Holiday Q&A 🎄 Hajime Hinata and Izuru Kamukura

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hey guys welcome to hi Chan this is my brother keys room and today we're gonna answer some of your cues with AIDS yeah let's get started sit up alright what's our first question easy to your senpai will you find a way to get hope boy on the channel know if I hope boy you mean Kamiya and yes no yes I'm sure that that person means Nagi and Nagi you know not the biggest fan we're friends so I wouldn't mind having him on this channel however kalida will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever be on the show just forgot everything he just said no and [ __ ] mean if you woke up to find all your orange juice missing what would you do I'd find out who took it what would you do to them I would make them vomit what would be the point so they'd suffer nobody takes my orange if I wake up and there is no orange juice left then someone's going to the grocery store and I'm drowning someone you'll be convicted for murder by me the super high school level prosecutor although I may be the super risk a little prosecutor you as a super high school level prosecute II user what did we say about fighting with the camera I said stop flirting with the camera don't do that anymore I'm not flirting with the camera I'm flirting with the viewers yeah that's the same thing the viewers are the camera no our viewers are not pieces of equipment that's incredibly dehumanizing hajime okay the people watching are behind the camera because the cameras lost recording us I'm flirting with the viewers well don't it's highly uncomfortable you are way too young to be flirting with people okay this is unacceptable all right there's a fact someone has says did you know that orange juice is actually quite unhealthy so with the ton of sugar to give it some flavor sorry I ruined or two shoes for you so that I say do you think I care most people are how much percent water semi most people are seventy percent water but I'm 70 percent orange juice is or do you like cookies I've never had a cookie don't give him cookies I'm not allowed to have cookies I'm on a very specific diet that was made for me by the researchers cookies are much too sweet and full of sugar for me to eat and if I were to eat them then my perfection would not be as great as it is at least that's what they tell me our cookies good loud you may not they're disgusting okay you only what's your favorite anime that's currently airing this person's is Yuri on ice I don't watch anime I have seen be real nice what is your yeah nights it's about ice skating I watched it no I can't just be about ice skating there's got to be something bad about it right now I am watching it as I learn how to ice skate that really helped me learn I see it is one way as you know the researchers completely submerge mean the culture of whatever I'm doing so I get to watch that it's about also love printable of love between the main character and his coach no what is it like anything bad no unless you're homophobic oh alright anyway a lot of people have been thing can use your dad right now we're gonna say that you don't have to give in to the temptation not the dab you taught me what a job was I did I saw the questions that I was very curious it's entertaining to see that he doesn't like it I do it sometimes that's it it's bad for my health bad is going on backwards okay that was pretty cool he's not left this is very very bad I need or is used to function and go get lunch no we're filming right now that's okay I'll talk to them while you're gone go to the person who said that orange juice is extremely unhealthy that's worrying and that also explains why the researchers would not let me have it I fear that Hajime may have an addiction to orange juice and I'm not really sure what to do about it I know that there are something is called interventions but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to make one um could you give me some advice I am worried about itself I'm not quite sure what I would do if he died and to be quite honest I'm not really sure how much orange juice it would take to kill him or in fact I'm not sure about a lot of mortality things apparently I almost could have died when I was locked in a cage at the bottom of the ocean for becoming an escape artist but that's besides the point I would like your help on how to plan an intervention for Raja May so if you could please comment um about that I would appreciate it thank you what were you doing this just looked at here we're getting pretty intimate no I wasn't I don't know if I believe you I went to go find some orange juice and we're out ah so I try to find an orange just squeeze the juice out of green in how and oranges well had a little breakdown but I guess you'll have to get some after gifts so either have you ever gotten a haircut no who would you do marry uphill between the two classes guys this question is too inappropriate so we'll just have a kiss marry kill all right all right you are lovers No for kiss probably did you just say what I thought you said I said kalida I would not kiss kalida and you'd marry him no I would not marry c'mon what a horrible life imagine how horrible that would be I think it would being married to Kamiya it would be a nice life it would not it would no I would not my you marry quieter then maybe you don't marry Maya maybe I would don't marry him that's because you - I'm not like a white up okay we'll talk about this some other day not okay let's take come on hey kiss monster de mary matza de kill matzah de la why because he's both annoying helpful and kind I would marry my bro so I know he's I can't dude I was gonna say soda but that's I would never marry something marry soda I would never marry so he could marry Tara - oh oh he'd be a good cook umm he cooked for you every day orange juice related dishes I don't think the trade-off is good enough why he's nice enough he's extremely from her I don't know that much about kissing oh I'm not very nike seems like you'd be a good husband people are saying I like when you flirt people who are saying that stop don't encourage him this is a habit he needs to break okay work with me here please are you flirting with the camera I'm saying no [Music] work with me here please what is easier feel about Nanami I think she's very another mean I've been looking at memes a lot lately don't she shall be some memes why alright why is everyone against mirrors what she played games with me which is nice sometimes when I've been and the researchers allowed a long time she'll be so come in and play games with me yep she's really nice okay it says it's time to make a make easier dad for us I don't think I really need don't doubt with gift I don't I was gonna say that I don't think he needs help dabbing he's fine down here alone get i right he's your thank you please just don't do this in the dead king alright can you please show us an example of you waking up easier you do wake up it's morning easier wake up morning you have to get up and go places no don't hit me I said wake up no wake up it's time no like wake up don't want to go anywhere I know you don't want to go anywhere we have to you have to go no yes Cobbers have you already done your whole gate at least yes I have because I'm a responsible person get out okay and that's what we do every morning I do want to say that I do like living with you mmm-hmm I don't know what I'd really do without you I feel like if you weren't here then I'd have to stay in the research room the whole time and just poetry I hate although it has very good purposes thank you researchers I really enjoyed living with you as well I'm only glad that you're my brother careful about the whole game Thanks that's really nice shaking glitter on to me huh maybe more fabulous no next question who's the best meme stirrer secret it's still man in background that would be easier Kamakura so me yeah I use the best beamster but I don't know that many yeah but the ones in detail here don't send to me if you send me the dog send your meals don't know memes but I don't it's not hard I know but memes are not the way to cleanse you're born in a clique quench clenched clench punch punch have you ever thought the other day something really embarrassing and if so what was it don't we don't talk about mine but we can talk about your embarrassing things you've done I don't think they're really embarrassing thing Zuzu doesn't really get embarrassed necessarily but um I have fun in dating things other people will find embarrassing what sesor easier they're just kind of like that's his challenge well like you doing strange talents really practicing things that are silent yeah like when you were an idol at one time that was so strange oh yeah you didn't like that trust I was wrong yeah because it was very very revealing shouldn't be wearing that sort of thing but it was just yeah so not necessarily one my name is easy to call Makuta is super scalable idle it's nice to meet you people auto shop address then you get the full effect don't Photoshop him but you just put the put the plants they've seen in their heads now they're gonna Photoshop you in everything horrible things are they exist something I want to garden you okay you know you can you can Photoshop user into a garden that would be a very nice thing to do but don't do anything that I want to do okay you guys know me don't do anything I wouldn't do these are how to become as edgy as you what does that mean nothing how do you feel about Pepe being white supremacy symbol you don't know what a peppe's do you know you know his stuff it how do you feel it's always fun to know nothing happens what's coming you know you should come here what was you and Collider we have ship name around yeah really link awareness is Calma Calma no no no no nobody ships cover Co makes you feel better there's you Nanami don't share people shoot me shoot me out of here put me in a package and send me away that that's highly they want to see the world I know but I want to travel to Italy Italy sound Bobby a lot of them yes I want to see where Dante died you stop it Dante Alighieri paint Verna okay that is like that last one talent you haven't done to my boy one having you completed talent I tend not know about the challenge until I'm assigned it oh but um gardening oh yeah I want to do you want a garden yes I want to trim a bonsai tree oh yeah all right um so there's another one of these kiss Mary Hill things it says um Mikoto HECO or Ibuki um let's see like I said I would marry Nike I don't think I could kill that go even if I wanted to she kill me I tried to kill her so I guess I'll kill you Lukie I don't really want to kill you through them they're nice I would kill Petco because I want to fight her and see if I can learn her talent she's like this room I want see marrying Nike would be good because he his luck might make things interesting oh yeah sure Ibuki I feel that I would rather marry Yukie because she probably could teach me a lot of things and be exciting and I guess I would kiss Nike then we'll get food later alright easier are you a hardcore fan shipper would you say you're hardcore I think that if they chose to be a couple they would be good for each other and if they chose not to then that would be fine as well I think that should be real life people don't ship us it's a bit oh please God like oh I do not consider myself to be a god if I was perhaps I would [ __ ] fan all right um can you show us some of those classical dance moves see we're talking about your hand online my hand on your waist oh okay so you can't see my feet but it was like I stepped forward cases Hodgins the girl and then we one two three one two three one two so complicated how to tango why would you how did you make can't tango which girl would you like to kiss and why your option there every girl um if I could kiss any girl um gasps Chucky well there isn't good enough she wouldn't go why I mean she's pretty I guess but there's something interesting about her you should stay away from her though I feel like if you two met that would not angle she seems like she's very influential no it would all be interesting it'll be bad Chiaki Jackie new book is good this is so strange what would you save in a fire easier or she's obviously easier thank no use that one thank you I was actually worried that you'd answer don't be worse easier do you like orange juice you never had it happy I've had smoothie by an accident you oh do you think that Chiaki is cute what's all these questions about yeah well Jackie's very new school yeah that's true umm cute I boyish what does she watch these yes uh hi Chiaki sorry that we keep kissing you hello I wouldn't actually I would well wait no we're not actually kissing you brightness yeah that okay uh okay easy why are you such a cinnamon roll you know what it's an Rowlands I know what is soon I made one no it's not the food it's an editor maybe it's like someone really pure and good kind of um hey why am I beat I was creating how do I he is a several good job I was fine haja me are you jealous of easier because you have no talent and he has all the talent I mean ooh we nice hotel I'm sure I have a talent I'll just I I haven't found it yet you it's okay I am NOT unspeakably mind crawling Li skin tearing late bored of you all the time huh the guy you're the only one who isn't coming oh don't you dare doubt all right um no because I don't want to have a ton of talent I think that would be too much for me um I'd rather just have one so no I'm not going to be easy well there's a lot of comments about Phil they're very famous are they yeah hey guys it's hard to reach me okay um all right so you got a question that says easier what is your favorite food um I don't have a fake food I just eat when I'm given do you have a food that you like more than others I like water he likes water I like popcorn popcorn it's good I've had it I like watching it pop actually I've had it once Rach wait were you supposed traveling yes not to you not the researchers to me it was a good day we also danced that sounds like watched Ironman odd you may I don't know if anyone has asked you this but have you ever killed someone with your ho GAE oh I have injured people but I don't think anyone's died my soul has died is it yours okay um I am not sorry because my ho GAE is a beautiful piece of art it's got a perfect curve and I'm proud of it he didn't use other people then that is their problem in that line on accident most of the time by someone insults my ho GAE then that is a problem and that is something I will deal with and if dealing with it means that I add that accidentally stab someone with my ho GAE that you know then it's not the biggest problem you know the other day for example this one was an accident this one wasn't uh me stabbing someone with my ho GAE but uh Nagi fell as I was leaning over to pick up something probably some more shoes um and I sadly stabbed him so um he was tagging a hospital I already was in pretty bad shape I think he's better now so are you talking about Nagi yeah I worked on that case and oh all right well anyway I think that's all the questions we have right yes all right so thank you for washing hajime-chan like if you liked helmet if you liked and subscribe bye don't doubt don't ya geez intro again that's how it goes no we debit the end that was last time that was the last two times goodbye bye please don't down or Photoshop easier we're draining the things I told you not to do bye [Music]
Channel: Hajime Chan
Views: 14,747
Rating: 4.9918032 out of 5
Keywords: hajime hinata, danganronpa, dangan ronpa, izuru kamukura, spoiler, orange juice, cosplay, hajime, hinata, izuru, kamukura, brother, ahoge, twin au, drawing, challenge, q and a, reading your comments, holiday
Id: qga-sprE7ZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2016
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