Gutfeld on mainstream media embracing lying whistleblower

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/noloner1 📅︎︎ May 24 2021 🗫︎ replies
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what is this the honor system the honor system as to whether somebody has been vaccinated do you want them breathing in your face on the strength of their honor nancy if you're breathing near me i'll wear a mask a hat and a welder's mask [Applause] yes all right one thing i've learned watching the media it's like drinking tequila you do it on an empty stomach i watched two minutes of don lemon after dinner last night and my wife is still trying to get the smell of vomit out of two throw pillows but also it's amazing how fast they bury their own mistakes which maybe they learn from watching goodfellas they'll report something that's false but before anyone has a chance to expose the lie they've already moved on and like that hitchhiker i picked up last august the story's gone without a trace so thank god there are people out there who go back and show us the most egregious media mistakes during this particular pandemic these hacks won't get away with it just because they were wearing masks i gotta credit human events christina pusha charles cook from national review and the great ann coulter for exposing this following media malpractice so do you remember the story of rebecca jones like bernie sanders hair it was everywhere a heroic whistleblower accusing governor ron desantis of demand of demanding that she falsify data cable news embraced her like andrew cuomo groping a terrified female staffer rebecca jones thank you for your invaluable work this is very very important work that you're doing we greatly appreciate it i know this has been uh very hard for you to be in the spotlight and there are a lot of big accusations coming your way so thank you for taking this opportunity to help us understand what this is about and what it means for the people of florida rebecca jones uh the light is shining on you uh don't be scared because the whole country now uh is watching you and your family and what they do to you but as quickly as you can say michael avenatti the narrative fell apart crumbling faster than julie swetnick under oath and when it fell apart the press ignored it like a burning police station in minneapolis to remind you after the florida department of health fire jones last may she claimed it was for not helping to falsify or to boost desantis stats falsely overnight she became a star forbes awarded her technology person of the year proof that forbes has sunk lower than george stephanopoulos and bare feet he is shorter than me she raised hundreds of thousands of dollars her twitter followers exploded it was all about as real as cat's glasses but that didn't matter [Laughter] the media loved her because she fit a role they needed to bash an evil pro-trump republican who was beating the pandemic despite rejecting full lockdowns in a state teeming with rabid spring breakers and people in their late hundreds those bath salt huffing alligator riding hillbillies just couldn't be right now as this is happening the media of course is embracing andrew cuomo who shoved coveted patients into rest homes that killed thousands might as well have been gas chambers even as per capita new york has nearly doubled florida's coveted 19 fatalities the only thing higher than new york's coveted death rate are its taxes but what about this perfect hero turns out the lady npr called a top scientist was about as much of a scientist as bill nye in fact she had held three non-scientist jobs all of them had her fired and criminally charged she'd been busted for trespassing resisting arrest attempting to steal computer equipment and in 2018 she was accused of sexual cyber harassment facing stalking charges stemming from an extramarital affair with her former student her resume is more of a rap sheet although it sounds like someone hunter biden might be into so she was no doctor she never even played one on tv you get better health advice from the muscle head working at the vitamin shop according to human events according to human events quote case files alleged jones stalked and robbed her former student sent explicit photos to his family and employer and trespassed on his property sounds exactly like what happened to me when i switched long distance carriers so maybe that might have tipped the media off no such luck even though all of this seems like an easy fact check but the media didn't bother because they needed a hero and when the media seeks a hero they'll overlook the very worst like this lewd lollipop [Laughter] remember how cnn embraced michael avenatti yet his story had more flaws than the diamond cat wears on her ring just let that one simmer but that didn't stop bry looking ahead to 2020 one reason why i'm taking you seriously as a contender is because of your presence on cable news now other than where to go to get the best blueberry pancakes does he ever get anything right remember how they embraced jesse smilet the guy that did his best acting when being interviewed by the cops no remember hoaxers when you hire two nigerian brothers to fake a hate crime don't pay by check and i've lost count of all the questionable sources the media used in the russian collusion hoax they flooded the zone with bitter clowns and spotlight chasers remember this guy what happened to him i think he's now jeff zucker's footstool fact is if the media can nail you they'll use any tool within reach including tools with a few screws loose then they stop covering it when they're wrong and pretend the whole thing never happened they shout the lie to ruin an enemy's reputation that don't have the integrity to admit they're wrong but at least some people are doing the work that i'm too lazy to do i wonder what our angry white male has to say ah the whistleblower huh yeah i didn't pay much attention to that story when it happened kind of shows you what i think of the mainstream media that's probably out hiking like today which begs the question if a fake whistleblower blows a whistle and you're not around to hear it did it even make a sound there's definitely something wrong with that man [Applause] let's welcome tonight's guests if jokes were joints he'd have them rolling in the aisles host of the quiz show on fox nation tom chalu [Applause] he behaved better as a child than cuomo does as an adult new york gubernatorial candidate andrew giuliani this is the only cash not being ruined by inflation former defense department chief of staff cass patel [Applause] and she's the kind of girl you bring home to mom if you want your mom to take you out of her will fox's contributor captain so andrew welcome to the show it's great to be on the show with you tonight greg yeah you know you i remember you being in the audience once and now you're on the set yes i know generally considering what i did they don't like to let me get on this matter as you alluded to before yes so what do you make of of kind of these media narratives you've been in the white house you've seen how they shape these things and you know they're not true what's your sense well you said it absolutely right i mean they just continue to actually push a story whether the narratives are right or not and the facts don't even matter true it's true you know tom um you are a master at manipulating the media because everybody thinks you're not a serial killing um i have to ask you what was that outfit you were wearing in the last angry white male that's just what i like to hike in you know you go hiking in the woods [Laughter] i could tell if you're doing a commercial for bph or you're doing a commercial for uh some other sexual disorder i don't i don't know what that is i don't know what it means greg all right well what do you what's your take on this incredibly important topic it is interesting because almost everything we have to talk about on this show now greg is a fake story yes you know most stories now you can count on them being fake most of the stories that break through into the mainstream media this type of story though is a special one because it's not just a kind of a fake news story or something that's uh twisting the narrative what it is is they needed a story to counter an actual story which was that florida's numbers were doing very well despite the fact that they weren't doing lockdowns that story really bothers people so then they basically put out a beacon they're like uh we need to refute this story anybody anybody and then she comes calling and then she's ready to go so it's this kind of story is the one they want the most because it they need it to counter the story they don't want to tell cash and i had a boss who used to have a phrase for that i can't remember what it was it rhymes with shake booze oh yes oh yes yes yeah but you know i remember when this story came out and this is why i i like i always say that i'm lazy like i didn't know how to ch like how do you verify this story that all this stuff is like maybe did santa's really do this did he really like try to doctor the numbers of course he's not do you think he actually needs to do that or has to or would do that he's no andrew cuomo [Laughter] by the way cash so while this is going on they're like you got you got andrew cuomo with the giant q-tip you got his brother basically you know talking about how he's single and ready to mingle you have his nipple rings flailing in the wind like little baby fists i don't know what i'm talking about cash yeah you know he threw me on the nipple ring thing uh yeah but no it's good to be back home in new york yes yes i'll take it i love you just follow the nipple rings yes i've tried that it hasn't worked out in the past it seems to for so what is it you um obviously you you work in the white house too and you uh you see these narratives which ones were the in your mind the worst well it's just a continuation of the same theme donald trump gets elected and the world blows up and journalistic integrity gets a flame torch yeah so pick your topic i ran counter-terrorism for president trump at the white house right yeah we kill the world's worst terrorist in l baghdad in costume suleimani and cnn memorializes the guy yes you know it doesn't matter human being right we bring we bring hostages home right you've been gone for years yes and they go and say how dare you engage the syrian government and so but if obama did it or biden does it it's the gold standard but they also have the media available to them to swallow the headline the fake headline that they created because they know no one's going to call them out except you and a few others but the rest of the populist doesn't care they just don't give a damn because they don't want to buy into a narrative of truth that we actually did the right thing under president trump when andrew and i were in the white house it's just too much for them to take i think you're right i think i probably am the real hero well i was trying to give you the you know the gold star but i was saving that for later yeah but i i think you i think you hit the nail on the head the russian collusion stuff was insane because like you know here's the point the fake the fake news and these narratives exploded so much because so many interesting things were being done and they didn't know how to deal with it so they just kept making up more more stories as there were as as there was like actually good things being done can i just tell you one thing on the russian collusion hooks so yeah i ran the russiagate investigation for house intel for devon yeah and as a staffer you're supposed to be free from the media yeah adam schiff and his insane clown posse came out after i after i basically started unearthing this thing do you know what they got the media to call me a staffer at the hill yeah a genocidal dictator you can't make it up it's in print yeah makes perfect sense that's right but you know what after your first impression after you comparing adam's shift to the legendary insane clown posse you are a genocidal thing you have a gigolo right here i didn't actually went to what did you get together get the juggalos for barstool but yes yes yes and you came back with only four infections yeah yeah all bacterial thankfully oh thank god one that keeps repeating itself cat okay uh so it seems like the media has the worst uh judgment when it comes to selecting their heroes is this by accident or is it deliberate i i think that it has to be something almost subconscious because it is so crazy if you break it down um going back to what tom was saying i do remember about a month ago in florida a couple months ago florida's numbers were looking great and uh you know nobody that was liberal could actually acknowledge that any of the liberal liberal governors they i'm like i please tell me these people are not continuing to champion economy crushing policies because they'd rather do that than admit that a republican governor is anything short of a cold-blooded mass murderer and then i see this story and it's it's somehow worse right because they had the choice either they could believe something that a republican governor was saying which would be good news for them personally and the entire country or they could go with a very bad conspiracy theory which would be bad for the entire country being pushed by a career criminal and they're like well you know i'm going to go with rebecca like at least she's not a republican it's it's you can't be thinking thoughts at all and have this be your reaction she might be a lovable career criminal though right who knows there's still time hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,948,375
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Keywords: Gutfeld florida, desantis, florida, florida whistleblower, glorida whistleblower, ron desantis, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news gutfeld show, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, greg gutfeld, greg gutfeld reacts, greg gutfled monologue, gutfeld, gutfeld monologue, gutfeld monologue tonight, gutfeld panel, gutfeld!, gutfeld! tonight, kat timpf, kat timpf gutfeld, tyrus, tyrus gutfeld, tyrus murdoch
Id: 6sT9jjI0-4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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