Tyrus: Antifa just need a 'good old-fashioned spanking'

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and then there are these rumors that the first family was considering adopting a cat oh yes and that is true can you confirm that he's waiting in the wing she she is waiting in the wings was this your idea mr president he doesn't know what a cat is [Applause] keep clapping what's your problem all right the thing about rebellion much like doing whippets it's only fun in small bursts let it go unheated or even sympathize with it it only grows and like my bikini line during lockdown it turns on you reminds me of the time i rescued a poor kitten outside my apartment only to learn a few months later it was a raccoon whatever was initially adorable now evil it's like relationships some women date the bad boy with the face tattoo because she's fun and dangerous but it's not fun a year later when he sold all your furniture and he's passed out in your living room which is also where he keeps his bike and his meth lab which brings us to antifa and ted wheeler the mayor of portland oregon last july he stood with rioters after 100 nights of mayhem or as cnn called it peaceful protesting as they tried to injure the police he tried to play the hip stepdad promising he'll buy you beer if you promise to drink it at home i stand with you no matter what and if they launch the tear gas against you they are launching the tear gas against me um to save his thin white skin there he was standing side by side with nuts as if he was competing in the three-legged race at a manson family reunion and yet they kept rioting remember it was wheeler who rejected help from the trump white house and slammed those who wanted to restore law and order to a once great city the words and actions from president trump and the department of homeland security have shown that this is an attack on our democracy keep your troops in your own buildings or have them leave our city okay braveheart yeah how brave is that rejecting life-saving help from trump just so you can maintain street cred with the scum and yet the rioting didn't stop so what did the mayor do next the same thing a month later i'm going to do the work that i need to do here in my local community with my local officials to take accountability for what's happening on our streets and i'd appreciate that either the president support us or he stayed the hell out of the way well like charlie sheen's teeth that has not aged well now a year later even a dumb ass like wheeler would realize he chose the wrong allies who knew you couldn't trust a bunch of angry dweebs wrapped in bandanas torching buildings while roaming the streets playing pokemon go his new friends even showed up showed their respect by chasing him out of his very own apartment but wheeler thought hey maybe if i pet the crocodile the reptile won't eat me not so they continued i know you'd think anarchists would listen to the pleadings of a weak mayor who seems more at home teaching massage therapy at a strip mall than running a city so finally like a mob rat working with the fbi he announced he needed help getting his old allies arrested and unmasked and asked the public to get their names and license plates to do the work that he refused to do our job is to unmask them arrest them and prosecute them these people often arrive at their so-called direct actions in cars and they're all dressed in all black if you see this call the police if you can provide a license plate if you can do so safely that information can help later okay rambo so now we want citizens to risk their lives as if he backed them up when they hits the fan but we've already seen how he turned his back on the cops but no surprise annaphos still went on damaging schools and churches and of course their chances of ever having success in life and now they release a video in which not only do they dox the mayor they threaten to kill him that you reside if you ignore this message outright the destruction to your precious way of life is going to escalate blood is already on your hands ted but next time it may just be your own you know i know that's supposed to sound scary but you know the person behind that phony voice is a doritos stained blob who had to peel himself from his gaming chair for the first time in months and maybe that is his real voice he's just breathing heavy from standing up too fast he likely has a hygiene problem because he only showers once every moon phase still they threatened a political leader with death then again so did madonna and johnny depp and it didn't really matter but it should but they're now threatening a democrat so maybe it might matter for once i suppose you would call this terrorism but they aren't trump supporters or white supremacists sorry that's redundant according to the media by the way if you want to see white terrorists take a look at the mugshots of portland rioters even for a city that's 75 white they're suspiciously pasty apparently student loan debt causes green hair and acne i'm starting to think the cure for antifa is getting laid so i get no joy over wheeler being threatened and i hope he learns something from this other than that it's not appropriate to wear a cardigan to a riot but maybe you should side with the citizens before you side with those who want to hurt them this is on page two of how to be a mayor handbook you thought that by courting the barbarians they would stop at the gate they didn't they correctly surmised you had less balls than a bodybuilder on steroids and they ran you into the ground like a rental car that's what happens when you pretend that you could be a mayor of a city but you look like you're suited to be manager at circuit city so we're here for you ted you need help america's got you even if you don't get us let's welcome tonight's guests they created a morning show to make him think he has friends fox and fred's co-host brian kilmee the only kennedy we trust for a ride home host of kennedy on fox business network kennedy he's so smart einstein copied his homework former white house press secretary and fox news contributor harry fleischer and every picture of him is the big picture a massive sidekick and host have not set up fox nation tyrus so brian uh you've been a long-standing supporter of antifa for years right uh i bet you feel pretty gross right now all right i regret uh if i had to pick a terror organization i picked the wrong one but i found out it's not just antifa it's also blm together destroying the city which i think is important one thing was pretty clear and only this show put it together the aging of ted wheeler i have never seen somebody age faster yes than a man with a hundred plus days of rioting and there's one other thing i learned from ted wheeler that you should probably keep in mind and the country should learn from you have spent your life not pleasing people that's true that has worked for you and it's every day you don't please anyone and that ted wheeler tried to please and he ends up embarrassed so the great gut-felt mantra is please no one make no one happy and the rest of the country can live happily ever after i think my wife might agree with that okay good job your sidekick does [Laughter] this is deeply hurtful i want you to know that i'm spending this weekend crying kennedy this is like every other weekend yes that's true you know kennedy whenever we talk about this you always say ted wheeler is awful but the alternative is worse so there's actually you could if you say like they got to get rid of him the next choice for mayor is usually like a squirrel with a methamphetamine problem that actually would be an improvement yeah the the the woman that ran against him and and they were neck and neck going into the november election was actually an antifa supporter right so maybe they're trying to get him to resign and they're dum-dums and they think that the order of succession is just the next person who almost almost got the most votes in the last election that's not necessarily how it works but it's really sad to see the city where i grew up and devolve into this yeah and they have been on a long slow decline for quite some time and it's not surprising and this is what happens when you try and appease a group of domestic terrorists yeah it doesn't end well and this truly is and and i was reading uh this article today to my 12 year old daughter and i was telling her this is what domestic terrorism is when you're threatening someone's life when you're threatened to kill someone for a political outcome when you're trying to scare them into changing their behavior that's textbook terrorism mm-hmm yeah you know all right your daughter's gonna have nightmares i mean you're who you're reading to her well she's already living in new york city so she's like sounds like a vast improvement mom five kids i'm never gonna read to them good idea unless it's on prompter yes of course what's that mean all right uh enough you uh all right okay we all agree that terrorism of any stripe is bad but for some reason this type of terrorism is kind of almost excusable by our mainstream media well of course it is because the left is tolerant so when you tolerantly threaten to murder somebody you're still being tolerant it just is the cloak that you get to wear when you come from the soft side of the left yes and the precise rolls right along with it but you know all of this nonsense began in minneapolis after the george floyd murder the mayor of minneapolis said the solution was radical love if you remember that and then it spread to the summers of love in portland and seattle which of course just opened up the floodgates and the doors for the hatred the looting the violence the mayhem and the riots and this is brought to you by the left and i'm glad you condemn it i'm glad you bring attention to it and i'm glad the mayor has flip-flopped after a hundred nights of riots yeah you know uh tyrus i need to ask you if you were mayor how would you solve this problem now or is it too late or would you oh it would have been over a jump it would have been over here first of all i would have supported my police department from jump i would have made sure they had raises and all the facilities they needed and i would have the national guard in there like that like what like that there should have been he had a he had a moment though where he should have known that he was on the wrong side of it if you watch the video when he turns to me and my constituents and there was no one behind him he watched that video back when he motioned to the back it was empty chairs even the even the sign language guy was like it's on the tape watch it but you know it's that old that old story the the frog and the scorpion yeah doesn't matter how you carry them or what you promise them eventually they're going to sting you this this isn't even a political group they don't have enough depth to have a political agenda it's just give me free stuff or i'll burn you down if they're just children that need a good old-fashioned spanking and who better than the boys in blue and our national guard to get things right down there but they they are arrested but the the d.a will not charge them with anything so it's a catch-and-release program and mike schmidt who's the d.a in portland has done an incredible disservice to people who live there and businesses in the entire community and not to mention people who would ever go visit there why would you see if i was married be catch and catch yes catch and keep catching keep would be my philosophy and that that that general would have been out by i would be catch and release but from a bridge yes no no no a short little bridge so they land comfortably in water it is the city of bridges what it's the city of bridges it is a beautiful city of bridges lots of fog too hard to identify yeah that's just putting that out there speaking of hard to identify what happens like in the okay so at some point this antifa thing is going to die down how do they get jobs do they get jobs are these just do we end up just taking care of these idiots no one's working and now antifa all you have to do is apply for it you get your unemployment plus 300 at least until they're going to happen until at least september yeah so they can't wait or they can't get that bus boy job they aspire to it's not going to happen no no no no yeah go knock the bus boys i'm sorry i apologize you fox and friends elitists right with their curvy couches and your cooking segments think you can come up in here and bash the bus boys right yeah you know neither juicy would do that one or the other one [Laughter] you are you are angry about the busboys than you are about antifa i am no you don't know his back story you know it was years of bus but i was raised by bus boys fantastic but i'd like to see those adoption papers we're missing the point though these they're not looking for jobs they get elitist to donate gofundme pages yeah they get invaded no you know what they want to be you know they get so there's no point to work no no no no when they grow up they all want to be social media influencers that's their job well good luck with that hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,149,495
Rating: 4.8523722 out of 5
Keywords: brian kilmeade, fox news brian kilmeade, fox news kennedy, kennedy, kilmeade, portland, portland oregon protests, tyrus, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news gutfeld show, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, greg gutfeld, greg gutfeld reacts, greg gutfled monologue, gutfeld, gutfeld monologue, gutfeld monologue tonight, gutfeld panel, gutfeld!, gutfeld! tonight, kat timpf, kat timpf gutfeld, tyrus gutfeld, tyrus murdoch
Id: cpOdqRX9zNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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