THE SIBLING TAG | Hajime Hinata and Izuru Kamukura

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okay so I apparently this talking to the camera about my problems thing actually helps with lowering the amount of stress I have so I've decided to do it again and actually make a channel about it and I'm going to call it Hajime he not to jam the chain is short for channel and it's like it's like a funny pun because Chan is like charm good yeah you probably get it anyway uh so yeah I've decided to make this a thing where I just talk to the camera so yeah oh hi here quick okay so I just wanted to introduce my brother to everyone this is my twin brother his name is Xue Kamakura this is a making a channel called Hajime Hinata Shan what are you doing okay I think that's fine okay is your don't knock over the camera okay that thing's recording if you're not going over then it's what are you doing I'm making a channel where I talk about my life or something and let me know why because I've ranted to the camera about everything that made me annoyed before and I helped wait where are you going he's are you okay so I looked up stuff that people do and on the I found this thing called the sibling tag so sends four siblings then we're going to do this so basically we I have questions here and then you have to answer them well I think we both infinite I don't know so the first question is who is the oldest / youngest oldest I like a couple minutes sort clips um who's the best looking funny / favorite memory together okay do we argue yeah we argue yeah what's the last argument we had I didn't want to get up this morning yeah that's the argument we have every morning she never won't see you what was the last time you were angry at each other this morning I wasn't angry at you don't well everything at you oh okay who takes longer to get ready we'll skip this question Oh doesn't start after you get up or before you get up these after then it's you yeah don't don't touch touch any nicknames not really having any nicknames real I just call him Hajime yeah we do have nicknames though pros I do I don't know Hajime he naughty why am I not 'i'm the naughty it's fun what do we have in common nothing well we have to like you Lisa both male yeah we both don't like to get up in the morning but what was the last text we send each other not really text very much because you're always here we're never really not in the same room now after so we don't like tax I don't remember oh are you close never close sure what was one thing what what this is not this is turn to look at what one thing annoys you about the other when you don't get up in the morning how to push you and pull you and slap your face when he takes a long time to get ready to go out no I just want to go do something or he makes me do something I don't want to do why do you do this anyone but why do i why do I make no me yes cuz it's amazing it's an amazing hairstyle I'm very proud am i hoping okay okay okay the next question is how do you annoy each other I really purposely try doing are you I don't try to annoy you um when you are being too loud you annoy me you annoy me when you eat all the orange juice because okay that that mini fridge that is my mini fridge it's not your mini fridge this is my mini fridge that's why everyone calls it hajime's mini fridge because it's my mini fridge it has my orange juice and it's my orange juice because I know on the light orange juice more than everyone else and that's why my friends my friends with my lunch juice that means it's not go are you done yeah I'm done or choose people it's mine what is something you like to do together I don't know just whatever is really fine as long as it's not dangerous life-threatening what is each other's dream job I don't have one yeah I don't really know what I want to be right now my dream job is swimming you know I just want to I just want to point out do you see all this hair right here do can you even imagine how tangled it is when mixed with all the swim water are you swim water yeah you pull pull water whatever it's so tangled like I even if i braid it up and put it into bond or whatever like it's still so tangled hi Jame who are we talking to right now the the Internet I don't know I don't think anyone watches these Oh anyway I'm so mad - hey old man and I have to brush it out to you can you imagine how long it would take to brush it takes like literally days no like one day not literally - follow me you know that means show us an old photo I have any opal I don't have any old photos do you no not really and we can't do it we're slush are you competitive we staged it with each other no no not really was i before I mean not not particularly okay um have you ever fancy one of these one of the others mates who told you then is this like do ever like any of the others is either a friend or a sexual partner I can't tell I'm gonna say that it's probably friend or maybe not oh no come on you I've never liked any of his friends what okay I didn't know I had any except for you which in plus you don't like yourself that's coach then what thing can you do the ocean one can oh it's so easy for you like everything I can keep my hands off other people I said it's not true I always know well I can keep my hands off other people's stuff that I'm not supposed to touch what are you saying I don't touch things you take my orange juice and you eat it but you you also take other people's orange juice and you drink it that's different orange juice is my thing not your thing okay alright one time everyone one time I drank it one time one time is all it took who is the most Tara my god these questions are we almost done yeah it's long like two or who is the most talented yep describe each other in one word a hoagie I mean yeah I guess so um and I know it's kind of hard to summarize you into one word Talent oh yeah but you're more than just Talent well I guess I'm more than just an L okay so you guys I guess Tyler works and that's all of them I guess so I guess that's it for this video so what are you going to do with it post it on the Internet I will edit it okay all right bye easy okay so that's about it for that video if you liked it give it a like or subscribe I guess so the lesson of today's video is don't take other people's orange juice and that's about it but I feel like the only good thing in my life is orange juice I'm having a bad day what I do is I just sit down to my room I go before stabbing room I go to the restaurant and I opened my own lo mein fridge that's for just me now are you listening for everyday
Channel: Hajime Chan
Views: 18,416
Rating: 4.959744 out of 5
Keywords: hajime hinata, danganronpa, dangan ronpa, sibling tag, Sibling, Tag (Game), izuru kamukura, spoiler, orange juice, cosplay, hajime, hinata, izuru, kamukura, brother, ahoge
Id: 2Lr7P9Dki2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2015
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