spirit embassy, christ embassy, prosperity, prophet angel, prophet uebert angel, pastor chris, chris oyakhilome, prophet bushiri, Major1, money, kim kardashian, R Kelly, bill gates, hollywood
Id: rlsA2_uCxDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 18sec (6318 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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