Gutfeld on CNN anchors coverage of officer-involved shootings

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if we don't do something about climate change one of our last records of how some parts of the world look oddly enough would be some of your work on game of thrones you know that show wasn't real right except the dragons of course yes another day another idiot on cnn shootings gun laws access to weapons oh you i know when they'll change your kids start getting killed white people's kids start getting killed smoking that doobie that's actually legal probably in your state now but they don't know what it was and then the kid runs and it pop pop pap cop was justified why'd you run oh he had a baseball game tonight huh the white kid oh big family that house over there those start piling up what is going on with these police oh what maybe we shouldn't even have police that kind of mania that kind of madness that'll be you that'll be the majority because it's your people your people wow he does an amazing white person voice it almost sounded like he wasn't the privileged wealthy brother of a governor so chris reveals he's a man who cares much more about black victims than his lilly white audience does so he mocks them and what brilliance his solution to police brutality more police brutality it's like that diet where you get healthy by eating tons more ice cream and pizza but since he suggested white kids might need to be killed by cops maybe he'll cover it if it actually happens because right now he'd ignore that since it doesn't fit the narrative that police brutality is only racial but if chris chris's comments strike you as thoughtful you've been struck by a brick during a peaceful protest and have brain damage because just a few short months ago i'm so tired of playing this clip but we have to remember he mocked concern for victims of violence democratic cities are in chaos right now is this what you want from joe biden and they're going to take your country away and they're taking down the statues and crime is rising my gosh it's so bad and they get defunding police it's like so he went from it's no big deal you guys are stupid too hey it's a big deal and you're still stupid i guess chris either saw his ratings plummet or maybe his brother harassed another staffer so he needed to act even more bonkers but he's not alone another idiot also brought kerosene to an arson party we gotta stay on the street uh and we've got to get more active we've got to get more confrontation we've got to make sure that they they know that we need this i don't know if i can do any more looting than i am not already i mean i'm looted out america but i have a feeling maxine that's not helpful so after a week of violence she calls for more mayhem if the jury doesn't do what she wants or expects it's extortion by decree and the media doesn't care because they agree and also maxine doesn't know where they live and they're also too busy comparing black congressmen to the kkk the salt lake tribune just published a cartoon that indeed compares burgess owens to a kkk member so how can a white doodling jackass named pat bagley smear a black republican an ex-nfl star who's done nothing but good in his life and not be called a racist you know it's kind of like white people telling black people in dangerous neighborhoods uh that they need fewer cops but you know that if owens weren't black bagley wouldn't have cited the kkk he pulled it out precisely because owens was black how does the salt lake tribune deal with the fact that they're paying a racist but not to be outdone debbie wasserman schultz has now called everyone who didn't rig the 2016 primary for hillary a nazi more softer nazism at the beginning led ultimately led to the holocaust and so if you don't knock down the the outrageous racist most really evil beliefs of republicans and anyone like this then we will live to repeat the discrimination and persecution of minorities or people who are deemed other in the future good to see she hasn't changed a thing and by a thing i mean whatever's sleeping on her head [Laughter] so why are we calling people klansmen and nazis he thinks it's not to engage in debate but to move it away from words to sticks and if you disagree you're probably in the clan and if you find that disgusting you're you're a nazi a phrase overused more than i love bacon and why because apparently we're a nation of angry white males just like this one oh hey just adjusting my american flag sometimes it gets tangled in the wind you know i was just reading the other day in the new york times about this project it said our country was founded on the ideals of oppression i don't know i look at the flag and i think what it represents one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all i really believe those words my god he is depraved so we've drawn the lines between who is evil and who isn't and if you're on the wrong side of that line god help you americans are being split into different camps and after the splitting comes the pitting of one group against another it's world history moving backwards rather than move toward cooperation we are resurrecting tribalism on doing the basic things learned from centuries of bloodbaths cooperation and reciprocity gone we've come a long way from warring factions when disagreements were settled with a club or a spear but today for the media political class that's pushing mayhem those are the good old days because it means ratings and power truth is most americans agree that george floyd's treatment by police was abhorrent but this opportunity to come together has been used to divide us agreement doesn't get a pundit new rental properties it doesn't win elections for a wealthy person who doesn't live in a poor district division is the quickest path to power as well as the most destructive just don't put too much thought into it no one else did [Applause] welcome he's the conservative brit with no time for twits foxy's contributor host of the next revolution steve who cook he's talented handsome and the writer of this intro writer and comedian joe devito she watches thrillers and roots for the killers hosts of sincerely cat and fox nation cat tip and he never sweats the small stuff because compared to him it's all small stuff my massive sidekick and hopes of that set on punk station tyrus steve uh welcome to the show i gather you just got off a charity fun run i i can't believe i've dressed up for this honestly you should have seen me an hour ago i looked like he did tie the draw strings except smaller except smaller seconds old thing about racism respect he says i look like him [Laughter] next so uh steve what do you make of this whole brouhaha about uh i know about maxine waters you know the the judge said that she uh that they may have to the defense she they gave the defense a basis to overturn the trial on appeal because she it was a a threat to the jury so it just made me think of that phrase we had disaster tourism where people travel around and they kind of go to the place she's riot tourism that's what she's doing she's like she wants to go there to literally cause trouble and she dresses it up i'm auntie maxine and i'm coming because i'm the girl how many aunties do you know that literally go places to try and get people to do the looting i have one just one yes six six over here you'll never get a straight answer here um what do we where are we where's this headed well first of all i really appreciate uh cuomo being more angry about it than i am that's always nice um like i can't even be mad cause i'm like wow he's really upset about that but why people have been shooting white people for a really long time let's maybe not go that route briz but auntie maxine here's the thing uh 20 years ago and 10 years ago i had a lot of respect for her but we're now seeing that politicians really don't lead you're basically saying the only way that we can fix things is by protesting and posturing violence not the constitution so then my question is what the hell are you doing in office exactly because the only way you can do it is being on the street and here's the deal your words ended up being and i watched the entire entire thing today the closing arguments and she has literally created by her words or irresponsible words for sure they'll get an appeal and if any one of those jurors saw that on the news and mentioned it they have a mistrial and then then she got the looting so but will it be her saying i was irresponsible no will it be and here's the thing i've been having this issue across the board i was one of the first people that came out and i when i saw what happened to george floyd i was mad i was angry i want him charged as a murderer but when i watch the trial i have to take my feelings out of it this is a crazy idea and be objective yeah and one listening to the defense attorney today they are all they have to do is make reasonable doubt all they need is one juror yeah and with and you're hearing of talks of violence and all the pressure on them stuff it makes me concerned yeah but at no time would i tell anybody what i think he needs to happen i have to wait for the the verdict to come out then we have a discussion of it yeah what do we learn from it because no matter what happens you can find some positivity about it if you really want to but they're already they're already laying getting the gasoline drums out yeah ready to pour because for some reason will make them the center of the argument everyone's looking to be the next martin luther king the next leader the next civil rights you cannot force leadership and i don't understand why our leaders are trying to pretend and it's not just her we got ted cruz who does the same thing on the other side we have irresponsible politicians who just say things to be important with no no regards for affects who us people on the street it's it's really sad she's she literally is going to affect the outcome of this trial yeah and then what you know what happens joe you'll be out on the street getting a free washer and dryer you put it on your back running down the street screaming that's what you're going to do i see right through you joe here's the problem with maxine waters is that her words keep getting taken in context she she says these irresponsible things and then immediately acts like how dare you accurately quote me yes this is not time to play around and i i did enjoy the clip of chris cuomo doing that dramatic reading from reefer madness where you you white kids with your jazz cigarettes what is he what is he talking about what is this i don't know what the bloodlust in their family is right he wants the young people to die his brother killed the old people they're like the super mario brothers of serial killing it's how about nobody dies yes how about nobody we don't if we're thinking out loud we don't muse about well maybe if your children were killed now there is a problem with uh when children of color are killed and no one talks about it i'm not talking about in writing i'm just talking about the horrible circumstances they grow up in and they say well how come we don't hear about it well maybe someone who's in the media yes like he is should give it that fair treatment there so that those lives are treated as horrible losses yeah they should be actually examining the problem with our education our educational system and teachers unions and all the things that put everybody at a disadvantage and also just the fact cat that gets me mad that he assumes because of race that you cannot empathize with somebody of a different race so if somebody's child dies because they're not white you somehow cannot empathize that is a terrible thing to say about again about america he's talking about millions of people well that is a wild accusation and it's also one quite easily proven false if you have google because for the past year since these tensions have been heightened people have been polling people about police reform last year this year one thing that is in common is that an overwhelming majority of americans of all races want some level of police reform that's something we actually agree on now we can have conversations about in what way or have those sort of nuanced discussions but we can't have it if he's having given this in passion speech saying listen white people you're all like a huge derrick chauvin fan club and i've had enough of it that's not real exactly that's not real and it's just gonna seek to divide us when we actually do agree and actually have a chance to unite around something that we do agree on and there's plenty of reasons to be pissed off in the world that are real let's not invent a new one but it's like tyrus was saying the politicians who should be doing it aren't like tim scott literally a republican center had a plan for police reform yeah the democrats shot it down yeah the people who should be but it is it is hilarious if they were doing their job this wouldn't happen and they're out on this uh yeah all right gonna shut up
Channel: Fox News
Views: 868,279
Rating: 4.8034916 out of 5
Keywords: chris cuomo, chris cuomo officer involved shooting, cnn, cnn chris cuomo, cuomo, cuomo shootings, don lemon, don lemon cnn, fox news chris cuomo, media, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news gutfeld show, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, greg gutfeld, greg gutfeld reacts, greg gutfled monologue, gutfeld, gutfeld monologue, gutfeld monologue tonight, gutfeld panel, gutfeld!, gutfeld! tonight, kat timpf, kat timpf gutfeld, tyrus, tyrus gutfeld, tyrus murdoch
Id: VSNrbLKukr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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