two truths one lie | Hajime Hinata and Izuru Kamukura

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♫ chill bass bg track ♫ Hey guys, it's Hajime Chan, and today, we have... Izuru Kamukura Junior...Junior? The third. –[sighs] The third? –Yeah. [barely audible] Izuru Kamukura III. We have a cat! No we don't. Also, we're playing two truths and a lie. I almost said two truths and a dare, that's not what I meant... Alright, so I know we've talked about this, but I just want the viewers to know... That, I mean, you did something... You know? You brought Komaeda here. –to this channel. –to this futon. –Yes. –And... –He was sitting right where you are. –[uncomfy noise] Well, we've washed it since then. We did a...little...wipe-down. yeah, anyway, I think you have an apology to make. To me. I wasn't prepared, it was... a stressful experience for me... –If I had told you it was going to happen, wouldn't you just have been more stressed out, waiting for it to happen? –I would [stutters] prevented it from happening, I would have run away. –I wouldn't have allowed that. –[pronounced "toosh"] Touché. –He's-he's saying this as though he never has to spend time with Komaeda, but [overlapping] Every day, he –Well, it's- it's- –Every day, during- –[Hajime interrupting] It's- it's different, on camera, [overlapping] to have someone on my personal channel- –Can I explain? Can I explain... [overlapping] ...your relationship with Komaeda? –My personal channel...No, there's no relationship. –I mean that, every day, he- during the talent time, when everyone's trying to learn more about their talents, and such, he teams up with Komaeda to go in and watch everyone else's talents and take notes. –Well, yeah, 'cause everyone else already has a talent, and Komaeda, his talent is... I mean, it's luck, but... –He volunteers to be the observer one –Yeah. –every day so no one else has to do it and miss their talent time. –Yeah. –But you need to have two people to do it, so... Hajime. So, every day, he spends at least [overlapping] two hours with Komaeda. –It's not my decision. No one else can do it except for him. –Sometimes I see you two laughing and smiling together. Walking outside. –Can you edit- can you edit out that part? –Why? –'Cause- they don't need to know that. –So you're admitting it's true. They confirm...[indistinct] –Well, yeah, it's more fun if you have a good time. –So you're saying you're...making yourself have a good time? –No... Edit- edit that out. That section, like from there to there, just edit that out. We don't need that. –How...was your time with Komaeda, then, on the video? Why don't you tell the viewers, now that Komaeda's not here, what it was like. –Um, stressful? Uh, he smells bad? So that was... unpleasant? –He doesn't... –He- smells pretty bad, you gotta admit- –Sometimes. But it doesn't bother me. –Well, it bothers me. I think cleanliness is important, and... he's...dirty. [bursts out laughter] [blowing bubbles] Mm- I mean, I- I told everyone 'Komaeda will never be on this channel!' and... –Now he is. –I was powerless against it. When he came, I- I was... unprepared, I was... taken aback, and...there was nothing I could do, so. I apologize for all the people out there who also hate Komaeda. And...expected this to be a Komaeda-free channel... and were disappointed. –I don't think anyone would expect that since... you've been talking about him almost every episode. Anyone who hates Komaeda probably would've been driven off by now. –Y'know, I don't like how snarky you're being, Izuru. –It's have a banter in a video. Not that this is fake, it's just... more of the usual. –I think you need to tone it down and consider my feelings. –Put on your..."concealing the feelings pretend to be cool" glasses. –Nuh, uh, it's not pretending to be cool, I AM cool when I wear these glasses. –I mean pretend to be cool...inside, right now, instead of angry. –You can do the rest of the video, I'm just here to look cool. Alright. Two truths and a lie, you ready? –Yes. –Ok. We prepared some questions beforehand 'cause spontanity is...hard. [to Izuru] Is that how you say that? Spon... –Spontaneity. –Yeah. Ok, so! My first round is... So, I listen to the High School Musical soundtrack, I listen to One Direction, and I've taken a ballet class with Komaeda. – [incredulously] With Komaeda? –Yeah. –I...can see why you would take a ballet class, but I don't know why Komaeda would be there. Well, I think it's true that you listen to High School Musical. Perhaps you're the kind of person who would stop listening to One Direction once... you know, they fell apart. So, I'll choose that. –They did split up. A lot of people were sad about that. –That's the lie I'll choose. Because... –[overlapping] The- the One Direction is the lie? –I just don't know why you'd be in a ballet class with Komaeda. Although, it could happen...because of your talent-observing things. –You're too good at this. –So, I choose the... One Direction. –Yes, the One Direction is a lie. [correct ding] Why're we even playing this game, you're just gonna guess all of mine. I thought it was good! –It WAS very good, I had to think about it. But yeah, um, I was gonna take a ballet class to, like, see if my talent was ballet... like...ok, I was desperate. I wanted to have a talent. I still do. Um, if you, like, know a talent that I might have like...hit me up. So I was going to, like, test my talent, and as I was, like, walking in, I saw something out of the corner of my eye, and I was like wh– is that like, a a cotton ball or something? Y'know. And I turned around and it was Komaeda, and I was like *scoffs* why's–what's HE doing here, and, uh, it turns out that he also came to ballet. –But why? –'Cause he knew I was gonna be there. –Because he knew you were going to be there? –Yeah, that's what we were scheduled, but I wanted to go alone, so. –Oh, I see. –So, we went to the ballet class and I suck at ballet. –It's hard to become good at something in one try, Hajime. –Yeah, but I didn't, like, feel it. I didn't feel it was my thing. Alright. Lay it on me. –Ok. 1: I punched a shark in the face. –Take off those glasses. I can only see myself. Not that I don't wanna look at myself, but...when you look at someone else, you expect to see their face and not yours. –Punched a shark in the face. –Ok. –Um, a bitten by a spider from a nest of poisonous spiders and I had to carry him away from the nest while giving him first aid. –Is this gonna give me a heart attack? 'Cause if any of these are true... these are dangerous situations... –Or, I played Russian Roulette. –Well, Russian Roulette better be the lie. –No. [incorrect buzzer] What was the lie, then? You have a 50-50. –[barely audible] You played Russian Roulette? –Luck talent. Komaeda did too. Although... likely, they would've put some sort of fake bullet in. [overlapping] But they told me it was real. –Ok. Well... Well, it–I'm sure it was fake. I mean, they wouldn't... they wouldn't do that, that's too dangerous. Even for them, that's–that's going too far. So it MUST have been a fake bullet. [quietly] It must have been. –I did play Russian Roulette. With real bullets. I would be able to tell by the weight if it was a fake bullet. Um, due to the nature of the luck talent, it could not work if it was... if I was aware that it wasn't real. And... obviously, I was, so. It was a real bullet, but I was in no danger of dying because we had already tested the luck talent on like everything else, this was my final test. Anyway, back to the video. –I mean, I know you did go, like, deep-sea diving. In a tank with a shark. But I don't remember if you've punched it or not. What was the other one? –The spiders. –Oh, right, ok. Um, I think... that you punched a shark is the lie. –That's correct. [correct ding] –Oh! Wait, really? –Mhm. –Oh. Well I mean, I guess it took me two tries, but. –I... would not be... so good at–I mean, so poor at–deep-sea diving that I would need to punch a shark. The goal is to blend in. –I mean... would you wanna...punch one o' these guys? Ok, one's I know the underwear of every classmate in my class. Uh, I used to eat worms when I was younger. And I once drank a glass of orange juice knowing that there was a bug in it. –The orange juice is...true. The underwear, though, I don't know why you would. Know that. –Which is the lie? –Well...I hope the underwear. –So the underwear's the lie. –Yes. –That's wrong. [incorrect buzzer] The worms was the lie. I've never eaten a worm. –Why do you know the underwears? Of every student? –Um, it's not important. It's just... it– –I composed a symphony which is just one man screaming. To annoy researchers. –That–[laughs] that does sound like something you would do. –I helped facilitate a day of chaos using Komaeda's luck to help Matsuda. –Isn't every day a day of chaos with Komaeda? –[overlapping] To help Matsuda take the day off. So, specifically. –Oh. –Or, I invented the iPhone. –You didn't invent the iPhone. –Secretly. –You didn't invent the iPhone. –The iPhone X. –You didn't invent the iPhone X. –How do you know that? –But I feel like I would know if you...were working on an iPhone X. –You wouldn't, it wouldn't take that long. I wouldn't take it home or anything. –Umm... Ok. So it's either iPhone X, [simultaneously] screaming, or helping Matsuda. –Yes. –Helping Matsuda sounds very likely because the man needs sleep. Honestly. He's, like, very overworked. You're trying to convince me that you invented the iPhone X, so I guess I'll believe you and say that... but I–the others seem– You didn't invent the iPhone X. –You're right. I didn't. [correct ding] –[huffs] I hate you. Of course you didn't invent the iPhone X. –I wanted to see if I could get you to think I did. –Well, you didn't. –For a couple seconds. Saw it in your eyes. –For a couple seconds, I believed you. But. [mumbles] You didn't invent the iPhone X. Ok. –No, but the screaming symphony. That was good. –Yeah. Can I hear it sometime? –It was 60 pages long I don't think you want to. –Ok so, Komaeda got me kicked out of a bowling alley. I almost drowned because of a water fountain, and I stole Chiaki's old 3DS and she doesn't know it was me. If it's the last one, that makes you... not a very good person, necessarily. But, I don't know–Why would you steal it? It would've had to have been an accident. That you slipped it into your backpack by accident. Or a prank that got out of your hands. Or...water fountain... I can see you choking on water. –Hey. [overlapping] That's– –But I doubt that it would be the story. I'm curious, though, so I'm saying that's true. –Which one's false? –Chiaki. –Chiaki's true. [incorrect buzzer] I don't know how to tell her that I took it, so I still have it. It was gonna be a joke. I took it for like, a couple seconds, and then, like, I just didn't give it back, and... You know, I don't know how to tell her, so. –Why. You know she watches these videos. –Well, maybe this is for the best. Chiaki, ok. [sighs] Chiaki, if you're watching this, I'm so sorry I stole your 3DS, I didn't mean to–well, I did, but I didn't mean to take it for this long, um. I know you've been looking for it, and I've been helping you look for it, and I'm sorry. [overlapping] Um, If you want it, I have it– –You've been, you've involved yourself in the crime? You're that kind of criminal? –Well, I felt bad! I wanted to help. I, um, yeah, I have it. With all the games on it, still. –So all her save files are still there? –Yeah, of course. –That's good. –Um, yeah. I have it, so. You can stop by, or...[mumbles] –Well, so which one was the lie? –Oh, um, the bowling alley was a lie, it was a baseball game. –A baseball game. Why were you at one with him? –To watch baseball. –Ah. –He was with a bunch of friends. Komaeda got us all kicked out. –What happened? –Alright, so, we were watching the baseball game, mostly 'cause it was Leon, like he was playing. Um, so we were all sitting and watching, I was, like, eating popcorn, having a good time, and then, Leon hits the ball, and it flies in Komaeda's direction. It was really wild, too, like it like, curved? It was a curveball, but it curved into the audience. And, um, Komaeda caught it. But...the force of it was too strong, so he just, like, flew backwards, hit a hot dog stand, and almost killed someone. –[quietly] Woah. –Um, so we got kicked out. But he still has the ball. And he got Leon to sign it. –I suppose...his dream come true. –But what's the story with the water fountain? –Oh, ok. So, um... we were cleaning in Ms. Yukizome's room because... I think I, like, got in trouble during class or something? I don't remember. But um, we had to clean afterwards, Komaeda was staying behind, too, 'cause he was waiting for me to do the talent thing And so, we were just cleaning, doing some dusting, that sort of thing, and then Komaeda knocked over a bag of sand. That was in the room, and that got everywhere, that got on me, got on Komaeda, it was in the air, it was dusty, it was...sandy, Komaeda, he probably felt bad. So he went and got some refills for our water bottles, and he went over to the water fountain, and he started filling them up, when suddenly, it broke. And it just exploded. It exploded, and it, like, shot him back into the classroom, slammed into me, rolled everywhere, and it turned all the sand on the ground into mud. –Oh. –And that mud was everywhere. And it was disgusting and it was so much more to clean. And then, Komaeda found, like, an oyster shell? And in the inside was, like, a diamond? –[overlapping] Oh. What? You mean a pearl. –Like, a valuable–Yeah. No, pearl, that's what it is. Some valuable gem that you find in shells. And just at that time, Ms. Yukizome came in and she saw the huge mess that Komaeda had made, and...[sighs] well, we gave her the pearl so that she would clean for us. –Ah, because she's the Housekeeper. –Mhm. –So, I don't know if you've noticed, but I've had these in sort of categories relating to each other, and these are... "Bad" Things That I've Done. Well, bad in your view, I suppose. –[skeptically] Ok. Just so you know, like, I'm gonna remember this. –Sold drugs, slept with three people in one day, and written a pornographic fanfiction. –I–I dunno what to say. I'm... Is this real? –Yes, one of them is a lie, though. –It... I didn't wanna find out this way, that you selled–sell drugs. –I think you should just... quickly guess. –Ok, um... um, the second one's the lie. –The... sleeping with three people in one day? –Yeah. –No, that's true. [incorrect buzzer] It's the, um, writing pornographic fanfiction that's not true. –So you sold drugs? –Yes, pharmaceuticals. –So not like, –Not like weed or anything. –Oh my god, why would you- –And sleeping to- [overlapping]–You played with my emotions! –I slept with you, Matsuda, and Komaeda. All three naps. That's why – I started to feel a little bad there in the middle when you were really taking it seriously, though. –[yelling] Well, of COURSE I'd be taking it seriously! –Which is why I...told you to quickly guess. –[quietly] Don't like it. Don't like it one bit. –I don't know what on Earth kind of a motive I would have for selling actual drugs. –A...drug-selling talent. [Izuru sighs] –A drug-selling talent? That's an odd talent...drug dealer? –That's Hagakure's talent, am I right? [laughs weirdly] I once had an entire conversation with the SHSL Imposter, thinking he was you, I've tried every single one of my classmates' talents, and I don't like our new cat. –The lie is that you don't like our cat. –[quietly] That your final answer? –Yes. –Yeah that's a lie, I love our cat. [correct ding] –Good. –But yeah, I...once had a conversation with "you", but it was really the SHSL Imposter. –How did that... –It was a phone conversation. –That makes sense. What did I say? Did you call me, or did I call you? –I called you. [Hajime gargles] Maybe my talent is gargling. –I sincerely hope not. [Hajime gargles] oogh –Ok. –It's not. It's not. Alright. Um... yeah, it's your turn. –I've climbed the side of Hope's Peak. At night, after sneaking out of this room to meet someone. –Who? –Someone. I've eaten durian fruit. I snuck into the Headmaster's office with Komaeda. –Why would you do that? –It was at night. We broke in. –Is this true? –Well, is it? —Can I call Komaeda and ask him? –No. –I would hope you did none of those things. –Not even eaten durian fruit? –Oh, well. That one's fine. What was the first one? Like, what are the details? –Um, I climbed... –Hope's Peak. [both] at night– [Izuru] To meet someone secretly. –Well, I don't know who that would be, so I guess that's the lie. –No, that's true. [incorrect buzzer] –Who? –Enoshima Junko. –Why her? –Well, she told me to. But I left pretty quickly. It was very boring. –She freaks me out, to be honest. –I can understand that. The lie was I've eaten durian fruit. I couldn't do it. –You–wait, really? –It smelled too bad. I started gagging. –Wow. That's... That's a good one. I wouldn't've thought that. –Yes. Because my senses are so so tuned up, you know? –Mmm, mhm. That makes sense. –So...I could not bear putting that in my mouth. –Now I kinda wanna eat a durian. –You don't. You don't wanna eat a durian. And if you do– –But that could be like, the one thing that I can do that you can't do. –If you do that, don't come near me for at least a day. –Ok. Well, I mean, I don't know where I would buy a durian anyway, so. –You'd get it from Teruteru. –[quietly] Oh, I really don't want it. So you did sneak into the Headmaster's office with Komaeda. –Yes. –Why? –To see who the new applicant– who the new students will be. –Why with Komaeda, though? –He wanted to see who the new students would be. –Did you get caught? Well, obviously not. –No, we didn't. Yes, the statute of limitations has passed, I checked the rulebook and we can't get in trouble for it anymore, so. That's why I'm saying it. –We're good to post? –Yes. –So, here's my next set –Last set. –Last set. –Um, Peko tried to kill me 4 times, I've never made my own orange juice, and one time I put gum in your hair and then cut it off before you noticed. –I would notice. I would. I feel... that in a moment of desperation, you would have squeezed an orange. –But is that really orange juice? –Yes. –Oh. Well I mean, I have squeezed an orange, but not with much success. –Ah. So that's true. –That's true. –Well, then you've... never put... in my hair. –Gum in your hair. –I actually have put gum in your hair. [incorrect buzzer] And you're right, it was when you were asleep. –Why'd you put it in there? –Just...wanted to see what would happen. [overlapping] It was like, the end... –We're learning that you're much more of a malicious pranks– person than we would have known. –Well sometimes, I–yeah. Sometimes. –First Chiaki and now this. –Uh, Peko was a lie, it's actually 3 times that she's tried to kill me. –Hmm. Tell me about them. –Yeah, sometimes it's... I've said something dumb, or, like... –I'm guessing she's threatened to kill you a lot more than 3 times. –Yeah. I mean, she threatens to kill a lot of people. ...Right? [quietly] Just me?
Channel: Hajime Chan
Views: 14,833
Rating: 4.9859405 out of 5
Keywords: hajime hinata, danganronpa, dangan ronpa, izuru kamukura, spoiler, orange juice, cosplay, hajime, hinata, izuru, kamukura, brother, ahoge, twin au, drawing, challenge, two truths one lie, two truths and a lie, 2 truths 1 lie, sdr2, super danganronpa 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 45sec (1905 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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