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that which we have handled which we have seen with this in the wind of truth we have not followed cunningly devised to farmers swear were eyewitnesses of the sea we're walking back but we have seen the Lord our eyes have sinned I don't know about you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] somebody who is sick can just be you'd like that this is the good news with bridge a good news world with Buford and Joel provoking a reaction [Applause] and always worth hearing [Music] praise the name of the Living God the Lord God Jehovah praise the name of Jesus praise Him praise the name of the Lord so I have seen the glory is the title of my message today I have seen the glory I've seen the Redeemer leaving in a redeemed one that's what I have seen in prophet angel and some of you will say maybe you ought to say this because you are his one I don't like trust me people who are close to me know I don't like a spade is a spade simple as if your weave is not on right I'll just tell you that weave is not right seriously if anything is not working I tell you as it is if you need to lose a few pounds I'll tell you you need to lose it this one is not okay so I am a very honest person and I love being honest and all my girls know me if they ask for my opinion it's coming ready or not it's coming so I've seen the Redeemer I've seen Jesus Christ living in a redeemed one I have seen him challenge left right and center but I've never seen him defeated I've seen him taking over atmospheres and brought evil spirit subject to the power of Jesus Christ's I've seen a seasoned revealer of the Word of God it's very rare to find a man who knows how to break down the Word of God like prophet angel breaks it down he doesn't run away from any topic of the Bible doesn't run away from any controversy he will face it head-on and he will tackle it we have learned so much from UFOs to marriage issues to all kinds of things because we have a seasoned teacher of the word in our prophet and we ought to honor him as a result you see whatever you honor you attract if you want to become a mother you have to honor mothers it's as simple as that anything you honor you attract if you see certain grace in our man of God and you are attracted by that grace you have to start off by honoring him you see honor is not something that happens because somebody has done something that on our first he has to do something good for me or say something right to me it's not about that honor has nothing to do with what somebody has done but what God has placed in him you see there are many men of God women of God who are called to be pastors evangelists prophets so many of them different offices but you see not many are functioning in the fullness of that office not many are functioning most even halfway they are not even functioning at the fullness of an office you see just because somebody's called a prophet or an evangelist doesn't guarantee that they are functioning at the fullness of that office but I am so grateful to the Lord that we serve a man of God who functions at the full load of what God has called him to function in it's the same as having business men we have people here who are in various degrees of business some are still studying up some somewhere in the middle and some are doing extremely well we have different categories and different levels in business it's exactly the same when it comes to the prophetic office we have different levels and we have different categories some are still standing up somewhere stay somewhere in the middle and you can be a prophet and have millions of people in your congregation and still not function at the fullness of your office but I am grateful to the Lord that the man of God who resides over this house is a man of God who is functioning at the fullness of his office functioning in all categories of his office functioning at the full load of what God has deposited in him Revelation chapter 2 verse one says to the Angel of the Church of Ephesus and then verse eight says to the angel of the church of smilin verse 18 says to the angel of the church in Thyatira you see all these scriptures as I was reading them and thinking about how much God has blessed spirit embassy and not just this ministry but the nation's as a whole the world as a whole the universe as a whole for us to have this prophet I looked at these scriptures to the angel of this to the angel of that to the angel of this into the angel of that when you look at that word angel it can also pertain to a person and I am personally convinced that these scriptures were talking about people who were sent to these churches so to the angel of the good news Church prophet Hubert angel we greatly honor you today he is an angel who was sent not only to this ministry but since to this generation we don't have a greater prophet than him we don't look at Church numbers we look at the anointing the fullness that I was telling you about that is what we look at on the inside of him so you may be fooled by people you see with great ministries they have done well for the kingdom but we are talking about the fullness of a gift operating in a man any great prophet you see today has had some kind of rubbing of shoulders with our prophet at one point or the other he introduced what we call microscopic prophecy forensic prophecy something the world had not seen he was the first man to function in that anointing for those who don't know when God gave him the mandate to go to southern Africa to start a ministry in Zimbabwe we had no intention of doing that when we started the ministry we started it in Manchester and it was much the 12th 2007 and I remember those days like it was yesterday because it was at that time that our men of God started telling me this thing about my calling you know that God has called me into ministry and I know that now is the time for us to get into it we are now need to start preparing to get into ministry and do what God has called us to do and it is in those days that we began to get into the word like never before I started learning we would sit down and profit would open his Bible and get into the scriptures some of the things he's teaching today you think these are new revelations the Prophet found out yesterday these are things that he found out so many years ago through the Word of God every service I attend it's like revision for me because these are things he taught from day one and yet every service is so unique every time he explains it I see a different face of Jesus every time he delves deeper into the word I lent even more than I learned yesterday so he started teaching me the word showing him the statues that are in the word of the Lord teaching me showing me living it not just saying the words but living the Word of God and it's in those times that we began to experience the supernatural and he started telling me these things are going to start functioning even in my own life he said we are going to have this ministry and in this ministry I see eyes blind eyes being healed and he said I see broken legs being mended instantly creative miracles and he said I see deaf ears popping open people are going to hear instantly by the power of the Lord and it's in those times he started seeing more and more visions concerning ministry more and more visions we started to see of spirit embassy everything you have seen taking place now at things that we saw many many years ago before the ministry even began and I remember times that he would ask to be locked in a room I'll tell you one specific time there's so many but on this particular day he said to me I want to go in this room and I'm just gonna be praying I just one time with the Lord and don't open this door no matter what happens until such in such a day they said until this day don't open the door Wednesday 6 p.m. don't open this door and I was checking the dates at the time he was talking about almost up to a week locked up in a room with no food no water no nothing just him and his Bible I'm talking about I have seen the glory today and I know that as you hear this word if you are ready it will do something in your life and for you to see the caliber of men of God that resides here amongst you do you really honor the man of God God has given you do you really honor so these things I am telling you now I just want to give you a little bit of insight on what it is that we have who it is that we have you see these things now and you think this is it we are not that we've not even scratched the surface of what God is going to do in this ministry you have not seen even the half of it so it's very important for you to catch this so this particular time he's locked up in a room and by that time he had told me so many things that God was doing and remember when we first met I was a full Catholic I was a staunch Catholic because of my parents so I didn't know the Lord the way he did so everything that he was doing and everything that he was teaching and seen in the realm of the Spirit I didn't know anything about it because I was learning I was still coming up he had to get down into the word and start teaching me the word from from the beginning from everything and so he started telling me of experiences that he was having in the supernatural as we are preparing to stop this ministry he seen angels he says I saw this angel one time he woke up and he told me I saw an angel of the Lord just this previous night and he started telling me as I was going to the bathroom I saw this man standing and at that time we were living in Ashton underline and we were living in a small house I canceled his State two bedroom house to be specific and at that time we only had one child we UJ was born at that time and so anyway he wakes up and he says I saw an angel of the Lord and he said as I was going to the bathroom something just told me to check to my left so as he's walking the bathroom was somewhere here at the right and we had a staircase just directly opposite the bathroom and he sees an angel of the Lord standing there and this man as he described him was a man who was masculine and he was wearing this attire that showed that he was some kind of warrior angel and a sword and he said the man was holding something and the man was just facing side with he just saw the side view of this man you see angels come in different shapes and sizes angels can come with wings in all their glory and angels can manifest as men that's why the Bible says be careful how you honor people how you treat people when they encounter you in your home's how is it that you are treating people because some have entertained angels unawares which were stingy self they know their visitors hide hide the food under the bed hide hide under the sofa some have entertained angels unawares so he described the man as he stood and then something caught his eye he saw that the man was holding something something so big that his arms were stretched out and he just stood there and God told him don't move just watch and the man is standing there holding this thing that prophet couldn't see because he was holding it sideways and then suddenly the angel turned and he saw a book and he said Holy Bible on it and God began to minister to him secrets that were in the word of the Lord secrets that were in the Bible that he's teaching you today and that's how it went and so he had so many encounters but on this particular week he was shut in the house and I am there just being me I'd never experienced anything not even one thing and so he's in there and then on this particular day he started praying and this was only after that he told me this he said he prayed that God because as he was in that room that day angels came and he was conversing with them and he was conversing even with the Lord has a lot revealed more and more office were to him and the things that he intended to do through his life he's praying in there and this was the last day actually the last day of this fast that he was on and this sabbatical that he was on and he prayed and said Lord I want my wife to also see the things I'm seeing I wanted to experience the things that I'm experiencing it can't just be me saying I've seen this and I've seen that and there was an angel here and she hasn't experienced anything and so he is praying this prayer meanwhile I am in our bedroom just next door and I started praying I just had this unction I started to pray and as I'm praying I decided I need to open the door because my husband said 6:00 p.m. I have to open the door for him so I went there at 6:00 p.m. and I and I was just in prayer mode and I got to the door to open the door for him to come up because I had locked it from the outside so he couldn't leave so I went to open the door but I couldn't even see a door at all there was no entrance it's like it just vanished I couldn't even have access to the door and I knew that something was up so I just backed off and I went back into my room I started praying and as I knelt on my bed to pray I opened my eyes again and I saw two angels for the very first time in my life I saw two angels first as they were there they were just turning turning as if it was a whirlwind but the whirlwind had it was like a golden whirlwind like a gold dust just turning like a whirlwind and I knew that I was experiencing the glory and as the whirlwind continued I saw the shapes of two men as they stood there I couldn't believe it because for the first time what my man of God was experiencing I also began to experience my eyes have seen the glory [Applause] [Applause] you see our profit always speaks in the in the first person when angels come to speak to us they don't just say the Lord said this or the Lord sent me sometimes they do but they say I the Lord your God they speak in the first person when prophet angel speaks here he speaks in the first person for God he is indeed an angel a mouthpieces he is indeed an angel he's an angel that was sent to this church age no wonder Kings celebrate him no wonder other great men celebrate him no wonder because they see what is on the inside of him I want to show you these scriptures 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 13 prophets go through so much as much as they are people prophets go through so much so much so many things you will do well if you understand what is that the heartbeat of your own prophet because you say how do I adequately honor him is it in just saying love you prophet angel I honor you with your mouth how do you adequately honor him how is it that you actually do it honoring a prophet is finding out what is his heartbeats what is it that he desires to do for the kingdom what is it that he's in his spirit when he comes here to minister to you when he's ministering to us we ought to find what are the unsaved things that he's saying what is it that he's actually saying what are the undertones of his message what is it that he's saying and then you will see the heartbeat of a prophet he can come here and say we shouldn't even be doing this in this machine we should be some way or we should be this that's when you hear twice what is it that I can do for us to be where prophet is saying we should be he that's how you honor a man adequately 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 13 it says and we beseech you brethren to note them which labor among you and over you in the lord and that demolish you and to esteem them very highly very highly it doesn't say esteem them it says very highly we're talking about very very high esteem in love for what reason for the works sake the work of the Lord that they do the sacrifices that they have done to say I will forego this and I'm not going to do this God called him when he was seven years old and he said I'm calling you as a prophet to the nation's he didn't even know what nation's meant he was only seven years old didn't even know what a prophet really meant it just thought maybe it's something to do with somebody who serves the Lord said I'm calling you as a prophet to the nation's why should you hold him in very high esteem why must you hold prophet angel in very high esteem what does it say that it says for their works sake not because he made you smile the other day or he he high-fived you so now you think he was so close to him prophet angel gave me a call so now I think I'm close to him you don't honor him because of that you honor him for the work sake it's for the works sake God is all about his work everything we do is all about the kingdom it's all about the kingdom God is looking at the bigger picture that's why sometimes you are oh now God doesn't see what is happening in my life our man of God once preached and he said God is mostly concerned about the beginning and the end I said that's why when you go to a graveyard you just see born there 1960 or 50 something died 1987 or whatever the case is why doesn't it say what happened in between why doesn't it say that because God is not so much concerned about the process is concerned about the results he's concerned about the results so you may be facing some things and you're wondering why Lord I you not seen me going through all of this and God is saying no I want results I want results the how the who that when that how how many associates am I supposed to have how many people are supposed to support me my family doesn't support me in my business people don't cheer me on in my business that's good it's not concerned about that you have enough of the word in you to not require anyone's assistance in your life you have enough of the word in you do not require any associates in your life in fact profits are very lonely creatures very lonely creatures the secret life of a prophet is a very mysterious life they live secret lives that nobody else knows about it secure was told I want you is echo he was a prophet and God said you are going to lie on your left side for 390 days when you sleep on your bed you don't turn right you don't I don't want to see you lying on your back when you go to sleep you lie on your left side and you don't budge for 390 days Ezekiel had to sleep on one side why because God was trying to send message to his people secret life of a prophet a prophet is not somebody you just understand or know I already know profiting I have figured him out now I now know you are joking a prophet is not someone who is no one and I'm talking I'm not talking about these more people who call themselves prophets I'm not talking about the people who are trying to copy someones grace they can copy the dress sins but they can copy the Graysons I'm not talking about that I'm not talking on behalf of every prophet I'm talking on behalf of our very own prophets Yorba danger here be seated it's not easy to be a prophet a prophet is not a normal person you'll find that prophet sometimes they don't even eat what you eat do the things that you do that you expect them to do say now why didn't he come to my birthday party why didn't he come to the funeral I was in hospital prophet in Jordan visit prophets don't do the normal things we all do they are a different breed altogether wasn't this guy eating locusts and honey in the wilderness how do you eat locusts as we have food we have rice salad is that chicken fried chicken everything no locusts and honey what is that Elijah was in a cave and the Ravens would come fed by beds it's not no prophets don't live normal lives prophets are different so don't think you have it all figured out when you see him preaching here don't think you have it all figured out prophets have secret lives that you don't even you are not privy to them so don't claim to know someone that you don't you were not privy to the full picture Jose was told you are going to marry a prostitute go and find one he was there praying God I need the wife I need the wife said yeah there's one the prostitute the man went into the streets and pulled a wife from the streets full working prostitutes we're not talking about somebody who's just known that a the sister day deep deep realms rumors that one that one no rumors we're talking about someone who was a full-fledged prostitute walking talking in the street standing by her own corner queen of her own domain said married that one and the man went and took a prostitute to be his wife why because God was trying to send a message to his people the same prophet named his children one was called unloved to name your own child said God was the name of my child and loved why for the sake of the work and not the child had a very weird name too not my people that's it then no my people weird name why for the sake of the work people who are around him his family members mother must've thought he was crazy why do you take this woman to be your wife in the first place we don't like her we know her reputation but there was a word a secret word that he couldn't tell them he couldn't shout it at the mountaintops to say listen I am doing this because God has said I should do it couldn't say that but a lot of judging a lot of judging was taking place the same is echo we just talked about now God told him I want you from this day I want to cook you make your cakes make rice cakes but you are not going to use no more stove and you're not going to use firewood either and he's there asking her what must I use then he said use human faeces human wastes said use physicists in the Bible says use human faeces in front of everybody it actually says in the presence of the people it doesn't say in private in your own home in the presence of the people while for our watching that's how you're going to bake these cakes secret life of a prophet you don't understand everything imagine what people thought when they saw him doing that imagine it didn't make sense they are things that will not make sense to you that prophet will come here and tell you things that don't make the slightest bit of sense and I think it doesn't profit understand my situation or doesn't he understand that he he can't say that because of the secret life of a prophet we ought to honor this man we ought to we ought to for the sake of what for the sake of the work it's the wax it's the kingdom for the sake of the kingdom will come here and tell you things you don't want to hear it's not everything that you like does that mean your dishonor just because you've been told something you don't like it's shocking to see people write things about men of God bad about men Agha blogs about men of God it's shocking if you have ever done it before let it stop now it is stop now start on a clean slate fresh page we start afresh today all of us here let's start afresh - dinghy let's start afresh understanding that this is our man of God I don't look left I don't look right this is my man of God no one was naked in his house he was drunk and naked drunk and make it a man of God what are you doing you are drunk and you are naked parading yourself like you're crazy and the Sun walked in on him and saw his father's nakedness and his drunkenness and the son immediately went out of the room called his brother and they took a fabric or a blanket and they said we need to go and cover our father and they went into his room and started walking backwards they didn't even want to look at his nakedness walked in backwards one is holding one side and another one is holding another side and they covered here understand how to cover the nakedness of your prophet if you see anything that is lacking somewhere you cannot continue coming to church and you know something is wrong in the ministry somewhere you know the PA system something is wrong with that PA system you know that I could help somewhere with the musicians or I know I have this skill or that skill but you would rather sit there can't be blessed and go home and yet you see a nakedness some way we have people who are here who are highly skilled highly skilled and yet you have never ever offered your services you come to church Sunday in Sunday out even offended if no one prophesized to you personally and yet you come you see oh there is a problem in the church there you have never offered your services to say I am actually skilled at this thing I'm availing myself I'm availing my time to honor my man of God for the sake of what the sake of the works it's Kingdom work everything we are doing here is Kingdom work shouldn't he say because my wife and I we are young sit down shouldn't he say let's my wife is my birthday let's go to the club because something's going down in the club let's go there and just paint the tummy let's have fun shouldn't he say that because he's young right if you are young I guess young people do that right but he has chosen a certain way of life chosen a certain way of life I have never seen a man who is so hands-on with ministry like a prophet angel I have never personally I have never and I've seen many he will be involved talk about childrens miss you say what about the children what about this what about the worship he will be there in the office our team is right here they will tell you how prophet works especially concerning this ministry they will tell you so hands-on he wants me it's only now that we are telling him please take some breaks hold up let us finish the work tell us what we need to do and we run otherwise everything what about this what about this detailed he would rather spend his time being involved in ministry we ought to honor him I have seen the glory in him I have seen it x-23 verse one esteem them very highly you know someone who takes care of your soul of your very soul when you honor them you please the Holy Spirit who is residing on the inside of them that's the person you are pleasing so never get this twisted that no they just took about profit engine it's all about profit angel so I've heard that too many times if you just post something my man oh god yeah he's just Papa this every day you see you see your father Hey is he your God this man he's like he's now God know I honor the God in him you are getting it twisted you see the unfortunate part for people who say that is that you see when I can't honor the baked beans in a tin or can of baked beans without paying some respect to the can itself the contents and the container they have a very good relationship because if there was no container where would you put your baked beans and you see if there is anything wrong with the can the beans on the inside will go off and then your life is the one that is affected because you're the one eating and consuming the baked beans it's not the life of the container that is affected it's yours because you are the one coming here to partake of the beans on the inside but if the tin itself that can itself is corrupted or you pay little respect to the can haven't you seen when you buy something that is Kent they will say please don't damage the skin that's what it says on the outside don't throw this can in the fire haven't you seen cans that are written that even aerosols he says don't you dare damage this container because the contents on the inside depend highly on that container so you cannot come here and say well it's only about Jesus just preach Jesus Amy on it yes we honor the Lord what do you think we are do you think we are ready to go to hell for honoring I mean Pramod angel is not God how many times as he said that himself we know that we are not stupid we're not thick we know so but we honor the container that is holding our contents I am more concerned about the contents on the inside because those are the ones that benefit me but there is knowing I can surpass the container before I get to the contents I can skip the container I can skip it that's the unfortunate part for so many that are not here I know in this church everybody's good but many Christians miss it on that one say I don't care about the man of God let him just preach Jesus hey from whose mouth do you want to hear about Jesus which mouth if I am coming here to this church and I am hungry how am I supposed to preach the word to you properly and I my stomach is rumbling I'll just be thinking please I need to go in evening I've not even eaten two days nothing no money nothing is that what you want say I let him just these men of God they are just doing this is just our man you ought to even be jealous that's it the man of God is paying for his own things say what did he eat that is now mine I'm going to make sure that is now mine I will make sure myself what about what he's driving that is now mine that's how you serve the Lord that's how you serve the Lord all right if you don't believe me I want you now you want to serve God directly okay give God the car now I don't know where you'll find it but just take the car to him say no we don't want to give these men of God they're just they just want things we want to give the things to God directly take take your car to God let's see ways is house wait [Music] you say ah now my food they just want us just chopping our money my money is only four four four got ticket your money take it wave is where is God's Way where is the address for the sake of everyone while you are at it where is it you honor God that is a principle that is in the word of the Lord it's not us who come up with these things it's God himself forgot to say hang up hold on no no no don't honor me honor this one I sent imagine a man of God saying walking up to the Lord he said and this is in the Bible he walked up to the Lord and he said these people are giving you offerings do you remember that said these people are busy giving you offerings and they've not given me nothing and God immediately said stop this offering people I don't want to see you giving me anything first to give this one and then you bring your offerings to the altar first take care of this one because in the process of doing so in the process of honoring your prophet in doing these things you are honoring the Lord I'm not telling you things we don't do everything that is in our house our whole household is under submission to our men of God properly a knife we don't even discuss we don't sit down right what are we doing or you say my wife do you allow me to do this god forbid I'm not a demonic wife because they are some demonic wives who don't let their husbands honor the men of God say now this money we should be using in the house you are demonic that's what you are and you don't understand the principles that are in the Word of God I have emptied bank accounts I've seen profit empty - zero zero left absolutely nothing in order for us to give to our man of God zero everything just handed over whatever tomorrow be it will be but the seat has to go we've not done that once we've not done it twice we've not done it three times for five multiple times we have done it why because we honor and we have seen the glory on our man of God we have seen it so it's easy it's not a discussion honoring pastor Chris has never been a discussion in my house it has never ever ever been because we understand the Bible we understand the principles that are in the Word of God we understand them fully x-23 verse one acts 23 verse 1 it says MPO honestly beholding the council said men and brethren I have lived in all good conscience before God to the say said as for me I know I've done nothing wrong in the sight of the Lord of leading clear conscience and he's there he's being prosecuted and everybody saying the judges the pharisees sadducees everybody is there the high priests and he's they in the middle and this is the scenario this is what's happening there's a crowd watching and this is what he says and the high priest Ananias commanded them that stood by him to smite him on the mouth he said he said hit that man right now he was commanding the soldier said smite him for saying that statement smites him on the mouth right now and then what happens then Paul said unto them God shall smite thee thou watch at wall for sittest thou to judge me after the law and command us me to be smitten contrary to the law he was retaliating he said oh you white at war you see what God will do and the and they that stood by said revile as thou gods high priests that you are actually saying this to gods high priests you and then what happens then Paul in that very minute same seconds that he's told that Paul said I wish not brethren that he was the high priest I didn't know in other words I didn't know brethren that he was the high priest for it is written thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler of thy people said I take it back I apologize imagine the high priest was so wrong in what he was doing for sure he was wrong but for the sake of his office for the sake of the office we don't honor someone because of the things they do right we honor them because of the office they occupy that's why if you are not a serious profit you are not allowed even against presidents it's so rampant people say anything against any person all that fall or this is a president in a high office don't be good sing tree in your mouth train yourself that authority is authority whether we like them or not and the Bible says if they are in a position of authority God is the one who said them there whether they an evil judge or not God is the one who said them there never be caught dishonouring a man never who is standing in a seat of authority someone's sitting in authority Paul he had every right to say what he said because it was against the law what they were doing was against the law he had every right to defend himself but he said hey I didn't know I'm sorry I'm sorry if I had known that this was a high priest I wouldn't have opened my mouth to say this I'm sorry the kind of honor that Paul understood the kind of honor hey I've been in events where our prophet has stood in one particular one we were in Zambia at a crusade a woman came to the service and she had the biggest goiter I'd ever seen and for those who don't know what a goiter is it's a disease that comes with sodium deficiency and because the sodium content is so low in your body you develop a lump it's like an abscess like a cyst and it sits on your throat it can be at the front of your throat or side or whatever but it'll sit like a ball so this woman comes to the crusade and she has this ball on the side of the neck it was big a massive goiter sitting there and the Prophet walks up to her didn't even say much touches the goiter and moves on to the next person few seconds after just one touch that thing started collapsing liquid started coming out of its drenching her clothes changing her clothes and as people are watching seconds within seconds that thing had vanished it wasn't there completely gone all that was left as proof was the liquid that was coming out and that had soaked her clothes because of that greater in a few seconds gone were you not here just a few weeks ago when you saw the woman who was in Uganda just a few months ago in Proffitt was there he walks up to the woman and tells her there is a problem in your stomach and the woman says no I don't have a problem I am healthy there is nothing wrong with me he says no you have a problem you have fibroids in your stomach he said I don't know nothing about any fibroids imagine that what manner of men sees what is on the inside of someone's body healthy in themselves everything seems so fine everything is okay and he just walks up and says there is a problem here few minutes later the woman rushes she was with pastor Gwen she even says it in the testimony few minutes later blood comes out of her and pieces of that fibroid fall to the floor pieces of it few minutes later yes you rush to the trailer how does that happen how does that happen unless someone has the fullness of Christ in them someone is operating in the fullness of an office at full capacity of an office these are things he saw yes ago that are playing out now as if it's some kind of movie it's like we are now watching it and get these are things he saw in visions many many years ago one time again in Ashton underline we are actually thinking of buying that house because that's where our ministry began so we want to buy out whoever is there so many things happened in that house so many things the beginning the birthing of this ministry started in that humble council estate in 2007 that's where the beginning is one time he says he was lying on the bed and just studying the word and as he's lying that you've read about this even in some of his books and he says he had an open vision an open vision as he's lying on the bed suddenly there are no windows no curtains no walls nothing and as far as I could see he could just see space and as he is looking he starts seeing some activity activity activity and then he sees a man with arms outstretched closer and closer and as the man is approaching he said he saw angels as if flying in out of the men's amp it's in and out in circular motions and impotence in motion in and out as the man is coming and approaching he said at first he took like a speck and then as he came closer and closer and closer he knew he knew that this was not just a vision this was something that he had never experienced before it was an encounter with God himself and he said it was so shocking that he had to cover his head because as this man came closer and he could see that this is the face of Jesus he said he couldn't look anymore it was so powerful it was so charged the atmosphere that he had to cover his head and he said as he's covering his head he could feel him as from a distance the distance started getting shorter and shorter until he actually came to his bed was he as he was holding the duvet he said he just enclosed his eyes tightly shut he said he felt the beard she's by the side of his face and he wouldn't dare open his eyes you see some of the things you want to see do you have the ability to take them it's not easy to see some of these things why do you think angels would say do not be afraid the moment they get to someone with a message do not be afraid because the person by that time the Pampas are full they do not be afraid do not be afraid said he felt the beat and then that was it and he said he stayed like that for a long time in fear you know that or that you just think this is too much for me to handle he stayed in one position for the longest time until he says that he was gone when that whole episode was done Close Encounters of the god-kind Close Encounters of the god-kind profit would not take a day where he slept and he would not wake up with the vision never didn't work like that even a nap if you wanted to inquire something of the Lord you say give me a few minutes give me to end of day I saw him say that too many times about our own situations about other people situations and you say give me till the end of the day he would go in the room spend time just praying and sleep and it would wake up and say right give me a pen and it would write the things done I still have so many of the visions written in Diaries stored in Diaries so many encounters just to prove the existence of God and this is why you always see him here saying I was sent to prove the existence of God to demonstrate God's power he says that's my personal mandate to tell you Jesus is alive this is why he's here ministering to you every Sunday every Sunday why because he's following the mandate that he was given from day one telling you how to grow financially because that's also his mandate because one time joy was there in Ashton as well when prophet started teaching us how to pray and sing in tongues you know I love to sing in tongues it all started then and he said this is how you speak into for me to speak in tongues like the facility' it was him teaching me coaching me now speak speak like that that's how he taught me and so this particular day joy had come from her shift and we were in our house and as we are there and joy was the first member of our church by the way after just us the very first one and so as we are singing in tongues singing in tongues and you know the first time you experienced such things it just does something to you we are singing in tongues in our living room and that counts always dating at an underline just singing and singing joy literally flew from the sofa where we were all standing and kissing in the three of us she literally flew to the other side of the room she's just it was just so supernatural one minute someone is standing here and this thing you know they've fallen on the other side of the room and as we are singing and singing and singing the first time I started singing in tongues singing and singing I couldn't stop singing and singing in tongues and professor open your eyes but when you open your eyes I want you to see see see because we are not alone I want you to see a man who functions in the fullness of a calling is a man who ministers with angels if you are not ministering with angels not yet the fullness doesn't mean they're not men of God they are but remember what I said about different categories it's different categories you've heard sometimes prophets say the angel of the Lord is here you can see him we had people like prophet William Miriam Branham who you say I'm not going to miss until the angel I'm waiting for him he's not yet here he's not yet here everyone has an angel that is assigned to them and angels are specific the reason why they are in your life they have reasons why they are there but for prophets it's a different thing altogether because of the mandate that they have so you have your angel who ministers with here specific for ministry specific for the good news church so every time he stands here to minister his angel is here to specifically sent to help you to help him minister to you and so that night they opened our eyes and we saw from that time it was so easy to flow in the supernatural every day I would say God showed me this and God showed me that things I had never previously experienced in my life ever God showed me this and God showed me that I started to see it was now easy my eyes began to see I saw the glory of the Lord living in a redeemed one and he said I don't want you to say way you are seeing so that we can confirm this issue is that right joy instead I want you to write it down you went right way the angel is and describe to me what he's doing if he's doing anything so joy I wrote her own and I was writing my own said and then he wrote his own he said now let's compare we were training constantly training in things of the Spirit constantly training these things didn't stack today it's added a long time ago from somebody was seven years old and then we compared notes envelope exactly the same thing the angel is sitting on the radiator we had those gas heaters he's sitting on the gas heater and he's folded his leg and he told describe everything and it was exactly the same he's folding his legs and he has a tassel a gold tassel on his robe and he's just sitting on the gas fire and her account was like mine and like he's exactly the same he wanted to confirm that we were seeing what he was seeing and he said God opened the eyes of my people so that they see what I see experience what I experienced Oh glory hallelujah glory hallelujah which is my prayer for today see what our prophet sees I said see what he sees see what God has called him to be and see how you can honor him in that respect I'm concluding in another crusade a woman brought a child again this was in Sam a woman brought a dead child to the service right at the back and you know so much grace and love for the people of God that prophet angel has so much love prophet will go out of his way for God's people praying for people till the early hours even if he's tired he won't tell you he's tight you pray for everyone minister even though he is also tired as a person so this time we have this crusade we have 70,000 people in attendance imagine such a massive crowd yeah he gets off the pole either the stage and he starts going line by line praying for people we got to the back of the stadium and there is a woman who has a baby and she throws this baby in his hands and she has women surrounding her maybe five or six other women and so in Africa when people are mourning they were we're setting a Tyus so we could see they were coming from a funeral and this baby was wrapped like a mummy in so many cloths and cloths and clothes and she throws the baby in the hands of the Prophet as he's passing by and he catches this lifeless body in his hands and then the mother is screaming at the top of her voice and he's saying my baby's dead pray for my baby and he's holding that baby and he gave it back to the mother said unwrap her and then they started removing the wrapping removing the wrapping layers and layers of wrapping and then he he takes the baby again in his hands and then he lay her down on the ground and as he's looking at her we were all day watching everything is being filmed and the babies put on the ground and then like the prophets of old he goes and he just lies on top of the baby he just put his hands there and his feet and he just did that once and he stood up and he did it a second time and then a third time and he stood up again he picked up that lifeless body a limp lifeless body and as he picks her up he makes her stand on her feet immediately assistance she starts walking or glory we took Jesus just like that's Oh glory hallelujah I have seen the glory of the Lord I have seen the Redeemer in his redeemed one I have seen it with my own eyes I have seen it it's too late for somebody to try and convince me of the anointing that is upon prophet Angel I have seen it's PC the PC I have seen it with my own eyes I have experienced it with my own eyes so many supernatural things happened in that same place of Ashton underline he would take people and say if you've never seen an angel of the Lord I want to prove to you that jesus is alive and it would take unbelievers trying to convince them to see that God exists and he will take them you want to see an angel come there was this house that every time we drove we would see angels at the gate and by that time I was now seasoned in seeing these things because he prayed for my eyes to see so I started so there was a time he took one guy he was an unbeliever and he said - and he was discussing the word prophet loves to talk about God and the word he can go ours if you want to have a good conversation don't talk about the weather or this or whatever you think it's all about the word the precepts in the world of ours and I've seen him talk I was early hours of the morning just delving into the word so he's trying to convince this man convincing him convincing him he used to live not too far from where we stay and every time that man came he just wasn't getting it and profess it okay I want to prove to you that God does exist and indeed Jesus is alive have you ever seen an angel the man said no I've never seen of course I don't really believe in such things it's okay come get in the car we got into our car so there was this house we used to go past this house every time we came from church we like to take the scenic route to go home and this particular home after one night coming from a church service we noticed two angels standing just by the gate and that was the first time we saw them just driving by and he would say do you see that as I saw that two angel standing by the gate every single day they would be there and so he takes this guy and we get into the car and then he says now I want to show you look to your left and as we're driving the guy looks to the left and he started screaming a grown man screaming and kicking at the backseat of the car and he said take me home take me home take me home and we knew he had seen the angels that man went on to be one of our members in the church and He gave His life to Christ as a result [Applause] there was a time as well I remember I will never forget this actually in Ashton we are coming from church service and as we are parking our car god forbid that you marry someone who has already made it I think that is not the best way it's not the best way it's okay but it's not the best way even couples now don't despise each other just because you have no money don't despise each other say oh my husband has nothing look at Papa Hey do you know what it took for Papa together [Applause] he didn't just arrive out there he's arrived we came from some way I was telling people at the birthday celebration we had the other house that we started off sweeping in a shopping mall cleaning that's where we started for us to go to church we used to buy clothes from a charity shop eating expired food because it was the cheapest one we could find that's where we are coming from we never owned cutlery like real one pot one spoon no two pots two spoons two cups two everything because that's all we could afford so we started from the bottom together so never despise the day of small beginnings see your boyfriend girl like god this one is no money moving on who looking for one with a bit of cash that one I know money moving on no car moving on ain't no house moving on what about your own waiting for a boyfriend to have a car what about you why don't you have your own ways your own house ways your own money foolish girl if you are a daughter of bebe angel you don't wait for no boyfriend to buy your car buy your own be seated just digressing hold me back down because when I start on this path I don't stop our profit advocates for this how many times have you heard him say this here be productive be productive one of the ways you can earn a profit angel is to be productive start a business start a business start an organization that no one can ignore that's how you honor him because you have listened to the words of a prophet what is the greatest asset a prophet has the words it's the words he can't bless you will now bless me with money money finishes or bless me with a car it can die any minute if you have an accident or someone hits it that's it what the car is done the greatest asset a prophet possesses the words so if he comes here and he's giving you his words four hours five hours teaching here hours every week hours with words words only for the words to fall to the ground that's dishonor if you want to honor put the words to work let him see you driving the bests let him see you living in the bests let him see you start businesses pick once let him see you succeeding and then you come and you say I honor the life of my prophet even as will be like yeah this is honor because this is a serious business woman this one for someone you say I honor profit yeah okay fine but have you have you done the word are you a doer of what he says how do you prove how do we prove that you have honored him because you've said it because you know down yes Papa you are nearly what is that it's nothing put the word to work the time you're spending with all of us teaching us lining up everything this is what you do to get money go here do this giving people nuggets teaching you now and this is the thing he really really wants you want to find out what profit and your desires it's for you to succeed that's his biggest desire say now I had this prophet I went to the church I thought it would just be holy but the men of God was just teaching about just business let us be taught how to do business let us be taught how to prosper because we have been born again already you say now let him teach salvation I am born again already how do I live the born-again life that's what I want to know how do I succeed that's what I want to know how do I become a blessing to others that's what I want to know if he comes every day salvation is free salvation is free come and receive your salvation every Sunday Sunday in Sunday out okay so now we've been saved does it make sense you come next Sunday salvation is yours receive Jesus okay I've done that salvation is yours receive Jesus in a holy voice Jesus ought to be praised salvation is yours next Sunday Jesus ought to be received you can see yourself that is nonsensical even Jesus Christ himself taught his disciples he said right what do you need and they said yeah we just need a few swords and notices and he said okay sell your jackets buy a sword do a little bit of business be enterprising he didn't say right my disciples need something fire of the Holy Ghost swords appear now sword there and they pick up and they are going why did Jesus even say that why why couldn't you speak it because he had the power for sure why didn't he just speak it said do business business be enterprising we started together from zero from nothing that's where we came from that's where we started living in apartments that had no heating no hot water if you want too bad you go ghetto you know how many trips you need for to fill a bath with a kettle almost there and by the time you go for the tenth one that one is cold happened that's where we are coming from that's where we came from and in that whole time God was speaking in visions speaking speaking tirelessly speaking speaking in visions telling us things that would happen today and yet at the time there was no sign of you there was no sign of you gathered here like this there was no sign whatsoever and yet the word of the Lord was there and he stuck with it he stuck with it built into the vision and didn't let go I remember a time when I was seeing all these things and I mean we had a church for a year with no nobody joining few small small people and one time I was praying I said God these visions we see people we we saw people sitting in boardrooms having meetings about conferences about services we saw people guiding people to park their cars as they came to service in visions pastor when those meetings were having at the office in visions we have boardroom meetings at the office all the time about all the events profits per day we were sitting and the table and discussing we saw that in visions many years ago and it was so amazing and I thank God he helped me because I started moving not the same anointing but how are we were on the same page and I began to see what my prophet was seeing I saw the judge I saw it everything he was seen after that one prayer that he spent a week locked up in a room after that one prayer I saw as he saw and most times because we would write our vision said write everything we would write he would write his I would write his by the morning we compare notes and most of the time it was exactly the same exactly the same I remember this particular day we're coming from church and we park our car and these two guys they were jobs really from the council he said these two young men walk up to us we'd been living there for maybe a year or two and then they said wow you have really done well in your lives now you people have money so we knew these guys because he used to come to our house all the time selling us anything I think he was getting it from the coop getting it from the coop did you get it catching my flow get it from the coop because one time he would come with perfume one bottle I'm selling this are you interested ten pounds oh no not interested tomorrow bring wipes wipes for sale one packet wipes for sale oh no not interested bread do you need any bread I'm just selling this one one pound fifty then prophecy this guy comes with different products one of each this guy's shopping from the coop shopping from the color and so this nice walking with this friend and he said you guys have made it you've got so much money and we're wondering what this guy is talking about because we were still living in a council he stay and he said and prophet said why why do you say that instead because every time we come from the pub we come back around 2:00 in the morning with two bodyguards dressed in white standing by your door you can even afford four tickets I said my eyes have seen the glory somebody this is the God that we serve in this house be seated thank you said you can afford them hey and we said yes yes we do because we caught immediately what they were saying we caught it I have indeed seen it with my own eyes I have seen it there are tons of things I can tell you about today when I say tons I mean tons we were in this question I think you've seen the video is it's there all these videos are they on YouTube a young man comes to the service and as he's in the service he just runs a testimony time people are giving testimonies he runs to the front and his whole trousers is soaked and people are wondering what's wrong with this guy and he stands there and he's screaming he kneels and then he's running and then the pastors rushed to him and then they give him the mic he says I need to speak I need to testify he said me my sister and a few of the family members he said we were all talking bad things about you said we didn't even believe in this thing that you are doing we said you're a fraud and we were speaking evil of you and he's and then he said we heard that you were coming into town and we came here just to prove you a fake and you are all wrong and said but something happened to me because I've been on dialysis for five years five years on dialysis and said but today as you declared miracles and healing for the first time in five years I actually urinated by myself without the assistance of dialysis imagine that I have seen the glory I have seen the glory be seen I have seen it with my own eyes imagine he wasn't even ashamed for people to see it beat his pants he was just so excited that he was finally healed said I am sorry I even opened my mouth to do this to say what I said and he apologized there this is the man of God we have in the house we need to esteem him very highly not highly esteem him very highly this is what someone who started prophesying today from age 7 he had an encounter with the Lord just like Moses in the burning bush as seven year old boy holding a bookcase walking on his way to school and as he's walking he sees fruit on a tree and as he was about to touch one immediately he started speaking a small Bush started speaking and that's when he was called to be a prophecy I've called you to be a prophet to Nations and he just left it immediately and just ran to school not understanding what had happened but from that time he started speaking speaking speaking the mind of the Lord even in his family his sister she's not here she's in Zimbabwe today but she comes to this church she told me prophet told me that you're going to have a son you see and he's here today actually oj is there so you're going to have a son and this is what the son is going to look like and at the time she had two baby girls said you're going to have him he's coming and for sure he did mainly of his family members he started at home his mother told me he would say this food is too little you need to add some more because so-and-so that whole family they are coming today tonight they're going to come and just like that's the would come to visit at the same time so it didn't start here in Ilford in case you were wondering that all this man of God he started moving started what what are you talking about says oh now Papa is functioning hi-yah hi-yah anointing it has always been high from day one he didn't tell me he was a prophet until two years after we were married he started prophesying to me going to shops I would buy clothes and we say or you should have taken the red one multiple times until we started breaking it down any shop you say you took this you held this didn't you go this direction I saw your growing day and this thing just became weird I said now what have I gotten myself into because I had no clue what was happening I had no idea and he started breaking it down said God has sent me as a prophet a prophet two nations and he started telling me even my own family started telling me things my mother never told him about my mother's family breaking it down to me I was in or I'd never seen anything like that ever I was in awe I said whatever you are doing I want to be a part of it I don't want to be left out of this because this is too incredible and I fear that I said God this is a huge responsibility that's why we never take this work lightly when we come here to minister to you we don't take it lightly we know the honor God has honored us so we honor him by serving him so I started seeing these things even miracle money it started in our house huge prey right he'd say okay I'm going to pray for money and money is going to appear you see like he's joking imagine your husband telling you I'm going to pray money's appearing today I was like okay let's do it you need to pray close your eyes good hold hands sit on the sofa say right I command miracle money to appear now open eyes 40 good pounds 20 22 20 pound notes then I just said I this is now on Natalie you know that emoji that's holding the head like that that was me yes holding your head like what is this next time he says let's pray for that money again hold hands okay see I declare miracle money right now boom 40 good pounds again 20 20 and it went on like that and he started we started getting into this new dimension because God had told him I have sent you people which tell him about finances so when people opposed all that profit just talks about my that's what he was sent to do other people are sent to talk about their things we just we are in our lane that's what we were sent to do you want to shut us up and yet we have a mandate we have a mandates what is good news to a poor person that's it good news to a sick person healing that's what we were sent to do demonstrate my power and make my people rich just like that just like that it is amazing the dimensions that prophet angel moves in absolutely amazing after that 40-pound episode the 40s 40s 40s and 40s kept coming in for in the form of miracle money you think a miracle money first started in Botswana and the crew say no that was public but it had started at home so one time one of our elders going to the airport and then on the same day we got a message from this place we were renting for our church services we get a message if you don't pay the rain today and I want a month's rent at the time we had both given up full-time jobs so we were nothing gave up salaries everything everything and so we are renting this place for church and then the man sends a message and says right I need my rent for the whole month not weekly rent the whole month so that's four Sundays what of money we didn't have at the time and then prophet said right before we take this elder to the airport let's pray for miracle money but we knew it was 40 zone he said but is that today I'm asking God I don't want 40 pounds I'm telling him we need to pay this we need to meet this need so we prayed we sat down and he said quick miracle money but today I don't want 40 pounds I want money that will cover this need open the eyes there was nothing zero so might we have a batch of forties do 14 now two hours 40 let's pray again 40 40 40 40 so what's going on so there was no money we left the house anyway took the man to the airport came back strategizing how do we do this because we're running out of time deadlines we have to pay otherwise we've got no church tomorrow as we are opening the door let's open the door right there on the table was 270 good pounds that was supposed to cover the rent so for the cold mutton miracle money I have seen the glory I have seen the redeemer living in a redeemed one I have seen it with my own eyes imagine that how faithful is the God reserve that he functions in this manner through a man maneuvers through a man isn't it telling what prophet taught the last time in fact every time he says we are members we are members members of the body we are members we are members we are members of a body of Christ's you think it means member cezzah yeah this is my card I'm also a member of a church so that's how I become a member of the body of Christ I'm not talking about that kind of membership or library membership I have now a member of the library that's totally different to the membership the Bible is talking about it when he says you are members it's not talking about you being a part of something as in joining something with a card and you are told you are now a member of this members as in limbs we are God's legs we are the arms everything Christ is living on the inside of you I said Christ is living on the inside of you [Music] this is what profit is teaching here you are Christ is it work as I'm walking like this that's Jesus walking right now you brought Jesus to church right now as you came in here this is Jesus walking talking its Christ's talking through me right now right now he's using my lips to speak this microphone that's Jesus holding it right now that's the kind of member we are talking about so knowing and understanding this is what our prophet is teaching I am a member body Pat I'm all my body parts I his he's using this to do what he needs to do to preach to the world he's using this this is what prophet is teaching here do you know how amazingly good that is to be told Christ is on the inside I don't know oh my god I just feel the anointing like it's crazy in here oh Jesus acaba ha tearing mesquita ha so card a baja team hey hey sit down so that you get it get it I don't want you to just get excited I want you to get it how do you honor your prophet listen to what he's saying listen to what he's saying listen to what he's teaching listen he says you carry Christ in you who is Christ broke oh but there was a time actually there was a time in the Bible when Jesus was very sick and he had to take be taken to the hospital of Bethlehem it's there don't you know how sweet old Bethlehem where Jesus was for one week sick it didn't happen right so why is it happening to you why why he why to say there's a demon in someone oh yeah that's it as a demon I saw yeah a big one the brother he has very demonic it's easy it rolls off your tongue so easily when we speak of evil spirits on the inside of you it rolls it's easier to accept but yeah this person has demon yeah a big demon this one especially even 10 that's how you say it but for us to come here and say no Jesus is inside and guess what I was listening when prophet was teaching about a deaf and dumb spirit giving that example if a spirit is in a person a deaf and dumb spirit goes into a person it's not the person who is deaf and dumb it's the spirit that is in the person that is deaf and dumb that's why when a prophet comes on the scene and he has done it many times I've seen him praying for blind eyes and blind eyes open he prays for a person immediately the person can speak why because the person wasn't deaf and dumb' the spirit that has been removed was deaf and dumb you believe that the deaf and dumb spirit can live in on the inside of a person and make that present defend down a spirits can live on the inside of a person and be a spirit of poverty and the person becomes broke so if Jesus is on the inside and is not a demon Jesus is not broke Jesus is not sick why are you broke why are you sick you have the owner of the world on the inside of here who is perfectly healthy we have all seen there is no vist that ever said Jesus was sick so why are you sick why do you accept sickness in your body why it's so easy to believe yes a demon is powerful the devil powerful yes we know the devil can do it oh the devil kill someone while you had the devil has power Oh God what about Jesus what about the power of Jesus Christ why is it so hard for you to understand that Jesus has power why is it so difficult for you to get it why must you not believe this why is it so hard I want to know this why is it so hard for you if we say now Healing is yours right now you are healed in the name of Jesus because Jesus Jesus is on the inside of you oh it would take time but if we say a demon has entered that person well yeah it's it's possible and this is what prophet is teaching he says you are a member you our bodies are members limbs of Jesus Christ's if you want to honor your prophet in other words he's speaking the words of a prophet are powerful I have seen so much what at the hands of this prophet too many things as I said to mention too many things in fact we had a lady who was here with a dead baby in the womb how on earth does that even happen how is that even possible the doctors confirmed that your child is lifeless we need to operate and take this baby out and the Prophet tells you otherwise since there is no funeral here was she not here giving her testimony [Music] when I heard that testimony I literally wept I went to my room and I said god this kind of power that we have may we never lose sight of what we have may we never lose sight of it's just because we have not learned to honor just because you have not learned to honor everything profit is that you see now has been ordained from times past's God already knew him before he went into his mother's womb God knew God knew we would be here for the sake of the work we hold him in the highest esteem never let your familiarity breeds contempt if you tell you something some of you are offended now he told me this I'm offended how can he say that a man of God how can he say that you take offense you take offense who then do you want to rebuke you who should rebuke you then if not your own spiritual father I actually Yin for that same rebuke we are told you are doing this wrong then take pride that someone at least cares enough to tell me where I've gone wrong don't always want to hear eaching ears I mean please tell me tell me good stuff good stuff bring it bring it good stuff only no have someone to rebuke you if he tells you of be happy in fact say praise though thank you my prophet because you understand the depth of the person who is speaking you understand that there is an angel just like in the book of Revelation angel - this angel - that we have prophet angel and isn't it amazing that his name is angel isn't that amazing and how we changed our name to Angel is so amazing it's so amazing how it all then ties in with God's plan and at that time UJ was a few months old he'd just been born and an angel of the Lord came to him he said what have you named your son and then he told him he said that's a problem with you people on this earth your name each other names we don't know of in heaven that's why if you were actually normal you ought to find a way that your own man of God can name your child for you help you to name your child because he can inquire of the Lord say what is the name so he inquired of the Lord and he said God I want you to tell me what is the name of my son and he was fought I'm jealous that's the name that we know in heaven an angel and that's how we then decided everybody in the family would be called angel from that day everything this ministry is is supernatural it's supernatural don't say oh now it says they've just started a new thing everything is supernatural everything because of the caliber of profit reserved everything is supernatural nothing is happening here by accident I've seen him rise to the occasion being tested at this man of God's house brought in his family members because he had been told up present his fake that has come to your ministry test him test the gift because I you see if it's not in the setting of a church service he won't flow there won't be any property because it's all staged so we get to the house as we enter the house without even speaking to a single person in the house we were just told and can you just come this way the man of God wants you to come this way we went into the house wind straight into his office we just put our bags down you know what was happening without speaking to anyone went up to the office in the study upstairs opened the door at least 15 family members close family members of this men were in that room that day I'm saying this in closing I was so annoyed that day because I could see that he was trying to test him but at the same time I rejoiced because I knew anytime you provoke prophets angel just try it just try it I said try it today I said try it try to provoke a reaction from him imagine you get into the house and shut the door now prophesy to these people no hello no nothing prophesy to these people boy did he rise to the occasion or did he rise to the occasion that day he hit those people so hard and this is started with the son-in-law and he said right I'll start with you you grew up on Hublot farm in fact this farm sits on a highway and when you were growing up you used to play counting the cars as they passed with your brothers and sisters do you know that men leaped out of his chair and lay prostrate here on the ground weeping like a baby he said there is no way he nailed down fulfilling the scripture in the wet it says if there is a prophet among you and he starts prophesying will you not kneel and say surely surely there is God on the inside of here that man cried and he said I was told there were no more prophets and I even preached it myself saying there are no more prophets but today prophet went into his father's life went into the mother's life went into the siblings finished with that one went to the next one and said you I see a media company and they started and you know it was so crazy as prophet one-by-one diseases you fibroid Zion day and you are scheduled for an operation you you have this you have this and they went now to the daughter of the man of God he said you this is River media you studied this in school but you don't want to do that anymore your degree was actually the status but you have changed it you actually started a six week course so you can learn media and descend this and then the man of God stood up and said enough enough enough is enough he said what you are telling my daughter this River media was just this morning we came up with the name just this very morning just this morning that's when it came up he said I'm sorry I have to tell you what I was doing I was testing you I was told you were fake and not the men of God called me and said I should test your gift so I apologize for doing it but I thank God for your life I'm forever forever stand and pray for you and your gifts to the rest of the world one woman said one woman said thank you one woman said that's a fake prophecy as you as ministering was a group of people there and said you live at such in such a place and this friend is the one who answered and said no he got it wrong right there he got it wrong and then people saying she said if she's saying this one and prophet said oh stand up what is this and no I'm just saying I know this friend this lady he's my friend wait you're saying she lives that's not where she lives she lives it's such a such a number da da da da da we are always the in fact we just met last week at the same house she doesn't live there and you know what the lady then said said oh actually I forgot to tell you I moved yesterday from the address you are saying I just moved yesterday I'm sorry my friend I didn't tell you imagine that how crazy is that how crazy is that real-time information we're not talking about things that happened 10 years ago real-time the property scene right here here here the very first service that he started prophesying in was in a town called Sheffield he didn't invite him to preach in this passage Church at that time he was ministering in our own church small tiny Church and he would prophesy in those meetings but then an invitation came because the reputation is rip people started talking about this man who sees so people started coming from far and wide some would come to our house to be told things so his reputation started spreading and growing and so we have the first invite and we are called to preach in a church in Sheffield so we went to Sheffield and in this church I saw what I had never ever seen before because you guys were there glory be to Jesus stand up these guys were there do you guys remember that first meeting and so we go to this church I was actually on the camera I was filming I was the cameraman I told you there's no department here try and tell me I know how to do all this say you can't do it out feeling myself I was the sound engineer I was children's ministry worship leader cleaner Jay seta anything and everything so that day I was working in the capacity of camera woman so I'm filming and then he started now it was the church I had seen him he had prophesied in our church but that day oh my god that day was something he went with the first name postcodes in g24 - this - BJ this one 7q s ng dude numbers like this remember you were there as well there was the first time that we saw that prophecy at that level and the name that Papa called is the name that nobody calls me oh you were prophesied - yes what did he tell you yes we're taking photos so he called your name yeah and then he called your name that people don't nobody knows that name nobody knows that mean that you nothing of that name at all and what do you think yes we went to a lady and he started prophesying to this lady and as his laying hands on this lady she had a serious demonic entity that was living on the inside of her and prophesied that demon on the inside of you has to check out today this is the demon that has been preventing you and your whole family from doing what you need to do and even said I have not seen this kind of spirit in a person so far the magnitude of the spirit that was in a massive problem and he said I'm going to pray for this demon to check out and when he prayed for her she screamed and the walls started cracking from the bottom cracks that's what she's saying oh yeah from the bottom the wall cracking going up the ceiling the line from the bottom going up going across the room the room started shaking because of that demon one oh yeah demon from a person we had pieces of ceiling falling on us in that room that day that woman no men of God had been praying for her I think by the time the purported to pray for that the men of God that just rent a puppet right to hold him and whispered he whispered to my but said don't touch that woman otherwise the field service won't finish it papa just care we carried on because they knew the kind of spirit because she she had been having episodes in the church episodes that the man of God that was they couldn't handle he couldn't even handle it and to prophesied I've not seen a spirit like this before this is territorial and her whole clan everyone is affected by this but today he's checking out and the room shook I'm telling you a crack in the wall and unfortunately the camerawoman didn't manage to capture because I was shaking I was like what on earth is happening in fact he was quite upset with me after because I captured not much at all as I was like and the camera is facing the floor hey was that a post cop but what was that I filmed nothing absurb since he was very upset I told you to film it was amazing it was amazing thank you so much guys and I'm glad you're here to attest to that because some people say you have to say that because you are his wife I'm not saying it because I'm is why I'm saying it because it's the word of I'm saying it because it is the glory that I have seen the glory of the Lord working in a man I have seen it and I am proud to have been a part of it this journey has been beautiful it has been amazing I have seen God work like I have never seen it before I'm still learning I'm still evolving I'm still growing it is an adventure right I am seeing it it's like there is nothing that is Dow every time is a day to grow every day is a day to grow lending new facets of our man of God lending new avenues that okay this one all right this one is like this and this Avenue is like lending on a daily basis and praying for God to help me as well to help me to descend correctly how to best serve my own prophet how best to honor him especially after discovering new things new things about him you wind the right place at the right time I said join the right place at the right time this anointing this same anointing the same anointing is coursing through your veins only belief only belief there are all things are possible all things are possible if you only believe rise to your feet [Music] come here she has an amazing testimony that she's came with today now her boy is a young boy and he's been having troubles with the authorities and he took her car without consent and he drove it very far away in that thing that he don't wrong driving the car very far away he also crashed it into a tree the whole car wrote off the police called her up said we've found your son he's wrote off your car the cars in the terribles did she began to panic she said what about my son now in this house our man of God profit you better angel always says the grace is so much even if you have a car accident you'll get out of the car and you'll shake it like that so what happens the policeman said I don't know what happened but there's not one scratch on your boy 100% no injuries no scratch yet the car was totally run off it's a miracle praise the name of Jesus no matter what the devil tries to do to take you out you are not checking out yourself [Music] oh dear sister here has a car that car was gone hire-purchase and what it does every time if she's late on a payment or she's missed a payment they've put a device in that car and that device beeps when she's missed if she's late on a payment that device will beep beep people these people don't play with their money I'm telling you you are driving a cow and Finance is beeping reminding your a give me my money so she was still owing on this car some few thousand pounds on this car but it started to beep what she was like no I mean I've made my recent payment this this is not possible yes so she calls the company that she bought the car and higher purchase from to say I've made my recent payment what's the problem now in spirit embassy with our man of god prophet you bet angel financial miracles take place all the time debt cancellation takes place all the time yes indeed she said what's going on I've made my payment they said oh don't worry about that it's beeping because you've all your debts being cleared 100% paid no more payments well you still owed she was still she was still owing thousands of pounds and all she did was make a minimum payment and this thing is going beep beep beep beep beep and the debt is paid and the debts gone she looks at all that isn't the house somebody praise be to Jesus [Music] our dear sisters here two years in the country trying to get a visa and nothing was happening nothing they wouldn't even get a response from the Home Office they were trying for two years then they heard both of them both of them mum Wow what happened they heard about a church called spirit embassy and a man of God called prophet angel who's God works at the home office when they heard that they came here she was given a mantel by our man of God prophet angel the power was so much that she hit the floor that was on the Sunday on the Monday after two years of not hearing from the Home Office they both heard from the Home Office right now as we speak they didn't just hear from the Home Office they're both carrying visas come on somebody [Applause] this is amazing so both of you let me see this thing right you guys remember this young lady in Birmingham you actually joined the church very recently and I remember the day she came this girl told me she has no papers and I told that that doesn't matter I want you to just sit in the house of the Lord and she joined next Sunday I saw her with the choir wearing uniform everything the very next Sunday and here you are I'm proud of you thank you so much for your testimony god bless you if you don't have your papers you'll live in this country for as long as you want and what do we say I didn't pray for her I don't we don't pray for visa you you guys know that pray for what wasting resources we need the prayers for deeper issues because our God is way home office [Music] the assistant here was in service in Birmingham Swivl embassy Birmingham I know yes Birmingham his hat in Birmingham in service the young prophet of the house seoeon began to prophesy to her Wow prophesied to her about losing a baby very recently unbirth which was exactly 100% true and also about divorcing from my husband and but getting back together which was also 100% true now he said to her go away it's going to be well but don't tell me your husband these things I remember no yes the instruction beautiful from seoeon but she has of a five-year-old daughter yes we didn't quite catch the instruction and told the husband now it created a problem the husband began to see you cannot go to that church anymore you will not go I'm you I'm telling you now you will not go to that church again but she knew deep in her heart she had to be in spirit embassy she snuck out I went to the young Republic Convention in Birmingham and in that convention a man of God prophet you better angel located her and said to her go home don't worry you'll see it'll be easy to come to church from that day from that day the words of our prophet never fall to the ground and from that day it's a husband now says are you not going to church you need to go to church we go to church glory to Jesus so yes while pregnant with this beautiful baby the doctor said that the baby has a problems with spina bifida a condition where the spine is growing outside of the skin on the back we have pitches that can go up cause of this condition fluid is building on the brain and the brain will not be able to grow and also the internal organs will not work in fact when the baby is born it'll not the baby will not be able to breathe the only thing that we can recommend to you is termination this said that this is not possible and they reached out to you mom and said what do we do and you said to them everything I've been teaching you in church to build your faith everything I've been teaching you this is an examination right now do make your own decision but this is an examination of your faith so they went back and they said termination is not taking place right now as we can see the baby is here the baby is well breathing well internal organs working in food [Applause] [Music] here has a nice in Tanzania who had a very serious problem with blood pressure and wasn't taking the medication in the right way and because of that ended up in hospital in a coma so that's the nice that's the nice okay in a coma the doctor said it's likely that she's going to die our mom here at witnessed so many miracles in this place in Ilford London under the anointing of our man of God prophet you been angel that she said I'm taking your photograph there she said to herself I'm taking the photograph there and the miracles gonna take place she brought the photograph of their niece held it up under the anointing in this house the following week she woke up out of the coma she sat up she began to talk she began to eat she's now in full recovery there she is look at that [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is the daughter of our sister here amazing testimony the doctors diagnosed her with fibroids and a cyst inside of a stomach and salted that you need an operation to remove the womb right meaning no more children now no more children in the future yes and she said no it's not possible she went away she went back to the doctors because the stomach was hurting so so much and she said to the doctors my stomach's hurtin so they said okay all right we see the problem all right and bleeding was happening a lot and they said we need to do a scan in that moment she began to hear in her head pillar of fire by the lyric she said it's something that she always listens to the good news music star rare Jones delivery she always listens to these people and it does something it gives her faith so in that moment she began to hear and nobody else could hear only she could hear the song pillar of fire in her head in that moment and faith was raised then she was took upstairs for the scan they did the scan and I said what is this nurse talking about there's no fibroids there's nothing in there Wow now you should be worried about the only thing that's in there is a baby [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 45,937
Rating: 4.9317408 out of 5
Keywords: uebert angel, bebe angel, beverly angel, the goodnews church, prophecy, prophetic, spirit embassy, christ embassy, prosperity, prophet angel, prophet uebert angel, pastor chris, chris oyakhilome, prophet bushiri, Major1, money, kim kardashian, R Kelly, bill gates, hollywood, life of a Prophet, living with a Prophet, who is a Prophet, real Prophet
Id: 322gdjM5uYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 58sec (7378 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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