Uebert Angel - Unmasking The Devil

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that which we have handled which we have seen with our master Hanus this in the weight of truth we have not followed cunningly devised to farmers so we were eyewitnesses of the same we're walking back but we have sinned a lot our eyes have seen the Lord I don't know about you [Music] somebody we seek and just you'd like that man this is the good news we preach a good news world with Buford and joy provoking a reaction and always worth hearing unmasking the devil the devil is not as powerful as deliverance ministers have made him to be since your neighbor say if you give the devil attention he will give you direction and it's unfortunate that our churches have become deliverance centers when ministers and gospel ministers are actually please representing the devil they've become ambassadors for the devil if you listen to preachers talking about how powerful the enemy is you will be so shocked do you think the devil is so powerful that is more powerful than God hasn't it occurred to you how many minutes the devil can get into a person and then a deliverance minister takes hours to remove the demon that tells us demons are more powerful than our God which is the fabrication in a lie the biggest problem we have believed right now we have believed the lies of the enemy when he has told us he can get into you and you need a deliverance minister let me say this way since for the weapons of our faith notice the weight off it the weight off it a is the word status and the word structures has nothing to do with the war it is when we get the word strategy so it is the weapons of our strategy leezak rebel as the v's the weapons of our strategy so all we are dealing with a strategist there is never is never anything to do with the better you hear people say have been three weeks in a spiritual warfare what were you doing I did two weeks fasting in a spiritual battle with Wu the Bible says the enemy was defeated I took it Almighty Kabbalah surya bassoon if the if Jesus defeated the devil what are you doing fighting him somebody's lying to us and the biggest problem is they have a mic in the pulpit are you hit me after I finish it's a very simple thing very simple thing if you understand the weapons of our Stratus of our strategy its strategies nothing to do with battling anyone or fighting anyone now now now somebody says but the Bible says we wrestle not the weight that talks about race oh there it is the word pally it means it's in in the Roman Empire we had they had something that they called boxing and in those days boxing you had to weigh in amma because people would get killed they used to say there was nobody who could retire from boxing your death is your retirement that's how dangerous boxing was allowed biting they were allowed using weapons their language you see but when it came to wrestling it was the least violent it only needed stamina this is why policies after we have done all to stand strength therefore nothing to do with fighting Christians are fighting the devil every day and Jesus is wondering what did i do on the cross we deliver people in this church but the people we deliver are fools I don't think this side likes me very much I'm gonna go this side so you know am I saying demons can get into people I am saying they can but they get into ignorant people in fact after I say this you will see me as I move around yo us someone said deliver me I have some demons that cover my head demons you diagnose yourself demons and it's everywhere in every Church there is the pastor who is telling you we need to remove it them on for you to get your your your job no phone for no all Livorno a level never went to school but you want a demon to be removed so you can be a teacher toffee aqua your father wasted school fees so understand this it says here one two three let's go submit yourselves therefore to God resist the devil and the waitress sister is the word and the STEMI and the SME and assembly means against opposite and is temmie means standing or in stands so it is stands you make against somebody I've been resisting the devil all night or night so Jesus died for nothing for you to resist the devil all night Jesus died so you can do four weeks of fasting to get one simple job that is sinner guess without brain are you flowing tennis a is therefore resist the devil the weight devil day I want to get a little bit deeper into the way they were that's the whole thing and masking the devil my man of God Pastor Chris says something like this he said when I saw the devil first time I came up with one conclusion he's so empty he said I thought I could find something there was nothing in it that's why Isaiah says in the last day when we shall be given the devil he shall be standing in front of us like that in the Bible says and we shall not only look upon him in other words you be so small we wonder in fact the Scriptures actually say you will say is this the thing that made them to tremble just imagine how ministers protocol for the devil a demon comes out they put a mic in front ladies where are you coming from from the river to give the devil a microphone that the church bought no way so what are you doing in there I am the passband I would never live here some people don't need deliverance they just need to whooping just one bun wake up it is happening with pastas they're actually holding the mic for the devil to speak when Jesus met one demon is it shut up check out that's all that's all check out I don't need an interview with you I need you to go that's why the Bible says you shall kick out this devil you see the way to kick out is like you're walking ladies right in your stilettos there you're walking like this and then and the weight is egg below and you're moving like this and you see a small pepper on your way imagine you're on your catwalk like this and you see us we say that's it below you is it's a knee-jerk reaction it's not something we planned for casting how the devil should be a knee-jerk rejection reaction is like what are you doing in my way and the biggest problem we have is we think the devil is his name the name devil is not the name of devil it is a job description the word devil comes from a greek word called diabolo dia ballast when you get to Lamborghini they have something called Lamborghini Diablo that's so exactly what they are trying to say therefore then don't start saying that's why I don't buy Lamborghini that's why you see mean that Vauxhall I rebuke that works of yours every since the moment they get one reason that is spiritual huh grab it watch this the Apollo simply means the weight dear alright means to pierce through one who steps and till he pierces through the web ballast means to throw continuously so the devil is that guy would thrust continuously until he stabs you into the extent of piercing through in other words the devil is consistent and persistent even when he made Jesus is tempting Jesus and look at what he says he begins to talk about some nonsensical thing and what's this so many people Christians think Jesus was taken by by the devil and was placed on the pinnacle of the temple and was taught to fall from update how did he get a hold of Jesus how do you grab Jesus to take him to thee it's not real so when the Bible says and the devil took Jesus they doesn't mean physically [Music] for twice transported him up and suggested that if I take you up here that's what the devil did he took Jesus mind to the top of the temple and told him but notice he kept saying things saying things in Jesus kept on courting scripture quoting scripture and - one minute Jesus said it is speed I want you to notice what they'd ever did the Bible says and the devil left him for a season why because he is diabolo he is consistently throwing he can never tire even with Jesus said you won this time but I'm coming back this way the Bible says so Mike Lee grew the Word of God and prevailed in Ephesus I don't know whether you know Ephesus is it sticky imagine how many Muslims are in take right now and the Bible says one guy called Paul say it's so mightily grew the weight in Turkey that it prevailed over Islam prevailed over any religion one men made the would prevail but if he made the word prevailed that means the word could not prevail until there was an addition of the weight and continuous loading of the word until the word prevail if the way then prevailed it wasn't prevailing there was a lever the word was so little that he could not prevail so God is also consistent and persistent and the devil copied his persistence and so the devil is not as powerful now I want you to see something here that I keep saying to some of our fellow ministers who like removing demons from people it's like that's what they do deliverance and a breakthrough Sunday after you break through you need another break through to break through the other break through it just happens like that over and over again psycho and how many people here like all this laying on of hands or you put on you until you smell like sunflower oil because what you believe is I need some kind of deliverance we can be quick it's unfortunate the Bible says faith cometh from hearing and hearing by the Word of God that means faith is a product of knowledge faith is for the intelligent till your neighbor faith is for the intelligent no for stupid people that's why people say but I have a lot of faith I have you don't when you don't have knowledge you don't have faith so people think faith is some kind of feeling I feel I believe God I trust him I don't know why it's not happening ray if I say raise your hand those with faith and things are not taking place all of your blog here that means you have made God a liar God says if you have faith it works what overcomes the world even our faith the word even means exactly our faith that means when you have faith nothing is impossible the moment you see a situation being impossible you don't have faith I don't care how how how convinced you are that your faith faith is a broad product of knowledge how much weight do you have in you that you have converted into knowledge and that knowledge has become your speech an aggregate of what is inside that's why Jesus said I speak to you but you can't understand my speech because you don't have my word that means whatever comes out of my mouth is an aggregate of what is in my spirit so the devil is powerless listen to this for you who say we fight the devil so you are more powerful than Jesus Christ Jesus says I defeated him on the cross you say no we need to defeat him again cuz your defeat was very very you know your conquest was very little we need to get him and my pastor has just come from the mountain was of powerful today will be so powerful he's gonna defeat the devil again now here is what Paul says he says for we are not ignorant of his devices we are not ignorant of his devices if he says we are not ignorant of his devices that means the devil only has tricks he has no power to defeat anybody the power that devil has is the one we give him as it begins to pierce through pierce true consistently through consistently thro and we agree have you ever been seeking you are you are very sick and you start declaring the name of Jesus over your your sickness in the name of Jesus I decree in decay and pain begins to be even deeper the throbbing is even harder now the more you caught the name of Jesus the more pain until you say oh why me Jesus uh-huh he s pierced through so the devil keeps on going until he realizes here here you are now got a new way I want you to be because now I've managed to pierce through remember the store of job out the devil and God way in heaven discussing about job and remember job is not involved in the discussions a meeting that only God and the devil are doing and I'm not involved and they are discussing about me my pain and God says one statement he says they have you checked out my seven this is a men that fears evil runs away from evil when was it correct know was a lie did God lie no but remember there is a difference between good and God not everything good is godly and not everything godly is good good dress in the definition of what God caused it I told you before if I buy my own razor blade and I remove my beard on the side the Bible calls it in the Old Testament is a scene it's an abomination but that's my razor blade and my money what is it to do with God but according to God is an abomination if a woman sits on a chair on her menses what happened she's unclean the chassis sitting is unclean anybody who touches they're unclean who created you like that so you are also unclean you didn't get that but to God good and God two different things remember for those who still how about that kind of nonsense is Old Testament but I understand are you there so now God says unconvinced job will never do anything against me but the divorce is not convinced that means jobs ability he had managed to convince God but did not manage to convince the devil so faith when it's full in knowledge it has to get to a point where you convince the devil you will never change he better know that it's never gonna change whatever I'm doing will not change the devil knows it's what you be rain Joe I'm never gonna live spirit embassy that's something I told God oh you might think that's not happening look at all Eggman one of the largest one of the biggest Pentecostals in Scandinavia found of it leave its odds imagine that that whole University one of the biggest universities in Europe founded by one guy called off Eggman powerful the men would stand in front de people fall under the power miracles would take place one night he just caught his secretary says the church is no longer mine what happens they I'm no longer coming to my church you mean the 6,000 member check that you found it yes what are you doing I'm now a member the Roman Catholic Church so founders can actually live on churches when when there is this deer bellows a piercing through and to you stop believing he keeps doing it counting and counting until one day you say I give up that that man that marriage of yours he will keep on fighting it until one day the moment you start giving in it keeps on going the moment you give him one or two stories that yeah yeah I think you know yeah you know this thing I can leave it boom is on it until you agree you can even understand what he's saying it makes sense and remember is one of the things that God when he created he said he you were born intelligent and beautiful in all your ways beautiful the devil even God admits the Deaf ways intelligent and then not only is the intelligent is he has experience before you were born he was they messed up your great-grandfather unto you the experienced the guy has a he knows exactly what to say when you stand against me knows exactly where to go have you ever come out of a problem and then your son gets involved and you thought you a praying for yourself and then another thing happens somewhere else full of strategies but what he has no watch this this is why the Bible says says for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the word pulling down of strongholds imagine when people here pulling down on strongest they feel like some some satanic walls that they need to put no the Bible goes in and saves it this way pulling down every imagination ways it in your brain spiritual warfare that better is here it's a strategic warfare it is not pulling down of anything like demons are all over the place I hear prayers like any demon from hell I used to pray these things I'm telling you how many I was a cancer demons from hell any agent from here not demon not devil right now as I speak to you deaf way has never seen the arrow never he doesn't even know what he looks like demons have never been to hell not one day find a vest they are give you twenty thousand right now and I don't want to give you just imagine so don't waste your time it's not there have you ever have you already had preachers talking to you about demons in hell no demon is in hell anyhow there is no face for it no Bible for it there's only preachers for it they met Jesus and Jesus looked at demons and what did Amon say I you come to us to tremendous they know tormenting means sending us to hell before the time they knew it's no time only preachers put the demonstrate what are they doing they some of you who we've been with me for a long time you understand how I explained how preachers take you know we have four pictures of the devil with a big like you are the bride that's what they think the devil will be doing in hell the devil will be burning in hell you won't be ruling anything it's not easy quarters hell was created for the devil the devil doesn't want to see it so right now he's looking for people who can be his companions in hell that's exactly what's happening with him and you'd be sitting there talking about I cancel every demon from Hell they'd ever be laughing like there is no one so when you are exposed and mask and mask the devil you realize he has no power what so ever he can do nothing for we wrestle not it's a wrestling as rules even in the Olympics wrestling is rules you can't kick you can't bite are you getting it are you flowing if you I knew you'd be wondering people just talk in this case we have lost logic we are spiritual now you are allowed to jump up and down but if you jump wrongly will beat you up they have permission one two three let's go for we wrestle not [Music] mmm why it's it says so that you can be able to withstand not to fight so you may be able to withstand against work and everyday and number one and every day is coming this is a prophecy that will never fall to the ground your every day is coming some of you pass through it a few months ago a few days ago an evil day is coming for everyone but what we do with the evil day makes us Christians are you flowing what are you flowing you didn't come here to be taught that there is no evil day coming brothers and sisters is definitely coming so it may be able to withstand in the evil day having done all to stand so after all this tending what do we do fight there off first number 14 so we still standing why are we standing because the devil is defeated now now the battle is a war is between two and defeated enemies once one is defeated is no longer a war it's somebody becoming a nuisance say for all the tour people here if they have a certain photo shot men that battle never ends I'm sorry for all sure people but you understand what I'm saying if you ever put a short person oh oh sit and shut piss and fight the torment you beat them therefore they will try to come again like please just go go go go why because they are not defending only their ability to fight but their height their like I know why your you are trying to do this to me you you you think because I'm short and went to st. Lucia and I remember the pastor Dame and his eldest two elders say came to the to the hotel and say look we will not hold it against you if you leave on the second day I said the meeting is three days they said no if you live on the second day it's ok you guys you want me to leave said no every minister including this one in this one in this one in this bishop in this bishop they all don't finish their conferences because the authority of the city the country the demon that is responsible for this country who visit them normally the first day first night or second night now I said no I'm not going anywhere second day nothing happened no principally the only principality I saw in the water is me so then that day nothing and I remember the first day they were you know Caribbean people I learned something about you they can be very stubborn I'm telling you they're very very stubborn and they are free to talk anyhow remember that they were going like where do you come from all these guys are like Malawi India what about you what about you Jamaica I'm like ok ok ok ok ok very vibrant people so I'm ministering in front and they are on their phones literally going like this like this sitting in front boy is like and I'm just standing there thinking Jesus Christ or they get myself into and I'm ministering I just continued ministering and I realize nobody's listen we about hundred in some and somebody's there opening the lunch box they are eating in the church I'm telling you I'm telling you so I realize let me do what we do in Africa I pointed to the lady who was in the corner and appointed to the men in the farthest corners and you slept together at this location the phones went the phones were they hit their phones immediately like fast everyone was like Alleluia in the spirit you know you know Caribbean people know exactly how to act immediately to avoid danger the next service the following service we were we were 3,500 filled a in a conference with 3,500 seats and people had overflows 120 from a small room to booking another room in a few minutes now got the third day nothing happens and then the final there for me to go ahead arrived and they said ok let's just go through past the church and you you know this bishop we had given us the venue you know as an emissions I'm standing there he said there is the principality of this city I said ahead of him or her I never know it see him or hear I've ever seen that in the whole Bible if demons were in women they never said anything ok we may not dangerous [Applause] imagine leaky on say I am looking for we are many then comes Mary said this Mary had seven demons and Jesus removed where he is the story she was just acting like nothing no no nothing wrong no shouting no demon coming are nothing men the moment they have a demon it screams he throws them in the fire women just remain cool Mary from whom seven demons came out way is the story anyway lift that alone but now you know very calm I told you even got the fruit the fruit realized she was naked she walked to Adam like nothing is happening like Adam it please she knew she wasn't a Jew like no I'm never telling him calm the deaf ways already intent are you getting it now somebody's getting it but getting it the wrong way so this woman came I said this the woman that with from money just about this woman and the stomach you are looking at this is twenty four months pregnant twenty four months doesn't make sense one bit if you watch the Nigerian meeting I had a few years ago there was another lady again there was twenty three months pregnant look at the way you're looking at me like does it even make sense that's why it's being spoken it doesn't make sense for 24 months are you in elephant so I'm by no means saying demons are not real I'm not saying deliverance is not necessary deliverance is necessary for the ignorant people that have demons but what's wrong is for the minister to talk about deliverance continuously without teaching people how to stay delivered why why is it that why is it that no demon has ever manifested in from me in me you never we never saw it why why is it that generous of God we never see videos of them wriggling on the floor talking I am here I was here 24 hours why how come the people that deliver other people asked ill not having videos out there that we can see of them being delivered if they cannot be possessed why are they not telling people the way not to be possessed because one thing ministers know is this if they deliver you and tell you the secret for so deliverance you do not attend change that's why deliverance sessions ministers would tell you come to check for 12 weeks if you miss one deliverance session with that over that's your attending thus offering the sty thing that seeds I'm a deliverance minister I deliver the weights are you flowing what I'm saying starts off the understanding that the devil is so empty I looked at this woman and said out in the name of Jesus and the lady fell backwards and listened with a mouth closed the groaning was coming out of thee from the stomach Sadie the second time she floated in the air like this Levithan we were in Manchester I believe one honey Street think possible in remembers that one hand street one lady was lying flat remember with their hands like this and flipped to the other side floating and went down with tattoos in the tattoos disappeared to think how did she speak from day lying like a log not holding anything slowly ten I'm not saying wrong you lift in you ten and you go down I've never seen anything talk about demons nothing oh you hear sounds when you see one it's real but Wireless is real it's so amazing out the Bible says and there was a person possessed by demons and they brought the person to Jesus how come they managed to bring the person to Jesus and nobody nobody was bitten among the people that were bringing the person to Jesus because the devil is no power he himself understands he has no power all it does is keep counting keep suggesting stuff until you agree are you still flowing I know some of you are wondering so should I should I just stop that dwarf a there's no the way this strategy the weapons these are the weapons that we are using okay but notice that that that Amma has nothing to do with fighting or throwing anything it's all defense it's all defense nothing nothing whatsoever nothing whatsoever one of the big heavyweight champions of this country was fighting somebody and I said the only thing is God and I was so excited to see him write godfest they tell him is only God that can make it happen only defense he needed it didn't need anything defense defense they can even tell you this course and these these these this but when you are on defense now watch this now stand therefore having your loins get about with truth what is truth jesus said i am so what is jesus the word so having your loins get with one with Jesus and with Jesus so it's 2 on the word let's go and having the breastplate of righteousness the Bible says with our righteousness and we as users so we still into it let's go I thought you were throwing punches these busses will lie to you until you buy if you keep demanding we keep selling I've told you before it is a wonder how in the old testament callosum Angus when Jesus was alive that's the Old Testament in the times of Jesus Jesus would feed the 5,000 but in this day and age the 5000 member church is fitting one posture now you didn't hear me I told you I told you there's some truth right now oh yes so you got a wizened up and nowhere to go we should go [Music] oh I think I repeat this isn't it a wonder Jesus is five thousand people fed and in this day and age those five thousand members are the ones feeding the pastor zero so if you're not careful you will be taught anything that will make you religious in any prophecy that makes you reach inside your pocket is not from God and your feet shod with what preparation of the gospel what is the gospel who is the word we are still in the word let's go before taking the shield of faith faith cometh by hearing and hearing by will see you in the word and your past I told you it's some spiritual wolfy you wake up you wake up when all your money is gone you will wake up you will come to Jesus I'm telling you this is what the Bible says it actually tells us these things since then there was a woman with an issue of blood and she had spent oh him money that's when she realized money is gone let me look for Jesus when your money is finished after giving Lourdes seats for this seat for this one seat for this one you wake up you come to Jesus I know you above all taking the shield of faith wherewith I hakuna still economist ye shall be able to quench the fire it does Norris Norris diabolo the one who throws and to his steps to the extent of piercing through now if he is piercing through it means he's using death Paul says you wanted us not to pierce true guess what use the word [Applause] this is a wet fight it has nothing to do with anything that devil uses lies he is using his wits and you gotta use God's with a lie is not for us this is where your problem is you think a lie is anything for us no it's not a lie can be truth that is opposite to the truth that is needed as remember we we dealt with an T is T me again is opposite standing opposite if I say it's red you can brings another one you need this white is this white yes is white but do I need it no so it's a perversion of a truth but it's not definitely the opposite of a truth so they never can tell you some truth which is not God's truth at that point that's what it says being established in this present truth that means there is past the truth there is future truth there is present truth while is God wants you to use the present truth they differ can bring the future truth or the past truth and say it's also true if you a thief some of you wear some Stu are if you were a thief and you find a place where there is this bull dog that bites you don't go there and throw you know poison in a bucket and like yeah you know to this dog and like drink this poison no you can't they do you sniffing and black used to better me than this so what you do is you take a big stick nice inject it with poison throw to the dog and see what happens after eating it dies that's exactly what the devil does he's not trying to bring you something that is so negative so you can just like the is we are not ignorant of his devices we are not ignorant that means he uses some strategies some tricks it has been doing that for a long time so he knows if you reject this one I got option B if option B fails I go to see if I get to Z and you still messing up I will mix the letters until he breaks through very persistent you can learn a lesson from the devil very persistent it's like yeah I'm here yes I'm back again yeah but do you think it makes sense does it make sense again do you think but doesn't make sense do you think like that life when you understand what the devil is you realize immediately that the person was defeated a war is between two and defeated champions on and defeated enemies once one is defeated is no longer a war it's one person who was bitten trying to claim they were not bitten that's what they divorcees to you no no no no Sudhir I can still fight and they day you believe guess what he now has a foothold he grabs okay now he believes that I'm still powerful how did the devil how was the devil found in heaven in the time of Job how was he there since when the sons of God wake got that the devil was also there yet he was just from heaven but he was take among the sons of God how simple because of one thing because he had gotten Authority from Adam the moment he lied to Adam that same moment Adam relinquished his power to the devil and the devil now had power of attorney so when he stands in heaven God sees Adam standing there so all this kind of they'd ever did this to me they'd ever do this to me it's you who gave the devil the power to do it to you I don't know I don't get married no problem it's the devil the devil cannot wake without your permission they brought the demons to Jesus the demon-possessed guys AE when he saw Jesus the Bible says he it the demon inside him throw him into a fit notice the demon did not beat up Jesus now we see in videos the demon trying to beat the pastor is a life that's not a demon every deliverance minister I have seen the guide they all the guys built like this the ashes will be holding the guys build like this so that it won't be the pastor deliverance this that guy needs a whip anybody was trying to lash it the pastor who is delivering him needs one would like no I'm it's out now it's gone I'm telling you the Bible says when the demon was brought to Jesus immediately threw the guy into a feet in other words it only punishes the one it's in not the pastor with Jesus demons are afraid of Jesus when you see men of God or women of God when you see demons ask you trying to fight you back it's a human spirit it's no longer a demon it's a contaminated human spirit real demons the moment they see God they run so that the name of Jesus every knee should bow not should resist and then fight the devil and fight the person delivering it and then the ashes who holds him down they're so clever he uses tactics you can touch the face the face of the person that he possesses taught it so that you feel some fear I was in in in HACC and remember the the Saint Lucia one after I delivered that lady she fell as if dead check the pulse couldn't find pulse until they found power here and I said when I land in Britain that's when you come out of this tuple go to Britain she went past the immigration and got in my car and the phone rang I said now she has just come back from now just imagine now now I know of a man know if you've seen one of the videos where I'm ministering like this and one demon-possessed person just grabbed my mic and I said bring it back you remember you were they in the surface so tell me why bring it back no Jesus I rebuke you devil no pick my mic and didn't say yeah did I put it there I know if I meant I will not say the name but I know him I know if a man in the middle of the night when he's just starting out in ministry in the middle of the night they devote him in the room like wind windows opened all of them at once curtains are flying everywhere furniture got rearranged where you see cheese just shaking like this and getting rearranged the men woke up and looked around lights on furniture is messed up and he just woke up and said what and the moment the men said in the name of Jesus the windows closed now the windows closed to the point of closing and the men realized the finish has not arranged and opened the windows again as a therefore come back rearrange in the name of Jesus if you're under the influence of men I decree and declare i re-read your life in the name of Jesus [Applause] one by one going back in order the devil was the maid cleaned even the past that were not clean zero Paul was arrested and put in jail and they wanted him out of jail they said Paul come out of jail Paul sit in prison what's this Paul sit in prison and said let the governor come and take me out they devil that put me in here is a liqueur prodigal saya Carver I decree and declared a devil that put you in any problem he is an empty devil rearrange sit down [Applause] were they not three guys mishenka drag and Abednego how many him I caught him michiga dragon that bad Negro Shadrach and Abednego that way they were put in the fire and they said let them come out they said no you you put us yet check us out just imagine they refused to get out is try to do this on his own now let him wake some of you are even afraid to say I'm rich and prosperous I'm not sick why the devil yes ten to universe a quiet Christians die quietly this Christianity is a speaking team it's a speaking thing quiet Christians die above all taking the shield of AHA wherewith ye shall be able to quench Oh the fairy dust how many I remember Obama when he was asked about this this unmanned aircraft that they were putting over Iraq and all the Arab Ian you know countries they would say D there is this thing that was a drone that was shot down why would America do such a thing spy on other countries says if if is something to protect then you should be given a right to spy on those who want to take it if I have something in me then I need a prophet who can spy and that's how it is I mean prophetic I to see oh I knew I knew you're not hearing what I'm saying see so the devil is not as powerful as preachers I've made him I'm telling you did I say is not powerful yes I just said it the power he has is to lie to you until you agree if you notice he says resist the devil that's James 4:7 right resist the one and you will flee and then the word flee there as you see there says you resist him and you what so to many people I resist the devil and this is the devil is they submit yourselves therefore to God be in the word are you getting it be in the word and when you do that you resisted therefore using the word and he will flee from you and the word free day is the word few go Phe Yugi or Phil go it is something that was used in the Greek in Greek the Roman Empire took depict a lawbreaker who runs away from the country he broke the law for fear of the prosecution process so the devil knows immediately because the Bible says he will flee let means you run from your country to go to another country because he knows is a fugitive in the country so the devil himself knows is the law breaker everything is doing he knows is slow breaking it's just you that doesn't know it so you keep giving him power every time you give him power the more you talk against other people you're giving power that's what about us is a kiss costs shall not surely come how many people here believe in generational caste which is a lie there is nothing code generation or case I know what you think you think but your uncle used to do the things that you are doing now who is not doing it the things you are doing right now is done by another white guy who is not related to you whatsoever if it's generational case that means you you are British say I'm also my family everyone just divorces I'm also the white person sitting this view today the Indian the Chinese sitting next to you is divorced so are they in your generation no those are happenings that happen in people's lives people divorce you had it an evil day will come but demons no if you believe in generational cases you have already said I'm not part of the generation of Jesus so they will come and cause a similar thing they similar to the one that happened in your grandfather so that you believe that this is a generation no kiss and the moment you believe it you remove Jesus out of the equation because when Jesus came he removed you from that generation and put him in the Jesus generation so is there a generational cast yes for fools their parents have eaten sour grapes and the teeth of the children are set on edge you know when you eat sour things your kids become sensitive now the Bible says this is a prophet that you say but why are you saying it so you shall not be saved in the future to remove that means the things that your grandparents did cannot affect you why as long as you are in Jesus for you to be affected by a generation or kiss Jesus is to join your generation so why do we preach about generational cases because we have some that have accepted it that there is generational caste and because we have accepted it listen to this do you know God doesn't give you nice things only even bad things come from God let me repeat he says everything you desire I give you oh now let me give you another one because some people are getting confused since I set before you death in life this is the multiple choice choose then it gives you what to choose so you can choose the other one you can choose death on your own he provided the option death and life but I tell you what benefits you is this one choose this one and you decide to choose you will not world you whatever you speak that you like it will come to you listen it has nothing to do with prayer Oh God answer God is going to answer but which one which side of your prayer if you decide I just want a job God will give you that job nicely if you say I want to be a multi-millionaire go to give you that one the problem is you are praying for small things it's not because you are you are missing what you set out to hit no you are aiming too low and eat it's not your aiming too high and hit low no you are aiming too low and hit you should watch me when I'm sitting with my guys sitting there in the room talking about money you look at me and wonder is this real money oh you people are joking money but you have a problem you don't understand the devil today has been unmasked it is nothing but an empty devil my man of God said one time walk up some way and something had happened in the room that he was in and he was he lost his sleep like woke up from thee from his stupor then he stood the divorce you just never went back to sleep summer will again Jesus listen just relax like I was sleeping you woke me up it's just you I thought there was something important we live in a generation of people that have got spiritual husband have a husband comes here and he sleeps with me in my bedroom how do you get through the door of a Christian with angels guarding the your spiritual husband entered me in spirit What nonsense the Bible says when demons are taken out of the country where do they go dry lands where they are not where there is no water and yet you have a means bility is in the scripture scripture says when demons come out they go to places with no water dry places and here you are water marine spirits people cousin married spirits out from the water which one do you wanna stay in water yeah you are you can swim and you have a million spirits are you excited just because of time can i professor just stand here because of time I'm gonna do spiritual gymnastics it's like in the rommel spirit when I first laid my eyes on you it's like the enemy was stealing a lot of things from you but like my father was preaching today anything the enemy stole from you that the Lord is returning I already say because it's bit like there's a lot of problems in your life can I just go deep can I just look at the time come on professor yeah is today your first time talking TV is today your first time yeah alright in the realm of spirit because the Lord gave me spirit of supernatural navigator it's like I was in London but the Lord moved me to a place like I don't know stand tone or something like that that's why you're from alright wait but when I as I stood in this place it's like I entered your house can I enter your house alright and the Lord said you are using the eyes of Butler yes alright can prophesy just because of time and as I entered this house it's like I'm seeing like it is like a glass on the door and I entered this house using your eyes yeah and as I enter this house it's like I'm seeing shoes on the side to be exact it's like size 7 size 8 yes professor son of emeritus can i just Bucher gymnastics because of is this your first time talking to me today alright and I walked up the stairs and as I walked up the stairs it's like I'm seeing a bedroom and to go to the trailer it's like you have to walk somewhere it's not in the same room and I go and into your bedroom and I see you sitting on the bed like this it's like you're just sitting on the side of the bed and I'm seeing the frame of the bed it's like an eighth color like oranges alright but as I saw you there isn't it's like I saw the look you were praying to be Kingdom financier because it's like you just want money but you put your problem to the solution ground I see money coming into you can I professor and you were praying to be a kingdom financier yeah can I go deeper it's like as I'm in standing in your room right now it's like I'm seeing a jewelry box and the Lord took me to July to be exact July the 1st that's your birthday all right but when I was into the professor son of emeritus can I do what my father told me to do it's like industry books I saw one of your friends and they go to like your favorite pair of earrings to be exact it's like Pandora yes can't promise that just because of just because of time it's what I'm saying true no guru no kilala all right but when I saw you the Lord said it's not just you is gonna bless your whole family place because as I'm looking at you right now there's been many problems even you with like relationships there's nothing to talk about even with I don't know if you have a sister or something dislike divorced or something like that all right but when I saw this it's like I saw like I don't know if it's like 11 or 12 of you in the family all right but a lot said is gonna bless you but when I saw this 12 family can i prophesy it's like I was waiting the Lord took me to from like a place like I don't know why I was in Canada first of all and it took me like from south to north america from bang took me to a place like Jamaica yes Jamaica that's why you're crying clarendon that's why yo that's alright can i professor alright alright okay in Canada as well alright local uno kilala but because you brought your problem solution count is money coming to you but as I saw you on this bed can I profit just because of time son of emeritus it's like I saw you praying for like you eldest brother or something because it's like those like diabetes or something alright but the Lord is fixing it right now but can i prophesy just because of time I'm doing spiritual gymnastics it's like Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday not Saturday and Sunday I saw you going to wait to be exact like NHS all right but the Lord is taking you to a different level because it's like you thought NHS is all you are but the Lord is saying money money money's coming your way because you purchase justice your problem to the solution ground I'm that the anointing of my father prefer angel everything is done in your life I it is fixed in the mighty name of Jesus worry alright have a lot of fun put the devil on the run alright just enjoy it alright a good news world with you bird angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 82,002
Rating: 4.9016738 out of 5
Keywords: uebert angel, bebe angel, beverly angel, the goodnews church, prophecy, prophetic, spirit embassy, christ embassy, prosperity, prophet angel, prophet uebert angel, pastor chris, chris oyakhilome, prophet bushiri, Major1, money, kim kardashian, R Kelly, bill gates, hollywood, corona virus, unmasking the devil, devil lost
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 10sec (4330 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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