Gutfeld on CIA recruitment video: They replaced CIA with TMI

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at the same time bill humor is so polarized fox news trying to launch a late night comedy show trying to compete with colbert and kimmel how's it going well you know the gutfeld show is what i expected which is that it's not really about comedy or satire it's about revenge the idea is to tell jokes that get them riled up and they're not being entertained they're being incited and the idea is for them to say yeah that'll show them oh he got me still why wouldn't brian stelter defend me considering i gave him his start in cable news brian i like to play a little game where i just stay in my apartment and i don't pick up the phone and just see if anybody anybody will come and check on me have you ever thought about doing that and no one and no one pays the rent i mean the landlord came after seven years to a victim i want a landlord who won't evict me for seven years exactly it makes no sense you know with harry he's like a little adorable hamster [Applause] [Music] too bad the oscars were last week because the cia could have gone home with more gold than william devane have you seen their latest recruitment video it's a gut-wrenching portrayal of one woman's triumph over bigotry and injustice in a world filled with pain and confusion i'm a woman of color i am a mom i am a cisgender millennial who's been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder i am intersectional but my existence is not a box checking exercise wait didn't she just check every box by the way who actually says i'm intersectional i mean besides my couch here's here's more i used to struggle with imposter syndrome but at 36 i refuse to internalize misguided patriarchal ideas of what a woman can or should be i am unapologetically me i want you to be unapologetically you whoever you are ah just what we wanted in a secret agent one who blows their cover five seconds after meeting you they replace cia with tmi talk about oversharing how can this person go undercover aren't spy supposed to have a secret identity and not identify openly as 18 different things forget name ranked serial number yes my name is susan thomas i am an art dealer traveling abroad but really i'm a bisexual non-binary gender studies graduate with student debt and childhood trauma who's in the cia whoops i should have left that part out and i have to kill you the whole point of being the cia is not being true to our identity whether you're latin x or scottish especially if you're scottish the bagpipes are a dead giveaway so i say get over yourself or selves but sadly wokeness is now how we do business and even the cia is in on it man was i dumb i thought that kind of pc builds had an expiration date once you graduated like playing hacky sack or listening to cat stevens the understanding was that this stuff was worthless once they left college but i was wrong the websters are now officially everywhere drowning us with their box checking vernacular could you imagine being interrogated by a new age agent talk about torture ahmed we saw you purchase the ingredients for the pipe bombs you were obviously acting out against the racist classes patriarchal colonizers trying to prevent you from being your best most authentic self as a result of your lived experiences as a survivor of your chronic bed wedding or as we call it creative peeing you will confess to anything to stop them from drowning on about themselves yes yes i had a bomb in my shoe please stop forcing me to list my favorite role models of color so i admit this is like shooting sustainably raised salmon in a barrel this video is not exactly top secret and this woman is serving her country so good for her but every blinking yahoo on this planet can see how silly america's premier intelligent agency actually is even twitter laughed but not the cia these videos came out of multiple meetings and strategy sessions the fact that they put this out there is kind of a huge blind spot and spy agencies shouldn't have blind spots it's like your dad getting an earring for his 50th birthday maybe this video might even get people to join the caa cia but me this level of malarkey couldn't get me to join an orgy but maybe that's the point one more non-binary intersectional type means one less angry white male like me on staff right angry white male [Music] how would i describe myself well regular guy i guess i like sports i like i guess i like my job love my family what's this for the news i hate the news you got to wonder what the world thinks of this our enemies are giggling like don lemon on a bicycle it's just the image that i find humorous fact is we have foreign enemies who dream of nothing more than killing each one of us every day and i doubt that oprah level university approved talking points about gender and race would scare them and by the way have you ever wondered what a politically correct secret agent might look like we already did this christmas bond is back like you've never seen him before you're hungry i had an extra one you're not gonna hurt me course not violence is so uncivilized it's the same james bond you know and love rewritten to please even the most progressive socially conscious moviegoer in 2018. what'll be sir let me guess martini shaken not latte soy latte extra decaf extra decant are the beans sustainably sourced i only drink organic farm raised home-grown cruelty-free coffee i have no idea with intrigue and suspense your move w7 is it no seriously is it i don't know how to play this game i saw at a ted talk recently that competitive activities only encourage toxic masculinity and marginalize disenfranchised communities into unjust hierarchical structures reinforced by a bigoted and corrupt system you're bluffing what's a bluff and it isn't a bond film without seduction well james i've had a really lovely evening cats come inside you know i don't appreciate the heteronormative assumptions in your proposition it's regressive anti-neo-feminist rhetoric like that that perpetuates a patriarchal society of oppression and gendered subjugation not the least of which i care to contribute to you could have just said no so get ready for the most politically correct secret agent of all time no guns no gambling no girls it's james bond in the spy who consensually agreed in writing she loved me you must be q it's lgbtq your mission should you choose to accept it is to reject virtue signaling of all kinds good luck this segment will self-destruct in five seconds let's welcome tonight's guest she chairs the senate subcommittee on awesome fantasy senator marcia blackburn she went from pom poms to truth bombs outnumbered co-host emily compagno she's three days into her first marriage foxy's contributor cat tim and his tattoo artist charges him by the yard my master sidekick and host of enough set up fox station tyrus all right senator how did you what did you think when you first heard that video i mean it's it's it's the language that drives me crazy i like the fact that she's serving the country but it's the cia it's the little it's touchy feely well the cia should be about recruiting the best and brightest that there are about protecting this country about stopping bad actors bad people bad things from happening and here we are putting the focus on someone that has impostor syndrome and it's completely inappropriate you know it's interesting about that when you say imposter syndrome nobody knows what that is but cat yeah we all know it imposters yeah it's like kind of how i'm this huge superstar and a national treasure but i don't really realize that about myself everybody has imposter syndrome right because that's that what that means is you think that you're not you think people are going to find out that you're actually not good at what you do right even yeah i do i am worried about that even though i'm excellent and unparalleled at what i do um look i just think that this and the reaction all of it kind of proves how broken and how the democratic party and the left in general it's not just that they're obsessed with wokeness that's kind of all that matters to them because it's not shocking to see that conservatives don't like this i mean it is pretty ridiculous but on the left um you know jacob and meg's the only place i saw point this out hey you know the cia is not woke with their decades of you know hyper militarization and all these things these are things that liberals are not supposed to like but oh look at this nice ad she made a nice little word salad of all these nice buzz words that everyone's supposed to say and then boom that's enough just like how for vice president they nominated a corrupt cop because she had the identity politics that fit that's all that matters and it's crazy it's an interesting trend because corporations are realizing that if you use the woke vernacular they will overlook everything yeah like not paying your taxes yes or making uh you know ice cream that'll like give you uh heart disease in 10 years yeah justin trudeau blackface multiple times like anything if you use the right buzzword may have make the right buzzword salad of wokeness you're fine so emily good to see you that's all i can wait for it um now this is part of this is part of a i think a series called humans of the cia which by the way the title is pretty funny because it sounds like we know they're humans in the cia but it's it's like they were trying too hard to appeal it's again it's like you're 50 your dad getting an earring it's just like so the cia is trying too hard absolutely and they're the last agency that needs to try it all that's the other thing like we all know what goes on behind those closed doors right we've all seen the movies we know it all and that's why that video that you guys made is so funny because i just kept thinking to myself mitch rapp would never make a video like that jasonborn or double07 would never make a video like that and then you did and it just pulls back the curtain of what a farce this entire thing is that they're trying to do and i think you know from a management standpoint it's such a failure because when you invite in topics that divide in politics into the workplace right of course they're going to bring it with you with them and so it's going to become a monster you can't kill and for an agency like the cia or law enforcement agencies we need them to be a certain plug-in play we need them to be code before self we need to understand that if an agent can't make it or doesn't show up another one will perfectly replace them in the same standard not to a different standard because i just want to raise my hand and talk about my differences yeah and recruiting based on those differences over the similarities in the code is a disaster and it's dangerous and i also don't understand why we are advertising to our enemies that like the cia is staffed with anxious individuals yeah it helps no one although i would make a great cia agent because i'm anxious all the time and i'm constantly thinking people are out to get me you're with tyrus here's the thing that don't look at me like that you look like you're waiting for something horrible to happen you are okay who why does the cia need a recruitment video when everybody loves to be like like when you when i met mike baker it's like he's in the cia it's like the coolest job ever do you really need recruitment videos to get people to join the cia it's a great title i'm still stuck on imposter syndrome i don't i don't get it you're saying you struggle from lying about yourself a lot is that impossible like you're you're really deep down a pirate but you're just doing this cia thing until the ship comes in i mean no it's [Laughter] the bigger the bigger problem in this that i noticed and i only watched it like three or four times so i wasn't sure what i was watching i was waiting for someone you to walk out and be like gotcha but i didn't hear anything about america in that entire thing or serving your country or don't worry three a.m i'm on the job well we know you can't because of the imposter syndrome and the anxiety you don't like dark quiet places so you can't do it like this was like the the me we're not we're not about country we're about me and this is the one business where you cannot be singled out and recognized and given participation trophies for being in the cia you're supposed to be uh america first duty to country and honestly yourself is second you know it's interesting i think that's probably the concern besides just the language to me is so strange uh because it's not original this language is being passed along through through academia and everybody picks up on it but it is the i it's the triumph of the me over the we wow i just came up with that kind of threw it i kind of put it up there for you well in your case set shot but you know that's unnecessary hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest 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Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,229,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cia recruitment, cia video, fox news cia video, gutfeld cia, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news gutfeld show, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, greg gutfeld, greg gutfeld reacts, greg gutfled monologue, gutfeld, gutfeld monologue, gutfeld monologue tonight, gutfeld panel, gutfeld!, gutfeld! tonight, kat timpf, kat timpf gutfeld, tyrus, tyrus gutfeld, tyrus murdoch, central intelligence agency, cia ad
Id: EzqY8y3tJgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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